HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1872-1-5, Page 3. • .44 • 1106,11.1" • • • • ha Gr.eI ‘Fill Of Chfsg. (i..v. 1-nosard, I...Post returned V ellthet, the 1 op,eter of the -New York Suu U. idea of this Great Wall of China, a follows : The Cloned* have been .It least two ur three thotima.1 years sill les'..ing .to - ii wool 11.kikimpt Nee y...h r.ro, tii buill the walos .1 the city if The Wel of China 14 4110 greete alTul Ili o culd. It is forty feet high The lower -thirty feet i, !WWI. limestone or granite. Tao 111.0.710111 car- ri sgid iiii,taws thch other oil t Ito swami.. It low a p•.rspet throughout itp whole length, soh convenient staircases., but:, trusses mod garrison houses at. every quarter of a mils, and it room, not by cutting, doe ti lolls and inisitig yalleya, bill over W. pitch en Crests of the snouts - "in* aa dowu through the gorges, • distance of utiethoneold toilet Admiral Rogers and I cialculistoll that it we *NH m sre now. to build the Groat Wisil eloiClailas through dal exteuttd ono thou- sand miles thole at eswt to build the fifty Ave miles of railroad 10 the United States. Vilma a ounianeutary it hi upon the ephemeral range of Me Re- agan intelkeN tro seethes great utilitarim enterprise 00 necessary and meet:Ur° two thousand years ago, not Pow merely (NO - less Wu. 111111141,1411,33 &MAI e.Ia 01.01f1IC- , lion. • Special Not,tces. fl.wormr.- COOP deo. • Caen.. t 155 C11111,111/1.. 111.1•1014 co. .11 IOW. W.A." "4". • WY itinriaisa• 4xu,z.ii..1 .1,, • toh e• • al l• .o..1!1; est...I Pte.. woad ter „, maw-- are 8••••,• , or Wilk • I • t. Co. 11..... Louth.. Al.... stake. of 1.1••••• rums Coot o Ctoni.a.al SIAS 0,UT1ON: CAUTION!! TO THE PPIiLIfl or Tills: 111t1T- 13U PROVINCE:4 Or Nous AUEItICA. 1 hosmool:t,1,1Wedhlilly to 11.. 11. .4. lath Atnerhoo Ia. 1 the loteho. et • Yuri. for the .• • 1101. 14.1•1•1, • .se op. to th... W.11110 1110%0. 4.I* 41.11,11.4,1. • 111•111• lhali 1 14.110. 1,1,, I •••••2•... ot of the It. 1004.. 01 tu 014111 Id)•, lartt •,..1 • 1• 1.14,111w .01.10.1 01 I Odle of May ' '• la • hew Y. n • o ••• .4 V; lb:. •.• *ti't14:*'',:,,.,. 1'1::: .1.. ''v' "' TI.... . to • flow. tin. rholo......)....Itt-.44. • ' a , . , samasausicsatiessweis eelv.• .4 tio al•nupe Ilailow..) ... ,' t.eottifectiiro.1 I.y no .IIJ 1 I 11111.1.o...11 .../1/0 111•111tbrro' ' 111111.1. lior•rioorILI elemera word, ..11ollo•ay's Pills .11.1 .11.0 a 1.1rie..01 tits ta4.14 .4.-4 olt.u, where ....ly 110.) as* ea, t • , .41.1 poi a the w 414. Tho .. , tile kiwi. ix Italian .,mi,,*., lll • tl , eats a As repi•Aani•lov A of tattoo o., I • . , l. ,. say I.Ot .4 14.. Ilratugh R. ... . . 'init.. 011P; 141:3t1 • Thti, AAA' '' ' ., et .1 thameott a ao tre t • . ethrtouts will pro ...slay be to.," lila In Iloo ••••• hy pro ...• e ... ton.1.0., 1.1.... teme.eittice 1 0 fair wow awl with no 1.,...1.4 • it pirisol. to uhl t/..• 40.,.. ,.., ataaelia.t any •,...1. ..!....-11....,4. I coos( tert.cat.yenurel 411 tt, • .. , this Ploreetteeseat Set 4d 111. lw I.. • . = M mi Ito furores.. to 11.• toi ..,; • their frith.. Y I.,•• Moir Igemery hy peettheece woo .., . the genii.. Hellooly's Pill. 14.2 10 :.., • Lictur li•iv. Mr. Elwood, Rector of rodent& delivered • lex sins to a Lor audience, in the Ttlilimfall. 11 ill, on •Vortilli • last. Ile to -1. at Inc 11111.,lect "Political , eco y." and though it is generally considered a dry subject, he suceeiled ivi treatingit in • popular wanton. He ex- plained some of the principlewhich rep- • gelato the exchange of Capital, Labour and Natural agents, aid ll, doubt pis many of those preeent an insight into -subject of -which they perhajd serer thought before. The Messrs Fairbinks, thecclolirstel :Scale Manufacturers, hay... secured the .mile Agency 04 Troennors celebrated Coffee A, Drug ,tills - At their 'louse in Buffalos full easortmentis on exhibition.. 1 14o141.1 sok, WW1 moat 1.11111..th • IA the 4.,,'.1#1. of ...I • dowses boos as& .