HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-12-13, Page 11GUIDE GETS HIGHEST AWARD — A former Exeter girl recently received the highest proficiency award in Girl Guides, "the Canada Cords." Joanne Luxton is shown above receiving her award from District Com- missioner Mrs. Arnold of Sauble Beach. Joanne is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Luxton, now of Lions Head. Wiarton Echo photo Christian women's club Hear Christmas message EXTRA SPECIAL CHRISTMAS BONUS Two Piece Swivel Chair AND Davenport IN HERCULON COVERING) REDUCED FOR A CHRISTMAS tiO • $159•00 PICTURES PAINTED ON VELVET Regular $49 t'"vi $27.50 Yes!! We're Open Nitely 'Till Christmas "DO DROP IN AND SSE US" NGERICH'S Sales & Service Ltd. seaforth 527 ,0290 Zurich 2364351 YOUR GUESTS WILL LOVE YOU if you serve them this lucious looking and great tasting Strawberry ice Cream Torte. The nicest thing about it is that it's so easy to prepare in this busy, festive season. A delicious torte •wtrwettivramorcewgeteviwAtmromr s.-1.i.tmamr4::Nezmrsq.ot rs:v.s-cg, THIS WEEK'S EXTRA SPECIALS Style $hop foi MAIN ST, EXETER Give him our best this season! A man-sized group of his best looks await your shopping trip. aei1400 AND Welite.M40 ameGDISCOUNT 433 MAIN ST. EXETEIA 235.1661 e4tealksmo.groOto,-****ErrofttotOtt . tti$40KIIMON1041ftMektP:14 4Mtsta 4o:toe-ova ,geigot*i•eiverm-mwomfotoems Crediton senior citizens enjoy musical program Times-Afivoc911;iiecember 13, 197/ 'POV.440),Pio. Caven Presbyterian Church Women (PCW) held their December meeting in a setting of Christmas scenes and can- dlelight. A slide, taken of the original painting in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem of the shepherds visit to Mary, Joseph and the infant Jesus provided the setting for the devotional period, By MRS. STAN PRESZCATOR Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Stan Preszcator and girls were Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Preszcator, Kitchener, Mr. & Mrs. Larry Preszcator, Jo Anne and Tammy Preszcator, Sebringville and Ed Chalmers RR 1, Crediton. Patsy Helemkay, London is spending a few days with her grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dye. The theme of Mrs. J.C. Brit- ton's talk to Exeter district Women's Club was 'No Room at the Inn' when she addressed the gathering at a Christmas lun- cheon meeting Friday. She enlarged her topic by Women at Caven elect new officers conducted by Mrs. John Pryde assisted by Mrs. Art Whilsmith and Mrs. Cliff Ersman and Mrs. Thos Pryde. A piano solo by Sandra McLeod, a Christmas Chorus and the singing of Christmas carols concluded the opening session, The annual reports showed the PCW had had a very successful year, more than meeting the allocation to the Missionary Society and sending the Record into all the homes of Caven. The presentation of Life Memberships in the WMS Western Division were presented to Mrs. Helen Holland by Mrs. Whilsmith, Mrs. Gordon Hoggarth by Mrs. Ersman. Mrs. Jean Jarvis by Mrs. A. Moir and to Mrs. Fred Simmons by Mrs. S. Laing. The following are the officers for 1974; president Mrs. Harry Strang; vicepresidents, Mrs. Clifford Ersman, Mrs. Ralph Wasson; sec'y, Mrs. Fred Simmons,. treasurers, Mrs. Norman Stanlake and Mrs. Ken Bridges. comparing the difference bet- ween a room at an inn and a guest room in someone's home. The former is commercial hospitality while the latter is prepared with hospitality from the heart. Mrs. Britton pointed out that Monday evening the members of the Women's Institute en- tertained Senior Citizens of the area at a Christmas Party, After the dinner, catered for by the North Group, there was a program with Mrs, Harvey Hodgins as chairman, Guest speaker was Rev. F. Ralph, Anglican rector from Parkhill, He was introduced by Harvey Hodgins and thanked by Mrs, Earl Heist, Otis Sawyer, father of Mrs. Hodgins, provided fiddling tunes of yesteryear, Glenn Hodgins accompanying him on his banjo, Mrs. Hodgins on the piano. Mrs. Hodgins also accompanied step dancing numbers by her daughter Mona. About 10 members of the Huronia Male Chorus sang several numbers. Steve Dundas with his violin, Andy Orr with his saxophone, accompanied by Mrs. Dundas at the piano, reminisced about dance music of the past. Carols were sung by the guests. Then each Senior drew a gift The largest known deposit of antimony in the Western hemisphere is near Whitehorse, capital' of the Yukon. 1 10-inch angel cake 1 quart strawberry ice cream 1 15-ounce package frozen sweetened sliced strawberries 1 egg white 1/2 cup sugar Slice cake into 3 layers. Soften ice cream and thaw berries, reserving 1/2 cup. Fold berries into ice cream,, Spread ice cream Flushabyes Toddler's Disposable Diapers 60 Changes E2.49 from a box provided by the Crediton and District Social Club. Steve Dundas moved a vote of thanks to the members of the Women's Institute, Will Oestricher one to the Men's Club. OCV1/ Christmas Program Thursday evening was the Christmas program of the UCW of Zion United Church. The Sunday School room Was decorated with trees, candles and a creche scene. Mrs. 