HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1974-03-28, Page 20and district news
Phone 2274714 Correspondent: Mrs. M-K, Hodgins ,
Evening Classes
Tuesday, March 26 - 7:30 to 9:00 p.m.
Tuesday, April 2
Interior Home Decorating
7:30 to 10:00 p.m. 8 sessions
Oil Painting
7:30 to 9:30 p.m. 10 sessions
Photography - Basic
7:30 to 9:30 p.m. 10 sessions
7:30 to 9:30 p.m. 10 sessions
Gary Baker
Hugh Carter
▪ materials
Dave Hallam
J. K. Johannesen
+ materials
Information: Alf Williams - 227-4135
Rick Mateer - 433-1211, ext. 250
Free Health Insurance. But you must apply for it.
Ontario Ontario
Pre 20 Times-Advocate, .March 28, 1974
Wain I - George
107 Main St. Lucan
Girl spends week in England
horses move to new tracks
Pentecostals. at
Toronto Open House. „ .
A group from the church
travelled to Toronto Friday to
participate in the Open House at
Christian View. Bible College and
stayed for the Youth, C.E. and
S.S. Conference Saturday,
Rev, Ray Brewster, minister of
the Lucan Pentecostal Holiness
Church was elected as director of
Christian Education for Ontario,
and John Armitage, now of Oak-
ville, Roger Mason, Luean, and a
student at the College, were
appointed to the C.E.. Board for
Karen Hodgson spent the
winter break in London, England,
touring many historical spots,
and attending several theatres.
The tour was sponsored by the
English department of Central
Collegiate, London.
Mr. & Mrs. K. Hardy and
family have moved back to their
home on the 4th of Biddulph for
the spring and summer. Ken will
be racing at Mohawk.
Andy Hardy has moved his
horses to Hazel Park from the
Windsor Raceway,
Fanshawe College four
counties choir sang at St. Peter's.
Basilica Sunday, and presented
their annual concert at the
Centennial Hall together with the
Fanshawe Band, March 13. Mrs.
Merton Culbert is a member of
the choir.
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Madden,
HORIZON EXECUTIVE OF SUNSHINE CLUB — The Sunshine dub of Lucan recently received a Horizons
grant of $2,615 for renovations of their club house. The executive of the grant committee is shown above.
Back, left, Mary McCarthy, Laura Toohey and Violet Hardy. Front, Vina Emery, chairman Alex Young and
Cec Robb. T-A photo
Only two area accidents,
break-in at district church
Deliverance Rally
Featuring "The Sounds For Eternity"
Main St„ Lucan
Friday, March 29, 8 p.m.
Everyone Welcome
Tues., April 2, 8 p.m.
Rev. GORDON MacDONALD, Halifax, N.S.
will be speaking
Glass pickup planned.
WI to visit textile display
Despite hazardous driving
conditions on most area high-
ways over the weekend, only two
accidents were investigated by
officers of the Lucan Ontario
Provincial Police detachment.
Saturday night at 10,45 p.m. a
vehicle driven by Louise Sykes,
Albert Street Lucan was involved
in an accident on Highway 4 just
south of Birr.
Constable W. T. Hodgins in-
vestigated and estimated
damages at $250,
Sunday afternoon during
blizzard conditions on Highway 4
at Concession 7-8 in London
township vehicles driven by
Rupert Jansenberger, 696
Westmount Hills Drive, London
and David Bissett, 452 Regent
Street, London collided.
The investigating officer
Constable W. R. Disher said
visibility was nil at the time of the
mishap. He listed damages at
In three break-ins in the
detachment area this week
with a vowel.
Mrs. Haskett, convener for
agriculture & Canadian in-
dustries spoke on the motto "As
you sow, so shall you reap", and
conducted an agriculture contest
which was won by Mrs. MM.
Mrs. Snelgrove read a poem
which had been made up by a
Mrs. John Park hosted the
March meeting of the Women's
Institute Wednesday. Mrs. Glen
Haskett assisted her,
The roll call was answered by
the members naming a vegetable
beginning with the first letter of
their given name, which proved
to be humorous but a bit difficult
for those having names beginning
Carolyn Madden and David
Zaluski were Saturday guests
with Rev. & Mrs. Ewart Madden.
