HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1974-05-23, Page 13CLASSIFIED RATES Effective November 1, 1973 WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set, Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $2,00, 8e per word thereafter, SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS -- No copy changes, 64 per word, minimum $1,20. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $2.00 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.80 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office - 754 per insertion. BIRTHS - 20 words $2.00, art per word thereafter, MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, - 20 words $2.00, each additional word 8c. IN MEMORIAMS $2,00 plus 124 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 words $2.00, each additional word 84. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 Words $2.00, 44 per word 50C DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE SATURDAY IN WEEK OF FINAL INSERTION Deadline for classified ads is 4:00 p.m., Tuesdays. When possible, late insertions will be inserted at an extra charge of $1.00. Phone 235-1331 PAUL T. TURNBULL Phone 238-2805 EMBASSY HOMES Deafer for DesOurdy Manutoctured HomOs RR 1, Grand Bend Ontario NOM iTO IF NO ANSWER CALL 2313-2378 MODULAR HOMES Complete Pinancing Available 95% MICC INSURED MORTGAGES As Little As 5% Down Payment Building lots available near the corner of highway 21 and 83 and south of Lucan On Highway 4 Call 'To Arrange A Tour Through Our Display Model Neat Grand Bend Times-Advocate,. May '23,1974 Puy> 13 *it H. vu--1 130 DISPLAY Man 1WIndourS) exp) to SI00 Able Agency DISP tnIshing" agCY e-$6- ngr--1ra,n ohm 475 51 t layout exP, $1 , 489 5TH AVE. Jr-t.7.1.13peni err St. NYS Jr 9i1-670 rren St NYC etalinfF 91I 41 Ay 5130 Duet' Y, 509 5 Ai Too a " Ciiike Asie;icy;•.180°Bwiiy: Hire today! rARKER Agency, tau a 4Z CIV ENG•REC GRADS, To 4744 CLERK rlumbln4 8 Iloatios supply ex, Sanitary or surctl, top co, fee pt pricing & estima_ting Cali_.GL 6 903, n Elgt3,44411416 flier atitliglielorerne laeriCrci/uttn E13 BOY 1/1 N 4 /MAN RECEIVING CLERK175 110Y/M EQUI PPU I 110 'M eUUIT tors, ACLU flOYS, inlayA SOY. cl $75. Kell SOY, St KELLOGG RCM, a ACCURk gents. E "6pPirro el4;1.(''.i71rolaVsilirl Kerci* 590 Gloria Agency, 152 W 42 ED1TL Accts. ok I ode mpg fXg lo 0 GOR 42 11240 ITORIA 5 Wee $4 A ,I. TL ye sf 5M A L Ass 00 A IIKPIt--anY axe ok-Sere the USA*. ,ank your sal of $4700-5300 wk expnse ENCY 7 E .12 PresP•IR $9 5th ,late-OFCE )ePend rAN K BUYER ass!, womons shoe oxg, to $125 Gerard•Merrill Agency, 37 W. 39 ults" to cy 507 whole enure Wen, one{ o Agency 509 5th cLERNL IIK1044CO, AGENCY, E CLERK.TYplst, terrtfi 975. HORN Agency CLERICS, gd it 119$ Gitlin AgenCY 509 Sth 41..K/ASSI Ewec Ty Y Grj ports, Griffith A Clr% 518•191V.Trilfg AENT $1 ,100 115 152 R F ...onytrt .1 asso t F.C.-, . -$1 Votuine dealer-N Y C. H. Waite Agency, 280 Madison (40 DOTCEEPERrtypIst &general otflics $$$ $85 to start. PL S-1359, IKKPR. MFG CO.' 00 PEC1ALTY AGENCY, 115 W. 42 RM /02 6,000 big poll. Griffith Agency, 5 tO9O S3 4A3v3e1 swill AG ENOtNy N5E09R-sBR i EE. *ewe dog, dsen test tigujpq $7.9M:1 ELFCL diners, mkt. aya..P.RftitnIMAtt-5TFAIjcipA ttl F CONTACT AgencymIT E MU 5.16 , 49 BW m COFFEE SR MGR 9125 HosP/5 D Trok Triad Agency' 11 W 42 ROY-Office; nice type; Ml Abbington Agency, it John St., CLERICALS-ACCTS $70.85 co, Rm 704 r‘i CASHIER-CHECKER 4 Help Wanted 6 Services 8 Farm Machinery 6 Services 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles Classifications ORNAMENTA6 IRON - porch 2-ROW Massey Ferguson scuffle; and railings, column posts, inside vinyl bean puller, fits MF 5065, 165 tractor, covered stair rails, room dividers, etc. Phone 236-4810 Jake Hovius, RR 2 Elroy Desjardine, 236.4622 or 236- Hensall. 