HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1871-12-12, Page 3TEE WASHINGTON TIZAVT. THE FRA OF GOOD irK NU 111ADE MANIFEST. Wasiorturtm, N ow • - 8.-- 0.111. Brashs will nitrodueed into t he hoeee„„ a hill to carry into effect the treay ht. twos.. the U. S. and Great Britian. The fhrat aril ion provides that whenever the l'rellidt tit .,1 the U. S. shall moose :ratio factory stridence I het thu Imperial Per- oi Great Britian, the Parliament Canaen, and the Lenoileture of Prince Ildwarire leleant, Wive pease& laws on ttl.rpm., to wit e full effect to the pr - .1 the Washington Treaty, eon. tains' it. articles Id to 93 iirolusive, end article 30 of said Treaty, he is authorised to 1114111, 1.111 troclatuatitur derlaring that lie hes etich erdence ; and 1. the aide .4 such proolaulati ,,, , and so long as gild article* shall remain in forue, arsor.tiu to the teruss ot at tick 33 ; all hsh.uiI, .4 aII kinds of fiat., of Inland likes, end 4 ricers falliog 'into them, and except fis1. preaurred iii .it,, being the poallo•• Btu fisheries of the Dominion of (Iseult.. or Prince Edeard Wail I, shall km ad nutted .tivr thu U. S. free of duty. Section 2 risa/ces stunt sr putrumnis the colony of Nee toundland. rt.. Act of thu Imperial Parliatnent 100s ltsuo„ aent 1. die aflielea Of the Treety above alluded to. s„ • 3 provides that all goods oi met anodise arm log at the ports of New York, Bosom Portend, end other prat In Unitnd W.. a ll. e Pr, rd. to (2,4o tut I 10 UM. de.igoate, Mai Mod for her Brittanieht. 'rot, • 1. aseasi••na it. N..rth A inereakeee, 1.. entered at the istoper custom howls., and con verel, wit horst p Intent of do through the territories .4 the Unite.' States, ',mho mci, regolatmili for the protection Of Ole r. tt• tie a• the iitecre tary 14 the Treasury may from ten. to time preecrthe ; and tinier hit* role.. merchandise may be c.m.o• e.I in fem.., *Mond payment of ditties, fr Duel. ,p••144.711olita throttgli the territory of tho rioted States for export from tasidporta of the United State*. Section 4 providtts that all arstrienta Her Britannic Mtiesty , !mar carry in, British vessels 0 lf holt pat Wont of tlilty, 1 norchamhas, wade, Wane, from one • port or place Within the lerrttory of the Coact(, • Shalt. on the St. Lagraoce mid 2i_Liera214.112,•, in threw*. I to ell, her port or place within the terri- tory of the United Staes. pros tiling 4 portion .1 moll transeortatiou i. med.. homy. Coterie by lend carriage, aihl ta to It'd !tinier 011c11 roles 0.4.1 revilattotta as tua V he 111(1.001 111/-0 letteeen Gmerinuetet of her Britannic vlajestv and thellorertIntelit of that tined St • tea. The Procticto roar by proclanati et sus- ,r,tig,:,can p0111 Ilin 1.4111 O( esrry IGnoin'vini ti"'.1..11::r1 Canad• should at any 11tne deprive the citizena of the Coned St vtes r.1. the na - of the canals in the said Dominion ar _PteviAtol fur_ ig arti:dat 18. lit somatic- • export orother dutycoutinties to to levied , after the 16th '.14 ne '72, on lumber or „Timber of any kind cut on that te.rtron . of American territory earred he the • . • river St. John and its trinotaries, awl i: nowt -ern the river to the sea, *hen th. ., same ts shipped O. the United ste•e. front the Proem,* of New 11....t.si.k, It'd " then and in thin ea. the Pres1.1014 Of the ." . .theiteeflitatee.1111, t y nrmIstriatan, ems • , peal all right .4 aarryitog, provided for . • - --r--7--, --- '-''.: - . by this action I.e. such pervel *a suck 7..,.' __.; .4.:-'.4egAgitreulf-igas* . HAY Special Noticae. The inconvenience caused by tits dis- tance wI,.h emu* 01111dron re•itle from the schools in the front sections of this Td•nship, rerantuated 1 an ap, eel to the Town•hip Coeur% that laxly declined to tali., action in the ',letter, •nd some of the parties wet inhere/41.6d got 'tilt A Be- 1101Tend forwarded it to the County Colon:II in the hand. of H ,y'e reprment- -dives We itudseitand that it eel 1424517 eigsted sod will no doubt hare emus weight Ist the • • ZURICH. Wearies. --TM, weather ter th• Put few daya has hoe.' very stormy and ac- companied by sii nitwits" frost Although to -day (Fri lay) the from is lem intense, the storui has scarcely abated any of its hatistermui strum, and our weather pros - pet ts foretell a thaw Mt IneaL. -Dr..1 Stichattan has tat en tip his rettidene• in tbs village and is prelim..l to render hie sermon to the needful. The De. Serer Kell traCiin ,a41114414 dwe b p veal So _snocetfol- ITIM14171.7.T •• Zurek itorrestmedent et '11. th. inioirtatice wheals 'fearfully iitterett• .