Mrs. David Park took a flight to
Montreal March 17, to visit her
daughter, Nancy, who is in her
last year at the Library School of
McGill University, Mrs. Park
also visited another daughter,
Betty,. who is working in Ottawa.
While there she also visited her
sister, Mrs. G.H. White. She flew
back to London Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. K.J. Schenkel,
Susan and Daniel, were Saturday
guests with Mrs. M,H, Hodgins.
Mr. & Mrs. Lance Morris
visited with Mrs. Ben Abbott in
St. Mary's Hospital Sunday and
also called on friends in the
McCormick Home.
Rev. Ewart Madden visited
with Mrs. P. Price in the
McCormick Home recently,
Jennifer and Megan Hodgins of
Vanastra Park, Clinton were
Tuesday guests with their
grandparents, Mr, & Mrs. M.H.
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Hunt of
London returned Sunday from a
10 day plane trip to Russia. Mrs.
Hunt is the daughter of the late
Howard Cranston and Mrs.
Cranston, all former Lucanites.
nothing was reported missing
except the contents of a portion of
a bottle of communion wine from
St. James church, Clandeboye.
The other two break and enter
incidences were at the Denfield
Sales barns and the Biddulph
township home of Jim Shipway.
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Lucan church news
Learning for Lent
to visit Australia
St. Patrick's
Father J. McGraw celebrated
the sacrifice of the Mass at the
home of Mr. & Mrs. Leonard
Maslen, Butler Street, on
Tuesday evening. They were
joined by their neighbours, Mr. &
Mrs. Nick Shumka and family,
and Mr. & Mrs. Murray Hodgson
and Heather.
The father spoke of St. Joseph,
the worker and the father,
Garden Club a few years ago,
when each girl composed a verse.
Each member brought
something sewn, baked or grown
for sale, which realized $8,00.
Mrs. Eldon Hodgson gave the
Five Minutes on the Hand Book,
speaking on the Constitution and
the Tweedsmuir History sections.
During the business meeting,
chaired by President Mrs. Harold
Snelgrove, the date of the Glass
Drive was set for April 26, glass
to be left at Lockyer's Machine
Shop, Market Street. For a pick-
up please phone 227-4166 or 227-
For the next meeting the
members are invited to the Art
Gallery, in London, to see
several special displays, one of
which is Textiles in 3D on April
Preliminary plans were made
for a bus trip for the June
meeting to the Erland Lee and
Adelaide Hoodless Homesteads
at Stoney Creek, plus one other
point of interest. Mrs. M,H.
Hodgins to report at the April
meeting. The roll call will be
answered by Name a Famous
mentally and physically, Suf-
fering is foreign to God's will.
Mrs. Jim Robertson was the
very "sensitive" pianist for the
service. Laying on of hands for
those desiring it for themselves
or through them for others,
completed the service.
Mrs. Jim Robertson was the
pianist for the service.
Friendship Unit U.C.W.
Mrs. Martin Van Arenthals led
in worship and continued the
study book Wednesday evening at
the Friendship Unit, U.C.W.
The theme, Christ moving me
towards others, stressed in-
terdependence of one person on
- another, - -Jr
During the business meeting
chaired by Mrs. Ross McRoberts,
plans were finalized for the
Fellowship luncheon, following
the service on Palm Sunday, to
which all Church members and
friends are invited.
Toronto choir
gives recital)
This morning from 9:30 - 11:30
continuing 'Learning to Crochet'
with Mrs. W. Scheidler continues
or you may "Sing along with
Sylvia" (Brightwell) of London.
Bible Study will be led by Rev,
Ray Brewster.
Next Thursday, the last of the
series, Mrs. Scheidler will
complete her instructions and an
armchair vacation to Australia
will be presented by Miss Susan
McBain who lived there for 2
,years„ The final Bible Study will
'be led by Rev. John Hofland.
