HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1871-12-5, Page 3IP" Mme. a,i "Only Playing." Special Notices. A little old w•anau before me • %fent slowly duwu this street, ,Y• Walking as if weary 1►ere her feeble, tottering feet. 'NM uwdar her uld poke -bonnet, 'Mined agleam of antes . Weer Waring cap •trtog 8oatedl, , 1$e a pennon te and aro. Ia Ib• folds of the rustic mantle, $red Lu her fo..t.tep rangh 4 ; .--Aad 1 sprang tt, keep her flow falling, µ'1t6 r touch as quiet as thought. When under the old Ioke-buanet, I Mw • w111eonle i*..,, Framed with the Morn ringlets Of lay see daughter, Grace. Mantle and cap together Dropped elf at nay very feet ,And there etotd ths little fairy, tl.autiful, nulling, sweet .' i MAI it be like this I wonder, • Nhen at last we (.rum to etsnd o the golden, ringing pavement 01 the bldw4J hers only- land ! Laing the rusty garments We wore in the years .1 time, Will our better selves spring back ward, Serene Ina youth sublime! Instead of the shape that hid is. And made us old and gray, dull s• g toorchildheartebaskagain, W1t4 a brghtneu that shall stay 1 l;t light -but my tittle daughter p%.4 ,aud•sn telae 'Y eau un y p eying," she whispered, "That I was Wnty-nine.' to Orlin is expected in Ottawa un the 13.44 )net. Prussian ladies now use orange cu'or underneath them flys.. F•ther Hytmiuthe intends prasching • antes uf sermons In Paris. t than in S,ndh.ky had hu hags an - punted by a lady surgeon. A Maryland woman hae received• con• team for budding • railroad. Shoal% -pot c,mtuluee to spread with alarming rapidity in New York. In Hamilton, en Thur.day night, the temperature went down to 7' below ren,. An 1...r• girl, aged eefanteen, best all Ibe boys, and got the a itlealraul Omar at a fur. Dr. 1/arein is ed Olt a in winch the la.'ul etpre ' .l .af aur ale •rel be ons of the chief t'p.n d s_os.ed. A new Bowan Catholic Church wee drdlcated w Salt hale city, on Stuns) la:. The nit notlr of c.'huhty is the an a tali mated at three hundred, The N.s 1 ork 1 acht (nth has leuder- edAlatuauuvtiai .0 t'-4tuna,•whtea be soup's. T.. thus er takes pace t -morrow af4'rnoou. T,cketa, -July $to each ' The Ilamiltnn Central Fair proven wee a •o xwa, that a surpl,u of trakti lie resat I . n all e Minds of the t after paying ail expenses, treasurer Sealskin j.cketa are .taste the mode r• mth ladles .1 ta.hloi, They cwt •''ni ing, 'lis true, List, •lest Woman tel the period errs •rn,.t. &Ten thouund wanton Woos to the luuntat.ruahat• of I4'Ig.um. An 11,51 court has decided that a *email rm. sun her husband for looney billowed, of her Prima $34) 10 ✓Dl .1) worth of false hart, braid.), 1o'ls and curls are now saint. Said a concrtted young lady . "Yo men are a covet -us -set," firth* widows only vote) in England. Mrs N o...Moll toady go to grass • Vermeil fathers are selling a nice mar. rtateable clues of daughters at hie dol- Iarsa head. A sick neo was told that has wife •'.old pr•.hnblr merry mato, "A11 right," said he, 'there sill be une ma • to lenient my death." The th et fashionable velvet street gar menta are ro enllrnly coVerrd •.rah e. boder• as to almost conceal the meter tai. C'anaelien hooking 4.... •re doing a thriving husinsu in the productions of Lousy sone,. A rural paper remarks • "('.41 nights have put a stop to gate sparking. 1 f she d.,eea't ask you 10 come in 110 5, you his better quit. Mn Wallace, of Mtaaas•,ta,broke her o Sag. bat wouldn't let her hoshan•l hear of et, becaone •l•• didn't want t., Interrupt the politics! stumping tour he was en, A Whan.mr■ mu, baring been •lotted .