HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1871-12-8, Page 4: " t • err 0.• I 11=. ep) to T... for astld 1 .0 tier le •c....,11 t.• a,. this week eata,gn1 and bassily Reproved frena a 'new office, new pleats, and nee tY1M.' Th. DUnrpap'1s 1( the Lower Provisi- on state that the catch of tisk term sea - eon Itaa bee. enormous There q no troth is the report that Minster Schenck would be recalled from London to 101•1.*jttaeed by Nt•eretary Fish. . • Two QwsntYON, SAM LT ANOW .ale, - Why should melt wear heard., Busaal. they area great ..rotection.:t.. the *NM sod hove, sod add wauuh to then. pee- m«1re1 appearance ' Why should we use '•Bryasi • PnI.i nic at .dere T" BOW 111110 w hit uset for u aoth•, molds, lick - linA in the throat, hoarseness, le.; they act like a charm. ktanieterssnd Lawyers use them,phyew' atu rntawun,rrded them, anal 0Inge11 and public speakers say they e ra the very heat me ia:toe 111 sau4uoe for the cure of soda oomph mos. Bold by all medicate dealers, at 25 eta per ••m• -apt, t9 - • RaIL51AY TanYaus.imaa, --IL.i:way tTAr- .&I ng with al1 IN drawlaeks'au, a yt•TsnMf is the safest of teaselling ever organised -the persona injured elide traveling, by. this name of conveys/Kr only V'5ttfy- iug to know that it t1 so touch wafer than the elder ays'a.0 ; it is pI..stug tc know that we hit in the " Canadian Pain D enroyer" a uuali.,ine sodomise safe laud - sure for the euro of angle, a.ldo, rheu- matism and tunneler a.mptuuts. For O de ay all 1)rugyets and country dealer-. • ri-ic.25 cents 4cr bottle. 19. Tera name 4f FAR4Nita u ideutfi.l with Shu weighing of Ili wor.d. la 11341 a Sale iYautf.ct.ry eau wta bli.hed at bt. Johlisbury. 1-t. From small Ira• g ioniugs, theit be•iheeehu ircrcas•dtill ,. ,ml .ems • Staves ! Stows 1 QREA'e For Sale. DOMINION CARRIA! E . R. B. S M I T I� , ,� H;" �n �" : �" W ORO FRY STORE • I ,z ENLARGEMENT! i...el..Ys4tea Una "',' WHITELY & ELLIOTT 1vOl t I Es. 'REQUESTS THE A'VTWN OF FRIENDS, CUSTOMERS AND 'THE Daac11MIN R• 4 WHITELY & CO. 'ITM: pubbegenerally to largo and carefully selected stock of TOWN LOTS. • OROCERIK1 • R YL. N .UILWNO WM, uNt virus -altaaW reed. • W wee w ise14W4 head. Trews 1' wawa. c.f.., Kim. FALL AND WINTER 3ltlllnery, , Furl*, Clothing, IIntr and Capel, • LA Eva Tso4-a.s Ltd ,d esseasm,. Pap,, Cancan PP311/111,, Lssls. Pu. PIN A.\11 NUN" W N �7P L m, COAL OIL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.W' .Cosl Oil Lamp., . Old lis Caper. Hr.a., W..d P.rk. ahs. and `Sheep 8. - lake. At eat lieu... I. s J . NTORT. orfs Sign of t the Lae Coal 0.! Barrel. ... (ifele AIM .4, 1 -To Bel GOODS - *loath mud tghoeal, GIrooerle., Oft MPLETE :I EVERY DEP"ARTU N"11• • ABtl Odseeipare gouda and prices, and s*. SRM W e11p CamAenat:s,tot is Town. R.,B. SMITH'S - Goderitlt, No. 3rd, 1871. COMPLETE . STOCK �Y1 PROVISIONS, eat.,serihose Ma Nay. A WINKS at; LIQf'OR3 Lt•sto11MIrret S Market Saguia* I asesw 10OUGI HAW LO 1103311,n MOON. rm... AND (it)1)I:i.1t;H W eeies. mem.. wt. ON IN eTUNIKets. ea ssibiesA.0 lqe TO BE SOLD CHEAP 1)e FERGUSON, ba, lout Roil. tho *slar,.mr.1 of h4 noon to tole. no I.rn.r npaelty, and .44 oy1.e4 out i" rhe FARM FOR SALE A t,IWr-.Lae.• VANN. SITC'T4.11u): 14%4 1414 N,a4, bt i. 1 .'.m T•w1.hlp of rq•dolsa th. Corporate. of th. Too .4.io,4. H.1.. r•itilsowes 114 wave se. --s. , Iss,.4,..4 41a.41au. '.4 hu •h. There are .1.o thew boat of eh tits app'ewel dear tame., ellbee15. P.,• is well - ...torn! Tr t.u14h"g• are wet rla•r 01.1 .o.