HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1872-1-9, Page 2• smolt. " J.AV. 91b. ibi1' 2.i7r 71! L' ' -- LOO.L KSWS• QA1R.LaL (ra n„a.a) f tofu Pwr0rre•. 'rhroftl nl (,cetb , Craps *i'caullul.tes fen the Hume' The °glloms Median. Itility 111414teL hit- . s mu,.uo, es arta new Canaan t uhuudgs, l poet a Mee, tolled D,•4Lwieel, was J. Ju.s•y, s ltn'ttter tMYdtut of Oche opened L. t16, To.u,Liii .f Hey, Keith 'Ilie first Use. of a sew •wkl7,y ltirhmg of Httrom, on 1st Lw. last. Neal Dal 111 the (deruan Lmy;uage, I1IlJli 1 r.ed is p'tides'''. . e 1141.0 of rho Urr'att4 in t'.iteude, Drava or Mit. thy, Cacm•wu,t V. appeared. It devotes a n itailern l't'" - \\'t 1q 1 • It-dn a 1 :, ,•i uTan'..oriwrs 'dr- Vi Uiutrt;Mtl V. iiie t et lea since t•, the 11ns aeeerti+y uljesa ,.f 1 n,,, ,,•,, LAgb«N • tittt•t, t:... lett, rr %lawyer and addle tug'l,tl.rt11d Jour- ru drive mit triol Reese from hie sea the But the mehlu4l lawyer he • Map u ham and the soldier he sot • define 1.11 the You re at.tufrur th..nrittg elany0ntr-.m ilea When flu• lawyer half mad for eleetto Rai Unwell.. this rediue until kis d 11111 1 feat, „et,. Wiens kis ring" let itxJ.n in dejosties b'w Sl .f t. wiauw eicy'ut l .nilali ,ua'oretieu to a , , , err.•.are 1.. 0431• .,n s suelee kat, id Tet ;wr1 Feve.,later uuutdry. to .a 41 11 mt. Th 11 email talc n.'dial•+ *brief tlhletis.. Fittefeeme1 on Sunday C:rpa(drnblo anile'" Lir hese cat s be Toying 01' wt"utx, std Will sive sAas}ttrudwthy et, 04 re Iowsuint*KIy, by 1110 111144ea and 1411 tw,wntable d. t :moot 'La eau.. oMtttYurbJM ihr►='t ekizL itlirttll'} theolitduml.st La_Y r ••••.,:f dJ«g11, kk Ain+ttr.u• th1t ubanw.et'or. - dIW Alktus•it, Cottle rat ll,ai •ice, , ave what. 1144 ..Il,s rtpti m u ✓, r •t twirl w •.drone. l4ulrcrilwls 4. tLr MA.SoNtr.-04.1 \\'1t. JRday t! a 27th chaeta, 2ti der. Hu rat Isat sews \Yea• of Lady o t • 111 i. flee., the f, sti.al of Ft. J tut the E, aft• Pulley, 22nd ,rt DireenaL3r, and no i -k wlaeu chair Host. the lbretbrtu ad s lo,Lmich 1,•d(te lama burn 111.11.1'1 hue sine.. .4 he time. is up by .anti„; at aha a.Lheas, :i3 U. It • met in their Ilett'ae last, tial • comuiler.al.le snot of fli ey • teen .. th. k1Jt1-AboLi.J Ly imie.pl at Street, at Ilk -;h 'twelve. The k.'nl,(e Ito hem ails leaned to Ulla Uwe foully d we 0A;•, lug doily ojw.wl, after the r..anur basis oath. _ _ utas Led bel% disposed of, Itro. IaR4.; ft.', Mr. Gu. ltr.wu ow -us -in Bow P Ponos, 1). Il. 11. Molly *.a,tacd 'by P.. IuO) rens, ill .i, bLrk, nail she he AUtit:11,1tee p= hang lux le Nem •j151t.r., (tea. lhwua'ul, \\'I,itr,i;fa111141 lla,. are wale. oly e.si rtient fur int ji' _.4,.sul F.ig•.Mw', me ailed the t..lberuig I 1 t:.ticed .uu'ataulw of 114 dairy u. Inters" a:ri ttretln•rn in.. their respiecrae °dine, and uutlur' f I i0 lhauuugh•bcwl, •.Meta was crept.- b iu B••,,.J"-c knoll ek, W. M. Ike. Jilts R. •i.le. rami.:► of pros for ries awl sh NI r fork nu Sattrlav uru•eiu4 late, bt 'Male 8.:1V. 'ISr. Mdouftu McrlailJ.. I Mud se••r•11 to 11' all,lccupw.l, All t .v seil•Nttles s.rtt that Jew s Fisr, Jr„ \V. Hon 111x. 6tunv.atl3. D, Bro. Jawwl,y.pr,.rs fitly ua goo.1 cttn4,(l,, I 1 4),.p I nrly kir.rgq ••p. Owe Erie" on sa (• 'Le • J. D. I:r'It ..wet Hcnderaon T, te1J there i. a 'dimity of water in -Dao. Wee Ilioes•.0 Sdc'r.. Un.. Hairy 1 Park, and that two teams a id four n r met 6f kissrnrwtion with 11141 It tawny, that' ei 1. (,, Bro. John Dontegli, '1t ler•, ware kept daily draw/tag water from het besnsh•.tlyasar*•eiu. Its,peeve Ilru• A. s•nla D. of C., lire*.Steeken Grand !titer, for the suppl{\y of it, , ,.b mt 4_. O o'tf.t► iu the wfturn'os hs Yate, t James Hay., 8twwaeta, Ileo, t animals. The dry 1.'51011 may, ilewe esu r+ the poets of aet.ru the thenal Henn H. N nth,or,ruiat Urn Wilhelm j •auuW for flet. -bur. Bnu.tfun{ C Cdatee'Hetelitswhites tor,u,ru the dr W. 1 'hito, l'haplan ire, - • stout w Tata '•tdowx Item ti.." -\Ce ere in- The \Vesleyan Methodists of Co. •la ked he was wet 00 he 11.1'1 debt.J to the 'Alter .f the Almonds town circuit ruceutly presented t 1., a 0,111 nmaal Rl..k' , mho. herr-c4 ihiette for thefeU•.wu.g uwiaplitasutary 1 pester, the Rev, Win. Hay, awl hit w u•t_rei *..ate w'rda et,rleabig !t8rwl, metre} !moth with a IsAitlafiit gold watch. drew a velvet and ;ir..t tur.,u .bets, t Apt ,J..ktl°1l, esu ut 1" .Sart Bell, 'Three Rivers, Jan, 4.--Soarl.t fs two .f rhiodsw•t •bn in tau .h0 rider li..l., of L` intim f It-e,. hes p•ar,hrab,h u raging in this district, caarryieg off u1a,.tehu•.• •fd11t 1114•10411.,1. assist. (6. iMo is a1W'nloffi•ce, a-,1 assumed yelis,gawl01,1, but particularly child the editorship limier his w u eat, I Forty children of the Christian Ura e Uva ens*enler•.I,lwl tae wrwuda preyed sew have w .doubt the paper wiM obtrw a Nchoal are &twat en account of lata(, and lair, Fiat .i •Iced ,, Sun ley •11 wider circulation and exec t • mute dale se. an•nutue at 10.43 wela.l iaslltence. We welcome f teal Au extesatw seizure of Stesuwe • PM maNeryr it •ppe.r. wet ii pwrChe► ell m:u the bwaltnrh.wd of the fourth lihiekenne ppianos has Leen mole of !ll'n \Yoshiel.l in her avail rr..i.at eetate, .4 . wish bite every swear. in ►u the Quebec Custom Huse author uvw Mehl of Labor."It *e wan that fur roue tine Psa,e?ri,k res -1f1 mute 1arf..,.t!to NON' TOIL H.114.1sr,v Tarerxx." - Mr. the Aare sus pwota4 that thine pi t•.k (7 - wens being •ut•red much under th eaten. Mary farmers in Perth country gstherieg•mfnrinattnu in regard to mn introns branch.a of the puuta fain so as to be in a pianism t. fon. opinion with refrr,m -• to the verb morns Meath when the a{, -,?tion• Saturday, at (.L.u.Y • tiro L sat can.a.sa llallTaT :yattm. Colt MA 7lialldiaff. 