%lance of the Peace, got Rent..er justice er t .ace until he granted himself a di- toree, , Toronto bag commeoe.d its municipal •sg inter. lb* smallpox 6.14 got around to Chica- go Governer Alcorn, Miuwsippi, has re- signed. To. Gr■D1 Dake Alexis m expee(ed in Montreal .tont the 1111 o,12111 of Demon bee. The gun -lost Prier. Atjrerl, arrived in Gnderieb yesterday. She will remain there for the winter. A Freesh-prepsired paper ie supereediag liut in lh. dress ,,g wounds, Mr. Bethune. Q C., .d Montreal, is ,likely to be appointed to the new judge. ship in that .1,y. An Asgricaa paper says the prohibi- tionists are the strongest allies the ram sellers have. Its editor; is sot a teeto- taler. The Welhn;loo Grey and Rime* Rail. .Wyfw.tIed Walkers•* last night, The eitizene celwhrated the event by sa enter - taiemsut The Qoebee legislature contemplates abolishing the Upper Ho.... They need see just oboe& an meet ea a bee hive dem a hi/brain f rod. Ilerepb 8.adley, of the .ore 1418.•, New Tor+, is the olden ,inter in America. Although ninety -sir year* of se, he still works at the c■ee, sod for eorreetnews and speed occupies: front rank in the e•sabliel- sent Connolly Isar at last been removed to Ludlow jail. flail • poor man stolen a fraet.m of the &tenant to keep hie family from staring, be would have been in the Tombs long ago; but A nene,a jwtiry e 5047 polite to stealthy cronieste, The Nate -('reborn fight came off accc,d ing to announcement, near New yslerd.y 1'h., awn taught eleven mood. and then Stopped to take .tock. rh. referee decided It eaudrawn nattin. Th• peehticel.n hate not yet elate to hand, be apparance. indi tate that 11 .0 • ucood- edition .I the Pori 1/...er fixate Three diferent shades of silk t • make one emotions is the lamed PS,ssuan nnc.l- ty The frings,,hntt.•,. pia,"me t iris, h+., Mudd .n the shaded ooakum, .I • al. shaded. 4 _ Ons sensible and pretty imam .1 is seen among '.he Imo 1'• Satan import .- two' It is a water -proof po omit•,, which e.n he worn •inor as an overall or looped un as • Noontime, A lady says eagaipmaents ars very 50 utida4k.•ry sort of aly,ir,, for if you era net very polite and attentive, the gnarl*. men thinks yon do nut ear* for him, and you are afraid to be polite In, fe w the artpg.ment insight *om.lime be broken 04, when ynrt would M 1nrry to Oink p.m had wasted 14 mnuh'weetn0ss 51• OMR! MAS, wsralln's h..hand. 11. k.1)W!'E. t as.n..T.- Wes'. Goma - Oaera.'ut enol messuaesee-Mi • laureate 1.•,•i..l4e of the iiera the nee .4 alk. ofernNleetr. ovi.oe M mt hu poor our breekraet tees .,U' • d dewiest Watered• urhol. may .• ue wed) d,.ob'n' 4416" CTed hone (J..e1N M.J. led Jame.. •„w a 1:,., sl.bwu).athh. CI wYr,1 tare wkle io,e,u w 11r reu.aa swirl 6Rho..044. a earful . AI with hulling wet.. or 1111k. 16.4. ps4i Le. edea - wi' LI itIN'0 1 dz KL II, G. H. PARSONS A CO. ,ITRIUMPHANT SUCCESS' .... HARDWARE MERCHANTS, i IA11KET we . (IF rl1i ' ty 1QC'AL1r OODERICd. f CAxtV rat rs.war•«iu. as.rwe+ esti simply HAMILTuI41 l T `G ^ oleo uu. 1, set ml .,.. w.11•,1 .1 iw wl rp :'W1.LI Nave !N !RONE SEWING 11t...y,.,a k!•1. t,a .,l ram I. re..n..t..14 •I s. r. tM •Mogi pq l •po•r. a. A tn.r ►„a CIITfg N I( 1riAACAfARTIlt. e L tr8 1'ntt e• :1 O rICFr CAUTION: CAUTIO • - I MAMMOTH CROSS OUT SAW N I I I Having ctunpteted thein Fall 'pur- KIT. I chases uf 1St! PROVINCES OF NORTH AMERICA. To THE P('BLL:' OF THE 11 tk• arlt1J .,t& 1.4 .4... pnron.« tb etpt I..I1 ennead the bu.lw...t 50 Mantel. 1..,44 York, fur t4 eel@ of nrn.,.,w.tr. r, IAA •• •■eT. w Ir = u•.• up to tett time 1 rte, wAu .• de .oral W to eh d gist 10 •.4 1 4 1 k, o f too. tit u1•n*g .rel f the l•1• 4 1 161 he o. . sirs 1. nutria q. tee• t urrt..pt, .ud 4 I • w.t t4 P41. .414 1104 44.1 oat $r ellb ll•* i von 1 Ore 115y4 Taw. 444,4 40 out ohh t. few d..,ir.4 y deport.. r«Ik•mrs,•►sl►ereeow ILLeli sass the e5teb. erel.44be,e,"b'It In 44 4o'. gumless N•db..y'. rind and N Ir, f4't.r.4 by w la 1-uod... rho will .10 well to we that oath pot end 4a bear trltt.h l.o oro urea •6,...r h Me H•d,.e.)'