•4" *nastier tobein with -regard o. the viialiti tithe filotret. He wool 1 laio leect_nne into • newton!. senate 2 .1abar polo lice no. 410 a d ••••• • &by mit gentlemen. j t .1.c ins the combat. lf, however, he fedi ,,on. el. I Al. er1111.14 to en.wer any .1 tho Ss rye's two, - 011araurel. ••10 Collborionu • thee.k kiateroeset a th• *Stem! hie. *kirk port° the leper« bias taf depts. isa 4ed uolnitt 4101h) • eirefol appotellea of the hog pno retie. of a.ellterbett .1 cur va No, Zing bao 9n/witte4 too Wreak« table, e al, a delleattoly Are Ili ay we. bolty 1.01.1.' hill. -Cit'4 Serie 6..' 'Kt( 3h Bolling Water or Milk. Cod. 7.‘a.altet -lieeria Beet ed. litoluotojethio Cularatta *Abdul INIM Or TB' H ittpWARE. -7- , JANSON trAmnTuN • OAUTf011t()Aii711.10 TO THE PUBLI:t OF THE BRI ISA PRoY I NCES t/F NORTH • AMERICA trit wee.6,6!...-16,11r te worsens twts ee.. er that 0,0.1,bortn hotertrato prot in...Met la Nov Ws '-a4.,41,.4141.« at ea Mani... late. a•• York. CO Ow Salo ot tIOLL.1••••• Prwr ..• vat* ea.«. NOR to that Do., prepared 15 Wiliam Bents h. ...seed. to to .1r,..,j I 10- 6thrt t....y that 1 lilt. res.. to ss use me nianarnieut of 11.4 late laid for • ottir 1.6as led 16 11•1111V V/1110,1•••• inditt ornsitl, 46•1 it I I e that the 1011• tool hatuoritt were Out prai:d .1111 the, dais 1 beta at..0 • tboored. • Thole elei A r the!, tot...1'Z 1.1.1 thre nee1«. Item 1.1 1•. p••••4444 11111/r• awirett 0111.. atonal, 11 .1loway•• 1,11, .td 1t aaufadlorwt ov ut Lassos. r„..e.„:`,1 well ht see that each pot •n4 We heats tin, 41.1..1...11torattneulp=7,:ogn oh i* etei rat rd 7larr MAKE= ClItOSS OUT BA I 'laving completed their Yell per. T• chases of • 1 • .111,1111 ;1, 11.1"1.6,1 633'1'1A1•1'.11.06(1•%1. •bere only they 014 inautifildture.i. awl ill us miter part of the • whi. 4.1o41, pine. •ss ,he ist Bettie, corneae, and not 111dolle: 444 est • hn reprelowaliee •o•• treed t men": toy port .0 11.. 1101.1•11 Pm 1.... an the „trete ...it., • 1.1 011ie ore tr• 1.. nit Pale have rt 11 •u. .ttetopte *1111.,., 21.1y l00,0I• 1 • .14 giro tt*enta 4,- shi•on, by peaMil• 4.001114 agokilriao 1.1 sly revers. re" that ,hey 0000111.. tiara , *del...stet wth toy kt...1.19a and 2.die•std ileens •ire may b.r'h against me . tenant. to em the wets yyeis„-iv.1.4 el•roratin tom cubism" ormosy ..ere mg- ,4.1ek 44 'bolt degernose U4ttire, pro, idea, 11,11 *ill .1,, 1011,9421•111, h1..1r•rut 4nr,1 t il''''t .' say**I 0,., long wh• with aerpentiliS pertil 1.1/1•1' li• ee••••6. 1.. i.u..g.....t;07. ti --,,17„.i ,n,7::::'" b... ..,,,,,..t...,, reya•1114••• Ile 1A-pPeer,• 6611.1,1111,4 iv"; rm. is: 1411t.i44. 4,... 11.16:7.4.1h1.17.1.1":1::::,:: ' awl coutointat-.Cons. 1 ...Wank a* • groit rs,,,,,,,i'4"`"- rn.8.0 are 1.111, ovule ••:. *old to lity ••••1,.. h• ":: • i'•••:::ii.....•••".4:111.4i ...I kr: 1•4:1.4.17.....::. Ist:L1:11.::'';‘:::{litt.;;L:iiiri4•••1,4:. ti: - BI RTH. --------- ...luso. 404 liketirl. (1.0 11•11. try 1 itAlnesa of Th. 011 tibilli00711- -III-- 41;., the wife of Mr Gt.. t......,.„..... t.i,...4.1c.,...4.......iii..v..,:,...,:......,....,izi.....t,:..te,rt,.,,,.1,, ............._•1410......, Aa.,,i,. ic. 11••.•• 7•:•rn.,:t....1 :3.,.•,...ii. etel!..1Aety.nizE,..e.b4,...:16:•,.tioolo:ure...:,..,..1:6ib. Con, irf• son. • • greile-71144 me . 1.-..teetio• of the 1.1.1ie. to I .. . ,, 4'1111:414 •••ylblion Lave to4, ni in belie. that:. email acts the pert .4 au unoroyk...1 end le 'ov",• oivt.4m) *el .01 be defrinoted."Sr 1. hone h rrhi cod pity tm tomiolg ..r eee•ea that spumes mad, • TUE 7112124ETS lbato MIMI, Ines. he •liiiiv well to ored .. 1, Irt a b.. kyr .1,0,0•1 ny loiter ff ' 0• I , .... -, r• 4SI 4 he- 1.01010.1•,t,1e,i,rr..,i,Od..•r. ta.rno., .w..tri,•t1% 0 4.6 w. .4,Irt.1 h”he /..e.nrts 01 , t„1040802 ".. 17-110m*p 4.,. etis • 116 „,,,„,,„,,,,,,,,..14Y•woee,ethenhet(O01111) 0bar- 1 14 • 1 14 to iod oIleaIIale,/ t::.Ph., .trew 4,14-w•t . s"ply t,11,401.5 hoe whoete inralog4bb ,01••nt•hat*htmoeP.., r lri .1 Chtrob• 01011.1,,•14Mil. .i44fIto litail .