•l.1 of • alur)'114 I.a1T.arlu.uw,lar.dad .1,04. TL1•4 au opt. it. l 4 (ow yn.ulu a alnrodi.11000 at We 4 e..oua to W met with -cries llt.nl Apply to K. wletN eathe. . oar..• pt OAJ1Tltt' NIP.:1R 41.derkh 133 July. WI. a•w6tf • osei FA811 FOII-ALL. r or ,o, VON. 40,5 R tetL1gIRN1 tete *Otte ▪ W ,1e.n,l, goo deems Igor. tree Walt. tura L 1iu,.ho.. 01 's. a4W Nd -oleo, peel lar. .al shod act oww.d•Uooe, Wu. , 10.11101. hrd •.11 watered by t.0 .I vets ramose Las -north. oro and 4.l1• Out sed. frac iinnate.eoak. from Per )wir4lmr. •1•147 w 1N pe•odw w mod•ww 41r.11Perseseadta1.1r. tied lick. U r4twa.T. !t gest 15. 1871 w5e Ladies' Department A UNUSUAL YLRJFTY JF ummer Drees Goods Summer Prints Summer Hosiery Summer Boots and shoes, 1Exterusive ASU NuEst) tar, their factories outer acres of groom! and T ) t rpw,srd of 114* men are er•tyat.ney rm. r played. At lint tlwir. orders vele cue. tined 'tblbia country sheat, but 1" day the wb.r/e would is weighed to t4. Feta.' seism 13Ata0Ct Drrehssoned t•. Itis . suing haat the best n:nteil4l; to kmploy Italy the most tag. rteoued help ; to send Autliyg (row the fuctrry which lora goat «.been subjected to the tient rua ere tests; - it .it it no wonder 'that IIw FAttusn' WM. is identiled'r ith the Scale w hkh is .eeey.rl..vec•n•idered Mr afaa.lanf. The rapid increase ..f their burin** 1n a.. las arwlwurd alto Messrs. Yat - 1n .14144 A 04511011 Wawa at Hutu:0, NY., and a full mw.... t. went of theft teluhr.te'! Sothis will be always fouled at tide y4ho0. Thi...trsnge- 1Uet1t wall 14055 4f great convenience 4. th.de 5110 We heretofore Lad uei-n ubligkd to mentor their orders t.. be aril ed front the warehouses in,New Yorkand. Boston. • . -• .e NEW 11►I;1�IISES . lira too, r R 1•b(Dia TI i� T im Cther Knick Knacks ...e At the Lowest Prices, 1111:' GENT: DIP ABM &VT LAND' fur SA LE AT BAYFI5LD. LOTS /00'a. 71472 HAYFIELD . ,.'O'1 -WOOS the lea 51...7 of land, within taw.11 2 mile. of the Warhol yap of 11. Toru of Ravioli T41 u • eleite alt. *41 ed arr. .h„ h .r:u d ,.,ill, 1ie ynp.l- 4 sea ..up. The mnu4,1•r of t4 and .• trauma r rer04 with .4 Isar o1 brook and maple latter 01 • 4.0141 ■anon, .*,ries awl rood 1.a..• on 100 situ.of 14. pr'yrny •hl.4. la utu•SN 1i. .041 sad well 4.41'.1 uelyhlw„trn,wd A l.1a4 •, -l..4 IA, Items. A Trohlp •hauler. m..wu... >• arr. of well non,. tinder 1.44.4 .1'k1 w,. d York • MN. Taos GH ..1 err+.a 10 Om •. r. r*. Int nine In the Niter Na71414 rill .v.14.rvv •J45aWWn 11.4 rates 1•Il.,wa4Lma J. med..15' h4 for wildest.•4 u.,4 -'044.111 tw.l••.•• side term•y,.y tee JArt0 n. AI.LL.% fg! I; sole It Too41p ot • •o,lor4h, owe nanous Ire *. n• .4 The Huron Favcrit.e. NEW LABOR-SAVING 0X-1.1:117t1V. 1MYt771:D AN1 YATt:1Ttn by Alt? Wow, Gs1skh 1't•, A '.&'IC2jBORN E• 1'•o moil M4•.•,•• 12..1,4.10 Lt.1 Lr e..1.en a Here G J w14431i)rr, 5JaAnil Mat ,- aro154tIP...±•rls4. Pb> tuns Bn^ gilts and ,,p ing Wtte!gnuea - •lo.Lrma'L',nV.1101�L..A 11tr'5.551/. Me• 1.0").., 44 *D. wise , 5 all 1k •. a ,4 ah•etal OAKIt!Aog TRIMMING. 11 *1114141.•'4• we'll W) I..41M14 •151am14. with ,M.1anJ. Wader 110 I•rw'r.*** • M Ye 1.4. La... (turn..) of llou4iota ,•nr 411. fain. A NEW CHURN '• 1u.'4.. II W►60N• of h1. o,..,manta. 001 fur• het be u.• raw °".".mShun'.s•Mu111 ♦Ir w1.J M, 1Wt4ht M' oleo lBw.mY.0 o.. u01a w4.n am ,jFObbin and 14 p1441a� wtu.Nu.. 1. No' ortfiat. 4,.... au4*4J*.•rl Ire e r t I) a.•1 u) u! rt. name. - • au el 44.. 