. Y116as4 thetwvol,•' en Vie •14nu , t4. labelAl H urinia Went. d. ,. wh.0 only 147 444 •a1.uf etn4Y4, 11.1 1 nth., pert, r the a.ad, Fie retell pness are t4 tabcl. In booth •erretry, lad oatl.4ul1.' • ant. No r•1•reuen'.hre of tunas lath ere, trate) th toy Nit ,•f U. I4,hah Pro lave. .r the t *taloa. either to evil 0 W take oris. 4.r toy Irnrut and a. 1 lase Wawa to believe attempt. will , '4ldy he ...l. t • deerire the lar mm 1141. ear t1 4.•.14. r.uuo 1Ona law redo., 61w1) rya ting that try are td *0. mot with ay knowledge .red .• urn41.1t elk ,,.I,,e b, put the Wee g Ayr tort any eu.h devwptons 4a thew 1 u -sl ,Dene... entreat •11 those w4 eel 'hie elrrrl'.nuent tel th y b. 1.1•ewe1. the ear their from. 141rims '11 they may .wt Id d /utt owl 11,•,0 toothy by ppuuret..ur worthlr.. mutat 1.4 roan into 11.410••0'. 1'111...4 1 4'.I,o art I o..1.1.1 .et .e • gnat 4..uu.,that eho.kl It el 1 SHELF S HEAVY HARDWARE, uYAY.4' Arc now Prepared to 611 ell ordure wi vee which they may be favored. They net by its ..ctfutly invite attention W 1 hthe folio • ing IUM of.Gtrods 4 4 • which 1kay arepru%lar- { ,n., ed to sell ' rad - --- VERY LOW POI CAsg, Wyle 1i\K, FOX, O t S, L 4ANh,WOOOD SAt1AND BEST MAKES 4 U!'H'ND1:Att7144C)tup, ,1 t Ylaitlt A. V r'.. -t • DVS 3.1.1K1 liS AND PRICES. BUY'S AXES. HAND AXES ANC Bltl'ADAXES. ,COW TIES OF bEVERAI Kl5oe, LOG 'Zit} (1111\S , • OF t LL' SJZ b; GLASS PLITT, 4.nt.aa.dn :•• Ca4ne )•,.., 1"t C, IU1, w • Manufactured _ at Hamilton, . Qnt /' d11h to t..1 pre mars e• u e „ ; .rowed. yy tat l ' ( h I. r• -1 ,:•.,d4,.,,„,..,.,,,,,,:...,. ul•WN ••f Jnyyae a) 11q a.1 ln*N 44.ner lis • ,n,leprl•n; pay r.), a...•natate 114 .lay. 16x, 3.1cKAr For Gamily end light tnanufacturiug work the tladsrilt Ymr. stems.. GAH'DNER SEWING MACHINE WRouGli !WRAY, T .wN>() CLT eh ee,.tc. CARRIED OFF TILE FIRST PRILEOVES ALL OTHERwoo: Ihe1'iJ°'aw eythi.w.ihwi}o":la;' And •large Wortment art all Ueda of MACHINES ' THE ct1.mune: N.,1,1, tlw.•wtertt r. ;-w ,veva• 11 A 1t H W 11 si ...1 i1 OR ONTO, LONDON', CHATHe1K,' 0.01111.141, ST. C&IHABINF8 j 1,"!...'7.1.) rtWa»ter t..ea»..eP . fAaA"L > air. R.L O..T. t flet Yin,. WI. M rpm ESTRAY STEER. awlati•Se. te'•""t• At lawp7llPrl 1b1'C'tSr1' 4 'stland ave% Stray Calves., NAILS MARKET HOUSE.' I : I r1L' I ,fi Ir i1W a t' the d r. THE PRs3.fISE' Or red e w• Of all Irises and dtrcrirtiutu, t'e►y a• hlillp: G H. PARSONS *Cu It also came (T$ with high honors $t the Prot Incisl Exhibition,K the mid'nigoed, In. I. ew' , 1, in the lo• (3.ltde5ieh, NuT 98,.71. at tlte'H +>lse tviatded a lNploalta Townshi `ret AsLrilW toM)ut the nth of ■ ss ULil81i <Z4i1t01 EZhibjtioo. **tuber, biros Itoi/e►LLees, Drew et•'ae: .; I All riser from a r 7 to 40 z Jd, • '•• ' The owner is tee fu,'sted to pt)t o proper- Township y, pay claifpt. rr•I rake them nwa) BOILED RAW cif N'hL I VOIIERTy- n6/ L. - -- Thousands .a.le-rt... rr•T1rP 4R♦Dr)V Vm :_ -----... these exhibitions -.--• ..--.-- pet - ._• iu nts at tete. p rea GEPLLEI - WATERLOO 4 D A ARLHSION . _ ,vita-.•-e.,. ,•'.. n16I VARNISH & BROWN JAPAN, 'I Now is L. ur.Time QBUy. n•.be COAL OIL, uf good yn•li y thea JJ 'il•.g COAL OIL LAMPS, J ••W LANTERNS, REFLECTOR$, rme ' ;, , SLEIGQS EVE SrEEL, all the leading sites, es AS STEEL, • fairasaort- te an ..i.». 4. uf laov y pren t'vl ep,mnn. soh. CAST ut the n IA.,mils .r IJ in ml •, a, he ,4 1•40141 pNasrd 4, .end ...ate. .tri ue•luq the 43„•44 that wuU edareha nu..A .•I.t ..f the r 54,0 tele, 1. r:llugat .t t4 :pie '411 a• 0.4 14ha*I. la. lumen u•I W.fr,.. M ,14011, t••n4.4 8(1.. „ e. wh .try b.,te ,'4.11..Ithe... err, rwble me her ion •.111,11• l.r, W 1•.IIIY6 'Te ;..i •h .411 .Wee,. •1,1 1 •y,;;4 b'A11,110e. e 'e any t..oen •he el 4tr „ es no.wr,ml4 Infurmawt.•u t•. rev. b. divulged. r. nsow he. hoot •444red Leve Spero. tre.hone1 tteee Mede 1sell 44 ,,.'Y i 1.., 4 It'1• W •.,l y. ..uJ , .4141, t,. rhe 6drq•..t 1•.nlr eh hp..ae '4o ;;.i BARE HOOP IRON a good asswtmenr CAST STEEL AXES from $1 upwards lea HEST CAST STEEL FILES, a full rb, nagtettw.nt, • 44 AUGERS, HOLLOW AUGERS, w.k and AUGER BITS, AN VILM seg VICES. COIL GRAIN, TRACK CHAINS, COW TIES, TIN, 41 1 SHEET ZINC turd CANADA PLATES, CIt(J•1S CUT SAW e •.t .1.4t 4. Ma et 4.44.4.), awe or t4 1...4. 