HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1871-12-1, Page 4•. , • ' "'" '75• • " ts • -••• 4 - . , • .1•„ c--)4';'"iwirol4ted" -.1; • • . ' • t,•.,••3 . . !ear • „„. A tar aprataur Iva./ ar,. lav Oast V1.'61.1041. Brigham Young's probable suocassor. Mr. Loused tudisert ad.). est#tosasikitia Viva, Oa ttat ratuefioli, slid gate ilia* rardutLit that flit Mot:wow would •subnot tua Aglowi f the .0.1 on ....mantras that al Isom, volt itsiiy ho isrge sod. Tb O sitiuttom • to ps.lidibitod •jitu1ir. •04' it -0140k 41 r•• . " :14tbr °' ••• - . Au Ann:titan C.attaay hat* Isoustlit • trossel le Ruoisi erid Ultima tu Protestant Aural thato tat groat tuarg. k irafeal....011118 the "iteration, of th• riicatiorowarittory. ortih eol-Sabss Our (mous Cb.ri telearvy. w.t bate to be 6•16,0114e3. ow tog to that C411t 01 fund.. 111 Obi 1101f .7,..10.1111 of the $411 Frau. leen ,4'!.. ons Quo tArt 11 t1114 O. I•inkre Fl.t 4.irertiater, the Now Jrrusilem :or, and the RTUT,It•Thtirg ?,fad, Thu 1IllateL trapper, hasla Work , Wing va, a nil h astali b. r asetrt ineftsratak.aJo.:trthe• .. 0 ..glit a.on shed 11..r ant are muu.Lesi. • - - Nam( NaYetiat.-- A 110isu is marl to be hide -bound wLno. Ins akni not bhp under the protottiv of thaitand, but sticks as tf it was glne 1, x III C ri.l.tiou is always dei.twat. • .tt i der..timal state of the cults...It ...u.t.thitestiro orgasos- - 'Of 11OL.F.E.ALE AND RETAIL. • .rratIuls whiaa. au 1 It mg heathy ume rola' coitairtioir, the • sircom OiI Lam. • 014 Stoves ! St0V3S E-01-",gNINci Till 31,I It ET . GILOCEI{Y, (ronitalfEr000t7Pfnirtit Roaatsoi4 a ('o.) W- D 0 UC LAS, ilAs oPENED tuk: E ttttItV Wirit A I 1 LL Slot l• itatiii P ROVISION.S, l'ILOIr it 3 ANA) FEED, CROCKERY, G LASsW ARE, Szo,f • /EA .411\ IF' SE la IFS. ICC 1111. ISM . • 'Pt -tterntre Pustarnenni -Pitt; butieneh: 22ei ilept;tiher, 1871. s.8-tt C Intik ell, 1 SAP PIMP, a% • • i'"IN Nery 1NOVEI Fry ii()OK STORE ! 1SL 30:1, COAL OIL' ,.•r• - -MOVED TO , • OF socuuiplaint v.41.diskyear, Few .ronta.. Wool eirlbadt. &tot Inette has voted tlot the .a• • Isar., CC • 1. is J TIIRT • Ir. giro IfrjLielare eta! Oil n.r.o. to this red 11 •D.irle aur's Conant... dors d Arabian 11 -As It baa' been vroe0 kiihorutis rasa wiilt temp late Sweatt. etriota.la affecting it Agra ja a A ‘...j) 4. it lathe twit 0.11.1111..14 tioloktE: D•70 air esstort,Vok the•litiao 'alio* a, aloltilay he Kit OR s (1114Ct Wyly .t.I Wawa, and 1...f TT. p viacEs 14.4411re thh at the .ase le Lain trout raot tr. .. ;..., 4 i Remember the • Dater, PAW Ito, that th, signature .4 fittrat & C..., is os e., I, tiA.kago. N..rtl.ropk LYMAN Nt. IICM.II,, 44114.. i'r..ianst.rs for Canada. Sold b.)-1 all Madidate Dtialori, • • , lil 1 Bs lost. -Tori rdtert e cold or eiest cough is oniai.Ierod wait). tw..tiatil:).,tliai, ------pyriirlaWlia-nirtul • kftto 40, "1 . 11.,He ayatcaliat•tudly le•glearl, Uteri a simply cur/solo adixtioa ia • • 4144. Sof 1.14ill 1.11,1,8•11.10 dAttaae. • o are 111.41 4 e11.44 or etil•IpInsottd not er trifled 'lib, ly 11111 'Bryan.* l'ulen-dia W..fara; 1.1.40 hero siist..ii.ed their raputation for ..or ;• • au b,,., Sudden.