HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1871-10-24, Page 3••• et t alk. ) Special Noticaq. BasAlis***.-- Err:* C11110• •WD 'WW1* S.- A cargo of 300 Ions of (.Tri* h.Bith • tit'•”..*11 1.1.1•,••114. lodge' elk • tem' Icaded for the ,:.tioistrititrth-1,-", bra. ,e *mimes', pp the ..ne peit ...tit* .. It.,I 04 • MI. IIO Is1.1...10 • 4.11,•'elY board ecootarth. tt000naiaorrops 4..y U4 *mut, Me,* 1ltleit1AW44 1.11CTUILB. •- A -tertian, .11'10 14•11**-- COSI OessieS 1.1esletnle will be- detternd by thi that.. James g.tteitiht, in Om Temporal,. _ 'ride, 27th auto at I•30 p. liser.s.-We have seldom seen CAUTION! CAUTION!! A Splendid almortuient of the Cmicill..vs more yowl, to tionenlior TO THE Fritixi oF THE BRIT- , the ithai*1 mien:staid the town thins at Isu i•goviNegs (fir ' ••,••••••- • ... the spud meeting on Monday last. A ki1110*. It 1.1111 mianniimisly egrwed to at 01401 •. _ Newts YpurTilne Lofty TRIUMPHANT SU CESS RE...Dy. Alio% 1)1C it =it' ginettratp"unig "GARDNER"' SEWING MACHINEi LOTHIBIC9 made up,to Order ur o1d by the yo rd cuplete the wain sewer to Nelson St,- 1 ''nt tflt, 1" WS' Pi" IM 1 0"lie ▪ boon which St..Patrii k's Ward Las' GENTS* FURNISHINGS hmg Priltcd 1.. 'We hope the droll ▪ Ass oast. of the Latest. tYl-a end Patterns. will twi miough at its termination so rvit,s1v...71g‘lo ars hp 1. 11.1 b. Huron along Hamilton mod Nelson Sta; c000 oo kutoole.loo, ma& lay .1(11.701. 1,1) uplift Se So think, .in addition to ruin i t be .."1:11L".1,6t", .3! ,:i.,artr,e'*„.:0, locality, the refuse hrine mot turned Ity Thom ea., wlitt. tie 4 ftg. the salt company Tutu Mr. Horton s drain and through having no ontl, permeating the soil mid poisoning the 11.1rwsehltstan.1 tea 1.... the wells of the vicinity tiler in.! at* Wet ',7,:s:47.41-tror"V esiruip..".)*Lile•th 40* touch die stone diode Initlf by Mr. The itufecrste, would return thanks to into Soler. If Mr. Horton: 4141 • ',•• ;te 1•Lot Is fed s titt.t• Y.S1 rest, is struck, it stolid he eery easy ti fr. whee...dr ••• mama.. lured opt is ite Ap• r part th• • 1..1011 .rturs tin • Antall nIr..i Oalt !nen it. frau Mr. • •L4.B44.4r u planet. awl nth lotions:mot Ferguson's afore to die aqtaare, if - • • •-- teat • • of tit imr41 seer ten.l thews\ usoessary. . may 1.01 qt. I0o1•11 too .+p.. or 111•• To14141 TEA, !I Lade Assoc, artow.-T1i• next •••1711•.. 4., 14.11 er ‘31t• *1" -or• .Y 141 tweeting of the Teachers' Assoeietiesi har tins County, w be held _In tel to NI* he ems aost;,...• the 3rd a -------------------- s.,7,!"..^;::::".,,,,11,,b!:ti.; b..14 ',I.? 111 01tius Aaturday'e toroceedino will be •014.4.14,i4.114*--etttleriti. ti loo wily thin itspally 3171.b111177711X. .7 1,1441de t.p04 17; • .s.▪ ',11411e us. ht.nshiltiolirl t.,il r"7,!. intraisee • rich treat for tile general thAl sn1/ • st tal uusic haa beam provided fur the POO. t •••••Ole111 ea • errat fn. 0111.11. 4, •Noohllt mon, 11111d addresses will Le delivered by ,•;„th!,, 4;0..1..1* Mr, Miller, Presidant of the Association. -.to., 10 .1011-41. *Mtge esillthetTr‘• • '•'; XS. Kethe411011 Ow Atte Ere, and MI "ir."."."*.." .1.11 .• 1.“. Or um,. pol n,.II*, 11161mA:tor of 1i...11.4 -11s for the "e -to• fusion, the progratione for Friday even- - • isteoe.t.te•estaitaastee...11 re. pu ic• Etoellanit vocal mid instrumen, Meth 1.4. its e, Es 1,, ,,f 4/. tl,.tt..1 /este., • .:r • ••••▪ ••••• tap, accoutpanted by Madir&tiVe 181114. .th.th'elle- .tiel's; rot..,L*; '41'3 i f I tut authorized' text bass: As an unateur reader Mr. 11.1. tottLed eluals, and bis "Itemarks- ilia W.441.1 tro. lotre nom. to I▪ sitetto 041▪ ,4. Its %Os di ....tit.' Ito 1411 lug soot hese .11,tai,e.