01 t' -tortes. whole are &Seed W the sem. 1 p40. V,•Laeloathe It sal sods replyn. .the 54W,r olk loer. stoma or nut . tot 11 +neer. h'•` ply b, the pos... nem l. wheeke purel hate kY meow) e , rr,nnl. Chemist. awl Drugg,•te •had.,A to n1.6I& i • and. WOODSAN'rl FRAM LL e - EU, SPADES, SHOVEL, th. nut. MANURE FORKS, el long and short hardks. the A/Tcry chti.,e wsb,rlment.4 w 11. r,.e„r. W..up4.INd 81 (4 6...t at•.wae prove in nu.' '.e 01,4 Ise 14a t:e worU,, • S..61/i 'tee sodset, ,twiper teas. Moses of Pill, resat... elmet 44* . , .,., ler ••M Mlrl 1• W 4i..* 1 hand t•• logesar t• he, - with peel 'nowt '--- T1Nrr*M t1W4.Oteat sal WA.* ,tees tries• ear- men fermi, W. O., espessaw 1,-1111. :. Wept fl 1‘71- e rABLEADEbsERC NIVEf 'e'' in Ion '-L q, B11•.•h"ont, Cocoa and Bone Handles. A complete assortment of PEN and PACKET KNIVES, RAZ • ORS and SCISSORS, from the baa . English Milken, A LBATA and ELECTRO -PLAT. 'CD TABLE DESSERT s TE NO IR IOU - L. lkerh4 ALMS* 041 Rey As :iwr.e i1• f'.irit • 041. teat pa ►semis . 111 view o hh elment may when it N .awl. U 1. _loathed M.4..w«•r este ue•.he. e., -i Yee 114 .q. w,TMr107 seta rt.th he *used as •. Ur octet elleel,r two bottle. . nee 1... of Neu sed lat new, T•nrates -veto 44•µ1 , 11.•.1 s env •y, the or 1 1uy141*a:.leshbt .My hid Tis& Sy yr.: ••1 etted Inn.. •o 144 10, • 11414. fit 4s•.r 11.1. a Melt rem tel . we4neerlt Cue. f41 w.,a.5 bait by. 11 ap. 'dilettanti." Another wbf %ad A.5w• r . 43'.. "1 4r. 14.1' 4 Ammar,f0 4..( 44.1.- left, •n'Iesp.'*Ite, would est ter hat 1 el.' Ws . aeon,- Rehmhoe... .4 an b. Y., erre.) "110e timed bolt:. W tour Letonsser tot tethered go ,• where the paw* and ant hawks.. . w'4 •maps ,n I,ra YE..." leer. J. natMry, or wl. fi'(( N r ..row' Twee .rran nt:000t e'.r Rne1► t. l* 'IlM 'e ark ' (haler. .11 ..re, 'he HAW, •.y: 0A•loth mos, e..tl • me.l.efee lot 4443 Otto .n.h eompl.le .an.tarnoe a. lad.,' 1t se.e.pe.d .4 m44. -1 ale News • ,L, tear •el .v0,, 1.. good In tate se '.•r rslt4el es, end teneetesoireohlt .0.10.0 to h..g ever nave Naloe .e y 11.1. .,ser,,g ' . red lone .Il4011...of esp.. , 1e 1. .44.1 to .w or , Amin• oa a lse, fere 114•.. 4,-.,,,,,,... i7,q 4. 110 S N. 711''* 4. 1'Snn, • S'HtHlu.r a 474AR. lase0.*, 6.,'..-,.:!': t S e. eta for the ' ,,..*. Nora 4114.4 a -Re Meted Ind s.Impr.d, Nea4mt: -1 .414 414. teem 1.11.5 hereenrr, Ilmtutat• w4 ob.rekeery, • aft doing n A "ole then, .els.. a grant deal W herh:, ret Goer a t• ellit dthem to 1 le onkel. eft end .11thttet .wr.. tart W:le P.•rt, Knew W «e het,* the pnl.lie tut"• er thin, )+.'•, I•en".a 1. 'natter n/ lee earth, am 1 4. .1414 h) every 41 Nt 41 the le i u . rh,•'r.n.. ditty., It. re. Pointe •n boo •0 174nhnl I era ...prod last w lore neat h• seamy wlthndtel- WAreblas whatever the iiee ore ota I. 40 lore tees be. Mrs M Mr. .,.'I.1 .•'•n..,n.d. we ways bola bottle M Fe,n Were no 0WN.Dr 10 rain Rudy en .no,4 verb Inee, In the Weis, are bass 4.1.1 Sheol ever end ore/ again. Nes•5ad,.-Aw4 that fe that 14 ethos 1 «Wee. led lo 4) 14 Pau 5ttt IR re n y Rlu ern,er.w.1 11.ught it WW1 Rt• tine* other Iblng• a humbly. 11 M .aa"lerd) .an thee es! all the ;len vine P.,, tin. a,aala 26 at., per bottle. 11. watt or eonnt•r4,te. clip: CNE 1T FEMALE RENEW Joh Mases' Perisdleal Pills 'I 'III*INI-A1,1'An1.M: 21,..1,4, INK. UNFAILING w Ito care or .I those goof .1 .ed .1.nerr.rt d,w't«.in ‘en 'ell u, , h he fern.ler..,ol nvo,,...'.j,.I It nlestr..11el sod •fineseyll obstruct... ,.d•s .Peed, eon ma M taoa n. M R4u1rn tattle. 