Semi-Weekly Signal, 1872-1-9, Page 3ae_ A 1� • 41.44•.....) -.pear . .•1•. +oros, +$ gl 0.,� • E A. 44I -E - •A EVA AT TILE' EMPORIUM. M 4IU 40) " Will sell for THIRTY DAYS *their, oatiro stook of Dry Goods, Clothing, Furs, Boots and Shoes,and Hardware ? AT TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT, FOR_ CASH. This is a genuine sale. Now is the time for bargains. Goderich,January pt1., 1872. To I/ALAND uN r ii IJiAND TtUNX,�- There lives iu Wielder, Out., an illu. teems Irish woman named Peggy Been sten, ell", having received damages fo •cow lillod on the Grand Trunk hail way, in all caws of accident or of deet to her cattle, geese urpigs, no matte Trow produced, she billed the company therefor, laying the charge to th "murdherut 'theme engines." The other day • yearling calf dad mysterious- ly In • field, and stratghte•y she went to the etatiuu Master, Mr. Fogg, Wel demanded payment fur her '•party calf, the luikes of which couldn't be found in the three kingdoms, coming • year ould, yulerday, Tuesday was a week, all of the bludy murthenn' machines infirmly, that wee sting her out ,.f house and home." Mr. Fogg represented to I'eg- gy that it would be simply impresailde to trace toy a'nrtection whatever between her deplorable lows and the G. T. it. Peggy finding herself on the wrung side of the fence. thought a moment, and with a peculiar ecprvacieu in her eye, gaged on the capacious person of Fogg. '-Shure, tow !blister Fria;, its yourself that's • tidy gmtb- man and shows your good living, intire- ly, and maybe you'll bo aft her 'puking a word to Mr. Hrydges, and let cue and we veld tow tut . a free peas by the Grind .mar „IIYauk .4e ould threlatid. Thais the • »•:•» hiatieses may de, and me Ilsing°me•caff:N" , .rn.io .r of the South Carolina lecia- IMure, an Old bachelor bythe name of Evans, got off the fult.iwrg, " jeu d'ek- prit : He was introduce,( to ,a beautiful 7omngggS widow, also named Eans. The introduction was iu this wise: "Mr. Erato, Mro. Evans'" Exclaimed the spirited bachelor : "The vory I,.1y i have been iu search of f"r the last forty years''! Table -talk has a winter ',out -wt.., when having been touched to the h _ fjth • wholesome.uuytwwta10440 year, thus oondonna his aI"guy Special Notices. f.._, h. H 1'me'• c,.re, c ra £ I, ✓ Qurronw ply a tm,n,y:: fro oe,.' of the JOHNSON & .t hEf1(1, . � • .e ay,dkuml sw'975c 77.;1 b. H IRD%VARa th.end notrat,,", •nd lav 3 m t"„yens ..r ►su eh a„w Mr. Epps Lag lrr�,vlrl•d our Iwakfa.t tArr•"IIh " dallcal•ly baa.r,d 4,'.•g• wh..b au. n7 J•,ewr: bale - •1.1 (Yr.*+'i 0, many •It• nolhag Malec w Milk. axe Ir• 11,1 Ia I•twl led -Jaw. a'pra a CO. 11ww,Kel4k C'b.u4 I.yladyn. Ala,•, ..Ior.of New's M1A1Oe.y. (ta.o•awl cyrs,u.ed MIA). HAWILTUN ST., le -`Uotar res MAMMOTH CROSS CUT SA Haring completed their Fall pur- chases of CAUTION: CAUTION! '1'0 THE 1'l'IILI ' uF TIIE IIIRIT ISH PROVINCES uF NOItTU AIMEHlr.1, 1 bee pest era erim.r. , ,-,slot the pithue r. the 11.11.1. \.oil. Atom. ,..1 o'Ime. Clint 0, MAT 1„t 1 r1u_A II,e burn..,. , •, Mad. w Lane, 14444 fort, ("r then e01 ib v.�a..:. Per. Ann char. afar. •3.'313 wets up we 11... 14m ' yR .YaI 3,, W litun brown. now 4, .rel In Ire eh set 1 e Orr 4, ur I gal 1 It„e ,,.-r In kn•rw thin for aim uwe.nrtvt or We I./.. l ..- .,eel for, n,e..,., n•1 -r. mAr way.,i e. :, .,..,d, and It m,. 1. that Ike 1''ll• u.d l.03 .'.3 erre not prepare! wait that ..re 1 4.,,..44•. SHELF A IIEINY_HAR , w Are now prepared to fill all orders with which they uiuy he favoral. Tb_•y respectfully unite altenlwln to Use collo ',lilt/ line" of ti.y la r *Itch they an•l,re•par- ed to sell VERY LOW /OR CASH.. T13,4e who d.. not *nuif, k4.......I1rlimy in. viaWrmu•mmdAsew4,tel.4,..m.