HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1872-1-5, Page 41 7 • 1 11111111.1111.1.110....141110.1 IT ie admitted that • well&tong pair of Sl,ectlultn u one ofthe groat blessings a'Iu • hick modern e.c. Y conferred apua th,w, mahog opt..l aid: "helms yalrnebaluetbytrteheauMeat ypr1reyrtwetY.Nah•ei 1d b and the (algae w►itllt Mat wanner of •denary gwa'Wm111a alprrtel,pa. i. •vonhrl: the l*A.t .o.tly aro th//.e •which are found W be I11. beet. Mr, F. Jurdau clavus to hale f'r to tl meat part sat Spectacle. aid 1 )roe in the world, fu: • the l.ltlhtat Puzlrt,<t•I f!liyyewr,.. taldss, manuU(til LAJGAiti's, illltIS A t•1, • wIllalidaints in their Arms U " t10 Stair:. haasparc, with Ar op, - the groom& •orura( G.0114, alba ate (elder MY ,alnted in the lorso '1 bee and finest dauu6ann,n[Bdvw, 81101116th crniwrr :11 I' Rr•l' fern halt ht 1.111 01,Nca1 ,,s,id the rile nEsrta ale enabled to },lh�rLitrAi' igu'm,`t and Eye-Glas- N Uerww •. 1' .r Y .by Gcnrnt.'o%Mss, I eaN tome newt' ilan"ati't. ar 110 rl fNf•. o ran WWI 1. tum 0.0 M►.wtrnf inmate Ogre ref eanuh" and told", o,.n•awM.t fire:dent about town just now. I1 eadoutge says ' that we do e1TTicP TRAT�r+ttm MAUI eiukt .(644.44 or in untie other wap of ofJ"iamefou'!A...fyne Liei- we Caauteefit our lender. any '. re- g Purao.i Prr,l lt,w Pula to be the lent •ntl-bdiwa ta.Jleiue to the cuuutry, w• are willing to do so. We 't-. hare had oI oot se red a chance to know Y•lll one. 20 • GREAT ENLARGEMENT! COMPLETE STOCK L 113()UGEII'r O W AND TO BE SOLD CHEAP D. FERGUSON, Me fart ew.bee t4 ealararsrut of J. Blum W two:. It. flews .••I..ly, alt her trimmed out M Fhe Ladies' Department 0!f DSUAL PLR11:I'T' JF 1 lyre safely and c•rri,teutly read.- 811112nler Drees Good.. wend Fell., s' Compound. Synip of Hypnpb.rphlte. in a variety of ossa, Summer Prints espocially for Cheat diermeea, having suc- cessfully prowlileil it in, Broilchltu, I Summer Hosiery Asthma, Debility front Liver C'•mpasat, Debility from Fever*, and Debility frvm impoverished 131..041. {AMINisat .0,j summer Boots and shoes, Practising I'Dte,o1a„ and lierV..0. 22 -, ND No END U u M Peleons suffering trtnaaul„OW NOW, or whose lr,lth legit ins •ay, rlrheraa lrreat1S, wini•tnls or th"e1' why study elus„ly, repel thud m Faller• t camp. . ,oJ Syrup.' H . ,.,.hrtra the rnatertel to thetata build Yt the tools to keep thein up net there. IP,a•retisc,les, 21 r ii,Y.1ons, ,utero i.. pr„►,bly, net way In shit.. & Other Knick Hnacks ATTENTTON. 3 PARTIAL LIST . of goods for sale at Parson's & Cos new Hardware !Wore opposite the Market House. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, CARPENTERS T2HJLS, SPADES, SHOVELS, SCYTHES, FORKS, RAKES, GRAIN CRADLES, MANILLA ROPE, HEMP AND R17BBER PACKiN.. LEATHER BELTING, allsiat, WHITE LEAD, all prices, BOILED -AND RAW (AL, BLACK OIL, MACHINERY OIL, Tl • RPENTINE, • Abd all kinds of I-ARr)AVArt IL' tor Sale Cheap, IT G. H. Parsons & Co Opposite the Market House, we . I,.sw6t'•r r...de s loon then by Jmne. -w.Iuie 4' t he in for g, -o' rel WS. At rua,mtu.. ilium, J yr,a /nwww or It u the Lowest Paces. adapted t" ria7",ha pnry„ re, Tit •'•"" ti d � 11 ,.Clef. Faultily MrdY •■ 1t•aw - " 1 ter c.0 lv, a..l•,a, ,b"oIu'gh, moromew tape ,[nnlweh, rltenmatlsm, CO spitting of bl`"xl•'`nd shlJung dith, uttles, r r it la1.•. paeitleit ere, we sew oriaeit uf. Th. p"']]refer, of piing condition madic,nr te home. .•Yw and sheep, west die,ured and admitted by noun! of the .t,^ie'idt•ral Societies through'wt the •t.'r eat Fail, .M w believe th in ever/ car but one decoded in Nom. •.