HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1974-03-14, Page 4W Be careful with pest abo e -e cJ to Ems-;- t4br.- dxar-t,:)-��­ sa. esman hav-e been m the aA �y�".e=rtalled b. $. ent l �lS�ah1_'wun ,and the r-;nWar.% p`7.rchaser has been gy�p.-alected fr �: m h�: c om-p f, any to Slone ,:c�'���'+"C-•C.. it � 'ei,dena t t i..,w'�cuy a. tt'eaL__ are 4 fe a -s e: to the be p^ ,i ems, v ` C..:°. ; :. ' :/t9 ;.fryer pate ",`..� a"" the e r: ge::,'tr -s rr,2 a?f zke:eer cam 1:e= =MW �' w..�;�'rn!t\ h. 'die'.,' u*a•n, ,.:,. wR e i` l d'' r. ' heL ;:- m One tis :he ;:•�i:: 4--zepl.ve :s zh_e Zse cd .a es h�e 'wZ--dis :"» a=.tip=� _"1' :-Z.....-...,� .ham t . :.."tie '» � Z'� T16-,.t�. - fam ,a.. as La a, Yr. �V.tiv'�... :: ��' nl. �_ Y.IFk� li''G�•i c-ib-ciia + "e x4 : y?fin :- :t�e For the z is sc=eene z=ase -s-rime .a=:.= ilia rue .Liam txf _pig_?_ns. .:' Exp:aW s Ma.....- -e"S' a r� s : ,,.=a'e? >litied the stage wd"e := ;tics be z.ass me Mc7 a M5a1"Ve ?e 'Te .^ _.:^_= a `. `rte °, f' oble� . In 3 �,_ c& -,e . � i""t^'. thetibirds Trl ac'G' so a:'re xr 2 to p 1 e r ?', ,.w... cads. cfame >:,viyZ =:o The only ir,Jtn "/M1C.Y Ysae.. itudeau last week sp eiled c rt the on= F eve tion v�ch w M pes t a= e no ny to return to normal and zsv hist prices to drop bask to a point where ,he r &ke som. e sense. ung a tV =aerview to ancon- a he sand that rd,aw-av- inflailon wM ase when, and cniv rine_-. Canadt=­�� e'ppL a_metotheirs&nsesan�.&Use gLr&an ser -vices the 'pie - Mir T?m' -5eau ebeierved x_lma the go -eat i $a c re Lie :.,.. Ca=:ZT buy Ince e k5.:.az w"...-ey at --e-: C;a•i a:e ca a.ess C�f ?sL ects:s s.au5 l bN- wa es _ meet, the eve- r�rea`!m pace :ate :M oivds we need cr want. ire is waj�es are -ef.ected m. �F;a-. . ky . w:::_viii ause '�e .he exc S G Zrn ,..• :"e ...-.w•i >e are the av-e y. a, a. z e the f_g Tte pera,s=e, :-n te xre�- vah u 27r-- _ ter. I �ezai:its t?: tiband P AX:rz and `:e� and a asset:- _:--• ani! a" -. -err : _- tea_..and r JEs'�a: a +a :Tit W:rs sw e !X--Larpa Lam. 'e'> -_es. 'Fs*sem.:. sir+ C'3. Lbr. le_f4l` zectfia11 applies crly- if ther,- facet s : ,, ,,}ln. a T.p ace' e h, �e. 411mi t of- Xace of the v�:E;,L'dar. 3t 1sa gg,. :u'ea to have tier"bas abc t any large-sized evintraet. 'rake nme to carefully If -%eu are un- 5fi.>.�.' shat!wazb -real V5 :sues Q+£ materials or yau ktew iirt:le aunt.ate labs iactcr re- q red: for ,=,zta?atiw_n. W11k to a friend who is.:r.,cTe 1r 1w edgea1le en hese subjects. U: the pr-c&zt yin cen?tempfiate buying "s -;ally tmnswn to 'u - Cr if the limn tr.akrg the offer is one you mow lithe er nathmg ate: ;t — thimk hard Were- ylau sagn- ('±"nanzes,, are that rail can get the spurr.e dhing IIrnm a lacal deo e:. or at the least. y u wt:', 1 ve heard or seen adv ert as ng for e p'"Qdu t Pa;d add el''atsing is Usuany - h` ugh nsi aiwkys - a reasonas,,l ' gzod g,7= -a" ee a:" relialiliiky. Few .fi' s ,,N, s;enJ much on adve:­dzsing if they k-iiaw -'s-ft ' cz:r il?'i. 1ers will carcel :^,.'.iia Che a: v a:n,gess,' gained ixF speading gixd =key to mikeeLa ware,, kno im to the ruh.., — er the sa!e it att . ne pen is. ._deed. mightier tban inost humar. ;U dgm *-^ ew : Thin edge of the wedge bir d Pmrnierii1.�:•m Davis has ar.