HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1974-05-30, Page 13CLASSIFIED RATES Effective November 1, 1973 WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words, Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set, Words joined by hyphens count ps separate words. FIRST INSERTION — 20 words $2.00, 8¢ per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS No copy changes, da per word, minimum $1.20, SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION — $2.00 per column inch. • SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — $1.80 per column Inch, (Minimum size in this category 2 inches, Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office — 75e per insertion. BIRTHS — 20 words $2.00, Bc per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, — 20 words $2,00, each additional word 8e. IN MEMORIAMS — $2,00 plus 12c per line of verse, COMING EVENTS — 20 words $2.00, each additional ward Be. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS — 30 Words $2.00, 46 per word 500 DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE SATURDAY IN WEEK OF FINAL INSERTION Deadline for classified ads is 4:00 p.m., Tuesdays, When possible, late insertions will be inserted at an extra charge of $1.00. Phone 235-1331 Times-AcIvpopti Mciy11), 1974 Puye /3, 4 Help Wonted 6 Services 6 Services 6 Services 11 Cars, Trucks Classifications Exeter Produce and storage requires help. Phone 235-0141. CUSTODIAN for Si, Andrew's United Church, Kippen, Phone 262- 5347, 22c CONSTRUCTION WORKER, pole frame construction. Phone , 236- 4081, 19t SMALL ENGINE and bicycle sales and service. Milt Robbins & Son Ltd.; Exeter, 235-2940 (rear of IVIcKeight's Men's Wear). 12t OPENING JUNE 1 — Experienced spray painter opening shop on Railway St„ Seaforth, for finishes on cars, trucks, snowmobile hoods and boats of wood finishes, Call on week days at 5 p,m. or later, Name - Warren Shera, telephone number 527-0475 Seaforth, 21;22:23;24c 1968 CHEVY 11 Nova, low mileage. "mono 227-4500, 21:22c Huron Dead Stock Removal I Lost, Strayed 2 Found • 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Vehicles 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 16 For Sale 17 Wanted To Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted To Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION 1969 METEOR wagon, new radio, 2 spare wheelS and tires, runs well. For more information call 235-1878. tit 1968 CHRYSLER Newport, maroon V-8 automatic, good condition $600,00 or best offer, Phone 238- 8205, 21:22c 1956 WILLY'S JEEP, must sell, best offer over $900,00, Phone 234- 6268, 22c INSTALLATION AND SERVICE NEILSON REFRIGERATION LOCAL PERSON REQUIRED CLINTON, ONT. 7 Livestock We are now paying $5,00 to $15,00 for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses over 500 pounds, Two trucks to serve you better. Fast, efficient service. All small farm stock picked up free as a service to you. 12 Pets 294-6321 44t PARKHILL REGISTERED polled Hereford bulls, serviceable age. Harvey Ross, Ailsa Craig. 22:23c REGISTERED polled Hereford bulls, serviceable age, large selection, bred and open heifers, Ancell Lee, Ailsa Craig, 5 miles south of Crediton. 20:21:22;23;24* I need a representative for my firth in this area, This opening may be worth up to $10,000.00 yearly for the right person. Full or part-time. Age over 21. Can you make short auto trips? We hope you will start soon and stay with us a long time. Apply to Ron Anderson RR 2 St. Pauls Phone 393-5387 GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies to give away, Phone 234-6249. 22c 9 WEEK OLD standard smooth Dachshund, black and tan, male, registered. Phone 228-6938, Huron Park. 21:22c TELEPHONE answering service, prompt, courteous and efficient. Phone 235-1355 for further information. 9t 13 Musical Instruments $ REWARD $ CALL COLLECT 482-9811 8 Farm Machinery BANJO, hardly used, in A-I condi- tion. Cost 5325,00, selling for $200.00.Phone 236-4884 after 6 .m. 22* 7 DAYS A WEEK 24 HOURS A DAY TRACTOR, Farmall A, good condi- tion. Phone 235-1327, 19:20:21:22' NEW HOLLAND 3 beater forage wagon with steel roof, good condition. Phone 294-6567. 