• Lel onrnntr, ler... 1ka Mtst•e ae Awe lee le. to pn.aea, t e•t- w,r.. or 1174 groalus 11 Im * r, . PI I I. cwt nnl nrnt bel h tnn.rarn.al 4a...• y • MD i. n, nor, 4 the - - . • tword. ••11nu.•way • rtu.,rd ,rnn w el ba, HOILED and RAW OILY have 114,1 Mali such *litre, rlinary sue. he bbrsse n.. 1,41..14.:,“°Idea 1 el, i \'Alt7 tsH Orli I Ogeeand are so 1U114111 ia,Jeruand: _ i.o ob.,.only itwvmeyrwrrt,rrl..„r•. 1n M, •A BlLO1V• JAP.CN •n,.r p.a. of the w "lel. ' b. Wall liner• err. y. COAL OIL,of rood! quality' 1st- 11°0'3'8. the r ere found t.. he Lo, 0 ,n Mimi, carnes., tap awn■ dollar and Cheap, y p• atlosy .•gut. _. - v�Ala OIL LAMPS A .i 1 the ,'e...es claimed for them. \or.pr..,,eanr.. of mere aro n'erinall let titld / 2n,y lirrrnhr they will Secla"d eight. -fguy ten of r t uro.h rt .use Cooed LANTERNS, REFLECT' )ILS; •Itn,u,l by the use of co."n. nr.. to f I e wu p to 1. ,wee. a for my Pam. li:;'A..q.r- u d "tnnruL Cbl . 1 lux .,.c:pr r deceive les t .1 I � CI►. 1 sight t n ud..•y l•y pole.. L'a.. , nit g its natural ettc. .Yee___ ._ INOWiiaYour TimeanFoo Insolvent .__ __ _��19•I - Insolvent Act of 1889. NEW GROCERY -AND CROC'KEKY'I 1INtArmau- .n,114.I.IIT.1:,1',.,rymarlarl.rrl' G. H. PARSCNS & I�l>l'elll�l)l: In the Matter of 1\'11.1.131[ DON. H T c) x 1.. Tltr il'Hat'11111e:IW MEO TO INTIM ill: To c ra yr, wt"ta u '333.5 Iwt3I[ra lrKrer„ r eye i unit 40. tat /Oral.. Heatley. eMerlare *lava.Beek Won, as. ( I toner,. , Where a 4411 0. !mewl • rn.$M• • ttora..•t ot .,,r,- tlong a 'heir Ila., ark•. r TEAM, , t7,rrrr emcee, IL/ 11t•7T1, MK AT mons, 1'i:UbLMI 1: metre, All at 443.1. guilt. 444•!,. hew ser res d, • � f_ q3, _____ (Y.d.rirb, Jai, IC ter inhabitants of U.w,neh.. r• • mita; n,nnlr . t1A1 aka • opened • li ' ---u . B":,ABnfiS-way 'RAILS LAZARUS, MORRIS t CO.'S Of •R sow and descni/tnonive'ycheap. GLASS Celebrated Pi:acete4- Sp"'13Ies ,nint Ib tarot by . La •wA M 1 rel e.. a 1.44 ere that '.f: mit I:,' Ise, :u.r . Allinson from .'Jr 7 to •10130. AND EYE GLASSES .nteugdl Won .m• w I • Tel 1.144,• the BURNER*, CHIM.NI YS 6 and will sdiass.be frotaLu, rt»terufail, ,art ..eg,%mil l rile rawaw lr _ s.wT. rAarr ` ¢Yx rtrwr I' lea. gar ,gill; Ther. " eroding tote .h. les'. ,.'. T.. Wake ',ro.l44•o•, mu Th.... ell• 1... •0i .inn„ net Is, they'll .lay Ile lee„, A Laa"u-v lee AKITH Ielle. Tawcher ' " Mary, dear, so i,la we I were to shoot et a tree with Eve tirJs "not, and kill three, how *any would be left r' Mary --four rears old " Three ma'am." Teaclow : "No, two would be loft "' ' Mary. "N* these wouldn't though; the thrl a allot would la left, amd the other too would II )tied o i•ly !" A Virginia circuit preacher gives the following illustration of "faith that would remove mountains," wht.h he heard from the lips of a negro pre:when, *house holding forth to his 1""greglno1 upon the subject o1 obeying the onto mends of the Almighty: "Bred 'reu," ha said in hia :,r"ken way, "whatever the good 0I01 tells me T, do in his blessed book" (holding up at the mine time an old and evidently much -read Bible), "dint I'm gwine to Jo. If 1 see in it Lit 1 must jmup troy a rum. wall, I'm gwine to jump at it. fining free it 'longs to GuD-j unpin' ut i1 'longs to so." M A,RRIgD. wish oble en pet' tero pr:. to ma then guar.. aR the le*ding size% „a• e4 cele der.ponn. ' fitted un optl.u: anJ eelelilll;e• ,..irantr.e,,wren.aun.we she n e.,l CAST STEEL •fairsae"rt_ they are gear:une*J r•a1,a;uljors to ;hie bluer•ylpeat that Ih .._ plra...l ,., nrr pule meat, ch. L)e bight foo f t nk, ru n,mwnimite 1144 t ayotto ole tiem. fiAR& HOOP 111.11)N7 grwylgwortm.•mt tu.lurput •rlce- I.naNrin AN t+TEFLA\FSfrmRl _ Weir mmwy lyra n�4,onr ..-th'e 1 rt4 heroes Hdl.wmr .Ate.wdoertnw gut B ---...ST .iTt }-I ,FILES full 4th _1e.cause the svetes'of fittln•, n t ebr that tl.er ma • n le. def. , 1. 