�-cf� r z to make the s wearing of car seat belts man- Information South Huron datiry For appointment While t here rna-. be *hie who score areas smear Zia Cnve-: o'ImJers. mak- w-li arge1e s►'enum -fv against i --,e :NK, Z, lans ramp for "their safe y. thR a€Fh'iramet: dietat ng sl The prableem appewrs to be so ge m action. it s cbviousl': in - that the betel21, =IeCdG-^ to per- co 7,prehens ble that the sons ,y:d a T•''L"3pT�C-•-0•w ,� 7'"1'n ..'iZ should e%en have to veru ale me -"s 3 � of i id, the town 0•f rhe 1.t3.asi e� such^.actuPn. 1� statistics t Biu' out most problem c ear:v how the foss of fife enol It sno fd be done before spring serious, mjury can be sub - ub'_b breeding eedin time a_rr iv-ess. of the proh?em will s:a.k tmlly ri i=ced and yet a vas - be even mote severe. n-:m-.ber or oriwe s and thpe r their time freely- and their in- passenge-m- itil to buckle um &e _;1- terest sa e:y harr,2 ,:. bell :zap to _gladly. Toe service rendered up to this ``l+E' Inced. time has been one of general Even e and t'er !g --i en counselling for various social and WL, 4'h' T�i'e�'''"tt cat =_il family problems. Teenagers and � ti �F•e 'w 'i��.e �'3' �i'e' Iv"srY�.'i-e..�i.' to be C Solution � � � � O � um --m-effective i.,- ±Cds of famm-'� we home, as they have attended peop:e to €rates" :he=s6ves. the Ttiesday afternoon clinic.For Theycar�"t.-imven.a :b;-- syste-m by liw_zac who cannoe demand haghe - Iiia"- d_?4scrr-..sicd4 the ba -l -Ls deip- comes but who must pay the higher pries k=cts in Wim, In cases y4m wens why the - 0 theme on fixed incomes .such a 'old- aoverr=e : sheuLt u sten iy veterans. widowed kee pensloners. disabledn eras ;ew ' fact r� y e� t�=� r others and rna:ny other classes eaf �:r-annice and health Canadians. Althouara une_rnploymenz 1� a"e i e ., ao, e v -y suzance and the other state ~p nsored afected u:,e Q� c �— n� pr¢Stec,�,ioas.,d7,oj,help . em.e�itt�.ca_ta fv�,�.'•te _:n�,_ who dset wear se:: be-:ts.. C�..'�BL�Cy."EKTi:�B:Cnip. �S•^c. 1R Gs #`i F yrcumn a. ar=k.. 'ral s��!yw�.*��at pG,�Ynirre,.,.r,aT.p�5`', ,e,9cET �T 'LV`i.:-ES..4Lli:L 1F til:.LY�:LYCA.-.4'�.u��i,.- argued be ^"zLF�CLG ':.S Bang an age' of rapid :bull anon. �. nnR.LC SGS M3 Trust company have generously by y this newspaper feature. R v' p ices are s,*-.o�&e Lq5 az up -- war -el trend w_ c€ nninu1e oBIc a:S #o-rZg 2 eriu p:+3"�3.e avec t[8 }e2aye &,. Al slime tri.ri ever. either necessity or frnsuxation wiU :were over and l;a�'id yer refuse to partiiitu heir filo-nQv for anrthin but the recesside` . Atthat d7 po t pried P vi s airr- do—vi,age. f�xo^ Hopefully the S%°s', e wM iUr mole ass=e the pm ucrsions of an ,ava unch,e and tumble to to point c,i g-:-e"a: depress:;an. were colorful ,,.1 „- mer are wee nee.ted -x t g7eat roc' ::u. a:: they ++fez's a:me and and safe 7!:t -_W J h --Te a: e were tne ecdxy 'tom, d as -.G.T Tose. tW::iathe; ':.eze a and w thea "E3 are "Y ' g wigs p f':atie but arm 0,1 i= e. "3e CE a few_ :ems :� h:Y dsaw,. ;xae A.dvccale 1S41 br rem, cw xh ': Ufe cr s`£ :S_ clea. ddf 0� vi = - weer, *-•- take a re_ -'g the st�ff cut cif the fgr _r : d ,-T y`s thane= =.a. to :is wcs,d ca s€cx:s and eni - teeet.•. x ere-' tJ1+ m he zz• S�+ j;-_-'. cii '-i`iz .,..:ate and slum lea`',• Eco_- %*tee the L-4 buck Nc*w-.d,y_ he's =:-rt- ae: T ".:J bares tha= a c. rmk £& a 771"' crr_ t rc.:*-:, and to ermor ar d And ti�e rei.L1y t;z = ", r e- spmu Y r.ai 64 .J-4LL+..s SE3tV>^ Zi WCAV✓AS SES;i iFA.R.