1n 18:k; the filet etude atteuopt at oiler" ul Catuda was put iu uperV,t• 1 L,1 1.612, tltu-ty yens age, there 1 t. stere fly tweet, tulles in the four Piuru 1'. ow; 111 1847 thirty-eight mile. More were added; iu 18frt) the member u tulles ea* leer's d by twelie; at. a The remit fire in Chkagu has called i. forth • gestural 415Cltes1014 011 the subject •' of lirepnwf building laud building iu1pem- a- wail, and although we have Said much at different timed eta the subject of concrete 1 butidtug, the motet seems a favourable d oppo,rtuuaty fur collies our reader's O- n Witten noun to this twp,r'a11t subject. 111 Slowly but surely, in spite of roan, d failures ,n1 the part of rsl.•rwleuten, is , ! the truth hamming estaLhshed that emi- t, ticial steer ate Ise made as durable as - • most wittiest atones. There bare btu many humbugs practiced, but thew, u theujh they levet Lindero! progress, hey.. nut totally checked it. The ertiiiri i al stones made by the Sorel, Error aid 1 ltalwue prisons, and those made with 4e l Portland cement, are all good, reliable 0101115. of thine, however, only the lat. ter eau 1s WWII i a,ta for concrete .f walls, and 1t la of the latter that we pro- ; , pose to speak inure p,trt,culary to the by article. h The ur•utien of concrete buildings, d promises, we think, a cl)111p1•W solutiotl . , of the pr"blwm of cheap building for mol►mg men. of all ma'oriab we know n t1, none compares wrath good Portland cement fur this purpose. It has proved iia value m intensive works ti Europe, where, in addition to the went effect. of o weather, it has lied to endure the con- e sunt adieu of sea water, It hardens perfectly in a few hours, and form with sand acme:ruts, linden' in hamlets and - compactness, tae Most building atones to Ly use. It can, by the addition 44 coloring - matters, be given tint. resa'uabliug brown t Sandstone or Nova Scotia atone, 1411110 it $ is far wore durable than either. It is much cheaper tbu1 bricks and rootlet, :tad 1811 be easily molded la ornalurutal e 1 forms. It pennies far greater strength titan ordiu brick work, and leeks bet- ter when tint el. It is as well adapted - to inside as outside work, and may be wrought into flown and partitions. It is encaubedibl• and u impervious to wat- er as wad stem, in use. N1th all these atdvantages, It is steadily, mak.pg pr..gtes. against prejudice, mud we have nut the slightest doubt that itis destined to a far greater popularity in the future than it enjoys at present. This cement unites readily with sharp clear .and, gravel, brwkenbricks,pebbles, cinders, ete.; and hydraulic lames may 1n same elitesNes he . -......,:.r .', used m connection with it, '1'o erect buildings of this concrete re- quires only the skilled labor n.wasa,y to place properly the frames in which the concrete is molded, and the frames 4 J.,,rs and windows. For warehouses, it admits of the use ofliruu for pillars and bracts, while everythtn; else, thews, par- tiuuut, e.ilings, oto., may be of concrete. It a estimated by &11 export of this city that 1011 cubic feet ,f. 1' rtland cement cola -tete wall can Le constructed for tI' 2'.. J. If plastering is tiled on ulterior walls, only este wet u required, so that -thl. Ita•tu of coat is considerably lessened. Fur sidewalks this cement ala.. furn- ,.hes& cheap and beautiful nutenal, sl,i,;h can be formed in blocks 011 the sp.1, presta,tua a perfectly uniform sur- fer., rivaled only by out stone. The rebuilding of Chicago furnishes .us admirable held for toe espinymeu of concrete; and we trust that a econotny meat be perforce u m laultel, ou \\',etorn (rends will be induced to turn theta tion to the system, ea it offers advlwelopm 1>' d as we believe, by no ot4er.-J'-is,d,fic lmcr,nu,, e, theneef•'raard the progress has he" n . steady and almost uniutprn,ptrd, out e' at the O.11irielee„Ient of 1SI1 we Uma the uuuutry hes nearly, N out «pule 5. three thence:id utiles in operation wit abut as much wore in a,1raw of con rel ■iluction or projected. Noticing thaw f 1 aMs the Loud u Jyeet.ttur ears. Fres two small Provil.er, t'at,ada has is es tended its twuudarle W both oceans from a {,..pulati...a of a few hundred tllotu,ud, at uu'Umbel well up in t • millions; from nu OWlmeroe at all, it hes strode forward to a promtaeut place n- amwug the great commercial nations . the earth; from a few aural steamboats and still smaller sailing vessels, h • nays has uwreased until now fourt out) ii us.. n the world, front here an t- there a mill, most primitive in its coo stt•uctiou, her tttauufucturivs hay, sprung up °n every hauu, and bion a ivaporter of nearly every article required for esu in the a,wdry, die, has tum« exporter, sending abroad uauti live of thepreducs of -her hao,,hnnurk t 7- find purehawrs iu the tuarkets of th world. ,fl Old Blephqu Girard nude the."beer mitten, which may be pondered "rune mere ltants. 'Dunne sty long coin denial experience 1 haw noticed tha no advantages result from telling one' bowl mor You nut.saher else that oar Milieu 0.1 Ityre aunt Clanged his naiad and retell Rrf,ru; esu. It *ea thou that this lawyer W *hew h with pleat 14)115, melt Vowed he'd drive Lint from ofti,,•e. by storm. ark tee To re.:.oupluh this end with hopes ru ale. mug high ,sus, H1 c...ght an ear really fur flattery, L.