1 guy C- il. • tiyfle • i,uddw.0 upwards. • • u n 1 .cwt r •. • great r err: n T...al u ,ess.ortwlenr, �� unerring guide t» tit.* 1411• r.aluirt•n.e n th.!Iq••wlmlgltrf rR r:.t 1h l 711.11 • b.4Wt n.Ad. T ..1 1 'I he he ' AUUE11.A, HOLLOW Ail(iE14$, ..f (11th f'orrhwr-our a7:enta arty. gleamed to ,ea,l me •11 tb. peg hr est, tulle" and AUGER -BITS, ANVILS, famished anth tins nJ .tem- molt l'• i1.r.ling floe same. Mil 3, t., , are n - VI(•ES, Coit. Cn.ti' TR.1l'E title awn. .l.i"',e. of the v.mh.r "Iwo I. win.; ora nano. O 04414 e. awl htrw Iw.M u4r awl radon* .1 tl, arm. in the en3bd Malw...r elm where •nob w Farr sr •+'d erMt.. for 33.! . Clio ° .C.0.4•4 .11,1. 14131 1,10. ami l re*It. tA, it Mo.'al• Wary I.a L,r.l 1w. Mh u„;err me .14.1. 1..l ba, lb. (W Ir+ rum.• u , r cr Mw" M, su lA any p.rrrn hare Wert• la beMete tk,pw lona, and .holt !medlars. he hr. lauAtei 1y lilt int .73474 oa ( 13.31,* o akar Men,. ler. lar will I d $h ,oA m m , A ver) choice assortment of rifer, to tax b,1 t r. r •r•k Ile min d., •t r 1 •a CHAINS, C4$W TIES, TIN, 5th. /me they never lire tlw eye SHEET%INC and ('-1N.CD.1- Lull 1,,llt u.,n,y years 1;theta Ill, 1.1:.ATES-,CIRft iS Cts Het WA ' Ite.weuty . t cha"gu _ `-slut 11t0021SA F FR.i'1G lith- Brea ore Laiag ti, Lest they :n ED, SPADES, SHOVELS the tdreapcst. and ADA ' I' [t ' 1 E FI ItIxS Innumerable unrftble t Wtinenii:P.a :night , tl . I ht L, . given, but the ate ..f reeve Si , E E:Gliwsse will Lao,.roto estimable tame. 1 tl a•r ,1, I/ 1111 J�II,r� While the stock i" amr,'lete end selling REMARKABLY CHE_1I'. IA Splendid ••eortuteut of, Broad Clothe* Fusty w at de Made up to Order or Sohl by the yard GENTS' FM/NISEI/OS of the Latest Styles ami Patterns. the Sl,I ,-riber would FettatU tliutlk to hi. ,"l'i-'morn for the Iil*'ral patronage tsfrndrd to lion while iii the aunriyluuI•� Town of 3i'.rl•-riot. 110 CAM mow Wroth] 3" sell ut (t3$'l'; end is deturrnineil to ';ire 111.' customers the benefit uf his ancuw W Luminesa. ABRAHAM SMI'P$i - Me:rehant Tailor el Clothier, door?',, East of H. Hottou's Gn.ccrr, Mu'kct Square, Uud.Yiclk. Sept ?let. 187.1. - AI:Hi an•1 .11.E\-1XUC1L t'. SI.U- MI/NS, as well midi .I Ealy as being Members of the firm el Donaghy and the said William IIu11•glly, •,:,o as having been a ro-'artier with Robert T. I1a1- htlttyue, luroltent■, 1 the uhde•nsiglteJ, Dixie Watson, of the Towu of Gudrrith, have ban ap- teouled Assignee iu this matter.. Ored- noes are tey,o',ted to hlu their claims I Inn Within cue 111"nth. A meet - 11.g of the Cr.nlu.r,. w,11 he held in my otliee, in the •a td 1. Si u '•f I:.alerich, un *l 004 day of Jamal, Tutt, at fru u'cir,ck in tits fure- no.m, for the puidic examination of the lurohrula, awl for eiderimg the sanity f t hu Estate generally. Ti, I11wlvente are hereby notified Gl *ttenll, ' • f)IXIE 11':AT$ON; . Assignee. ThatuJ. M t:oderIoh, this lath day of Ihn:eiJeer, 1811. w fill r '117114 Ir.1•.„tha. a...l.•.n a•••_nr•a{es 1J• i'.- ,t ��'1 1 t.Inw,.• n .nA nrr r n .merit•• 1 JIAJOI) AI;L Jt1.RClIAATK, x741 •t •seem soil IY••lon. r W In Ile.' 44.,1, .•I)1 mem .•4 Immo. 'ralle)ylI i I...ler1171,.3 Ik Il.,:. '.•Weis . 1M MJihl,T at,'1 .31.F., GQ1DEKIC'Hr Stlnuonl, 14'ultun std 1'ubluhea, and f.•,.nw•r. .• r 1. of MO /l•W., tette W ATS1114. I nr.rlw 1..lgtre. 31.tert •t (w•k.„J.. W1.13:4:.; u! I11..elra(, A. t,, 11131. EST s1 Asr.l 1[&n [boo. • ,FAIRBINKS; _ . l•,.ew - 1x1 standard Scales. 1 •'ruterr ale oeLlAt.1 1...r.1 .4 of tM 1.44.11• of ie.: . trntel.n. w3.1.•h nn naai•.. the •mow. ,.rash.. 11 .A..n,la1.,.e .LnoJ •3,,'4'',"41.. ABLE DESSERT . NIVs.S •'elk.•'•,u44 Arnnme or n•.r .. 711..1 Ir •Imrlou, In in Ivory, Buck -horn, Cocoa and Dome 4"r 111.4Y r'fut . IAe . *hew "hos hp erchaeld �' d, money n 1.m.1. 