4 1 .4 f. all 4. entr*aw ms N & I nal L, lam of tN stat now A01111.11.5.4 11, ow 1 -THE 'HURON FAVORITES 141"rsr4ry4n�l;iiG inn. .01 rw'aly ar1.0.44.. (1.4 fur YYtNOf TIM* 4ND 4,44104* • '41Dtfa 111 Alb Delta IliLI r UP 111Yn lbl'l tN.r, bIMPLIC"I V wet:wa /At Pt1D ANU tPrIC1.:ItlT or n11ta1RU And I wPrllooss. It 1u N 0Yprter N. N. -The 11.J.11 that work. le the em., eon he ..her u1,r1 ..r Worn. u ....lino w the 1 ter roma, o, eau.N to an, J'.k •th uidh THE l.'IIt RN ea' team, at I. *ton of :Ur h r'lI44fl,.0 Ilia . aro. a1.6..!,.e 4. 4 •uu4T..r Township Ilybla.5vrol oY 1, Yenl tone. 1 .e rum.', port.. YI.-. a. 4.44 ally at b•1 1' A I+ e r uY lie.:rn, L r4 or Lt letter t 1:.4.11:0 1' t1 ALEX. TICHRuRNE. PAIPONIF HOME MANUFAC TORE 14 Gode1 icll Mai bre wol'kt: w w, w CONNOR. tea Hayle. le Ansa, Wins Uusll h, Ang.16tb, 1..0 ell - III\DSOMETWEEDS, Cht.1C3 Farm for Bale LII. Ill upon tmi. iaTnw.Wlye1U.I.r4'4. 11 *roseola Osumi ors rho 1..1.5.. ,t ,,.ml hand - ewe tw.1.r. 1a I44ata Y 1 m1.. of tlmwn .01 r ord. •d Uedw,ch A net,urethra arc► rue. 1►•054 44.. proton. Tenn. Ubrral Appy 4i4t4r 104 yeti FASHIONABLE HATSkCAPS cite., I1L • ue4al`t'A siiliiu:ter• {•e^tt, Vanstone & leo order,. 1WJrr.4 P O ') ami To Ila TI11A1M IH47 1111111N Io lite SERVICEABLE Boots 1 Shoes Aeau Ira. is:L ro1Qi• 'D4.q Inn non •Marr\e5 owl \wA dupe Panzer I.�etter A. - S YLISH CLOTHING, FAMILY SEWING MACHINE 1.41. amp4*t, 4111 der the greatest r.a tely N work, ., Iw.rc rawly nw.ased, lar Im,.N w gat outof gni'II� vi13 ...ire. bed., II, •4, other Shuttle/ Set 4.,; 01m'1,,,.•, e loNr. 5 hotter thn,o4 04444 ,r No/ ierlb J, 4hlw m.nt•rtur04 ee. '.I....nr.. A limo, ..h l roma.' our »an .sects. leho m al4'WW1 w.ah'hu i.ro,.m •, 1.1.* not•• of ▪ " 13C EAto rapidsh.wu tL4 1►dn n f •r all rearing - • ' POWIR..r arsA*Ino RenTORED. NEW- 1HI8 DAT REMOVED -••----_,.m, Ma YKLLU W 4. -Ni. : 5 .4,4. ora • months ago Inv sou lost lits mice, 1 became wry anxious about hila. Nona.•f the (40AI MODIO US 'shiers could +- : F A NO Y STI _«H-1-N•O, F.ld81cO I D E R TO F 1 4 1 4 A hi1.. 5.04111.4 1 all d him any g.'oe 01 Hop herd of soma o(3‘""r"""14 hs ,.ed & ,LIP N1f�'W BliT t EI ELDING of Ha pophaphites, I ohtened a bottle;oo etran a t0 hay, m' alt's 0.11414 was re. hoard about two hours atter t, king the 'f NEARLY %WPPO.-Al E F JOItDAN13 second dote. D }I U C STORE) You are ,at litacrty b. publs1 this fix cos/Naiad, to,tk. datlt•*. Ji•o_hetlefit .{ other sufferers. a.-AII bort. of Mri.. Marro-* ou .I, rtr,t hobos Thread. and nra.aar•r• mostly ea head 5 1V L•' - fie Waggon aE(I ('arriage 1ACTORY• BATES & ELLIOTT IA1'Y. VM••.Irr Ina 044. 1 warm.. le. 4.0 l.n. '•1 run 454. •nertry that they b•••• .1'. inti• 044400 we Arad.. -••^I' us St. " Leavitt's. eA!L Elllytr• ohm .1.01 )460660,11»111) M14a4'. ll,rt.1 4. 4. 1. t 0,1.14'1 Irr.nhll., 10 44i the 4Ya4. eat work eStruN.a to N..,4.1.4 aro yorp s d W *ggons. Buggies - Cutters. SI ighs. • ' ...t 41wa 'Y thou 1W.'•t tit rwyi'NM W tenet sad two, am n, -l. 1p ant t 440 eery lowest re maa.•I,.• rate. j 01313INC- ON SAND. a'lhrce .waortaleet- el qL. F31C�.TiF3 .t 1. h .411 be leap IN .•nab U, Cord. 'Wtiw.n.k, Ams 11 457*. 5150 PliOT(11,RAl'H $1.00, Per Dozen. =..o1Nt ...11 0.1 1':I?FCLstilB.Ts&S'FIntT11\c '' =C1TV.N6 We3.^t 31 FA i FvR SALE; ytr Yl l . td y{...4*. JYrrewtl Tr t y7 ai .. .. _ ....._._.� .a.._.�.. ,c..d144 thitlraen,.;;Ag.tatk.kw. t::r.•..._. AnA ea oh ember st■sewrlea of a mum 1{ a R wally O• I.a ptlay , Yt.ttre..ad W • RING 4,115 IM.