•• .4 b. interesting and instructive. W has is.at Ibr b.- Oen 10 of. 111/. 1. • UAL every teacher in tits Count ere is 01.0 Fee* xt howl .4•74•11 7r. 0% do ai • ••ke it • stten.l. win bl• p•••• ass). too of -the 1..k• tea, will make some rei ks Edna- h".""1"P'"' '4" Time l'oi mete. -A spatial tweeting .1.01 444 4-1- 14. rolllo:13 WI.* held 4411 the mening ••••• sits ...1%...144gtht . hfy''lent the eeerie ra••••••!..• .e.4...,, l 40.04....') 4 eonila,Z,1lust.lrefti '.':"v"7.7::is the Chair, Deputy Revs• Nsort 1s• .4.01.ilysi41i.r7:.1wIn ..114018 tto Chiped, Cal,b, Doyle, Datum, Gotlut, loo...tme (o..4.4(o..4.44044 .4 410 tempo .1.4..31. atrdiner, Sat +4'.•'. Dat.4, Sluith *111 .....;;;Z•Vt" ei4t0.7t..."*.evieTli 4•011..7..'•!'...4 '.:". Paemore. The Itreve Lod he hod called 44. el• • .2. 34., per 4.'- keg.. of ?.10n.. the special meeting in accordance wita '''4•4')1'!' 1. .44, ''''.'"•141•••o•t• I hate nab...our 1., 1.., ' the prayer of an intluential petitioe . • ✓ . • aunt the Ma. n Sewer. Tn. Clerk rt., 41 *. . 'Ana two ios...t . his supporters for the patronage extended to him while in the Nourishing Tuwo gal Gatkandt. He can now athord to sell at •COST; mad is determined 'to give.. his customers 'the beheld. of his I ABRAHAM SMITH, IlUtAltlite 110 blteilleee. Merchant Tailor & Clothier, 2 doors Emit .01 11 Horton's Orocery, MarliatSguste, Guth:rich. • the petition signed by over Ithl rate- mi • me 1111,11 AS II,/f hil/tY AT. payers 'still the continuation of the 1.„,„„fla,'(,,,.‘t03,,,...,;‘17",,ct • . imam sewer, t Ui lethson, to its infoilded Kept 21 1471. ith.,....•.... of Victoiateminatonate r " • and Nelson Streets. Br. Gardiner • r• N•pland Ontetni• ' thought the petition aes • reseonabie l'4,1 is•en 104 7. -he.. ea*. Mr. Devotion tit...light if it wee not .1.••10ooll.1•• loor):•••4 t4 /4 Aw -41li Ina late awl If there wu t1004.17emey it inighi •••• P.ryy PA% 01. meo bedone arr. • ala any iiiikua,• or .up 1. • tw thing of the kind that bedocidt d ow 014011. M0, l'aieweera tlio.44/14.441/414it was nott deur that It 1..11.1 be may 111111 to out and he thought it es,uld be dont At ▪ c .at 14. tlio great b ut of the loneness men in thv 111. Clifford t expiatit- that he ir, an 16.11rOntt: to post, It right through. 'They vault.' cattily get the to nary and lie - mud trait be done, put-thrungt, by hook or -by . crook' as they were non ..'on the right traok. Mr ,,accor.liogis movroireirsilataroaage.aatessui„ ding the nowirni. He knew the 4„,1 •s the storelAttepert the sauw o•i1,1-1.4. 434,'). 117 .1.1141.1seer ih,,2142 motTatioLatary. r Crabb "•- Aram 197-117,,aset-.sef r7 for any mh mr acotion. M. cwilik:ral Berl Mr i'rabh never &MI thing about that motion when It was rooming op South MOW. P.tr 1,'14bb e"it- Re *how It Irv, i,,,a-etimi of finance. this mimmerlti&JJ'iln the *I10"'inure one, 1.1..IIth • Illtet1011 4,4.4 04.0 *Ad • .1.41.1 h., Ike hods/ ut.1 lir anatably teensnlre, lay • 4411 ; 4.4. ALEX • Sept 2/st, 1871. Mulinell, Manufactured' atTlamiiton, pn For family Mid hght manufacturing work the j GARDNER SEWING 111ACIII E CARRIF.11 61:1° THE FIRST PRIZE OVER ALL OTHER MACIIINI*3 al THE 1 OLONT 0, CHATHAM. GIIEL1311, ST. &Tautuirs ORANOEVLLE, EFILO) AND. CHARLTSION • x is 9: 4..) INT . It also came off with high honors at the Provincial Eichibitiol. liMpton, an 1 was awarded Diploma. tit the Hamilton Exhibition. • Thous:inds of people who saw THE GAR 1)NEtt, in opendiou at await inthibit WM were actually won. ishkId of its • ' Alattainot C Simplicity, Strength, and Capacity, WINTER COMING.1 lr WI LI, SEW FROM TILE 24TE-A 11-4271--;tillkt Thinest Musliir-tcr the Heaviest Cloth and Leather. ti.