1 Haurller*. . A conn dete tlomrtnelt of. thew t 11 � VETERINARY 1COTIt;�, - I'h• ..• `ii I. 'gayer. whgee¢. to oatsm ea, PEN and POCK T KS 1 V ES, lt.t%- mi. fel afy:Y,d.,•lkr kwew .how.,,(. OILS and SCISSORS,, fawn the Leat t'Mta.) n.. ape.. „f tot brill. r. IVO fin y,•.",l ora , IA 4. la an ren 1:,, ,lie d r. ,..I :v'. )..roes„ imr,• ..r Inn. herggl se Mekety, f • aim hal. c..• of Iboil aI, I . cl In.•. nn. ALItATAand (, I) a:tagdw .euahi• h l:.. .r.y ed. al n4trne,p,,a:ll, not l,liwomat. fur a luck ELE TIL 1L:11 yy ,nmitbner •n.,i 1. arta Ir rl.,eee Montag.s kRw/rh am..t•N-M, 1•rrk, 4:tgot , I hare are lemony t..•, ED TAIILE DESSERT .l TE.1 aunt M'•n' t exile mt.•1 et wend "1a., eV. • With teepee. SINN )NS snit IiIIRKat ELEC- lee tase,.pay.guym1v/to. rein.. '31 ale, .,lo.gr, 'fli V ail IIUIIARAY TRO PLATED 111-17;.R THOS. JAS. CHIJI1CH1LI.. • :+ n/f sr•..w.f. tot. eon CINILEIIS. KSI\ F;.f .and \ kteritl.[I'y &Ir nm3a , On the 28th Dec., by the Rev. C. Bristol, B A., et the teeidente uf the bride's father, Mr. Jonathan Dunnage, M the Township of Morris, County ..f NO Rink. Huron, Rise. Alfreol l.utdred .Ruse ll F'.. lr nal n'..yT•a 24,n,..r. B. A. of Streetatilla, to Obis Lucy ,e 644 peps t•or po pe y;...; M ul 1/m Cull H Ile, d��M 1%1 W. '„ &ptne4r 1 * tore% an. 1.4 1712. CRUETS, very suitable for '+'1 wr'iitee. Se Se 1 21 1571.. the alll1lroschins h"lidn3j,s. ENGLISH PLANES, PLANE li:t1`tt alId,CHISELS,SPEARSJACKSON'S, TAYLnR'S NASD, PANEL and RI l' HAWS. A uimplete a•A,ntwsul of WHITE, and BED LEAD, art PAINTS AND COLORS. PAINT. "AMNIA!! and 1ViIlTE WASI113I3rl HLS, MANILL.t. Apply ' and Rl'�}1A f1E3iP L'01'F..C• I P / to PACKING, GItINDS'1'11NF:.�, t111O3. WftITEIfl.1D, URINI)STuINE PINT!. RES, En:inter audSurnyee. l'I)WDER. SHO'', CAI'S Greleriek• Jan, 240,.187'4. - tr. ItEV3°.VERS, and(.'&IU'- 'Rlrna�F i IM ELE gild DONT ON BALTCQXP.ANY• nam0ly f„and in a well ( wen be held at w u, nnol , e Ly., oa Medal Sth,m., plb■7f nd wr n,)'rbwl. g Ruud], 71wnN Amanda Dunnage, formerly of Ladies' "r' Ps egs, ami n. DI KI) At Ooderich, on Saturday 8tk William Churchill, Veterinary Surgel.a, aged 33 y ears- _ c. AJUTA v Alf PAIN U1.1'i'ItVY FAR. AS A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT 1- well and favorably known, ruhor- eh"uaands from pain 3n the S..I.', Rack a111. 11e".l, ('ought, ('„1.1+. J..Iv Th root, , til7. rti ru, . Crom,. "1 the St.MMrfi, (9totrra Morino, Narrater's, 'towel (:ompiu Ma; Duras, Seal'G, Frwt Bites, oE0, '1144 ''..dl•, Tele U,.trnyer b•. now hero 3. Wire tlm plibhn for • length or t- mad wh r sawn 4. well II11,Neer flailing in m ngl 1n.r ere In alrr periolneat raw( who u t ly I, nod . 1•n.e never known • nine!. di...0 fa. I,,,.. whore the n-elrk, et, 't r 1I�a•.�le .toy, wire it ,. n -.I, It i. oh, etym.p" ,err ml opo it.4*CAD •ann 1e mm /ear Trim, tr. Ione ,nerds :. elln•,I 1144. 1,71. Pity .'rats worn ha, enrol en 'alt Ian (:wl'"n. (err or lar Imt10'. ' nrr. 144 .f 191 .1041 Ktpsn "ib,r et•:r. ills tn,�ldr. pp1II l I' uelan.Ae•• 11"s,IT, one 'sold, ha. wren 1.,.44 't 1. 73 Pere- ',,l3 • I,,.,1 PI'oat, 1. MIL. , f•,331413l i 1. len.nr:%' w'ntl,tar. 1. ('rn fa' 4344 Leah) MI 1• r 1 .limn. Another *1, Ln Wind enema RA '.. a,.0 31 "1 A•r, A5144.51 teal 1.441. len. ' ,not *110 wnnld not tar it If' mals' ; ere 7..x.'- 1.13,. 4,.1.•4.4. of NnnA.. S. Y., w -new: AIT , ask rr '.,,'•,lIArrt• 0.7.11 bottle of )sur Met. este Ouse. lm,t al. • tt *4,,,.. th, I.ourn 7W not ...ken *1m1e +blow, 3, roe l', a era." Inv. J. Mallory, of My "mime, . Y. "elle,:" Yoto G I.5.7.,, hl mute' 'he r•emtrr , '•sea Y•rm w le Iul I0,7 k"en .144 h r 4.3x1• r. mtl.fotl. ru M Ihl•' A,1 i, la "fns Wok.' ;helm. all mel Vey: .,.44'1'1'" mill. Ito `Sthe whole of the above stock hers- Annual MeetIngy. • V ser ,.1...1...p, 11 het markedlowest h' 711E .ANNUAL FOR SALE. OT b, Con. 4. E.