HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1974-07-25, Page 16Page 16 Timo-Advocate,ly 25, 1974 .4 .14, • h¤ t• rit tP V 4 ENTERTAINMENT Friday & Saturday Night Maitland Trio DAILY BUSINESSMAN'S SPECIAL DINING ROOM OPEN MON. TO SAT, 10;30 a,m, to 2 p.m. AND 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Take Out Orders — Phone 228.6648 Ar. CENTRALIA THE THE EXETER SOUT,H,,, Phone 235-2541 , EXETER NORTH Phone 235-0383 SHOW STARTS 8 30 P M BROWNIE'S CLINTON - ONTARIO BOX OFFICE OPEN 8 P M SUNDAY - MONDA Y - TUESDAY JAMES dAAN MARSHA MASON,. va ELI WALLACH CINDERELLA LIBERTV" COLOR EJV Tvc PRINTS BY BE LUXE* Where's Everybody? Gone to enjoy some FINE FOOD at Derby Dip Chuckwagon STREISAND a REDFORD TOGETHER! THE WAY WE WERE ZAN RCit.RES RASIR PRI);;,1C: 014 PAY S7ARK StONEY •CLAC0 Adult Entertainment 9-30 They said it would take an army to get the mob out of Harlem. THIS IS THE ARMY! THIS IS GORDON'S WAR! What'. mirror to harm.. ro aye '"Vr ,!..17:11n0'or.7"..:nhar" 0 P• ro 14.11 way w A. Low ,taii p..0*• PAUL W1NF1EL.D . : "Streisand and Redford THE LONG-RUN COMEDY HIT COMEITO THE KREENI _Adu t It -Entertainment A FRANKOVICH PRODUCTION Carats Ur Ullmann Kelly Ward link Albert Barnes Flom ILION PC'Sf S are irresistible together!" WED. - THURS. - FRI. - SAT. July 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 All the love and all the laughter of the Broadway hi)! —BERNARD DREW Gannett News Service rIBOBBIBM•ASKIMIVer,', misw.elreew COMING NEXT WED., THURS., FRI., & SAL THE DAY FFTE DOLPHIN GEORGE C. SCOTT PLUS "Thsiiir IS Still Mar Name" Elm Haven Motor Hotel CLINTON, ONTARIO Hwy. 8 Now Playing LARKSPUR Fabulous 5-Piece Band Featuring Electi'ic Violin * * * Coming Next Week Recording Artist BAREFOOT The latest hits ..."Molly" and "Right On" Friday & Saturday Cover Charge - 75c ...vramemommon FRI. — SAT. — SUN, — MON. July 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 BOY, HAVE WE GOT A VACATION FOR YOU... ...Where nothing can possibly go Worn 9 Adult Entertainment PANAVISIONT METROCOLOR MGM THE HOTTEST THING ON WHEELS RAQUEL '‘) WELCH., KANSAS CITY BOMBER Adult Entertainment MEIROCOlOR 16- yvI A.1 PAUL NEWMAN THE MACKINTOSH MAN whoever he is he's not what you think . PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT — And the contestants in this years Garden Party at Kirkton must have practiced pretty hard to perfect their talents, Here Michael Brine, Woodham concentrates as he plays the piano solo "Alley Cat" which won him third place in the instrumen- tal class. T-A Fhoto ZURICH LIONS CLUB SUMMER JAMBOREE ZURICH ARENA FRIDAY, JULY 26 CONTINUOUS DANCING ALL NIGHT TWO BIG BANDS "DESJARDINE" ORCHESTRA AND "JOE" OVERHOLT Chicken Barbecue Grand Bend Royal Canadian Legion grokinds Sat., Aug. 3 5-7 p.m. Adults $2.75 Children $1.50 Sponsored by Grand Bend Minor Sports Dance KIRKTON WOODHAM Community Centre Sat., July 27 Music by - The Rancheros "No Blue jeans" / • Grand Bend To the Editor: Reference is made to the story appearing on page one of the July 18th issue of the Exeter Times Advocate about the unhappy events surrounding sewer discussions held in Grand Bend village council. Then by coin- cidence to find on page five of the same issue a picture of three smiling faces from Hensall in- cluding that of the reeve of Ilensall approving a sewer system for a village of some 600 people. What has Hensall got that Grand Bend has not? May I at- tempt to answer that question objectively. Firstly, they have one thing in common. A sewage problem that is serious enough to warrant an investigation by the Ministry of Environment who submitted a professional report concluding that the communities needed a sewage system owing to extreme pollution conditions. It seems clear to me that if a government agency is going to pay up to 75 percent of the cost of sewers they are, at the very least, going to ensure the expenditure is proven to be a genuine necessity. But