• *MN Woad oar .I 1.. - •=14411:4a.n., 0.1 I• to • eratfor who i• . issairtaw• *64 agent OD . .7re&,iy era . sa• r• •4881•Mt.14•10ilr seCtorrosw IROP.toon, thy istforlueut•'• Ashfield Waned fur 1a72, thsorge1. Arinstrong,ltaerti,Iti mtrawkiik. Isiestiou-trovver"•• mr-vystrosi - potty Reeve, Patrick Clime, John F. , I, • Andrew, and AndrewDreany, Council- , coo lora. onetc...sica ....tenoe'n. tin Can small.pox be corn!, ttttt listed by mail 1 The IN beet ng dot, r men- tions a cam which emus to. iiiiply that it cam A young lady in thii ci iv recently mosived • letter 11,114 14 144,.e,' in Pitts- burg, who tiro' theistic was the sick, with ealsoccsasallsiest.,,,E.tostly, .4dd/dm days after the letter arrive .1 the hid, who received it was takeu with the thill•ant. 3ba was not exposed to it in any other. wsy,'aii.1 theretieems total go doubt the contagion was coteuidnicanal by to lot - 11,4•14•1341.• it Dol ...tot • tioly l'i' nftYfia..;;Ift•Cthe 14 -....AST y, tline or not too 4. t toI tio... t • Leos III. ...try Plc rani. Cloreolote an4 inv.:2100 • b. • Melo h.. • . ea bi et la.. I, • • Joie. ha oharti a 4 I, • 7..0 c • 14. W.. 31. awl .74s. ;Us. I. • io.ts .4 tor.thoot, rett, • ab tliorouet. reeeittesoe wool to ..at le adieu... • •.• of •• .1.116••••••16••••••twas.••••••or or.or oi VIA Sarin isspert. • Piston, troubled with cold feet in themes* ohould plon4e them into er11 water for a few ruin:Its' risin ; then wipe dry, robbing vigorosialy. As ▪ .gist hokl your feet the tire ha ten minutes. An ex penenceil hone. ke p my. that the beet thing for elesning tinware is emniumt soda She girt* the fuloalrit directions: "Doer!, cloth, and dip iu soda, and rub bral....y; aftcr snipe dry. ..ktiv bla...kouiol ware can •be made to IVok as irlf as new. 41111. Avernus& far ll'he old world has an. licr ,,,,, cut more bi- tetwely ititairest.ng newel sustains than the ear. Lhainimils have been. discovered at the cape of flood llops, where the • nutiera of 111.11.W seem to be oclipseil,--while evory one is this I/otatit. ion ..1 WIre ntonienni at the wonderful effects of the 'Canadian Pain Destroyer ' curial; e c rheumatism, neural:4i., s immer ton, plaints, For ode by 11I Druggist* and country dealers. Puce 25 cents per .bettlu. 22 .. ens ...--. A Busyttrur. Honas.-There is no- thing that asn contrilmte mach to reader theta 1%0 beautiful suel elegant, ito improve his minditi 3n and make him All Chat is desirable, as "Dorley:is Con- , dition Powders and Arabian Ileave .1Minady;" it has been used bv many lierestna who own valuable carriage mid othor looms with decided seeress, an at well pleased are they lith they alosys keep it on hand in cAe osomigency; 44. 11387 be given at all times with perfect safety. member the I name, and Kee tlint the signature of 'turd & Co, is CM tech pickaxe Northrop & Lyman, Nertoimle, 1 /at . proprietors for Laneta dolsllsy all MedicMs deal 22 • 111, ow.i AtmI(tale NC all Lemke, W. C.i.8810•1•Isr 4.1871 • r• * St . • .430 T... ea: Pr000k DSP Wg.ralIts I or.. 4!. floe& Do you ye 01 II. las poe • -- 1..111 oacw.t eta, ..I..'. It la nett. ltd•• r. rt. noth• low owe., ton .....04•40 1 Yews. 11.o. 1.444. 4.. curet -NW*. 'illy 4,01.• tr,,r11. Lao rur ""1t:; I*4tsa .44 . .04 Il,,., 114..l) rm. I .14.11. at cure •er .4. ••• 1.1.oat4i-oh 7.• w itareteelow. 1.424.• Ire op. • Veglidlnee ay, thirty totIlo• for a loot U.. of yelp thl, • 14. •.1 • 0.0.040: 1. of 11 CR•ote• pltrottos. Another WY, Ins and - • •1 boo Son 10 ten' 414.1 531414 troth' ,1 hey it tt 1 mould r me.. two.. of mole. 8. Y. Moth &or, of 401414 (111t 1..es_g.r......,awlsol pr. . 1•21.13,r ?'" 11..tWipj.,.mmoso• ""'O'; op. poyym., * 11.1 h... arc. .44 .' 11.141 14140 1110 wou t• eroded... • II le ro/opowe1 .1 Ale of th• Bur Ilme tn. lee narrate ,:t *141114...or 01.0le W III am .me 14 .14114 nmnr 4.11stre 4.f easy41..... Ile ara I N1111i111111.11:' tor. ole Uge Douar.1.1. Nora. • famine -14.1.-irel sad P140- iJ- ,6'" lweltoo.S. 11.el000tt, theadoca. '171". 17.",7. 