HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1974-04-04, Page 15of farm machinery, household effects, antiques and mis- cellaneous for THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JOHN A. RYAN, on lot 15, South Boundary, Stephen Township, 2' miles east of Mt. Carmel on Friday, April 5, 1:00 p.m. MACHINERY AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS — Massey Ferguson 165 tractor, Cockshutt 30 tractors, McKee Harvester with 24 ft. self unloading wagon, Oliver 50 baler, New Holland side delivery rake, Int. side delivery rake, Int. 7 ft, semi-mounted mower, Int, 15 run seed drill complete, Int. 3 furrow trail plow on rubber, 2 furrow trail plow on steel, 7 section harrows, 4 and 3 section harraw,pulls, Int. 28 plate double discs, Turnco gravity box and wagon, flat rack wagon, two wheel trailer with stock racks, 9 ft. land roller, John Deere manure spreader (90 bus.), Oliver manure spreader (horse drawn), Int. manure spreader, Hydrin 4 furrow plow, Massey Harris cultivator, drag harrows, Hydrin 3 furrow plow, hay loader, dump rake, Pioneer chain saw, stone boat, grinder, fanning mill, root pulper, 17 ft. 5 inch grain auger, electric grain dryer,, small hand tools, scales, rope, horse collars, bags, extension ladder (32 ft.), sap pan, quantity of lumber, split, wood, 2 Universal milk units, Int. self cleaning separator, Shell cattle oiler, tarpaulins, colony house, Brooder building, electric cattle clipper. VEHICLES — 1970 V-8 Pontiac 4 door sedan, power steering and brakes (sells with mechanical certificate).1961 Chev., 6 cylinder, 1/2 ton truck sold "As Is': HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND ANTIQUES - Ideal "Franklin" wood stove, copper boiler, 2 toilet sets (6 pc. and 5 pc.), flat irons, churn with wooden bowl and spoons, crocks, hanging lamp, coal oil lantern, set of dishes, wooden arm chair with leather seat and back, wooden rocking chair, leather rocking chair, dining room chairs, drop leaf table, wooden tables, table scale, wash stands, dressers, wooden beds, spool bed, side board, day bed, oval dining room table, five leaves, Enterprise wood stove, cow bell, picnic table, sealers, automatic egg washer and baskets, Admiral 21 inch T.V., hall tree with mirror, apple peeler, broad axe, cast iron seat, vacuum cleaner. TERMS — Cash 7% sales tax on taxable items Not responsible for accidents day of sale D & J RIDDELL AUCTION SERVICE 'Jock' 237-3431 Auctioneers , 'Doug 237-3576 CLEARING AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of Household Furnishings & Antiques to be held in Exeter Legion Hall, Exeter April 20 at 12:30 p,m, sharp • This,is the consignment of Mrs. J. R, Brawn, Ailsa Craig and two other consignments. Complete listing in next issue Norm Whiting, Auctioneer PHONE 235-1964 Okay contract for CCAT jabs The Honourable' James W. Snow, Minister of gOvgrnment. Services, reports that a $94,809 contract has been awarded to Smith Construction, EgirnOt10- vale,. for A. greenhouse addition and renovations to Building 71 at Centralia College of Agricultural Technology, Huron Park, Smith Construction . submitted the lowest of five bids received, the high being $147,700. The renovations, covering Approximately 5,000 sq. ft., are needed by tite Ministry Of Agricolture.