* 011 artl,t10 and petition .ry org.ttiti. hy all Draggle., and coon: rt wertItairte. Pike 23 c...ivs per WA. WIENTIIIC -.writer Fut. IN% II -1 N-Its4 emu* M.% attic a.kos: "It Co1f10011 - - 3rx fat a black imp. lire *Intro& horre- was & fact that ',Leto is...o'er • white colt nor gi ms DAT p ErdoVED I -11s - hiack..t iu jjkitrit14:„ and- 1804 .• coot was untsiiira red.', Whother atilt iscorrout or not, *iota/mot Iroaitivaly l..y; but this we do I:olive/a, that the beet 14/44116.44* for rertiostog pans trout tn.. tortoni 14 1.6.0 C41116.111111 P*111 Da.acr.iyer.' • la acs a 11.110(114latjaist, Sprain., I.1 manes or serene co:ds anal 4.11411111W colitl.1.610.41, • It atanla unequal:en For sale by all I'r - .,-•D rg4istist ctitry dlra. il•26ae ier ste. Cuosehmt to the iaiiirt. 1o - 1111/4-4tock-tit-ttrx6; &c,', 1 e......,,,.,,,.:::::._._ . -- - - . , „•..fiktel." f Torontc, Giey. & Bruce '-'''''''' --.:- - ' - . • _‘. , . : . Rail Road. 1 mut TrIE AMEAS 1,UAL. - ,, (.,.01.I.. . at J -.1,-. ibjr -- • lb SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING. I . . t ioN1MOD JO -US I ti -EW EMII-EIELBING I,FrO'ITE JOHDANS .•;....2%.UC STORE) THE MARKET SQUARE Next Door to Dir. Abraham Smith'3 TAILORING EbTAIILISMISNT. SELLING OFF 0001Th AT COST FOB: JO DAYs TO MAHE ROOM POI, A COMPLETh. NEW STOCK GREAT ENLARGEMENT COMPLETE ST( CK ir-s4Du.(.3urr AND TO BE SOLD CHEAP D. FERGUSON, or la Mpg *Amu as 2..11 Aoo:...tremtu, r he Ladies' Department A It UNDSIAL VARIETY OF simmer Dress Summer Prints Summer Hosiery Summer Boots and shoes, AND No ENDur, TTextss, Paarin,is cam, 1=11bLc, 8; Other Bnick Knacks • . Ai Jai Lew.st Prices. ' Rodersch Nov. Ttlt, urn.' 211E GENTS' DEPARTMENT HURON FOUNDI11 11 1 -0- , NOTICE is heryVeep o the Simms- Iteholden of ao Zaenst*, Gray. ad nte Ealray Compny, that•Spcial Genova! Melding of said abominat- on, will be phel7d aeOwcofficOAeIof the eIanlilityd oottaly, itl II'* City oToreoto. 11* Toseey thNmeteath Day of "b.p. r , 181. athe hour of Teltr °Klock, ohms, for the purpoe of giving thDragon' of the aid Company*. the santot4 the ShaTehlirra, t,e bu.e by thiithDarintorsof the It. -.rile .1 tho Comany la pursuant .1 snore thy ,100 pa -m, ilocttPain Wow. "lemon .4 thiAt .4 the Letriat- - • bvoirino b.u1r. the Pr.vino urd.Or, t. tarEtieo parotingthe Co.pany. By W. SUTHERLAND PAVcL, rOel•Fn, Datol at Toronto, this 1dday of No-' oy- - 1•oe8 r t.Ene a• r7 1:• a,.m r•eo..:..o ..et..o4lwr• 3a o 7,.Jr 1 -- 1ve •. 4•: •,l ,•a.-t l. SHRIFFS4A LE F LANDS. (merry e. hte a .404 nol110 Iny.t,'•countIlial. On. rr tCeuaof Ifto. 04 to n40. -.1"d1 saew* theLO. .04 luonyla I. 44I8144 .04 o11.1it Il,, -1,-,,14 lithap,1 10.1 VAI .10'11 h. cu. tit. .111 tt.e rikt, tit'.m1ht.wretoftD. roowoo-1 t/1.1.dor. !Au .fa. 11410 ••.akafthat •wrtaarw.lo ta.t .0 not .11.1l.,00,00,'0 Alan IA 0114 1.Ina 10 i.of..ot.hi, .4 Tr -k, vorith. 10 thaC.• .110 ,,tHa.14l4a1 *•*1.11* 104 wo ..11.0t rotn.ler rret, lo thofot 1,1 11or ften041. of7..eteroart •fur4.1.1, .04 Is 10. In11014111w•-0 H.T. ray awpay 1. bonn atl 1 a SA . ow,. loo•••••;”, 1..4I. aarist si the +oae ..Por to,OW Pre..yMnat (hoc tr reel, 1,ina itO.1.. eta.. f rodrwoo awl ••••••..wt ea,. .4144..4.1 5,0. "n laora ..IX Ill. p.or 1 4141,44-1etamer Ithe 11411.4 throe wo Mr allow**. for Ho. 1, 1.... 