4annii .aer'gr" J. I".14.4Esso,:T-J. ••. &Were. rhE GREAT FEMALE REV Job Moses' Perlidleal PH' 1,11 IPN VAIXAILS Mk WC:11SM •-•-nra”uesre .31 those peiar.1 eis ,Ime.eare 10 rebleb•th• frooCe roaostellon o • 1, muslereve••11 • •••••• and real...Venn B rad a tomer ion an Le relicti or. to WOMS an iAion it le ste‘ner dialt 1 11 m11, m at wonlona.: .1,1. omholur yet., *,4h rogelerite. -, 711434r 114840 .7t7,ZrZ".4,17!;47.7,"..„ .. Iwki ow I ..••• r:ores.ial Mao, vet We, 14 or..17:1nrloiCt.Z.774.471..de.t":1IntAlo*."to e". 1 e l ton or the loon, ,,,.fl.'. .44 whom. • ... ilk, • our* •rt 11, • a altat• ,teloo• and alttoodh • pmeorttil wordy, rl row, auttooter. sartione Polk! th• ken. ul Prete... .14 )4.. pamphlet •round each o ao • Oloch shoe MI be ...All) ye aCANADIAN PAIN DEsTUOV. Eat. A8 Pc FAMILY MEDICINE, IT 14 well stal favorably known, raiser - Montana' from pain in Ills Back and Head, Curti., Cads, Seer Throat, Prporisis, /hoops; • (tromps in eita, Mornaeit, 510,104 Merlyn., hyserd• it)unipla tax, liens, Kasbls, Biles, of.4. Cellwilan Pain TWA.). hes ,a4. en he - ton the fnalolor for • knell of Um., 1111.1 etery '"0 seed 1.5.11 lilted, never natant 41 ••••,.4•• 16404•,” to alto petwoment Wert who. windy mil we *me 1111•Vt1 IMO.. 11 A11410 .1,000 dlnations have hien proimly 1,01..e..... oa I I.. extdrary, an lux olerghtr.1 will. it* ion .., 14111 spa:hi:LW alAlint tem.. '4 91. 14441 04,10,1 coop. trim saenr17taw 'rnat7,1.,•111st11100iy:.n1 l„...1.1.1. sposaygp *mow of Um rn8i4a11t.4.• which ft .14 wersmodist, amp delye..1 open 91Imee• Po...reign The astonlehIng effino, Of Ihe Cee••1110 Cain Do- • ...yet In •,111100 11, .1110tete tn. w1,10, It it re• Isorotol,mial Pa wonderful 'if..h, 4., ..,honow tortmona. pun, Ilbetonallain 1111,1 • 11 t. :41144414 ....no A 0..10. entitle it fn hij. • 1., 1, yReotoltee. Orders an email. ,. (coo Mole.. Mete* in all parte of the eon ntr • ler illrther imp =OW ea. teatilling to the usooevell set. It poor. lethultan reln Dolton,. 0010 4.1011 10 glow reio . All nonce.. !warts irip It ; Phystriallt order 114 ; uo fatally 4111 tw wane! It est trying It. en,. *1) terenty •n,'Cent... p10111111. Air Sold in 11. olerach, by GeO. Cattle; F. Jordan; Gardiner * Ce Bayrieldi Jas. Rogerville: J. J'11714&r9I, natter; H. Ilionbe, Clinton; S: Sword, c now; E. Idiekson, Seaford' and all medicine doelent Goderich, Deo. 22, 1871. w r,o g New Photograph Gallery I (Nod door.foUi• Offes. "I` (11"r "I;Ine'^".•""" Dear .%r,‚. -La,( autumn I was sou ege hemity notified yrs attend. , h• Estate froorally. The Insolvents Slone. .0,1 reet .11V1/4,1:1e7,1::, ,.,e11.1011,V11 11 1414414*41',,,,, ievere eold k4L euemtt;e1 tD INIE WATS Nsig, Soa ullece, roew TOR*, 1011.11. rsore IP T, 1.00 and Irl rent. hocrolege.•neloord ',FRAIL NI111111111114(14 macre a bottle ront•iptr °v. by felon ramil. NORTHRUP Al YSIA tilewessne,t; •ff .,gt• • scent lorf'entleir • Sold Ili Orderlett by Porter Celt 14..1.700•11 ; (limiter r .0 Co., Karl /Id Ob.:mimeo, Hopei 'die; .1,Pretarl•P eater resew. Minton, S. lord, isucirnoel ; I: Illattorth.•ol nli Modiste.. °oak,. I 0 '1 rou • D MU OF HIPOPHOSPHI • HARDWARE. JOHNSON & KBH11,/ 14.1 M I LTV N ST.. uses 0 /IAMMUTH CROSS CST SAW Ravin completed their Fall pur- clime, of EHZLF & HEAVY HARDWARE., { itrreilow prepared to fill all orders Oat which this • may be favored. They respect uPy 'mite &Beano. to tho ing humid Goods 41311413 they are proper ,1dtueslI 1, • 11 • «a OW • ' • __,.. _ -^1 THE Vewoweer EMPORIUM.G. H. PARSOgS & Co.; Vito: a who h I rou1.1 out cccali *0 10.17 meter tally t I zi71........,..,,,,i.1,1.:„..; tit ....,.4.1,1,14,..4 l'etry• De. 14' ND. If 11/... mob/ toe .3 mi le C. DE'FLOR i& CO, 40 Amo.00.1. see vo• . ,.• 1.. hey.* the «31404to too. 1 .0.1 ....Id 7.1451141 tiolou ask * loth. s ,roulho"... 1:."hor*.:',1r,!,7141•""s14111.411. %hew :1.••1•1..."rs. t:t40 . ILVE ItECEVED SEVERAL :11131124 - "iii.erletli-liti...