•narey1heft 541 141 tn1.•04441.1ioti. Smut eh.4 - r•resellodbr • , era anted to th 1:1,:1 ;b.. bar. .... ' 1 St Clthehidet.her• 9 Kr t. er ssb••1/. .4 ,4 1141 Ii .. .eoueet .enfat l.i•row••otAA ' worth4. . 1 '' 4 s..413. vet...-petde Sow.o1.n11« pee toS - ••5 14m '- ,, w ', 1.0e/lbe., nett. •tlt dltd.uatro.Mt .lseaet 7Iva.roolao mit a_ rorE• • 4*rmut r. . trete« ton.. • T.I.Eayar Mira : TH, mks got.Loner. IISSAkrfor 'fort 114. eri, --insist. (veneer hum 11 14 alert' s ;1,1•,..4.(.4.4,14.) per 1 11 le 1 te- st. firer bet) ,, ..... 4 re • 'Ike tiet. per 17.14 2: L.IWIN, W. C.. µtour, I, lest • 64$ 71$47i, --srnn";:s" .. .. a-. es mt. 'wools SHELF ib HEAVY HARDWARE, Are nor prepared to LII all orders nit). 'which they rimy 1.1 favored. They reipectlitl'y invite attention to the folio 4 ing hues of Goodi. which they are prepar- • ett to sell VERT Le* roe tAtiff; -0 -- NAILS j0 U. PARSONS *Co. 0111 rasa and descriptions, lei -Nov. 2, 71. GLAtss 'G. R. PARSONS & Co., HARDWARE MERCHABIT MARKET SQUARE,' 00 Dater,. Have for solo • Nioni, FOX. and other traps, CROSS (TT SAWS, MILL SA W* /1) list WS, AND BEST MAKES OF HANDSAWS, CHOP - 13I11 /KW VAkI.t 01.8 'MAKERS ljnIDPIIICEdi BOY'S AKE& HAND AXES ANL BROADAXES. COW TIM OF SEVERAL KINDS. - 4.400 CHAINS OF LL 812E8, GLASS. PrTTT.,--- -- WROCGHT AND CUT NAILS. *e. And • large assortment of all kis& 44 , 11 t>wa.it ri4 --w•HT101111Piliii Ea C ASH. OpPoirl; ART }IOU 8E7- All rime imar 9 ••• 30. BLEST IMPORTATIONS. BOILED Aral RAW ()II., ,POAL OIL, uf gmel qes" Y dtealtt v.titmen & BROWN JAPAN, .A.. me I. 13.4' AN, _COAL OIL LIMPS, LANTERNS, kiffLECT1 dis. • BURNERS, CHIMNEY'. & ICKS, ALEIGFI SliOE SrEEL, ell the !styling sieve, C.DST STEIL • fa"' •••011 - meta, BAR & HOOP IRON etteal &Wetland. CAST IITEELAX ES bee 81 upwards, REST CAST STEMS/ILES, • full aseortment, ' AUGERS, HOLLOW ArtilERS, awl AUGER, 1111111, ANVILS, VICES, COIL 'CRAIN. TRACE CHAINS, (, TIES, TIN. 8HEErZI rod CANADA 1.1.4T10 ' era' ,1 WS FRAM- , SHOVELF ftZ FORKS, Bort needles. .40507 choice t of Merchant Tailor, from MN BRITI SU MARKETS, hal. • «, endid g et Scotch and Engliah Tweeds. • 111 CLOTHS, FLANNEL* Bit Y'S CIA/THING. MEN'S CLoTHINC, /SHIRTS, of all descrip,i.,ne. ANB GENERA I. OUTFITTING 3, the. las parelmaaral to the tool biratit•pe, oho. lal• 1,14.11jers • al 1•11••• The /whoa Qdr4411l um/ see thelitoek anel tut the Slift.t. Opposite I a ton ....L. 11171. -111 FALL& WINTER STYLES ABLE& DES NIVE: in logy-, 'Bitek-h Headline.; A r. Cocoa and Horse manritneitt of Ph). and PoCK [NI VES, RAZ- ORS and sCI swim, troa the beat . 64: egs., -125-aft Tte :Mao tio' ..ifteS41101114141mT11, ---ALBAT-A And 1LECTRO.PLAT- Ell TABLE DESSERT * TEA SPOONS rad FORKS, SUP- • TRIISPL AUL BUTTER COOLERS, KNIVES and • CR El8, very sultahl• fm _ - the approaching' holidays. ENtnISH PL • NES, PLANE IftoNS, o ICHISEIS,SPEAE &JA.KSON'S, T.AVIJHUS HAND, PANEL an., wpsAws. A cent tete aeortment ,,aillifilSomei LE Kap. Ir. 411414iiiajoe.. tug A. , •• Gal. .0oiss•heow Ingetriup , lel 40.4 ... ...:.-..... • . . •Ity Tolorapaillo lir %OA • , Pell *meat etay...2-h.ge-- et 66 1111ri: IA 1•1 1ir moment. Ole .4. Mr. '00(0* •041,10e .er woks ...R.I..** 1-000..-- 01...,. 100111 . 4 ......, • • In tit I 14 Wh4.'• ("I''"*0 fri bool••" -a 14 . ''''.'- "Jr Z•11114. nay dealt wont . 0.45 .___..1 ,.....sele1 IOTA!. Yea 1.4114 :AY 0111. DC., r0.0, 1r, 100 .40.d......?..... tel..4.4 1.10.b. . • . :I.: .. 41•441."*„.„,,,yrAm=x,..;.:V."'"1.,.;....,...--2.4..-4.44.4r,"""' ... • ',phi albeit mt. eta'l itor ow I Ir.111•TI.D.;11•11,1. r.,..• per Idt•tr .“.• • 14, "1 V. ee .aram. .11 *11 .0 144,0110. 11140.4t. One ...Ole_ at. • I tool Lot r relators der ton. • 49 '• ila. • et eight year. •1•,11141 D•0•1 Potilt / 4 WI •• I MI .her4bot, ' A. *4 • . - " • -• -. 