HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1974-05-09, Page 21The Present Corrupt System God's Righteous New Order Or World Conditions Do Not Represent Rule by God The earth could be a splendid home. But people now suffer because of soaring prices and dwindling supplies of food, clothing, shelter, fuel—the most basic things of life. Cities fester with crime and poverty. Everywhere, people see corruption and mis- management. Pollution is making the earth a global garbage dump. • Do you honestly believe that this present mess is the result of God's rule of earth's affairs? Some people do. But the Bible says: "As for the true God, perfect is his way." (2 Samuel 22:31) The conditions that surround us all do not reflect such perfection. Whose Rulership Do These Conditions Reflect? You will agree: "Man has dominated man to his injury." That is what the Bible says. (Ecclesiastes 8:9) You are seeing the result of human rule that ignores God's laws and counsel. But there is more to it than that. World conditions also reflect rulership from an invisible source. Why so? Because, in spite of all efforts of sincere men to solve human problems, conditions go from•bad to worse. it is as if an evil mastermind behind the scenes is manipulating human affairs, drawing all mankind irresistibly toward disaster. Is that the case? The Bible answers, Yes, It de- scribes all the nations of earth and their rulers as being led into a war against God. Led by whom? By God's chief ad- versary, the one whom Jesus Christ called "the ruler of this world."—Johh-12:31. The Bible says that the one called Satan the Devil is the evil mastermind who is "mis- leading the entire inhabited earth." That inspired Word of God also says that Satan is gathering 'the political rulers of all the earth to the war of the great day of God the Almighty.'—Revelation 12:9; 16:13, 14. No efforts by human rulers or their subjects can prevent the coming of that universal con- flict, now near. 0 YOUR CROW Ern" For nearly 6,000 years men, under the influence of Satan, have been allowed to go to the limit in their efforts to rule the earth their way. Today we see the results. God. has declared his purpose to put art end to the mismanagement and ruining of the earth. His Word foretells: "The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. . . . It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite." —Daniel 2:44. In that coming collision only those who have taken their stand firmly for God's kingdom can hope to survive. This kingdom is areal government, ruling from heaven, under the direction of God's own Son, Jesus Christ. What will that government do for surviving mankind? It will accomplish what men never could. 44 41 4 .4 At 44 -4 -144, Mankind 'will beat their spears into pruning shears, and they will learn war no more' —Isaiah 2:4, "Death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore." -Revelation 21:4, Each one will sit under his own vino and fig tree, and no one will make them afraid; --Micah 4:4. These are amazing promises, but would ye) expect any less from a government by God? God's kingdom will accomplish these things because it alone has the power and the means to root out sin and to free mankind from the domination of Satan. How Can You Prove You Are for Government by God? Really, it is not just a matter of saying that you are, is it? What counts is what you actually do. In what government do you really trust? You may be religious. But this does not prove you ore for government by God. Many people belong to some religion, yet they practice sexual immorality, lie, evade taxes and commit other lawless acts. When they do what the Bible condemns, would you say that they ore for God's rulership? Of course not! Others may not do these things. Yet if they continue to be members of religions that meddle in politics and hypocritically pray for God's blessing on the bloodguilty old order, they surely are not on God's side. Nor are those persons who violently try to overthrow the governments of men, instead of waiting for God's kingdom to bring the needed change. Bible evidence shows that God's government is now at hand. Begin Now to Take Positive Action For you to give full support to God's government, you need to learn its laws and purposes. Many persons recognize the failure of human rulership and yet hold back from giving their support to God's kingdom. Why? Because there are questions about God and his purposes to which they need answers. Satisfying Answers to These Questions Are Needed • Why has God tolerated wicked conditions 'for so long? • When is he going to take action to bring the present corrupt system to its end? • If God' is really interested in mankind, why do so many prayers go unanswered? • What assurance is there that life on earth under God's kingdom will be truly satisfying? The answers are available. Jehovah's witnesses will be pleased to tat{ at your home, free of charge, to show you what the Bible itself says on these matters. Also, you May obtain literature that discusses these very questions. Why wait? Send in the coupon new, or get in touch with Jehovah's witnesses in your vicinity. WATCH TOWER t50 BRIDGELAND AVE. TORONTO, ONT. MbA 125 t 1 Please send nus, postpaid, the recently published 416.page hardbound book "God's Kingdom of d 'thousand Years Has Apprdoched," also the 192-page book "The Trull' That Leads lo Eternal life," For the two books I enclose 7$ tents di full payment, t 1 i would appreciate it If a qualified person would visit me, Flee Of charge, to aid me in gel boo acquainted With the Bible. Herne Addres* Post Office 'Province Postal rode Kleadom News Na, it 4 Printed In Crinede FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES 228-6753 4 2 HUMAN GOVERNMENT WAR CRIME vl '11N14 H I I Are You For It —Or Against It? What difference does it make? What shows where you really stand? 