•;u.T.i.'17,7091,• r•im I:ALA,* so 11, . . .. nilisaint. Mix.. as I 1'••••••1104s14.0141174,; sm. i I,. M 2 11/(ENS FELT ovtRsnoEs AND RUBBERS :=1,17.,"•,.. Lra':::: 'tt.'''Ziu , .1% rouulury.,..i., WO for IMe 4 oln....1 or i •• moi .... .. /2./r111.1kaCA'..118 OF . jity‘_..1 moot he eiliteutt to1,1:,,til....... ':. • ,o • . . * he lc ).a...ut. wy to:661. utie,....i...,, i...,,,,,i 4. t‘:.4....1:...11 MISSES AND CHILDItEPTS OVERSHOE 3 AND RUBBERS. ••"'" d",,, ird„.,.;',. I., .., ,,,I. real .0. stool li *OA. • f'o stO1 Ulm I 111111o.thl. al. a 1. • .4.. io ic not, will 0.11110 r.lt..1,. rolof. 4. 14) It • A FRESH LOT OF t. *14.4.00' au oinal . it esous you alum. troleet,, st:r7.4rI".r1147.."1.".4.0t.e'.1fr.4 TI.ri""s..Y. 1.."-L ,,,:1,t ,l VERT LOW 102 CASH. • NAI1S • 04 all sixes and descriptions, •sry cheap. • CLASS • Maws Irons 141r71u40430. BOILED and RAW OIL, VARNISH & BROWN JAPAN, COAL 0/4 of good quality cheap, COAL OIL LAMPS, LANTERNS, REFLECTORS, BURNERS, Cf1131NEYS & WICKS, SLEIGH SHOE STEEL, all the loading sixes, CAST STEEL, • hat arturt-, Pleb t, BAR & 11001' IRON a good asmatintmiX CAST STEEL AXES from P1 npwarth, REST CAST STEEL FILES, a full assortment, AUGE114 HOLLOW Ateatuts, • and AUGER • -BITS, ANVILS VICES, COIL CHAIN, TILACIe CHAINS, COW TIES, TIN, SHEET ZINC and CANADA PLATES, CROSS CUT SAWS GLEDHILL'S NEW GROCERY AND CROCKERY • S T I.:. Er„,, „, l.'1 '.io. r 1.r what loco. .114 ..•• by ft. T. 11.11.117.... I.. • IQ tbrakein -0111,,714 • r, '1.1wot will he f.,11 has a of 1,, e. ibioi in Dart e•rh 144 TY111. A RT. Cf/RFF711.7, - 114;11:11"1'117.4.14;1.14411°17I 111 1/11111TYS RR Of which wilt* Pohl .1.7 0 or.414 Cadet+ 1 1122. S. Sr Z. OLEDIULt, mi LADIES CLOUDS & WOOLEN GOODS. 11r Flannels Very Cheap. Just Arrived. ALSO I SZCOND LOT Or JUL/1.011PA.I.C.) It013.F.S. SPZOIAL VALUE, IN LADIES'PJ13. 000.101.••••14 .......;••••••••••••••••••......da• TU. ARE NOW IN RECEIPT OP THEE NEW TEAS AND CHRISTMAS FRUIT- -wad -AVOODSAWS ItEASONS WHY &Amick Ducember 166. 1871. LAZARUS. MORRIS & CO.'S EU, SPADXS, SHOVELS and MANURE FORKS, loniell and short handles. A very chomp niaortuoint :ABLE &DESSEaT NIVES. Celebrated Perfected Sirlacles AND EYE`GLASSES.- • hart, met with such extra. olitory sue-- . ems mad aro 10 Much iu demand: in 1111rf. Buck -horn, cocoland ii.me let. Brettmatkey ere fouled to pease Hanun- dles. A E./outdone amortni-t NN' FEO /CEET . IT P1XXtli:'' • 4 .OS14.1.!-;11i!'".11.1u.'• th'iw' .-- - Englieh Makers, •' ORSeuil SCISSORS, from the best tainted by the use .1 colitlihtli 4714....4- ' ,Nad. Jterosto they s, -II icidahili ' Ay, III) TABLE k)84SRWt d -MIL!, sm. .11.1 sill often be found to r....4,,c,,f4ii, Al.BATA and FILECTRO-PLAT- • jolt skirt to its 'littoral Mote. Tito PLATED BUTTER lias"anie Ass 7411 atilhoriliv.t .1,7,72141400SPOONS 54 91 1•'OltKS, ECiii !M- ' ' COOLERS, KNIVES snil, thii are guarenteed agaiii,t ilijuiv to is experienced their tisc,uml being CRUETS, very onitakle for .Lba Ej-e Sight from iulproper scleco fitted un optical n0,1 scientific rules, the approaching holiday,. , ,rO tfiu:r..r,it, . rrqiiirement•NGLISH PLANES. PLANE IRONS4t:ilc:iartheevseiiof fittiiigisan atolIISELS,SPEAlt&JACKSN'S, 1t.n..tohiie trueTAYLR'S HAND, p„rh„„rL.rme.iitrrroRIPSANS. A omitdee amortmeno of WHITE, and RED LEAD, dr. furnaked aith this systetn-sxlely . • PAINTS AND COLORS.tI our own. it... they never lire the ens -mud teat many years without • l' 11NT, VA It N I and WHITSnweethily clulliga. • IVA:111 11.1tUSIIES. MAN/LLA, 1.00, being the be,t they are and liCrifilA HEMP WIPE A PACKING. GRINDSTONES, ORINDODINE FIXTURES, POWDER. SHOT, CAI'. REVOLVERS. ,nil CART- iEtt, D4)UBLEg8.1 "SINGLE 11.11tREL GUNS and all the articles usually foinid in a well selected stock. of Hard- ware. - -- tSlim whole of the above st.wk his cbeen purchased very 1 .w and has sIL bees. in,dd,ed at lowest cash prices, w• have 'nisch pleasure in reticle/Coq n csl from the inhabitants of Goderich mud farriers and trailers of the Cdunty of Heron. No trouble to show goods On- ly ILItt! price. Remember the place, IIAIMILTON $T.. sign of the 11AMMOTH CROSS CUT SAW 1oazi:1ga Mosta/es Uctel. .10/INSON &KERR Nov. 20th, 1871. Inaolvent Act cf 1S6), and Jam ndments thereto, the matter of JOHN ROBERT- Goderich, an Insolvent. IILST and final Dividend sheet has been prepared, solitisct to objection the Third day dr January mixt, which dividend will be paid. EDWARD EN'ANS; Assigiice 11111111treal, Dec. 16, 1871. sw1117014 w48-1. 