( A).• ,,d, N'a C ry (colt .,R 0,nm jodar� e 21 After ••r. p••nlil•esa'titd intemper- ance -colds lead to tia t destruc- tion of human Iiia, tttai , because it in ranitlrrai by ass,W et w oalse- gnwn ce and hes ly'Messiiorly neglect - ted, until , cut*,wpbio disease, u converted into A fatal fllhlmonary one. E me troubled witi ishm, b called a slightzwld..re•al�yskod4 immediately .o uBr,an•s Belraeusc Web's-theyauAy irritat i, 1 at onto, and eaRt a bene- ficial bene - al tntheme0 ern all the Hnnuc'l ttLand puonary -_ Sdi by all Drug. phnsend elle Price- 2bet . per boa, 21 t1f :Ile chat. t:t.A DJ Or End HURT CC'aEp.- We.tp„ ft, Di,hy Coaly, April 4. 1870c -� w 1. Fellows, Esq. -Dear Bir: 1 \sat\ been for many years • victim to llstrt Disease ripe Prostration of the system 0 -....rail,, Haring tried physi- Mans of eminence. both in Europe and Aolenu, mil obtaining so relief, I was at last Indnr.,.d M try your invaluable Syrup, sad sin h.poy to say, with the b. st .results. Oe using the first bottle t my c;m:•Hint was better, and before the fourth airs fiuilied, I was complete- ly cured. 21 School Teacher Wanted. rt)1►lJt TIAc!M Finer 0R • K *E(V,ND slug, ,heat,,., •,... l'1 4, Io No 7 la tr.. rowu 1'j.pr el 244, renally Tv .roiss•te en the "ret N luwq 2N; r c ,,kose Dat To SDA!: • DEMI l dal .4041 AT(")'FICIE , REr 1131er,ignel will Sell at his Anction Mart, in the Toen n( G•rl- 10tin Tura,'"2. at lis 18th day cat Jwonary "f "'le amlaml: in aockron Mortgro��'d9erm powere by the Tate Jame. Hunter, U,t• Nos. 1I amt 12, 2nd range Strath of the Durham ro*.l Kiilh,ar, also Lot. Nem. 11, 41, 42 .41)1441 tJielhe r•e.lint ConeessiKincardine,ow ll Snin nth 1112. te; urhaa l a Cmnrty of Bruce and also Int No, M neat silo hal Qinen Street in the Villge of Kincardine All the aforesaid pro- 1'eTty II well situated. The land •z cellent. on 1.41 11, 41, 42 and 43 there is a cni,ideRhlo amount of (9oaran7e. Teruo cash down Duerr utyl.r th. Power of sale 1,1 rho M,.rtQQaa��aa.. .1,„. .n 18th, 131471.. HAZI.EHGRST Aucl i or,.. 1471. 3t. NOTICE TO CRLDITORS. in the ,natter of the E"tate of Erecter- - irk lineklan,l i lila, late of the Town of (b.t•(it$, in the County of Huron, g,m11rn1Ao, dccte.dd. 'Fit creditor', of Frederick Reekl ,d irh, ,tenthe et'C', Int. '.f the Tuww ref (bnler- Nl mnty „f Hrtron, deceased, ion, .1.0.11 on or about utththe 21. 2I.t rdaamh"effenNohomlha'trh Adel') .4 i.f7119ryAon D. 1872, to it car send 1n by pont pre f.id 1n yawl. le'mk Walker, of the Town of Gndenkb, in tie C'mt. of H1010. Solicitor for ter Wood - nick F. oma Afesander Tholes' .4 the m '"- •'PWuirs, the Executers of thInd will and tenement of the .alfa late Fred- erick RTr4IAmI meet,. their Christian Rod 8un,,0,•, a,l'Ir,o and Aeaorhptiona, t loll p,rtic„1an .d their ,fauna, • etntem„cat of th•ir ',mounts and the Mk titre 0( the sr•cnrithn (*1 any) hell byy there: or in default thereof, *hemi' F.x- f'(ito, will diatrihute the assets the said tienann am thereto ,{ w ^s'gsa the lrrttaen have who,. sayentitled )1 thclaims they taut' then faiE • ^7ennlhtnr holding anyseverity((*5y is P"mhhieee,,the seine before me at my of- tntn 1 M""'"w'"'t O'n/4rseh. m, •f Tirol �` " 4 January, A. D. 1872. time . ,..r Tit in th0 („e„n .on being the claimed' mtea for 4Vudi0•twn oo the, • I'•'1' d wt (loderr.h, this 8th day of Dee cenlhey, A. D, 11171. Rhn,tP,nr M.