#&LWaXD Ser *--.n-A_d*e*astT`g Mom e'_ phzt* =_= Pubnishc4- Sash yr .ay Miz=,iog all Exeffea'a t;Fn;fafc * + 'CUSS mtl s` fes' S'�S.Swltf R�Tfa�'?Z lki ES: Ca°�s �'� �a� Ye�� tit �u fr pit Pterlei��;s.,.�...�sa�c_� ,1!' D..•ie4 2:4 tis cx ::�:ed to mc -.e into he a_ ea cr. c: etc` a ten°&ncless.F.rn.h as p.<ee T'raL1t y tic -1cm ei d5m- y'oL. :e 'moo gh T,.,:X;r car L.' :tit ate.-ir^�, `ttx-:a, tthie s. G_%... -a preZmbit smokmg and ha:: 2e w=e el death and siz�az:rg Q.0 prac-ace The added beat ar th°i �m %-X be the ren,;; Li ft acro to, �w�`�crthwlule Et< sh1e a Ze of fob w' - :er v>~ -v emstez,ce. sd:'ztle :gyp' Butts 01:" Re=e .be„ the days when yzufths &eat h. ,:=� to pa.- =pare L: wsg = a as fcnan :e: w cold have Meer and e_=- c-%:: he da; ^ a a :w br ate:. 1 o. :Vs ales mer-mr_ 2.1al. FxM End the sharks, :.:,aa �e g bC *_:.g ES�.."'g' a;2 fcc act :he -..,,.; -.,T ter-•'z�j_ cr.:'s"rrers L" vzireds ileo r"' gam at s *i es.C.cr;A �G. at>"rci f? tj'x;a C:.s?- ,^.':I;:T,i'^-f-d Ta_ -y kept the= ; ani a to ...v -es as see::.:d ed as, ­'teated t� vas hCG : `.a keep to pre�,,_ at a. Kiri `. lir are neve: 'az pie ian wbfin `�we tate ::.- ex deal. "n..e a p t a:e pry ,rtex alis, e'v `ny s *_-r :' eve: ,, ;= -=e. "dn-i -=+...i !y'1,. the p-, �-t +:[ 'M uG w? y" t4-_ i ie- se- and peat "tor the e g: �Ay Ev'ev PT Bar r: = �e az, cert zee he was, S=e �CfC e can a .,L -S s use eve.-;. t ak te eve aknew, a s:me -ve_te. to �:a° S* tea ate• s ere e; -,fit g r3�e marz; fomd it a real d-ag and 7u.d. ;o to any le gh -to ape N.G^agthose itcsy-ur.z mns; a a ing around: the town 'n the 'Ikunia gradess the rem^ sor i and zao _ae Exeter and Doran 1--af,> •%red forces, to rz�^=sato ty�►_ or fret_'"' am. and t b t it is sz*dv a bean Slg r T«" C -r t wr.:er is who as S=e p" Ec�san mL''-...Ut -*a es 4� IDP "t Z. 377.' 1r^?"'as aCp ri2w. 'len= ts aid; 0,2:dwa au cadet 'Q.ari -weal _ more fun because a kerma W have to -4-aclot;t se. _ _= own -L + C --n- re'i '1.*' i za=e at hand. c .ally. tbr_--e are =_..:a_ -T 1 .tee ri the hoc 22 ce ,Lv s va ceode _h yid be ,.. ed top ��t.,, hr -e is tce cif rhr k_-, Perhaps tbew have a. k Pem,L hit at aziy rate it -,,01 �'+riC •'+ei+V. to fcaore'C --be Progress the new Cade in thic area. We can h��y walu to, ;see wha t IM -9 hair to is .lie hanging out from ua a Diet gyp. hough. Probabh be emazg: to make Fred Sleek crrs-: Alorg with a hest of ober area re`;de.ats. we st:r t the weekend in T.rentan,. M11crigan-as boys from the Enxe,ier anmi Trenton 50 Years Ago Mr. Bill Davis lett Wed.. s- y or this week for London Militar G Barracks. to take a Sergeant's course in the Cavalry. for two w-eelss. Major J -k - Gregory. of North Ba.t=1leford. Saskatchewnwas in Stratford last week, to ztkea d the tuoeral Of Iris mother. Mrs. Thomas Gregory.. On Wednesday evenig of last weei4 a men`s e�ir4 was Held in the basement of James St" cmir ch. wi tb a splendid at- tendance. A mu-; cal prog; aro of high order was given. foflowed by a debate on w nether Abraha-tn Lincoln or Vi oodrow, Vile,'. ora. was the greater main The afrixmative was uplWd by Aylmer Christie. Clinton Sweet and Salas, Reed, while the negative wazz, sola- ported by Ge'org'e Iiind. VIM Gard -rte and Herman Gore, . 