1111101vont Act Of 1865 and - ...Amendments Tnorcto. W. 11.111. y tool Clarhto- pler W. Bunting utifro. Va. • Joithue The Dowel of 411.11111111 040•1111 41)WII1.111,1 Ily SilitAstest ht. hosnool i• this MP.. 10. •oration lo knn+11•40,4 1.5 JOHN MAl.:DONALD. mo.lietal Moult:, In *eery Pohl./ ..,re it. 10 Int oolur..1 , and the rorhua inere.lea eeto 11141411 ort 1111,011, heat en out.. of lb.. esti...Pim is wawa It 1, 4, ▪ OWee, Opleriolt, the. 14,11,1471. by the 141.1.11e. TIte Syrup will rope Pat ninny, winsompt .• -- tho 11••• woad elace• ere erre, J.2111111vent Act of 1841.). ao.1 yridorig life In the DOW. It witl roem BroothItto Larrogito Coneh• an.I Col.. ear. all hrtitinallog Rbei oilbi of Woo. 1 o Matter of Rolovel T. Ileilentyne. an IneuDent oet.ne end No.... For... mr h es Room..., if It...hetet hao mole en no0eroweitt IWO 'KA-. the Woken. Do amoole Huot, Fool•lo•ed In. a tate to one, and Lbot 4.1 al no ogler, in the town ..f 41n.lerich, In tow tv of iluren. on Pet er.lay the Thlthetb Doty of 111,er IA7 1, et the lion, of Ten oirlork, In the eoe, to rreely• Metrontrate W hie alfstrs, o ee.poInt so anigne. DI X it *41214117!, interim Apace., .1 at 0.1erielo, thielIth day of De -weber, 4. the cheapest. Innumerible testithoniala might be here given, but the use of these Spectactesand 140;G1418e1 will best prove their In- estimable value. VETERINARY NOTICE. mama 11.• Mars et an. hnlibis. 44'4 Ina 11 1lL7.rt loll, V. • , of 440.1.1th, 1 waif i'lly atterol to any ./.110T11 OEM lb 1,04,114 Wese•io• left with lie...Cat le, 11rito Celloray AMt.r, Port., Roney. Ile.. or 1490511 "Oho, .11 be preutptly AO r, h. hom., T1103; JAS. CHURCHILL, Veterinary Surgeon. ifeworta, .1... 1.9, oat .1173ast3e5 •.-12, of the 91,' t, ..0e111 Anti Geo,, -al PA 1,11' • phonle or boo of Vol.. 11.111.th. fe•Onorrh.. • C1,1,40a14. Anaatuta, sod note.. the Wood top," 1 sal health Sold By Apothecaries, PM* 41 SO , Aor for 11 40, JAMES L FELL( /WS, CHEMIS• PT. Jonas, N. It Ownefas Sipt. ans Ism • swatews STOP THAT COUCH' DON'T DF:LAT. ,,,ho allel • snip Ss M▪ oo *WA . 11,p lnll,f .1.1) el is root., re ape ▪ Me loote •••••• • tir 4814 "*l,.•• .14. 15,1 ere. bettor, How can you siop it ? Where is the remedy? Allan's Long 1Ailltint C.011 produce mor' 1 0,14011Coll 44 real merit than 8n704.674 article for the iiiirpse. It is Gobi every- where by Druggiste and general Store i kepers. Read the folioWinp r1112 fmn. letter received fte,111 Mr. 3. R. Burwell. eeielest.atel~.. FOR SALE. _OT 3, Con. 4, X. D., Ashfield, eon - ad' %Main; 2110 acres excellent land, covered with Maple and Reich, 10 melee - flow Godrrieb, with • never failinitiont .1,1,10 rennin; through tho centre of the Mad, there is about 15 aerie 'eared lased ox the fruit of 113. 10*. pply to T1103. W BITER E - Enrincer and Surveyor. Godeiich, Jan, 2nd, lt 72. tf. DORILNION 3 ALT COMPANY., '11)14141,110.1 Wetting .14 91» shoot Catapult CO 51/1 An1.1 •t the nth, C C.n.oron, oa Woad.. eth , half pot ...a tiolueb• 010. CATTLE, Secretary. oehiries.laasary sw-rsg• GODERICH 4-4Petroloum, Co. solvent Act of 1869, -t THE Annual Mooting of the Slinrch _biers of the above Couipaiir 14,11 114. 114.1 in the T..en h,1i1, on Monday, daniuiry 8413, 1872, at lialf 1i11t7 o'clock, p. m., for election of Directors, suiduther business. W. CAMPIIELL, • ilare'y it Treasurer Goderich,.Dec. 20,'71. sw 972 aw190g A.mnattal Ileeting. