HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1974-05-16, Page 17ST. PATRICK'S PENNY SALE — A penny sale and bazaar is being held tonight, Thursday at St. Patrick's
separate school near Lucan. Shown above with some of the articles are grade one students Paul Poole, Joe
Mcllhargey, Teiesa McCarthy and Kim Hoevenaars. T-A photo
Lucan church news
Should YOU pre-arrange
your Funeral?
The wise head of every fam.:
ily takes care to prepare a Will
and carry .ample Life Insurance
with one unselfish motive in
mind to assure his family of
security and peace of mind.
Doesn't it make sense then
that one should pre-arrange his
funeral and leave instructions as
to his wishes?
Generally speaking, should it not be YOUR responsibility
to arrange YOUR funeral?
Any member of the Ontario Funeral Service Association
will sit down and discuss pre-arrangement with you without
obligation. Why leave this task to someone else?
This Advertisement Presented in The Public interest By:
Bonthron Funeral Home Disney Funeral Home
Hoffman Funeral Home Westlake Funeral Home
Hopper-Hotkey Funeral Home Ltd.
ow YOU Can Own
Life Insurance
For As
$1 688 Low As , 'PER MONTH
(Nate: This is a decreasing 20-year term policy.
Premium above based on age SO.)
This policy can be converted to permanent in-
It never decreases to less than $20,000.
Minimum amount of policy that can be purchas-
ed is $25,000.
Before you buy any kind of life insurance, it
would pay you to talk to me,
John J. Payne St.
Phone 238,2111
Na waiting for
concrete to
cure. Over 100
sizes in stock.
Frank Kling
enhance the beauty and value of
your home with precast steel rein, Lt forced concrete Unit Steps. Our in- Cl•
*illation crews work quickly and
cleanly. I Phone $274320 Seafarth,
Vinyl or
We Also Instal Eavestroughing
PHONE 236-4808 FOR
Electric Mower
A CGE Super Value!
Smooth" action
with 5-position
height adjust-
ment. All-steel
deck has no-clog
ejection chute.
6" sure-tread
Power-packed, budget priced! With
all the features you'd expect to find
on higher-priced
mowers. 3 h. p.
4-cycle B & S
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DISSTON Cordless DISSTON Upright
Electric Grass Shear Grass Shear
Pushbutton grass trimming at a low,
low price! Lightweight fingertip
control. One overnight charge trims
around an average lawn.
Trim lawns the easy way without
bending or kneeling! 3" steel blades
trim close around trees, along
pathways, etc.
Hurry! There's just one week left to save by shopping
Pro Hardware's Spring and Summer Catalogue!
(519) 235.2190
Brinstey girl graduates'
from Strathroy hospital
Cathy Lewis_ was one of a class
of twenty-two nurses of Strathroy
MiddleSex General Hospital who
graduated as an R,N.A. Friday
evening. Reception followed in
the United .Chureti Auditorium.
Later friends and relatives were
invited to the home of Mr. 4; MPS.
Fred Lewis.
Jane Corbett is belidaying in
Spain and while there she is
Working in a museum,
Mrs,' Clare MacGregor acrd
Kimberly visited Friday with
Kathleen and Gordon Morley.
Mrs, W, A, Sholdice who has
been staying with her daughter
Mrs, Wesley Lewis is now in
Craigholme Nursing Home.
Kathleen Morley visited awhile
Friday afternoon with Mr, & Mrs.
Cyril Morley.
Recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs,
Edwin Morley and Elaine were
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Fenton,
Stratford; Mr. & Mrs. George
Wilkinson, Exeter and Brian
Hodgins, Luca!).
Due to an error Cindy Prest
was to have her county honours in
4-H clublast Saturday.
April and Terry Hodgins
visited Friday evening with their
Centralia Village
We have a full
line o f
For the Victoria Day
grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Jim
Mrs, Snelgrove, Exeter visited
With 'her daughter -Mrs, Jim
ThompSoti, Mr. Thompson and
family on Sunday.