'The Omni Division ot the sees of . Tempetarree contort...1 their unman, in Toronto, yesterday. The following ars • .: the name' .4 the newly elected tan I Seers. (1. W. P.,11R..y. .10 .1. Wings. (ieorketown; (1. W Rey J. Orittith, . Loudowt G. 111.71ne, Waster, Brant -1 ford; G. Tem., 4. W. Sherrard, Ron- deau; .1. Ch., Roe. .1ohn Slaw. lir 'Tip- ton, G. Con., 8 ta. Hersey, Motet. ; (1. Sen., Rohl, Hook mg, 111,12 -"ter. Tim Pfe•Ititillf inns" 'go recommends the purchase of the v,trortia , telairaira lines thrtslehotil the coolant by the lib, go roe LI 4111 " 11130: poet -office So•Veto I ••ring FAI -1 ohm's are lireting their lips in antin ken .4 tit,' Neat. R BAN. KS Fr m• R. Ihtlor, UODZIDOH. We the andereigniel .4.. tore of the Tema of Oteteriek, hereby re. quest pen to who, y eir awn& tis tie plea- ted le nominative' foe the oak* .4 Mindy Reeve t II town for the resume year and en hearty pledge etefle111414 to tese all lagiaa• 114 weans lo. siloara,pair vinc- aloe tIodeni.16: Moe. 30th, $71. J. 8. Sincleir Geo.ftwaneon W 14Rymer W McKenna Hugh Go -diner Wodain SitifInt John Thompeon Joeneri Catioway Willi... McLean tlantuel Platt William Cos E Booker Arch Hodge E Bin_hao, Henry Clueas Harry Bolton J ohn Bell John Stewart Harty Reed M E Wrate John 11,tler F R Mann Mark Whictly John Mdchell Janie, Hite . POI It Erlwards Jae McFarlane "In Campbell Richard May A M.1C. Jot,n MeLe.4 13 Hezlehurst C Strechan Win 11 Methews Wood,ock Geo Hilton John Nairn Geo B Johnston W 11 Smith W F 0,nnIto4 .1 W Illackenrilg• John McIntosh Jr. Stephen Yates William Dickson John McPherson D Ferguson Robt Carman Elijah Martin Robt Gibbons Rich lasham John Phillip' R J Whitely F Jordan G Struthers A Wiley W Robertson - T N Dancy James COnnely D C MacKay Jas young Rob• MacKay John Whitlock A Kerby , David Adams W T Hays G H Martin Henry Horton H .J Martin T J Moorhouse A Proudfoot o N Davis Win Arthur P Carter Ge Cox 31 C Cameron D Set herland A Waddell John Mere ick Geo Nutbergall Roit 111cCleei11 Wm Piper Fl Armstrong John Pagemore A Molloy Sharman D Miller John Reid 8 Trainerr Alexender Eagle A Mc Merchy Thee Robe. mon .1 C McIntosh Jes Reid Win Ie•, P Somerville Horarve Horton J ohn Rolm" t De•o1 Cantelos Mark Wade Jr. D Gordon Wm McClain R Young Wm Donaghy, Wm McK sy GENTLEMEN, In reference to the above I beg to say that it will efford me great pleasere to comply with your re - inept and ff •lected enileator Nth fully to ,lischarge the ditties of am Alm I have the honor to be, gentlemen, Your obedient servant, SAMUEL H. DETLOR. ficelerieh. Dee, kh, 1871 ---1,STR AY Flint. (121114 50 ,1,. prerroan of Us et 4.« seed. let 2 1 Iota show ..1.110.1,a1..1 the 014dia .1 Jna a yeaolnit Pot Tba 'on., te neuter. 1 , err 1.01.411,67 meets. and lake It "gay. 44,an McKay 111stell geeerlelt Noe *101 10(1. •••46 _CAMBAY. 1.proem« or 111. mearwthav 0.4,11 g„, GO. 4, r1.0054 • A. .101 • Os«. • re eis seems,. *nee ?11.,w.__ 110.4.1414 41500•• Pegrer. 141 ,11•211e. see %WO aft 'we eetwom /egg Irk DA lelaL 020.71111i itandard Scales : Friar WILE W4IIRANTID. . More than 260 Darrel -A Modifications, 1111T,11 WALK. It if VALI," C.01, *era DAIRY %CA IS • 51*05, kw 1( 41.00, 0" 1.1. Tea '1•CALI•l, to., Ike. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS - BUY ONLY 1.11E GE N I IN .. SOltalir's mays improved Double Lock -Ala m i Oath Drawers. MAROft*R COLIOILathe 8•179s, IS ..... RINI COITIR NULLS, N • filINOVIIR Tenets, kc., Le. Sealea repe.r.d promptly cad resionoldy FAIRBANKS & co ei Malv ...T.:Be/PALO, N. Y. FAIRBANKS & CO, ' 2.-.3 Pg....beat...Jet W YORI, 1 FAIRBANKS, BRoWN k CO., tan AI 1.I101t Kr, /../Ta.V. Galen., Dee. 1(1.Mt. Now is Your Time tn Buy ‘ny-mAtly: CLOTHING, While the stock ismomplete and waling REMARKABLI CHEAP. A Splendid emortment of Brood Clothe & Fiery woollai Made up to f *der or Sold by th• yard GENTS' PIIRN'54ING9 of the Latest Styles and Patterns. The Subscriber would return thanks to his entuartere for tho liberal patronege extended alum while in the flourothing Town of Cioderich. He can now effort to sell at COST; end is determined to jive his customise' the benefit of his success in Mishima. ABRAHAM SMITH, Merchant Tailor & Clothier, &arts East of H Horton's Grocery, Market Square, Goderich. Sept 21et. 1871. Insolvent Aot of 1881 - •••••• In• the timbered Wilmot. Dosser arid Al••••40 1114•110.••••• t"r""td""1i'"eItr:›.1::r Puldtehers .a4(*,..,j Woo*. •••• am 11Iinitg ••••• • en.portniit 111111. Notre 1111•11aratyea lamovelt••• 10.re in0../••012 1.••• 111•4• •• 1.,.', 44101.7.0.01. tanned ‘• tee« al 007 ot• 11.0 oor• duet. r•It I. • *met*, *II ear.. nit 04110 116•• a. 13 ler., 0116.