-ssts tortes 3.4. GI • teliehltauts nf oleritst. mot • 0.t•pe Gut who hat opree.1 uoi • .it5 olste •t k 11 IS Ilallat4)Mely made and is MILLINERY 'Simple, !Durable t onvenlent and Learned, '1 14.1. of HAIM Jett LLI. 01 nude to totter (4... • 411 .. s. •• 14 • heaprwt All 1 S 11).-thelo, 1.• trit the 1,11,00,4 i• Ikrtist • 1••• losote• Is Tor...o, 14.43... 4.0.411.41 Ito •14.44-4,4. ▪ onkr• •ita pro...1.ine.... sad in the 14...t style. • Deal twirl ay, plate 'clouts weal of 1 ilairia' ol• Marl. • . 957 tfi work to a piece of sheet lead and bit of ciger box combined. The me:Ionics do liglit.i.uatiniecturnig molt as well as all tIllat Ettt1AINING 11•11 ti014 P. 9. 06 Gsderlea, teta tr 1. 1 .1 • 1....), • • I 4yer's Cat„ht,..•..i' a, ?at, IMP* 4 r.. ad tus putt; owls cf 1 Thal411,*1 it patnnIte.lo,r, t• . lgo...4.,0, oats a 11 lAe .4eoto,.1' wow es ....,I. 6.....40. 4:4. August, 1 es Mind t1104,. 0111010. • .1.•• soili Gdph Sevrig 1,1hchhe Co, • THE 081101:1E fel" ete i• •• Ale • .sists• • ••••••1 ..1 ersello• is .0. ai e 41W Ce0E6 41 I. 1. I. I I , • 4,, it o 14tAti.".• ''. 4. ISA • annotate •-•".. • ,...•gais SEWIN“ :11.‘('IllN E. : ....I:L. 3 Its • t .t .• o, e•-• :rel.:: 4-.‘414o4 4; 4s.“ 4: 11: tliwoilE:tov.: ' ; . ; .4, Iv.. 4 01,4 t do -ow Eo ..ot rh . 3 Wt. hav• 1 1.44 sil...e 4.i W., .1 •S 1./..' W.. , .10.4.ilirey* • 4 •tke I ,--.v..:..11.4;ae..,;(..til....*.4.,...4:7.,:i.a,e,...:.,...t..4.,•,:,f oi .4. - 4•6 . i , e '5 -1 ,,,,, 1, ItIt,.'..`,/!'-'114').. ,l'?..1'....""htZ,'''" $4'relli 4... ,l. iii,,i,e.:,‘..r.o..s..."Iy.oitiol.v... :iFee.lato.coe*Ilita ,..44.0.4,;•••••yiti...y1 is",..4.,•,::‘,..11•14.114.)ive....,.,1 1 4. 4'Pi ' 1/ eu al ow eh v Mew ..-Jr.. s,, ' S. :1 • 14 „ G.) I% . ,' yr e 4•118.1 Oresele34 OP Itilitt Mkt t Wel Mate* . KING OF AMI ....I.v.e . :..,.......:-......,.......:.; :.:.:•:' : l'i *"' 410A06.14Y. 1 ..D rr, • 1,6 ,r S..• tO 14111,11111t) )1 Ittln l'Ol NS 04111.7 yektimi•iip a t• • r -.to .1 &III .tha •tbi It r11.4 006•:••• It. t ,eit paw., tut 6.,1 IA'. o• 464 '. KIRIVI,..1.TMACIN la. .__... 1-----f-r••••••••666.41 441•0...-tia.:64666.61.4_404• :,..6114fata.waufts . I LOCK.3TIVCH SEWING MACH N 5 ., .. ••.I ei, waa.oe:r 1,11! •.',t. IO* .1.,nt.ti* 1141.ortt tKIIP Olt. GI: liiorT el N ill \ titil.;,......-.. .., Ave 141.1.4 °Pop sf 1 a„.. gas lbs.. Mid Wu.. 11.4. V 4...8 1;.; , :' JOS e_t_a_orditui• sea gerettia'suateer et ...,..,...,„.! 4..112:4 ,,,i. er...tx. 1:: 1.10.1....14.4.4,..:1f...41...mk.. i l,ff.)1).l.iet. t,itr.,ettai.,......0. a ,41 '..r0.,461•6•11' thir•i4r. ., , ..th: , in::,,ri,..va.,*:,.4i'• .444... 1 oe , . 1. : ys.411.114 se ••41.re1110. L1•111•••if 11,44,,.. .4444.4.tur. *Rapti, asill.....",..:.,,,rdsi.646.,?:......,;a:ce::::•07,to..........•:4.. ,:t.,,,..:2•:.4,.,:its...otl..,t::,,iii:les,.. 44.0.;.......70; "the Oeho ne vsowi7g Mac.' itinehtill *oh, r isoo, . ,..n., b..3f..4,,... A .4144,7 AWL esete_t an- I Mir 4144 IL *ma tit 1.111etello.. -Icy . to a., 314 it Mu* Itiln.4.14cla... etch If tan**11400 .1.8„,,,,,,r. ::..,....o,,,..",.,,.it.. ,,,,,,,,L,,,,,,,,..,i ,..,,,,,..„4.1..; s,,,,ii, 41,tati.tor:v.,1„, 1;181...4,...!•.,v71.,,,,.:...........,ep...‘:::,..21y s...4.,...1111.4H:26.. vas I:1.11C% .1 ...In, 11.••.., ... 4,11 .14 ,..I I Ita, 114 ...priory ,.; 0/14a•r•064.1rtt •lis in111 .. • ".::•1:40“..11.1i::tf::41...".......:"a"•::::1:.".'.1:...t............,.....1.::;;;;;:::1P1...w........4.'411•1::...'"::::4"..:'.";."‘:"."::::.:. t.-.116":;.....;.4,.......44..........,.....:1:1;,th,111:7i4L"":"::a.""Hillert:lilt:::11‘°:"';:b.r../:1,':":10,..;:if::::::tal:,:nia:'::.14::::14.47.24::ter.:L'"4::„H"thpr411•.: t As••tilito n1 IIII Se 111.1rrricv.