- I will stand by my gun and fight to tit mop, last, suet Quoin the pompous old man of the ba sea. tory. tits !k, it ase settled and so it betel, en .1* the first of the w.,nth 1511■ the don the Our peeve, with his forty and four ga req lent men, we - The Hes stepped the vain pair •t their glair •••The soldier retires farm this world t 4..uir strife, ibr fe draw on his shilling a day, Th. Itrgistry .)dice in /Myth tltell be shut, ver Our lawyer shall theta pas away. ran. TI..,, hail to our Reeve the tried and th hen' tris, - the May he live long to remember phi■ seen And when be is dime with this world o ud strife, by Mar 1.11 end be joy moat serene. ins. 1 R. F. past January 2nd, 1872. • a is. le •aa uron,ly suspwectrd Jas Young former editor of the SIGNAL, that themt en •as lir neht for the put has cunuasns'•.l the 1'411c4ti5a . ( a p+ ••f I.syulg back m .il n airs Fsk,a• d 50wap 141.•1' ea', the A!•,e mule, at Hr a 1 rist,iu,,,n th•• its...( ti, N rhenium (trot es la ad 'alum steps furonwapirecy ne u.. t an 1 Bine, R Weer, 1114 fiat num,wt' Ikok.ts, • warred for Lia apprelleOOIr 1111 which has rw,4;h.sl 114. It is very tat. Ia the twwtlr of a Land will ter drink .v .ibl 8 tame, the p,liw at the g 1 y Rend the minder was eo-u'uitti•d. v et,ud'wted. Wu wisp It un•rysuc.:.s. St"itatUn ,rwT.="-ma ns If pe lrptlr mentalu d1E uqt• 1' fifthhir n- • except to treat. • - jealously car mtupo6t on when we are fortunate, and to' Tgratify our anemias •' when otherwise.' 410 was Bever disown f to disregard dos theory. ft r. 1'. S. (iihuore has made arrange Dar Spars the aortas. aro Great calamities have usually sour aha, mord by which guiding wisdom may be il, -gathered. The Persian famine is ou e n of these, and it enggests reductions tha et, - nese he useful to naiad milieus. Pura ___.-_appears likely to present • spectacle the k i v of ibich has not been w ane 1104. it meets with the American Corrugated Iron Company for building the coliseum at Boston, in which nb0 world'. peace Ijubilee u to be held next June and July. 1 will be a permanent stnlcture and a building of tmmeuw proportions. c - The New York WurW SaycTW• . have received front the Salt Cuuq'aey of - Uuondego a letter on reply to our re- , marks urging a repeal of the duty on salt. It is due to thLSalt Company to , 'State that they deny}' our former neer- . tem n5 one point. T6tty allege that the (iodrriclt salt works of Canada have t driven them out of fhb 'Canadian market, imitated of the revere,. In justice we reeerd theeerre0tiuu un the e strength of their assertive. ..method t!► prieue. Fuk's deIWMlieu Judge Small of Gimbel. hit* A ant of 1 1• p I it Vic$, he 1.t..y Usti ,'i d tot 1t"n,h.11ta tt t k hit • 1 1 L tr Ic , .•ut at the residence of Mee Cent, iso seat• rpt• 1. tints street, re brickrl,ne c« . a ! : u - . 1 , . -aro Int, p esu, - ton of 1h. thrum Lock rae.'I"uces ,xu - Stokesse afs 'fkta•sat•i. through Ina tutu, on .l'n; a -v. (.r nr ., " tensiont'iu, Tor,ut •. Mr. Smell died of `H•,t reepe.teen ,-, . y by Ma b tar•., flue. 'F-.1 has tt a w .a ewntRll career, ..RI. $ej mer, au l Oise Lo.nlrnl. Thb itrl has asiwme.d•,f u asshg a c .std- Purnul•,:u* m los add year. engin of the ore t, uukn.wo t•. m., Mort, . rah.e .areristof •,r,t1t. lle ear..s to hl- Mteaxr t S.0 * Slct W,axa.- ►ave POINISpid th.a L,Iolty ,•f turn- The M.•w. M.:Mia i com:uonced last ing Wilmot mirth,,,;; ue„ h-nhl, •Left mark to uanufaetnre Silt et th-':r work■ le tene144 ' and Das nue ,•t the in Maitl.amlrille. It u the only well tai keenest yes Street apeettlators in in operation. gold and Imo. Ile laved 1n a etylo of &Hoot f*traree Rr,a'•ro's,-Th".•l.•c- the al uas0108 inigninceneo, and spun Sia lion of d Sca•e,I Trustee in coli•e of the maeer as.keeller as he male ii. Ile 0.nls. tikes plea 100 Walucsilty rah esu ie. an 1 .lis4n,est, as the ' Jan, at 9. P) a- 10. tr..o.,c.iorie. th:.t c.lubr,te,1 'Jay; THAI' CAVAN/ :-(l'drnch was none leuaeea F-t•s) •bundwit lr1 fortunate thautuost .f the tonna in Ceti.- tseaul.i de is securing two of the Regal a , lanl'.n The Sia maid Lath of s.oh n mei ;• tca,L utxllMteilt lessens Stich all wvtld du •.11ass7 w 'Fite imardim at'- liar .4! g,.:u ateihaste 4. milk• r.c',, 1.dl el.ar..•l,ejy seep, • It le, i.stead o1 hring- in,( 1. 1ppai..s, grt,rellr rouble.. the very , ppnely I(.l t; and the reeilt .f e •1414,14941 titian. as Fite was eueepel tit «mein W lathe. minitm• Mei 1:,', n:.:. A .1414 of steady i• :al,a ,.t aero 1 1 M'tu4 a compo tea anti -it 1,1.11,'I iii ire 00r- tais tna.It . • porton b appy and re- apxt•d, Min Imgegine et these wild speculoto.ns winch in .y hake a twin .a. atallienafe,tsday 5,1.1 a bgggar to-auer- row, sod whisk we 0.611 sorer look upon but as tending to pr 'dace fran-l'.Ilence s and dishun.str, er.n rims, h in the eye of the Sar Mel nay be legitimate. Thu Lon:or s. 111 w type. ;11161'rwd III the Conti ea. If they, ere worth hiring they ,i o wort', skim, taro of; yet we °heart° ono .( the et hire( in the goiter near the Drill' SM -,l, --wish its elm •i. ,• eked sp ;u the air. Wduld'nt is 1..,0l ho't.r on the Court Hussy s phare b0■i.le its (sllow f Will[u►-ralYr6- Tlib7 weir 4 b.rthmvgf, tie urge herr 6. n ,u-r.mo .