*WALKE.R, O„dm16, bee. said lt5[eeMnt'fl 9M, 1871. rel. $Ta(7►B etc ty Pig. 9n the cram,.M +N14Tks.r ••• Iar wet wend Nona lila"'",, "....T.1...4.,:76.lV. h n ' r -' nA, C fates.. eV nV. lunalw, IOn- li.b:iI ondorte,re "",tn,nlvO Is VJLIdu W10tt IIANDSORMT W EEDE, STYLISH CLdTUING, FASHIONABLE HATS& CAPS SERVICEABLE Boots & Shoe. USEFUL • And 'lithe oMa9 necessaries of a loom - vireo mottle. Gents wishing o 10Yo money vill41en D. Ir., 0,0011 before bur - IN 'J'tIE . Grocery Department, The same Fla ulortnlent as usual of al' 14'1414 .4 7. 1412111 1111ati$11a Inesiotion Invited. Goderidt ear, 187/. Skil* &Cale of lianas. Coo.N of II., 1'n wi Peel.. for • . yneei. li„ Laude and 7, It f C., seised an 11.1, rooted„rhn ▪ M rlah 1. 1 . hip 0/11..`. Wert her u.weer r.r ,.r ., therm., n .4. day of Jan,.• clod, a Qt • ,r, wolnfven•hti,w 1:.t."„• Mr fart awl Foot out of Nor Mtdeet Court M caw .11or1 , aa,ln., l4 of lhvid mnri,.m, •t th. n Will of '4*0u,1 boo vane" all the rla"t.tlt` sad • . dens dile o/ the ho. ssntbers ere,., .cattd h.7.ee.W, N the Tote,. Ail. en( neon....rot...tong Tnont Iwo hoodoo' Arms Land. amt Teownee,, 1 .hall Omr , ilk Conn Rua In In oil Thon01 0, hour lite euv1ath 1071, at, be lour u/ ,our of the N MACIN)NALD, serum., at n, r�etiff a Huron. I . r} .rN1. E SHELIII� HALE 2)1'• LANDS. CTOCN rY' .0N, Ir ny „rWo nr'44 Plane. To 01 wr t car 2',"' Iola., u Con •a . M ,h', . wy foyer, ., ter Ibunh of I „, care';Itrected awaked w John Utak. M,'�r Kf.L.u.11 unnnd r' i 1„�:� 4 011ert122%1 s,:11 n, allIl •I wilt,canesail ar,2* 0nA oat. ml ,rrt,,..\n Tal. tenet cal la„ r „In Is 11 1114 1•m.l car In the To* g •n 1 Ii, , w•k. 'moth, th, cal the C, „n1y or Hymn .f, nil ynr. I. .n_ ,..nl.me.l 01 fart 'rf 4n Prnren, In the Prot ro441Te.hui .1 the row.err., omit. or„n-„cal, and be. 1w In 11' e , r H*, I, 44441,) *1441 nur77 15 /wlwr known ' •• fill"r, , n rm.lnq e' t rp.. ant t',• +.,n,, reastmI7•no Caw.flat l' anion .,cal. nig*tt eeww of .r ••&4 w o .. r'ht 191.11, more seat•.. w el. e. �.rn '-el Ar, from Iha rn, gut ,o„ . I. Iy the travelled Ilare.r 14w •Powe.., for llom: between 1..1• btu.., ,4 Iter to h Pi , C,mreggr car 'tett mite car .M totetedy 44* of .d .*1 or • . r4e. tI, .tee north Amrteen de- E,'::',7:,`1:..,hunit,,4 eighty I4u4.t more,, Iy 1 !motel Ile ,A Pr nt d.. them, wn7 dee neo ea0 dols ,he y.d eWr M Iha . Te.n three chop. and mea Ihrkr, Ilan. f..1*eeu. fere.. 9n61 t5elre Orn. aeA. Plebe more or l.,. In,h- monaer- ty a ,4 o(. I Tied Heron rowel, tbsnr, north e•?1l.l + *ret there rhauu le - eight h,4., - 'w Iter I„ awl mnJ 1..nn,'• A race d Il twenty r erne, Ilene I front twenty ryd(W!'or l pa, try fell fun, Imm the avid ry.r p ,4 s.nlh-•leen,' emmrr N Me m...0,0 .4 b ;amnions raid Inv*.led Huron name r t ,n r) Oat rn ,l,Yhr, whrk land* and 111,.. ,. n. C' , 1!, .4!, rife, r^ 1• at m) ,dere r„ T . n Il.,lreteb. m Tuve. 11yt F, rwelee.,r's RIB N MM'Dl1NALD, s en sc. ori Sheriff of Huron. tA.lorMb. NJ.. !0111, 1171 8lie of Loads. Count dlfnr"n, i By virtue of * i Facia. *4 out o1 tier Majesty's C ,ur- of tin..'. tench, and to me directed _. J* and tenement. of Mal - %gauge to uulnl ('al 1, at the Bait of Elisabeth Lelwl.y, re spited gild taken int„ 'aerate, the right, title, and inter- est and of tn n einlherri seventeen d•nf' in the eleee)ltleet•rwiouof the Township of 17sborn, Y the Coon.; of Hnron. Whi. h I,, and tenements 1 ahell offer fur sal, as me oft .e, in the Court HonRp, n the Town Lf G..derich, on Third fin Aeroflot day of April, 1872, at the Imp of Twelve of t cluck, noun, JOI1N M,LCD INALD, sherd! of Huron. Sheri,. epee, Oodenrh, 2L,Daa,nbee, 1871, DOWINIO N 11 'I�ORAPH' iNS1'ITUT Si ill/ St. East Tentage canary 4itn*e in Ontario, in whch Tek,,n l,y made a speciality. Send for 1'in,l"r. Address J. i.. TROY, Taeente. C10DERICH 2A. 18:1. 