11 ,. Men'.arle eu,l O. It w,, " a .non se. bring •• n the monthly Twb n11 rod eeulIl antr. !hem that UAW rte be Ormsby 417444. d,cins IA 71151' 704548 MONTHS fPr.geMty,.e Met or. ore .Y• te sere(.. MWrr,tel oleo, ohretinae'try A y.. 1,1 .n syw et wean•, On/ Spinal Allem on•,pi in In he lank eon tenths, 7..'wenn a eh11„rnM. Pair% 11.00, oe a.. Iowa IIesettee • d Who., Ir.e IN 11 sol lgM• en. ear rea•nh'rmeth. hear fe,1..l and •Ifh.Ogh • nowet el , I. d'*"*4*ln, e•t•w I, e.•r my, n .npheng irnn4bn the ctrl,,_ P.l,hr.rteon. M the I1sw44Th lei .rnnn4 e5.ifparkq. ►eel nb.41 4nMkli, preeerrre. JM •r74.*, mew roam. 14041 Pw0•amron. et 144 ..4 1T) root.. f ,posses, enehod in Northrop • broom N'wneIe, 4'v general r,.n1e M 11•* le ....,will. Nott. r•.41nln.nre• 4401, 1h L, 1l41* rel. N0RTHRtTP A I YMAN Newre4le. I; N•,reeerLL .gent fort•engd, jpe Bolds %).,errs. hr Parker • Cal•le.no r. Jordan 4 nn,,I,n., a co., Rayl .M 1 Jae Reetham, Roast dl.; J 71.kerl,t eater 11 11 'lamb.. Motion, R bed. Luce now R H, -k oe,3e.,fun b. 4144 .1, Maul.. -tanto.. sea (.4.• VD 3TRQP OF HTPOPIIOSPAITE' rbt p.o,.., 014,44al. * *Bare.. .1..play d 1.7 thio pn^.nle.n I. Ins..ell• 01n4,ld{d h7 the 441w1 f..- nay 11 every .0.11", whore It 1.. Iona Nottnvrd . t Wthe, ninthly lesene•taefts ,4 14 hest Entrant. of the .dlrn.tl"• a whim. It I• held byte pnMN The ylrop will entre r.1.enery enen•ytl n Is the neat awl ,0.e•I tae , will 04.0 (sat 14.7 meet peninna 1'01 le the third 11.111 non Anthea. 11.w•M.,. tonna-MA l'rneh. and r.ol.. It .111 •,m all ills•••., "nalnatom ng frowen, 0l e„«•tiler etrnn .44 sl• tuna Son • soca am R... Rr,r1w*J45r (of lar .1114,•.0 the Medi. l tri D' k Iand iteutta Ptteleas, %pd onla or I.ue 0) 44.144. .1 eel ewe. loo'-"rrho % 1'a•,In,l. 1 nr„w eat rote,. M4 1.. polity w4 health. Sold By Apothooarieo• P rins el .M 04), lex 4' .4 i.INEN 1. FELIA)WS, C"IEMi4T, MT. 1.,N., N. R. 0eteedeh rapt. 4114 1471 •wale.. ('E ?'fl4T i ANO RAMS TOR SALE SPOON4 and I''.yMK- SLKC• - -TRO' TritD-BverElt i>t)H:_ » I-74 NIA DE: CLflTJ-i J! C, While the stoat i. r 'tuplete and selling REMARKABLY CHEAT' A Splendid aab,rtw.nt of Arwn&'Cloaks 4 Fancy - weeds. wade up to Orleror So!d by the yard OE11Tcr FVRITEEII<(N of the fattest Style. and Patterns. The Subscriber wouldreturn thanks to his supporter for the liberal patronage 'Vended to him while in the flourishing Town of Gnsl.'rich. Rican now afford to sell at COST; rod is determined .10 give his customthe benefit of hie success in business, -AB HAH1tM -SMITH; 'Merchant Tailor & Clothier, dP•-t& East of 34, Horton's Grocery, • Market Square, Godeeicle Sept 11at, 1811. . Simplicity, Strength and Capacity I F•tk.eaakev.„ tray OR rosy t• v - ! , , CAME TO TB! 2241.osrip IT WILL SEW FROM TRE r1.4t, s+ 17. Aei Thinest Muslin to the Heaviest Cloth and Leather It is hsrdJumuly made and L Sin iple, 11uiir:ible Convenient. and Lasy.Leareied, and has the most complete art of attachments of any machine, now manuti►clur1'd. Callan') see the (Iardner. Machine, at salesroom, ncxtAkor to John ito1 ertson's Millinery- Store, and directly oppossita the -Market House, Goderiett, 11 e.....e w: 8. JOHNSTON, AGENT F(41 111:11 4.4? CVLK2Y N. B. -Tie following i. a copy from the (Rohe, during the exhibition week at Kingston:-'4Tk.Osp, aartiewing Machine Co. exhibit several fa oily nrt•hin••. Those on view wen in operation during the day and dewed kerweditatightest work W a piece of sheet twat and bit of cigar box combiu.d. The ma0►iues do light waaufaeturmg work as 111111110 AMA 440Imn•d iu any family encl.." Uu.eric6, Oct. Intl., 1871. - - I • FALL & WINTER STYLES" -- COOLERS_ KNIVES an. MILL' AMY CR' Ern, very ..uitao i. 1.. the an hong hohda d I?1GT.I'H PL%S'stt PI, %NE1R1)Nr Wn 1CH18.iLS,SPEAR AJACKSON':, lAiLtit S HAND, w \' u L a lt1Y .A WS. ActonANEL tete was. Wien ..f WHITE. and Itlttt 'PAMIR Al►D ' (MORS. T4. ARkiIAH eistletM itferSHES.