22:23c 3 SECTION John Deere pull type rotary hoe, Contact Emerson Penhale 229.8203, 22* McKEE HARVESTER Model S 24' automatic rack on 6 ton roadmaster wagon with pipes, 7' New Holland mower trail type. Phone Gerald McFalls 235-2313. 22c WE ARE NOW PAYING UP TO $20.00 FOR DEAD AND DISABLED COWS AND HORSES AND STOCKER CATTLE For faster service we now have RADIO DISPATCH TRUCKS 2l:22;23c 1 Lost, Strayed YOU MAY OBTAIN A WRITTEN REPORT FROM A QUALIFIED VETERINARIAN UPON REQUEST Call us first — you won't have to call anyone else. Licence No. 237-C-7 l I It 14 Appliances, Television AUGER COVER for Mode135 John Deere forage harvester. Phone 237- 3433, 22:23c SILVER POODLE answering to the name of "peppy", 11/4 miles east of Zurich, children's pet, Anyone know- ing the whereabouts call 262-2537. 22c ADMIRAL TV, black and white, 21/2 years old. Phone 235-1610. 22:23c FRIGIDAIRE white electric stove 30" wide, glass oven door, good condi- tion, very clean $50. Phone 227- 4869. 22c FRIGIDAIRE 30" electric range $85,00; Channelmaster TV head $25,00. Phone 227-4380. 22c LEASE A DELHI tower, rotor, antenna. $6 per month, or purchase outright. Be pleased, Max's TV & Appliances, Grand Bend, phone 238- 2493. 44t LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS 6 Services 6 Services All small animals picked up free as a service to you. We have three trucks to serve you 24 hours, 7 days a week. 3 Situations Wanted • Now you can train right here in Canada! • Tuition Tax Deductible! • Placement assistance guaranteed! • Weekend training also available! For application and interview Write: Safety Departinent The Canadian Institute of • Tractor Trailer Training Ltd. 207 Queen's Quay W. Toronto 117, Ontario Or Call 416-864-9381 (Formerly Trans-Canada Transport Training) 20;21:22c ALL BUSINESS services available — Bookkeeping, farm record keeping, tax consultation, business letters, advertising copy and promotions, collections, mimeographing, publishing advice, No job too big or small. Confidential year round service. Reasonable rates. Call 235-0740 (9- 5). 21:22:23:24* FOR ALL your plumbing, heating and gas fitting needs, call Herb's Plumbing & Heating, 235-2996. 18t STUDENT age 14, 150 lbs. seeks summer employment, willing to learn, remuneration secondary. Please call 228-6855. 22:23:24c 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles FARMERS! BEV'S PLUMBING and HEATING MINIBIKE in excellent condition. Phone 235-1788 after four, 22c MOBILE HOMES 50' x 12' $5,300,00; 60' x 12' $6,300.00, Good condition. Apply Donald Robinson, Supertest Station, Ailsa Craig, Ont. 20:21;22:23c STOPOVER 1.2' house trailer, can sleep 2 adults and 2 children or 3 adults. Come and negotiate price for best offer, A. M. Schlenker, Crediton, phone 234-6338. 21:22* CALL COLLECT 887-9334 4 Help Wanted Are you considering erecting BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES 16 For Sole COCKTAIL waitress and waiters full and part-time, Also full-time bartender, Phone 235-2203. 22:23c PERSON for full-time employment at local metal manufacturing company, no experience necessary. Contact Doug Courtney.Phone 235-2901 Andex Building Products Ltd. 22c BOAT BUILDERS— Rapidly expan- ding quality, yacht manufacturers re- quire experienced personnel and trainees in our carpentry, fiberglass, lay-up, welding and final assembly shops. We offer good wages, friendly working conditions and opportunity for advancement. Contact Bayfield Boat Yard Ltd., Box 1076 Vanastra Park, Clinton, Ontario. Phone 482- 973L 22c PERSON to Work in grocery store to be trained as grocery manager, Apply in person to Jack Darling at Darling's Food; Market, Huron Park, 22c Person to work in Owned and Operated by Bev Lindenfield PROMPT, COURTEOUS AND EFFICIENT SERVICE ON ALL REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS Residential, Commercial and Industrial PHONE 235-1081 FARM BUILDINGS 2" USED PIPE, 200 ft. some like new. Windmill tower approximately 35' high, Phone 234-6430 after 4 p,rn. 22* We have a supply of Most Early TED VOOGEL & SONS Building Construction FRAMING HOUSE AND COTTAGE RENOVATIONS Custom Built Homes Free Estimates RR 1 DASHWOOD PHONE 238-2742 THIS YEAR? Contact us — We offer complete farm building service. Lic. 399-C-73 BALL-MACAULAY LTD. lot PIONEER HYBRIDS 1970 MERCURY 65 h.p. Hillcraft 18' boat, full top, hydraulic trim, Tee-nee trailer. Phone 228-6289. 