HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1974-04-11, Page 8• Licenced Mechanic
On Duty
• Complete Automotive Service
Best Interest
We represent many Trust Companies. We are
often able to arranae for the highest interest be-
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Too:frays Rote * 9 iht%
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zall companies reoresenteta are members of Condo
Deposit insurance Corporation. Eery depositor is insured
to 'S20,0.00,
EXETER 235-2420
" Subject to change
0 on Taylor Motors Limited
Time*-Advoeate, April 11, 1974 ,
D-ashwood WI elect officers, , two residents are in hasp dal
Shipko area sisters
appear on TV show
The ,annual meeting of Dash,
Wood W.I. was held eSdaY with
the directors and tiOntiriating
committee, Mrs. Ralph Weber.
Mrs. Harold Kellerman and Mrs.
Earl Guenther in -charge.
Reports were heard: from all
nonv.eners and the secretary. It
was a ver2.- suecesaittl year with a
balance of M9,31.
Mrs. Bill Berends was chair-
man for the election of officers.
They are as follows.: past
president. Mrs- Howard Maier:
president, Mrs. Gordon- Bender;
vice-presidents.Mrs. Ray Rader
and Mrs. Earl Keller; secretary-
treasurer, Mrs. Eben Weigand;
.assistant. Mrs. Bill Berends:
district director, Mrs. Glenn
Webb. alternate. Mrs. Syd
Baker; directors and nominating
committee. Mrs. Ralph Weber.
Mrs. Mildred Kellerman and
Mrs. Earl Guenther_
Tweedstnuir Curator is Mrs.
Irvin Rader; public relations and
press reporter. Mrs.. Irvin Rader:
resolutions, Mrs. Hilda Rader:
pianist, Mrs. J. M. Tiernan;
auditors, Mrs. T. H. Hoffman and
Mrs. R. H. Taylor.
Conveners of standing com-
mittees are: citizenship and
world affairs. Mrs. Emil Becker:
education and cultural activities,
Mrs, Leroy- Gowanlock;
agriculture and Canadian in-
dustries, Mrs. Hilda Rader:
family and consumer affairs.
celebrated Mrs. Chapman's
birthday Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Dietrich
spent the weekend in St. Clair
Beach, Windsor, with Mr. & Mrs.
Ted Dietrich.
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Nicholson of.
Courtright visited Thursday
with Mr. & Mrs. Karl Guenther
and Karen. Mr. Herb liarlton
returned, borne with them after a
few week's holidays at his
daughter's home.
Mr, & Mrs. Hugh Morenz
visited Saturday in London with
Bill and Lynda Morenz. Sunday
supper guests with the Morenes
were Mr. & Mrs. Ross Corbett,
Steve and Jeff of Hensall area.
Steve had recently returned from
a week's holidays in London
England when he and other
classmates from SHDHS flew
over during the school break.
Mrs. Stuart Wolfe.
President Mrs. Gordon Sender
presided for the business. The
RoaCrms eanvass netted $149.75,..
The District -Annual *ill be held
in Zurich. in May. Mrs. Bender
and Mrs. Ray Rader attended the
director's meeting in Hensall,
The W.I. will .leave the May birth-
day party at the Blnewater Rest
Sherrie Stade entertained with
piano selections,
During the social :boor .gif
were given to secret pals and the
names revealed, New -pals"
were drawn.
1st B.rnwnieP4ck
The girls opened the meeting
with a game, Red Rover, played
ou tdoors -
A relay. pinning clothes an
clothesline was :played. Pick lip
and put down was a fun relay.
The Fairy Queer was Brenda
Nauss and there were 16
Brownies prezent.
During the Pow Wow, Brown
Owl read a story and gave safety
rules about being near streams
and rivers swollen by the spring
thaw. Discussion followed.
During crafts, the girls made
spring flowers from -crepe paper
and pipe cleaners. Clean up and
closing time came very quickly'
after a happy hour and a half.
Wedding Anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard
Restemayercelebrated their 36th.
wedding anniversary Saturday
by entertaining a number of
relatives and fitig4(#. BUMO WAS
played with winners Mrs. Ebert
Weigand and Jinn Weigand; low,
Mrs. Jim. Weigand and Alphonse
Deno-tame. Lheky chair prises
were 'won by Mrs. Harold. Stire
and Mrs. Lloyd Willett
Congratulations were also
extended to Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd
Willert who were celebrating a
wedding anniversary Sunday .and
to Harold Stire with a birthday.
A smorgasbord lunch was
served and a good time was bad
by all,
Arnold Geiger, Pigeon, Minh.,
visited with Mr. & Mrs. Melvin
Stade and Sherrie,
Weekend visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Ailphonse Grenier were
Robert McGregor Jr., Kippen;
Cathy Grenier and Berna Sweet,
Burlington; Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Rader and Tammy, Godericle•
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Baker jr.,
Hensall; Larry Luther. Grand
Bend and Truman Fischer,
Mrs. William Ziler and Irvin
Rader have both returned home
from St. Joseph's Hospital,
Mrs. Morris Denomme who
underwent surgery in St.