•to4..Wli.r ICH TOw7RWtw( n • le WO Iur R••'Ida.1111/ IN •t-^1tw• ass 1,1e4w. wnl. iso•. g real .0 • g•kt4 ratio. GYMS wiwhlnW t.. tat•. w t.a .ay ase r meow frau GeJ•nrh. r..nlawu. _'� • . r - ttr,asyilllgi•e D. 1•i s wall bt.fore'buy W r 'nye- sun ra ..n nr land, pone ularly W rise 4asun pa.. .nh.0•11 riper tw - - ter) we. 4.t..•n.04 .n tLrnwd..a,) ged.w. Tolllbitones; . �- Show -Room neat door to the seed .C. i vj, `.� ■.w 1... •Yrr ektes .544.54 Mer. 11410 Ise. Mantle U,denek, ♦5. ith, 4.71. ' ` '-' waawl •n►.N. tor forth.r pante*. wlndolll Sills, 1 ass yld7 w Ise.. l�mwl en tb. woo. , of a Grocery Department ,itJt1N LAMNONT, 1 1 IraIMmIMtn-ew W• Ma,to.4.11hl Ste.-. Qac„ P,.rej.A.r� ia" o Z E R& C O ., •'J 1l)ni' , M the hat al)lt11 vwt..um51lp sol ea. Jy,. t The SC, I... Assortment as notal ut al' r trent 4141b.& UIIUbJi I fl Slab#s_, For sale. Ho f l„IZFXI on RACK NE(IATIV5 51 eonta metal, 1ree. Clue 405.44 (40.5 barlI.etutu.. sheets, posted* free. toady .ddt. es ' ICS Pe uiruiar;tmttles paidterapy. 18 JONAS roTHERINOILL: ffi tt ki1..l:,_f --._ Hisstn(tkCf strv3s &c. tT �J L . .. ai- .I� �p �i`l --'- ,� sibmrt LARgE CO3iPLETE { 1 II !II i1 i_ -.I• -. knee, Alegi '`• , ..Ilse writ n a'T ,' 11.•11,1118, h4 An4t , ea d slMgte ennd by t1n use of ✓r lase N.tore {ee Many . rw1..r. 01. s A roly*e , laiwtrwt. The 1,r,.4riW. Alf- KiNDS OF /OR WORT( WILL EC ton of Jo4aarli. Aredyna L.,,,ineht, DONE THE SAME AS LUAI. Pal-n•G4 PN,y..f:n PAS, and Ma., of,,,e. G.4 x4 •n Jcic7ts • a Mondry emulative Puleders,hare puidlah- ed a readable and 'instructive pamphlet, which .esy be had fr.e at the stores 19. •' »T 4,4.4► kilt Toronto,, G1 eye & Bala Rail *toad. SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING. NOTICE is hereby given to the Sl.are- hoMers of the T.oronw, Gray. and Ilruce Railway Cowpony, that a Special .General Meeting of the said ::I :1reh..�d- ere, will be held at the .,8i•-. of the said (mammy, a1 the City of Toronto. on Tnes lay the Ni.eteet1 Day of Docent bet A. D., lila I, at the hour of Teel, e 44'(1..'4, noon, for the purpose of giving to the Dlrolctorl of the said (,r.mpany, the etharehn of 40. Ri.nholdera, to the inane by the said Directors of the Aoarlle of the Com(1many tinder. I. pnrsn*ne • of soil for dile pm pram declared in tilt. Writ Section of the Act of the Legisla- tor* of the Province of.. Ontario, incur - .',orating the said Company. By order, W. SUTHERLAND 'TAYLOR, Seere'eryr Dated it Tomato, this 8th day of No. reinter. 1871. b4. 00DERICB TWICE 1871 TO EIIROPI A WEEK. 1871 The Splen;id II man linE VIZ QUICnEST AND SAFES( STEAMERS �_ ...n (lro.. yyy111,..1714:.,t1:0113 &ak4A'a1T•. (..., 11i 17am,t1:011311ATC(G l... Arr( 11.11 mash, 150 .0 NMAN LINE OF STSAMF,RK !- '•Tl,;t.Fp F r'4 ... Stn:114 41�m+.�b- ✓ ,R1,1, a, iR' M (u('TBf1 117111111;12 POOL Qt y,N4Tu1,Gw,/x1 I nH LON 1 orADER*7 4( poi .i 1 i�.411 •nit T..1 a u. *I..M. 105 odea :- 1 LM sen Ile Neild ava401 then) wie. ra{e B4.M at•r� ���r/.A��� yh],.srar iYt'11h a GMr�4o*A z tpflwf.Re A. rg 4 1117 01 ev..N1 The e• hi•.f.shiereon,•, AA ill 11441 the treaty Ira', r4N„t• forth• Rani. Trap l■A5d at • no 70 Mr rent. 1)rrtan; ori that •' Atr(,u4T 71 M IL TA 141, t► n 1'. 1• Irnt» N..+ Tot* 454551 B tN (ease dun . v" A 5 Stared set 1 ••P + R YoIYI - ,• s J'•A•y{ T /P 1140 FIJI IT e d +It1.a•• t: gilh•r •i ' VtlfT .P I.n 7541 H VVI; -.P 1pT•w1 1 •' ' ITT „► tRre'111"• .• 50 ryI)r. THE Very '1•hi:, g W aiitcd NEW HARDWARE STORE, In Gl[.)1)1r:itIC11 OPPOSITESIARKLT HOUSE. S16H Of THE £I�CUtAH SAYS TR 1: ,l'Rw0RI RI:IU4 n4-.,: T.M 47 7404110(1 ho.r,..tm'5I1,451.4e 444golt *s En4,. 