4242, 2c 00 n;201'i i tion. Phone 235-1327. 19:20;21:22* 1St TRACTOR, Farmall A, good RED1-MIX CONCRETE - Delivered (washed sand ,4t stone), Ajl types of concrete work, Free estimates, McCann Construction Ltd., Dashwood, Phone 237-3381 or 237- 3422. 14t STOPOVER 12' house trailer, cart sleep 2 adults and 2 children or 3 adults, Come and negotiate price for best offer. A. M. Schlenker, Credit on, phone 234.6338, :2 1970 MERCURY 65 kn. Hillcr2afit128: boat, full top, hydraulic trim, Tee-nee trailer, Phone 228-6289. 21* BRAND NEW tent top, sleeps six1 $100.00. Phone 227-4709, 2 BOY'S BICYCLE 5-speed 24", Callic 228-6345 after 4:30, 2 I Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help ,Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Vehicles I Cars, Trucks 2 Pets 3 Musical Instruments 4 Appliances, Television 6 For Sale 7 Wanted To Buy 8 Wanted 9 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted To Rent .24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 'REGISTERED NURSES CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING - 2 Butchering Days - Tuesday - Beef and Pork Friday - Beef Only Pick-up Service Available We wrap your meat in see- through film, Guaranteed against freezer burn, MERNER'S ABATTOIR 237-3314 Dashwood required for full-time South Huron Hospital -must be able to rotate shifts -good fringe benefits Apply to DIRECTOR OF NURSING SERVICES South Huron Hospital Exeter, Ontario 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles Huron Dead Stock Removal 16' CEDAR STRIP boat and 45 h.p. electric start boat motor. Call 229- 6569 after 6. 20:21x TAG-A-LONG tent trailer. Phone 235-2802, evenings Phone 235- 0308. 20:21c MOBILE HOMES 50' x 12' $5,300.00; 60' x 12' $6,300.00. Good condition. Apply Donald Robinson, Supertest Station, Ailsa Craig, Ont. 20:21:22:23c TURQUOISE Rug-a-lite, Comet, 1969 tent trailer, 9 x 12 added room in- cluded, Phone 262-5131. 21:22x MUST SELL due to age (the owners) 15' Fiberglass boat with 45 h,p. elec- tric start motor, trailer and other ex- tras. Only used in soft water. Call 235- 1847 evenings. 21* 1967 TRIUMPH 500 motorcycle. Good condition. Phone 225-2525. 21x BOY'S 26" bicycle, newly painted and repaired. Call 235-2474. 21' 11 Cars, Trucks 20:21c CLINTON, ONT. 1969 METEOR wagon, new radio, 2 spare wheels and tires, runs well. For more information call 235-1878. 2 1 T 1966 PONTIAC (283) as is $200.00 or best offer, Phone 228-6340. 2Ic 1965 CHEVROLET SS convertible, bucket seats and floor console, good shape $575. Phone 235-1069. 20:21c 1968 CHRYSLER Newport, maroon V-8 automatic, good condition $600.00 or best offer. Phone 238- 8205. 21:22c CONSTRUCTION WORKER, pole frame construction. Phone 236- 4081. 19t We are now paying $5.00 to $15.00 for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses over 500 pounds. Two trucks to serve you better. Fast, efficient service. All small farm stock picked up free as a service to you. 19t DO YOU WANT your cattle sprayed for lice? Call Bill Watson, 237- 3306. 481' TELEPHONE answering service, prompt, courteous and efficient. Phone 235-1355 for further information. 