•11. V{ 1.0 stt • It 111.1.0' latnirsellr o irthlihIll•gt.:71.1:11.41•1111= to to• m.o.. .n....,noi ..t .4.4 r 1...0.... • gratests••••-•.* err.. ••••• se our ibl•wd...41 arir ‘600.41illik .1 , 1k*, WS a ore. fe.ilt 1111111 ..411111•1 114::.P.1•1.111,..44...11,11;,•.1::•,!:...11,,,t,Av, tfr1.. 1... The tiuelph Reversible -,, ',.,„".''',,:,.•,,7,,-".....','„*.„tu.4`; ;,'„'1•,„.„,,,, .4 ,.,.,.....„,„,4,, the A -----.......t .171,;1.. 11,....1, M.147. b.,;:ux'.'..:0,.''...1:s2d:inli,:.3...:-r:,:.,41.747....,$.4..‘ .P‘Vi7.444 *n11.711.t."''''''''''''''''.4...-7514".4211gu'''''''''.".:::: ''''''''''' :::',,a..0da elt".:Ite. s'e,..'..t.-1.111.1:ter•'"1.4'.1.,.',A•b,troloo*,l'4.114e. 40 ...It trivet. int r‘..it. do , ,..,,,.,..,,....., .4 .......,,...„....4 sa.., ..06 ..... $.7. Er Fr. a /getout. guatAtiteted ti.eapos,37110. 14:7271.44"1.!TtITTals...1.4134.4 - %It11.71::',.. 8.1."" Xi"' .1* C. 4Y el &c°.. P•004.•1 010440., •I t'all and see the Ctarthier NI achme.-at afileonxml, nest door to J9Dii Robertson's Millinery Store, and and has ate snort complete act of attachments of any machine now manufactured. tit:EL" KE"111" MACHINE (N)•' N111.1tItT/411 A I. II.N, Nese*** oat , I• I te..,,,,,.,..rae:Ifot.:L:lf:tir:,..1, V. 14. •A: ...,. 1 • . , - W. -S. JOHNSTON, AuF.s.r.i:o4 HURON CoUNTY , ch.... *.t..**uos, steeterth. A) etilient°111,1.StL161,11Aer.tillC1.1/4,NoltA.WpilAtteas .1.:k...11s, ,,:r.r.4°. 111:;t4=•:. L,:, R.)..6,4 Att,te _1.;, directly iippoeite the .11Iarket 'louse, Goderich. Machin,- Co. exhibit mv.„-nal family nordaines. Those on view were 111 operation ditniog Ova dav en 1 sowed from the iight,..0 WA S.A. 1071 List .of Letters _ .. . lb, 41 Mott.eiso tres.C1 ! ill t.kr1111... J VI.Aalt i.:**4.4.. J. .011 16 cur& 1.11...•... di Llirki•• et N. J3. --1The following its • copy from the Gioia, during the oilliLitinn week at Kingston: --"The tlantner &grim; 1 3.834 4. •••• .4+a rio01/ TH witput.Et-14 UNDE It 1 A, nes.. Ktiolkh11.0.1 ESTRAY STrER required Mt any faindrcirele." tioderich, loth, fun_ 12 thekluireor W. • 4 "1"4.4 re.""nr• ""*"*".1". FALL &WINTIT STYLELS 111014111 ,4110 • 0101141. Log T 11)••••, via Tegru•hist, about Ih.htiorltt.th.ide. MILLI • W. RICK. HIPP - 111•4011•-• H444.41, 0.4.4a, 14 um ir GALL•OlsItl.lt. no. haia so,/ ."J"?"' te111.11 eel .iat. 114 owlet la E DI PORI ,1 4 Pi\li (3 141 'I' pler IL SW. - 11.mi/▪ out/Oft froutto.a,t. os •.••••••••••••• ' !Jotter ict. L..* 4,47.1: 11 440 .1.4111*14*a.4114141*I*Wti!J$4il1 Rosh, Faslitonable, Chap • • 1.01A 41•A:75;:e ,44.11.1.:r,s4.11.. Mrs' nosier 11. G 111 k Ow. blebs I 41 woe lads. S1014111 or Atnlyed G .1•••••111 Cem.0.4. I trite • '•••-•.; ' 44,\ ,e New Jr, k V.err, it 4.o. Forel no et Ity•prewta. 644 r••••••• 40 0, 1'110 14 4114', 1.'ve owl*. '1.01 r eht Not the l'•••• Saint f11.••1 .41, alt bow lar 187.4 i4 It ... • . 4 vw...41444‘07 4. 1 .t r• r' 43.4 .14.4 alt•••• .•1 t •4 4. h tve,4 01 ,1 • J11111 111 01110 .1.1., I. free fr.., tot. the ti•lt tont t•A WI p. • 11 • 11 v., woe, h•• • tyre lotlur.1 • • I .01,0, 110, la 3.', 5.40.1 ...$*1014.*,attww.telkital Ist _ _ • *Se • 1.-3W-iildr. 4.41.41 .01*, it ▪ rober Mesh 144 ha ,I44 •rcen tinkili-n t. trn • /1•111 rimy isne' an I lloos to .P1.1 Gel ries 4414. 011. 'El. • P. , • nt • .4-- A FARM FOR SALE. - 116011 J1.10011S1111 .4•• Goods Arriving paily• 714 How . 11,1.. ••••••I: ' • • it -1' ItE 441'.'I' 4) A l•SItielt tee 114 MISS MeCONNELL .e..; John Iht '1•1 Ih; • A asts ACIII tot irt AF: nor.. Sate. 1 11,1116141. Of the tyre te•it tea y mot I Gael .•",. a • at Imes 11tit•lar 110U rt DpItue.:Kttr,tor ‘"""'".""*Y"'"'"'"t• 0.047100.1 • FAIN Olr HS *CREW WITHIN .Et%t: .. 1 oot sof et.• Tn.• olGoitreuttt. 