Large crowd at
cancer group meet
The Lucan-Biddulph branch of
the Canadian Cancer Society was
host to 85 ladies Thursday
evening in the lower hall at Holy
Trinity Anglican Church when
the film Decision by Don Brandt,
Field Sec. for South-Western
Ontario was shown.
Dr. J,A. McCredie, surgeon at
the Cancer Clinic at Victoria
Hospital was the guest speaker
telling the history of treatment of
breast cancer. He said that
taking cancer the world over
there is a 90 percent cure rate,
which is most encouraging. Early
diagnosis is the secret.
An interesting and prolonged
question and answer period took
place with Dr. McCredie and yith
three ladies who had experienced
a mastectomy operation, Mrs.
Robt, Harloff, Granton, Mrs. Al.
Cocquyt, Edgewood, and Mrs.
Garnett Lucas, Stratford. Explorers prepare
hobbies for tea
Brialin's Mistymorn won Best
of Opposite Sex at the Canadian
National Sportsman's Dog Show
in Toronto, Thursday.
Sunshine grant
gets approval
• •
March 19, a recital of sacred
music was presented in Holy
Trinity Anglican Church, Lucan,
by the boys' choir and one adult
from the Church of the Nativity,
Toronto, under the direction of
the organist and choir master
Edward H. Reid. The choir was
assisted by men from the London
The program included music
by Stainer, Goss, Attwood and
Knight and ended With a piece for
boys' voices written by the
choir's director, Edward Reid.
Prior to the concert, supper
was served by the ladies of Holy
Trinity Choir. The visitors stayed
over night in Lucan hosted by
members of the choir, and
returned to Toronto the next day
via London. While in London they
were given a conducted tour of
the City Hall and also visited St.
Michael's Roman Catholic
point by point
primer on how te lose
ur driver's licence.
The Senior Citizens Club,
Sunshine Group, was happy to
hear through the committee
chairman, J. Alex Young, that
the application for a New
Horizon's grant in the amount of
$2,615.00 had been approved.
Further details will be for-
thcoming in a letter from the
Honorable Marc Lalonde,
minister of health and welfare.
Thirty members enjoyed Bingo
with Mrs. T. Emery, Sr. winning
the special prize for full card.
The Lucan-Clandeboye
Explorers met Monday evening
to make cookies and to plan for
their 21st Annual "Bunny Tea" to
be held, April 20.
The theme for the tea will be
Hobbies and if you are interested
in showing and or demonstrating
your hobby, please phone 227-
The girls divided into three
groups for the cookie making, one
group staying at the church with
Mrs. Don O'Neil, another going to
the Manse with Mrs. Madden and
the third with Mrs. Froats. They
made chocolate chip, oatmeal
and ginger cookies to sell at the
U.C.W. meeting. The proceeds,
$11.45, will go to Bunny Bundle.
"A Man with an Evil Spirit"
was the sermon topic chosen by
Rev, Ewart Madden Sunday
morning. He pointed out that
even though evil exists in the
world as a power..that can impede:
spiritual progress, the power, of
Christianity is superior and
overcomes this power of evil in
the world.
Flowers in the Sanctuary were
from the funerals of Fred Darling
and Kenneth Gunning.
George Eizenga will speak at
morning worship while the
Maddens are visiting an-
niversary services in St.
Catharines, at a former parish.
Evening Service
Rev. Canon Robert Rayson, of
St. Paul's Cathedral, London
spoke on The Church's Ministry
of Healing specifically the power
of Prayer
He said some people think of
prayer as a last resort, some feel
saved by their own efforts but
prayer is the first resource for all
Christians. Everything should be
referred to God and we should
listen for His answer.
Canon Rayson said we need a
balanced diet; physical, mental
and spiritual, and if we neglect
our spiritual diet things go wrong
Some good things
happen at 65!
indelibly marked. If you drive for
two years without a traffic con-
viction your points are erased and
your slate is clean,
How Detherit Points Accumulate:
Pentecostal Holiness
At the morning service Rick
Thornton led in singing and Rev.
Ray ,Brewster spoke on "Being in
the Way" (of the Lord's leading).