••1 41 f,Alees,•- 'il ,url.y, St Andres's 1' , arch; Titeudae. he •s Ceerch1 \Vednosday \t'ellutall i'hn%ch, Thnrwlar New 4'm,irsinn ('!tuft;) t• 1H•e:linga to coi, ,,e,ic, each livening at 7 a0 uclack, • rondos near Chatham, this year realise Fi1t:0l.al NDZIII. the lain ' "" soot of $702 from tL • 5 1.,tf th, hay -4.09 010ter seed noted Tux ('hent/ t' C. Bata et, the from f n.rWa.a itcrls of land. ennui of the Weslet:au Cl,utrl, in Cada Nolte merchants of ,tµtleerille hair de, c..nam-u=es the New Year enlarged 17opted a novel teeth al 4f doing ata ^11" •" Kht Lsge tali.., and printed Prem if um all, of Nae .lfeets of M:.. C wuru ceeswmel. There u hot sol recrimiuetiee deb In L oa.l ,,i.'over alleged "rili,alutic 11,v.lt,ous• in St. Paula Church. It that the responses t, 1110 fell l''.m;ILlt 100,04* are new ehartwl Ly tlse clip instead t4 peruusing.asprovided for the U ...11 of Prayer, the ameregatron jean 111 the duty. Ilyat.. ( the p aline on 'if-•u•ley, sl th.• "t. ''8ticrinns Tun. A, a Call I114 fit the 14.. vedaip Lvnng afield of t parity of a 4 .1•rr, lowland the brie., oath, and *.ked Hedge whether he la r••;ety:d tier slab for his vete. If d g"..vely-anewurwl, "No, deems; I re;,tr a1 the ;ti bat you sunt ole en an d *el.pi."' TOO crowd ',orgies 1 a ! hu,,i tow 'Wittiest many farmers have to ha miter for their cattle, or else dri them 1, creeks from eue to hru 'hstaut, A I.,cd paler says that a lxraen gal historic titles, at all events --the ei hletioe .f r. people by stars-tti,,u This was the fate of the great butte wluch on* hued the valley of the E11 phreb.. The search of population tem stripper) the owl et the trees, th .cJ •Lance of trees deprived the Kroued o moisture and "hither, and great drwuth Jottroyud in pr'olucarve Ismer, mud the ate Imputation, in the. same •rifle', lest in Ise- numbers sed vitality. Of conrw file Is. , prom is a slow ase, but it is nil tilt ad- 1.s. y.sibl, diol', whish sea} be cited it• ss a more modern example, hut'! fort) In teatimes o4 ul4*1ntents in the Uwe .d t'• the It.onuu, and has uuw somewhere Abele aux teen mill,,,.... Thom it wad .■ rich in e.redectivenses, and wow it u t c.mp*rstlrelysmid, with only half of it. le ares moiler enit,ralion. The loss of ry trees u the reason for this. A similar ad 0 nnlittouhal reached Persia, winch, from. tie a well cultivated region, with a large u. said rich p,pelsiplm, has rink- into a u semi-wilrteruoas, inhabited by seine two ud midpole of people. half of whom are mere wrwtcned wasdmwra. J i1 ,p . • 'si•., the deatrnetiott of the trees is con- ,,, .d0nd 1ihe can" of the desay. The s,, rate at which the forests on this C.n- e tineet are bong swept away, has often b,• -n .pokcu of with1n r•o.nt veers, bot ro c:uwdy wrh referrww to climatic changes. d supposed to be not particularly impor- t ant with respect to foal supply. It u there is any lesson, Lotewer, to le l -,ivied from what has aetnrlly happen ed in Europe and Asia, it is that the sur- e face et the earth cannot be demanded .f its shade covering without damage to the human race. The moral of the Pd roan (manna a that the trees should be preserved, or if they In Mat he rat dew n others slluald be planted tu re- place them. f It is the style noir-a-Jaye when an en a gagenacne u bn,kms of for the lady n,ttu • r,nlrn the presents given Ler lady her atliun,ed. oreven tee engagement ring, which they keep as an Indian, keeps a • scalp as trophy of former victories. Tee w.uleu were asked which of tin, men each would clesne we re she com- pelled to marry one of then. One re - 'lied: -"'rhe widest, that I might le the *meet lid of him;" fhe other -"The teeing rt, that I might make him suffer the longest." An old man, who had Leen dreadfully henpeck..' all hie Ido, was visited en his death -bed by a clergyman. • Thu old men ap44•ared very indulerour, and the clergy- man tried to arouse lam by talking of the Kiug of Terrors. "Hoot,, touts man MS, We are gl444ocia,e it in our power to' 'The death of Joaeph Gilloft, the cele- ana.nowthat 51r. !Settees hu been leafedet•el pan in•na(p'•Inet., sad0 elected fee Stormont b r a in yurity ,1f 34 smarted n c..nudrrwbl:, (°rt:Mm at Lia busno•s't, is nnnouno,•d. ever Mr. C'dqu'r,un, afro .11 Bethune10 Pa in c"u•"•perste ..f ala«ren d,ei"i.m. young ran of ub:hty, and w.11 u•, d••wbt given nn peens.' of 1a., amt the ' 'p.•1'•ea- make 411 mirk ir: t 1. Ionises ler. )Enc- u,sein einieem••utee, of bis.'n':ul the duueld nab.. all his indueneo against n himn 7.4 soot 141..411'the pi" ' • s, • .1 or in ail the great victory which wee wow Vol,' 'h, lnockv,I:e 5041 5Gm(ii lav Yctiun e tehr4ted by a raid detunstratwD in cues have L en e.tLdtaen. C r.wall. Very rich silver mines hers heen di■ - Capt. Gilt eel has bass rentn West N•Jethembe. land by attnall w the scarcity ufsmell change. Thee .SAME fractional atrrency of their own in 5 ..ant, 10 ant and ;.-.0 nut -Owes. The f•elewmg i* i a,j,yy-!-of them: -"un doinaid,'forraluu raaireid, I eremiteto p*y tar -tiro cents in lawful cur rwticy of Censda. feigned)" They Dave entered int, an Agreement to take the currency of each other u tach _for all payinents. lis 1811 the following ed:erti,emen app etre 1 111 the New Orleans "Pi epee, kewar,l.-Ran away teem the amL co veru.' in the 1•414 wast c.rnrr .{ Rerita•'"' en -the 22nd No-embr 1.s• Uur IJthn, 1,41 uu!68 from the Centre! th'•11 ;m!M,yUwvDunn,*napprentic •['wide 14, 4!.,,. An Y:ntli,h C .• a„y. to . 