1,' .1.1•1•4. are mats; lonattst Xibbons. Ltitte, ..c.le, i stryti,.. alette..4,...1., a, ., . . or s., telo..p... Dew 'alum b.wailitta 4. d lealheis and Flowrs. •==.017111640 ?T. 5 tekerwi stositatillsets-nesinin CIt-oci OW TIC' , 110'0 r11•17 41 11.414. A I WO 1,11 gond* iu elv.• fro.. . .. . '1‘rItNtS. 1 I - tl,1rd tea* .1 r lows 41,0e) rru....1..n ti.. N 1.1. - ‘• *I.. Wf.winwii i•i.tys**.itny,ttyrini lot**ea a• on* •6 it ..t• 810 por I. • • 1•4P1, to e or) I 4,, et et, 40 111011114 • • so r rest - •It fr 1, th• 1, IA», /Here lacy nose thpie Wet te lerther %exit 01:.1.1e, ewe to siottor 1. a. Le... 'Treasury. N., ntte IlfelitIl:"1" "1 *bout the C...wit of building that driflOsthil I • -'' . t hey knew that, to Thep, debantures timid- te issued. Ilao w..old like it to he pette •/..tbre year to Ss+ it .1* Mc 1.Art W01,14 6. a Dalutia:_.11*._..4.4..***-11.tnnat it Imuiii be riruranory to Carr' IL MIT I" • ' V. -lull& St. by ....lot ..asoki that pert ef _ !be tome. Mr Peartiore thought itco,.11 t *dose f•willel Mr. Crabb thought in thig tege if she41114 by fili Meatus go on. 'Though it was trrtegoilsreltW. wavyFhey mere gosug ahoit *1 14., would say Ir) 11. --go on. There wee expenditure inwaisary in 1 ire 13,partisod and othorwase hirlir and 1 ki111/11,ouglit to be tlooirtlii of. He ha, o lailjere7 LOIS 74/ 7170 1111‘1,41;01114•11* )(it amid be done without imposarialon ourselves. Mr. Horton certainties that the prineipal fteUrtit ut- - Ii• obtained would be (ellen abort .4 if that portion was trot cmplted. l'ecunarily tour position woull peoubly not be better for a long • time to (O4140. T44*Conn,1 bs mall, 6:leafier than soy other portion of the dram. Mr, 11,6 le laid it WM t he intetti .a trir the . drain to benefit the town generally so.1 thri• tint I141 Pe.ss•Aw why this 1.4-11,41 .1f the town ihniillt be ignored. They 1..01 i..el thwir liottl.,111 of the main se war, anti tbey ars Well morel, 1104 1.. want of it. tie thought it sionibl be left in the hands of t Ile R 4.1 atilt bridge Coro in I a i ee. Mr. S oath til ?ught soanething 1114,41.1 1,., .1..ie to dram • Hamilton 1•11rect Which patd a la ge * bent of tease. He was gl.wl to a... • Connell fat onsble to. tn. w..mia. .. motion *1,8 tarried tinanimousty, Mi'. sooners mo.ed sewitelel hy nr. Fa -a 1)41 I132 (1110P 0.1 Nkomo! b Gardiner 1 tinder the Bridge Comm Carried. The had • a quiet ta letting the surface Mr. Snooze in deae drew the attention of lamentetole state d the recomniending the emakt tank on thee piare. Ntr. C rreiLTri4i1;141.....,,1•.otlit.... too, pit•ef. tool ht 4.4”1 .4.0.'4.44 * 't ••‘•••" hot.* tu 1 trletick n•-fltr•erre II towteridi ter. 22•01, POI. e n 4.• :417•111Fe ti 1.41a 1..4.1/68 ;..1a1 lith laps 1.71 .11 ' --!.-' - -- - - . I , 'THE BRITIalli• EXcliANOE -.N ew '1 .) g4 i.e.'s CA (sod. " MiConotesl. ' •-arrie104 Diaeoltiti On f 'Partnership A ew Flaiitinella, Ire tf .11Z) • P'I'. MLD11 .t.rl. 11•4 'rms. 471. 81-11 - - _ 31A1).1N11-: NIONSUEll 1reo4ist & Poenol3tisk JUST OPENED .A CRONE LOT OFF.' • -- ••-••••••- - W. 0. WILSON Igoos. or Min.:Age Loteseli 'neurance & Real Rotate Ago c Vf•••0 ow;r1V.1 II R. DEEDS, MORTGAGES, dr,c, 011All ?I %NO eal:ct: I KO. NONE y TO bOAN AT 8 per pot flaw. Nth IV J. sell -It Jr:all:Keg orrou• %, • 111111••• A. t•orceenostle,: the 7..r.ott... nu, Re Pries. Al I. 1.61611111. 1.01TF. rollittwow health diatast 1.0143 Mon Who no b. rtes•elMul in MOGI 1. 1/1.11 pi.* a ter•lafitaet•1•1 the .0.1,4..1m and ....Million la Itt• .4 thy flinty. lostellid 60.1 taile 1..T1.111: NrtION • . . .r , lows. pbter 111. goterai .4. I 7:::„:7,7,7',41:2,17::,11,!?..",."