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE rntietore 04' the Aablit'd awl IVA mood, ou llgrieultural Pneloty, or os held at irulos 11111. Dugeon- at, on THURSDAY, HAI JANUARY, 1812 yo hoe hoot of yor., tne tbn purports Of 0414.4 .11.1 Direaere for obie St.alop por. aro tot9neU4 to ellowl. J, 61. BADDIRTPoPo D. McILWAI. Seenstary. Preside's!. Dnagenon, IMe. 27, 1871. w49 • • BOARD WAITED. TRIUMPHANT SUCESS 0 10•'I'. I I V. arduer Sewing Intechine,", M A N IJFACTURFD AT B A MILTON. Fur Lundy and light ininufa,tuiing worl, the Gardner ;Sewing Machine •CAlturiaMPF THE FIRST OVER ALL THE MACHINES AT Tas E • TORONTO, I ON DON, CHI THAM, OLT f,PH, CATlit.RINES, ORANGEVILLE, WA1ER- LOO AND CHARLESTON ,EXI•ILBITIONs. It Mao came uff with i.'4* honors atillek-Pareviataiid Exhibition, Kingston, and was swirled a Diploma titilwriNdmiftcm Xvhibition Thousinds of Pookle whom, THE CI A RD:A.Elt 111 operation at those ex obit tone 491.70 actually astonished at is SIMPLICITY, STRENGTH AND CAPACITY, IT AVILL SEW FROM THE TIILNEST MUSLIN TO THE._ HEAVIEST CLOTH & LEAFIER. IT IS IIA.7.S.DS031ELY MADE AND IS Simple, Durable, Convenient and Easy -Learned, •ua Ass the most complete se of sttachments of say , machine 110•1 uninefactured. Call and see the OarIner IlLsehitsw, at.salesr Ass, epimaite the Market House, Ooderich. W. 8- JO/INS:1'0k. AGENT FOR uulipm ooricry. • N. B. -The following is a copy to.m the (Ake, daring thsuralsibition week at Kingston: -"The tawdrier Sowing Machine On. exhibit several . family machined TLose on rievr were in operation, during the day mid 'sewed from the lightest work to a piece of sliest lead mala Mt.( chase lox combined. Tho_machinas do light usaliufscturisag work •• well a• all that is respired in any fussily circle.' Godericb, DIC. 1th, 187L HURON FOUNDRY, GODERICH .....•••• mom. ttomf is Yc rTimetlruy it 1- SARDWIRE 111Eltcll 1NTS, mu.ixrreQl'ittM, Ots0El1ICH. C LOI1UEt!C Nave !be 0 nuts, rox, No ..4h,, i. '7rk, r('114 1i0'Vkiiwth"st"': k rTSAW, MII.LS41,W4I1) ' 4',',.4 h i'L'Airbliallillue&M "Wawa taws, AND Bore 4 Aims '.. or nAND kiAll S. • iitilt . .A sphandid ansiusl ii, ir nn 7hltiom N. ---'--r', ----, - ---- --- 'ors st.uent:s ' Immo TOOK at really I 4 4 If AND /orm. Hors /ay. Hunt so Ord„. or pad 1.7 AXES ANL Mks /ADAA,E14. COW T I Of BEV NIL% I. KIM*. L 00 G VGA iNig OV LI, SIZES, GLASS, PI 'ITY, WROA4AMT AND CUT NAILS. ,tc. *Ad •terg• assortment ad all Loth .4 vir Al low plum f.s CASH. OpproN• -MARKET HOUSE. 0. 11. PARSONS A Co. tliodSsict,Nev. 28, • , • s's • DlhECT IMPORTIT10113. A,. 1'. lIc!1,4111.1A.INI, Merchant Tailor, Ilea art lve4 how. ftme tho BRITISH MARKETS, 14911..,4.11,10./01 4110,11 Scotch and English Tweeds. • II CLOTHS, FLANNELS' BOY'S CldITHYNCI, MEN'S CLAMIUNG, SH I 11.114, of all &scrip' low AND-ttiNtitititt ettPTPITYCNtte,- --- AU IP*. be purehas.1 to the Lest .4...v., pi 51114-9, 1.914 matoutere W11 low. tho 'mop, arta mid *05 41.0 Muck and tut flu prices. East Street. lin)x'. 1 IN rh. 41,alencia. 7 CI. ,r,t. 4.1434. 11 WHIR IS A SPLENDID OPENING FOR L 111.clE FRY OUND111SIESA IL Machine Shop, 52 x 36 feet, two stories, atone witlyfireoproof roof. Moalding Shop. 41x 35 foot. stone, ono istory.Boiler Shop., 50 116 feet, two stories frame, with Blacksmith Shop and other bitiblinge. A Steam Engine, two Iron Lathes, Iron Planer, Vertical Bolt Cuttir, Wood Lithos, gm:ruler Sews, Wood Planer, &c A ipool stock of Patterns for Engines, Mills, MOTO., l'iloWil, tie., &C.; with Moulding Boxes, all in good motor. The whole or .,no half intOreat in the abOTO Imajttepo .illbe sold to &gond man who can manage it, as the subscriber Matuot gird tho time Pugi:red. For further particulars apply to • Oct. 1301, 1871. A R. =SUNTAN, tt--14 • w; Clolericla RE -OPENING 14 THE MARKET GROCERY (1. ORMERLY.00CU PI El).11Y ROBINSON & C0.3 W. D OUCLAW, 1/Afl OPENED THE' Al3OVE GROCERIE, PROVISIONS, GROUERY 1WITH A FULL! 141 A GENTLEMAN cif quiet abit, wish- }"LOUR A. el es co obtain a consfortable furnished bed room, with board. Address box 72,. • AND FRED, 11 the matter . f 1VILLIA6f DON- Post Inik.' NH, as well indiviifitally s. being- -C°1-11ric-h. Me. 26' 187). Sw Ill Y and ALEXANDER C. SIM- .bors ril the firm of Donaghy end , • 11 • co-partner with Robert T. lial- - Mil Millinerl, Milliaery, , Oedetieb, 22nd September, 421. mons, Printer, and Publishers, and - said William Donaghy, also as liming 1 ' o I I lye., Insolventa. . _ea_ the undersigned, Dixie Watsen, of A.ntatiam Ccante. Town of Iluderich, hAve been sp- • CROCKERY, GLASSW ARE, &c. WI' JIENICIVIIIIL AIL la MI. 010.1., ISTL • "TrUrwit=4Y PALL& WINTER NILES MILLINERY fresh, fashionabl, Cheap MISS McCONNELL tf.1.V.9 " las="8. r2 . 