9t LOCAL PERSON REQUIRED 1 Lost, Strayed I need a representative for my firm in this area, This opening may be worth up to $10,000.00 yearly for the right person. Full or part-time, Age over 21. Can you make short auto trips? We hope you will start soon and stay with us a long time. Apply to Ron Anderson RR 2 St. Pauls Phone 393-5387 CALL COLLECT 482-9811 BLACK heifer 500-600 lbs.Please phone Bob Kinsman at 262-5480. 21c $ REWARD $ 7 DAYS A WEEK 24 HOURS A DAY LOST Large Sum of Money IN LUCAN YOU MAY OBTAIN A WRITTEN REPORT FROM A QUALIFIED VETERINARIAN UPON REQUEST Call us first - you won't have to call anyone else. Licence No, 237-C-7I 11 WE ARE NOW PAYING UP TO $20.00 FOR DEAD AND DISABLED COWS AND HORSES AND STOCKER CATTLE 6 Services 4 Help Wanted ACTION CENTRE MART Located on Highway #4 1 Mile North of Exeter THE BIG, LITTLE MARKET -Large Auction Room available for complete or partial estates. -Complete refinishing centre. Minwax wood finishes, etc. -Weekend Antique Flea Market. Open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Before You Buy (or Sell) Give Us a Try Bill & Lavarre Clark, Owners 672-3566 Percy Wright, Auctioneer 262-5 5 1 5 POULTRY PROCESSING plant re- quires workers at Dublin, Phone 345- 2270. 20:2lc Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed. Conduct sales of any kind, any place. We guarantee you more. To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 21:22:23c Gene's sins Contained in a Brown Envelope Approximately 6" x12" Anyone knowing the whereabouts or information, please contact Lucan On- tario Provincial Police. 6 Services COCKTAIL lounge help. Apply in person to Dufferin Hotel, Centralia or phone 228-6649, 10t For faster service we now have RADIO DISPATCH t TRUCKS Gene Creces - SIGNS OF ALL TYPES - 'RR 1 Dashwood, Ont. NOM INO PHONE 238-8242 48t ALL BUSINESS services available - Bookkeeping, farm record keeping, tax consultation, business letters, advertising copy and promotions; collections, mimeographing, publishing advice. No job too big or small. Confidential year around ser- vice. Reasonable rates, Call 235-0740 (9-5). 21:22:23;24* All small animals picked up free as a service to you. We have three trucks to serve you 24 hours, 7 days a week. Floor Covering Installer 2Ic FARMERS! 3 Situations Wanted YOUNG MAN looking for labourers job. Willing to learn. Phone 227- 4816. 20:21c Are you considering erecting Experience in Sheet Vinyls and/or Carpet FULL-TIME JOB ALL COMPANY BENEFITS Apply in person to BETTRIDGE FLOOR COVERINGS LTD. 154 Downie St. Stratford 271-9830 20:21c CALL COLLECT 887-9334 FARM BUILDINGS TED VOOGEL & SONS 4 Help Wanted BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES Rent a Car or Truck THIS YEAR? Contact us - We offer complete farm building service. Building Construction FRAMING HOUSE AND COTTAGE RENOVATIONS Custom Built Homes Free Estimates RR I DASHWOOD PHONE 238-2742 DRIVER SALESMAN for truck to store wholsesale operation. Guaranteed salary during training. Salary .plus commission to follow. Good incentive plan, good opportuni- ty for hustler. Apply stating age, pre- sent job and other qualifications to Box SDP, Exeter Times-Advocate, Ex- eter, Ont. 20:21c NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE We give complete sale service.' PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK BALL-MACAULAY LTD. Lie. 399-C-73 D & J RIDDELL AUCTION SERVICES Licensed Auctioneers and Appraisers Complete Auction Service * Sales large or small, any type, anywhere * Reasonable - Two for the price of one Let our experience be your reward. Phone Collect 'Doug' 'Jack' 237-3576 237.3431 LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. 