HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1974-07-11, Page 4Demand By JANET ECKER Take heart" non-smokers. You are no longer alone. G.A.S,P, has come to the rescue, The Group Against Smokers' Pollution, in cooperation with Your Christmas Seal Association has declared war on smokers. It's not that they object to smokers smok- ing, they just want them to stop polluting everybody else's air. G.A.S,P, members come equipped with posters that advise "No Smoking, Lungs at Work", buttons declaring the wearer is "strong enough not to smoke" and even a bill of rights. In a day when every segment of society is demanding their rights of one kind or the other, the Non-Smokers' Bill of Rights deserves some attention, It states: —Non-smokers have the right to breathe clean air, free from harmful and irritating tobacco smoke. This right supercedes the right to smoke when the two conflict. —Non-smokers have the right to ex- press —firmly but politely—their discom- fort and adverse reactions to tobacco smoke. They have the right to voice their objections when smokers light up without asking permission. —Non-smokers have the right to take action through legislative channels, social pressures or any other legitimate means—as individuals or in groups—to pre- vent or discourage smokers from polluting the atmosphere and to seek the restriction of smoking in public places. Their cause has been gaining accep- tance, especially that last statement. More and more public buildings have been declared off-limits to those who wish to fresh air light up. In Toronto's suburb of North York, a bylaw has been passed banning smoking in any retail food store with ten or more employees. An American hotel chain is try- ing out an experiment by restricting certain floors in one of their hotels to non-smokers only. Even the maids who work on those floors must be non-smokers, So far, the hotel has been so pleased with the high oc- cupancy rate of these floors, plans are un- der way to do the same in all their hotels, It's about time smokers started to realize that they are not the only ones who use this air, Scientists and doctors have been spending years and thousands of dollars studying the effects of smoking on smokers. Now many realize there is more to the story. No longer can the smoker shrug off ad- vice to stop by saying "it's my life and I'll do what I want with it." He or she is affec- ting every one of their non-smoking friends. Thousands of tons of tobacco are burn- ed every year, producing not only harmful particles but also deadly carbon monoxide fumes. It's bad enough breathing in smoky quarters with healthy lungs. But if you have a respiratory problem, are subject to asthma attacks, or worse yet, are allergic to tobacco smoke, then life can get pretty miserable in our smoking society. Why should non-smokers have to be forced to put up with smog wherever they go? As a delegate to the United Nations World Health Organization said recently: "Smoking should be confined to consenting adults in private." Arise non-smokers. Demand a little fresh air. We'll all be better for it. Air not cleared By JANET ECKER If a public institution is to function properly it must have the public's con- fidence, confidence that the people in con- trol are doing a good job and trust in those people to keep the public informed. Since many hospitals seem to have problems of one kind or another these days, it is not, surprising to find that South Huron Hospital is no exception. But a question has been raised publicly .as to the adequacy of the services prdvided by this public institu- tion. At a Board of 'Trade meeting, statements were made criticizing the hospital for its lack of services and the way in which it was run. The hospital ad- ministration committee, in an attempt to clear the matter up quickly, met with delegates from the Board. The minutes of this meeting said both parties agreed that a lack of communica- tion seemed to be contributing to the problem. The minutes also said that the Board had agreed to make a public retrac- tion and apologize for their earlier statements. However, the Board of Trade did not agree on this point. Don Webster, Board president said an apology would be forthcoming only if the Board had it proved to them that they had been wrong. And at that time, they did not believe they were wrong. So far there has been no retraction or apology. Is the public now to assume that the situation which sparked the original criticism still exists? Or if the problem has been solved, every effort should now be made to clear the air. But now the nurses have presented the hospital administration committee with a list' of their grievances about the way in which the hospital is being run. Although som,1 