'rise, .jdge was J. Richard Wel sb, and Itis decii-on was in fa-vw of he affsrrn2 tire. Rett*. A. -A.. Tramper spenta few days last week in pi ingham. A number' from town were ,.yew:a�:syan,,t,yl�y entertained }amt tl/ye.� li=e oi M • 7771. Mrs. Preston Dearing. of Stephen. 4w Wed- netday evening of last week. 25 Years Aga Velma Fe:^gmea won, top 'place in the rional public sVeaking contest held its ilanover Friday �Iiw Marguerite Pickard of Louden Teach*r;s` College, has accepted a psosision on Me iiarwailtm Public Schod stall beginning with the fall terra. Preston Dearing of Stepben was appointed a director of the Canadian Sheep Breeders. Associatiod at t2ae concv'entiod held it. Saskatoon last week. The price of sweet corn has been set at =50 a togs, an it - crease a'50 cis over tat year. 15 Years Agro y y A, �'tt'r.1or yearlsrng rad,`, ed by VV,hjtney Coates, and. Son. RR 1, Minor Hockey Associations ba dE d in gameS M Saturday and Sunday, Utz.-2t6Y. the local midgets Maw a*p v4-_tb a win in the last of cbe =vw' aaez�d games to keep the ^£+-155 .rOm ',usexing a complete «, hi ew% ilia at the hack of de=l American eosins, Tree clutcr+t-ne gives one an in- d!cadoa at how much the 'U.S. gal --,e has improved. as it wasn't X-3 r=g ago that minor teams °r e. ccasld handle most of ��nt-s from sou th of the Trenton teams have more -ah than our souads due to alLr PC9J1---UoQ IAcut 10 times F-I-eto plushe fact that some cs tte?r2�_anboys 'play hockey Es the Lear. S^ZMs at he arena were � - e w w:ll ge, d*=' M=.w :�=S ==�h at a time M -►_- tl Ta thee. equip- . Ungthe !nmv Ez'r eseason come a .- . �'M`- show much J_ f-r•keemng their lads is ;lar fear +eri few months. P.erxile`� or the outcome of the weekend games. tine local boys enjoyed themselves im- mensely and the exchange visit is certainly one of the highlights for the younger players. We can only speak for the novice, atom and pee wees. as they were the only, local boys we saw inaction. butwe are happy to report that, as usual, they con- ducted themselves as ideal Young gentlemen - both on and aff the ice. Centralia, won reserve champion Hereford honours at the Ontario Buil Sale in Toronto recently. Exeter Bowlers copped the utter -town championship by a margin of 1.15 pins. Team members included Bob Wet- tiaufer. Jack Fuller, Bob Osgood., Murray Brintnell, Jack Gibson and .Cap" Foster. Helen Crile. grade six, and Brenda Dinned. grade five, Exeter Public School, topped their g—&—roles, to win trophies for the best verse ,-peaking in the nal cona€petidon. T -A sDorts editor Boom Grarettt is reported to be making a fast recovery, after suffering a fracture of the skull during a hockey game in..hiitcheA. Spring fas Boas focus, attentim ori empire waistlines�, shorter jackets for snits, and hemlines at mid-calf. 10 Years Ago David Dueharme. 