101 RUSSELDALE EXCAVATING, back hoeing. Phone Bill Hocking 229- 6575 or Russeldale Farm Equipment 229.9875, I It SMALL ENGINE and bicycle sales and service, Milt Robbins & Son Ltd Exeter, 235-2940 (rear of McKnight's Men's Wear). 12t Clinton Seaforth Hensall 19t COMMERCIAL 235.1640 20-r Exeter BA BYSITTER for four year old child in Exeter in their home.Phone 235- 1298. 21e 5:9t TO BUY OR SELL antiques and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235- 1964. 13t PERSON for housework, 3 hours weekly. Phone 235-2282 after 5:30 p.m. 2k Bulldozing Light Bush Clearing LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS Wilson's Jewellery REFRIGERATION GEORGE EIZENGA LTD. INCOME TAX - ACCOUNTING for FARM & BUSINESS 107 MAIN ST., LUCAN Telephone 227-4851 LAUNDRESS from May to October; Chambermaid from June to September. Apply in person at Oakwood Inn, Grand Bend, 21:22:23c PART-TIME worker for turkey farm, two nights weekly, good wages. Phone 234-6215. 21c YARDMAN for selling building material, etc., required immediately. Apply to Centralia Farmers Supply Ltd„ Centralia, Ont. 21c 7 Livestock and Landscaping INSTALLATION AND SERVICE REGISTERED polled Hereford bulls, serviceable age, Harvey Ross, Ailsa Craig. 2Ic • Now you can train right here in Canada! • Tuition Tax Deductible! • Placement assistance guaranteed! • Weekend training also available! For application and interview Write: Safety Department The Canadian Institute of Tractor Trailer Training Ltd. 207 Queen's Quay W. Toronto 117, Ontario Or Call 416-864-9381 (Formerly Trans-Canada Transport Training) 20:21:22c Opposite Exeter Post Office WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Work Guaranteed NEILSON REFRIGERATION Phone: Parkhill 294-6425 19:20:21:22c REGISTERED polled Hereford bulls, serviceable age, large selection, bred and open heifers, Ancell Lee, Ailsa Craig, 5 miles south of Crediton, 20:21:22:23:24* PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ont. Auction Sale Service that is most efficient and courteous. CALL THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Telephone Hensall (519)262-5515 TRUCKING, hauling services, fully insured, livestock, fertilizer, grain feed, Toronto every Wednesday, Call collect 229-6439 Jim Siddall & Son. 101- SANDBLASTING - Protect your farm implements, trucks etc. by sandblasting and spraying anti- corrosive paint in our modern paint shop. Also sandblasting brick homes and waterproofing with silicone. Dave Morrissey, RR 3 Ailsa Craig 234-6202 or Bill Elliott, Thorndale 461-1244.10t BARN AND COMMERCIAL pain- ting - Spray painting, the experienced and modern way (airless). Industrial paint, sandblasting, high pressure water cleaning. Free estimates. Phone Dave Morrissey 234-6202 RR 3 Ailsa Craig or Bill Elliott, Thorndale 461- 1244. lot FOR ALL your plumbing, heating and gas fitting needs, call Herb's Plumbing & Heating, 235-2996, 18t 294-6321 44t PARKHILL CERTIFIED MASTER WATCHMAKER C. HARRY RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Panne! Lane, STRATHROY Telephone 245-1272 By appointment please. PERSON to live in or out to assist with housekeeping duties in Grand Bend-Oakwood Park. Cleaning and laundry only. No meal preparation, Monday to Friday. Pleasant surroun- dings with good wages. Please reply to Box JOM Exeter Times-Advocate, Ex- eter, Ont. 2Ic Pleasing you pleases US, 5:28t VACUUM CLEANERS, sales and service, all makes. Bob Peck, Zurich. Phone Hensall 262-5748. 