66.06 ww40640.6 0*No f a TD• TooarreOTe'• 4140., ro wr..ri,1•1 master1144, &yrIwJour• 14,4II ocloer..11M1% tivomn..nMO., M. Ae 4.1 nflknoll,.f tie oe.1 Teo. raw.. 11.1* • owet or• Ire•6,....1..,.• raayid 00.10t1the gaoeo. amairOrr., casino ad r y a, oa,wthf••4roo r•4•41 •ot 11ea,1,1411Ietenty n11ne Ivmien• 4.04 Ineellor P.o.t„0 rentrain efnOne* rnna• t* way, - 10•4 to 1... Own. .0 tea •oconanin0oar ere, *ewe attd :*fl -re. wad, ezersain fitra8,1 r .nr.48.i.,OrsUrsi orKtrolitrte•t*epeeof thrtreabyWONChorbyards1014t1,14.110,11I4810. 161 .410,.. 0144 .000 1 aboll..Wrr ate, h.cove 111a• roana11.4..rOk Sy h. Pkh no) •‘84,c, D.:1171, 011 .0 o'cick, loom. 'ojonSMACDONALre, herf et Hunan: genre oite, het.Sew. 14).T•Ia10ari • , f s Sheriff's Sale of Lends. •' ,' ,• a' *• .•4e c tat 1rt S, t , en r t"...ty of Hor.,11,5rtor of • It .1 Try Wit II Intm. kow! ......0 11,, if tr.ty's 4...,.t aIrfla 14*eh.awl .110.1• ornard tlo Lot. rl 7•11000111• .4 4.0a tatek., 0• rerainmatIN whir0 the rat., 11,1,4 Him** woe P,opttif. •04 Own, Hate.tot 41 1.fol.lant• 1 bar, aken o tzeltito Us 11.1.l, tite, ‚‚.04 .0111e01a al Iraahat, Km.1 Marta ko srI 1.. lot • 'moher010 inr•• 0,114 to 0114 abetoff, r... *4a07 Of., III the 41 1100eIn th• 74.4 a .4fdrr,a, .0 T0*t..0 'the Joy '.4 Jazry, 174. at Coe Iter l latlieallaI.troIre1awl.111.y.oaktletawritr• i,fi so•te0ronly.4 elhlPadrn Janie rsrons • 1°4'4 11.h. 1ANHA 'it "LINE OF STE thl , • -.L"h _ 1 N (2/1 A N Et -,. 0467;Firi'((ii1.7L712nro(1t. W .A R,I C , Ili,*-* AH.G I '1' Ec T - • N,It.tano. (ID. sTyListi,:cuniii NO, lo FILLIP WITH HANDSOME TWEEDS, .9 FASBIONABLEMATSA CAPS ot-•0.,"4;0' ICEAI3LF. BLE Boots & Shoes . 17SEF1-LJER*'1I4 S III RT1N G kniosiaene- .' - _ , 4,4 &litho other ssestiss of a sitjl "• r_ • I O - IFIE Portable Boiler, 16 Horse fower, Tubular Boiler, 25 O Tubular Boiler; J6 Steam Engine, 14 ` SeeOnd bandSeparator & H NewSpsrAorse Powe 44 SASH AND blitIB FACTORY Owwww- Sash, Doori. Blinds, Monidings, Flooring diding, Mae ilat Eudora fEC ‘V(11111i, wok 0* 1..itcht . 0,41110.406•411.raUle• They tenth from their ot perkiest 1ts trartoll H/0116.111111111011y 011 0.14•0•1141.14.4.404 Alm *HIT 1.6004 deur loth .,.H. 20,000 fest of Boy hish sad • 4.4171. Flooring on TERNS STRICTLY CASH. JAS 'wen ANAN, LIA 'II) LA Wht.N. 811. 111411331:111. , 41.11.1•14116. 1111,8.111312:1- The Huron Kvcrite. P1101'01$ILA I11 s 8100 Per Dozen, NEW LABOR-SAVING (pia. win iv. ;:1Trtly)!.•4t7t to by Al EX11eit-1 ICII A. • 'J0E01-4.330 Ft 1\7 Irs 141•444 10406111/1 l• toetr14,4o I lo I, .0. el Ilst• • 'A le.W CHURN 1.. • boei. Iso•••11. hte the lanntuta* • ••••=. • 10 t1.11.4A11101.0.• , 10.11 A LO DOZEN1 8.‘ Pig g -m -DIN "THE 'HURON FAVORITLI • ftfr, / 114 'witty raeltera;lo40. Ural for lath. art *AD LAWN, til µKNUTH •NI. LCRABILITY Mt PirlicularAmIlso paidkol'opF DV 1...Velat II l't TOON. . 1111114.1C1111f 111, lifr •NIN.O . log old Aniiinayres-, la • Ittr 4.01,14.14101-7 For Or tt t MK I N 0 ri'lWr 1004' 0, "."111 /hot 'graphs. Th. Ak'ci xacm‘rPrseenr. ",..,,11:, .1:: i'll.7,:':::,;!:17:`,:,:::1";.."bbri:l , -'041-1.•,.0..--A ,-- - .s.WlW'10"4N4 boo ...do web if*. --- 1 1 .. 