• 1050 54 itrIntt, la the foregoes, to Ms, attootoselit 10050(101.540.41••• 41.at *00,0,04, she ilth eel 01 Neeeenereje. DI:1[14 WATSON, elsterteaftestrog - TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS THE, "Gardner -New( MANUFACTURFD AT RA 11114,TON. - Fur 140007 lallightintnetrateurom work the Tirdnei Sewing Machine CARRIED OFF FIRST U17.11. ALL TIIE 3IACIIINEn Al' Tea TOfiON'10, I ONDON, GUELPH, ST. CATHERINES °RANG LV r1.1 E. Elt- 100 AND CH 'RUSTON 'EX.1-11BITit • NS. ' it shown. off with high hnnnn at the Po •incial Kalipton. stiblitrt4dions-i-aereillPactl"uu"lailly":4tonished tejlid"16",_ "--kiititte((d--; P-eo le ir-host in • reties, ems ent MITT, STRENGTH AND CAPACITY. . IT WILL SEW FROM ?HI- ' TIIINEST N'TO TIIE 11 F FiT CLOTR & LEAMER IT IS HANDSOMELY 31404 AND _ Simple, Durable, Convenient and Easy -Learned; And has the most Colltplete •el Id attach meta" of any 41•.tr ittliftUfactlittql Call end see the Garbler Machitte, at salver mat, opposite the Market House, Gudertela W. S. JOHNSTON • Afi ENT FOR H CRON 10017111TY, N. B. -The followiar is roue. innn the ("Adm. during the exhibition week at Kingston :-"The Gardner &Sing Machine (30, exhibit emend family mediums 71•40 • .11 11151V were in oferetion during the dav and , morel from the [wiliest work to a piece of 111001 10501 and • bit of eig.r 1,1 gamboled. The machine. do light manufmturii.‘ work al Int all that it. required in any fainilt circle." G.eleriell, Dec. 7111, 1871. RE -OPENING I THE M.t RliET GROCERY (FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY ROBINSON & CO) W. D 0 UC.LA8. rolr,LL/ANTERvir ---nAff OPENED ,T11K,ABOVE GBOCKEY ,WITH A ,J11M.44ThItS,,,VMPE OF GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, fresh, fashionablei iheap ---FtntTR:l . . AND FEED. . v - -, -....-00---- , cROCK ER V. MISS McCONNELL,.. . 17,1.‘ssW ARE, Ste, J.ilien1171."111..,.:41.9'll'hoqr.::brt "lath" WS" . i •11 ./09? elf . 'RIVET A LA Ittt ix mkt 2111.2done-17227sopumbite.64111 1$711.-_11.49111.-1111":1, • Bate, Bosses, Nibbling,. _ . Felibin is and Floiers. Stray Cattle. 14. the Iselesere of nolo« Areirresi . WS IA K. V., l's• s. et Ceiba«. 42 wl OM .4 smorteme Cuor Mrs wilts *a lie belly, 1141101. yor..1.1. Tr era - or la mile••le4 ogre peope, ty rows ark Wrier away. BORT. AICUSEONG. aelkorea De% 1104.1441. -4• as TRAIT CATTLE. Conte tato the Ig• cloture of Benjetntia Stunning" lu the Township /1 Collo roc, E con, kt 31,'. e year old Steer, one year old Heifer. owner is request. d. to prove property, pay titers°. and take. theta away. 01110.0•14130 V111117101: 23 Nov. 1871. sw2C)-3t• ' ()TICE. Came itir •tho premise...1 the en • tindersigned Colborne, block. D. ahout the Stet of November • t 'caw Ski 1,,L•d...r. Thu uu ..ur in returned to prove property, pity ,:barges cud take her &Way. Jtssern Moat's. Goderich Nov. 281871. sw26-311 QTItait -CALVES. Cam* 'into the • ' closure of Sheppard Jr/1160 ti.. Township of Colborne, 8th eon, lot 14. Three Miring 1.741115e color Reit and White. TIM owner 4 requeetei prov• prooerty, pay charms, and tate them &Way. Su loom. Goderich 23 Not. 1101. ew26-3t. Cat, ay Heifer- -mite n fro. 'or 9, de., 7 it, cene,... a Reil 036.61 white Heifer rat 11.o• Men; sempoartl . ee Led Durham, tn• berm, aro ou ter 11414. *100.. White arid .potril, reformat... flee law memory wont. e. • onkr t. JIM N 0.4011111411,41. Katerry 1•71. itetat.31. Lost Cattle. ,,.TRATE11 roll Bid ant...rib,. IA 1. roe. 111, 1.r...18160p "( 1 ollorew, 11.dit th• heigiatalitg ef Jul., lard, 1 Steeill opi 1 Iltreeei yeerlisaite vim atrier 614 rad. the Meet nod keit • •ek. bake Oro • • towl • hos. tpolled 10 11.. fee. • sy 1.00•14 git tutorout.on 0101 troll I. ay 1, 1.. re/toyer, •• 14.• abor• %la ar «Maley reinclad. JOUR rirriN, Novvent1of Mb, 1571. Nile P. O. ern • Pre-, 115ifors. • ' cf. 1111•11. ti.. ,,,,nr• rarer shisbaar.Teria 4_, Hop of U....nage POS. re rads.. e•ar•er.4 arrlor, oi•o emu* all litt4 mouth the 0111yr Ix Jae. 11111 prove prepert7. poe' 0b*11.1 ited lake Wan limy. JAS. 111:ClitIMAX. C44144411 II Kr. laTt, 4•11141. "stray Roitoc. re Sala he Us serhaeure of Ow ssleroteeed. 1.4 0, 1 eoe, Whet n. 41.01 the r.1.11e of •estest, • h •Iler rides thee. 700'o .4.1, The owner la req.. - ed 101,0111 mop* et> les *rpm.