24 The Huron Favorite. NEW LABOR-SAVING osvaDr. NY0STF:I4 ANH I'.OTENTEI, by ALEJ. TICu Iwrsa, Ire. l 0 !, 1-p. A, =i` ICI Co IT7 �a W sW'n i,74'* kleC'l, lh«r A..w .f Hvo • A NEW CHI3RN •. W Ida nen lartat6,e emu fur 44\011 he ase M meed Patna,for the Don. I.-11 or Canada. when ureedy htn.lu,-M, the ` n h,a,r• 1... tu0md,red It CILLI n«*t ly •wf4 7.f lb owe. "THE ,HURON FAVORITE' alt readily a'►aowlwlae that for 0%110 or rime AIYD 1.41410 nIRE11.:TH AND cal- lt.11tlLITT (N' l,.\N HECTlON, 'SIMPLICITY orullRCru, bl'h'RD AM/ /Elf /HLYENC T �ncd I.aw r'rioolr tt 0 enew,•rl.r N. B.-Tbe paddle t04 wart* r lbs aim caste mth. �e ,..• ling W the dept►o 1:.. uu, or gauger to • .4 a«, t11 - THE CHI -RN ^an to aria It the .Aire of Ur n P..rn.,n n, ,.114.6 AL G,derkb. aunt) ..r T...n.h,i. rl.ht...,r0rnl,.n 1,1...11.111.. per lurOwr cert„ 040 Altai. parte.. _ .11; u W 17 a 1111 Cos. Owh..0 rp urby utter W tioderK0 0.0. D, .0 - ALEX. TiCHBORNE. PATRONIZE HOME MANUFACTURE Cud•ltel T-1 714, Jul,, 4.71- ...•a 01 Guelph Sewing Machine Co THE OSIIOR.i\E SEWING MACHINE. he tip 4 4•.24, �$ • 6, V air KING OF AMERICAN RI.WFNf WA.'111Ny-.., LOCK -STITCH SEWING MACHINE ThM'aA\Irl IIIO"I' 11Ot'T ('A NA o.( ARE Row rem1( I4,,.. MA.tlt,in Ther have It.,, .,Int lqoyon.i lninenti044 ole /4 /mood. 41k. .titch oldie es 40(4, .tan Ru I ate pt.w'u ., ,-4 • - !menus Ulan, other na.hm• oT tat the public. For wide range of .or►, ,.rf.1„r. beult7 girt ea,.'l fence of m.e4arn, adeptelenny. strength au duebinat. The Osborne Sewing' Machinehas no rival. lib Lure', to NA.. been nada es- ',bonyPLC* I. 1:111.4 of Powing M.1 ,,.,� wrlll do 11 kin1. „Ybrwetue mew/ 1 mbrh to the t over -coat or upper' Iwthm, combo* w**RA%Tun To. :.e ■aIIIPTIwTt6, OR cab .,LL .*.R,,T•ff.lh ,R• Tea rM.,.1.. Or-rrtr I, n'mp:etc and readily '•ow, pretty tubed la w J at nlw4lf the pd,e hnlwn., charged for m., 1 Ie , 4.40, • the nye of so.. De mrnetunr. l..n•determ,.M In p It wl•4'n the nock of ...re two. b the a•ntn .( n,.,. Rer,•Rt P4' 22,22. RIII "roar Iate all the oar ma-hlne me tlasenalIML The Guelph Reversible offered emineutn we t wig► Throw, obaetttn, willtat l.lbIlr 4,.,,e 114 merteil•,ua etre^.,. de a0 van, t,a of .1 nth' sewing. PRI, n 1.7*10I 1.11„.6 1I sec I M..hl1ao•, with inn 00 111, $1: rn*dl•do., 117. tr Ewe.►.Madu• (Mnetwd. rr Aorele w*trn, MPwt. Rn,nm, 14n1.•twalre Tn NARK anwtr -Arne ,o GUELPH SEWINti MACHINE CO., GZELPH CANADA. A l 4Aam Rol Agent Oahrl.h, w nllam J tekwm, Claim : W. N Watson, Rafnrth. ' nth *rete 1.71 w' PULMONARY BALSAM W - 2 02 kr. N 4 „•a0 web maenr otenen ev TNr weH) 1reereT R.TSCIAN• w new INo0ANQ roe ' Tel LAST 44TSARS. • NOTHING SETTER, CUTtEE SNOB. i CO, so•T ails .n1d Mw urn tete 0. (.3 ow W •a F et O FOP COUCMS COLDS e1 ' er 11,•.#leo A Mar,,.ro. • Ce., IIAr„.ro, Am - toot Notice of Dissolution of Partrarshlp, N1)12('7 le hrrwhy Ater., that the partnership LIr1T .•,. 11. • r.•,wnn Al,olott 0 knelt Fro bnt4 et a tmae. of rn•dm.w h the To.,. by of Nat ter the Arm 4 A. • '0I:a Oh s MID ss, ,o. 61111 ts.iww esu he M tl s bet 4a r nrcmeher 1171. fry m Ind ,.*0..229 AR 1Ws Jy _ sl �tltrR r a f.sfrstr ., tlta! ,M P.,,4, 4, 44.., ,fin. P, pe►She 11 .I .,.,,ors 1A71, and all loth, bald plat. ,.hip ere u 4 pytaessed N him rry mint. W,.eawrl N • J. MR L4 / AM'I,nM IR ED D. 1122, 1171, 1 R•1♦CI TRIaU.St HOTICR, TO DLETORB. Th. Rath and notes of the estate n1 s John Harrisinsolvent, are left wit) 0 0• I`'1(JI: Mr Charge MsKer"ie tnr enU.etion by ren IM �ow nim roes Aw,{,sit1 - "` .0, F. FINN' AY ovegowtele Hamilton, 26th Sept., DNB. Arig,t�•., Ofd.R', lt)1. N. .,.