Mr. Mrs. Don Newey and
girls formerly of Kingstop left
Friday for Edmonton where they
will fly to their new home at
Inuyik, North West Territories-
where they will live for the next
three years,
Mrs, Audrey Desjardine and
Laverne of Palmerston spent the
weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Fred
Lewis and attended Cathy's
graduation, also Mr. & Mrs. Ivan
meilroy and Naomi of Brunner.
Explorers hear
about hobbies
At the Lucan-Clandeboye
Explorer's Expedition last
Monday afternoon, Explorer
Sherry Hominsky conducted the
opening ceremony.
Chief Counsellor Mrs. Froats
told the members of a visit to the
Lightner Hobby Museum, St.
Augustine, Florida, where she
counted at least 65 different
hobby collections.
Counsellor Mrs. Donald O'Neil
supervised the writing of "Thank
you" notes to thoge who helped at
the "Bunny Tea". Beth Arthurs
won the "praying hands pen" for
selling the most tickets for the
Second Red Stars were
presented to Tami McRoberts,
Jacqueline Richards and Sherry
Hominsky. Parents and friends
are invited to the closing
Expedition, Monday, May 27 at 7
p.m. to see five members
Vocation closer to
home this year
Christian Family Sunday was
observed in the United Church
when Rev, & Mrs. Madden and
son Paul, shared the service of
worship. Paul read the first
Scripture, Mrs. Madden the
second and also was the speaker
for the day.
She took as her' theme
"Christian Family Day", using
Paul's second letter to Timothy
as her guideline. Paul said "I
remember the sincere faith of
your grandmother Lois and your
mother Eunice" and our faith
today is often transmitted
through parents and grand-
parents, instilling in us a wish to
live Christian lives, We cannot
always leave material wealth
behind, but we certainly can
leave our Christian influence.
The Junior choir sang a
beautiful number "Come, Your
Hearts and Voices Raising". The
flowers in the Sanctuary were in
loving memory of Mrs. Helen
Carling, placed by her daughter,
and from the funeral of the late
Alton Isaac.
Next Sunday, the service in
Lucan will be cancelled so
members may attend Clan-
deboye Anniversary Services at
11 a.m. and again at 7:30 when
the guest speaker will be Rev.
Mary Mclnally of Granton.
The U.C.W. Executive and
group leaders met on Friday
evening in the C.E. Wing to make
final arrangements for the
Regional Smorgasbord and
meeting on Wednesday evening
and for the chicken Barbecue on
June 4.
The Primary girls, under the
leadership of Mrs, Edith
Mugford, entertained their
mothers and grandmothers at a
Mothers' Day tea; during the
teaching session on Sunday.
Sunday morning the service
was conducted by Rev. Ray
Brewster with two represen-
tatives present from the
Christian View Bible College in
Mr. Paul Graham, formerly of
Lucan, brought before the
congregation, the financial needs
of the College, and Rev, Douglas
Barton gave a Mothers' Day
message, speaking on "Mary, the
Mother of Jesus.
At the evening service Bill
At the May meeting of the
Biddulph County Council the mill
rates for 1974 were set as follows:
farm and residential, 70.2 mills;
commercial, 78.2 mills. This is
down almost 11 mills from 1973
rates which were: farm and
residential, 81 mills and com-
mercial, 89.5 mills.
The residents of Granton will
pay an extra 3 mills to reduce a'
village deficit from previous
Council learned that before
anyone can have a land
severence considered, the ap-
plicant must have a certificate of
approval for a septic tank from
the Ministry of the Environment.
The Council decided to ad-
vertise for tenders for the con-
struction of the highway branch
Remembered on
Mothers Day
Miss L. E. Abbott was most
surprised and touched to receive
a Mothers' Day floral gift from a
Lucan girl who, years ago, was a
Member of her children's Bible
Class and the League of Loyalty.