11111r0 (177.10,111.... 1.17: th• yard OBITS' TIIIIISSINNI of Bae Wee Stim Eli The Salweriber venial him pappurters for the Mani extends -41 to hint • hill oil, Tosco of (3.3. rish. list can to sell at Ut 1ST; .19(1 1. &Remillard im give Lis cerhoes rs the how& of hi maxim in 'main. es. A D RAH hi SMITE. Merchant Tailor & of 11 llortini'm Orossoli Msrk,t squer, Sept Usk 1871. E$ r an/A..1f 1.30. 4. bee Standard Scales. Nriir •CMJ 5Atti414tim MOM deo 114. Inc 2:cyarovr COD Tr..* .114M.K. BEWARIOF •„;Aal,•14.0. BUY ONLY THI6INU1NR. suassa a 01111Z8d r:glasalccit Attars 11,Auvazaa csawarattatis, T110441111 Zia 01411111.101; Weassurst Dims, Sentra rypainsal prompt eadasseessol.4 FAIRILAN KS & 82 v 1/.% o.,sosato, 1447. FAIRBANKS & CO., 24.1 74114111AT 148I MO& FAIRBANKS, 111001211 on , 11. ta 11.110147, lb, Mit oksierwk itb 114 flats, Bouuet., Ribbons, Lads, Stray Cattle. leathets aud Flowers Er A •14.•••164 ..9. of l'Ioah• . Scar-.'. Catala 1 , iloo.lo and W....1.. g....lo to oho... Troia. STRAY HEIFER. Come into the 11114 NB. .4n 111•• tie..moil le Yrepereoi to,........ her. ‘' Cl/attire .1 thi. 8olw41'or 19 90 MX osi, tom the la.ltee. twfom they onalte tlo o xi ly 0.1 • ales thi..........s. nnp... inch .....t: Pon. Aslit'nkl, atom the Id l'irt. low • mow to, . 0,,I.,9,9. tn. Z248 18 ' loos' WIN rut CLOTHiNi. H. DUNLOP. Ilaa no* returned from tlas EASTERN MA ITKE S having purchased to the twat 11*011485 A Olkt PLET pTocx ntravy 1V INTER MOTHS, HEAVY WINTER TW gbt.t., HEAVY WINTER °TEMA/A *149,4. 4.. le Neve,' to .n eltbr, la ii•yr mon ee on the uttio et C4•A3 Aosta' latiofft• "Plan .1k • Oro 0 *11 4.14.8714 11t tank. • FALL Y1 1.1 BRADI-% G.k,4.8OSOrOl.71.4 NOTE:. Z. o afotl that the lortoorehlp loth4y•Mot • ?,t...,.,,. the looirrele11w.1, 1111410114 JAM. th, yowler. etol 4.40. a• the Town .4 roollerhl. th the (.mm.0 of the emote 01 Joh... 4, l'.3n- *0.1,0 Ilf• ..,IU. ofey 0' Poo ova yr hoot Unruh ...I 10 •••• •I rtlesent, so far . regent. I be eel. 0.- .14 10 wlin lite .1 lien' 114.0 lho sac • tow., 0 of ell dela* .11.0 enol owing 4.• pr the 11 he no. •Irol mei Iola by 11.• nia J01,11 I., lb. 141/ 14.4. 7... 3ew10t14; 0 NOveullw., A. D. 1411. ; 4 3I1011. •I174o1WWW. MR. 14. 1.1o.tos. 1 40118 P.4 TI. lal ely nrt14,1 . • c.i.f. ob. W litto,• ill In Into. he cart MI 1.14'.1.1 1. PrOnt Oro., 011 KI')4'!t014 Pint I, les ls • 04111 11 ROV1114.48 PErincial Insurance Cc CANA D A. Mend 0121ce, Termitic tan. tjorritif I/1 11 EMMY '1*9,17!, 1)11' 14 II 14.4.1 4,? I/In-dots Or mate .1 .41.1 C.I.14 th Cootal It of the 07, enrenre Coo ony 4:••••• 1.. oeili 11.. oete..1 Toe Ponta. 1110111*V 41 014• Ihoolro4 th. &rowel of sehl at. lt. rsyshh at am'. Mth 1111.1004 .1 !Annoy, On llotinad. 11140.141 1444v.4, Alan, 1141 an, ANT esil st '751 7.? ant, *Pie, he the 11.s•4. topritin 00 tin I. • ' ..1.1o/814ot1 •lay ••• nit 14%4 hombre sad *ret) Tomo maavaat ta **Wrath... .010 • . tient on, aide 14.904191.211 .iho 2.... 0 4•12.1 of wnt. A 1.3 it 14 tion .410 tlis fins i of lam tor• aucomm • t forthwith row., 44. eel i 11.4 114.4ti Milos a the (Ono soy • stoleito 19, IA • Med Assignee in this matter. Cred.- -AP R' "(the Creditors will he held 10 my • • are retroested fyle their claims we ins within one nrontli. A meet - •COMING g /al, in the seal Triwn of thatcri.h, on millay the twerity-seci.nd day of WIT 9" MI 1-'1.-11' reJsattaiti easy nest, at ten o'clock M the fozajloWsliiiiiima salsabilaat• of 41 OA. INS AtED A FIRSTCLASS CUTTER, MILLINERY IIAVE ENG Heifer cominx two rears Tap owner is remostid tn prove property, lay cherges n.1 take her away. Jos W it, re. Astfisdil, Stli. Dett 1121. 301 sirs Ay IT'Ea. loit•li Ow oteerfloy. • 11.4 • Moo. tho • twol •1 ro.y. Aar re•••• pfyloe mt. mho. le lead 114 s• • entsun row. r3.3, WIC 1101'.11111 1.