of their accusations are supposed to have been answered, meetings are still be- ing held. Again lack of communication has been cited as a main problem butinodetails are being given. South Huron Hospital has served Ex- eter and the surrounding communities well in the past. And if final approval is received for the proposed new addition, it can con- tinue to do so in the future. But it cannot do so properly without the public's confidence: And the public will not be confident as long as there are unanswered questions. i t - t - "Mommy .whaes `food'?” A flower for God lihetnicatnes-Abliocate SERVING CANADA'S BEST FARMLAND C.W.N.A,, O.W.N.A., CLASS 'A' and ABC Editor -- Bill Batten — Advertising Manager Assistant Editor — Ross Haugh Phone 235.1331 Published Each Thursday Morning at Exeter, Ontario Second Class Mail Registration Number 0386 Paid in Advance Circulation, March 31, 1972, 5,037 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Canada $9.00 Per Year; USA $11.00 „,,,,—;AMSM&Wi'mwslwseastim trd:FM:"."77MANZR45 Speed limit has problems It's been a long, long time This column is going to be a little tough to write. No, there hasn't been a death in the family. Not quite. But I wasn't too sure I wasn't going to bleed to death (through the eyes) when I tottered out of bed at seven this morning just two hours after tottering into bed. It was all that reading, My brother-in-law, Jack Buell, brought along on a visit some old high school football pictures, and we spent most of the night, barely stopping for food and drink deciphering the names under the photos. There we were, in the late 1930's, looking so young and sweet and innocent it would make your eyes water. One picture was headed: Undefeated Champions of anything? We talked and laughed a lot as we identified long-forgotten faces and our wives muttered away contemptuously in the background. They thought we were behaving like a couple of schoolboys. We were. Right in the middle of the front row, holding the ball, was Les Douglas, quarter-back and team captain. He wasn't a big guy, but he was solid bone, muscle and grit. He could always claw his way that extra five inches for a touchdown, through six hundred pounds of enemy flesh. He was a great hockey player, too. Made it to professional. But he was born twenty years too soon. There were just too many great hockey players in those days, and he didn't quite make the NHL, though he lead the American Hockey League in scoring for several seasons. Today, he'd be knocking off about $60,000 a year. Flanking him in the photo were Bob White and Tom Harper. Tom could run with the ball like a rabbi6 with six guys shooting at him. Bob White was my best friend, through high school, He wasn't huge, either, but when we needed a few yards, there was no question of who would get the ball. Bob would take a plunge at anything the size of a doughnut hole, and always come up with the necessary yards, We all hated school, except for the sports, but Bob White was bright, Today, he'd be going to college and becoming an ri VAIM Amalgamated 1924 engineer, or something equally useless. But in those days, there was no way. No students' loans, no grants, and dang few affluent parents. If you got a job in a factory, you were lucky. Last time I saw Bob was in London, England, during the war. It was in the lobby of the famous, or infamous, Strand Palace, He was checking out, I was checking in. Hello and ,goodbye. He had completed one tour of operations on bombers and was about to begin his second. On which he was killed. Beside Bob in the picture was Johnny Hogg. A nice guy, who was forced by his parents to maintain a much higher' standard of intellectual and cultural life than the rest of us poolroom bums. He played the violin. He passed his subjects. He was a clean-living, good-looking lad, just the type you'd want for yourself, though he had a distressing habit of dropping' crucial punts, As I heard it later, they found Johnny lying in a rubber dinghy in the Mediterannean. Dead. He'd been shot down, wounded, parachuted, got into the dinghy, and died. Then there was Les Morris, a boy with a terrible home life, a terrible birthmark, and a per- sonality to go with both. But he Was also a terrible, terrifying tackler, who could hit a fancy- dancy halfback so hard that the guy didn't know he'd been am. — Please turn to Page 5. m.p.h. zone as they presently do in the 30 zone. Surely council is not taking this action on the basis of the findings of the Strathroy Chief . of Police, whom Reeve Derry Boyle in- dicated found the 25 m.p.h. limits there a "real boon" because the police could issue "a lot of tickets." If that's the reason, why not put the limits down to 10 or 15 and really fill the coffers with