& Food to convert an abandoned prefabricated metal barrack into areas for laboratory; mechanics, int- plement and other storage, as well as office space, lunch and wash rooms. The contract also includes the addition of an 18' at 30' prefabricated greenhouse. Work on the project, designed by ministry of government services staff, is already under way and completion is expected by the end of August, RATHWELLI AUCTION SERVICE BRUCEFIELD 48T-3170 NORM WHITING auctioxteep Kippen ladies organize party By MRS. RENA CALDWELL KIPPEN Kippen East W.I. entertained the residents of Huronview on the occasion of the monthly birthday party. Old time dances, duet by Margaret Hoggarth and Rose Hummel, piano instrumental by Mary Broadfoot and Francis Kinsman and community singing highlighted the program. Those with birthdays in March were presented with gifts. Mrs. R. Kinsman and Mrs. R. Broadfoot were in charge of the program and the ladies served lunch. Kippen East W.I. realized a substantial profit from the booth at the auction sale of Ernest Whitehouse. March 30. People call it take-home pay because there is no other place you can afford to go with it. Brucefield who showed pictures and gave a most interesting talk on South America. NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE We give complete sale service. PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 yeais' experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed. Conduct sales of any kind, any place. We guarantee you' more. To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 6664967 GEORGE EIZENGA LTD. INCOME. TAX - ACCOUNTING .41i1 )1.11 for FARM & BUSINESS 107 MAIN ST., LUCAN Telephone 227-4851 D & .1 RIDDELL AUCTION SERVICES . Licensed Auctioneers and Appraisers Complete Auction Service " Sales large or small, any type, anywhere * Reasonable — Two for the price of one Let our experience be your reward. . Phone Collect 'Doug' 'Jack' 237-3576 237-3431 participated by setting up an exhibit called 'Cereal Desserts'. The commentary was given by Judy Jeffery. Pe'i•sonals Mrs. Garnet Taylor has returned from a holiday 'in Florida, and having sold her home in the village has moved to Seaforth. Ruth Templeman and Paul Miller were among the Grade XII pupils from Mitchell District High, School, who enjoyed a trip to Quebec City this past week. Teresa Wallace„ Betty Ann Miller, Ruth Harburn, Karen and Shirley Miller, were among Mrs. Storey's dancers who/appeared with Big Al on Kitchener TV Sunday, Darlene Templeman, Hamilton, and Geraldine Tern- pleman, Stratford, were home for the weekend with their family: A number from this community were guests at the Rennie- Wallace wedding Friday evening in Dublin. Hibbert community young people met Sunday evening in the Family Life Center with a large crowd in attendance. Guest speakers, were Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Wilson & Mr. & Mrs. Bob Allen, MT. CARMEL INCOME TAX CENTRE By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN STAFFA The Staffa Women's Institute combined all day quilting with their regular monthly meeting, March at the township hail. A pot luck dinner was enjoyed and three crib quilts were quilted for the War Memorial Hospital, London. Mrs. John Miller, presided for the meeting. Twelve ladies an- swered the roll call by doing an exercise or paying a fine. Mrs. Charles Douglas read the minutes of the February meeting and gave the treasurer's report. During business, a letter of appreciation from Father Abraham in India was read, expressing his thanks for the donation sent from the W.I. Mrs, Miller reported on the South Perth District executive meeting held recently at Kirkton. Mrs. Russell Warden, volun- teered to deliver the quilts to London. Quilt committee, was Mrs. Cameron Vivian and Mrs. Ruby Reed. Table committee was, Mrs. Alvin Barbour and Mrs. Frank Hamilton. Following the meeting lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Frank