Joseph's Hospital London has
been transferred to South Huron
Hospital, Exeter.
Mrs. Lloyd Rader is a patient in
St. Joseph's Hospital. London
with a fractured arm.
Susie and -Debbie Ziehrian and
other members nif the Zurich
Mennonite Sunday Sehocil ap-
Peared -Sunday morning -on the
CPPL-TV Junior Talent show
hosted by Pirie
Sunday dinner guests with Mr.
Mrs. Harold Vincent were Mr.
& Mrs. Earl Vincent and Sharon,
when they -celebrated the twin's
Michael and Michelle third birth-
Several tables were in play
Wednesday evening at the
progressive euchre party at
Shipka Community Centre.
Winners were Mrs. Joe Kaalt,
Sylvia Neeb .of Zurich, Ward
Neeb of Zurich, Fred Gibson and
Harold Finkbeiner.
Bill Ratarnelno donated two
pots of blooming tulips for prizes.
Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Devine
visited Thursday in Waterloo
with Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Latta.
Fred Weiburg returned home
with them after holidaying a few
weeks in Waterloo with his family
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Chapman of
London visited over the weekend
with Mr. & Mrs. Les Adams and
000D DISPLAY OF TOYS '-- Articles of interest to all ages were on sole at the weekend rummage sole
sponsored by South Huron Hospital Auxiliary. While assembling the articles, Edith Love and Isabelle Conn
look at a good assortment of toys. _ photp
fl)I!IUUflJI1I ft HflIUU ill It LIU LiuttIt-f I 111111ff 11 II lilt till It IRII.
= = Our garage has Ft'
..t-: 1,- ▪ been ' . "e e S rebuilt SIC% ... 00 „ vst)
= Ot 04..'°*‘' .t.
iii) SO Cts.1.00,001,'°'
Exeter 235-1373
"Why shouldn't
the average Canadian
have a car
that's built to last?"
so;ro nsi-. a c in r is inspected by over 500 inspectors
ho do nothing but rospec.t the inspectors.
A -her ae's a:Dna, gets done right
One reasa- wrn we're,not oiroid to .ovish
'rare hnna- nn the per Beetle than exists
or' 0 Onv 're' world. Bic Or
.577 Di,.
it 4'4.5 socter,,, +ton/
ninsowa..ceatt ac.-..trts that cor't meet
nines' auac.t." stonaord.
-For....yorr pie-, Our sitiocie.. absorbers ore
Pi-,sc,rb act_roi 3,000000 shocks.
fey [cie ttraito rho'- 'Dtr, of "spring',
-aria everyv, here e -se -,76- we .te get-
1irg more sranro-e acst.:s.:7edto nos as,.--g
tert, tang_ Vike a_.-.eat it :75 :24-..C.,24 to
Shirtici see-, 4 a. 300"44
ioster. Thereate lie-He's nt.n.,• tinrcw P.n. yr her
yaLfire -'-^,ist-e.d fuhrtifiLire see 75
be r e n togethe.t
Cra'st-nonship. z• itippeal
cr-,17 ^ cosnyoi.;':-:-orte idea.
A- b doesn't_: -ke thinc.ls ate get
a t.c.-tter.
"Quality keeps going -down
yet prices keep going up.
TaKe cars. ey.7 -n,e, A car is'i-e sec:
excie-sive p_.-arase .azter a ha-e .
act ate:. . _ rd casts a t
'a "hi tea- are
te- Aria :1st.
see .7.-
i,eoh a cn"s
iays? 4.0.:* 'CA
Mrs. Kathleen Houlahan is
visiting for a couple of weeks in
Exeter with her daughter and
son-in-law Mr. & Mrs. Don Wells.
Mrs. Wells has been a patient in
St. Jcseph's Hospital.
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hogan and
' Is. Exeter. spent Saturday
evening with Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred
Richard Trainor. Stoney Creek,
and George Ryan, London spent
the weekend with their parents.
Mrs. John Morrissey is a
patient in University Hospital.
Many neighbours and friends
from this community attended
the 60th wedding anniversary
party Sunday afternoon held in
the United Church parlour in
Parkhill for Mr. & Mrs. Wm.
Parry Thompson, Toronto
visited with his wife and family.
Tuesday and attended the funeral
of the late George Neil.
Rev. Father Edward Graham
C.S.S.P., Toronto, is assisting
Father John Mooney P.P. this
week during Holy Week,
Mrs. Mary 'Trainor, Heather
and Pam Trainor were weekend
guests with Mr. & Mrs. Lorne
Thomson of St. Thomas.
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Woods,
Thorndale were dinner 'guests
Sunday with Mr. .& Mrs. Clark.
Mrs. Norman Ryan visited for
a few days last weekend with Mr.
& Mrs. Philip Waller, London.
Mrs. Leona Glavin, daughters
Theresa -and Mary Angela
.Ruttera, Mr. & Mrs. Ben-
nyDietich and Mr. -& Mrs. Joe
-Carey attended a bridal shower
Sunday in Kitchener for Karen
Helm, bride-elect of April 20.