#..:...-. rlalas of 0•liar A u tjR f w • ..leave / .N( Pee New Butcher Shop Opposite Henry Martinis ,BTEI, HAMILTON ST. T1,r: ..brut cr ha.ph•.an In Ithe etlna that4 capop.r.l•11,.41,,.rahop the addle. AM Ire repel 0. prerw, ed 4,.ut,11, W..i.04 .t *wall' attne40lI Laver Inas 41,04 elsowb.r. la town. tom lily, ...oily rd/ rt. Otdro .11d 11, all tot t• of W. d w, Lima sCiltrwo, ROBERT MI'LEAN GoJrlek lOreh Tth. 10/. 07 -- Stoves ! Stoves ! Era Tgofo44* AND Cornrvrl1a PIP g CIIIT•(N Pciar,, LLLD Pleas, h,:, 1'L.A 1N A1* 1) FAN IJY T I P►T OfiT W. X Mu, COAL OZL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL s�`Ceel Oil Lem1Rt Old Iter Cotpt, wood p • . M. lieu rn ear►ei-_ 1 • J . aTU11. 4 Pa' I .rk.ags, sad Sheep (•fr Sign of the lwrlre Coat Oil Birrel (lodwicb, Aug 1SI-1,x70 awl Extensive NM PREMISES CI-, N, I)AY'IS IRIS DAY REMOVED TO His (1Q 1MODFOUS NEW BRICK BUILDING (NEARLY OPPOSITE I' JUttl).LN'S DRUG STORE) Convenient to the Market. His stock of stoves &C.. IS LARGE AND COMPLETE ARTIP• 1N w•(',y cat' ' '.YT11INII ,,, 1... Ill, .ml 0*!l ",.ley by tang hu 441•.4 lerwre par, 141 1 4 1., • 10 re ALL KiNDS OF 108 WORK WILL tt DONE THE SAME AS USUAL. God. !, h, 1st July. Or- y7. // W. HICH,� demote. Di rata \A1t0HITEOT IArhw ees,,, \e� tloderloa lv�'I`10E, 1M) TB1 t1LTil•AYENS. THE ,ID tV Id wwterl, 4 ere to Ivy op at m0e In req ea A. MACKAY, Collector. (h,d•Aeb, Des- tit 1.111 1N O'I'-I C.1� II.swhe,i rA«0sb)y tlthePreetnleeor gt"4•r4Nth eet rte Mt L«e.uIngefe.lon for to w t to r), len andl ameba the act of the Rrhatothtulthe late Province of Cant- da,ncrrtwomFel the hunt limed,,ted flume ladway 'n'pan). "'Joy u et to In, of poral,. Company for the o4 etnwlon tf n I".d•a►yy fn.m the town o4 :Srnu ford le the 'Mary of Pail t.o.. teen of Southampton 10 lu the county of Nn.., or town, other print es like /taros. Doled at Perth Ude Mod day of NoTents of trm b. I U. 1ford 611. It Nt) TIC L. ' 7►T(ITII'F, is hereby given that applies - II tion will he made to the Legislature .'f th. 1'rnrince of Ontario, .t the nest Session thereof at Toronto, for anthority 1„ divert the comm. of the "River Anx Seldom " in the Township of Roaanquet, for the pnrpose of draining certain fends in the Township'of Bowimpiet, Mali] lil•ray and Stephen, in theroid Province. Toronto, lltb JWnp 1571. t21tf N O TI O E. /rstry. ARy11PR1O1RI,HAYING torered (Mtn his recent severe ill- ness, will M found at his office West St. each day from 10 a, en, to 4, {{ m , or 11 11,44 Itnnm, N... 20 British Exchange Hotel 1�Tt)rrICJI: IR 1111:11,11:1'0,041:1:1/011i00 t,1PLICATIo, w/a s. et /iss aefl,m et IM yeAuu I,w 14400th g. H A«( fo ase*A the 0.4l,re.rlr.ealar the 1010100, Ony and ""'"::M n.. rl•1110 Cw„ ay_'�T•1 4cr :::'0"117.1111."1111111"); swMlryq. fel•, "". 01w0 ns. •.eat 0(14 Tb. NM11�„ lh•I p, ,. O. nl'TRtNL.t*D ?AVON I,alr l N T.wmON lAt• 1 _ are Mnfy ✓ 4.6 R. B. EMI TH • NOTICE of COPARTNERSIIiP, I FARM FOS BALE. HAVE M 1 or 10, Oh Cm, und,r41, Tnauhl • no err.. cat Y ken talo' rinrrobiP In the Ai laud 7Y atm rla,l g••.1 Ur,II,II.R, IY •eras If anlw•w• Nl.arnw., bk. U.wae Pew \.'bl ut Yell wheal, 61 wile. tn. u,., 7bru wiu.l•nrb, I�EQITESTS THE ATTENTION OF FRIENDS, Cl18TOMER� AND .71113. U w4nc►. TM h,.,. wnl rYnt Lr Aryl u. M. ruuEWAA vJanh, u es t4 pu lie generally to hu large --.ltd carefully selected stock ofo , Maud wear%. w lf6.1 lea under l4.,tle et *1040 Ueelmer h Uwma Io U.0 chap n l4 Nerlel 1gwn- 14 Wes scan of W, re io the arm *11.4.1*. du* ped et cure, a answer a CL.. uuw W Uwkn,•k, Der:, Itth, 1b71 11 FALL AND WINTER GOOD t�'rAl'LL FANCY DRY OoO1s04. • 1�Ii111nery, ., Furas, Clothing-, "late and Caps, I;Oote and Shoos, Groceries, COMPLETE IN. EVERY DEPARTMENT. Call and compare gexo1s and prices, and see that the • he- p©Ilst S'pot :iu Town R. B. SMITH'S. (7,..lrrirh, No. 3rd, 1871. •IJI 41.4 ■ Vn,nz4 r I -otter A. FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, Ie1. the eon plea. will d.