Hamilton, Mrs, Ruby Reed and Mrs. Charles Douglas. la Clubs completed Judy Jeffery was presented with a silver pie server and an advanced honour certificate at the Achievement Day for the 4-H Homemaking Club, The Cereal Shelf, held Saturday at the Kirkton Community Center. To receive this honour Judy had successfully completed 18, 4- H homemaking clubs. Skaffa I, Krunchy Kernels and their leaders Mrs. Arthur Smale and Mrs. Spencer Jeffery, at- tended achievement day and INCOME TAX — ACCOUNTING for Farmers and Businessmen INDIVIDUAL TAX RETURNS No Job Too Small oiler etc. ( FEED: 35 ton of mixed grain; 30 ton of ensilage. Centralia • Farmers Supply Ltd. * TRUCK: 1964 1/2 ton Chevrolet truck with racks, selling as is. * 41( HOUSEHOLD: chrome kitchen set; Beatty washing machine; dot Leonard deep freeze; quilt box; dash churns; childs high chair and crib; beds; 21" TV; shampoo tray; crocks, lights; odds and * ends of dishes. •L., TERMS - Cash Church Booth 11. Hugh Filson AUCTIONEERS Tom Robson * 71k 666-0833 666-1967 *************** Grain • Feed • Cement Building Supplies Coal 228-6638 * FARM SOLD * Clearing Auction Sale (Business Liquidation of Beef Cattle, Farm Machinery, Antiques, *. Household, Etc. for Mr. Guthrie (Scot) Reid k Lot 7, Con. 17, McGillivray Twp. 9 miles north east of Parkhill, 1'h miles south of Mount Carmel * Wed,, April 10 at 1 p.m. 16,. CATTLE: 10,beef cows, 1 fresh with calf, balance due soon; " 10 yearling steers and heifers; 2-2year old steers, MACHINERY: Int. 414 diesel tractor with loader, Int:. 3 pt. by Auction TO be held in Varna, 7 miles east of Bayfield or 4 miles west of Brucefield on Sat., April 6 at 10:30 a.m. PROPERTY — Selling at 3:00 p.m, - Service Station and farm hardware store - building approx. 58' x 50' situated on a 56' x 130' lot, also selling a newly constructed 24' x 32' building (movable) selling with reasonable reserve. Consisting of $10,000 in hardware; stock and shop equip., ment mostly farm hardware - tools; bolts; fencing; cultivator teeth; Letz parts; pipe fittings; mower parts; forks; shovels; belts; 1 h.p. air compressor; tire changer; taps and dies; and many many More items pertaining to this business. Cars, trucks and tractors • 1966 Olds, 88 auto„ p.s., p.b.; Volkswagen car and van; 2 Cliev 1/2 ton truck (parts); 9 N Ford tractor; all vehicles selling as is, A quantity of furniture and scrap metal will also be sold, NOTE — This is a large offering of hardware and equip- ment arid must start at 10:30 a.m. Lunch Available No Reserve • must be sold to dear estate Estate of Elgin Porter TOM SHOEBOTTOM ILDERTON666-0289 hitch 3 furrow plow; Int. cultivator; harrows; George White threshing machine with shredder real good condition; Int. „,..t cutting box and pipes; Massey 7 ft, grain binder; haylooder; .1" rubber tired wagon and rack; farrowing crates; 32 ft. exten- sion ladder; scales; steel posts; snow fence; lumber; wagon )11" ""r• with steel wheels; electric dehorner; used brick; florescent * ,4( lights; stainless steel sink; Surge milker unit; dog house, FEED: Ouantity of Rodney oats; 300 bales hay; mow of cut irk straw, 46( ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLD: 6 press bock chairs; coal oil lamp and hanger; flat irbris; cotter bob sleighs; walk- 11. ing plow; harness & collars; McClary30 in. 4 burner electric stove; McClctry 14 cu, ft. refrigerator (like' new) wardrobe; Art lamps; heaters; Chrome set; beds; dressers; couches; end table; * 4( toffee table; rug 9' x 12';dishes; etc. TERMS Cash m Hugh Filson AUCTIONEERS to Robson * 666,0833 Phone , 666.1967 * * * ** * * * * ** * * *• * * * HOUSEHOLD