-1) , _►,hffeld. goer teiaing 2011 a.•re. excellent land. covered with Maple and !leech, 10 mile, from Ooderleh, with a never failing tn3ul Stamm benefit' throes!. the cent, of flu Iso,I, Ihe.e is atm. t I] acres of O'Yiuerl land on the front of the t. .1:NS and all ti, nrtidoe etre THE 11 13» h )Ir tlr'i t •ye ■''.lv t'•py gut v will • els ted "tock of I lard- , 1 -• (•31;1)•. t:.1T"PLE, r ware. a.eletary. q"1.nete Jan Ind, 117ns;.rkt I. `.•..... punt d ale of do met 0,,. rt•T . ', r been 'lrcliaeed par low and hail I. P 1 ae '.shovel y, ba lualr.•nrslab anprttat IA MO a •11 nine rt at mesa milt 'prime, 'ft Oat ,ear dotes. rA .q mus - la 4 /4 M .Til . 'all from the t•bitanla of Goderieh and Iltanel. AbrIel, .,),velar. to .r.rY r•a,'e. Pr{ra tl ,rs4 SPRAY x•.11.6 W.(fI(. ltl,. "ore than r.50Difcrcnt hlodillikllions. 1, I,g 01'ALE., 33.73 Neal y,, 1'•V L et AI 1• 11431413 M:.A1 IJ3 rsirruilw w AL1.N, WCOTEM 2C-1LKm, ac., a.•, • . BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS• BUY ONLY TIIE GENUINE. 601ST M me Kile's Improved Doable Lock Alarm Cash Drawers. 11Aa'ix'a CELL3.11 X4ab SAYan, :.,y;'r1U,EMs FAS Ci,)'YEr. 3113-3., WAate.,t err Txct'Es, Lc., de, 1o.la rfplirrd pr•.inpf/g and r'ww.lutiy. HLBAN KS,,14 Ce)., pJ If I I0Tr„I.r J'YALn, \', l.' F.11 RIt-A S K S 8 Co,. 1 CG(.. bl4 .4 r. S'A 31 1'OX1, FAIRBANKS, BROWN CO., - 11aJf.1.X,T1ttLl',t 'ro.v.• O"tetkh, Ike, kt41LL Millirerm, Millinery, Mill eery, • Autaam:n Come, -AMJ- :xco .441 W a4W t •1, A',1444 • !Insolvent Act of 1868. AND WIN'1ER. CLOTHN4. it. DUNLOP. Has how returned from tits E 'TE ItX MA ItKETs hs u;; putt'luat•J tot alto fwd ,..l...tt •c A (:6111 PLET' STOCK OF IIF:A 1 1' 11'INTE1t Cf.OTJ3, HF A\'1:_wINTER TIL) CDS, 111:AV1 1C1S1'f:i:31\ EGl'O.\'fIXC� wb„ k le .13 p1e:3e"d to w II .o.Ler by tbr).r It 1G 1) I' ('DCI) lUATaf:M. Il.,l ..Asher, 1"• 3o- , u all kindle, "1.. CALL AND YlAe:XIF • CAUTION. urn Mace., Torrto, (►uuet,tr IN the wetter of H..hert T, ga...., tee •n tw.dr• Yt. I14owlet..eo,I Lexie Mater. tbe lose .4 Wler,wh a 14 Cee.37 .4 '11., .. Wire Woe At. Pelee r 1. ,444* I, clap u,+t,, rrdn•n t 4,1133.4 W 3W; Iwy r.'t".Wu+4.. we s.1 L1, or, errth. 1111)5 WA'rw,s A• . 111•141 et lied• n,h IaL Salklot el lMenal w• 1-71. • w JI b A BARGAIN, Have icr e#4 MINK. FOX. nal otl.rr trete. 11:4 (a L[•TSANi;, NDD1,PAN3' MtID SANS. /NP 1 El") MIX IS I)FHINPtA\\S I14111'. PIN(: IrN}M, VABI- (,t'� )'AKENS .AND1'RICES. iNIY"S AxFa. F')ND -ANEHANC ItldlARAAN$. tt,W TIES OF SEVERAi. KI NBC, LOO G I N I: CHAINS of Ala. SIFTS, (CLASS, I'I'TTY. \1'lttltr(1NT AND ('UT NAILS, de. Ana a 1a►Te ase'•Itweut of all kiaJ. e� 1IAIt.1)♦VA111/61 • .14 low prirs f t CASH. Oppsw:se 1 ,(�t". r,.l I ofr ,tiro.• -n./ nln�..l'.. 3.1.k It ET 1 I 0 C SE. On uo, . .I. .I - I gr..' ley h •t U. !i. PAItso • (ClearI.urbo'• h 1 .•e... Ihh Jnwa NBkCo and thw r ..1..•11.1.i .111.11.11....•11,41.14 •1411111144/• • Urs�ri.h, Nyv, •2x.71. 11x•1 p.1 coal ) r awn of."''•' App„ L ..111.III * h1t4 flt• 'kwtl4e . lathe. •� 0."Irn, b, 1034 Not , l.7( •: a Insolvent Act Or 1869 and Amendments Th to ore . Ilei r) W. ILII: yawl Ola � 3., .r W, Itunll".• 1.a6,. hew -II -. 1K-.taat rix ntagyr..ArwsJwa tl.Poa,lr..4 tet,Tf '+•w1� 'tom " JUIIN M\llN1\.U.1J '•erid•f 11,..• ii. 004ler'. "n. e, c•dtr... I.. lo .Ih,1..7. ?.r incial Insiraa a Company C A\ ADA. 'f UUFF'At+4s' fM0il sal •peace. Vamp', "Viol ,li 'T IY Hf Ni 1.1 bhtwirwelep 111 A'y 141. f _, t • ,lu ( ( 1. l • the 1 mr{m owl 1„ 'land .uncle by '.Ismer Ue:ul m fever of 7Vibiam A.dlea■ for eighty dullals,as the +1 guy'. oo eruer1..1t� tare las twee 10't. f Ise..), ..got. -us r..t o.l . ' • thirtieth day r,• 11''.1.. ANDIIEM'S, JY„mar,.