« set tale is «say. 1.11.11•1111 AL1.1171. conwine ?4,1t NO, 11.71. • lira .21. - _ E tray steer. ilrifis lase ree reeheme •I.e. 111rpettiet. ,enteves 0.i.. 12 Sion, the 1 pet of tat« tam 100.14 err. Ktio f•••••• 1. •••••••4•• •- • m mem tomes Wm h.. «fey. • ft1011 lets 401 ,uorre of Geo. GU 1.1..711111frar;• 1. 0000 ounthlOndtediee - 1. • -one knee, 1 ate, .4 . blete. fon * ,1:70 • ygen. 014 11,. owsmr theta a* ay. 1""P", K't .smitee ad t. ' (jACk.) Otelookh. her. 30th. 117.. TINS°N• 41 03,41,11.44' Anollyi 1.a• Orld A•uora , te •ro tett.: hoe be. • 1 4 SU • ,••• 4.1 0101 sm.. n.4 imv tf1 rote.1,00, 1141h. 4611011 e•l• %metal S. 0.0900. 50- ...all bete of 1 010 Ete•re111 It 011 •••1•11,4 11).• • ••• • lei•K• th• pop.. .1.1 IDS ,,pdten alone • hamar tat vr•••., 14.4.6...4ethey .40 .. .ste, , •• Tour Beitovair '104 '1.01.' 11.11ey• all .001•r1• rout.« «y: °,•• hats new* .4, • nodose. Ade a. A.A. •Ort. colnitidte a• this. 111441mipewed 1446 of, the tibir 1 let,* TRAY •r1 , treel• rrod.in tate oaf. elite... g •• 11•1004.4 1• tortn....o0..11 .0)0:0,,to, 'h., 4,45 Sid 41117.0 food, ,o1. -,,_o..1 01011111.11..,.. of "04'0&0 . 50 ,••.1 out ,o• pry +.1.. Jr every I or. 1.4 -re '5 figs Pitipansol by X. 014•411 41,4144*.m..- •,MT1144111, 1.04.17. Ilsorcrt.s. (*10,,56. rit• for Ibte f Non. Nehrea.* -1041.04.1.4 1 leetnaod. .• 1.• 1.10. r as afar • ".1 00", ' 411 • ili•T-R7ters • ese.e. 4.1. J. 8.Calete, Antne,,, 1,, 11dae ta. ***limb; 40 • Sea or. .• 49t, wiry, I who, 1 l-nunt hut steak *0 7'0' 0r0•64••, vim 1•••'7 tho.r. ho lite th 4404. .0 1.., fran a swel Yore . v.. 1 •..tild Bee •oy Kanann. • 1,14) ln,l,t thetr I•tyrriy• • lottle efry Mate 1.•«. Itittr.e..f the- eo 11.1 ved see.3. o hey 1 (114,1001. 7000001the. silk • bott1, .41 2 ye Vera fro 14.1.4 twt conld bud 101 O. Alit 40 bey it if t'ley only two tee, .1 to t vr...14 ae et thew. alkokteat for eittltinle the 10.0. 111.01. 1. .1 ...do. 11..1oe ant r.ar 01•••••••••11.114 •Itt, Ile. IAA v• 11.. 1.41,1411.1.•11 1.111 assAly 11. yen It hoe Oa fora innol nt yaptotila Nod Int me 1 ,,i111.4 ,-.10. lionlifolne•• f.itie. 1,71000040 Ithiongtson 10 1,71 *a/2. --i slag he sere sad tell the Paremeo*Or otos • 1.1...ine the talg-ILitteit re,,et leo e Logi, tent" le telt ;nit lie istent• w turn, 5•1111(11.1,•11111•• internal est evhossl eon f r ion 7.5.1..,.' .5,070 470.1100 •ble• 4.14..4111 *44 died few..10 in te tier • in fete into Minh. reilef., -An • looloral 11 • *•111.ent an 04,01;1 ......6..4.•of;•6604 6,.66611). 4..,.....•••vetr• ubade ty,perry (obs - 004 opt .bo Dreeskras4,10.'001 riih PEMALL'ffntb.r.D1 Job loses' Periodical Pills 1,11,1 s: VALUABLE 11bUICI01.1* 200.11/,156 • ihe core of el th. Roar .1 6IM dotter.. I MARNA IA IVA th. ...mon. t• " •.. .,••••• no Id •••••••• v•••••11 0,11•11001,10 • "' •1••••••• prey re l• r• .11 en • avro Lao.. 17;•1"17te01l07.o7,eea.t.no+nr IS" temo,I*7•1ot•ooi•four. ? 1:b:11otiy.owloh 1/P•44.Pe L:1:: ::•15,rmrTT p gap.1•:7fMwiet . • of st • 2•11,11.«. " " " 4b"." P‘ sae. ratiee.1 hp %pa pin..Myeep....Thon sonnet th• 13/4 " • 'at ntridoineoion Pelf" 33 ti4. ‚44.0. PAIN11 AND COLORS, PAINT, V 1111401. an411VIRITE WASH BRUSHES, MANILLA, asi 1 RUSSIA HEMP ROPE* PACK I Nfl, GRINDSTONES, GRINDSTONE FIXTURES, PIM DER. SHIA', CAPS, REVOLVERS, and CART. RIDGES, Dormic and SINGLE BARREL 1:01414 and all the articles tunially (Died in a well oelre-ted mock of Bar& rye. - iS the elide of the ebore stock has e Seen Purchseed very Ito and haa .11 • moked at lowest en+ prima, mh,„...0011 pleasure in requesting • i„fiehttants of elerich and 4010000 stet trader. ef the County of No trouble to show goods On- .. twerite. Itruetuher thy Mete. 11 t .70311)'., got of the 'LIT) cliCAOSS all SAND ww, Lusa airtsis's tote,. • ,IDHNSON &KERR offaffrolb, lorace Horton, Fsq., •plendisl 'telt of.elaste fit Stra y Sow. INK tn the poo..bet of the oblereyeel. lel 1 - . , 7. It. ••1 A•hheiti, almtel 414.4 One ' iv tee sok! oftlioNNI 711.,1141s eL tee.. 11s1f...1.1, Noy, 2•01., 1071. - NL -As Mho ...Cowell mt..