4iell 01. W-rwolt mtap •-brgoeriteatai.. bit Kmrd.' irttrtsirit • sus- B1:s1 RedueOnwk..Aj.aftih041 fa4. re • 1100,8,111 • - 4'4roda&to"nt114.of"r t•• 0.1••..1061•410 mitt L •••• 41,f, Valuable Property For gsle 11."^"1". - - • a Dodo. b. Cooritly or a, H. -I.. ..arge Fluo*ph.. r T T 4h ,.ei7 n 4eLi 0 e I. 1 1R. E • D..t••la-L.tta i • a T O Wot t or d N s 1 hr 0 btalt, skint On theetalattwoHort. (rue won. 1..uar wbihooddle •••utta*I itttotrll '11 a •1 .111e "olane .1... • cane Kali sold tIlk41ts0etsrAAtrt TOMO Wahl karmaa airItotlea . tL.rmosa•t• *woo. I,A'NUN J*11141S1Ior Owddta IS Mt, 1078 •00, • • LANDfur SALE AT BAYFICLD. •It t&a " a,Ft 0r .0 . ar e rrt" m 4 t4 r ttitatart 1. O.ALEX. ?ICHBORN. I r- a -a n0.,o PATRONIZE NOME MANDFAC TURE 7814Jet. WoreAr Ooderich Mat blevorkE a d .eN3 o o tAr1r a .l p g•t i l.1l.,. 6 _ y i a Er4 . e o i t b -r1 a y t ", 1.4 La*1 la .44.1.411•1•11 0,'.I 1,414•4 and taro fra•••..16eking Hoto41.3.400, a irlqtYS. 114I0 80711E.11 tar•IMMO" 'ows•hipot .1040011, romancing 10* wewo- th• quatty of*nl • alos about mikof 11* MutatpuroftheToorof Hatt** thris • el••••of V arr.*beb 0*.rollit ad orow. rmatudtr of *by 41 tatty totero4 stab the ot •ofhwkWooluae-tHher.• .10..44 getrlb, aa ra.at root paledas two *Ito A;4rlrpzlir:::14•01 soold wo6mettribourleo: .0 2..;.14646. 0.•totT*Co* welltea,. (toast. 1,0,1 attoot,tprolo.r lArge linOly ttrrndto tb• aThe44na.totbe '11'..' iaybhl with roaaeraoo oak, fall •Web o• 1a 1110.10 ka 441. eillltmnulat ttunt1. TaUna. app40. AMko ALLol. .11 8. I 421)7.1011. Bax IlayL•4. Unelph,Aug. 13th; 1070 130 E i g i Chdes Farm for e a o d t o r n. b T 4 Tittwoa itomd. wnabp ofHart. L411•••,*elrt.4 'e 14600• pW4 ono.. IUo .md-. . *It .lnnen y•.h.•e Ter e %Ir1• aR.ot *Mo . Laoo •Ir. iMaeX0K•.;.t.Y in , .tl1l.•• S I4 1tN t1rthl o 0 o1.41.n t0.. T,w. . P k V •e lrls .oia t t h .! e a h, :cr paa . . •E ia0a tz0.cRt•, ally etotII4 100(111.100.t4.14kk orb, aa„tl1•-t4 Eit tfa.,. .. , , lc., A c. • tn-,flbbutt.116•11a41 pItlytqrgur 141 la, i,..1.., .,..f •elte•ahtl. .1•• ,•..a., . 'VAT!)stiutilsp#, . " tiAvis STUTHRS,semenwt. tor. .-..tea' - ___ _- Go4•rch IThJai s ott. Ionstone & Co „ o 00. 70 141100711 tIIAT 114115 10 DAT .Et o,14•banch .f11, 1001144.4. s _. tn r, , la Ot.r1,nowt ,If Mr. oVittoria 11. tokorow gam 1. thy Ito a .144 lb."a 4117 •4.. *4 eat te laon; Tombstoes, Mantlepieces, .Window Sill*, . FARM FPISAL. Ott,tiltt. Gets wishng or^ „„. • to emir* LOTH). 0118. 10,11 11 1 111.114 it E80100* 4.101 inn kelt y.46 • tt* • rot...44.nm 41 t*48.-1.1 C•tto oino.latinat. wo I 1 arts a ..101.4.41 • 4.11 *004 1e11. ,ne 11.11 T)0,trot rtiotht oro. .... or 140 *0,44 by taw errek. wo...1.4 lb. to Ittbe tittn,••01 iv IA, .1. ..''*o40 10 le. 40r. ow 180.1,'rteh„For parlIrola, *130.' 001,0 1'1'0I000 to 4114414441‘tied, te I/ rer,46.4*.tyr... 4r 1..41 Pi* b. PATEN r GNOOl'ED IBON C STEWART. - -AIIRMIT 11111 w30 11 s.si• ,ritE Grocery .Department, 40 rz*- befurs buy. VO cleared. troo th0411.., to.tio--Frooto•11114 Is MONEY. Meteor 111 aasurtruent as usual ot al' Lauds if .._-i_p-_.-u..._s.:.:.tVL7:RNRi T7:124.NF:.*):.R .= wO.? . GDLI H.. it sii.i,,,,,,, C•n•:r,thoftie r.....,f0,ol.ri. toInsq action Invtedrasta mob* 144aro,. Wm 40 not' tiobThere areIIP•1 /1,, 1 1,•.v48,44 offt rie• appl•••• prtoe*•Iearlos,,.,04- • et•e. Tieo.d.ii.o.....,.