22c 750 triumph, 1973, less than 700 miles, Phone 235-0340 after 6 p.m. 22c RPSSELDALE EXCAVATING, back hoeing. Phone Bill Hocking 229- 6575 or Russeldale Farm Equipment 229-9875. I 11- LAUNDRY OPERATOR from May to October: Chambermaid from June to September. Apply in person at Oakwood Inn, Grand Bend. 21:22:23c PERSON to live in or out to assist with housekeeping duties in Grand -Bend-Oakwood Park, Cleaning and laundry only, No meal preparation, Monday to Friday. Pleasant surroun- dings with good wages. Please reply to Box JOM Exeter Times-Advocate, Ex- eter, Ont, 22c KITCHEN HELP FULL-TIME' Good Pay 6t 3965 also 3909 and 3784 3975 3956 GEO. SEREDA Phone 229-6383 Clinton Seaforth Hensall 19t Gene's sions 20t Electrolux 11 Cars, Trucks REDI-MIX CONCRETE — Delivered (washed sand & stone). All types of concrete work. Free estimates. McCann Construction Ltd., Dashwood. Phone 237-3381 .or 237- 3422. 14t ORNAMENTAL IRON — porch, railings, column posts, inside vinyl k, covered stair rails, room dividers, etc, Elroy Desjardine, 236-4622 or 236- 4242. 18t Gene Creces — SIGNS OF ALL TYPES — RR 1 Dashwood, Ont. NOM [NO PHONE. Z38-8242 1966 FORD Galaxie, new paint, good condition $600.00; 1966 Chrysler Newport, fair condition $350.00; 1970 Chrysler Newport, fair condition $900,00. Our best offer on any of the three. Phone 262-5176 after six. 22:23c (Canada) Ltd. Sales and Service Authorized Dealer 21:22:23c Bulldozing - Light Bush Clearing ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rentals, supplies, Jerry Mathers Typewriters, 92 Main St. 235- [840, 21t ALVIN RILEY and Landscaping 48t 153 Lighthouse St, Goderich 524-6514 22;23:24:25* Retail Cemetery Memorial Shop Phone: Parkhill 294-6425 ' 19;20:21;22c DINING ROOM HELP CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING — 2 Butchering Days — Tuesday — Beef and Pork Friday — Beef Only Pick-up Service Available We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn. Rent a Car or Truck $2,50 per hour Apply in, person TRUCKING, hauling services, fully insured, livestock, fertilizer, grain feed, Toronto every Wednesday. Call collect 229-6439 Jim Siddall & Son, lot SANDBLASTING — Protect your farm implements, trucks etc. by sandblasting and spraying anti- corrosive paint in our modern paint shop. Also sandblasting brick homes and waterproofing with silicone. Dave Morrissey, RR 3 Ailsa Craig 234.6202 or Bill Elliott, Thorndale 461-1244.10t BARN AND COMMERCIAL pain- ting —Spray painting, the experienced and modern way (airless). Industrial paint, sandblasting, high pressure water cleaning. Free estimates. Phone Dave Morrissey 234-6202 RR 3 Ailsa Craig or Bill Elliott, Thorndale 461- 1244. 10/' CEDAR Sun Decks Must be capable of working with hands, both creatively and manually. Some drafting and drawing experience would be helpful. Interesting customwork through which one can use his creative ability and meet the public. Apply in person to Mr. Gerald Fergusson BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK BURKLEY RESTAURANT 235-1730 22:23:24:25c LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. Exeter ,235-1640 5:9t Give your home a new look with a full size sundeck with glass sliding door off your kitchen, living or dining area this summer. Add hours of sun to your summer now by calling 679-0724 (For a short while all estimates free) 6 Services MERNER'S ABATTOIR T. Pryde'& Son Ltd. EXETER IF YOU ARE LOOKING for lots of space for a small amount of money call today to see this3-4-bedroom home, large kitchen, separate dining and living rooms, large lot. For ap- pointment Call Fred Eyre. NEARING COMPLETION Antique brick 3 bedroom home in newer area, with attached carport. Good sized rooms with shag carpeting throughout except the large bright kitchen with built in dishwasher. Forced air electric heating. Priced right at $38,500.00. For appointment call Dirk Coolman. FOR EXECUTIVES. Large 4-bedroom home on large lot near town centre, Living room with built in bookcases and natural fireplace, chandelier lit dining room to hold any large fur- niture you may have and a kitchen to delight the lady of the family, Shown strictly by appointment, call Fred Eyre. , STARTING OR RETIRING? See this 2 bedroom brick bungalow