The accompanying card read,
"To one who mothered many
children at Holy Trinity Anglican
Church." . Note: What a lovely
thoughtful thing to do, more of us
should be so kind.
McGillivray native
passes away
The funeral of the late Alton
Isaac of McGillivray Township
was held at the C. Haskett & Son
Funeral Home on Thursday, May
9, with Rev, John Beaton of
Centralia U.C. officiating.
The pallbearers were: Joe
Pelesh, Frank Lee, Frank Hicks,
Louis Tasko, Lyle Revington and
Paul Cronyn. The flowerbearers
were Terry Hodgins, Harvey
Gilbert, Arnold Blake and John
Cochrane led the singing and Mr.
Brewster's,rnessage was taken
from Rev. 3 "Behold, I stand at
the door and knock . .",
likening this scripture to Christ
knocking at the doors of our
hearts. Sometimes the cares of
life cause us to become deafened
to His knock and we need to
become sensitive to the Lord's
"knocking" in our lives. Solos
were sung by Cathy Hopps and
Joan Lockyer.
of the Stumph Drain. It was
reported that no objection had
been received to the proposed
closing of part of the Centre
Building permits were ap-
proved as follows: Earl
Greenlee, Lot 16, Con. 2 to
renovate a house; Cass
Skonieczny, Granton, for a
garage; Joe Kemp, Lot 3, Con. 3,
a barn; John Miller, Lot 2,
N,L,R,, a house.
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Horne and girls
are holidaying in Calgary.
Mr. & Mrs. Freeman Horne
visited Sunday with Mr.'& Mrs.
Gerald Grubb and family,
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Hutton and
family visited Sunday with Mr, &
Mrs. Reuben Pehlke; Monkton.
Mrs, Hazel Coward, Mrs. Phil
Hern, Mrs. Sanford Hutton
visited Monday evening with
Mrs. Freeman Horne.
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Walters
visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs.
Howard Dayman and family,
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Coward,
London; Mr. & Mrs. Murray
Coward and family; Mr. & Mrs.
Bev Parsons and family; Mr. &
Mrs. Phil Hern and family; Mr. &
Mrs. Gary Simpson and Scott
visited Mother's Day with Mrs.
Hazel Coward.
Joan Allen, London spent the
past week with Mr. & Mrs. Wm.
Allen and Carol.
Mr. & Mrs. Bison Lynn and
family visited Sunday with Mr. &
Mrs. Harvey Skinner,
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Veal and
family, Hensel' and Bob Snow,
Thames Road, visited Sunday
with Mr. & Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake
and family.
Raise fines
for stray dogs
Dog owners in Lucan and the
surrounding countrYSide are
going to have to keep a closer
watch on their dogs or their
pocketbooks will pay the PonaltY.
rn resPonse to complaints from
several citizens about dog4
running loose in the village, the
council Monday night voted a
bylaw antendtnent so that fines of
up to $50 can be levied for dogs
that are either unlicensed or
running loose,
"%Verve got to take action on
this." said Reeve. Ivan Hearn. He
told council about a pack of five
dogs that have been seen at one
end of the village.
One of the dogs in the pack is
from Biddulph township the
Reeve said, They don't have to tie
dogs there so it runs loose in
Mr. Hearn said that any dogs
caught in Lucan would be subject
to the fines regardless of where
the dog owner lived.
More than 90
in walkathon
Over 90 walkers of various ages
plus some bikers, took part in the
second Bible Society Walk-A-
Thon for the Lucan area.
Refreshments were provided at
the check points by the churches
of the community and all the
proceeds will be used for "Bibles
for the Sudan".
If you were missed and would
like to contribute, please see the
President, Mr. Jim Robertson, or
Treasurer, Mrs. S. Revington.
Tim.0400calfe,M(11* 1974
* Gabian Stone
* Calcium Chloride
in 100 pound bags
* Sand & Stone
* Gravel
* Stone for Weeping Beds
Crediton 234-6382
Tax rate in Biddulph
down by about 11 mills
Poi. 7