..t.";',7.p..'", I • OOOOO c„ „„ at Codelieti tt.i. *eh ,tsy a 0.16/.4, A. ftg Woe Ily What inns** aloe r sotto. llot 1441 • • I • •47•111/.141.010 14,6141 P. 117I J. rt. N 431Y • 1.12,11 '_F's "'ho 10:111:4.'..,11.-.1. Pm. • h ne nt Tnne/ not ketstre . she beret, hooey. e• •, . I ...41 the wstd.roeepsoy awl fo, tor••1. 1 t10,*••• tto. Wo., 1•4•1• • ei 240.44 ruiegt.td, and . to3 the' tat• to try tIto • • . 4-; 4.41111 1" wenhreiros .44 o,o,,,L7osoo, • • 1. • p 'A f,W A-I.OT KID GLOViik OURTPOPITOSPPIIT 7'..714*":"^ -.1.111:;:";•1", Ic"T!°` W1319 built would stork. He iratil &frau la hat the coition int t ion of h.4'n.. 8 incite' a ble by 2 feet theep 1101110 plan as the morn drain. r. Doyle, second.. by Mr, the drain ns carried out ction of the It .0.1 end so they 111.41- 114.0 fit, vs •nd Mr. ertilti, about the le of ter in;othrilratn, ly focable terms Council toms deiirtmettl, m •Isrg... said h arould have a report rvady le molt regular 1414810,44 on Friday first on,. -mending 3 or 4 tanks on the win ..„1 showing how they c.00ld be- kept ak,), plied Pith water. Adjourned. RATTAIL/4f ("r0. -We are pleasant to hear Witt V•ie ladies of Mayfield hitt • already forwarded 917.t., to the food trOT that purclogg Bet/Moot c,.1.411,, end intend to rat..,T I iirtlier am. Ws 1141 to lour of ennotinte coutilig so,n, front the ladies of ether sect ions. • A One*, Boott.--Mr 11.1, the In epeetnr, has noir some 9 teams and 20 men at work on the Northern Gravel road. The bridges and culvert* are MI beitirmade safe ond yassable and the had portio,,, ..1 the road repaired with firma Travellers alookt the noel ate already feeling the lucent of the change of owners. FIR. -W, hope • thorrilikh renovation nf the Fire department ill he agreed wpm at the Regular ?alerting of the C email on rrillsy nett. The Naha,/ of property -demands et, and flu, Coo to, hand owl titota: t.h for e....onAtiis Ina _pm. rail 1101110-011, .1 140 7.1414H 44( Mb NNW. sr.,* .4.44-0-1) orb 1.4., (0 04' WO •.o• ;Mato. Ie. Welts ri el *4107:08.1113, es,lt • II•es••••1.er tn ... am kr, *ley le Igzsze tet:oast b owns* to art •nreseate .4 0111e 1.5144..4, A•pl 1141. .44.11 .Sed By ApothIcares. r: JAMER 1. Ft11,1,07'..S7, * 4 ff. 1471. - 1.3 Intos rnE GRE IT FEMALE HENF.liT jolt ome' Periodieal Pala . IN&o.v ‘N.r.tt• vtirti it NG in ler , 11,4 In. snort A - Gore< r.nounts 001.0 .71 40 441e4s14* it este. *awl bb•re.:1 and 4 &reedy rbte re J • v.. 041 %IMO I st,,s. . 1. •aori nese. twots .01 414' moss. ri..1 *oh .ets alsrPS. • 11.4.4 04.14 or* Ne Lser it Se 0.1. e1es *t:051g ri/to I 2, 04-5 Mert711444 fr.,*•104,44%. 311. err .IV Wows. AI stoat, atoe 5*1 .5 Iflarij.444 Iker eis rya, • ie arrows wilt c1o0p me ',pont AlterttorP,Thn it itow Ilatoseett I•onto, ear to, eitelt.elterli.ot Nino iblIme d 4. beilel. 71, • I it to T. i• .411, 444,0 'a tw.. 4.4 telt. r ottin• hitv•• !ogre. Am! a teiretleti Foot. .1 ....tronirliti orb., ,1 4,41, 04411010113. 01 SwF 41011(144.4,1fill. enweit. ▪ iditeete•M VI. tentiol1ri sneml eitok portico • *hoeol•Ilreetp•foll• 01- 005 entre. 0011' Yeek-englt Pflnrettene • 41,.1 mot 11) tor p.4*.4•07.10•ed 3i4o11144 • Ion • Nebea,... Iwto , grherel sr. it.• Gom.nr••,•sel 'Inure a Ltie easUIDISsoverlOf e0101140511. -140111'11Rt'P I TRAM N eiterewt . de,,goaaral * g• lori %IMP& • O. ho4 inif.:oerich ity Palk*, e•I•leano . 40telaa; tIni.lner a co., Roy, nd ; Jae villy; Plektird,I. 1st, r ; 1 14 eon). Levan, t. Hock tost.31,.teftt. tut it Mee011te 11.10••• VI R. F. A It MSTRoN 3.noriN3 RIC- ' covered f his recent severe Ol- en, will he found at Lis oftiu St, each der from 10*. m. to 4. P. 4/... or at him Boom, No, 3) Brattish LicoMge lintel. OA RDING. no,,,. kritgro-to* P111Y4 rnt.11, III *Mt the e 444 0fu 1001,0. by 4 81•11/1. W. 7113 •11tts • °le,* nn • lootrerei IVO kits t pretested tAratee4101.11 Illtke •Peenter." at GIP Ala nderieb, 140.1171. v4-11. Noitieet tolilabt ores A 1.1, PAIIT1C5 omen -ow) 7I11 SUIT /I emitter will phis.. MI* on ABRAHAM %KITH. Geri. rIeh, 171.1t nat. 11171. Win be onopt..rted loy their 1 Onitiliietita I nem of thee "" 4.17.