+}tXNsty are 4 R1'sSIA ITEM P ROPE t' PACKING. GRINDSTONES, ORINDSI'ONE FIXTURES. PON DER. Silos, CAPS. REVOLVERS. and CART- KIiN:F.8. DOUBL$ and SINGLE BARREL' • GUNS sled an the article, unison, foam, In • wet a.lested stock of Hard ware," --C-- 1 S the whole' of the above stock h,o ,.ren purchased eery 1.. and bar all le en marked at lowest cs.h prices, we h.en mach pleasure 11, requesting a rail (non the inhsbit4uta of 1:,wlrrich and fanner. and trailers_uf the C••unty o1 Henn,. No trouble to show goods Ou I, i tie price. Rem.mtwr the place, II %Y1e..rrox ler., sign of the MAMMOfHCaOSSCt 1 SAW Near r tlah martsin'e HOt:1. JDHN8ON & KERR (Ooderlch, Not'. 20t), 147I PULMONARY W o- ua J . Iii .I tee. W J W BALSAM su .Teo wawa •swotO Sr The TMT 5Mma1T Mvaloohe .1 •iew.flleaAN0 roe Tel LMT MIYIARe. "NOTHING SETTER. cunt' ORM. k co, sO.TOR, .•a'GAria- Ion ' the pry > PCR X 40 N 2 COUGHS. COLDS 444.TII .. NOTICE, Ib beret" Oren het the partnership lately e.Nt.ns between na ale nn.nelso•4, Thom.. 4.•4.4... 11. onager tad Jelin Payne es groom G,...,• le 0117,•., rd o.al.4.11 4n the. loot) of II•nm tinder the name el J"hpunn a Ta) ne nu un the tweet) w van alt 4.y o' Jots,: ar mrh. d e.ol, d ,.r mon. rnn.v1t, an he ea tennn6 the saute 14.0,... 'nhn• 11.4. *h. ane ...tired Irom tbe 14... ern, an,' that ell defile des anti owns/ M owlor is 411• Nt. non tell he r..•.l, nhn paid 1.7 the :ate JW., Pa, 5., alb... nm henna this To ebt)•tel.nth day of Noremler, 4, D. 1571. TIOR.JpATN5' BNNTOM,h., rte, W 10lo•4..• t JOAN-. Thrtnnnro. lately t,nlyd •p ander tho d,... arm, NII In !mere I• mood% 1r by 3. lin P.yss •ed Bro., en Kbpto. 0treet.ln 01 a Oath 61,1 It JOHN PAFNR& 5410 8trsy Sew. 0,11r N the premkee• of the .ndm,ni4, let 1, eon.), W. D. .1 Ae110.11, elont the ant of `erten ler,a new Pig. The n, err 1. reoriented to pr . u property. par ••pekasa.ii,4 u:. 4r Ay1' tar y 1O-- Rs•, fag, 1571. r n4.1'ric1.i-- 7140 TIM RA4SPAT$, Tan 110704.7 1. 1 weeded. he gni, Ss pelf lapm ono to r1• ea pane. A. MACK4Y, oases*. Dee. 1.4. 1171. 4., Stray Cattle. C411R into the in• thews M' in,. NMI., Tn n. •hip rel I4.Aerh h, e..n) 1De "..'nth of rbt1. . Marren • .'on, (41,50 L. I. limos 11.44, ,error lad ao4fer. erin` ren Twr• "d I4 w ere rem d- b, ,ear b n. prove proper,, Dal rWs,g.• Rol thin away. GED. 8TI NSON. ehul..444. Nor. 504h, N7•, e• Fors, Pure. Fate 1 1148 the L.ttee M o06rreh enol 14 ,, I01e th•1 rF IMemo. 1.e pr.p.rn0 11".'l..,n m1a•11b', a ale the. 6ti1.1.1 et7., all kinds .4 n on rr•as- uasl Mu. MAY, Hurn 014.►Nf. 04. N 't. fee 17 Provinc.al 14,2u rano' f4ularhy of 0411 i1a, R. to Res*: a, Tn1...r•, Own,' Moo, 1y y07t mTICa 1• b.• 1.1.1,., au a re) M f t5, l _ r ret. • n t4 egd'al .13414 M t4 Pn j .b nip.., .4 4 meed. t' oil: The ens .r .1, '.1 Tn. P,."n4.1 n".No••Ire/ •nal. of ,.M a.M•n, t et ••441,1" k as Med rale .tette Nord .I Ohs- e•. r n •7•• s o t4 44 4.'4 el , w,' 0,440 TF -,void (11., r.nnn r, Ado 441? t ey'TBVR M &watery and Maa n. 1 . TEPi1EN TATES. EXCELBtOR GROCERY I N•derM tet► ray O. 117 4114 1. • DIItECT iNPORTITIOIIS• , fresh, f ashiunabla, Cheap i1. 11'. 1ioLL A.':\1, l+ 1 ' Merciiafit rotten 11th attired bows trio, ale 1 TISH MARKETS, Will ..ptteele rk.,1 -.. - iootch and English Tweeds, •MD • CLOTH(, FLANNELS, &'Y'S CLOTHiNG. • MEN'S CLOTHING, SHIRTB of iUdeacrip'ions. AND GENERAL OU TFITTINO;, .alt three 4 prreauar to t4 4..t adireatage, a( whit :A lo. et ottoman 511r4•. tba neseat. I *real tad His Ms 44.ck Wel tad At or414. .dII SI rept. nplienite i►n:1x'.' ' hvr1. {41,44710. tau Oat 1171. 1) LARGE SALE - 01 -. K.%•NK(tomt' STOCK -1, it HE LINDERBIONIDOTFEIt FDR ante the l.nkrupt stock of Joni" Roaz*Tsoe, appoint* the Market House, consisting of - LADIES' FURS, TRIMMED HATS; • MANTLE. & JACKETS, ARTIFICIAL FW4%ERS LADIES' F NCY TR1)iMED BON RTS, FANCY RIBBONS, ",UOLEN GG/IDS, DRESS GOODS, ( tinoli•es, Men'. Neck Tisa, and a large 'variety d Ladies' Ware, Fingering Wille, C• nets, Chignons, &c, o-- • Having purchased the 8001 Dara of the Lteolrwt, •e retitle,' the i".metiate pa,; hent of the eia.Ue and sass costa. --O Sale 15 eoln.nene5 gen FRIDAY, NOT., 24. 