•..er ,,,.„. .•,orysrsr.,. and 7E1410 .lw• 'l1:i1)h eirg iac'nine6. , Cocritk irs;s. 1.71.7)( ) I STOCK OF *AWOODEN PLOUGHS WITH STEEL AND CAST BOARDS. Straw Cutters, Agtculturs1 Furnaces, Cultivators, Gang • Ploughs &c., &c., • a . • tor nollt ann. 4+01,0,6 ..• ••••••• 111W14. Ohl) 4 114 n.th 1.* stin1 al L U i S ON Roderick. Aug. IS. 1110; .81 • t l h t1lA S NEw Botcher Opposite f•' ry MartiLli ' 10TE,VILTUN ST, a • 1S. 0 11" I.I,,0,34 1 • r l obi, tat 1 '"P3! 10. 1.. Awl,* •dl heruouPIi„7,7,=4. • 4. Hanben 11.10.0. *141 rp- 4',J..'* ,i,',14 P•Ita 00the test maa r.fAltar:07. NOISCET Goikk Mr 71E147. *7.- . . A70RA:5s 43NgALE .;:yATE EXGELS40BGROClY. :%1 g. Mar :I. 0 T . 1. 1•d ,.ro 4 k ,o R. F. ,A11ITIoN 3,1A i1N-1RT. c%01101 frarocsosrer* ,i:. toes, wil at Lis ofes VotSteath iour18 ta. to 4. P140.,'.? at II. 1,44.;R.. to ihitie (chanyo ItkW ;,,l1,144,„ WAtNLCRR GE NE a vs f 0' ci r ?Att. Pario . R. lie 44:410., 41 G.• ,,•.,I.. Iii;OW Man. n,AOnot flort *es %sr:*;;s 8 t hgbi 10. toderida 1 May, 1471- EN3'NES, BOILERS & SALT PANS, mode and All kinds of Mill Wtal and R irsiriag done with oestueas and devoid* NEW BOOKS R. Runci man, w :1 11 ll'isp..z• HURON FOUNDARY, C2DER1CH. _ &e. S'In. Farm Itth Sept. I 7 I el on 'torn, r." .4 441 ( • soft 11 To tir. Twantahlp of I 'nIIntrn r in the 4111.1v of : Very Ting Wa tnryt e d NEW HARDWARE STORE (;()1)EHIGH UPPOSITE MARKET MM. I SI Of TI CFC4Al r p o.r oArs t , _a g rIoHi rI ..7• ns vessiess. stotrsxv tpyr MI Ee.*New COMPLETE STOK OF HARDWARE. Slmkilaaedrs, oItr-sA .. IosIt ils ofWIlenO• IA1,11 /111 be 4,44 01 r•aitellios. 47•1pr• pp•hamtgel•4101, PIN* ."1... 1nest wek. • R : 1 G. i.P0S &Co. Opp)site The Market House Bl ialteeh Juno 2414 11.1 qar V r M GODE/iel TO 11ROPt WICE A WEEK. 1871 - 1871' Elie S131d !MI tine TUE WIT AND SAFSSTEAMERS lizt.r. 1...t1ter A. • O FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, tho omit/rd. 0071 't" tho ,rmatelt vari..ty of work . o ,n et rosily manageel, 1••• kal.le torn.,,,l.o8 '.0,1*,,0114 ?0n0 it Iter the, any otter 1411•4114.rwleg 84 liee- twalle4 /*sr r thread wIlb if sox Pi... -.110 than any .401,,wrtootnferlorwl the rostInet.t An elkeInnt "M-ostor ill t. Ihotol .orr •tart,rontoot, Who itrin txh•Ppy •010411. Otao.loone• anol 11.1n10*• of work, at..I 1.. *melte onter. Irmo the 1.,••1•1•11:••• all ..n1.*?• -• • FANOY RING, EMBROIDERY, - • 0, Plain rk. All machines Iarranteol Wacklairdirropairc4 ahorteal bob, • Thrrad• and 4.i4.'ar Haag,* acetify au load, . • • P. WA-PIZER & CO., Show -Room next door to the ".*;.nlial Mau. 17•0146116 41•4. ttli. 007* . • ' GODERICH WOOLEN FACTORY. Et MIA()1' 16471„ littt 1 111117.1. RETTRXHITI1TUARE.1 Pull rA117 PATHOHAUT. BIG I 1 411 1 *TATE Ike Jilted Oa ibtortflnitfr IWO Added largely to their Manufacturing ',litchi aee• An.I all haying ho r•fitted, Are now Propared Execute Orders 1.74,... Fall Cloths SatIneat., rlannebt. If ways Blanket* Horse Corot Mlarkl. YO11S, 410. WITH DREATRIt DESPATCH, OF MORE DURABILITY, and Neater in Pattern Than Formerly. 