**V Shop 452 35 fee, stone on* stor. Boiler Shr, 50 it 35 feet. two *borate frame, with Blacksmith Shop an'd other buildings. A Steam Krigme two Iron Lathe*, in making an efficient Arroinqiirnemt. Th.1 Vertisal Bolt Cotter Wood Lathes, Circular M. Wool Plan.. goat woit.d sun be saved in lower in- "'Altar OhOOVED IRON iron Pisner. suranos. TIME IS MONBT. qE LADIES' STORE. CREAT EXCITEMENT. „ - ar..ri,(711E3 al•E.‘1" 4;4 01° Takes great pleasure in inf-rming thy linIns id Goderich and vicinity that he haa opened his Fall Stock of BILLIN PY AND FANCY GOODS. 111i STOCK OF IkatMli• Flow -ern., tasitl Really ;impasses any thing ever shown in Goderich before, Esioecielly the . TIC131ME11) 1114VITS :BON.1111:TS 016i/sown manufacture, that are tamed out rif Itol•ertrm's Establishment will compare with any tintelan, house in the Mani .. i . n. ltdO-Voonl "Anal to-ilae, oier 310 Hats and Bonneta exhilattoon 'Please lathes Call i•d inspect our MIL- •LINERY DEPARTMENT, you will find the very latest styles and !ohne& Also • Enttclass 61.11111er in attendance. ..11()IIN cptinul rio0nr- Gmicrich, Sept. 26th, 1871. HEOPENING -OF- THE MA 'MET GROCERY, (FoilmERLy OCGC PIED BY ROBIN4ON co.) W• DOUGLAS . _ HAS OPENED THE ABOVE GROCERY WITH A FULL SIOCK OF GRO( FRIE. P ROVISION FLoirn, AND FED, CROCK GLAMSWARF, &r. IIHNI 11111. t Rw'ClIO Rit AIIL Oodonob, Ned Ihrarbor, 1871. *01 ft HURON FOUNDRY, GODERICH 11P(.116. .0014111.01,1140.••••••• TH1918 A SPLENDID OPENIN(1 FORA 1.4/1OE FOrtfUltr brRIERE. Machine Sho, 62 I feet, two atones atone with fire -proof roof Monlding Ita A good stock of Patterns for ltai,noto Mills, Stors Plow'' 41.. HARRIM'S Mudding Bottom all in pod order. 0 whole or one half intenut in the above htialitess will be sold to a good man whn ean manage it, as the subscriber cannot tante required Frtr further particolers apply to .Tes !isomers' tbe lart,etat local paper 9 ins titah.-vrtirtit •••••.. lispartinu lavittai tit. _ - . ,.,....,.. • fn Hie Domini, ot . Mud On )•,,iir styli i X NICIIARAY• ;atria. IIS 1 111.- ken . AA AS,. esitt-#.111ereliSotio. MI. 071 _ 11181, 1121 11. -14 w, lit. RIINCINAN. • .......inatitattesp•-e • ...- ' A **- ' "" T.-- • • • , • • .••••••• ..1114.40.4 . •• ••• - • • • 01, .s..16:).1.. 172.3.S A 1' ID C. DETLOR & CU., Culerich, July 2dlt, l71 11 1) It 0 N FOUNDRI C.1.1A • - CP 1D 41. -- s=2, CD C/D• 1r "0. •••• !r*--- .1r/ 0414;/4': I - k5 'I' R L'E 1 Portab16-Boiler, 16 Horse Power, 1 Tubular Boiler, 25 " • 1 Tubular Boiler, 18 " 1 Steam Engine, 14 16 , 1 Second hand Separatof & Horse Power, 1 New Separator & Horse Puwer, AOOODST0CK,00I RON A: WOODEN PLOUOHS WITH RTEEL AND CAST !tomtits. Stritiv quttero, Agliculturol Tin -nacos, Cultivators, Gang Piougn3 acc., ate.. EN3'NES, 133ILER3 & SALT PANS, made, and all kinds of Mill Work mod d ii ivith nostnom 41 I despatch R. Runciman, HURON FOUNDARY, CODERICH. • 6-0 Goolerich, 14th Sot. 1871. FASHLON tilLE -TAILOR LW. NV. dl‘c .T. MAY. atilt HAVE ENGAGEli A FIRSTCLASS CUTTER, AND ARE PREPARED TO MAKE SUITTO ORDER AT CBE PEAT BATES THEY IIAVE ftECEIVE1) NEV rwEttq &titirrivlair21.211.1jArfailt Aix tot, ton. OW If 'Want c.d. Al %air PARTIAL LIST • rdt.....1. fir sale at Pitcso:In4,0 s ('‘.'s • 1 011uP. Ver. le ?Pte.! gt•rtleu Nth 1... :11i of W4,..1 11 ncinr.rritillVe :le, ) 14111 ft 01184 04, Ihiseannon, 111:111,, P 44 • tt Me•ano.k. Atet. 2. - - A lake chary n ihlemons rr. 41 PIER PH •irl.111,Y tte %LIFTED to lerdwitro Store, olips. le the Market Ari.) l'UTTY C.IIIPETr.tcs TU 11,4, • / YELP, A*111 ES. FIJI/ RAKES, 011A1N CRADLIA, MTVIITA ROPY, • IlEAIP A ND I44'1111F.R LEATHER BELTING, ell sift% WHITE E It rises Teacher ,Wanted. ‚EAI". 