fines? Traffic laws are basically designed to reflect the times and make travel as safe as possible. It's not to set up laws that enable policemen to issue more tickets. The accident rate in town is not severe and most crashes are caused by excessive speeds or inattention. Impatience is another ingredient and we fear that reducing the speed limit will increase that on the part of most (Myers who have to 'Umber along Highway 4 at 25 m.p.h. Anger is another ingredient and that too may become a factor for drivers "pinched" for driving through Eiteter at 30, even if they're "not going anywhere." + + + Remember when you used to mail out the notices for the family reunion on a three-cent post card? The rate is now more than doubled, of course. However people who attend family reunions in Riverview Park fail to realize that costs of maintaining, the facility have also doubled and many think their $2 donation amply , covers the situation. This is an area in which Exeter's RAP committee have failed to follow their policy of having programs operate on a self-sustaining basis. The taxpayers of Exeter get .nicked heavily for park maintenance and it's time that RAP took a good look at the situation and started putting a realistic charge on the facility. In comparison, patrons at the pool and arena pay exorbitant rates in view of, the park policy and yet many of those who use the park are not local, but out-of- towners. The number of free parks SO Years Ago Mr. Henry Reynold, of Victoria park, town, picked from a single bush in his fine garden, twenty- one quarts of gooseberries. Mr. R. G. Seldon, who is in attendance at the bowling tournament at London this week, was on Monday elected president of the Western Ontario Bowling Association, W. J. Heanian, E. J. Christie, W. W. Taman and R. G. Seldon captured the Turnbull trophy at the London Bowling Tournament this week. The building in connection with the open air skating rink, Hen- sail, has been taken down and other more up-to-date 'MOMS will be erected about twenty feet farther south, which will make the rink a good size, 0 Years Ago The Officer's Wives Auxiliary, RCAF Centralia, held afternoon tea Wednesday in the Officers' Mess to welcome Mrs. Newson, the wife of trbup Captain W. F. M. Newson, the new Commanding Officer. offering the facilities available at Riverview are few and far bet- ween and as maintenance costs continue to rocket, some con- sideration should be given to the revenue side of the ledger. One dollar for each carload doesn't appear to be out of the way in view of rates elsewhere for similar facilities. Of course, this would only be feasible on peak days, as is the case in most other areas. + + + Monday's federal election results caught most people off guard, and while many were hoping for a majority govern- ment, few predicted it would be fulfilled. Huron MP Robert McKinley again managed to escape the Liberal tide, indicating once More his popularity among voters in this riding. Liberal John Lyndon sounded enthused about his showing, although we suspect a stronger candidate would have made it an even tighter race in view of the general mood of voters across Canada. Some "big names" went down to defeat, the biggest being David Lewis, leader of the NDP. While we have never favored his par- ty's platforms to any great ex- tent, we share the opinion of many that the loss by Mr. Lewis was unfortunate. He was a good politician and on many occasions came on much stronger than Robert Stanfield in presenting an opposition voice against the Liberals in the second last parliament. The Monday election may well have been the last for both Mr. Lewis and Mr. Stanfield and no doubt they are both looking back with regret to the day when they joined forces to bring the Liberal government down and force .the vote. Prime Minister , Trudeau repeatedly said it was an election no one wanted, and as it turned out, the two other parties probably wish they had listened to his advice. However, that's politics! The Sandy Bawden trophy was won by an Exeter rink of Ken Hockey, Ulric Snell and Lex MacDonald in Exeter last Wednesday. The trophy has been in Seaforth for the past year. Exeter and Seaforth OES chapters held a joint picnic at Seaforth Lions Park last Wed- nesday evening. The fifth annual Kirkton Garden Party drew an at- tendance of between four and five thousand people. 