HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1974-05-23, Page 17Correspondent: Mrs. MM. kiodgins
UCW hosts region annual,
guest speaker is from Zambia
READY FOR THE SHOW — A large number of youngsters participated in Wednesday's fashion show at the
Lucan arena presented by the Lucan UCW and Young's Clothing, Shown from the left are, Chrissy Lewis,
Terri McRoberts, Jennifer MacDonald, Jamie Mugford, Tami McRoberts, Julie Mugforcl and Shelly Lewis.
T-A photo
Parked car hit
Most accidents Friday
Effective ta
The Huron-Middlesex Liberal Asisoclation has called a
nominating convention to be held at
Huron Central Secondary School
Auditorium -Clinton
MONDAY, MAY 21, 1974
at 11:15
for the purpose of selecting a candidate to repreeent the
Liberal Party in the riding of Huron-Middlesex in the
forth coming federal election
for Windsor-Walkertrille, Parliamentary Secretary
to 'Minister of Manpower and Immigration
The constitution provides that only paid Up members of
the Huron-Mkklisen Liberal Apr00114100 IMO be en,
titled to vote. Stich meMberships must be tibial/aid raft
lees that 72 hours prior to the cionutaincemint Of the cOn-
v10111001. feenewili of previous membership. hovidater
may be obtained up to the HMO set for comMencerneat of
the cOnventiors.
allariberehipi, which oast Id each, may be obtained
iron the Liberal AlariciatiOn chairmen In ihe radials
municipalitiee within the riding and by Mali fro*
Hirable* Motet **Cretan', Goderich
Arnoid etIrtnisOon, Arehtitot SiCretsq, gaskirth.
Middlesex Liberal
Thursday, May 23
8:00 p.m.
Montcalm Secondary School
London, Ontario
For information regarding
membership, contact
Marcelle Arrend 438-6315
Huron Middlesex Federal
Progressive Conservative
Nomination Meeting
Thursday, May 30, 9 p.m.
Federal M.P. Calgary North
Progressive Conservative Association
Wednesday, May 29
8:30 p.m.
Guest Speaker - WALTER BAKER, Q.C., M.P.
Deputy Party Leader
Everyone We/come •• Authorized by M.L.L. P. Cons. Assoc.
,$unshiners enjoy
bus trip to.Niagato
1 11
1 11
On Wednesday evening, the
Lucan UCW hosted the 13th
Annual Regional meeting which
includes the locals from Ailsa
Craig, Brinsley, Carlisle,
Clandeboye, Lieory, Lucan and
Approximately 100 ladies
enjoyed a smorgasbord supper;
tours of the book display, manned
by Mrs. David Kestle and Mrs.
Rupert Williams, of Clandeboye;
the large display of articles from
all over the world, for sale from
Oxfam; and the "Live Love"
posters depicting the various
projects supported by each local.
At 7:30 the Lucan Junior Choir,
under the leadership of Music
Director, Trudy Olford of Lon-
don, presented a half hour of
singing which was enjoyed by the
members and friends.
Mrs. S. Revington, President
Lucan UCW welcomed the guests
and Mrs. Kenneth Pascoe,
President Parkhill UCW in-
troduced the guest speaker, Rev.
Elijah Lumbama and Mrs.
Lumbama, of Olivet U.C.
Hamilton, the first missionary to
Canada from Zambia.
Mr. Lumbama spoke to us of
his native country, of the for-
mation of the United Church of
Zambia, and of his work there
and events leading up to his
appointment and acceptance of
this very new idea of two way
sharing. A question and answer
period followed.
Brownies ready
for bike hike
The Brownies nature walk, last
Wednesday night was successful.
The girls walked to Biddulph
School via the 2nd Concession and
the side road, discovering the
different kinds of trees in the
area. They ate their packed
supper in the school grounds and
walked back to the Lucan school.
Get your bicycles in order,
Brownies, for your "Bike Hike,"
Saturday, June 1. More in-
formation later.
The service in the Lucan
United Church was cancelled on
Sunday to enable the members to
attend the Anniversary services
at the Clandeboye United Church.
The members of the Couples'
Fellowship will hold a bowling
party at the Lucan alley tonight.
Meet at the alley at 8 p.m.
Members of the Evening Unit
hold their May meeting next
Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. All
women of the congregation are
Pentecostal church
Morning service
Bill Cochrane assisted
Reverend Brewster leading the
hymns in the morning service.