'c Lucan name councillor, add to arena Special garbage collection, street construction, an addition to the arena, peddling taxes, building permits ,and a new councillor were Mile of the items on the agenda of Lucan council Monday night. Larry Hotson was sworn in as new ,councilior to replace Bill Whets. He wasted no time in getting involved when he volunteered to be council's representative on the Community Centre Hoard for the remainder of 1974. This Hoard had just turned down a request from the Lions to build a sports complex beside the existing arena. Council supported the Board's decision. But a general meeting will be held to see .about building a new addition on the front of the arena. The new construction would renovate the dressing rooms and front hall area. The meeting would also decide if some of the facilities requested by the Lions could be incorporated in the renovations. Hotson said that the Lions would support this idea if they could get a gymnasium that could be used all year built upstairs. Reeve Ivan Hearn said that any renovations to the arena would take careful planning so there would be as little interference as possible with the fair and ice- timo in the arena. other business,. 04401 accepted the tender of Frank Van )30SW and Sons Ltd., for con- struction of sidewalks, curbs and pavement for Market Street, The tender for $24,975.80 will now be turned over to the consulting engineer, J. P. McIntyre and the Ministry of Transportation and Communication for final ap, prove', The price for the job does not include the cost of aSphalt. None of the bids contained asphalt costs because of the rapid price ,fluctuations in the product. Lucan residents will be asked to put out anything they have for a special garbage collection to take place on May 28 and 29. Council decided to pay Cec Lewis $55 a load to help the village trucks make the pick-up. Mi. Lewis was also given permission to remodel the front. of the Shillelagh Motor Hotel, not to be confused with the Orange Shillelagh Motel at the north end of town. Paul Dyciteman also received a permit to demolish a frame warehouse behind Hedden's store. He had asked for a permit to build four apartments and two offices above the store but council refused until the warehOuse had been removed to make room for parking, There would be no other parking spots for future oc- cupants there except on the street. Hut a bylaw prevents people from leaving cars On the street all night. Council passed a motion tp stand behind their bylaw on people who sell goods door to door in Lucan to pay business tax. Reeve Hearn said this would continue. "It's not fair to store owners who have to keep up a place of business and pay a business tax on top of that too," he said. A request to restrict parking on Main Street for several hours in the morning so delivery trucks could pullup in front of stores was turned down. Council did not think the prohlem was severe since the trucks were only delivering for short periods of time. LARRY HQTSON May 9, 1974 Page 21. ADAMS Healing & Cooling • Heating Systems of All Types INSTALLED, MODERNIZED and MAINTAINED • General Sheet Metal Work • Air Conditioning • Humidifiers • Ventilation 2 3 5-2 1 8 7 133 Huron St. East, Exeter COOKIE SALE IN LUCAN Members of the Lucan and area Girl Guides and Brownies participated in a cookie sale, Saturday. Shown from the left before starting out on their route are Monica, Sylvia and Jac- queline Rosch. T-A photo Lower Interest Rates NOW AVAILABLE ON st and 2nd Mortgages anywhere in Ontario on RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL and FARM PROPERTIES Interim financing on new construction or land development REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA—PHONE AREA CODE 519-744-6535 COLLECT SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS & CONSULTANTS LTD. Head Office: 56 Weber Street, East, Kitchener, Ontario. WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH DROPOUTS WIN "B" TITLE — The "B" crown of the Lucan Colleens bowling league was won by the Dropouts. Back left Elizabeth Roestenberg, Mary Van Geel and Eileen Hodgins, Front, Sarah Hayter, captain Anna Craig and Bonnie Manders. T-A photo COLLEENS GRAND CHAMPS — Harry's Hot Shots won the grand championship of the Lucan Colleens ladies bowling league. Back, left, Anne De Boer, Nancy Lawrence and Isabel Shipway. Front, Shirley Fowles, captain Evelyn Harrigan and Dianne Brophey. T-A photo Headquarters For e . . ALL YOUR Lawn and Garden Needs Drop In Today For: * Seed Potatoes Early, medium and kite varieties Get yours now while supply lasts * Peat Moss * Lawn & Garden Fertilizers * Dutch Set and Multiplier Onions * Garden and Grass Seeds EXETER DISTRICT :72 Phone 235-2081 guntimouninnuninincluinmuuninuininnwininnininnunnanucchlonnthunnocciffic I