• the gpatet variety worn 0 !0 .'u,ly ,YYg.I, Iota lteh. w get out "( order, and rnus bolder.'Lie any ,ntwr xhutt...u.g Ale. Ion.. Caen.. • h.Amer t4reul oda a herr N.ed., than ay .three u,.,, ,40, tweed on the root neht An«e4•ua operator wt.. he /o„nd at our wan caws•, r b..• III be WWI to..•.hit Moult.. and 4l.t'Isess of with, at W retstr. orders Iruo, the Latboa for all awt•uf FAONY STITCHING, EMBROIDERY, n mala • .'k. A11 Markus. recruited N. R. -AR aorta of *.. w blorepshone.d oe shonewake. Thread* sad .*.saltie fur Machias 4p gni on 4W, R. M. WANZER & COs, PI' Show -Room nest dour to the "'Sigred Office. Gotland., Aus. 72,14. 1371 - II I;KOV FOUNDRY 1 1 1 1 1 cD CDC cra cid FOR- SALE Portable Boiler, 16 Horse Power, Tubular Boiler, 25 1' 66 Tubular Boiler16 Steam Engine, 14 Second hand Separator & Horse Power, New Separator & Horse Power, 1, at CP O Q+ CD01 r •e 0 t:7 AGOODSTOCK OFIRON&WOODEN PLOUGHS WITH STEEL AND CAST BOARDS. Straw Cutters, Agricultural Furnaces, Cultivators, Gang Ploughs &c., &c., ENG'NES, BOILERS & SALT PANS, matt. and .11 kinds of Mill 1t'„rl and Repairing done with neatn.'"s and despatch R. Runciman, HURON FOUNDARY, CODERICH. Glxlerich, 14th Sept. 1871 awfrtf GODERICH WOOLEN FACTORY. �r:Al�)l)lY 11!471. T110 8I'R 470(44.RR,' 01111.1, RETURNINOITHA NEI TOR PA RT,l'A'ROA A,,y, 1.1',, *1,120,0.,,Ian.R(0.p1a winter,toy ten Added largely to their Manufacturing Machines. And all having 6er4e:dimly refilled, Are new Prepared to'Izecute Orders In T.,M•. Poll cloth, Sennet,., r4nn,l., willowy, Blankest, Hone Come, RM,ehltlg Term, e• . ar WITH GREATER DESPATCH, OF MORE DURABILITY, and Neater In Pattern Than Formerly. They .0.111 also nail artl•.ls attention 1* CUBTOI SPINNING, KOLL CARDING. CLOTH DRESSING &e. Por .hl.0 their meehln.ry le operbl ly • li ptM. Part. mooing from a 'Moan,., with wool W gal carded by laving t4t sane with Mr D. P.nown.,M.,rchant44.lerleh,ru, res m, getting throe rode) home w.lh them the ..m , (Ay . Pbr• .rhln, W .o..hu„t. their wool (dr gown •11 bad R w their 111nart W �too.IIe•. • call. pn the tJsl.. 11 1'rira Low, f n1.time work JOHN INGLIS SON, CARDS BILI;HEAD Plain and Fandy, Printed at City Rate, • 1111uohl fur Mme- Jury Lists, Voters' Lists, Notice of Appointment, Oath of Qualification, Convictions, Pathmasters' LISTS de., AT THE HURON SIU.N.AL OFFICii H9 GARDIHER & CO. Carpenters Wanted ! Tu NUT Ta► I4IU4OI$TUCa (,F Na1131.710018 and other MAT. RUAL& Which we bats just received, Paint:Ts IV -anted, I• alar nut the sego a••orsn.ul „/ l'.,t. 1)11. Paden, Uo.. •ud 1uy.Al1 „t the Fant Uuam7. Blacksniths Wanted, TO ..lo, thrlr " Ilene N.tl., Ines are mwl.lu`which •,yen. Wwu l4. cry Lam redo•, Coopers Wanted, Tu suit ....loons era qtr., rariyt) of the Tont /then trade, Lame Wanted I ToTuitp ua~ WWI l"rhe 91,,2 of ❑,r nue Mfef 3'Zojse oD Lar AA- Ilarwaaro of ill kinds, in amen variety. V. B. eA"ofd at ate Pery Low. H• GAMMA* Co -'s, • nkat ague•, 0c .ric1. oedema. $0. M GODER%TO EUROPE . ' TW' A WEEK. 1871 1871 The Spodid In line T:II: QUICKESTINO