1 '..tering trade. Haus Sri 1 it neg.w•iatiog for the purchase of one of ledeorr, between twenty and twemYy-uu it, over air. Fisher. the teal., vows of age, and about five feet ton u Hon. Messrs Idako. MacKenzie, Me- ro„ pntlM oil wake avrnlin.et t. ill- - r0n ire;hcR Lith. • ,AI! persons are Heller ted Scott bit. been rehiring by eau eine,' nut to harbor sold boy, undo prove, and will lie true s; eeilili be r poi thy - birho law, %%loot k Palten•n saaaeution• Mr. rtimelt w tele a capital stored to his wonted health and siren::h. r•esc:t at the nomination, .1.11 .47 r.•- tuting the as columnist Nettie'. against Z1T71SO3. - hen. Tea Et:at^r:nts Th.• Eler'inn* fee n - ^-'-' - Depwly Reeve and three Ce,.ueiPon, W. f1 • 8 Ra11vsy o came off , Monde., Jan. lot. The - +.dry aka one of the hest. of the re, eon *rid We h*vb*wn iuforwlr.'I that if proper 'Luing a h delay the crowd who tta1:eJ the vi lege was tare. thee U week' eitb',rwiee hard 110011, Tile Connell for .he pr.senr )eM ie 18. Brown, Reeve. oar 6.03 i' W.Cartitieih•p.•yltetv., ''mmss cdlo.o, ?Irons. J, 11. (liver, Miter .al. s(er.a r »ud S. Ronnie. L T i MS milli. 'Th. !Mg of 'Pwtnn ' In vu been living eft mid thirty years as ,th be Queen of them, .m11 the Kin8 a net be mtackle weer." The Vino' Jon r,",l estimates that tl • yi••1.1 cf the anteiracne Dial district will 141• year reach hWU,en and a half ,nil- linus .f tons. F..r 1872 the probable produce is nut down et nineteen Million, of tons. 01 the increased .n'1ueti' 11 of three aid • «alt millions .f tons, it 1. presumed that tho market 0411, during 1872, take off two 11111110le of tots• leav- ing a glut in the market of one mill on and a half. The QnNa's Lova .8 very eccentric and - famous man died ua a hovel in the St. Giles quarter in I. mien, the other day. Thirty years dee he was 0110 14 the most Selebrato.l mm England.en egland. lye was a chimney in th ■.00ep, Rud he, like Fletcher in i play. "laved the 1Jyeen." Ile eeamc e so infatuate.' after the then young ,.nd ✓ fascinating royal lady, that lie climbed ✓ down the chtueldy n% 141. denies' Pelmet' a plumbstof times, but reaped when chased, save on one oc,asion. Tisa he wits taken as he was about to enter tic Queen's appartm4nta, and whet into w Tuthill prison. Aswotut as was up, he tried repeatedly toile, thoQ.wen,end the p:,liee t wk the matter in hen.L He was arrested, taken to Gravesend. e:nlarke,l on board the Diemo,.l, and slot to Australia. He fire.. foe many years at Sydney, but was allowed t, h return to England *feed five years a(4)., always d•eperatoly up:emigre.' of the e Glean. His renetiuing years were agent in miserable poverty,. AY„rtmightminc•, enennragestarst aero off.,rel a branch of thy a' ere line would to c•raatruct•d to 0,1.r,eh. $..ei.l•s div,rtin, a shore of the traffic Ellie& new gust V, other places it would gine*• new tont, to lite east, hal and we sll' he mnah batter servedN with two emilways than with e. \Vu Simply dine/ attention to the ratter,es and shall have mere to say with referee s& it on future oeuesiee. e>nww:s o to Parliament Kotler* ette that liamentn 15 For a West Su Company .eying, and the eh Huron theme% 1i14ertur Kay. Woods, the P Lake if whh thee of to For nmder to y h. 4114•1111us,d all k rdllttr inst. ■ earner St. John and Cnt,u+.,tt "Tlro negro Troy Geese Dann" is no Licntt•nint GOvenor of L"uisiene. 1),n Not Item Tir 1' -(1sire11d.„. the p.'inful results of not reediest tit newspapers is rrpnrt.,i in R*r.t.g celerity. 1t appears that at a ro .11 tiro, property roe destwvmt on whit th'•ro eat an immranee of t2,to1A1, Th ewner tripi..A lightly luta the °Rice where hie many was drawn', and pr, diem{ (.0 document, said he ((mens •d h w.nld take the money. The agent ! +k Tr:srraYeeWcier."-Ttesyaleiren hrceneattjuiceontotrhe caller'stniek hot. t lit ills Town 'tell, unuler the anepscw S4 and then exelamrd, "Why in thurrl.• theeet, nlgr 74.. nil. ft. A. ff. (r. T., oat d,1'1 yon read the pipers 1 'gave omit• flet•hast••nin;tthetlie2url liast., {{roved n fortnight sin, -in the pnlilic perm that . 111111.1, A largo number of the finds the emnpaay went down -eat b,a',.d - ef temperate". were prll(nt. After When Chicago went ,tp• Hid you reef' .. u0d•.iga thendibba which '.110 pro- the pipers yon could flare reiewed your p , Hr. Vern ti t,11,;. 'whey in n company 11118. !vein'.. cpt.d- I.nlrgh tootle the Chiir, lila music waas ed. fuel been so leech in: As -it it yon ninthe last I.'isial Oita furnished feint Plasm and 31/ilrvle"eV, Lt are so moult mit." 11'1 tent dose who liens wi!lhema'Ito Par Miss llnpkims • f Exeter, who ids, slog loftow thin men's exatuple will lake te- wens excellent *nue. A c"uple erg- od 'ltataiug. 101aaoK(u,raea ales meet,. filed Lltree etre Rpe4un fay }hiss AteLeed se Cable and Telegraph and hat •,.t.,ws from Hlllsgr'leu An Novel Onrrfor Easy sat r • d ley Ile.. .1. Carrick, end DTID.ytrL peeve,.'