Mr. &Mrs. Kenneth Glavin -and
Anthony spent the weekend in
Wallaceburg visiting friends.
Volits‘N oge.rts i-teat.s
_ Cardad
a lit 'tS la aet-
of -the rer -,ce
-e- •L ^'s-the
"Some people think we're crazy."
to yeah, .Wtoterlais cn-O
the best rnaney con
Warranties and service or
"Where are they
now that I need them?"
Our madness :'cc w•t-. tr e
vve make the co- it .extenctis
we service it.
N/Ve co it tne OvNtnet -s Seos.' tk.
arta again, ci,ves voki a cact.age
other in the wo'id.
Ai 2 month 29,0'00 trie
a 24 month, 24.000 mile everaea `o
nternal engine aria lransr,;s5:.2.7-
electronic analysis with itee ex-
press care and a de...aie, ret.nnn nn.nr-arten-
if a warranty ,eoo gt."
-even ?end you a free CO'
as lona as it takes.
The mechanics who wo' ,:•..;.,, orr
something else again,
It takes at least three N., eat s
They're factory trained, and NN-hen
working on Volkswagens_, NNe'te tkNotf'k •
W F them. At even more Vt.twtoitv A7.0(0.Se'S
we send them to legulatt\- tt,ieN caq eke-
further perfect their techniques and tar,.-,NA
Totally at our expense. (Whet' Nom ‘i%ork ally haio
as we d o on perfecting a (a t ‘.0k , \\,0!}., va oaiA
as bard at perfecting the men who \Not-lc on the
"They got a lot .when you bought it?
Why should you get
so little when you sell it?"
to T. Pryde
C,4 v.= "e, ee., tee, v,e
-s. v
V%.: 4-• tetraLlghnes.s„
'-e ed.lor
Air et,:o-- '7.24 (Y' -zeze,ere wrote.,
prete -t ..i-dersta- the,•Woisbi.21-4a met' Ttv.'
A"vr ---ts•:t'ai -aot!...•. Since ..,tfe have
neve. _-det'stoopt "te of
szt;eir ze :t tteates large P3''t ai*e a,;!2'
-rrL5.4 \ . 4.5 busieesse-ae
vc• -• constr,„:r..d"
•'-^u,s t. tra- ibi.Ntng a-b:t ov-t Over 250 Monuments on Sale
E $0)
R 1%1%0%0
rin ON SOM
stars ov ,*'- '-s e.o, .Polits`04(r2
3 a CO'.
-s- rsi two our S.
taaethett, Vaht.s. 'a ce. eogie-etveci,
lestea a*.a tie- ester a arpi...p ttte
Pec.n. e r. The war d. Me 8,70
wereri"i ertOttgitt, tite!lt
Strangely enough, OM, Of the ne n shin9s
obOut owning a Supt'! ~Alin.) 11 . Sin( e
they're built la bald up, depie< Ritem I., hold
down. in a sense, the aide' it wts, the mole
vo'ivable it gets. Look around and nInn k the
prices of used Supei Beetles. nocause they
rarely look used, the pi ices cliO oonorolk, hroh
often a 5 yecn old Beetle will be woith
mere than some 5 year old cols that cost twice
as much to begin with).
Common sense aoctite When eaki make
-something that lasts. evoi ythino about it will last.
Which might help to eNplain why mole
Beetes :have been sold (ctyei million\ than
any other single cat model in the history el 000
monufacturino, And why more of them are still
on the road.
df you're looking for a -cal- 'that's Pt .i.\-en
it ntnin actually deliver what it promises, yeah
after yeor, drop into your nearest VW do:doi's
and !oak very carefully at the Super
if nothing else, it'll at least re-ossine \XV
that Somebody's Still around who believes
making it last, comes first,
Onectfthe most expertsivety built cars is the warid.
e enr:-e ct.--etrit cie-g 'es4.ed out.)
ci,st. part
;1.1Te5 y S. e,e--1 /4Ter Beiet;e
A e :taz,4 1-e arty way we
0-,Zok T,s :•cse 'a pet..ect Inc
"Why do .they keep bringing out
new cars each year? Is something
wrong with last year's?"
".e Aeveac,-eserrething
se nabbia,,, thaLan.4 :- ;icing. Wei didn't
rttarev ACrl, -g lotks. e've
ti a'''S 42, .be drv]ng
a ai yea-s
e. 0 .VAOsir•
A-a saved by ;goy re-
4-...a.c_s rev.. st, es eact- year gets
ge-t aria desirable
gs Es.ete. tnot .,;•„or.'" find
V. ^•,.'e erte.r.S ye
4,'Ot -get' 1.-re Neg-
-aa ea4...se.s tiffe Super
e ra..0a. ..s.,4*tiod s yr-to broke,
s-ate as .-e sir l'eng
P.P.:1.,s tr 41'0111 year
TheVV%kf Stip-a Sege.
Orr er tieiiYery As Soon As Possible In The Spring
"Oar Atssinen Established in 197i>"
OFFICE 135-0620 Gerald -Per $'Horns 23.S,O62t3
Our Craftvnanship is On Display And
We invite Your inspection