-"nu 71111...• I. tat Iluudted lu1 January 2sd, 1871. t AIo.1 tlrat another •..I •l goer Wena len. I e n �laT n/ roe,' r•.Ii, he 11. 114.1. p'. - t 11,a l o1r,,eu, 1.111...a Tonna., Y 114 (n Pel ��T� WANTED. Om 1,Y"..tml. Fa I Ilan.. led . BOARD WAN ED. II.... lis 'l.,t.'1- puma... rafo of 1 as -- 1 owl W O. ..-1.,44,,. ++Ibe hes, atei loth A(IX\'fLE)1.AN of. gist l.n1t31switlt. lay. .lootaar,. aa_ Aa.:} the 1•bao,.o.;r . 1 cur 1,.4i a of Inn•, t 4t •w,,,", aIle Ise he F $ WINTER l a 1444 41n a comfortable 'undated rrnawill, ,•:.de• to • w :., a 0hole .d the 44 11..(4 gear aY be 1 (""'311, With IP MIA. -lddn•3 l.,. 7'2, 431313'. ail," ''""3"") ."'"4, .. .. Post Office. ItIrII 111Ht'I:Y llo(letich, Dee. 24, 1871. a w Dee. 16, WI. 1Maty■mllln.a,:,. MILLINERY DIRECT 'ROB TIONS. .<�. 1'. 1I (? 1 . l : 61.'44. Merchant Tailor, b..we new" the 1t1SII - JIAI;KLTS. (1,40. epl.543J 31.3.4.( Scotch and E/IILth Tweeds. Aea ('l,')Tlit' FI.ANNElse, it• 'S CUtT111N0, M ES'S I'U rT111 N0, riH11:T$,'4 all ileatrill•ione. AND 1J11r%lkAL (H'TvITTIN(: cls 11: l'rr.„h. '11"!"w,l Y. IM Ir.l rl.anta,n,,f fnr h 444 .',r.1•a. .1n bar. 14a 104 .114. I V ( oil a 4/ ere Nr Mud. aMd hal /A. bite.,, F;N 11 Strp11t, Opposite Knot':•' 'larch. l mletoi,, neat' I. 1•:1. 10 STYLES HURON FOUNDRY G9II1ItIC'II it`OIt FALL. 'rr1IS 1S .A wrLr.VnID OPENING Ft)I1. A 1..l':IIF: E•Ir\ FLY 11 siN Eris M,3•hine Slily., 52x34 fet•t, two .dories, than• with C. - • roof. '.Ainn3ding r , d:, All h . x :CI foot, 4444, one oto !k•ilor Shot., :W a ali f •e( ro atnriu frinuu•, with It1dtlkan,ith$hrgl and other uildin{ q. A &nem Emnita, fro iron fathom, -bent I'I•uer4 Vertical 1kdt°utter, ll'.Myt Lathrw. Citrdb.r +i• TI,a.d P1* tier, Ac. A g'.o'l *tuck of l'attorns Inc Eu• inlay Mills, Stove•, Kai Ike , .1 ., wife 'Moulding 11"xee, 411 is gond tatter. ' hp *'little or one holt Oiled iu rhe aL. rr• beam en rt :ll ht• el441,1 too 3;7 wet man weer (sen 'manage if, . As t4716etrihct' tamn.,1 ;iXethc. tine remixed.. �''tu further /articular, a••pls to trtr IL BldaffiA1P. WINTER. {I G. Ort. Eich, 1871, DdIF39 ACT 1.47-.E1.1-1, U-14 • w: f reshl , fashionab'e, Chep eMISS McCOANELL ' ll15 31X* 11131{YY.p a 1.*W)Sit err rY aisle tY 1.4..1'. * ,. ars. �agrr • L;..t v( lee. 1 _ Nitta, Insets, Wiee.a toads.s std ftswerg. 17' t Weskit k.relers.ap.r,•k 17,.444. 114.4 ant w.Aea g ••L te elbows, how \ 13 - a. lbw M.y ,s11111elatwev.l ter.,•. ,e.4L y .ansa ..I' neo .... Me nor•, n., 1, ..�,, b. 4.411 3..•,,, lar I.4Y•, 4A*. .Doter pnrrleswe•nem neater W,4"eh M. tLd. U ar 041 • (1..tlerich' tY "+In lnlbnntr to the rMr1 "1.1 tr or ll wI,•rl.l. npl - IN Imre,",n. IW 14e,erk,s.al, pa,d..11sMv ,Molly 10414444. ha*, to res .I eget ■ 1.70. au1 a,4 elw.. r. n. the up, AIN' en �TG (FT , aka' at,•► err _pyy lee „ao, ,, 441 ,earn Hr ere , J,Ap,t.m f err. 1 11 I nrl 1l'■ 4.11/4•11h, !J.-ii:!..§§1131.i64:;....47141...3-47",-• h. Ia. M1.71st lAnr k'. * 1��14ate ed lbw isnMHALDnaaaimna, eraMILLINERi(tm,n p'• .A 1n r"w.r'T,tIE- �ItA1 i{ -LT Glc x11•1.�.n.�..r..eiY,11thJ.tS1Tl1RT1822',..I3raa 48..3,, -,TN,, x.134 nu4 .II •Ir A„I,w• .eel •n iM; M M M Ike IoM e:ten. tr [L 11 C p a O O a no, (1rUW[ERLY OCCUPIED RTROIIINSt A e..a a..r '.1 by eM..ki.D.ahel •r a•'♦ . ,ser wi, tys ts13 �/ /•� .1.44Iri1. TmrYl•.w.. 4414<h .',. will -It •r rM•e r the rhrgr.at a(r -` O U \/ 4 A 8► (, -�H"�.L IIY1•J.k, J. AI.A.d Il a11L7FN r. LIJ 1n. ,.h rn,.nh r,� � ^ �� 1 ,r.L w. Jy4ue,•. Juua 1•A ming ,. a V1 III Car. you meek melte ere we have much refigure in rerhleeting a mrwl.t. Pe .d by el N. N"MA•. Pnn,r. N �V..al tanners and tractive of the County of Y (nT )) Y ltterwerir. "nt., P.A. Huron. NO trouble to allow Dods On- TIIiiRSD liplike for the lk*ellnr, g' r taw price Remember th 1 r • II1."P a 1. M a, , Wore, free -Mt L,•tel asd rMrtn:•.I 1m r • place. t* Nen m aap..ieh, I& 0', rani., 1' Jordon 1I &'111 L'r ant ST a• the line of , pan., for Ike p ) n .d dentin ' Alr.Mone hare 1,..,.. proparl)N rn 1. 