* eraiel- ir Newt isnot 11.1* «smog ahe reeporthaly entleatis tee front the 1•40e. before they taste leer falter Motor waders.. Gerd& ter. ark IS wall V - - WINTER CLOTHING. ilf j -t. DUNI ()P. • Has now returoad from the EASTERN MARIiETSI Irving purchased to the best .1, anta‘e 1 A • M PL ET STOCKOF Nsovy WINTER CLOTIIS, BIZAV`YrW INTER TWEEDS, - IMP"' WINTER OVERCOATINDC, 71'"1:: Is rt:Per.:;itee.ttlii:eTr tb."7 11111C1117C Ell IA AT11:141., ShIrt• collars Des air , ef all hinds rim awoke CALL ANDIX/111193. • 0e40v1r6 25, Ort 1177 (--()Ii' Harness Shop.. W. A. MARTIN [7e. pleasure In Intimating •• the pehlte or Toe 1,nd 1 sItr?t, Mei he lova i/ur. bow./ the 11 I. *.es• of Mr lima. 11411tday. oa 1ft0r having nerved lo• appn.fth ..hut 0111 so. O 1 IA rerun. ti•mmen, w A W ba• •nrked ibr the la,three years to the heat Barn.. 'hope Mese, 0.4 111 Per prepared 10 afa• LI(HIT AND HEAVY HAltNESh, liotae-r lathing and Seot.ch Collars r In teat -clue •tyle awl with de•yeleb ez,s0rdera promptly attended to. N 1., -Fry Bear, conetalitly et. hand threagtout the tononor., • liner Block et ' Franke. mr ,a, anarr).coluos, 0.4.44•-1. 71 Sias, 10.1,521 . . Millicerri Millinery, .1A-illiiieryi • Datit Sic - we the tinders 010,1 ratepayers ottw Tonn ,,1 lraderielL respectfully goe t° allow r ,.,,.it 10 t,eraymel f•a• litorr for tie year, for T, wn ,-1(1..dertch 4..i Pre 1110(1 it te use 0117 white. to secure par etectio• 4.,,,dorii Nov llth.p71. 8. L D,Or, Irelsp, C1412,et J. Ph, 1111, J. mnpiervn, J. 11 strty, 81.40. C .1% T E 3then, Astiff", J. CA 'Keay, ehich Miro 14 he rerett44"05 e"*:7:r Noe 10.4, •••• 01 00 5114 121 rensmmmew e'he d in moth w 1•1•11.• 11, hy latent 0*,!.Doennow, win inter, • lonile ergt...g*" '17e1*11 s NOSINT....s113I14P.(84: «tent•• 10oi401 ler rase& • Itodeneh lav Pe.« er111•111.0 ?t.1,• 1.1.0 . 4i1:::: ...3•04004# Red .ti Metetenew sele Vii3:140ar-n• Pf?IllWND Air STROP OF HTPDPHOSPHITF,P rn0 bowel °''."'n. 410004. 41epleye4 by 11444 pea•aral .0 hi loonorahlt no. terl••• by the eteltdat faeolty In every wolf-. •411011 If ham heel, Intn•di evil . 111.4 11e0 011.1.117 ineroulte 111,0 r• the beet goarantre of the «thee.. is sill. It la held Ly the forbile Tive Ayrop .111.,,, enhiumptIon la 11.0 nna and oteonil «sere . .111 Ct'a INT" 1014.7 •net prnInnti T'f. In the thief /1 1,111 •urn l•thene d•osehnot tArynettlt Co..* Awl Calle 111 7111 don an diontog netaleate" horn grant of Mogratlar etInn did NerYotio Pe, onr41•11 1oargelltoot at I510.41 llyeepda, kfeltete. lereldeene lrerhrolar tietben Of 10. tied. Iliontal MIMI ammo50 p•••1••••• aye onla or Inira of TAO. Aetna -ore I•enenrrhnea iletrothr. 10ee10111. Mad 9116111111 the blood to potty tad Malt% Sold Sy Apothecaries. 4145. Into, of. 4137 .1 AVER I. FELit1WS, 08 at NT. RT. forre, N. R. .214441n10 Sept oth 1071. iodtainors'i School Teacher Wanted. A• ita 0ra ra %esi OR .erreen mesa rot ream N0011.. ela 7 III 914 rn*** ship -11.1 ore. 41910 to Ubt peronially 0.t *0*414 mem lie 0(J41.,., 1/172, ZIA1R-11 11*11. Oa bow lbsa. sai Jen. 111,7141• Iv 6,neen, . A. 1le AI, it. 'T Iti lints Ise, 4, Hlimn, J. Ilairotie, J. hetailler, .1 .. teckeurl.1:ze.11 Eris, W .”,hert,n, A Mc. rae, .1&onroonlellgek h'hi,nkv,.. 0. Muse art,. ' jo H. Gardiner, it r•ru.....n. H. H. thotith, a. Meet., T. .I. lin ,rhoiise. 10,4. whttety, P. (VDes, M. Creasman, M. Tates, C. Noble, F. Jordan, . I. Halliday, J. Melettrah • J -S. Sinclair, , J. Wilkinson, lt Scoger, it., ..• F. R. Mann, is. Nohtn, •1• B. Sommerville,M. C. t ',moron, ...., .1. McFerl .ne, B. II all eh . nit, T. 11, 1)..cy, J. Stewart, G. Dibble, F.. McKay, j• Mitchell, J. ii,,,..•imon, ,. J. Iln•et. (4. Strithere, Autum00 n COnte, WINTER COAIING. mine lf.trI.I.a.ER It at 1, loth** to tbs nrablIrta 5411Merlel. ael so ,•,,Y Ule• epekel net • lapis 111 e r- pleto et wk of MILLINE1I-1r aney CI- to tl W‘,./ h •h• will moll an ehoory• AR the eho•NPO All tit, it .411.111411.1110.1.I.0 n./Ma orb. 01A fire 114• 10102111, 7. young. OL,.. Coe, T. Hod, •I• Leronc.h. J. Nairn, A. ReKay. J. Brackenridge, H. Seal, 13. Trainer, W• Hick, A. McKay, AIM Oant He sena* AMID IIIIIINTY OM S i& DOYLE, Zaq., E CLIFF31t0, Req., and others. In reply to y one rrainia,tton asilt.nu met 1n31e Morroi Goderreh for the •nsuinig ear-- while I would say 'het 1 hare not • ht the honor yet« plenums to omfer on t if it hs the wish of a niejortlY of the ratievere ef the Town of Goder. New Goods Arriving Daily r.1:1•1" ct, JU6,'T OPENED A CHOICE LOT OF New Ilbrt•toos acoodns,. New etiair•Ito. Nevi Vein rrtn,ilisadsis MI,S0 A LOT OF KID GLOVES otDi,cyt7Etts AND ErIZIDS J• C. DLTLOR & se - Insolvent Act Lf 1809 _ fu the mall.. rof Vega. awl Mullin Inbileeata ro tiler•I Sheet h.