21 -year-old son of Mr. & ?urs. Denis Ducbarme, RR 3 Zurich was one cif lave studena chin foe a Uri-,ercity Shident Counicilawarld. at he Umversrt` of Western Ontario. ExeUix COi cil accepted a sn.w budge: submitted by Roads Chairman Haile;; which includes permanent road building on parts oi VIM= = and .Anne sil`lie`s year. Nine windows; inExeter aefer Public school and two heavy frost ftr plates .in the datrid high schtd were broken b --y' vanda s oh er the weekend. It¢q��,a"p"�rearerl vandals had kicked their beels &x%; ,h the glass. The controversial subject w darer and Smoking" was disc by Dr. Allan Alw-ay° of Westlasirster Hospital. London at the Exeter Holme its School. meetiq. A film and a question and answer period followed. The pragsarn was pretinted by the E,xeltr emit t? the & adlan Cater Society. Fanner bees Recently. I came upon an article which said a pound of Toney represents the can- centrated sweetness of 62,0W clover blossoms each containing 60 fleets. To obtain this amount of honey,, the bee is obliged to make 2.:W,003 vj�siis to and .from the flowers, covering ap- proximately 5,0W,000 miles. In the processof extracting the homey t%e bee inserts his tiny proboscis into each separate floret whichmeans he performs the operation 3:7719.004 times to get enmgh nectar to make one pal of honey-: Yet, for all oris activity and hard work the h"aney would spoil arI sour Zr were not for the Farmer-be'ez. Standing, with their heacis lowered hard the centre o= the hive. these Fanners, their wings rnoving so rapidly that if You saw- them you'd see only a gray assist. draw bad air out through one side of the entrance while the pore air is sucked in on the other side. They provide the necessary air conditioning to keep the hive sweet and fresh. The great hive of the world has many* vigorous worker -bees. Yet, for all their hard work and valiant attempts, the world is filled with the putrid stench of depression, greed, sickness and despair. Perhaps what we need most urgently are fanner -bees to sweeten and freshen the hive by prayer and. silence. Glen Clark, in one of his books, state's that silence and prayer are two great riches the world seems to have lost and desperately needs back again. Gandhi,who before his death, was one of the most influential individuals in the world, knew the value of both. He reserved a period for meditation and prayer every morning and every evening and nothing interfered with it. In addition he set.aside one day a week for complete silence ... a day for listening to God. The, day the parliamentary commission convened with him happened to fail on this day of s 3enee, The king, the prime minister and parliament had to wait an entire day to hear Gandhi speak,. because he would not break his, appointment with God'. We don't have enough silence today. We don't have enough stillness. We don't have enough prayer. Why? One of the main reasons is that we live so fast wedon't have time for it. With all our inventions and labor .saving devices to save time, we don't have any of that time saved for silence and prayer. Quietness and stillness always come first in everything that has permanance to :it. Jesus' thirty silent years came before his three years of active ministry. You remember how he ad- monished Martha for her 'busyness" and praised ?Mary for her silent devotion. Later in his book, Clark goes on to say, "Quietness, if properly done, is ALL. A seed, if it leis itself fall into the ground and is properly still does not have to do anything else ... do nothing else. The same with us. If we are properly still, God does all the rest." Certainly the world needs worker -bees - strong, active people who are capable of leadership but it desperately needs Fanner -bees too, people like you and me, who will dedicate some of their leisure time in silent meditation to pray for the world, It's the greatest resource we have. A minute �==- please V.111 1 6y ELMORE BOOMER Counsellor for Information South Huron For appointment no response the backup number phone. 