55 had T4 MR l 41 ..s41 rr ,p µdr^1117 .r.• ernes .,..d 4111 • , \nae h, 454 w 1 *mo w ...* wed nit .•t �na 'a N Me ON 1 .,0.",1,ir , 1 erom Mr ••tat 1.., r•.a r a5A . Y 44 w San:L, *'. I's:, 4 r ft+.e. aAr1t oma .QA •,m,,,. -yr COMPLETE STOCK OF 'HARDWARE. •.A'Iklmlo .hl. -h .IU 1. onl.l *1 pier. that .defy. .no.l It ion 11efon pen:basing 41.4.whrn.FPlra1.. • 72 4!-4.4.ell t 1..0,1• ,n1 I, .., w..,. 6. H.PMIR tO S 81CO. Opp,)site The Market House ..dial. -h J4o< 214.' 1,71 s.rt.7 tr • 400. TZ S1ISRLJTB SALE OF LANDS. cor:crT or VCRr1N, 5 le, .4,1nr M. a Mori . T. sell *alit of, Ten 41.44.., 1. .nod not .1 I•er M..+)0.414 County 1'nnrt', .4 the Count. M Harm, and not din,+,4 .5444.4 th,' ate, Tn.mentn M J.mr. L. H+''I.m ami 'oho Taber, at the will of HI. hard 111.u1I r .444 sae t .hen In .m•.14 0, all 11.. r.M1it. teary nn 4tewst of the •Mr. nor Ill 1'.!"..5.14. lchn 'fah - .r' et of land r land'peed.s** 01.1. lalnri 0.4 Naos ...et • Tnnwli• of Ta -1s an.loh, In 1. fe unto of 'Imme,.nd PH.•'Inn....l 0nl aro,.• Wee en.oprooit of Ian of fo 4T`wo,htp ,4T..kern+nith tree...,and nona.vr In thy •I..- tn, Ise Ml5H111' ti RArp..Io7 and nay M totter kall•o .n.1 A rn•,n4 *. I."nun. ('nn.n.P,e:,, ,, bee. a pot 1. Plante 1 .4 1St •,•eth model* snit,. dtit Pre')) bat. 1 honk yard, Alas et(t .0t1 A .411 r►aio *nd we0nlr-sash )1.461. .11145' ..In "no a ...sr, N'. is se vett+is Aria.... (rose tit parka e4 ten.rI."/rode .,l .4 ensell54 Henle 5444, awl ,51..l'.w.... 44, Row. 4'.w..an IM. hflNf enM*411h■ Mel Vora C.m^rnt•n rel an. Tn.T.Mn or 4N wr.4r47 .IAm of •W I.4 ane an n. honer Mh *torero A.. • a. e er 14l1.#,. e51.,144 mon eon.. 11151. ow•e 0. .4'.' 1t51e.r44,a^.1•rt .4.410.14 .id First �15 •Ina rho .ass. 1.1 .r M aha .414 root rrwdm .1 ..' rN4. a44 .4•-I1 G,q., ehe,4. ..-1'.h Menem .01ne. area .•.•I•r 15,.'lnArl era, 11.1511 n• re or 1... In.• metas. I• 'i 41 .41.4,11m,r11r4 Ilhr'm R,m.1, thrn4. .m151 ▪ ...,. -e , repeat. real '51nr h.,nm wad m,t,- -rol.l 1.•a,wmr et l M t1. O4 . d M. on, ..0 ,�.n.on�lnl beer..4401. O.... rrm,4 .n4 (5.4* rear arid, .004.1114 454 feel 4.'nl term 0,. sate nM P' -^'w, e,' she e.ne•-re-1.41 memo of 151. pnNa asrm5 1 howl yortl oleo. rho noire 44 Hort .e Rotel 17 nor Im01•„ Ian In eels.,. 051,4 Iasi. sod hn.4" nim 1 .hoe tier fie •a4. M e J Marr en linen, to n• T.... ,,41;..t. nrh.', T,... 4*y 1514 P.h d5T ^' Rep h, A. 11„ 1471. 1 ,he hoot... Twelve o *•Met, .Aur, - JOHN MA(`T1fINAI.f1, ghati5f at Hnnm. R,mr 1•. 0544., 4.4.,4h N r. wnh. IAA 1 11 1 Sheris's Bele of Lands. eon t7 of Ilona. 1 'I)t Aero• M • Were) nI 0441 Tn a 11' • 77 net. Moi. we. et Her M*J..IJ•a Poon of Q*•rn.1(^11rh ,n4ln m• Iln(1 wl ...mot 4 • I.nn. sed T.w.w•ew,s nI 5914* Thor.,'a• e,Mb*eat l' .514at n4,. .141 •l• Henri, w•.P•o1elw, 0 mer •^ tori. MN.. won R0wA,n11 1 herr .40.40 •04 tear. na re,•ntt w 111 the nett. tan, awl nt.... M 14* A1.�., M el Moran Ilu)kr, n Ind r.• Int nmM. nM 51orelno4 9 t Ihr 1'1 4rr4nf n t ,.a. Ira 54. oma? M,H .MA Lw 4..1,1 row, ea 4 ^Ar .,maty of woe. q••• • 1 .51ame T en 01145t so order . .n I4 .