SALES FARM SALES Free Appraisal "Call now for complete Auction Service" Bangiart, 'Kay, Volg and Co. Chartered Actbuntants 268 Main St, Exeter ARTHUR W. READ )'Resident Partner 286.0120 RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Industrial attd orratteiciai Auctioneers 482A3120 tlinton 40:0L030.01:01 ,0 --0 0:00300:1060.01-10.3010303010;060L. 28 Auction Sales FARM SOLD Auction Sale Sat, April 6 1:00 p,m, FOR MRS. LUCILLE AYOTTE Lot 13, Con, 1 I, Stephen Twp. '2 miles west, 1/4 mile north of Crediton, On- tario. FEATURING TRACTORS, NEW GRAVITY BOX, FARM MACHINERY, SOME FURNI- TURE & ANTIQUES TRACTORS: Allis Chalmers Model C recently overhauled with scuMer and bean puller, Massey Harris No, 30, FARM MACHINERY: New Turnco 180 bus. gravity box and heavy duty chassis wagon; Kongskilde 91/2 ft, cultivator; Int, Model 36 super chief 3 furrow 14 inch 3 pth; Int, 15 run dou- ble disc fertilizer drill; 9 ft. land roller; Massey Harris 81/2 ft, cultivator; MasSey Harris 4 bar siderake; Fair- banks Morse hammer mill; hay loader; wagon with 16 ft. flat rack; manure spreader; George White threshing • machine on rubber; 6 inch drive belt; bean threshing machine sold for iron; fanning mill with motor; platform scales; grain binder Int.; 28 plate dou- ble disks; 2 furrow trail plow; spray motor sprayer with pump; root pulper; ,AtirCAINIISSNISSn, - CAUSES FIRE! of Modern farm Machinery for .Dennis Overholt Lot 23, Lake Road West, Highway 21, 12 ...miles north Grand Bend. Tuesday, April 10 at kJ Consisting of; ease 1060 Combine, 12 ft. header, complete with white bean attachment; Case .870 tractqr, complete With cab, 1400 hours, Nuffield No, 4 tractor with loader; CA Allis Chalmers with 4-row scuffltr and bean puller.Also a full line of modern and well-maintained equipment. full listing next week. Plan to attend this sole to be held for Dennis Qverholt. ,• Terms - Cash Farm Sold GYMNASTIC DISPLAY — Students at Usborne Central school presented a program Friday afternoon which included a display of gymnastics. In the above picture Fred Hern leaps through the legs of Terry Heywood while the others are from the left,' Ricky Skinner, Kathy Cooper, Carol Allen and Brad Cann. T-A photo Staffa area 4-H member receives special recognition **************** * FARM SOLD 1: Clearing Auction Sale * of Farm Machinery, 130 Hereford Heifers, Feed,* Truck and. Household items and Misc. for Mr. Levi White 41( iC Lot 10, Con. 14, McGillivray Twp. 5 miles north west of* -3( Ailsa Craig, at the village of West McGillivray 4( 41( Thursday, April 11 at 1 p.m. 4)1( .„hr CATTLE: 130 head Hereford heifers; Western calves last fall .br r" averaging 5-600 lbs. will be sold in small lots if necessary k_F - 41( MACHINERY: Ford 6,000 diesel tractor, fully equippedli, David Brown 990 diesel tractor with Robin loader; heavy front lir -7". end; David Brown pulley; Allis Chalmers No. 66 5 ft. combine, Inries pickup; David Brown tandem spreader; McKee harvester and self unloading 22 ft. rack; Kongskilde 12 ft. cultivator power lift cultivator; Ontario fert & grain drill; 2 wagons; 4" , grain boxes; Ford 7.ft. 3 pt, hitch mower; Cockshutt side rake; -411( rubber tired wagon and rack; M.F. 3 pt, hitch mower; Oliver 77 4.ft. p.t.o. combine, excellent condition; 2 Universal milker units; sprayer complete with hose for spraying cattle; Case hammer- mill Id. with endless belt; hydraulic ram; Massey 3 furrow plow; double disc; 2 furrow Ford plow; M.F. 13 run fert. & grain )110 drill; harrows; auger & motor; grain aerator; 32 ft. ladder; ...A hens nests; & farrowing crates and troughs .; walking plow, ir