11,07 wool Carew at stanhis stomas* se_ COST ON SPINNI1‘..1101,L (IRMO.LoTH DRESSING"&s. 0104*1,1.4 Owl.. otst.,Itery o• Hale 1•114 windy& ratites rotating Doss a 01.14re• with we.I to yet ...Hot 1/1' 0.1.1f, (It. 141111. WWI 1111, Ir. Yowl ••••,11rrehant t1eler1..k,04•2 %VII, hnIcr 10. so., 4* or wlaima to es, !lane their *M. for 11•14 oil...-. • ..411 " 4. Tr N. 8-0141*.. Low. K.,44,14.. *on. saiwabnias , • . • JONN !NOUS Si SON , 11111-141.VV't11111f.il MAYINU beta A PrO111.7i 4..."4"1" 8.446a- 11.6et -Mel lift WI 1 foie' RTERLIN0 vs. A LL8WORTI1 data - - the otice to Creditors. 11)I. •/rf • Olt Mier of Ike C.,4.. .4 Chan. 1 • 1' made In Hof lutfltlar .4 the estate of How. il• Isto .101 10. leo nab*, .0 0,4.'.40. • t •4• rn, 411114An, desennni.. AO a now* •„(tirlfrar , Arial oak, wolt of 'at 171,10. 01' • •b, • 0 werti. 80. C014011,111 kani 12_:entotplot P Seirl was tore .4 .01 ileanat h, l0. rroloont ..7 tiro ,Aiawnq •Iatl, , *,4tto l4b1*•4I 4" ..aor ahtmotr-4 ..1.0.1*ae.0n1.4*r•40ewt rr... 1e'.k 1'1 4 • KW to 161 • *lIta ,.Hnt,ooolI.,pw"p.m CITYFRttUallita " .•" ,,04.41ore Imcelot (.(h.1“1Aka- '..,''',,,„•„,'„' ro .1.... .0 tb• .1.4,...4 tloltr to name. arktrmoraw col .latocrIpt low. Io, . .4 tta.n. Salo.% • •,•,...,e,r .4 tool 41. ..1.1f• 4 ,n,.. .1. arit.s, At ..0, or i. W•olt ibarrof 14.4 4•111 . et. o el 1 ,a11... 1411040t of im. MOH* 114, WWI. akraya roma on 11,•• loot t•aole f Wf4,14,4414 14•44114,••4 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, • Ow, freed fooltaitiso, and w Atari wan effort 14...... ....• LT,* war at , .. 1•.. . t e a s ' ^4o t o4o d at,dOola s01 w w w ..T,..mT.,.,..tNr-Th.r0,.4$14•4abovMk.ynreo.ti• • V IIN C 1 . , ( M W •nl it 1k I3t3a btl i k k C AR• D 1 1 I1-11EAD 3 "3 s.e I ' . . o :I ; - aba tee 14 MN Cala. 010 *teen. 300 Pram hicerpool, 01„rw orLossasorryto Ozesch. 4aloo 41 prr33"q 7,abn_r*folt•Moisd Trip lamaalara dAD.olapre 4.on', 4.114 im.rTAU,. •1 I ('ITT (101 710111 7.11. Artnt 42(1114,018 •8110 •TOV H l l.-at r S I l CITY orANTWIr .. S ('Ir,.., RI11.40l11". . le DITYTIT AMERIel11ZTIN otlw4wat n14MM.11r•estow Hta chat !Oteo*W•In*. Or tb• t,o e m , , ,„„ „ H..,IrrtekOWL et to he kele • b.s. . or . nrt, at ro" • 7 . a d 8 , tooapplale4to • lgalt on net •*. '"•d44 . far..atierr Oh. j • te.1.1...,'• Sot' ligato Ha.** • Dodol..k. tat Anjoirdart. 1. rovr Illorwollaw.4. 11 fon :.`1194._ Rao ',rat f1114.144 Plain ant Fancy, Printed at City Rates rum may Lists, Voters' Lists, ,NON! of Appointment, Oath of Qualification, Colitictions, Pollimisters' turn ni • . k P botprovne 100 1111,1101 • 1111*1*,•111 ir•ord 1, rt. , • 11I*'* siorA Hon( Wooll ler, •VrItelo, !III tine non't1e, *WI t.(1 AT ltUTLER S. Frame Rare *rot wortte-aleiTthit-Ofriotol .106..14 t • Ion Iroltom 41: tor/leant He CoUntr 1.4•:, 4.1004.. Ta•ar. broth. - late. 411.14 4. J.M1N 71,*1111.4 tho th: LeatitifulAssortment LT JEWELL-E8Y OFALL KINDS Jon' 'ne,-(nlv ED, • me 'lobo sold (.; 11 A II U "I'LEtt'S 'aiLekles, 01 A1.1, N•ISTINU 11/611.8. nAtiat.41, • .• carry and Writ "" o•Diflot AND SELLING AT AT BUTLER'S. h. I .th 4 t.g .1,41. • The Excelsior Grocery SON MET V 6.110107 1•1.1•4s110.. IN. A RISOCHelHO Li tian plan oFt1•04,,olintr7•1111._ 47 WO boot tootalo ant 4/40 intott,t• .1 )4 r H. ullaa terr•6414,11(••••44 . to .1.110 10 allardi - Ilwrti • Saadi • A tkOUD STOOK op • M • G1.111[1..tien,iikc costurristo ny crtTNA AETTS, 11),i a 11:178. eftLOC. 