•man 111r 101 I. 4. Tees of I:al 111. .,u a hes. dim ore 1011 4a. M 11gp7, 1 7,4 04 the hear j.f•!n 1f 14 ,41a•a, ofw w M,. -I a• H.po 11111314-r i t's, 4144.544., eeN. 1w*, 4477. .R .sew r.w,.51' CID :• 1i'OU N I .I' t1 a STEAM ENGINE•WORICS FOR' SAL E Portable Boiler, 16 Horse Power, Tubular Boller, 25 I4 Tubular Boiler, ) 6 k Steam Engine, `I Second hand Separator & Horse Power, New Separator & Horse Power, AGOODSTOCKOFIROl &WOODEN PLOUGHS WITH STEEL AND CAST BOARDS, Stravl Cutters, Agricultural Furnaces, Cultivators, Gang Ploughs &a. &c-, EN''NE3, BOILERS tit SALT PANS, made and all kind* of Drill W'urk aid Repairing dons with nea(nrse and deapat.h .t t4 R. Runciman, HURON FOUNDARY, C ;DERICH, G,wlerich, (4th Sept. 1871 swGtf GODERICH WOOLEN FACTORY. SIF A�f( )1Y 1571. THR 10RIORIRLIIM, 51111.1. R5T('R711NG1TRAN ILI 1*3* PAITIPATRIIN AG,, Ida. 1 . 1T 1411. Shu 1010'41 u.,• pea .1■441, *bar 1•re Added largely Mthelrr loan nnring Marhizee. atilbevle Ars flow Prepared 1, 1 xecnte Orders • • 1 ItlAVI!l HT1 THKW4, Mit An Alalife. • lard . of eruct l hr 7vomits 111e , Inspection Invited. Guderia 1)lar, 1871. NEW BOOKS, Wien T aper &Cor &C• WHOL ESALE&RIATAIL AT BCTLEICB, BeautifulAssortment • JEWELLERY OFALL KINDS Jt'ST I t'-L4vEI,, and t.. b• toll C 11 11 \ 1' .\ I' Itl'"1'LF tt'S Fishing Tackles, Y A1.1, MINDS.. :uNm.r4Nli,, . MILL NA241 rd, 2Al?4, Ywss LITC1. • twist kl.4 SCLLINC AT CO8'f AT I11:TLi:R'S. .,Wdervh. leak Ase. Ire, 1m Ts«da Pon C1,411. Sttoeu,, Hann.4., w4wy. 81..4.4, If urn Cesar.. MI..,•k is Tarn., Ar., A. WITH GREATJR DESPATCH, OP MORE DIIRAB.LIIY, and Neater In Pattern Than Formerly. 74..'y .mal .741 .411 utk*lm att,nbnn to CU8'f0.11 SP11\111, KOLL GIRDING, CLOTH DRE'SIN0'dle. Por.hlrh Om/ 14l '1 nrrym w.w'14110 +.HI4w1. Parte... nu from • dbl.m r •Ith 5.0,1 to got .'inial by ,.rine tl.r ,o,nr .Ht MY D. novo.... M.rrh.nt.alydwl: b,4.00 rely on [•puna 4h.lr roil. Immo *ft. Own the •amr 4o/ IM.. minting M... ba.l.* the. wool for peps wit add R to thine Int.n t to goal the oaa.•t.n • roll or ,". s.-1•l1eM Low. ►r.tm1•r wwY JOHi�.�L1S & SON Gn.iori.• Wwi.e arta, Mar I.4 1.11 CA IB/DS ZLL-$SAD Plain and Fancy. Printed at City Rates liakt APO i .Wry Lists, Voters' Lintas; Notice of ,1 ppoiiitlllellt, Oath of Itimlitiieaation, Convictions, !'a�tIiimisters' LiSTS Alt. AT THE HURON SIGNAL OFFICE. ee1N t'1•;It 1' .. STERLING vs. ALLBWORTB. Notice to Creditors. I)r114VANT M an ..04,r M 14. raw nl CNa ,wry, made In IM 5A4r of t4 Mut M .t. 1111,11 , 141.10 of 11t. 1w a.Mp ., r,•.Irrwt to U e foam)) of Nor,1, demure., I d,. •. out 4tl flier, +•ml... A Mot'h, 11,:.reo.,4..4 la. old I.tr (Moon.. A U... nh, : lin d4415'4 aNwlh M 1 enema et. 4MO 1, , I ..r 10/0fe,d llw nod nay M D•eembei, 1,71, 4.r.m11. 4 5*.,.. Do,.. d 111. ?.,•1 rho In.. o. 4h, lh. enllrann ,.1 Ike Iopn4a'-I 1,r,44,'51, Al -a• north 11, Adn.w"tr,R1. .4 14 4•., M ohm. 41141.11.. 01,1. 14,10,1111.. •,Mr,..... 4tinolotum•• th. loll particular. M Ikea rt1m,, • thele *errnM. 0*'1 Ili. ratan • I IM •p anti,., N arty 4..14 n7 them. ni In 4',, ,l..III rr4 U,, .111 110 pnmplwlly .0,•14.4 fuse, t1r b►t of lar .1 mat matt.der , *wry matt. h, Wing my' 51rwlte et to pro.... 4h. .Y 4.h,r, . set my eMn,bn,1 M. 7,mo M O.d0r4h n• 'moria, 1N 7r.I111 Da) ,,f td.4,4 ,,,'71 at T... Mwam'L M tiro?... 1...m, oring rhe. 4.. .,.5.401,4 lin. a dedtrilwmoe 14 .1.4n• i otv N l' 111. ti..4-rl• r n, list -NI •. *44.104 ..olid l o.ek a,. t • ,•f - l Iker•.rn.uj 4t.,,rtwn.we.. un, •.0 t.•t 054 dbe 4 *Leiter w. rna., fj.. n Iw4...1.:• t•„41.14.. . • rl.•1 lone ern • I.o. 5441 .1 t. r ,at soli Other • gram. Don Yh. 1.•t• cal 15.04.414., tug,(540 .. .dant 1, 1•nrr4*en. 4Tena. 1Wd 4.11..5 •m 44.p1Y'41Ye o • 5m ANT''414. • rte {r....' .oro Ye an 4a1'IaUN,.l0IlNI1 ,R Md.4 it 11 J•1T, 4.71. •.tet Budding Lots for Sale (;I N11/ IN VL,I)I EN I'. LINE. - - ---�plotrm.