.fnsign511t,I , a rarauLR tlrr biking a .Insigne add• '--K+ + by Bro. J. \I -«Gun• A dyspeptic nnen rea- d that h ecndin lime from moil pint own Ante' es were delivsKs1 1,r -Nr . W. It d•dler to a person in NewYork be (ieeretae'. / e' L+\kn !leanly, W,, Cera ick, .L•lan Grandy, R. would receive • cure for dyspepmie. On nit Ste, ,Lb,o%t th"nee lI,w.ea nail ilr.. Roy. S•mice were sling, meridian the money he wad sent • printed ander the wewe of Lake f'v Sinus M,1'.:eel, Vuileck, ale., tiro. slip with these words: •'iltep drinking flier island mud 1 blinder f i. V.11-sli• and bare in the glar,'*1L " The,w111 wee ins cwt .lav Lake f the i '(' a late 14.414q tom ,any perto'l, angry at first, then 1 eighe,l and finally bemuse, to Fort Garry, in. .4 sa ieird et spending a second ere- Mopped drinking and "hoed In the g.r- n'Me''' the :few Tsar, r ea`•ly and den." The result a as ie a Rh •rt time he af-Maniu•ba, lith poorer to + • Itch fines t,, .wypsEnt ma 'pru:ifahly. •Cu.rwas as 10.11 as ever. Them is more in Summer, and W selltw c1 -eathis nuts that would appear at fret len and Amerie/ifirlt•fw Stoat familiar Vaasa'.' sight. ' and he etherpsrpres. ---- __- Prwla a recent English Rl.eeivl apart 4 i.tcereerete a eueepatt)• A inyir, l ..o"":17, tid• run yorfre -- a earl.. ad "The Canalis■ Rail. it epimere that Marr n the neon. Impeller t--., fare and indolsanlFnt elect.w last C•.muany," with power a'lre.r1' * name, K'lllia'n ranking neat. w.c„k, .'r ,, , to an.Iho•r hie int"ntinn to and huv •ud sell an kwae 11f 11x1,' MI muhlren, half bias nn, f rote for on. of the nneceasfnl tenth.. 2ircu.,puu u's .,,.a,oaimniiyre, N•tl'I nn,, 0111 ' m -/To ine !IIf, 4,1)17 l it e, tr,5h, 4Atea, ea* silted h. lied h for ampppert- mtuhnmry tat aUthed. q. $7mThnmas, 'etr w5rn.mly 1,23,. mg ate to whom he lied prerientlr et - made 5'•''''"51 of ' adian% tweed the nn nnti'arhy, is it to .10 d all tilde of 'aril■q \ash+wRt 1,?J': .Ufn•.ls, and 1,170ICd- ,,,,int t!e nthera,l' tai.i Sia friend, "yon else se with' power to build "eel• In th, 1st, ere to putt smrh a maw in the ermndlr o , clevafore, work,, "Na, Ta," •t. t 11,. intending vet '; 1IIRL 1 tai- MN 4 the Hamilton "1Pa f'w too. to topmost hitlt'Jjt• say 1 ove...4f «man el .meenttaitkaln,l'•n the trate, dfoatr s efowdard. ()sm. vessel48party, hi10,1•e a Rebwnder, wad •join a It•i.na Minlsary, how ciao; _ kl..'treal TeleZtaph lora "14 M'siis'ry h. rrdlei n OOowibisrti.n eA tlawtd ato411. bepnJl t.ld ins chartcal e ih° its, souk n( the '.e a (.,10.1 lit 1 :t+t sit a u a w as a. airolee that the 16. 'p of Oafurd. it an ut •xu,e ding I heave the Boman lye Qipll,dt find, la said that when the hide p'rota tra4-1- ,II,t7,".,",:0,11,16.114 th. Lusa- laoa,aw a "mallet, at the Wanheefair Meth-. ling eastward* to Mb•n.l the chureA eon „maim;n•f ittwnyi 1 6a Llsd a alt "dib r 1 trees at Nirwieh, a led" %deem oppeo ire twee*, bialMr the scale """' "' ,djeitI {y kin winutuq it 2 dteringigrin;on the aLst' hntdwre, e5d In Chum* miler 'Itch cireeinstnnom, bet INO eingmmen inti etiTfy o rlTie graft le 01 41'.1 ,, ti ' „Tem e considered is relfgienR ('oeliti'nr f weep- I Amzbean &vine, qu'to •1111c.necn1 he other ! otarvi*es, prebend 14,4 alan ,slant do war to pshe lint it,'-ithat she was addressing him, "lin. K. 11, Perry, .4 \orwirh, N. Y„ has why, sirs" efio aall„d1 people call him 8 new ieeet pa'prq ha, jnet Iron Dattel with a 11111.1,1 105* nn•w, I dea S",pt• Samf Wel, madam," reoliald - utdn.,. 1 . _• :..._ ..__ :.bort. ewe hardly ti. diat(a'reirh.-d In.. lh• IIisA.p, "1 snpj•3aw it i. h•cauee iN l.*, always been ni • g„na deal el hen wlear, and always mauegee to enure est i are clean hands." .r .boron It ..( an }` ' la viewed file foes that the rel;+ of y ngli• i A }wtlrrt di t, *U.. h pada& NIP t'Mlltf ONO _04".• camas" of salt l'' le• 1. or al Ref tray 1, u, y 64,1. 1140 ort ttrm a a rem deem`. 11011wtw0wlrgia tiara, n i, prtgr.rrd fitrrru mot flit es hill% es •0nt 1 tl.•llars raw a lair dE11'ttiai wire his Sttd they nate Vs eaibst "litter sod n 5'M.o,,,,t toile d.t•o•! em •and, , "r itR' w ruun'ur PM 1400 day started 1n _ don that Q.ta•n Victoria was plead. 11. hoard It just as lie was retiring to rest, littered a Kr. On, and died instantly. rho unfertnnete bcwg's menu wad Edward Junes.-ilnatun Junntlf, 1 "titer huikliugs and sod required by tail5ey f. 1.0.•0.1 lis Ael re - The then ent, arab s re ay. one enaa fro -Ifni nye. -ice is an invertaut r. n1+Jy ,n venous forums "(disc's.•, and 14 of great 'mina in familia■ as a mean,. of keeping feel and fruits bush, nitri- tiuu', ant/healthful; hiuee every well te- d, family, owning led own homestead, or two or three 'neighboring families, would do well to make an arrangement for an abendant supply of this simmer 'entry, se it mar be dune at *emelt cast, by building an ins -house on the "riawns Plan." For one family" mak. n dente twelve feet each way, b y setting twelve poste in the tfrennd,thne on a side; board it op, eight feet bigh, en the in- I site, so that fit. weight of the ice shall 15 at pre the boards outward; dig mit - theater! inside, sit inches deep, and lay - dawn twelve iwehes r4 rwdn•t; peek the h ice in n pile nine feet each w*v, filling a the armee of eighteen inches between the ice and the boards with sawdust or tan bark, with the same thickness on top; s nuke an ofd -fashioned board roof, leas- " loll the space ebony the lee .pee for r ventilation, Have a smell entraues nn the north side of a hill, and a email stream of water intr.Mleced slowly through the roof, on a eery cold day, sn as to malts its way between the pieces 1i of ie., the whets mass . would freeze " solid; or a pile of anew amid thee , I t•' made into solid in, and would last from le one winter to wMther.-Juwranl ,, d ffe61lh.