HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1974-06-27, Page 17MASTER OF CEREMONIES — An MPP finds himself called upon to at- tend many different events in his riding. Here, Jack Riddell, Huron Liberal MPP was assisting in the trophy presentations at the Hensall Spring Fair Calf Club Show last week. He was also master of ceremonies for the evening. In the background are one of the con- testants and Bill Coleman, chairman of the calf club. ******** ******** AUCTION SALE • I(' s.4( of Antiques, Household Articles, Ponies, Etc. t nut 41( 1 mile north of Grand Bend on the Bluewater Hwy. 4( • Saturday, June 29 at 1:30 (watch for signs) dir ANTIQUES: oak dining table, wooden chests; fern stand; 41( .,10. baby carriage; wicker sewing baskets; coppei: tea kettle; • wooden & brass telephones, toilet sets; barrel churns; buggy' dair wheels; pictures; odd dishes; tin bath tub; chamber pot; walk- )11,- r" ing plow; brass aladdin lamp; boiler; bread rising tub; ...A Ar statues; insulators; odze; iron beds & dressers; wooden bed;, L .▪ - set of homes; wooden washer;buck saw; platform rocker. HOUSEHOLD modern walnut drop leaf table & 4 chairs; chesterfield & chair; end tables & coffee table; lamps; linens, r". etc,; mirrors; books; 2 sets of dishes & kitchen utensils; golf ..br clubs; record players; stove; girl's figure skates; Buick wheel " covers; radio; drapes; table saw & 3 hp motor. 40( PONIES 3 ponies and cart 4( TERMS Cash Hugh Filson AUCTIONEERS Tom Robson 1C 666-0833 Phone 666-1967 "Of * * ** * * * * * * * * * * ** RADER MOTORS LIMITED PARKHILL Phone 294-6293 * Chevrolet, Oldsmobile SALES & SERVICE * Body Repairs and Painting * Parts and Accessories what's cookid? FREEZER SPECIAL RED BRAND A-1 STEER BEEF (FULLY PROCESSED) FRONTS LB 79c HIPS LB 99c SHORT RIB & SHOULDER COUNTRY STYLE Roasts LB 89€ SELECT BY- THE- PIECE Slab Bacon LB 791 STORE SLICED - SMOKED Cooked Ham LB1.49 Bacon Pieces LB 49` SCHNEIDER'S BACK Spare Ribs. LB 99c Country Fryer Parts LB 59C U, S, NO 1 WATERMELON $1.29 U.S. NO 1 - LARGE BUNCH CELERY 47$ U. S. NO 1 - 138's ORANGES 684 DOZ KRAFT 1 LB Cheese Whiz 99$ HOWDY FLAVORS 26 OZ NON-RETURNABLE Bottled Pop vest *CASE $3 REGULAR 89¢ Hostess Chips Sih RAID HOLM ez GARDEN 14, 5 OZ Insect Repellent $1.49 LIBBY FANCY 19 OZ Tomato Juice 4/891 CANNED STEMS & PIECES 10 OZ Mushrooms 39t UNCLE JACK'S REG 590 Assorted Candies 2/$1 KRAFT JET PUFFED 11 OZ Marshmallows 3/$1 VI, MOM tit mat to ilium THE TENDER SPOT. 00,202. 0•RANA...000_ BEING SHOWN AROUND — Karen Holmes and Janice Allen were two of the Clinton Public School students who visited the Legislature at Queen's Park, Toronto Thursday, Liberal MPP for Huron, Jack Riddell was on hand to welcome them and answer their questions. "Your Family Health Centre" 373 Main it. Phone 235.1570 or 235-1070 EXETER PHARMACY LTD. t. Poo. 17 'a days a. week job LOTS OF PAPER WORK — An MPP spends much of his time reading articles, reports and letters from his constituents. Here, Jack Riddell, Huron explains a letter to his secretary, Ani,a Marta. it's a The casual visitor sitting in the gallery at the Legislatore in Queen's Park could hear an exchange something like this: Mr. Speaker: The honorable member for Huron. Mr, J. Riddell: Mr. Speaker, I have a question for the Minister of Energy. Can the Minister confirm the allegations.. „ Bet the debate in the House is only a small part of what actually goes on in the halls of govern- ment. As a relatively new member to the Ontario government, Jack Riddell, Huron's Liberal MPP has found it a seven-day a week job just keeping up with everything in his own riding, let alone what goes on in the whole province, seven Jack has been a member since the March by-election, held to replace Charles MacNaughton. "You have to be relatively Well informed about all the ministries," he said from behind the pile of reports, articles and letters that would have to be read thoroughly that morning. "When you get up and question a minister, you'll want to knpw what the answer is likely to be or the minister can cut you down pretty quick", he said solemnly. "You don't learn it in one year, you don't even learn it in two years." Jack starts the day early, walking the half mile from his apartment to the Legislature, arriving in his office before eight o'clock. Like most out-of-town members he maintains