0/1 eM i.A I P. e- l r (le/ I STIt• IN LIsrbietIn 11,4 aline , ot te. Is •• eamenee ea Jaa•oar, tli • /*NNW 'hower ls 14I.4114 Ft0.T4'44 DOCI•L C41141tirit, 17 Mept. 1871 81•01 Teacher Wonted. Vont nelltr4L MIN TION N. II, ,IIIIIIII.D 4 l no4,14en eletwor tae/ Toiarbts. 031,t2 to, . R tlisitt,e 4111•nricte.r h 40. ot whair. both • si• • Eceler's Netee, E the tindetoved, - Trude...40m Evade of the lode NoRMASI Matt A BD% . , -Alerehant St. Helens, t.r.1,7 Kt% want* tbat the loveries• will be eirried 1111 as moist for the epre- pen*cc, ',,,ti All old ace.ants and promismay lodes Peat Ms mood la paid by theist Nevensher next, °there jaw they will be pot in Court -for Collection, nutlet! new avower*, thou for 1871 by the ha n 'tanery 1672 A11,,., hay ing 013441i. against the wool Ent sTor * plea41'llanil tb" In by I b)1111111."411..T14071..tIt M. O. riveters St Helens. 91h ()et., 1871. 1244- -.....-- In all arts and inamtfacturea improve- nent 400t40 the rovtlerof the day, and none hart niore fully acknowledged and followed toils protto,t than Meellee 1.441 . &vita, 14*-.',. 45. 4."., Pi ftl•lfacturrn ,d the . Celebrated Perferted Lenses - -RI, that SCience 1143 do to Al, vtAtte (lin d)a. trt 400. al I loy seek ,d• halo, ejt,,,,, has bee. trelif:1) st:itlied by them anti adapiel an the tounatfatottare taf their OM- ehritted Lenses im well have they nu emelhoi thrat all 0•14Re, ettet ityliitg thew celebrated ti,isms. the; iticonritienc.. 11'0111 bad:tees of light lio et once 3011401 14 F. .ItitliAN, • • Ag mt, (10411444.714,Goderioh, Sept. 22nd. 45, • Clortetich,22d Oc • • In41.14rrib.r Abont to give oat " Farming,offertat prtr tte luau, Cowa, (lately c0I5.41) Ile.ers fill and Pip, wtth all 1.*0058ti55 norl Oft &farm. A enneider dile natant it of Frothier will stso he obspolael ot. ‚.1rarrits?,-Z1itk0?.,4'4444, , JAS HOLLAND, lad *. 21444C•m. slows Reid **WI, ftwt, PIS , , 1444)1 F.11 AND RAW OIL, Awl 011 kinds of • itLACK 4 If !,, btAcH IN ER OIL,. .TURPENTINE, 111 n Iror Bale 0..ega,, '0? N. Parsons. & Co.. ner.ii• tk• Marktit 111..es., • Ci.01,2/1;1.20.1‘ in". 21 1471. • GODERICH TO EUROM TWICE A WEAK. 1871 ihe Splanstd Irron THE QWCKEST AND SAFES( SIEMENS 41% I 4,4'. A••••••w141at so*. -....-- lr2!!'lf DIM11411 IQ I'lett Aff,NNTIflrfi. INMAN LT OF ATF‘Astr.fut t.t...y.t.t I., i • to. 4 *lst* FRO3l OUDERIf'll TO- Lir fiRl'on 'I"; QC tZ $111/tet„,c 1, It auolcit sesro • tuna . Ma not 1'i'a .4(18 Affirming 14* 84110 ..- (401n 0.1.90 *..1,1 131t..'."* 15.11 •• . , Prot* fperafsii.feeeewslariste almaiv, or Lratozioterry to ilettioli.: St'.-.." 3' 34 rip c„,,,,, e,,i,,t‘o, a. H...' Tr•r 111101,111 ir a .* i „gists .3 12 4, t ... .0 • Al Gest YIN t. T 1'1 r cii., fly 1171 WO .... es !Iv v Vtpla 478•1 ill 4 iTrierf 4 (of if 'NW 41 .1, th - • ll' Ir.( 7. 4514 .. ri 1 rr o • n I...ILI WN tlIiiNOeiY c ..tr or kimErics • .4. ig. • 11; Ep1140 *840511404 ir0,!4. 04.•--4411, tl• 04 tilnottlis ter 11 ' 7410 .4 .4n, • . Ve• 4140*F1, ate At. , es. aa ,,, o.• 11. 04504 • ••••',0o. 041 ••• es-a...a we weft • 1.0 •1•11 o, • • ••••• • N. 44 - ratio 41 •ewe e ere,. 61. tot'l 1. •••• ty • 5,- "1.411P00, lere. • romossorc , •roerwe torosi.t, • !too 0.,..rw•qr • .• *tote*. : , A.,.. • ,"--.: • . . • .. ......411111.1=111111111011 ; Jelmii.. .e. t • . ...•••••■••••111111••••. -•••••••1111111...- - ...roe. p000loeser-• • - . . • -1.1 • 0