Mr. Brewster used as his text 1
Peter Chapter 1. He told his
congregation that as Christians
we are in the Family of God. God
is our own personal father. We
are adopted by God when we
receive Him into our lives.
Evening service
Bill Cochrane again led in the
singing. Kathy Hopps sang a solo
entitled "'There is a River".
Rev. Brewster spoke on
Numbers 13, His sermon was
Mrs. Wm. Fenton of Brinsley
UCW thanked Mr, Lumbama as
well as the hostess group and all
who were assisting with the
During a brief business
meeting chaired by.' the regional
vice-president, Mrs. M. H.
liodgins, it was announced that
Mrs. Ewart Madden of Lucan
UCW would attend Westminster
Weekend and Mrs. Shipley
Siddell of Carlisle UCW, the Alma
School for Women, sent by this
Mrs. A. B. Kilb, of London,
Boston jaunt
for area group
Mrs. Jack Bison, Mrs. M, H.
Hodgins of Lucan, Mrs. Arthur
Hodgins and Pat of Clandeboye
took an All Star Bus Trip to
Boston, Plymouth and Cape Cod
over the Holiday weekend.
They travelled to Brantford by
cab on Friday evening to catch
the tour, arriving at the Copley
Piazza Hotel about 10 a.m.
Saturday morning, After
freshening up, the members of
the tour were joined by a guide, a
former history teacher, and
given a tour of the city, during the
early afternoon. After, many
shopped for a couple of hours
before dinner.
Sunday, an all-day tour was
arranged for Plymouth and Cape
Cod with the same guide. The
hardships of those who travelled
to the New World on that tiny
ship "The Mayflower", must
have been terrific, Neither
Plymouth or Cape Cod have
become as commercialized as
one would expect and it is to be
hoped they stay this way.
The Harbour with its hundreds
of sail boats was beautiful. The
weather was perfect and the tour
excellent. A bit of advice though
— Drive to Brantford to pick up
the, tour, doll'A...d,enen,d on „taxi pr
mini-bus. They were two hours
late getting back from Brant-
called called "The Land was promised,
Why wasn't it taken". Spies who
came back from Canaan gave the
report that the land was flowing
with milk and honey, but the
inhabitants were so many
Canaan could not be taken. Caleb
and Joshua, with faith in Jehovah
said that they could. The
"doubters" would rather yield to
defeat than to take God's
Delegates attend
WI district annual
President, Mrs. James
Lockyer ; district director, Mrs.
Harold Snelgrove; vice-
president, Mrs. Harold Cobleigh
as delegates attended the 71st
North Middlesex WI, District
Annual at Ivan United Church, on
Mrs. R. R. Crozier and Mrs. T.
Emery Sr. were also present.
Mrs. Snelgrove as district
representative for the War
Memorial Children's Hospital
gave a comprehensive report and
Mrs. M. H. Hodgins, delegate to
the Waterloo Conference
reported briefly on three of the
speakers, and as district
resolutions convener' gave a
report for the Branches,
Presbyterial president, and Mrs.
Clare Youngs, Lambeth,
Chairman of the Program
Development Committee,
presented a humorous but
pointed skit on signing up to go to
Alma School for Woman. Mrs.
Kilb spoke briefly on phases of
UCW work within the
Mrs. Pascoe invited the locals
to hold the 14th Regional in the
Parkhill United Church, in 1975.
A lovely worship service on the
regional theme "Sharing" was
led by members of Carlisle UCW,
Mrs. Siddell and Mrs. Murray
Lee, president. Mrs. Arthur
Erskine of Lieury UCW gave the
dedication of the offering with
Mrs. Frank Dalton and Mrs. Earl
Turner, also of the Lieury local,
acting as ushers.
Two beautiful solos were
contributed by Mrs. A. Jones, "I
heard the Voice of Jesus Say"
and "Climb Every Mountain".
Mrs, Fred Heaman voiced the
appreciation of the locals to Mrs.
M, H. Hodgins for her work
during her term of office, which
expires the end of the year.
Rev. Ewart Madden led in a
benediction with all those present
forming an unbroken circle from
choir loft to entrance.
St. Patrick's sale
proves successful
St. Patrick's gym was packed
on Thursday evening for the
Annual Penny Sale.
Mrs. Fred Grimminick, arts &
crafts co-ordinator and teacher,
with parent volunteers and
teachers has been busy since
September teaching the girls in
Grades 5 to 8, embroidery,
knitting and crotcheting,
Mr. Blair Redmond and Mr,
John Ziler meanwhile were in-
structing the boys in wood-
working, Leathercraft,,and metal
adrrieliiig: For several months
during the winter, liquid em-
broidery was taught by Mrs. S.