44,.1 Mn on ter 1 +rime le the highest- term• of its virtue, bud magi Ma speak firm .rp.nen,.. In the matter, ha•In• e Mye.- J•.bm,lnsp, Mker'tu. d E e'er J H (loose, ' a l .R. MiA.n, fir nb :+: owl all rwiru„ ager ,t the. /emet n •• UIt,. t• .u•1 inn. i, ter vlo Wer. AI: natnry, •11 a. delighted w h I. operation., an. trwen 3 th.a,mehly • and then.. th•.w mho .n wahine, fro.. any •r She coil plaint. rot whirl 11 . reeHeond ..ded, say daperd spec It being au7.r•Iau The aetnwhahng ellleary of Me ('"n.dlen rano le wmyar 1a ...rine Me .bra... for w hl. h 11 m rwom. ,en4en,a'411• ...ireful eR 1s la nlhnning the tortnr,r pale, 01 R0.mlutkml A In rellIvina: 741n.T• 4l tion, sniffle n to high rant to 1M 11., of ILwenM_- 'ren an cows In rnnu Modeler pit.. le ail ere of the eoentr., tor anther a► Ise' : `� Ctestifying ai to el. '.nlrer',I 3.3y. 'w. Wo. (tiadW Pain Mstr.yer nee. inn, to (444 lemrl.r• eels All Medicin. 1Mere hoop err /'heehaws onlw r•I •w It; and no family will he without 11 an, Irrin It. Prase, .437x' ►only.•h41744 5.7 Aoltl.• ,, Sold in Goeleneh, by Geo. Cattle, F. Jordan; Gardiner k C. Bayfield; Ju, ifonthorn, Rngervilla; ,1, F'1ck•nl, &cater; H. Combe, Clinton; S. Seconl, Lneknow; K. Hickson, Seaforth; and all molioine dealers, :„JlMich, Dec. 299, 1871. w ao g FF]I.I,c w ' ('Or Pot's 11 SYRUP OF HTPOPHOSPHITES Thr 3.n.•, :A w,..,l•. Marr.. 4.•p3r•d by lbM 1'e^•.• . .n I. 3.e' ,, erhww.l44rd by the n.•I .,1 r oily 111 • r cleat Mem It a•• .rep �"'m^•'d lnnwsaltlf rl1ie rite 1-44 t" nate" A the malice 1343. it M t3.• .,M3 *13. ayo.p.131 sen R.ITnnery oonenmp40, le LM Orel• •.,,n4 •'mgr, 7411 •ive gnat 7711,! a5e enerew nth In the than. 1t will rnr .1.13.s•. tmoisule. ('Owll. 1134 cnl.3. It "II originating front went or N,.enier nein rnn*. en.h M Reeary t...14or T.14 1101.1., V..M."mt Ire.jj 1*, oh, f.eel and ".oet.l Parel)a. (,:444. It will ere. 1. n rrh.a a, and rnl,.r, the 11,ew110 peaty Sold By Apothecaries. 8nee. N en ; 44. for eT N, JAilEM 1. FKI.IAIWS, ('IIEMIST, eT, .Forst, Ni (1, 1,103 vert. nth : w1Mno o... - 1r,• u leek J. M. R,rer.an.pv, D: 1lch:wA1M, r4K. Secretary. Pr aident. "a"" rr . to cul t feel. y I lf.1 t•x44 up, 11 AS OPEN ED THLr ABO1'E UIIOCERY 1YiT11 .t A7lX 11 ' ehi..l . n wnd.r rM a;. 1 ono fdnrae, and In the Lust - -Y ••m„ ala gut Inww',r ,444.1 ••, 1.. Job., e. Dangant:on, Dec. 27, 1871: w(A • 111x.., w arrgw•e u•.1.11 0.' •., •. 11.: '13 A awt.>r, wr)latriec') (31iU( F$IFR 444111 ralal:a 11MIt ran f lba I Arwra weal rt! 1 Varela s ' 'worn, ,DeMd A 1 pato-. interwar 41 are Yalllewled , at1.FL 1q.. rax )ten 31.,Inr TIM Mn1n III oh."( IMaM • K F• _ +t) Ie ndcr. with 7M Im"bee kf 1 lrar81l7ah 2dartain'sIIotol.• MAMMOTH CROSS CUT SAW ME GREAT FEMME REMEDY JOHNSON & K ER R Jib Magee' Peridieal Pills. 11 New Photograph Gallery 1 o4crich, Nov. 20313, 187E Yrif.l.•y ha (. r f., f l I'. !C opo �.).)• " i". 'l•n11 3300.11,1'%H1,E M.Je,14141. 3'S►311.1 So In Me care of all Mos, ,.Mal pd o•orrr - dael•rto -hire the f,m•le "a.rnm,nn"•eleeet It 441,44 .. all etre', and r,.evrll ohryuc"orw •nd, • speedy our• err•- b. re•edna, To motet., .nips „ M.11.11111, r„rlr armed 11 rl , • .ann Ile", Arlo( en Ih o, 'rr per,n.I walk rr'nl•"o. (M.. r4r..n.,,M '8 ID r..... dartsn PIPS)" T1( If41,y",,YTHt. Pr•mn.rwr■ .m e^'w3i".•. *W..r,,.t.t. b)'r say uml.N1..l,b.y r re mfr. all re., of N•rvnr, and Stoe treelinn.,hrn le ,he )lark end 1/sir, nate. a altfhrexen wile AI131 rallr,n,d Inn keen, It - 4ldhItte. Ihwe 3',.D won .reel • ear. warn an *Tier 4e•*• Aare M1lled. arM anbnaah • per•r.'e1 t mel, A•a.we•t4.0 rk,rel, aalllw,tty, of Iony1M,r lmnM to theorem'. of Idrreetlrm• fn r1Aa p.tmphle a",nnl •3M pwri.ga which Mo.d be bene Ily w.rtwe STOP THAT COUGH DON'T DELAY. "me reek, .3• •b, end {r Tee be be Ina,r'r4n•.y,. wee one 3. wiM DD. 5010 o� *toff re r,r'.n.13 astAn. A,. pat ayhra, a .. .