1871, 1 A. MCINryaf, 0. 61144." odale k. s. 1m, a. To Ooartactors. _.,,re nJ 'I•n,PeM.111M 1•.4444 be the utile r.lgod MISS McCONNEI14 rt !1 .71"-T or 14••1 n . 1..1,,151! 4T'rn r1 a Lt l0'1 . .. •. 's.1 y..• 1 y a 1iWt II:IR, Bonnets, Itibbonh. 1.4res. F'eathei s and Flowery. C7' • .pl•a.fnl *both of 04.04' . bearer, ('se.' loots we/ wealth geode to choose tree. N.B. -At 114.. u,•C•r5.11 r• prepared• toryIIf l,1rrvhrelw se1 w. N61 N,,.4t.leAwtt.fu4, 54.... •ia1.1 Omaha... . 4, '.e l.nh rep. 11.4. 15 'wen WIBrEB ctoraj0 H.1)GN10Y. Use now returned from the EASTERN MARKETS having purchased to the bent .dvuttage At:!XPLB'T STOCK OF SSA -VT WINTER CLOTHS,' BEA VY WINTER TWEEDS, HEAVY WINTER OVERCOATINGS, .hklo he In prepare,' to WI either by the:sr made op on the .b.rte.4 .,.Ree ., R1C1)UClCU RAT11:M. Nate' Rh1Ra collars Gel ter, of ell awls thea for Jam, CALI. AND. FARM. 006314 2a Oct 1111. Nicer!, Mlrliaery, Mhlitiery1 --es- Autumn Londe, -s►aD- WINTER COMING. 'M DdI8 i 10117,,.LE7R • vteienn.tet4. IMlaha'n6M'•I a at .el Oat BMW repsd out a lune eel eon - Note 4.aof B[I'LLINERY I/'stney' t'oodta, 44111 •50 .411 NII u reba..)•• s Ih• P,up. , ,Aa bidsdMAIBJMRJ-LLa4) ne4.,,,,nder. ' 5-Nenei •stelae ka.l..,. In one ofl4Ry.l _,r.«n.. Ip rendes 110.1*g'.esed 40 mmtita• Doerr• mita )"IaN4*r, aid In lir ower fl•, • A CALL' 134-)L.1(' (TI). Eitel a1rpl *ernes a doors ...t of 1 1,1.r4 a' clad. Sitih Day e( OECEM *ER next, 441. .t .lass, 1r babel/ of W r"rtwosti o of the Town of 1iod,,,eh, for the er.4tlo. of • TOLL HOME and GATE ••.seer 5,44114. on We Northern ,:rare) Reed. 14 linen. 11.l it... to le ..owned m, tM.en. Mil .o.' M the +ars lion r shoot 104 with tee theeptha that the frost r o, eh w(n*o 404 r 14. rim tee Sew with iagy,pm, !seed. n• t e, se than ale Ineh.. ,n 514th, deemed, mat hM and heeded. Mao the porch 4'5.a,..•"t- .41.• tee .4111,,, Flee whole n7 the oldie 6 10. Ane. to ti. s.uarrnea of the R4w1 I.aree14 n{„ "n wh,y ,5rw•u tie the peyote,.••••11 le mope ' ... a to ha fothapleta4 no er before the 50th of ettuaber oast JAMES THOMSON, Town Berk, Tows mew. on.., Iirv/erl44, Nn. rah. 4071. .1 WI Gads 10th 7eoteni071, 1.11, Sale of Toll Gates. RR drawn "f the Northers nq el tear 7.'11 Data 04.1 no ed4 h pub'. gnhti.0 A Rash, reta ttu,• R"one, (gigaton Street. Goderleb, uu }'k.D41Y for lath Day of Dec. out, for one y.r enem.nrire en the 5.rat Day id January nett, .nn end.. en the .*th tar N IN nils•, tare B4,oI. vein 4 nteord from the tareheser., and .e le. I. 1h• dee fo111aeet •f ol he woad/woe of the Mud. JAMES THOMSON, Toon Clerk. To.5!r'4f104)'e G•rre+lrk;' Nee, 9741. 4314 era e, w. `l E r V 1, E ` a y, G THE VI ithi:T GROCERY, (FORMERLY IN'l'('I'IF.D 11Y ROM N'.'iN & (wt.) W. D 0 UM. LAS, HAS OPINED THE .UtoVE GROCERY all A FULL *IOGK OF (11140 ERIIIS, P•eOVIsIOStt, M'LOU A,1 ANN FEED, (HEOCK E R Y. t1i.1tssW AIIE, AIL .1P WM. R' C i. t# 1f'1R. New Goads arriving Daily R'nwarosh, about the Iet Oct Stumm rising 2 v.'or. 011. Ow 'i"1'" to mite property, pay elh/IQ 1 .std •oke i' nwnv. JOSF. P II 1KA LLOtOI, Dungannon, Nd. 3.4,'11 __ ....Orae 1 \TRAif cantlt. Caw into do le I closure •.f 1j.tu,ln elstiningskt the Township14 C„ll,o►hc, k. D. of the Yait- Iand co)., lot 11, n. • ytro el* Uwe, New year uld Hayader, 'ell. owner is reyue•14A 4o preen property, 1'ay •'1 awl 4.6. 46.11 awIj1.J1W111 puma. 23 N,ev, Ia71. 5 raw OTICE. Caen ud'.the preattiew e a aha undersigatd Colborn., [Muck Db ab,.et the hist of November • 1. inegg old Hadar. Th. uwrer 144 rb ueated te) peo4epr..p.rty, fury charges mod take her 22 t at. 141'1 l lerhh Net .w26-14. 'TRAY CALYEa B, Camredo the 1M• • closure of $heppnnl Jones in the Township of C••Ihurne, NI; Non, lot 14. Three sprin^ t9alles color Red end White. The owner isra,lu4.tedtoprove prayed%-i.y- cliar;s., aid tale these sway. Rw4reaao Josue. Olderich 23 Nov IM71. ewe 34. est ay Heifer. oys TtDfn•n l e s 44•7 G O. CMb1e•th. nee• 0•61 whit• Helfer ,r a the•'. ..