* ben lareparel ape• to obirrtlop .4111 the twentieth ilay of Dee•w1we 11,11 eft*, whirl DIvidetol wilt leo .04. 1,411r. W4.7hog Atolls« 11•41treli.17 Ks, 1971 •11,29 if NUT C_714.3. IVO 0111 114.1110ATE118. TtIK ISOKET 11 .11110114 1111111106 14, ply *5 11 ogee10 ea. es. Pam 004441a44 Kr it 1171. A MACKAY, Collector, Furs, Furs, Fars 1 Mit the Lon. of fighenels awl -*a..., Kr sr A dem/L.1 . 01 j' • Ira, 004•1040, lit sr soar at me Meet arks. sit issehgefters ers noes Peal. terse. , , Ilan. KAY, Hefts Hood. ,. Owlerlah. tht. IS V. ' Nip . • • Haderirk .181j2511, ten. tet .. • a HURON FOUNDRY, GOMA{ ICH pc,i1 siA. TAN. use - *arra 0.er011.0 av YOST elessieNT 14.4101.0. tee ae•te 11401.40 0011 ' 21. 14112 441 name. NOT1410113 BETTER. CORD MIGS, & CO.. 500704, '144m .44 Sole 011. 0,, Ira de, WII•., . • entg, /1.1e1 ..„ NOTICE, Is **ha elven thlt the 111 rtliere,fp lately 901/41141 0,105014 05(1., 44Atinonrit. inun•• ./Lesteloo the p.n.s., and John Payee •• seeerel Owe the fo•• .111.4re,•It 114 I he Could, Of Items under the name of Anon* & Peys• o'er. Om terrify. sty.th day » ho. eel er und., do...1k 041.0 muto. .1 robot.% 4n 100 10regemle the 'erne Thema, leb y• me who hee hens *10. 0.7, fire., and that nn• airl owing to or loy the late Mon Mg ,Pf Tr...rived And 1.04 Ay the «Id Joh• Pa. se, 4 Ilona 011 hand. 11,1.T•ents ...viola air • govettitor, 4. D....1117L WIT111.1 l'eat W. Jor-lbs. A Jo1114 KAKIS'S. Ilelbeiross lettly rendre etv'ersh• Cowl 41.. 111 hog. to ...rind no hy Joh. 1'ayma1141 111.511r 711.001-1 . 14 th• Owes NO, It !MIN PAYS& & KKO. 0. _ IONTREALOCEAN/ STEAMSHIP COMPAN I 444. (JAL 14141)1ot (71 t• t non 6,0.4 the plan* door, least of 1 111.0,12 • oho .4mm. relemb. ler ar4-41171, r7011 faJe cf roll Gates. • IfINK taws or Ow North... oeson Root 15-11 A 1110. 4.1.1 pu Niro Anotl..• 01Hash. Itnr•I'• aureate 11.•••••• etitawast steer, 0044r161, at o•on Os FRIDAY the 15th Day of Dec. *Pet, Int rtn• ee the rum pay of J aanery *rat, and arelliot .0 the hp. Der ef rend., 1071 Bond. tell, I. respired Dore the port. ..... , sod ,11I• ow for ft. due follIlmant fie etuadltiona .7 11.. bend JAMES THOMSON, Town Clerk. ?or Oodinels, Kr. 117414. • - CIOLBORNE 00111 goontsetles 8« • 11.411isereursonint 11, on 11 ...ay Us 111411 day of Deem." the Tn. oslip cePwrse 1011 ha We 0111* • st nsew.e. hoe Retold • Vol! no &Immo! (alt, 1. 11.14 at 14.01014 t,.,. on eday th• 1s1otay Janortry 1171. lie poll 1015 spoor •l5 ritleett, ash deer at f• rertonli JA•heflt.111.11T, net n twang 0111mr. .0 Pay., 11171, 114. '11-111S IS A Infachlra. Shop. 52 303 feet, Shop. 413 It 35 feet, atone, one story. Ito with Blacksmith Shop and other training,* A Ste., .04,,,,L. two Iron !anthem, Iron Planer, Vertical Brat Cutter, Wood Lathes, Or, 'Oar Saws, Wood Pla nor, *0 A good stock of Pattern* for 1:nginee. stoves'. Clown, Ike., oith Moulding Rotes. *11 19 good order The whole ..r on. halt interest in the above bestoese '111 11, sold to a good nien ethr• elan menage it, aa the aldoeriber cannot give the time required. For fnrther particulars apply to Oat. 13t3, /871. H-14 a w R. R1INCIMAN. ander.' FASHIONABLE TAILORING. W. asc HAVE ENG kGED A FIRST CLASS CUTTER, AND AU PREPAAED TO MARE SIMS TO OROS AT egRA PEST KA TIC requert ich tail should All tha Corm Chair f •r. •wee t, arot 0 esno. cheerfully aoc.d. your epee el berme= ire my "7. TWILEDS & COATINgS, FIE Ni A t,PAn Nrx P Wry Warm, -f- teilleon4hra rdtbar iv) 044 theleitsthlitst ha, Wel R. 110SoietA?•1- - • - - - - " Womb. 416, THEY HAVE riECEIVEL:$4:EW Notice to Debtor& „.. ......••••••111•••••••••••••- ***11411111111,1111111‘110111111107.- - • 1 • •• -4,,4eSistams4Seltaltwialla111111mumelem.-.4 • • 14 ell arta and niankfarta ment nor thb order*, the Hone hew., more fully wet*, followed this preept than *rue Morrie al GI., 1.0 Celebrated Per, that science non do to allu rem canard by week or tees Maw eerthilly stud nianted the meted*. Amsted Lenses - model that all eon f aelefireted (ilea front bedsore ftir Gedesnicb ...MA Mr 7*"00.05•-1'0_' ti • 50 IL 1, -"'" • - • •