• - - - The Tenet Aid a en$nss bit of work li lately on a window in Detroit. A lobae- a•nist's Indian, 'tending just IR (mat' .f e th• window, 0,1 stmt two fewe frem it, e was so completely photographed .n the t berg. pane that scores of people stopped g, to look se the odd picture. w 73oesshcld P.teolpt3 1WRNS .1! ,, .le AL.. -- lake unedrschm of finely powdered alum and mix the - roughly with the white ,of twit eggs and onetes4p,.mful of fresh bird: 51.read on a cl.tly"old apply to the parts burnt. it gives admit instant relief fru,n pain. ,and by exclndi+:q the air prevents excrs sive udl8.amat•.ry action. The appli- rati.m should be changed et least °lice a day. Rasta' reunite. -We hart been in- formwl that,th, beat baking powder is matte of bi-earb.nate .f soda and pure cream of tarter. The above ,ina5tity r enough for .part ..f Monro m order to have it th.nnighly maid he('re addin4 anything else. Dissolve the aid* with w little boiling water, and add it the least thing. Lo' a Wtrx Form.--l.ieutenanti,rne}i in his voyage l• the (read Se* baud a huge pillar of Salt on the Rhnre. and tk. Arabs intents.' hi... that it was Lot's wife ; for ser part so are much inclined to doubt it, though we hew ro hesita- tion in Saying that the Last thing to c r' colds,eure lhreit; rheumatism, neuralgia, bowel e.,mplaints, d -c., is the "Canadian Pain Destroyer," to be had of all nodi - vine dealers for 25 cts per bottle. Try ono' 23 Ds. 8. JAO•Oas, OA :\ruext0, on Lea ae (""ten. -- 1lrtange Street, Nr- Jo/1N, N. IS , 1819. --.LIR } RI.I.o se's.-- "41, 1 1 am • i„mid to sward tho palm of merit to the preparatiu0 of Hyp,phoaphite, die .,ver - e d L, you. I had occasion to use it my- self In a ease a ApL.nia, which emild n ot yield to regular treatment, and am 1 heppy to say, it proved to he ell 0 thee yen claimed for it, laying acted w( h expedition and entire satisfaction. feel called upon to publish the feet, • that the piefeslnn may avail themes' yea a • remedy in your "Compound Syrup • ed Hypnph'wphites.: t' Yours, very truly, 23 S. JA(70niS, 25, Ti. Tss Hous. -"Of the great number of animals ,oder the control of man, Om orae ie unquestionably the most "err ice - hie ;"-but a it nut strange that se many who ern horses, and'whe are dependent .n their labor for a living, ehnuld n•- lect to gine them that care end attoation tech their own interest no les than the safety and comfort•of the horse demand,. he best medicine for horses is "Barley's 'ondition Powders end Arabian Heave Remedy ;" of this there ton he no doubt it is safe and *roily given. Hemem- sr the name, and toe that the signature f Ilnrd & Co. is on each peekege. North. op .2 Lyman, Newcastle, tint., pr,prie- re for Canada. Sold by all medicine eaten. 23 If non went to beep a dead man put ith "he piano to lee thrown in, a per - • clita•PSS AND 11171111 LIGHT 75•74 o•L • NEAPS 7111 144/1 11031u0trI.T. The newly diacovered ley • 11 ydrogen theorist gas whir+ at premed feriae the principle illuminator in cities and towns, and if rep ire speaks trne will prore • hotel.. healthier, cheaper and more re• I iel.le light than any yet otTeled to the contly discriverSial by Mr. Timis' de Mealy in France, and has ban. put to a very trying test in London, Englandosnii oith eminently satisfactory results. It immi in ,enmpany with the ordinary Palace, awl its ',aperients, WAS mew pal- pable and marked. The light was Ilene toady as well as purer pod brigtter. Tee gasoline.' lighted at the foot of the orchestra emitted a light se steady net Inelliant that persons neer a hundred ?RIAU distant could easily read the lee iks in their 1. esession. Beek" .4 fine print were ale, read at the 1011111e distance from the batmen. But the great merit of thin 110W light is its comparative insignificant' in onet of production. In Leridon, it emits only three Anilines 1.7 enc thin, sand cubic feet. Of comae it oreild not be afforded to customers at that price, but it could be inipplied at figures 41,401 below those now paid for gas. lf it ehall prove to be all that it now promises, it will create a revolution in the manner of ditelli figs an I streets. Burr C 'silicate, and their weak., on_Cinirt street e re tepidly approachang completion., mad Will Neill he ready for mic. The founda- tions for the fornact•is are already MIA- VaSeil, and tho coteracts for the retortn hay, been let. The masonry nf ono gasometer ie completed, and that of the eher is well tinder war. The Expreas says that owing to the frosty weather wog on the gumneters hea been tem- pforarilg onspentled, as the frost would he liable to injure the cement used in he nrick work. The iron bar the gas - meter. has arrived, and is being prepar- ed for USN. The campany Are pushing matters forward ne vigorensly es the sea- ms will permit, and we think that ninny mouths will not elapse ere we will be nalikid an CO I f$Kr at 111110411 0111 mutton upon ance.asfial rempletion mut operating of the work• of the Snffsdo Gey:Hyden- an • Irish Wearer se wort, aorested Mtn ni net well distal." Wi thns: •1 say Barney, Hit istitse of work a to Answer the Main , Harney ; story. Throe Inse rale* in 011r eocan• thrie, an4 hotpot very rich; *ad do you knew how!" "R.," raplical the doctor. tu "Then," said Barney, "it 1.1111 Jost hy ." minding his own Mennen " e •`f th*.etelentl'ittshorgli.. dm, elan Eaten' aen. Mr. PereX of Omni them in the fan I 6644, oho • elm* ey., a WIC an4 fen nit of false tooth, mad ow hardly a Mere than 800,0 06,000 of steel pone re manufactured in Sheffield, England, n nnally Over GOO tons id aheet Oda I made in thin city oath year, for this eremite Monte no* of the breeches on the 11 11111. Jens te the •ine ; we are the bran. heat. a derive all mar e and htppi moo Been Iftwe" "Yoe," met a hole fen„„ inns is thr vine; peon) nliTtoragolf I w at eta* Matins at arenas* War. THE MARICETE1 Cossior., Jew Kt, ICS. fly TelegrArk lo l -hit -71.;41. 