00K ENI1bAisTND(i:Ni:IGA N4P0:$V1;11,4ii *TIO.:11E 1711 And by tits DozenPion,, . .• • Ireed,Osoess1.0oriessal, Beck. olieet1 loot. snti Prottatei,#mitally, M- 090014 Sam. 044641sh Kw. 84 HIM • • Building I. OE for t le = _ edarriteCrit. Ji 11'1 S A •SIIT) RE, • . • ti..' • .4 r to, Rodor'tk ••0.,1. r4s. As! !",. 17' wao IftlA itris IT 54. . GE. TIIE 0S11011E !g`. .1 .wHITLY & co • EWING MACHIE. • ii; . .• : _ • _ ,_,._ • rri 0. ... -,.. . , , -• 4.1 5' + -r. • + '' • '• -Yr 7 wrist', • mini warns RINI OF AMEMCP h vbs....,.R4-....4141.........":.' otIft410.•• 1401,4.14134. X Ur I! .5 oggles anc SP log acgons. LOCESTI"Cll GE*ING MAGNINI •14. ,,, .14.,',.. • 1 ot • °ay 1-41.11 . I/ OW* 'T"11, 1111(404 f !Dior 010C 4 r te 4 it 4 *1111 ..-..."......•21,"„,,,. ',...",•o,"1. -•••• -.- row r '.01* Lone, Ms Woos Artory 1..s • her • • •••• . r• ' • Oort , '.1144 1147,10.1 .k WO t•rn ...0# the la..rill• 4.1, ''472; V•Uilli:L1.• ;171:1;,1.1.1“41;1::11:.11411•.7071 Vt;";:1Z171 ;IL:* 1.1:(4, ratio of ta 414. 11.11/1, 110 1 4aoly yol 0144.1 hot 4 of no..1.61.16.... 4.4aplablury. otnots• 404 ilmfal4114T. The °ho: ne Sewinv Machinehas no ival. • (loon INVEsTMENT. ••• Ina..roPrment• 14440 lalrbr 144. rem!. •- . ELGIN ST. NO. 326 *""*'''''''"'"-**"" 10 "*"" 18 4* 10 * 741 " ELI • A of *V* 1/*C M•otoilte• 1•111 Ansi* los Ill of lonor.tte Hert 00 Oboe camber. Opposite km/wily !,•ta lion to Oa .4•64* wrereawt or ot,p, 1. briber. • arastaantaar to as a. arrar.tiarou tat tio saw • • wAsaosItth fob 71114-46 611.• lot Nos. 558, 633, 558, 629. r Tom Thermo. ot-rrrT womr..r.; and readily eon, prat. wk* la -• .1 at •• beef Ow prim isti••••• CA IR A it( ), A D, ircoms. 791, 770. . lbw of nen. family 111 th.• 1111411'. --.1-7110% kka.,ar. 1.14044-1441110•111111t• 411 th HR oURACHIDER OFFER/4 Iff• sAr.r VIC .."."1“" Oraktrialt malriaMe rhea • . olfrred goo• 4..1• homer la 111111•110 I* prr,tolinentlr the be.t meal. 14.10,4 Ww-Ittn• The Guelph Iteversible . ARRA HAI/111T' H. win 4,, .11 or " PAIrk.1 Roderish 26 Aug. 1871. -siliVoorpirr.". irk Nil mein, 4I3 l'10141.do Pl. Al. !Wit Mr.o.11114. inaranteval alarm altiotrla a...tholes 1.1. Tema of • 1114144,411rart• To WARR Kann -Ann, A,.t. WANInt• tyoryeatar Ria.aosto To' Let. sgwiNu MACHINE 00, GITELPH CANADA. . 014*0080.1,4,17,817 OCCII PI En sr p, 01f141 __41.1trntba.to Notth,tirtt *ham, ..4 12:114 taw 1Scr, wt. to loot . • N W Sea 110 Sopt. 1871, won't toes Andy Se - • asobrisa Aar 10114 1471. . atort$44 Dadartelt, For Pale clots. tele. 0..041 111 *maw. 7 arms ',Wart 0•11 or...4 low tonere. Apply to 1/10•• WESTHEHAI.V. WI* 859.•aolt or tor IWO .4.• hint • laglatror Artiova r, IlialltharallaahOler14 atuouralinetalitoratawftlitotano. • , , Vordarici, pro nor '''iion., &b. Mb. 1‘781 • raLt tr- awl to' EXCEf.INT LARII). • COVERED *Mk Simple awl Woo. is ,,,Il..ra/ao . t amps, m.o. , of 101 20,1111h ers.r.arni,40. 4erwt 4144 11. et,* 4, ettoo.rrat ha i•oo• Anh11.00.7 ARRA!, 7W ims,ta I Pert 1870 av:.:1-1,1 ReKhollt.IT•1041 • FOR S FARM Foit SALE. Souse and Lot.. AN CA wises IttrAD • saw spicseorrast •11 the way, •rol nolo. from Gorlertell, eletaltiont 15)7.41+4.1411:To.0,a. 11.11„.e.H4TOr11.7.1:11 kJ a • nen bd. Tribe reamisablo watch 11:1041119. A. 14108100. OT (0.11441. adarwroi belbOry purptowe, ebeeoe • For Sale.