today asking only $21,000,00. Large well kept lot in good neighbourhood, Call Fred Eyre. CREDITON a. WHY RENT? Older frame duplex with two 2-bedroom apartments. Both units now renting at $100.00 per month each. Recently new furnace, 100 amp. service, plumbing, weeping bed and septic tank. This duplex could easily be con- verted back to a single family dwelling. Situated on a large well treed lot with taxes of only $89.00 per year it is a good buy at $15,500.00, For inspection call Ditk M. Coolman. CLINTON WELL KEPT 3 bedroom bungalow with good hardwood floors in the living and dining room, 3rd bedroom now used as den. Attached carport and cedar deck. Good high basement with workshop and laundry room and taxes of only $190.00. Immediate possession. Asking $27,500,00 or offers. Call Dirk Coolman, TO BUY OR SELL antiques arid used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235- 1964, 13t 237-3314 , Dashwood 19t 293 Main St. S. Exeter Attention Farmers AGRICULTURAL SURFACTANT DO YOU WANT your cattle sprayed 'for lice? Call Bill Watson, 237- 3306. 48t 22:2k BA BYSITTER for four year old child in Exeter in their hdme. Phone 235- 1298. 22c EXPERIENCED restaurant help for Fisherman's Cove, Grand Bend. Ap- ply in person at 63 River Road, Grand Bend. 22:23c PERSON to do light housekeeping for 2 adults, live in. All modern con- veniences in the home. Apply to box HSC Exeter Times-Advocate. 22c 22c Wilson's Jewellery Opposite Exeter Post Office Safe for Use With All Chemicals Contact fvIAURICE" LOVE , Highway 4 north of Exeter 235-2886 22:23;24c LET GEORGE DO IT! WATCH REPAIR SERVICE George Rether has now joined our Real Estate Sales Staff. Let his 28 years of knowledge of the area assist you in all your Real Estate needs. SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pumped; new tanks installed; new weeping beds laid; old systems repaired. Immediate service, Butler Bras., Lucan 227-4312 or 227-4254. 10t Work Guaranteed CERTIFIED MASTER WATCHMAKER Pleasing you pleases US. 5:28t VACUUM CLEANERS, sales and service, all makes. Bob Peck, Zurich, Phone Hensall 262-5748. 48t WOW! Steak Sale ATTENTION FARMERS , Highest price for your dead or disabl- ed cows arid horses. Pigs and calves picked up free. For prompt service call immediately: Collect STRATHROY 245-0838 LUCAN 227-4312 License No. 417 GRINSVEN & BUTLER LUCAN DEAD STOCK EXETER: Commercial or residential property. Living Room, Kitchen, Bath and Dining Room down; three bedrooms and bath upstairs. This property ideal for business office, beauty parlour, etc. ,Z4•••AVise••e•e:. * Chuck Steak * Blade or Arm Steak * Ste akettes * Ground Chuck " POUND PER 16t FARM LAND AND ACREAGE 150 ACRES farm only 1 14 miles from highway with good 4 bedroom brick house and steel driveshed. About 120 acres good cash crop soil. Approx. 8 acres bush and a creek runs through part of property. To view call Dirk Coolman. 40 ACRES cosh crop land, no buildings, municipal drained, in Hibbert Township. Call Dirk Coolman. $12,500,00 4 acres good land with old frame house in Hibbert Township, Call Fred Eyre, THREE BEDROOM house with open fireplace, well planned rooms, 8 1/2 acres, barn, driveshecl and garage on highway about 4 miles from Exeter, Call Dirk Coalman, YOUR CHOICE , AT OUR NM AAE CO/ATMS NO RIP NO TEAR, GLAD T060 ANYWHERE, A SPECIALIST YOU AftIST CALL, BE Sat TO CALL THE You Bet . . . We're still in the Custom Killing and Processing Business • ALSO BEEF AND PORK FOR YOUR FREEZER Currie see our unique processing facilities beside our rhain street store EXETER: Well located. 1 1/2 storey house, Living room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast room, bedroom and bath downstairs; two bedrooms arid bath upstairs. One block from schools 1 block from post office, 90 ACRE FARM on paved read close to small village, can be split into two parcels or Old as whale. Large 5 bedroom home with new furnace and completely rewired. Phone 2354420 Ev6s. & WEEKENDS — GEO. REINER 235.1377 FRED EYRE Ev'es. 229.8936 SALES*STAFF DIRK M. COOLMAN FRAN RITCHIE 235;1950 235-0588 OF CE 235-1232 445 Main St. S. Exeter GA, MAGNI PLUMBING • HEATING • ELECTRICAL Creditor 234.6381 HODGSON LIMITED REALTOR MERNEWS.MEAT MARKET EXETER M. J. GAISER A, KNEALE Dashwood Phone 2373314