'Lloyd Lamport was in charge of the program and was assisted by Mrs. Clara Ratz, Mrs, Cliff Russell and Mrs. Ervin Ratz. Mrs. Lorne Preszcator in- troduced the ,program with Christmas music and ac- companied the singing of Christmas hymns. Mrs, Lamport led in prayer and gave a reading. "Where Will You Be at Christ- mas". Mrs, Clara Ratz read the Scripture. Mrs. Russell told the story of Christmas as related to the shepherds and Wise Men; Mrs. Ervin Ratz the story of the customs and traditions added to Christmas over the years. Mrs. Ken Campbell played several numbers on the piano. Two members, Mrs. Harold mixture between layers of cake. Beat egg white until soft peaks form, gradually beat in sugar and 'reserved 1/2 cup berries and continue beating until stiff and glossy. Add fewdrops red food coloring if desired. Spread on top and sides of cake. Freeze. Remove from freezer 10 minutes before serving. 10 to 12 servings. New Soft Moderne Bath Tissue Asst. Colors 4 IP IT. 65 4: Fahner and Mrs. Ross Pickering, helped the four members of the Committee produce a play "Gifts That Money Can't Buy." During the business session it was voted to donate $200 to the General Fund of the church, and to take up an offering for the Children's Aid Society. Hostesses were Mrs. Hugo Schenk, Mrs. Armin Schlenker, Mrs. Lloyd Hey and Mrs, Marguerite Finkbeiner. After lunch Rev. Douglas Warren conducted the in- stallation of officers for 1974. President, Mrs. Cliff Russell; Vice-President, Ella Morlock; 'Recording Secretary, Mrs, Ross Pickering; Assistant, Mrs. Nelson Lamport; Corresponding and Press Secretary, Mrs. Claire Schwartz; Treasurer, Mrs. Ross Krueger, Conveners; Benevolent Fund, Mrs, Leila Finkbeiner, Mrs. Walter Fydenchuk; Good Cheer, Mrs, Marguerite Fink- beiner; Community Friendship and Visiting, Mrs. Gordon Ratz; Manse, Mrs. Lorne Preszcator; Membership, Mrs. Lloyd Lamport; Social Functions, Mrs. Cliff Kenney. Stewardship and recruiting, Mrs. Clara Ratz, Mrs. Ervin Ratz; Literature, Mrs. Douglas Warren; Supply, Mrs. Ed Hen- drick; Explorers, Mrs. Jim Fink- beiner; Finance, Mrs. Krueger; Nominating Committee, Mrs. Ray Morlock, Mrs, Lamport; Auditors, Mrs. Howard Lightfoot, Mrs. Ervin Ratz; Pianist, Mrs. Gordon Finkbeiner, Assistant, Mrs. Preszcator; Greeting Cards, Mrs. Hugo Schenk; Kit- chen, Mrs. Earl Neil. Personals Mrs. Chris Dinney went to Frankenmuth, Michigan, Tuesday, with the Anglican Women of Exeter. Mrs. Peter Martin was guest soloist at the Christian Women's Club Christmas program for Huronview residents Sunday evening. The East Group of the Women's Institute catered for the Co-Op Banquet in the Community Hall Wednesday evening, There were dandelions blooming on Crediton lawns in the balmy atmosphere of last Monday, December 3. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Howard Lightfoot were Lawrence Schwartz and Mrs. Lillian Lovie, London; Mr. & Mrs. Bill Baker, Grand Bend; Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Lightfoot, Centralia, and Mr. & Mrs. Doug Lightfoot and boys. Temporary Correspondent For several weeks this column will be conducted by Mrs. Ed Nethercott. Until further notice, call her at 234-6264 with your news items. Royalle Household Towels M: 654 turn 2 poR494 Christmas SAL, etty & Arts JUST ARRIVED 4101104. Large Inventory of Good Durable TOYS and GIFTS Motorific Car Race Sets $4.50 4 Complete with Tracks Fat Cat Trucks Miniature Motorized Ski Doos • GAMES, PUZZLES AND CRAFTS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY • Complete Line of Christmas Decorations & Gift Wrap Large Strong W izzard GARBAGE BAGS 10 /49; A Huge Assortment of High Quality GLOVES Eg MITTS 100/0 Off including Ski-Doo Gloves et HOCKEY STICKS 50( Off ICE CREAM 1/2 gallon 59C With coupon from IGA Ad in this week's paper See Our IGA Ad In This Paper For Many Food Savings Turkeys All Sizes, Fresh, Butter Basted & Frozen g Foodliner and Annex GRAND BEND --------:_ ___---5-__, Phone 238-2123 .0 HIGHWA-Y 21 SOUTH WE DELIVER IN GRAND BEND 4ii0-*IitoPil:o.9g:v;ialigivia:4i:vARivAcio.s.v.ziia..sgagivA.PfizIwksxti: there was no room at the inn for Jesus.to be born and there is no room for him as a guest in many people's hearts. As Christmas approaches, the speaker suggested several things we should make room for in our lives . . humility, simplicity and love being the most important. Mrs. George Anderson led a program of carols, Bible readings, poems, instrumentals and singing, . A smorgasbord luncheon was served to the 35 ladies who at- tended. The collection of $30.00 was sent to Compassion. Pepsi or Kist Beverages 26 oz. Non-R 1.98 3.59 Scotch Pines 3-Year-Old Pruned Spruce each Silverwood's Fascination BETTY and ARTS