sewers do more for a community then simply over- come a pollution problem. The government report doesn't state the many advantages that will be obtained from sewers. I expect they think that any knowledgeable council can recognize the overall benefit and will understand what can happen without proper environment management. I expect too, that Hensall council has read or heard about the Ontario government report on population growths and trends prepared on Huron County in 1972. This report is a forecast as to changes that will probably occur in population densities in a specific agricultural area, The report predicts that the total population in Huron County will drop approximately 11 percent in the next ten years and eventually there would be only two major population centres. One obvious centre would be Goderich, the other might be Exeter or some other town that offered development op- portunities, amenities and jobs. I don't have a similar report at hand for Lambton County but if one exists you can imagine what it says. Simply draw an arc of a circle extending about 30 miles from Sarnia and you have the area of comprehensive "development where the majority of the population will live and work. What will happen then to Grand Bend? Will it die from myopia and old age like so many other similiar villages in the vicinity have done in the not so distant past? Fortunately Grand Bend can survive, I believe, because of our special recreation relationship to the urban population of that great urban corridor of the Chicago-- Detroit-Toronto-Montreal me- galopolis, If you think that the foregoing statement is far fet- ched let me tell you there is, at this time, an American family spending the summer just north of Grand Bend where the husband by choice, commutes each weekend from Chicago. Stag for Dennis Rowe Fri., July 26 9:00 p.m. HENSALL COMMUNITY CENTRE Admission $1.00 Everyone Welcome FREE BUS SERVICE to the London BINGO Games Every Mon., Wed. & Sat. BUS DEPARTS AS FOLLOWS Dashwood — ,,,,, .„ 6:15 p.m. E xeter „..., ..... .... 6:30 p.m, Huron Park „...„...6140 p.m. Centralia...,......,..6:45 p.m. Lucan ,.„.— .... .....6:55 p.m. Phone 235-0450 My point is that increases in family income, greater mobility, population explosion, increasing health and other social and economic conditions are beginning even now to influence our community and others like it. Leisure time is expected to in- crease with the strong possibility of even shorter work weeks and longer vacations, These changes will manifest themselves as pressures to develop our great recreational potential, But development in Grand Bend is hampered, indeed stalled, by no sewer facilities, If we are to survive as a municipality and By MRS. IRVIN RADER Mr. & Mrs. Jack Gaiser, Kim and Lyn have returned from a three week vacation spent at Spokane, Washington, where they enjoyed the World's Fair and touring the Western provinces from B.C. to Winnipeg, Manitoba. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Poland and Lois, Campbellford, visited with Mrs. Cora Gaiser last week. Mr. & Mrs. Ross Love attended the 90th birthday reception for Hubert Hodgins at Granton Anglican church Sunday, July 21st. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Chandler returned home from a vacation to the East Coast visiting Dart- mouth and many other points of interest. Mr. & Mrs. Clare Love and family, Sarnia, were Sunday evening guests with Mr. & Mrs. Ross Love on their return home from, a holiday with Mr. & Mrs. Don Love and family at Manitowaning Bay, Manitoulin Island. preserve our identity-.and what little autonomy we have we must have a plan or goal to exploit our two major assets - recreational land and facilities, by preserving and improving the unique .at- tributes of our environment - sun, sand, and surf and minimizing the pollution of our vital waters, lake and river, If you doubt the waters in and around Grand Bend are