•nt.n. b.. Lult.ryaewill •.sear r. to ANCH(it{ rax 4.. im,.t.wamstle.e4. IUIls lle!!.l-.....; t-reat Torek 'auar.re of the A..n4•. t _ 1! I "treat Itedrellen Ou Islamist r.1i1111''-tray S% 'dnr.i5F a:erge Pholeg; Reim. awed norm day. - g4.L. JULI p. 44tu pltl'Y *4:w 1,•4444 AND 6 Ged*rich. ass. 1A.1 11'. .:to f'aMy .a 4•.oM Mer. aid x•41•. a for r.•*ew. n'1.4114 Mrwar4+1 Y es4 Ara tree •d wows .•tnee. 4n ...mat Nr.4 ,n. I1W,4 O*en .s Yiwi�. "W. 47 K ja., k a"•I GOD£RICH •i IMP FACTORY Amro h v 1.'41. Aot.4.T YJ e1a.M7. •• M •■r 6110 ;ILL r 4w. TN. SSW *U'AMTi M1Na"Inn4It 11 PNP PARER to 4111.5. ry,.miiWq•.r. Pn•wt;r. aero.LL wJrre goer, tort Iyllt. tin) wN A eon. aN l� INh . P 1E7 14* Ifs!, :: 1myt. as.:: t:'ALaiSisiA .. art.; into ell• sod (1•• ....er ta..n vet... 4.1....... ..(len LY Oat. et1e 715. .-...1'Wilt 4 Md., (11, let moll loll tlrr:. Or A...d•pt). of ..'l Ir•m V'114300, - w.4,. (h1, 11th . , C'.I.U$*1e.. oral.. .our .t .*mlo-T.w..Stp: No, of C.m.•e..W,.e4 Let. 'll• au ...my wrdae*l.y sal wal,My 4Mr.af4. h1• al. out. Yawl enema,.. 24. • tool River. a n -m. • KAT...+.P,�,amt«'*meas:*V':eeecr, - MLTElt!IBIrI:.'3OLtIa1RD Tot IelS1+.41..4)tt*5l5 .'■ IIr5a1. nen 1'.•.110. ei5 awl.... 0•.1.111.4 to Me.W:4 - ELGIN ST. NO. 326 a.we s1r4 Th k.'• I:•'d I. 11 404111.+) blurt 1 ,..1, 0 I. - Y AI .ern t 1 14 +a, f t ROOF' SCUiFLERS, Interawlw<. all nte.rw.:.Ua' ClfrIt 't AND silt.% Opposite hallway `lotion, Certl0r,t..at 4,411 1 T 3.Ta.a 411,'. Mlntit P P j to. • D •••141 .+ h..r.l Woo, awl o.aer ., :., . ; I; Nos. 556, 633, 558, 629. VW, at the Ocmr•n*W .4/1, r• on ate.41••!I•�•71 ••e•w 41yhlr. NI11312iA 111 )Ali rRiw•aN.x11. Cier551wcrb4A! 7: J.4MOWt`4 ' 4w la th-.4. 11:1.141,1014t 441 ,rood roe thea. 454.4-. anmArl Ise dr..11 4.44,8, wtft.L. Wm la, (!a5. oolerfeb Get II lel. - I � .` :_T_._ _ ... - N•4oI. 791. orra. - 411 w01rrRIR1R 017155 P015 x11.4 TRE T •how not.141 M,ilsmr b51 3ti the Town of 6 q '�� uelph Sewirz acmes Ca, • E EtiINARY. **.aids r•swwr h 5141 'rem, ' AHRAH.AMSMITH. oei.rk►!e Aug. 1871. mei-n To Let. 80041 [C 1, L1 LT o741:C- PIKD NT R. a. 41 10(4 2 5740 4 tan w•mlww. 1. IN foot UMW 1P Main. , Aptlyo DAME,. 0011134,3. Galeria 447 24114.14471. .wetwif A BARGAIN. 111 ACR,*, 1 of :'4, IMh r. r•..1,0,0,f• N..tow. 7 *rr4. • korai 111.1 a .e1 1.....1...u.. , Mar (dl. for e4*. r.uh or for IM:O on• tient low- n•I lhenrnNeAer.n Mnneal dated Wei. • Ithlntarto : at4 pr401 pesnn.nti VPhb. .*RAAII .41111711 - MonN, lain, a.4ulnh. 101k dart.. 1447pcat, For Sale. • BRICK ;1- 77414: AND 4 A('R5 : \ Int. moat, llglbly ,4tn.4d o• E.., '-00 i. Tuna of •.ler). 4.,nn the d4'." haute P4 and from the Haal5ay't4tl. APPl7 t' J. V. DETU IR ESQ. • rat Mr. W. CAMPBELL. Underfelt dilly 25th. 1871. s«97 -t Farm For Sale. TN 14 Township of C51Mw- n. 1e IN Croton, 044 Anton. North p rt .f 154451 11. Cnm4nln.r Ina aero N rdnlA add n11AM Ami Murn am se *erre vied 11.4 weed 11s41... Ten 74.11•. "..51., 511 11m q.t.?. *esti Toner He... ant From. Porn *.I .moll *51444 MM .& .It51rn 11 mI1rMMom M. amt. Griot 11111. 4■4 514544. 4' .4..of the C...11 Tn., elndenrl. Tries mar -ala styli t" 3011 *Dwa4DN O. t5.a poana.a II o•d•rirh .Nov. 10, 1571. a m• • 111tH 4544• vu.ve5lhf4.;tl,oowlali( .1•'1471 PA f flARR'w, WARS. Go Plalntl*'o Rohn4s. u•a•hM tit a� W rn 4k EXc^LF1"T LAND' Auction Commiseltln /*,T RIO wNh M,(tono Rrnet ,a nil. fn. . MI,KIres. F4 nM elope Ming m.annlJ It. -:()I)i:I1ICiIst 1.iN'I't)N 1i M*ah111Yhef1 D'IAIZ. `A 4,111141 MmeensnwM.Peopen4n4:aMrw'1 7 ewer* Iht.f4tya.41. C1:a41a.per, wr4. nemley. Mm.el.d•a11esN iia Propine f. r .s1M4M. hole ,,,I p.M1PI eelhrm. mode. P•r,n+lr.