0. Pm., per liardl idt N4stoess, pio, 110 SIP it Fork 4 IP if 10 By Tearigrapla to Me elgeebt Samitiam, tee. a, hot. 11 07 00 gal rot, S N 111 11 onvosst, roe. 11 1071. d-. rereieeepiee. qv ILL OPEN FOR INtiPELTION, ON SATURDAY NEXT, A LARGE AND " varied atieurtisout of Leslie"' lure ul the newest styles iu Mink, Ermine, Astrachan, Coney. &C In Gents' Furs, CAPS, COLLARS and GLOVES Of Fall and Winter Cloth Caps Which trill 140) sal at lose than city prices. Goderich, leth the 1871 HURONDFOUNDRY Grist &Flouring !dills, Haw Mills, Steam Engines, Boilers, Salt Pans, Thrashing Machines Stoves, Pioughs, Cultivators Straw Cutters and Brass Castings. I have *it 'en hand a good stock of Inman.' Wood Pleughs,Engines and Boils* 86trelen and Secend Hand, ishiel I will sell Cheap. Call and *asinine my meek. ' Goilerich, Jan. 811k, 1871. Money to Lend, If IN nerve. Where title gnoil " per cent free .4 charge, 74 awl 14 at moderate costs, interest payable annual- ly except at 7} wised% would lie Saati- A. LEFROY A o• p144,61.4.1. awl 144406 *rat 01110gs at est *Wawa, ill., sis Sloroboi in< 1411. day Shirk 06iderloa, San. MI. Strayed. , 15, 14th Con Ash, • leo irstellIP err, • Miro 4.1 The it Ono, wool names peal, AO 11414 JAn Stl.,1174. •Slt• URON FOUNDRY, Goderich, and "I get one of than A. 1. strew Cutters Ooderich Jan. 1272. 14,51, Auction Sale of Building Material. G. M. TRUENIA N Is instructed by lame Rattenbury Esq., to sell by Public Auction, on Friday, the 12th dar of Jan, 1872. s▪ • shon. Vionilat.11 n, and Tiosioot one I E h113 OF BALE CASH. N. 11. -The Material to be removed by the purchaser as sown ma piosible after the Olale. (loderich, 8411, 1871 me 195a 51a. R. RUNCIAIA • TO 1811.101C1 014 711 There lives Wide' trio. teeth woman ni nen, whe, having rem • cow tailed on the (I way, in all came of IA te her cattle, gosse how produced, she bil therefor, laying the "natiralierin 'theme other dey • yearling. ly In a belie and inn to the Suttee Mantel demanded payment fie the Mikes id which co, the three kimetiume, that was ating her o home." Mr. Fogg re s.y that it would IbB sin trace may oonnection • her deplorable loss an of the fence, thought with a peculiar ezp eye, gazed on rueg, its panel( tha Mall and shows your g. ly, and amyl's you'll La leatelees may de, and n ..1..nesailetr of 'he eve Were, an Old bechelor Evans, got off the fen,. pelt ife was introde. looting widow, 460 111111 Introduction was iu tl Evans, nrs. Evans spirited bachelor ,•T have been iu search of • years Table -talk haa W1 "rhea tia•ing been t, uvl DIARIESFOR year, thin candela.. hu FOCkET AND OFFICE DIARIES' IN ALL THE SIZES AT 110011110 USK'S. )(nee Stationery. Full *applies of all kinds of Wriiing Paptrs and Envelopes, no. be hand, snit selling, low BLANK BOOKS. AND QUALITY of BLANK BOOKS jUst opened and offered at lowed nine for cash AT 1100IiIIOLTSE'5. DAY BOOKS. C tear 1100101, KINUTS BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, MO.NEY Wel-LETS. PASS ROOK ft, at lowest pottoble pintation. AT MOORHOUSEI!. 1.1Torth Side of Market Square. Cloclerich, January dth, 1871. Tillitt.4.1""yr4.11,:7•Ipeition Aron 0111 he of ilte find e Fiefs WI, aeon 4- SELLING OFF' ! Tuesday the 9th Inst.. rETEn Ana 4144114, WILL HELL THE POLLOWINI i • EXTENSIVE SALE - or Vain Ai1.11 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PLATED WARE, BRACKETS STANDARD and other works. THERE will be offered/or "ale by pub • lic auctem at the KOH rooms 01 Haelehurst, Cribb,'" Block. on Haturda, Jan. 13, 1872 ▪ huge and valtiable lot elf Household effects of the tete J. B. Gordon, Bee., conniating in part a Wardrobe, Secretes", Sideboard, Sofa., Chain; Invalid and Camp Chain, Book Coes, Silver Ware, Mont Dish Covert. nativism, Cote, and* valnablecollectien of Chrome Lithographs rind Steel En gratings, Standard, Hiatorieal and Machette. and a large 1.4 of other article& too numerons to mem Tiiii Goods wit! he on view rei the day previous to the Sale; and as the Sale is positive, parties wishing to get int eta.. articles will 40 WPII avid' theineelves of this npportimity. Sale at to o'cleck a. s . Precisely. Trims- -CASH ft 11 1rt,EnCRST, Blankets tt Flannels, Ladies' Furs, At Half Price! 1,000* Cords of Wood. GEO. McKENZIE. Onderieh, Dee. 26, 1871. ft. alatIiry. 4,117•414"111:d. nova is within, Ilia it. net is, therl/ slay rt A 1,210/0N ARITII /1 a tree with hire 'lords three, how many would --four, years old the dire • shot would other tr o would Wilted A Virgiuia circuit pre following illustration • would remove ruminta heard from the lips of a who le as holding forth to upon the subject of ul. litanda .4 the Almighty: "Bratren," 113 said, way, "whetter. the gownl .-17' do in his blessed Look the Nino thin: 10ii If I see in it del I ler stone wall, tee gwine Going tree it 'longs to 1. it lenp to me.' Melting On the 28th Dec., b bride's father, Mr. Jona of the Town.hip of Moe Huron, Rev. Alfred lave Amends Dulmage,:in• Collette, Hamilton. At Goderich, on Satui William Churchill, Veber aged 33 yearv- Sid., Bork ai/4 Aferb114, /tweeter] Soffit., Fru tattoos. poi.. Rherirnolleto, Ws sleek rmo e▪ )tperl.nro In :t tt :•• ayt.: Godsend' Ihic 29 187' STROP OF IITPOP11 MA 1111. is the 11044. No an or▪ iginating from Pelle. of Ilse ffeirt and 4 Sold By Apoth