an apartment to live in during. the week. They are allowed -$250 month for these comm octagons. His mornings are divided between constituency business and reading the endless pile pf reports and correspondence. But this, says Jack, can lead to a confliet,' "Your conStiteency work shouldn't take preference over legislative work , .. Some feel we're here jUst to solve all the problems of riding. Certainly it is one of our major respon- sibilities but the main job is legislation that affects everyone in Ontario. That's why we sit in the House so much , . . But then you don't-win any votes sitting in the House." Keeping the voters at home happy is not always easy. "There's every type of problem imaginable, If a person comes to you with a problem, it's generally legitimate but some people ex- pect you to perform miracles. They know full well they haven't a chance,", A family that finds itself no The possibility of having a priest as an observer and to represent the Roman Catholic clergy on the Huron-Perth Coun- ty Roman Catholic Separate School Board will be discussed at a committee of the whole at the next board meeting. The request for this appoint- ment, to be made by the Dean of the Huron-Perth Deanery, was made by Howard Shantz of Strat- ford at the Board meeting in Seaforth, Monday night, The priest would be eligible to be pre- sent at all meetings of the Board but Would not be permitted to vote. Shantz stated that since it is a separate school board and that the only reason for its existence is the Catholic religiOn, then a priest should be in attendance at all meetings and could serve as a resource person in matters per- taining to the Catholic faith. Not all of the trustees approved of the idea, Joseph Looby of Dublin said that "if a priest wants my seat on the Board then let him run for it (at' the next election)", The Board will_ ask the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and the Township of Hibbert to have the road in front of St. Patrick's Separate School, Dublin, marked for a 30-mile per hour zone speed Whit. It is a 45-mile zone at the present time, They want cross- walks across the road which is the main street of Dublin and a county road as well. Donald Crowley of Gadshill, chairman of the transportation committee, questioned if the local council would want to change the 45-mile zone because with it, cars must stop when the school bus is loading or unloading pupils. The .separate school bus does not unload -"on the main street but the Huron County Board of Education bus does. "We would have protection for our children" Mr. Crowley said, "but don't you think the village council would have a respon- sibility to protect all children, public or separate." longer being covered by 0111P, a- mother who can't get mother's Allowance, ,a disabled workman in need of a pension, or a farmer having trouble with bis .tax rebate, they all come to their MPP. Municipal councils also ask for 'their member's help to support their requests for such things as grants. The problems can usually be solved in short order by a phone call or personal visit. The trick though, is to know who is responsible for what problems in the maze of bureaucracy. • But ministers and civil ser- vants are generally cooperative regardless pf what side of the Hone the member sits on. While the Conservative party has ministers for different policy areas, the Opposition parties appoint their own members as critics of these areas, Jack is the Liberal energy critic which means he must read all reports, newspaper articles, periodicals and be familiar with previous legislation in this area, "Hydro alone, sends out "All we want is to protect our children, let the Public School look after their own," Looby replied. "Let's do what we can for our children, What we want is a 30- mile zone in front of our school and crosswalks," said Michael Connolly, Kippen, chairman 'of the Board. Howard Shantz reported that he hoped the landscaping at St. Aloysius School, Stratford, would be completed in two weeks. The Board will permit Student Accident Insurance to be offered to the parents, who wish to take it out for their children, in September by the Frank Cowan Company-Ltd, of Princeton, and to be underwritten by Commer- cial Union Assurance Group. Jack Lane informed the trustees that this insurance is primarily