•p•w1 to Le r. *air 414 1)ul1em I e Oras, .tar e. bee Il.da "I-..44.111SOM orient *04 1lildL.11brlmif.at M --' lsm erry ism be nwAtdel, - 40114 P.1T5a a'w. ss.ssnr )f i%Ilii •.fait• __..._ 'rIw11'Tar'.r Iwt 4, raw. t Weneealp0 rnittenr., ,hoot tl.e t.:,suing .0 -. T,0, ler, / Moen -ami 1 Helfer, ynrhuge, •n. MAWR, rad, fir 'Wire wed howl aid , w a, the. bevy twos lad wale, onost•e te l4 faro «ray p rum 4 4. uf.rniet net welt 1.44 L 114. n.. n *, FL et to 14 tr •Vhlatl♦p1.r..' .4. O1 N TIFFIN, J• C• r.a.w I 1 I.14OR ;.Ielb: O'111. J U►ST OPENED A CHOICE LOT OF :Yaw I)ressi GFoode, New 11'lans3.elw4 , ('«- 1 till 'I weedfy A LSO A LOT Or KIU GLOVES ALL (Jt LOZTRS A.INTID sxzE ! 1i• 0: iILTLVit £ CV•i (od.rich, July 3614, 1771. 11(110N 'FOUNDRY, GUMMI RICW b'OIt 19ALE. 'r11114 14 A 2PLENDTD OPENING FORA 1.ARi:F. Ff)r NTtitY Rr'RTNEFilk• Machine Shop, 52 x feet, two stollen, alone with Mn -proof r.No1 M••nldinr Photo 45 it ti fent. *fosse, Dae store. Bolles Carp, 190 r 3.1 le 4, two stores frame, with Rlwrkemirh Sinn and 0Mier hw*Ldin A (IM•m Engine, ton iron Lathe., iron Planer V.rtiewl Rolf Cutterf, Wool ),.'hes, irc,tlar Saws, Wood P1. naw, .N Am A Ro(atnek of Patterns for Engines Mllh, Stoves, Plow*, kc., de., with Moulding Roses. all in good order. The whole or one half interest an the above business •aII M sold to agruel man who can manage i1, Y the Wbscrtber cannol give the time required. For jagther parycVlare apply 10 Oat 13th. 1477. R. RUNCIWAN, M._14 a w' r7nJ.Tlef !RASH ION A 11LE TAILORING. • Nile P. (t, Ju1t MYr•er6 ), WO Shay 0 'tfaro. Oaten etolbeWu nW l•. ,.. of n.ttf.Snew. 1, ship./, oAn 0•06 nth. two pearling R.N. t.4 c..ler, *04 theta ,0 tide weep pe utter he Jane verbal owe ng De .Irma MR 1,••s Pr'Pwlr, her.•. sal W thou away.' ' IAL aCC*AN4 °der eh b Hee. tell. /not ('0,5 71. • IOW HeifernIg,,.d. 11,1 (, A./10,,. C,, m.n,n-.)out the 4"1d41e 4f •tient% • Meer neat 10, nu yr.,. .J4, 1444. .r le ',goad- ed to pines Noreen,, pay moths. and take It away. ACnllertn 24ty;.•r. I4;t. b1..11all4. /.ert h N, Stray Steer. est 4.)o the .t • Inane rel ales, Rfrpetttlt. '0140,5..n. 4 1.. H, livor% t5. 1.is 444 arl tel... 1 ....Oil near. T4 owner 1. ...gonnar ; 7.11 • prep., t,,pe) ,Lever e 1 14 ha now any. /4 Noe. 1.71. a1.1.1. R111KP42* Cie. ..'Jr x• INSOLVENT AIT OF 1888. 'N the ma'ttr of Wi11i1Ma E. Leonard an insolvent. 1 the etidanigned Ditto W.. mon of the Town of'0odeeteh in the Comity of Huron bare let',. ap- pointed Assignee olthis matter. Credime* .re r.qu.sted to Ale their Claims beteg* tee within one month DIXIE *ATSOI( Assignee Dated et Goo .rich this 2'ih day of November. A D11171. ( 9t Ira auLV ENT ecr OF 1.38. IN ?He MATTER OF tvUTAH 2 3.+0341144 ao (n.oivsnt Venice is hen. b [Tan Una a tweetdl,g of the Crellit,ra of the said (ualib/'pnt, *ill be held at soy • oddtal le du Town .4 Golench on Tues.i, Jay, itat t14. hew of ofe town, tby Demob,* o Ailc1.444 in the foren..On, for ordering' of the tfiaire the out. gerar,Nlft 1k►t.4 O'clock -1 GaleffWAT - 22.4 day of Nov. %lel. f ` n rt t int Barbee. shops fiend retina, tu5.o 140 5, re. Anis h.v,d Morel hm. wasgMartin. fheten, h, 1nr Goatee' woe rum 11 110 6 Flothy sad 6 sew pre 4110 ei Too )11. make - masa shear ifersa.rloihiag and Scotch Collars el Ogden !Armin •t hinge Steak of 1. n Welt aa tutere!.unseskei Gedm eh 11 Jtocr 1811 • 51 In ail art* and stannfsetures anpforts mine here more fully ack • ow lidti oeloetel 1.1iit precept thaw. Messrs toe cetehrated Per.ertect Lena. net wows, este do to alleviate no• monad by weak or faidhe ma beim eaklolly otodinal efaettro 111 the IVO wended. tisat sil confess, heat Oscine. ut nes is si owe A N'13 ARS PREPARED TO MAKS Serif TO ORDER AT CREhritsT NATEN. • • re.. •-••••,... • nit