SAFEST STEAMERS T11r Mt' RV l Br 1108110 Lora APPOINTED A,eul fu. . • INMANJEE OF STEAMERS �,�ssd to moot tich.te PROM GOMIeH to LIVERPOOL, (dCEERwr. (i4r4,.., W Olt 14ly(I.,, DEMO' Ta N.. Pe et 124.' rnu,..,.g low taw ;- GMal nig y,dd Waits lea •• irfUla , ..f, (,),,,.Halms, •nrito aen.r[oa. 701 ,.d,1 Rtww ��C*Ma Tlr4 ♦ Round Trip bowl at re awNr filer, dC '740270(24.0. CITY (N BE, T ' • • . New Tort Aape1 1 CITY OP.way Weil • •` , CRY O0 Nat inn - " to (ITT Or at•14. " 11 17017.m " 17 CITY OF 10'0 LY IT OI At+ CITY O/ an. CIT OP Lino •11rr sand.. NM lb fl ss /1 n •,•ge .t▪ f,Ily ur(hoes. ss tr'nn . 4,.o Lythe Hid.. 0...5+101 • . o lino, Ire de e the fewest ta% edoeh on •Pori the wren mmtfocUblvr iia11 ' t•I , W a -Taws* I0m, tete y."l from the Or.isuL Brie. art 1 t a• 1 0,1. Qom.. ren., Meow..' t1 , vs -.1 .era rue tenter fella.. -apt '''"I. w' 20(n111:12,, 4•..2 (14 . Wahine on*. 0.41,4 4. J•,4.1171. East stem MONTREALOCEAN sTEAIISHIP COMPANY. 1.*' 1 R r 114.117 a s n. 1.. o. I � e. r rya,, i f ntwhr deer) C . ul•Y.. y tn..l,... „«m.h,pco'r.e1T,Y IT , 1111114 A moo, toad. front Radom) (leder/444g 15,1 •70 193(1 The Excelsior'tirooery & Sit YAT Ayr,:".EAT P1.2ARCRR IN ANNOCMCINO 1 lu uw.,,lko 0l lka.4,e•w Nd.•o0try', Nal tat) I,a'el.uN.wa-lt the 14,7,044,", Mr A. 4244110.0 n ll,..t.reor9•ary nnA u•,w (riO.I In eon In on theD we, ea"l,L TI,,, l.,ees 4.4 A (kOOD STOOK 4)17• C it(lULIiIV:P3 CON8IITIHp,0, TEAS CUIFAIi 1UL1('1" ES. sJGA1, SYRCP, MOLASSES,' RA ISIN8, CI RUNTS, RICE, 81'ICE4, CRuCKERY AND GLASbWARE. OON aISTING OF, ('JUNIIRrr9, TOILET SETTS. `.TONE " COMMON n figlifinaiD111111O And by the Wise. moor, Feed,( Int menl,('nrnmeal, Duek- whnikafkllr,and 1•r"4laionsgenerally, *I- vey. es hand. GOOD AS THE BEST, 'A1 n CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST ,•OR t:ABH OR PRODUCE. Upposlte the Merkel, and Witt d Tnrdan'/ Drug fetors. paa,,,d ata Nit. 1171. on- Notice ri Notice to l)ebtorla Ajt, r*RT1E1 INnNterAp TIT INT, M - 100r .111 .h ale le) al41541 Oma, tttbA[LAM SMITH. cieAnsl, 11400U tU.t,e4,nwwww.,.O.ImmN•- oJy • Oudrneh, (2.,. lath. 1071. 11.41W cos. _ e0t Choice Lands s forSalim 90Hr4 erntroern or item -ice --- AIM )61111u4 lien..:. u., ( ' � '.•Wena set newt Ya, .era.. 1 he le laud. 0wt','S with good m pu sod IMe. h. A ,etwrit 44 44, peered lb lima • •'l ...0y , Ire 4 .1,1 W g.1 , 44.44 Jr••G u the lausu •n .rely d) site Ieoa, t'o„wi. uA ball new red atem .,,lane\ 1u. bent, ,a Iter MIAMI. the •�• a, 7prut 'p. atMr4 MIAMI. AIW(Y YLY .wur,awt amid p, JAS. ADDISON, W.duicb, Dec. lath, 1671. Gsdulleh. m. FOR SALE. House and Lot - LIN t'A WRIt1A It. ,AL. • Neat IIRI, 00C077ASE l aro Wt. Teruo r.••,*all, Aptly 4. 400.4. fi Joh 1111.a 0. PYOUHPOOW FARM FOR SALA Lor 10,CUN, 18,0 n ,,1eR,R.- 1J Were, pew, 1 tee Aoass YO elwar d, „ hon... 'hmq reale with• ,p,.1u,u. e9. ,i•1.1 •I •4,. lope awl .hat ••rommud tlm, I.,o,. I rant Bard Well twittered by two emelt. renveg tht-a. lath. rera,ard pee1..l). t toil,, ,,retel, w,.6 utiles es (1W cache l'., particulars .p)'ly oo the prrmffry to aader.lau.1, or W 11r, D r.r,u•uegruer Ood•Ile►. Angina 16. 1079 C *TEwAET. w30 For Bale. A1101'14K A.0 'i ACRS LOT, WPM • Tug or.WN Apt It to Gallatin► War lath 1,71. a. BINGHAM sen -m. TOrWN LOTS. 1,VlR BALE 40 RUu.U1'o uiTB (warmeau w,h wHl.euu.4,d oeu a, fn. t4 W Y 6Hauul. Itoul T , rsosoaable. Mesh a RUE11E7 %VII •" r, y, o,pnant•- 0.4a11•h 17t► July, left. ♦ 1Y A or .,4417 FARM FOR SALE A PlIVAT.CLA se 0ARM. allyl'ATE)/OW- RAT adjoining the ilt'.rpor1. a.. tirm the Iiia a God. out 1st nq 154 a. no ale LIRA ,,ran4.864 WLlia.s 1'I24eaA there en ,leu thee. Y wensees \ de enob .ppleee,) lent tires, ul4r,•g, krmrr61ltr._., ,..tend. Th. l,uddhuyy are and efts Mid e ')'I-aml 4Rrbub•boubbb.ua aN eats Y u • •,,Molly ay p a .