chains; tools; cattle dehorning crate; scrap iron, Shell cattle PHONE 237-3469 PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ont. Auction Sale Service that is most efficient and courteous. CALL THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Telephone Hensel! (519)262-5515 C. HARRY RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC " 84 Panne! Lane, STRATHROY Telephone 245-1272 By appointment please. GERALD L. MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS: 20 Sanders E, — EXETER — 235-0281 RES: 10 Green Acres — GRAND BEND — 238-8070 JOHN A. NORRIS Chartered Accountant 497 MAIN ST, EXETER 235-0101 Auctioneer of Farm Equipment, To be held for Gerritt Zondag, 1 W miles west of Zurich and 5 miles north or 5 miles south of Bayfield turn left, follow signs, Wednesday, April 10, 1:15 p.m. TRACTORS — 4000 Ford Diesel, p.s. weights and pulley, 765 hours, one year old; John Deere 510 Diesel, 890 hours c/w No. 37 J.D, loader. EQUIPMENT — Gehl 2 ton mixall, 3 screens; J.D. 3 pt.h. 14" 3 furrow trip bottom plow; J.D. 8 ft, cultivator on rubber, new teeth; J.D. 2 row 3 pt,h, corn planter; Allied' 10 ft. cultivator' 3 pt.h.; Calsa 3 pt.h. field sprayer, 50 of high pressure hose; Int. 3 pt.h. 7 ft. mower; Case PTO 135 bu. manure spreader; McCormick 3 bar side rake; McCormick 32 plate trail diSP Case 4 bar side rake; Case 3 furrow 3 pt.h. 12" bottom plow; Dearborn 28 plate trail disc and 2 row cultivator; three 5 ton wagons and two 15' flat 'rocks; Massey Harris 10' pull type swather; 8 section diamond harrows and steel stretchers; Emi- nent 3 pt.h fertilizer spreader; Gehl 10" hammermill, belt driven; George White 9" post hole auger; Dunhamlehr 7 ft. scraper blade; George White cutting box, 40' pipe; farm trailer with stock racks. MISCELLANEOUS — Ritchie heated water bowl (new); cattle head gate; Mineral feeder; cattle oiler; Sunbeam cattle clippers; cattle dehorners; Warner feed cooker; fans; 200' 3/4 plastic pipe; 200 jute bags; six sheets 14' steel roofing (new); two electric fences; electric lawn mower; forks, shovels, lumber and rriany many more items, two garage doors, Hay — 175 bales first cut, Straw — 500 bales. Silage -.- 75. ton Sixty-one head of yearling westerp heifers. FURNITURE — chesterfield and chair; 5 pc, kitchen suite; 5 dining room chairs and many maie items. Terms — Cash Farm Sold Prop — Gerritt Zondag RATHWEWS AUCTION SERVICE 4824120 — Clinton 28 Auction Sales buzz saw; emery with .motor; .visc; 1952 POP 0704 sells as is; rold cars for scrap; trailer mower; water trough; Y; inch electric drill and bits; fence stretcher; electric cattle clippers; but- dizzoes; 3 sections harrows; 50 ft. Plastic 344 inch hose; forks and shovels; other items found on a farm; block and tackle; approximately 10 bales of hay. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS; large chrome. table with 6 chairs, excellent condi- tion; step stool; baby buggy and play pen; trilight lamp; high chair; new heat bulbs; sealers. ANTIQUES AND COLLECTORS ITEMS; 5 parlor press back chairs with matching nursing rocker; hand made spindle baby cradle; sewing machine; copper boiler; assortment of crocks 1,2,3 and 4 gal, capacity; iron kettle; picture frames; antique back and forth water pump used for tank filling in steam engine days; buggy; cutter; farm trailer anctstock rack with old Buick axle and 21 inch wheels with wooden spokes; wheels, spokes and tires in real good condition. Terms of Sale Cash MRS. LUCILLE AYOTTE, Owner 234-6430 PERCY WRIGHT Auctioneer Kippen, Ont, 262-5515 Not Responsible For Accidents Day of Sale 13:14c Charing Auction Sake Clearing Auction Sale