- rom.c...._._.K....:ztaTA01trirj t. 7.2 JOHN LAONT, Itth fltht 1871 1 prl St44.4, Tow,. of 16,0 Ih• .11444, 114.4144 4.0 foul (non the tio1R17/4141114 For Sales Apply 1.• • J. V. DETIA IR rsi9p. littrt•Ftel AND AC*21301T. *TM -----rorttr W. CA kosiL. ao, 4 hearing orchard All'If 14 Ooderich 23th. 48;1. & HIWOHAllt _ Vs, Mk ITN. "." BRAIF'RD BREWE TOWN LOTS. • Mt RALE In 11111.1.180 LOTH. 01.11t "'rye THOS. SPENOIlit, PRO. • 44.4t, well .11*014.1 4.nnlvtg (toot thr !W. '• Spencer's XXX Ales & Porter Iroar.,11c iron; o I Wi"" 4 0.6 trIP.071.413111.4 Spencer's Bottled A10 n Fine condition; • . P-soncet's Alms Puna ilBEA.P A8 THE CITE& eledsnan rth July. 1 Hi If barrels. t th aw11.1• GCluii AS. TH-4i- BEST, ,yurg, Furs I amen, bmirrers and POR CASH OltPRODr*ex, PUT 44461" 1 is reer.ol to 414oh toomoot tor no r, fro the Lode. of 141.14• *WI •Ieletty, th• on. ry. tipped' the Illarket Bed int r..k. on the 1•44•1 ootylro kin& as,. GoDE RI r -,H DEpoi,„ Wi'n't MM. Alr' 114.44 1 th I 431 31 AR KE:1' Jon" to Jordan's Dm% flarare. 001ste• 4Ib 44:88. • Huton Road.1. W 0 GR ANT • ,C.AlUti /eat noimiso, ,,, 211 HA, era *4.41 1.114.4 • oil, 4%.0,.' 161,/, .:1:1n • 1 ', 01'."11 I: 1'41; ' ..,, 1 . ': *to ef 11, j'ia 1101/1 (D/1110**II • I 110. . . • , 1.41BER WoGON. Jobbing and .at pairing. „.4,x,4,11,...te..,,,,,,,...,,,,,••••••,...,,,:17,,..,,,,,,,,,,..,..,...: , . ,,,, ,L.,,,,,,,,,,„;„,...,,,.... - ...a....N -, - -- • w , • Waggon'arc carriage ACTOtY•.. BATES 'A ELLIoTT t 13 'tit"( 41,rt they o". 1 Ittta‘navt/ - ••• •or. •• ow 41, Hinman ornnwellat•I, 61.•••••aekkte teoto Ho. mi k F atlen.1 r•••••11, 11,,, saps -„, rioted to Oen., and are tworiarta t. iota oat Waggons, Bugies, "trIl•ro."71 wit!.."In,loltall1":1.1,4111"7"4"rti,tr• 1.:77.1..t11%1 • Cutters, S1 ihs, 0N HAND, . kip arsortassat or Inimmi.-Pro"...iptly sateneled to C's El Xi I Di, 0. 44 Ma Ill 1:C2- IPA: Fli • ▪ irk woll 44,14 Cfiirsho or ('•••• wood. Ganerlek, An • VIM • 1. CODERICII PUMP FACTORY 121*40 SCR$1-41Riot IS PitF1'Ai.Lir T., FILL 1 ALL onitra for, 13'17 2101 X' 1E1 awl 414. oaltalrtlott, ratites arn A ng Anlint 07 tntool 111 1.14oute .1,4,111 orn p .10,1••• -,,annea rowtott•p. 040. of conee..1.0 •tr.1 I, •• hot .16a. alsoo hal101 • REYESSIBLE 1101,RBOIRD ROW SCLIFFLEh, -1111111"°' CHURNS AND STRAW f•trrei fal..11•..1•1 Ina liberal tartn,..a.pl octet, atlenital In "r•eytly po.r.....at ...taped W.. to b. 1.). A5*., ostsfri. h re, 1 • •••• tr VIETOLITAEript Hottest° tiuckOiLtre WM. CREIRIlLt. 11 NRILIftlneuazolt; r V E ruil MARI smooth.. Ovillest.M1.4,1... WW1 4* 100** 4,9401, to 010.1 IN. to Nal, 4 ..... *oh rola o 1111.714 ro. Pm( Shotth . Pr4 Parrot o flnrkhoto.4 loll of e slinn 04Itota• N.4414noran.1 alt•loh.• Al .0 • ints , wriLAW CZARSu gnitn.oA,-TaAO RENT 1111" 11.°14' WAS(N1C.Atait l a K.t JN •l•an*ctnioirep, ltro,*Hi111.o,rlItt.00 rthrFP* •• 1 tsfar bid. waned. consusTNW.•141,'• or •Smal oRst1.5 AT T44c-PtPiN A L OPTICna • 171111 H R, ctA, te. • • Arrolowocwoorw,wkrwair..1•841111111111111111•111•11www.olnsamowsoms. ••••••••••••••••••wwww, 6•••••... • 0 7 • 4..,*". 1111