• Wol•••••11., 411,0 9., PRI. O. Str* pd. TT :hoer norboi 1. -2• .1 bt 'era! enT ou'o fie rao Joe • 9. '10 tho .0. WM pooh Myhre lb 4.rmat tot ,ra..44,-gtl•ollits ..1111.1* roo Petri. ol hi whir,. ping ' ANTS I Pink .t.ociww Ur/oar. r.-WItit. sit STRAY IrEIrF.12. Titre info 13. 113. '" cloture .1 the robwriker, in the 'Town/ship cf rob, Ilene Road Lot 92, on or *bolo 01.16 Oct., a Du& Grey Heifer, about 2 psi, old 'Th• o•ticr is requested to prove peorery, pay charge, stud take her miry. Jona 00h, MIL Dt* •••• swe-t! I Dislohltion of Part, - hip. ,FASIIIONARLE TAILORING. 4,r• eiiatin93 130109,1011 • 'Ws ,Alar J. . ii91111,1 signori as plitMthasiss .4 413. 11. W. • - :41441.01;1;1b41:1 arva"vg.ttatttlht.vi.tii 64.;f;1,1111"bz:.m.17:Marni::rin ••••••••• roWittP11111&11,Lerel' 'Will. 204• 64 " 3344. 'm111104. /,4 • nt10 Sioilsrirb, Vat Dsj, urn!' AND AltE PREPARED TO mum sotri TO 01111211 AT CHEAPEST it ATE4 „41/4 A Male ?mm,. 1441 ESTRAT. /1 !PT on 11 • i.e.. .1 99, hal o 114,'I 14, .•11 el, h, ilef•••• e. • 14,4 an • .1 'tootling D.04 • Tbeotwer reproottel fo irrr, • pro+. , toy Mom • Atf Ist.lwr 14587, WI !lel pp; Cud. rf. b, 2Ist Vos 1179. (TA 31 14 Into 11 e holeo•re a 9''." • • •11.*8 t„ 41 1,1„To•wet.,• et Colbert" e borl 11.0 Fret a Felt. I. r. • P..I ole • W.E. While yet* tolood • 714i ▪ ieennet.6 14 /nesse rob 7..7 rialelpO tate innerly . PORT .1Rmsuotirn, :wont. STRA't COW.' (UM.. reln the 1.1.8•• of IrrItef UV, • ral 3 I Toe, okly t oll P. 100100 1 14, 0111,4 11r0.1eet • rut or ...I. Ittos• - 019. earmon iwy cop'.) late eeee: /10.331,01 bk.. la lam • • rat'tY flitter. (16%te toil* ...Wne .3111 •3 13,14. , e. • * t.fa) of plarojo. h ilt. Pi* Ikon I 11*. • b.* 4. fl 1.1h, rtorretott.w:roo.. c kr it IV liff 11.1 ND 41.1.114. Collin .24. to Noe. 1171. T-414. cstriloit, 1118m to fishld all es.ois tole • ir 1.1•2371t a Nom lived made II isers ltoel le favor %Adios, sol eo64 eigt-) doles., as the ata• less lave lcal WM. ANDREWS, .1ariaary Me•Sra Platte DA Vie & MO; flolvente, and for ordering the affairs -AND • . t0 wia8s eiNt riinx.1,t„eI1 i2ntnrIn.r nnAetrea ann srl.o .w. cf•ns at o i t ni d r AO aer l' igwIiIll nit y a ( nnabon!.imaisbe,1871.▪ •mll ••••4.01* r.my poducda distreses;demit+foreOrl1pattrillte a 101 M... but withot ny Nitta at foilevich, da1118 day Of oei• he rhan • o I e n p i gdh efd a u ell ct: 1 Alt 1 1 Y rtAef l hieefm a 'n , pe r oar m ed si w PHTOGItAPHS,•IrKtoTPES. um:'1,.ltod.;:rwa9 .a perfecrare ALLANS,CNlief4h,Whit+ 110•A140NAI/1.1% • • a t obbo mate 1 w5011 111olo111M1 4.W4.1,,1,1 mototoo" 3. 4. Weviti *PObInto •••• In etfth.0 yf"'";:tt:i....0 ••••••••in •,:m.o)•1,x•1•1p4• 41•4O.1.4•4•41"41.1444 4 1Oe.4t4.1x4 ." tarnirnaiii tr aaslt iei l n! :1L1 4Hat M e dre.a l,ly i.. 5 68k0nw11ee0 abortfina, Ynre triil, ••- We J. iir. - 00•14 SW M. ici .1.11rinon, ( I., Mash a•e •Imtort uno•dirt. .....11•111111•1b..•••14011.* 441' Ith.1010 Ibo 7.0.000 •1 the et, 1.0 ho.... a. oll.......con•Ipos D. In.. A e %LA., ri r . . AnNw• alare ote. Moto • ••• _Bout suausup.... SP 2% Pi 1.11tixt. 08-44.1. amuse 44ara. - . • ia4/60444- It.;1. slain IP- • • • „„. • • • Me 11/ 1 ••••••••••••••101111.04"WWW.". THEY HAVE tECEIVED• NEW ws !C °Ann 11 W Al2.ic4e NEW ?IN rs & • (*opt; It IC ti Sarum Shop. sv.. A MARVIN eillastalPsse' eo No. mOr ittse..e.1 ..t Thim 849 1•t ' "1"" mlAtl.l to A rrty Seetion ••• T41419001 of *Mil 1T1 48M ,t14 1,11*1491441110 Y'* 1,. 4041101 /11 11.110, 11411011a .111 11101171041 41%411111.11111, Ar4intla..m...11••••Aii•••• 21.0ty W. • Pant& Pe., • A 14 loo. • .4.4 ••• theta.' 110.ee o• Me tom Dow... nand ti. rho arl aa yroolol t ill TA(1)fit' AND HEAVY IlAHNIFSIt 114011,4kalPid• ells.C,t1lars Ft f..11,1te..1,1• awl *1114 I. r -tA..., ..„ 7,14 *01,?' r..A. 1;'*11641 11.1•041ctou, he ....r. sew met d " creak%titre, Clittist•asabet Ole 11,1 bit 14) :41•111, • wit orl.4.7%1411•:;•30,00,12. • t• • 1. i••••••O to.w•.•sts • Mown r.,:f ;;',43:31IFie • ill' Wee Ott • ery,122010.1rit WITAPAVI siroteoulte- • 011;• ihopp... • 11.40•7 11;10 or; jar" • -0.idefisialseah th, I'1', .664.11 lath, um ,.• •• •ellt ebbiblliese t - ..‘,.t- a