«err r.M ere Hdw cog you &top it ? Where 1s Ike "1"*"""'"'''' 't eel In nu T•.wn f nn k"Ir ...fM.tern Omnhl edh N..1 .•1 A White. N.,lnrrthel hI1 e rwennenred hr;trn.s AtI'w5nn'* Hhr0R 3 10r.13MM a .�lr ,arrllr M remedy? alt, w',tIA f+. 44.^44 77 h s Arm et lame p,Iron-' » tl�tor..111 Ilan Ike r4mR anrd eet, fa tM m...r ..ta$ern .yM ere b leelrred /6 4. eT Allan's Lung Ralson) can prodnee more land. ,,r wort ie the Phn'neraplt Nen gore evidence of real merit than another PHOTOGRAPHS, AMRIIUTYPEN. a d when by Druggists and general Store- PH1(1F ItPIANON ower ear., aa. Tnet. ^kR rnnre'LTne. keg ty. ap.1131.1 to ".,py1...1 nl�fr r to IoM owl Its wenn e. pa , c. .& vs a NnnA...p r ra44 .11,14".11,"'a plc ,nrr. fl len sty, .fes se a to man. �wwra4ta. Ilnl RMral ar•au rA. tk* fellOwing ertrMt from a Nn pM/nna�rlNwrA In boa rkp Ot1YIy, Ganes se reemsocem Inc.,. • tett& Mlalal*0o..r(,p, rlh letter receive,( from Mr. S. E. Illitwelf, pn,7ed of. 41411.1 W n,1,' 33,11', A ,441 wag. • NORTHIA1P A 1 YUAN onibisel . t flare, tiro rticle for the pnrtws,.. It it col every• POIt('I'l1AFN PCITt!1tiltA d ' """" ' A well know merchant of Ontario, er ea,J' 'NeweadM.t;. W.,peerel Morn, Paha. DAVIN k Six, .. bid "brikt, • ^er ti ) g44nu•rf•nndr /Sere .Q•re`-Last 4414.4 T Wall orm. f- rAM r•rter a email** esK•II J•rkn ,4:11."1.1:71,11,11.n. Malo n AK. rape, onnd. L.r13nowt g Hack K woe trial to a number Omni! Mer tete Mr M ,' ! 1tA. N Isn't a, tle. . AA (in•1eeteh 19th !•y.t.•k371. n7N1 W. TED AMale Teacher for School Section No. Entine, holding a Second or Third class curtlfi.-at,, of yualiticali"n• Duties to cnmmen•a 1,3 January 18; 2. Apply At:Vine salary to the Trawls of said 'S'ect i„n, Trustees 1 \\'71.I.IAN 1)*ww'Y, 1 A.("1'e :tteireet, Doc. 18th, 1871. 3t. LIST OF LErrPRS RRNA'Y'N'1 IC INT D414ecu roar .141.11 ►th .3.o,.,r, 1(74, Ohm J.n. Mag Wee Weten,kl 1. A. Mr., !,l 1b.mhr T omM M. Ir,bw•h I'albrNm .Mt. I Mare Ann. M.Irnr IM11rr m, n.T Youth Mr Ormel_ li -12".a." Pwaf�•� I/ IhtlN.t 11171 Teal j«hn tet J..hn Nrtme4 lean ':Mesal Johe M•Ant. ohs T Sol/ in !"ser fe f • severe Id which ttl I Insolvent Act of 9 and 2144144 J.,.ph e 'hnm NM•rv'11,1 J Pek•ed,F eerier) J H nog mm V. )nrita■ I rt•tr1{*we et �w, as11' NAI Jar r e,4 w nc tattled N , He an my Longqee and pnsln(ed • dutteserltg Amendments thereto. 1'omha. fl hal cough tor 1 v :l41lbnh, uA '.i; Hutu* t4a1"re.wts gut l'nagh Med,cinie but erithnnt any in the matter of .13)14N RORltKT- Hsew, w.nr. At - h.aafit. 1 at last tried' one 'wade of Se of (l.alerieli. en Howls 3, fades ter ~* 1 *,s�e� Attatl's LI' W I RAWAMfwhich Ism happy A FIRST and final 1Mviden l sheet has ankh( '36.4 Nva P.tw M*�Lwta,Nn, klheablate elate ve almost immediate oral?J,,,. (�rue a A P beam pyepkt'ed•s)ibjee lA opjbceity. IISA4 Jbnbww w T relief an.1 pvtfonne.1 • l'-rfrct citrons 1 33ntil the Third lit 11*Mntrty' tretl, 1••••• w1Mmw Mw short time. , atter which dlvid.,C1l • ilU3a )Aged. --+• .. mat • to. M.O.. Of the entetey,i lee If.411;wat,t. Assignee l'ingall, Ont , March 4, 11171. Mclitreel, Dot 1.7., 187% set 9Mktri3.1, • PROVIsniN AND FEED, CI ASSW A Are. rich, 22nd September, 1871. FASIIIONA DUE TAI HAVE giVG AGED FIRST -CLAS Dissolution of Partner- ship. P 131 1.0 eettleol hy Abraham h, to quested to meta immediate la talent I Goderieb, 20th Dee., D471. tinoltog (NIX. Alt/t4/4.1%1 MAIIT11. TTER, 1t c Saran/ Shop. W. A. MARTIN mom that hie M. ple11 hewed the /law.. • UDDT AND HEAVY HARNEXF Menet W.7 /I WOW •