�1a����e• is •• 4 M wet wiU"11.111 t.L 1144 R. w121w)N esthe uA%INNTMOTM - ew4•rleh 1710 July, 1471, WSW JJ,ANDS for SALE AT BAYIGIELD. (rrw NOV.O. 710 T1 Wlrnpl.n.•.N0 r anbrO L Township of t. ,Ire. 11.(11.441.104 It. .red ell tYat�bw. �'Diehl r,f fowl. wuiyawkwsl trtlea of on "1 kWr Th nm., nt.cad,a ,..••1 ...erredr"ilh the toot or tree -444,,,4 pie better •p'+dll (north.. ,•are.. t ra,l fro6e1 of two .o,lr ithe .41 eeetCeM 'etkb .,. �n,1�•t •,toetr,l la en .N A L.M( la, 1.., o1, 140.1n. ;hodco ua.or 1111 arm a,IIAedes er i.eh h p,r: tome gumsetr of Orr l .. ' tat cru tae 101 run. 1, y. Elver Mayfield aver. • ra • .lelt,k ter her ell. b Colt he Lade '. ?t.We hl.g ,...44.44,.1•,'n t.t{1. rpose '•Il• 41) apply W. JAMI:e U' AL` LEN or la 0 CON NOR. PGwbL Guelph, Aug.I6th l 70 y w30 Choice Farm for Sale L'AY7IunH.uronnx.r T•:olelpotGodeA.h good teed, •l Iin,lwr wdhtn Y 4 n, . „I,'Ihalea•ea I f ..r(o4 ',,4 A rever-f ,4 Y're.1 rum through tIs peon .• Tenn, 1.,1. r*i A1'1toilette/ • ) gleWr,hw,ah► We Y, flLbott, It r.atr..r41'. o . 0.4717, 17174.( Tltalt* Aortal 1.t 11/1.Umferieb r 0. •ra7Js• FARM FoR SALE. ri1.O E1lire r* . ldHH-H T IDS 1ltm"wTR201r 44 wile. ,nen 41.1....e It 1 e,4 grovel •I11pt •ay, ant Y , .. form' ;..1.rb h, r .wren s 44 . A at ermtr bot. fwrtrly Iq•wl f.•, dart' him p.m., : w.0 "14 wail ail he.., tee. boy to„ I,.l lln••e.., m,.1 ,1, IL.,.v.cw, 1'711unn* for .►.ere nmbmr ff 1 ..16.44 knout. hhaa a Mob or. bent. 7' 4,.0' *.T 1,,r Netter"p poem un apply W laeu-lila. ,ant en the p.erele. or N JI)11N LAMONT alb Rept 1117L -4 w pd. Ma,tusdrlll, Valuable Property For sale. 1771 NL'YRLII u., a ND •,I IN Tn h: TOWN Or f1dw3N. t1" lel ,-I re envier . ull Hark ..I lags bad eject,. fr., -Ire,.„ 11...,.,- two atones hr4..4w 1ats0,un,..l• .tr„'mese frame .*mere eaieae..411. e.n,.10 mt., A ars" ,las Seel et NUM owl an4 ,leo a /r.,,,,. urt. T4 Lets 4,1114 rod. h.vwrr or wparm% wit p',re4lrs.'• Terms nada k4o1a on *pl{.'', an,m te rem 41(711ttt n dm I rent,.. , or to Meisel DAY/NDA a JDII[1TuW Oedericb 1l JmT, 1071. .01114 Farm For Sale. IM the Towa.h,p car ,:ol0orn , In the, ('„cants K 1(0,04. Nosh part o1 BI,,.k Y.. Crmipri•leg 111 acres 1e , k.reel and under good ff.e •.4 de ern. g,.e4 fur,' 0,,od 2 ,• ler. 1 we awls, Creeks, Moll Mot ynmood list HA„e a d PrelimIlorn sod "n*11 heath, eh„h•nl wall. 4 04411. n/Maya nil ,In•t 041, rod with,. miles/ the't'.muty town 1/udrnett, T• tate. 41,1,17 JOHN EOWARne Oodarich Nov. Tri, 1071. OO a• 1"1sura. I pre To Let. 2ROOMS, LATELY DOLTPIED RT n e. noon I NUR saw meta. neatdwr to the Pont Ufa, .0 Veva. Apply UP 100, aMerlo► July Lib, 107E DANIEL U.- 1. •1.61-6f For Sale. ARRIrnett'.''rTAOR AND 4.11C111:0111 Lal, t r nglbl) Ats,t 4 l Routemt reel tri an Awnof leo Illi,* (4 Mewl Route to and nm. Ne Mllw.y tamer Apply to J. V. DETLOR FBSQQ nr10r. W. CAMPBZIAL Godcrich July 26th, 1871. staff. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. Sash, Doors, Blinds, 1V1151ildinga; Flooring Siding, ' Berl all blade nl C1 LtC WORK, such as Circle 104 eet►leeaeh•Mpn,.m They think hum )Ninrrsrl•,ee l• feeler, Work.Ih.,IMy'•r,I reewlu0aw (sail who meT 11.M thew with • HIL, 20,000 feet of Dry inoh and • plane Flooring on band: .LDia STRIC'rl t CASH, 3A9 R(TCRANAN, DAVID LAWPON, W M. ROBINSON. a.J.ru'h.,,pt 16) 1870 w30 • •.:s. EOM' :y a Im. Ia 1