polluted read, please, the report prepared by the Ministry of Environment to support the sewer project. It follows then that if we are to survive we must achieve better use of our environment and Sharon Rader and Bill Bennett, London, spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Rader. David, Susan and Peter Stormes, St. Thomas, spent some time with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Mervyn Tieman while their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Bob Stormes, St. Thomas attended a golf tournament at Mansfield, Ohio. Bob returned home with a trophy. Mrs. Bob Cornelius, Mark and Stacey, Sarnia, spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr, & Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Riddell and Mr. & Mrs. Jack Ford returned home Sunday from a two week vacation. They travelled through the Maritime Provinces, Newfoundland and home via the New England States. Gord Eagleson and Johnny with Ralph Weber flew to Manitoulin Island on Sunday to visit Ralph Weber's daughter, Dianne and his son-in-law Eric and grandson Marshal Eagleson. develop to improve our way of life. To say sewers alone will accomplish all of this is insane but they are a fundamental and essential part of any master plan. The village of Grand Bend, given sewers, together with the abundance of water we enjoy, will stimulate development of the kind that will create a stable, year round community of modern dwellings with a much larger permanent population all cen- tered around quality recreational' services and facilities that will offer jobs and opportunities and give an increased tax base to suport it. Even now a big and reputable developer from Toronto is waiting for the council to get off their butts and approve sewers in order that he may build a housing complex in the village that would add about half a million in badly needed tax dollars to our tax base and, all of this would be at absolutely no cost to the present Grand Bend taxpayer. In fact this revenue could pay most of Grand Bends share of the total cost. Can you imagine stalling or refusing to support a proposition like that! So to answer directly the question posed at the beginning of this letter, Hensall, I suggest is fortunate to have a council willing and able to do something positive about its pollution problem, It has foresight and knowledge of its responsibility to preserve and up- date the community and ap- preciates that the many changes taking place so fast in our world today must be recognized and seriously considered and solutions arrived at in a mature and intelligent manner or else the community will wither and die. If a smallcommunity is to stay alive and prosper by the year 2000 it must plan for it today and get cracking. Yours very truly, Tom Webster, Councillor, Village of Grand Bend First Show at Dusk Children Under 12 in Can Free TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY July 23 - 25 What did happen on „:-) 4 the Cahulawassee River? Deliverance A JOHN BOORMAN FILM primitr. e r., P Starring JON VOIGHT . BURT REYNOLDS , PANAVISION 3 ''''''' 0 TECHNICOLORo• From Warrior Bros A Warner Communcations Company ,,•• AP4 f:i 7.; Moltotu. M,Doloetok LiOso.i Plry'D el c.,'t r371240;1 54 (9 LL g-JC)1 MAN ( . PI From Won., Oro. OA Warner Cornrounicalion4CoMP•Or 03A1VOMICWOMNIMWEIMMWOM-VANVOCVIC•410M4Viti4.4.10, 5 awn. 8, YD Nt . RICHARD BENJAMIN. JAMES BROLIN ' by MICHAEL CRICHTON • Proauced by PAUL N LAZARUS HI TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY July 30 - 31 From Worm Oros 0 *Worn*/ Communications Company Adult Entertainment 11t010TAYILIIHt THE 11)13AINLY1111/441‘1131155 Froth Werner Moe 0 A Warner ConueunItatiOni Cempanif Adult Entertainment Dashwood folk home after trip to Spokane ,4 ss or • Notes different attitude at Hensall B councillor gives views on sewers • IDOODOMSOOOOKISWOCWOMSSWOOMOWDOC lOODWAVKICWOODOOOM101 1.1M4:11X1M.4WityWANICSOM&IMML li