Proceeds from the annual
Penny Sale are used for the
students of St. Patricks, for field
trips, arts and crafts.
Prize winners in the draws
were: quilt, Denise O'Brien; rug,
Jim McComb; afghan, Henry
Meegens; needlepoint pictures,
Aggie Northgrave; child's table
and chairs set, Mark Geertsen
and Mark Crunican; door prize,
Jane Dietrich.
UCW plans
coffee hour
The theme "The Lord's
Prayer" was used for the worship
service of the Lucan UCW on
Tuesday evening. While Mrs. H.
B. Langford played the piano
Mrs, Sheridan Revington and
Mrs. Duncan McPhee read ex-
planations of the different
sentences of the prayer.
During the brief business
meeting they decided to convene
a coffee hour, with "finger"
refreshments following the
Church Anniversary Service,
June 9, so friends could chat with
Rev. & Mrs. George Sach, for-
merly of Lucan. Each family is
invited to share by bringing
sufficient "finger" refreshments
for their own family,
Mrs. Revington explained the
proposed Cooperative Nursery
School in the ASsembly Room in
September. Discussion followed.
The rest of the evening was spent
preparing the tables for the
Regional Smorgasbord, Wed-
nesday evening. Refreshments
were then served by the group in
Friday was a busy day for
officers of the Ontario Provincial
Police detachment at Lucan.
Five of nine accidents in-
vestigated this week occurred
Friday and all were in the af-
ternoon and evening.
The first at 3:50 p.m. involved
vehicles driven by Marilyn
Nairn, RR 1 St. Marys and
Edward Melynchuk, Sarnia at
the junction of Middlesex County
road 23 and Concession 15 of
London township.
Constable G. N. Wilcox in-
vestigated and listed total
damages at $1,400.
As soon as the weather co-
operates, there should be plenty
of ball games in Lucan.
The girl's team was the first to
get a game played and defeated
Poplar Hill by a 36-3 score.
The Lucan Irish Nine had an
exhibition game Monday night
and came out on top by a 12-2
score when they played a new
London teamcalled Dansk,Butik,
The Irish Nine will open their
regular season at home when
they face Parkhill, Wednesday
22nd at 9 p.m. The Irish league
champions will try to defend their
title again this year. A few
regulars from last years team
have left and some new faces will
be seen in the line-up.
Paper drive
The paper drive is on for
Saturday, May 25, weather
permitting. If it rains a further
announcement will be made
about the date.
Those who can are asked to
bring their papers, tied in bun-
dles that Brownies can handle, to
the Lions Club Park. For those
who have no transportation,
place your bundles at the blvd.
and the girls will pick them up.
Do you have a truck available
to help? Please call 227-4076,
Nellie Foreman, formerly of
Beech Street, Lucan has returned
home from Vancouver where she
was the guest of relatives and
Mrs. P. G. Price was a Sunday
guest with Mr, & Mrs. Jack
Murdy, Mr. Wilbert Stanley
underwent surgery in University
Hospital, London, last Friday.
Four hours later vehicles
driven by James Brintnell, RR3
Granton and William Grose,
Kirkton collided at the junction of
Highway 23 and Middlesex
County road 47.
Constable Wilcox was the in-
vestigating officer and estim-
nated damages at $900.
At 9 p.m. on Lucan's Main
street, a parked and unattended
vehicle owned by Kenneth Ellis,
Granton was struck by an
unknown vehicle. Constable W.
R. Disher set damages at $300.
Only minutes later a vehicle
The Lucan juveniles, a new
,,team in the PMW Softball
League, open their season on
Friday May 31 at Ailsa Craig.
They are also entered in a
tournament at Lambeth this
coming Saturday. Most of the
players were members of last
year's Rec league champions and
it will be interesting to see how
they do in their first year in a new
For the first time Lucan will
enter pee-wee and bantam teams
in the PMW League, The Ban-
tams will play in Lucan at 7 p.m.
The men's rec league has seven
teams entered and always
provide plenty of entertainment
as well as fine play,
Trust you all had an enjoyable
long weekend over Victoria Day
and got a lot of those odd jobs
done you had been meaning to do
— as for myself, finished spading
the garden and got most of it
planted and believe me I've got
the aching back to prove it.