481 SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pumped; new tanks installed; new weeping beds laid; old systems repaired, Immediate service, Butler Bros., Lucan 227-4312 or 227-4254, lot EXETER: Modern Executive home, custom built, large spacious living room, sliding glass doors to back deck, large living room, 2 fireplaces, electric forced air furnace, can easily be converted to air conditioning, broadloom throughout, full basement, 4 bedrooms, master bedroom with separate dress- ing area and own bath, large 2 car garage. Terms can be arranged. OPENING JUNE 1 - Experienced spray painter opening shop on Railway St., Seaforth, for finishes on cars, trucks, snowmobile hoods and boats of wood finishes. Call on week days at 5 p.m. or later. Name- Warren Shera, telephone number 527-0475 Seaforth. 21:22;23:24c GERALD L MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS: 20 Sanders E. - EXETER - 235.0281 RES: 10 Green Acres - GRAND BEND - 238-8070 ATTENTION FARMERS BEV'S PLUMBING and HEATING EXETER SOLID BRICK older home, Main St. location, 3 bedrooms, livingroorn, dining room, large kitchen plus extra room on ground floor. Deep lot. $24,500. Call Fred Eyre. BEAUTIFUL 4-bedroom solid brick house on double corner lot, All large rooms, natural fireplace, fully carpeted, At- tached garage, lots of nature trees. ,This house is for dis- criminating buyer. Priced at $46,500. For appointment call Fred Eyre. Highest price for your dead or disabl- ed cows and horses, Pigs and calves picked up free, For prompt service call immediately: Collect STRATHROY 245-0838 LUCAN 227-4312 License No. 411 GRINSVEN & BUTLER LUCAN DEAD STOCK Owned and Operated by Bev Lindenfield PROMPT, COURTEOUS AND EFFICIENT SERVICE ON ALL REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS Residential, Commercial and Industrial PHONE 235-1081 llangkart, Doig and Co. Chartered ACcountallts 268 Main St., Exeter CENTRALIA $27,500 3-bedroom, large livingroom, modern kitchen, plus extra room on ground floor, Well decorated. Garage. Call Dirk Coolman. ARTHUR W. READ Rosident Partner 235.0120 EXETER: Commercial or residential property. Living Room, Kitchen, Bath and Dining Roam down; three bedrooms and bath upstairs. This property ideal for business office, beauty parlour, etc. 16t 6t CREDITON DUPLEX One 3-bedroom and one two-bedroom apartment. Good size lot. Full basement, only $15,500. Call Dirk Coolman, FARM LAND ACREAGE $49,000 4 miles from Exeter on highway 3-bedroom house on 8 1/2 acres with river on property, Good barn, drive shed and garage. Call Dirk Coolman. 150 ACRE FARM only 2 miles from Exeter. Well cared for house, good drive shed, Well drained. Call Dirk Coolman. 46 ACRE cash crop land in Hibbert Township. Call Dirk Coolman. 4 ACRES with old frame house $12,500. Call Fred Eyre. JOHN A. NORRIS Chartered Accountant 497 MAIN ST. EXETER 235.0101 EXETER: Well located. 1 1/2 storey house. Living room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast room, bedroom and bath downstairs; two bedrooms and bath upstairs. One block from schools 1 block from post office. Auctioneer TOM SHOEBOTTOM ILDERTON 666.0289 Free Appraisal "Coll elbW for complete Auction Service" FRED EYRE Eve, 229-8936 SALES STAFF DIRK M. COOLMAN FRAN RITCHIE 235-1950 215,0588 OFFICE 235-1232 445 Main St. S. Exeter HOUSEHOLD SALES FARM SALES Phone 235-24/0 HODGSON LIMIT ED tXtitft J. A. XNEAa M. J. OAIS02 I ' aniireereeil