for teeth or the loss of a limb. The Board will notify its school bus drivers not to use the bridge on Sideroad 20 in Hibbert Township Which has a five-ton limit. Looby is to enquire about the bridge and see if a ten-ton limit would be applied instead, Joseph Pigeon of St. Joseph's - School at Kingsbridge has resign- ed as custodian, effective July 15. Jack Lane, business ad- ministrator, reported' on a seminar he attended in Toronto on June 14 and Mr. Connolly reported on a visit to the Robarts School for the handicapped in London. Following a meeting of com- mittee of the whole which lasted two hours after the regular meeting, it was, announced that the following teachers have been hired: Mrs. Mary Coeck to Precious Blood, Exeter; Martin Skillen to St. Mary's School, Goderich and Bill McKay to St. Michael's School, Stratford. Three principal's relief teachers were hired: Mrs. Mary Margaret Cassone to Im- maculate Conception School, Stratford; Mrs. June Holmes to St. Columban; and Mrs. Ruth Ann Pringle to St. Aloysius School, Stratford. volumes of repert,s," he said. "You have to make notes on the things you read and clip articles to be filed." When energy bills come up in the House, Jack has to present to his party caucus meeting the information needed to make their policy decisions. He is also responsible for debating government energy policy in committees and in the House. Confronting your government counterpart, in Jack's case, the Hon. Darcy McKeough, Minister of Energy, is often frustrating. Opposition members are not blessed with the government's research staff, nor is the minister always ready to answer his critics' questions. After lunch, if it's Monday, Tuesday' or Thursday, Jack heads for the Legislature. On these days, the House sits from two till six, Wednesday is set aside for committee meetings and Friday, the session goes from ten to one. The House also sits most evenings from eight until ten- thirty, The first hour of debate is set aside for a question and answer period which gives the Opposition an opportunity to get direct answers from the Ministers. It can sometimes be a lively exchange. But despite what appears to be bitter enmity displayed in the House, the members are often on the best of terms the rest of the day. Frequently the Minister has been told beforehand that a certain member will ask him a question, so he can prepare the answer. There are also times when the Minister is not able to answer immediately and he will get back to the member outside the House. After that first hour, many members leave for other duties until only a handful of the 117 seats are occupied. "I used to think it was a case of real irresponsibility," said Jack. "But there are a lot of com- mittee meetings that go on at the same time or something to do for their riding." The Conservative party has such a majority that it allows its members to take off one day a week from sitting. Although members may not be in the House, they are not far away. If a bill comes up for a vote, a bell that's heard throughout the building summons them to the Legislature. n thiS particular day, Jack had to leave the House himself to welcome a group of senior students from Clinton Public School. It's standard procedure for visiting groups to be photographed with their MPP. And after a guided tour, they get a chance to sit in the visitors gallery. Their member will stand up in the House and introduce them to the other members who thump their desks in welcome. Jack also took time to answer any questions the students had. Sitting around the Liberal caucus room they asked him about what a minister does, is there a time limit to speeches, ("There should be," Jack said, "some of the members have the gift of the gab.") or if any members have fallen asleep in the Legislature ("It's not uncommon to find someone snoozing.") With every weekday taken up by legislature sittings, com- mittee meetings and such, an MPP might look forward to a quiet weekend at home. But no such luck. "Your time is not your own in this business," Jack said. "Weekends are the only times your constituents have a chance to see you," When he arrives home Friday evening, he has a list of phone messages that have come in , during the week. Every one must be answered.. And while he remains home, there is a steady stream of visitors or