15 Years Ago Dr. J. Semple, Egmondville, Chairman of Huron Presbytery presided for the induction service of Rev. S. E. Lewis at James St. United Church, on Friday evening. Canadian Canners Ltd., faced with an exceptionally good crop of peas, was forced to begin round-the-clock operation at the local plant Wednesday nights Sixty personnel from RCAF Station Centralia carne in until midnight Monday night. On the day of the Queen's visit By ELMORE BOOMER Counsellor for Information South Huron For appointment phone: 235-2715 or 235-247.4 A new program is on the starting line. John Gillespie -put himself through some pre- starting callisthenics at the Canada Manpower office in Goderich. Actually, John has been reviewing the program worked out in other offices and was previewing for us. "How many have helped someone get a job recently?" With this prosaic question came the usual answer - "Not me." For the job seeker the inference is clear. One must find his or her own job. Indeed figures displayed for us bore out the in- ference.Sixty-eight percent of people finding job resource - aided 16 percent to find jobs. Now jobs are usually available. The estimate is four percent of jobs are always open. In Huron County the number to be filled was projected to be around 800. "Would you go me a favour?" What a question is this! "It depends on what it is." When someone looks for a job with Would-you-do-me-a-favour at- titude, /defenses are around. Rather' the approach needed is, "Here are my qualifications. I am sure you need my services." It was indicated by Mr.Gillespie that it has been found that qualities in a prospective employee are im- portant in the following order in the minds of employers - 1. Attitude 2. Reliability 3. Skills and 4. Experience. The crucial factors in finding a to Kitchener, Mrs. Harold Simpson of Andrew St. demon- strated over CKCO-TV program "TELESCOPE" her hobby of making crowns and tiaras, 10 Years Ago A fire believed caused by spontaneous combustion levelled the large barn on the farm of Alton Isaac, RR 1 Clandeboye, Monday afternoon. He estimated his loss at $10,000: Besides the barn, a quantity of hay, some machinery and one cow were lost. A serious shortage of water in Grand Bend over the July 1-July 4 weekend has prompted renewed efforts on the part of council to find a solution to a water source in the near future. Exeter council set a new policy this week for employee holidays. Councillor Derry Boyle presented the motion which called for a three year stint before two weeks of holiday time were granted to town employees. Exeter Kinsmen Playground opened this week And registration had already hit 70 by Tuesday, Supervisors this year will again look after activities in all three Exeter parks under the guidance of Rec. Director, Don Gravett, happy, blest and successful, the parties involved must not neglect to provide a meaningful place for God and religion. It is only God's blessing that can really sanctify and, make holy a lasting marriage con- tracted between a man and woman. A marriage may be not much more than a contract of mutual understanding and commitment, plus a pleasant social gathering if it does not have the presence of God. In a truly Christian marriage God is not forgotten. Love, af- fection and mutual commitment of the marrying couple is sealed in the renewed commitment in which they give themselves to God and His will for them. Now, some people would be suspicious that to give God a predominate place at a wedding would be to cast a gloom over the affair when in fact evidence points to just the opposite. Remember when Jesus at- tended the wedding at Cana and the host inadvertently ran out of wine. In the East, hospitality was a sacred duty and to run out of wine on such an important oc- casion would bring em- barrassment, shame and humiliationto the family. It was in sympathy, kindness. and un- derstanding for simple people that Jesus acted and changed water into wine. Jesus was not a severe, austere killjoy. He loved to share in the happy rejoicing of a wedding celebration. To have Him and His Father at your wedding is to invite lasting joy and happiness. DEEMEREWNWATE2242SIZZOISCRMZSMSMESSIM Times Established 1873 Advocate Established 1881 We agree in part with Exeter Mayor Jack Delbridge in his contention that people should slow down. "Too many people are in a hurry to get nowhere," was one of his pronouncements and in many cases it hits very close to the mark. • Every driver has been vic- timized by another who zips past and then slows down to make a turn at the next corner. You mathematicians will be able to figure out how much time is "saved" on a 100-mile trip when you travel at 70 rather than 60. The answer points up the obvious insanity of driving too fast and risking your neck and others on the highways. However, while we agree with the need to slow down, there's still room, fors. argument over council's decision to, reduce, the speed limits in town to 25, -par— ticularly on Highway 4. By reducing the speed limit, traffic will be backed up even more and it is in direct conflict with council's other