-k ,nddhee4Wp5armnally.n:nd ... Inthmnrhelw Ili. ('enol!, q, 1N.•, YI'IMAN'40 Awl Ion Mar ,t QOAI.I'IRD MALR TR ACM rR HIR 514004, 1* w•.•llne ,.' Albert, 1+41 elan b 11 apply . Toon..., y'r AI15rt,n. L 1R %wr•,R4, )) T. LI,.R•N., ) resume, J. 11 Or 1148,01, j 14* 11, 1171 w Q. - t KM apt., run 4 1•••'arn Alt 4..nn 4.440 4. Apply to THOw//R ATIIERA1.4. 1n.lwmr • Rnre.ne 0 1rne1. hie, SAM, 1414. 11411 u- FORS LE Pones and Lnt• 0 r•1I1RIA ROAD • No. nRICKCoT fan. . 1 • n Ml TerraApply R. A. P OPnlo 17 aortal s .4.IT 1471, 0.M11. Notice to Debtors AI leaped•• 1.4.1'404 to lit nnd.n4nwt, whew en.. wan rrml.*A tat .,alar. an 44.11 1.41541 4 lea. e .. p ro 441 4011.1 lot 1a5are. 1.71 All M•.,, not t p,.A tt.r that data grill15 .IoM to a /lever A4 rn11n.14.4, ter'. RAN,(. T 454011w M•MN.Irtw, (4 45,,0 ►. Kw, Ir1y .5511 ewe* if - THE 4ISBORNE SEWING MACHINE. C G iso ;,r, a • spa KING OF AMERICAN 11617 INfl MA111114 CA. .44 11114 ARK 1 View what thew Ma. 1•17.7 hma• stItel. slam ola both *lieu le I .1.• pr norm, teeny "thee eae.4 tbr,twele. For no rival. .1? Improvement. letas 1.44y 1.4i 1.1.1 RA of m..tink Noehlne. 1611 tin nl: ,.hraest orsur•rost es Ian*, 1/Mastro u To Da Ala •10100100•1101. 011 MO SALL Vrealkarerie eolk Meer VIA a• the row. rArtre Wooly I% %I,. 01 man, TRIAL pintai Mauna. 1.111•alow lore all tas • The GuEl h Reversible 1.promoIrmatly tb. .4 Plonk 1..4 Wu ton., offerel taw einifir its warn... mar ama aassits env wee Hoe I Marloietr, with fell not at, 511 ...Y.pulk 4.. 4.7. ;3' Ite'h Warbler noall•otrod GUELPH MEWING MACHINE GUELPH CANADA. Al Morn OrnIth, West trulet..4111111.1 wt.**, , TIME IS MoNEY, PATEN'. OltOOVED IRON II A It 111 otrth V/5 . f.portirm lova. at Blacksmith Oh., ` covere.1 from hi* recent levers mom, will ter found tat hit offl West St. earl. der front 10 s. m to 4 Machange Hotel WM, CHURCHILL. 141111513.4 Arts:SW:It '1,111‘ Ite.441:11133 p11 ese Promena. at mfr. VETERINARY OCLLEGE is we -truly In street to lbw s.....lomote.alel pinsw Is stir pito • Itterware* Prof hittah T. Poo 14. 141111,k___ Prof Ronal. Fro( Kurt Loot all of T. on.* , One.. Rrold•ncestel *if t14.• 400 atter 'al • III ea *tetrad at. nest td (to oleos (*.err se, 4.• 1 Ms, tires 11;•elhorneMoRal. • 11110eritly gir.. Thal 11,140• 1,110•• Win tie na.d. Weft d a, orprorntispr no, St r41141,41 ond Rams IllUtosy for the I one' tn. tins 1 • liclosy town th. loon ,tf Mot!. r.1- in the Colton 44 f`tath ts th. loon 41 elo.61010.11616.t.e. In the county of Bro., or la loner 6•1.1.00•11111.1.6 I:Ike Heron. Dalt.' at 11.10571 Ntrat10.41 in tie C.ntylol Perth taw 22.4 ;Int 111 NOTICE is Ler• eLy given th▪ itt applies. " lion wall be made to the Legislature of the Province of Ontati.s at the next &wenn; thereof at Toronto, tor anthortey to titian the entree olldhe "River Ant Sables" in the Township .1 for the purpose bldreining certain Lands. in the Townships .4 Ituanquet, McGil- livray and tiniOrm, in the,outial Province. Toronto. Ilith Jen*. 1171. .2311 illtRocm5 01513 Tit AT srmucsrme .ao In.. oat Um wast rosalots of 110 4.45 111m. ttaiHrovr sr per, 4 anentlitat 1,11. 100 to toe. power.. 1.71.4 1b, ••10 Coupoty tan.1 for other prtr• nowt Of'711 1,141.1N11 T 117th • If GAltDINER, CD' Thw and notes of the eetat• Mr John Herrin, Inso,Ivont. or. loft witt • 1