He said God will lead Christians
in the right way and will guide
and keep them so that they may
bring blessing to others.
At the evening service, Mr.
Brewster led the whole service.
He spoke on "Two Questions a
Christian Should Ask", One,
"Who art thou, 0 Lord" and when
he or she finds out, then the
second question should be "What
will you have me to do"? When
the person obeys God, that person
becomes a Christian. Robert
Holland, Jr. was the soloist at the
evening service,
7 points Failing to remain at scene of an accident
(Highway Traffic Act).
6 points Careless driving. Exceeding speed limit
Racing. by 30 m.p.h. or more.
5 points Driver of bus failing to stop at unprotected
railway crossings.
4 points Exceeding the speed limit by 20 to 29 m.p.h.
Failing to stop for school bus.
Following too closely.
3 points
2 points
Exceeding speed limit Failing to obey (thee-
by 11 to 19 m.p.h. tions of police officer,
Driving through, around Failing to report an
or under railway crossing accident to a police
barrier, officer.
Failing to yield right of Improper passing,
way, Crowding driver's seat,
Failing to obey a step Wrong way on one-way
sign, signal light or street or highway.
railway crossing signal,
Failing to lower Failing to obey signs
headlamp beam, other than those
Improper opening of mentioned above.
vehicle door. Pedestrian cross-over,
Prohibited turns. Failing to share road.
Towing of persons Improper right turn,
on toboggans, bicycles, Improper left turn,
skis, etc. prohibited, Failing to signal,
Unnecessary slow
It becomes free as soon as you or
your spouse turn 65. For both of
you and any eligible dependents.
Provided you have lived in Ontario
for the last year,
Phone, write or visit your OHIP
District Office for an application form,
You've earned it.
Important: Always quote your QHIP
number when contacting OHIP,
The OHIP District Office in your
area will answer any questions and
help you with your application,
Ministry of
The whole point is to score nothing,
keep your record cle.an and drive
happily ever after.
Ministry of Transportation
& Communications pttawa
r5 Albert St
Thunder Bay
200 South Syndicate Ave.
1427 Ouellette Avo
Hon. John R. Rhodes A.T.O. McNab
Deputy Minister
It's actually quite simple.
All you do is accumulate fifteen
demerit points and lose your
licence for thirty days. Do it again
and lose your licence for six
In this province, it definitely pays
a driver to score a big fat zero,
Ontario's demerit point system is
designed to convince the poor
driver to drive properly. Drivers
who do not improve are then
taken from the road because
they're a menace to pedestrians
and to other drivers.
But the system is not at all unjust.
It's aimed at telling the driver
where he's gone wrong and
giving him plenty of time to cor-
rect his faults.
For instance. When you've
accumulated six points, you'll be
notified and urged to improve
your driving.
When you've got nine, you'll prob-
ably be asked to attend a private
interview and re-do your driving
At fifteen points, you'll lose your
licence for thirty days and drop
back to seven points. Get fifteen
again and you won't drive for
six months.
However, your record won't be
Hamilton Toronto
25 Won SC W. 2195 Yeroe st.
525.3481 (Eglinton) 482.1111
London MisoisSaugs
227 Oueens Ave. 55 Oily Centre Or.
433.4561 275.2730
Sudbury Kingston
295 Bond 81. 1055 PrincOSS St.
675.9111 5464611 Feel, S. M..1(11. Mimstpr
Winners listed
for Lions draw
The winners of the different
draws at the Lucan & District
Lions Club draw and stag on
Friday evening at the Legion Hall
were as follows; $25 Art
Harleton, Ben Veal, Agnes
Shipley; Carl Brehm; Carl Neil ;
Moe Buck; J. Young, Gary
McFalls, Jim Simpson, Don
Leitch; Moe Buck; Jack Carr,
Clarence Carter and Larry
Hutson; Leo Dewan; Jerry
Dickson, Il, Versteeg Austin
Hodgins, Paul McPhee, Fred
Dobbs, Brian Grantham. The
final ticket, for $500 was won by
Dale Frogs, Beech Street,
Five hundred and seventy
tickets were sold with the
proceeds for betterment of the