the constant jangle of the telephone until his Sermon on "light" at Anniversary By MRS. ROSS SKINNER ELIMVILLE On Sunday the Elimville Sunday School Anniversary was observed with Rev. John Beaton of Centralia Zion West con- ducting the service. His sermon was on "Light ." The Young People's Junior choir under the leadership of Miss Joan Pym sang two num- bers. Mrs. Philip Johns played the organ. The church was decorated with peonies and fern, Friends spending the day in the community were Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Webber of Stratford, Mr. & Mrs, Lorne Hern of Zion, Mrs. James Earl and Mr. Armstrong of Exeter, Mr. Craig Webber with Mr. & Mrs. Philip Johns. Mr. & Mrs.Cliff Jaques and Dalton of Zion, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Murray of London with Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Elford, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jaques of Zion with Mr. & Mrs. Ross Skinner and family. Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Pym of Hensel] with Mr. & Mrs. Squire Herdman.. cabdriver Jacob German was the first .person arrested for speeding m an auto. It was 1899, the speed was 12 m,p.h, • and the arresting officer was on a bike! 1975 cars may have a hookup that automatically locks doors as speed hits ,30 m.p.h, New for your car - an emergency compressor, to pump up tires, that works on your cigarette lighter. To find a leak in your trunk get in with a flashlight while a friend sprays outside with a hose. Apply caulking wherever leaks are revealed. New cars with anti-pollution devices must have a thorough tune-up, plus cleaning of cer- tain filters, and cleaning and regapping of spark plugs. Maintenance becomes more important. When maintenance is important, rely on Larry Snider,. Our mechanics are experts, their work is first-class. Larry Snider MOTORS LIMITED EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227-4191 Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer Drive in soon! return on Sunday. Then there are all the social functions that an MPP is ex- pected to attend, the fairs and official openings, the presen- tations, the speeches and meeting people, always meeting people.. "They come from all walks of life and you have to remember everybody's name. That's very difficult," he said. "The' biggest drawback to this business is sacrificing your family life. It's an added responsibility for your wife too. She has to make the. decisions at home because a member has his constituents to look after," But despite the hours and the work involved, Jack can still say, enjoy it all." AUCTION SALE of Property, Construction Equipment and Building Supplies for DONALD OKE LTD. in Zurich, Ontario Saturday, July 6 at 1:00 p.m, PROPERTY: Approximately 132' frontage by 60' depth at the intersection of Victoria and Rosalie Streets. Main building con- tains 24' x 16' show room, 36' x 58' storage area and 18' x 36' work shop. A separate metal clad lumber shed 201 x 60' built within the last 2 years is also located on the property, Property fo be sold subject to a reserve bid, TRUCKS: 1968 GMC 3/4 ton pickup - 6 cylinder with box. 1965 Ford 1 ton truck - 8 cylinder with hoist. Both vehicles sell- ing with safety' certificte, EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES: Clark Fork lift truck with carpet roll attachment, Beach 14" table saw with self feeder attach- ment, 2 HP 220 volt motor, 8" table saw, Beaver 6" jointer, Port-A-Matic 14" masonry saw, Pal-O-Pak 3 HP insulation blower, "8" cut off saw with 1 HP motor, two concrete vibrators, two propane construction heaters, miter-saw, 11 sections steel scaffolding, scaffolding wheels, new and used Form-ply, concrete fanning wedges, surveyor's transit, bog cart, One section roller conveyor, aluminum extension ladders, blueprint plan desk, double drawer wood desk, metal secretaries desk, 4 drawer file cabinet, drafting table - light paragon term, Paymaster cheque writer, Remington electric adding machine, roll racks for carpeting, ()mark power gun and Ortiol inventory of builder's supplies, Not responsible for accidents on day of tale D & i RIDDELL AUCTION SERVICE ,Douo, AUCTIONEERS ,JACK' 2374576 2374431 A 1 ismaPoishompiammoromPoinoinissioropoi.uogionio,.. Request for a priest as observer on board Member of the Provincial Legislature