aim of keeping traffic moving without snarl-ups caused by those wishing to make left turns off Main St. The use of stop signs has .ef- fectively reduced the speed, one can attain on most back streets in town and there appears little validity in taking other measures at this time. This is particularly so when one considers that the new limit is below that accepted in thevast majority of communities in this province. We can well imagine the howls of protest from motorists who are stopped for "speeding" when they may be going only 30 m.p.h., the generally accepted rate of speed. Generally speaking, council's action will not stop those who are presently creating problems by fast driving. It matters little to these people what the limit really is because they have no regard for it. They'll go just as fast in a 25 01„D- TIMES' This is the season for weddings and each week our paper shows pictures of happy couples em- barking on a new life together. Recently I heard about a happening at a wedding that caused an unusual stir and a few chuckles. It's something the couple will likely remember above everything else when they celebrate their future an- niversaries. It was a particularly large and impressive assembly of beautifully gowned bridesmaids, a very beautiful bride, a hand- some groom, best man, and a splendidly attired group of ushers and other attendants. Each of the young ladies carried a bouquet and each of the men had a boutonniere. The little flower girl, aged about four, held a dainty basket of multiflowers. The group made a magnificent appearance across the front of the church. After the organ stopped playing everyone waited in silence for the minister to begin. Just then the, little flower girl noticed he had no flower and not wanting him to be overlooked she called out to the rest of the party in a clear, ringing, childish voice, "Look, we forgot God . . . give him a flower too," and taking a posy from her own basket she tried to reach it up to the minister. It may be that the religious training of the little girl had not been very clear for her to mistake the minister for God but she was quite right in one thing that God should not be overlooked or forgotten at a wedding. If a marriage is to be really Creative job search techniques job lie in the job seeker. And, of course, it is this emphasis which Creative Job Search Techniques seeks to make.' Actually, the course was devised in the Unitedi -States where success rate after four weeks following completion is 75 percent. The course itself is made up of two sessions an hour and a half each and held a week apart. The first session introduces the emphasis which we have men- tioned above and also a method of compling a resume of personal information. Homework after the first session is writing such a resume. In the second session there is a group experience wherein each person's homework is criticized and polished up. There is role playing illustrating how employers should be ap- proached. Every encouragement is given for resourcefulness in job-searching. Actually, there have been courses in job search techniques previously. These have been offered privately and thus entail some expense to the job hunter. The Unemployment Insurance Commission has some helpful material for those whom they feel are receiving benefits over too long a periodand thus need some help. They have, sample letters, and certain very pertinent suggestions regarding job hunting. One of the most important suggestions is simply make your job hunting a full time project. They recommend a 40 hour week at least and more if necessary. "Once you start," they suggest, "do not take little vacations." All search for contacts and positions should be recorded. Indeed they should be planned ahead. Much use of letters in- troducing oneself, seeking in- formation and interviews, thanking people for their efforts and time and ( interest. 'Everything that is recorded, sent out or received should be dated. Start your work day early to make time for multiple in- terviews and tests. Research the company and job open in each case. Be ready with questions for the prospective employers. Follow-up leads immediately, making use of the telephone to make appointments and enquiries. Be prepared to change your presentation and your resume whenever weaknesses are apparent. The list goeson apace and no doubt you could add some suggestions of your own. Cer- tainly the process of job hunting sharpens the hunter and if he is committed to his hunting he will have the opportunity of choice between a number of offers. "Such courses," it was pointed out, "have good results for those who want to work," To all such, Mr. Gillespie's efforts are reeommended, We hope to hear More shortly. rt