From all reports received
apparently Lucan's Sunshine
Club had a most enjoyable trip to
Niagara Falls Thursday in the
chartered bus hired for the oc-
casion by Branch 540, Royal
Canadian Legion.
The passengers without ex-
ception had high praise for the
Murphy Bus Line driver who
went out of his way to make the
trip entertaining by bringing to
their attention the many places of
interest. The president and
members of the Lucan Legion are
pleased indeed to have been able
to supplyitizeSuusch. a trip for our en
Thanks a lot dad for not
forgetting the father and son
banquet and presentation of
awards Saturdaynight which was
my pleasure to MC. Also many
thanks to the hard working ladies
Who supplied such a lovely meal,
believe me anyone who wept
away thayheumnsgerlyveshsd no-one to blame
Don't forget the sports dance to
be held this Saturday night. The
Sports Officer and his hard
Working crew have really gone
ell out to tnake this the dance of
the year — there are still 4 few
etivcekreytsbodlefyt which Gan be obtained
from either of our stewards
is welcome,
Comrades our neat general
Meeting will be held Wednesday,
driven by Edward Whitby, RR2
Denfield left Middlesex County
road 20, south of Concession 7 in
London township, struck a fence
and rolled over.
Whitby was taken to St.
Joseph's hospital, London suf-
fering fractures. Constable G. N.
Wilcox set damages at $2,075.
The finalFriday crash occurred
when a vehicle driven by
Raymond Slade, Windsor left
Highway 4 at Concession 2 in
Bidduiph township and hit the
ditch, Corporal B. F. Crane in-
vestigated and listed damages at
The first of two Wednesday
crashes occurred on Highway 4,
just south of Lucan at 1:30 a.m. A
vehicle driven by James Moore,
RR3 Lucan left the highway and
struck a post. Constable James
Craig listed damages at $330.
At 9:50 a.m. the same day
vehicles driven by David
McFalls, RR1 Centralia and
Walter Loney, Wiarton were in
collision on Highway 4, south of
Lucan. Constable B. D. Munro set
damages at $1,500.
Constable N, A. Campbell
reported damages of $135 at 1:45
p.m. Sunday when vehicles
driven by Katherine Scully,
London and James Nivins, RR3
Auburn collided at the junction of
County road 23 and Highway 7 at
At 4:30 p.m. Sunday a vehicle
driven by Donna McLellan, RR2
Denfield left Concession 16 in
London township and struck a
hydro pole. Constable G, N.
Wilcox estimated damage at
June 12, commencing at 8:30 p.m.
This will be the last meeting until
September and there is quite a bit
of important business to dispense
with prior to the recess, The
President and Executive urge
that you make every effort to
The good ladies of our
Auxiliary will be holding their
meeting 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, June
4 this will be the last prior to the
summer recess,
Well, folks its off to Newfie for
the next three weeks see you all
And that's 30 for three weeks
remember —Life is just one darn
fool thing after another — While
love is two darn fool things after
each other.
Phone: 238-2025
ThirtY,•nine members and
friends of the "Sunshine Club"
enjoyed the Legion-sponsored
bus trip to the Niagara area last
Thursday. Bus driver, George
Robb, for Murphy's went out of
his way to help the seniors have
an enjoyable day, taking in as
many places of interest as
Their first stop the Festival
Theatre at Stratford, then a
coffee break at Diindas, and in
Welland they saw boats going
through the lock. Upon reaching
Niagara Falls they toured
Marineland and saw the show,
had lunch at a Ponderosa, viewed
the Falls, the Whirlpool, the
Ontario Floral .Cloelc, Brock's
Monument, and the Laura Secord
They drove the Heritage High-
way which had been laid out by
Brock and stopped briefly at Fort
George. They passed the Shaw
Festival Theatre pausing briefly
before traveling back via Paris
for dinner at the White Horse
The rain held off in that area,
until they were on the way home.
The members express sincere
thanks to the Lucan Legion and to
Mr. Robb.
Church news
AOF Ir ‘IC e /
MIDDLESEX PRESBYTERY MEETS The guest speaker at Wednesday's Meeting of the Middlesex
Presbytery of Limited Church Women at Lyon United Church was Rev, Elijah Weil:who shown at the left of
the dbove picture, The others are Presbytery president' Mrs. A B. Kilb of London; Lucan UCW president Mrs,
Sheridan Reviegfon tied Regional president Mrs. M. H. Hodgins, Luton. T.A photo
Plenty of baseball action
assured for Lucan fans
Off to Newfie