235-2715 is 235-2474. or 235-2474 It is well to be clear about times Itis welf to talk about ourselves for counselling services. at times. So a word about Appointments can be made for Information South Huron seems a time between 2:00 and 4:00 to be in order. p.m. every Tuesday afternoon. If Information South Huron finds your appointment is for a time its roots in Exeter and district before 4:30 p.m, please use the being served by a local board of front doors of Victoria and Grey interested citizens. They give Trust. Company Office. If your their time freely- and their in- appointment is for a later time, terest you are asked to use the rear _gladly. Toe service rendered up to this door - time has been one of general The Exeter 'Mmes -Advocate counselling for various social and has generously given us this family problems. Teenagers and opportunity for this feature in adults have received some help, your local paper. In this they we home, as they have attended enter in upon a present day in. the Ttiesday afternoon clinic.For terest, for people have an in. the number who have come we creasing interest in the social, must thank various agencies and family and individual dimensions individuals about the community of life. for their :referrals; and the There are problems to be in, Exeter Times -Advocate for its vestigated; complexitiesto be publicity. analyzed, progress to be Thanks must go to reported, experiments to be set organizations and individuals in up, areas of our thinking to be the community .for their ready challenged. It is to be hoped that support, Some have contributed broadness of vision and keenness money.The Victoria and Grey perception will be encouraged Trust company have generously by y this newspaper feature. given the use of their board roam :end now one .more immediate for counselling and board goal to speak about. We need an sessions. The Exeter 'gimes- increasing interest in the com. Advocate have been more than munity for our service. helpful in many ways. The counsellor for th,e service has To this end vie plan to send out a monthly report. We hope to be been provided by the Goderich able to reportthe scope and Psychiatric Hospital. And many nature of our service as well as have spontaneously expressed its needs. We will have an op. their interest, have listened, and portunity to acknowledge ser - given their opinion. vices and gifts. We can entertain The telephoneservice which we new ideas from us all and discuss now have is a case in point. Two nevvavenues upon which w•e as an interested families are at the agency can enter in. present time providing this vera* Since many of you are excited practical help. There has been with us we wish to send you our some disruption in service monthly letter. Send your request because of a change in phone with name and address: to I" - numbers The number to Diane Rimmer, RR 1, Centralia. be used is =,-271a and if there is Hope to hear from you: