HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-12-06, Page 20DALEY'S WEEKLY COMMENTS Well done, Lions By SID DALEY The members of Branch 540, Royal Canadian Legion, Lucan extend heartiest Congratulations to the Lucan and District Lions Club on their 25th anniversary of service to the community. Lucan is indeed privileged to have such a fine organization in the village. Keep up the good work gen- tlemen. Your friends of the Legion are behind you all the way. Members only, Pot 0' Gold continues to grow. Eldon Hopps' name was drawn, unfortunately he was not registered so that Pot 0' Gold is safe for another week. If you are a member of Lively 540 why not drop into the lounge and place your name in the special register and become eligible for the draw which is made every Saturday night around 10.00 p.m. Comrades are reminded our next general meeting will be held in the Legion Hall at 8.30 sharp December 12. Believe it or not the attendance draw now stands at $25.00 and all you need do is at- tend the meeting to become eligible to win. Simple eh. Come on over to the Branch, attend the meeting, get in on the discussions and have your say where it counts. Don't forget Saturday, December 8th at 8.00 p.m. is fowl bingo time at Branch 540 - there will be 15 games played - what a pleasant way to spend an evening and at the same time have a chance to go home with your Christmas dinner - see yu' there. Are you an Early Bird yet? Remember dues are due - get them paid now and become an early bird. Remember green is beautiful in the Irish Town. Next time you are in the Branch check the membership board and see if your name is in the Green. You are reminded also there will be a free draw open to all Early Birds. Join the exclusive set.Join the Early Birds and have something to crow about. and thats 30 for this week - remember - Egotism is the anesthetic provided by nature to relieve the pain of being a fool, VILLAGE OF LUCAN Parked or Abandoned Cars Any vehicle that is parked or aban- doned on streets within the Village of Lucan limits in such a position to interfere with snowplowing operations from 1 a.m. to 8 a.m. will be towed away at the owner's expense. Damage done to any such vehicle will be owner's responsibility. This concurs with Lucan Village By Law - 4 - 69. Mrs. M. L. Gison Clerk Village of Lucan LUCAN LIONS ORIGINALS — Seven charter members of the Lucan Lions were in attendance at Sunday's 25th birthday party of the club. From the left are, Alex Young, Dr. C. H. George, Ivan Hearn, D. A. Ashworth, John Baynes and Clarence Haskett. Only Alex Young and Clarence Haskett have been continuous members with perfect attendance. 1-A photo Lions celebrate birthday, district governor attends COUNTRY MARKET 7.3 Highway 4 South of Lucan Page 20 Times-Advocate, December 6, 1973 I Lucca •.? and district news. Tbane-gg7.4714 carrespqndenV 1-10dgirfs. Three in one areci. Icy road causes Life-long resident passes away The funeral of the late Annie (Hodgins) Fairies, R.N. beloved wife of the late Roy Fairies, was held from the C. Haskett & Son Funeral Home on Monday December 3 at 2 p.m. Survivors are son, Warren of Stratford; daughters (Margaret) Mrs. Douglas King of Kitchener and Vivian of London, as well as 7 grandchildren and 5 great- grandchildren. Mrs. Fairies was a life-long resident of the Lucan area, having grown up on the "Cour- sey" Line. She received her nursing degree at Toronto General and was Gold Medalist for her year. In 1919 she married Mr. Fairies and lived on Market Street until some 10 or 12 years ago when her arthritis worsened and she had to become a patient at Parkwood Hospital, London, transferring to Sunnyside Nur- sing Home in Kitchener, two years ago. Her happy disposition never failed her in spite of all the suffering she endured. Mrs. Fairies was a life-long member of the Lucah United Church and an ardent worker in the former W.M.S. Rev, Ewart 1, of Gqd's World" was enjoyed by Madden officiated, the pill- all and as each picture from the bearers were the -grandchildren 1974 Church calendar was shown, and interment was made iif'St, James Cemetery, Clandebbye. The pallbearers were ,grand- sons David, George and John Fairies, Tom Smith, John Olenuk and John Skowby. Rev. John Hofland and Mrs, Clarence Haskett last Monday called on former Holy Trinity members, at the McCormick Home. Mrs. Howard Currie has returned home after spending two weeks with her daughter Linda and husband David Lang, assisting with the care of the first grandchild "Rhonda". Mrs,. Currie also spent two days with Rev. & Mrs. Fred Thompson, former minister at the Pen- tecostal Holiness Church, now of the "Foothills" Bible School, Winfield, Alta, near Edmonton. On the way home she also spent the weekend with friends at Onoway, Alta. Mrs. Eldon Hodgson, Alice Street, attended a birthday party at the home of a granddaughter, Mrs. Wm. Rock, Parkhill, honouring her son, Mr. Arthur Hodgson and her daughter Miss Rita Hodgson. Fourteen mem- bers of the family were present. Icy road conditions on Highway 7, just west of Highbury Avenue caused three accidents in a space of 40 minutes Monday morning, Al] three mishaps were of the single vehicle variety and oc- curred within a half mile of each other. At 6,40 a.m. a vehicle driven by Gerda Petronella Beekman, 695 Talbot street, London struck an icy patch of road and went into the ditch and struck a wire fence. The driver suffered only slight bruises. Constable B.D. Munro of the Lucan Ontario Provincial "WHERE'S DINAH! HERE SHE IS!" — Miss Lina Abbott, in the ac- companying picture, holds a "topsy turvey" doll, one of almost 300, most of them Raggedy Ann's or Raggedy Andy'S, made and sold, since she became a resident at the McCormick Home, London, Grandmothers have sent them to New Zealand, Germany, Scotland, England, Califor- nia, Kentucky, British Columbia, Montreal, North Bay and Toronto, as well as many sold locally. Miss Abbott says there is "no place like McCormicks' and she keeps so busy that her friends have no idea how she finds the time to make the dolls. She leads the choir, shares in preparing communion, leads sing-songs and directs and plays shuffleboard and darts, Her choir has sung twice at the Kiwanis Band Shell, as well as groups in the auditorium at the Home, in churches and at Extendiccire, May all seniors take a leaf from Miss Abbott's book and lead helpful, fruitful lives well into their" 80's, Pe/wawat4 Parents and friends of Explorer members attended the "Presentation of Stars" Ceremony at the Expedition last Monday evening. They were welcomed by Wendy Hearn who also conducted the opening ceremony. The meaning of the Explorer roll call `CESU" was explained, C- Church E - Explorers S.-Sunday School and U - Uniform. Each, group had perfect at- tendance. A filmstrip "Wonders Police detachment investigated and listed damages at $900. A half hour later, about a third of a mile farther east a vehicle driven by Anita Classen, Ailsa Craig struck a similar icy stretch and went into the ditch, Constable Munro again was in charge of the investigation and damages were estimated at $150. Only another 10 minutes later and Constable Munro was back in the same area for a similar situation, This time a tenth of a mile west of the first accident, a vehicle being operated by Susan Margaret McAlpine, 55 Wortley road, London was unable to negotiate the slippery road and went into the ditch, Constable Munro estimated total damages at $800. Also, Monday morning on Middlesex County Road 23, just south of Highway 7 icy road conditions were again respon- sible for a crash. Involved were vehicles driven by Roy Murray Russell, RR 1, Mitchell and Rosemary J. Gregory, 604 Cheapside street, London. TI-iin ,Thinkers win Tops prize The weekly meeting of the Lucan Tops (Take off Pounds Sensibly) took the form of a Christmas party at the home of Mrs. David Park, Wednesday evening. Members exchanged gifts and awards were presented to the club's best losers of weight as follows: Highest team "The Thin Thinkers" with Edie Burt, Bernice Maslen and Ruth Jackson as winners. Highest awards for a six month duration were: Val Neil, Ruby Amies, Freda Melanson, Ruth Jackson, Bernice Maslen and Marj. Park. A draw was made and the winners were: knitted doilie, Jill Haygarth, RR 1, Lucan; terrarium - Mrs. J. Monore, 123 Kensington St. Huron'Park; and turkey - Leonard Maslen, 236 Butler St., Lucan. A low calorie lunch was served by the social committee Newcomers to Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Poole, Welcome to Lucan is extended Duchess Street, Mr. & Mrs, John Prefontaine, Langford Drive and Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Abell, Fairview Place. John M. Baynes, Dr. C.H. George, Clarence Haskett, Ivan J. Hearn, George A. Thomson and J. Alex Young. Of the 31 Charter Members 17 are deceased and 7 were unable to be present. J. Alex Young speaking on behalf of the Charter Mem- bers, both present and absent, thanked everyone for their cooperation during the past 25 years. Presentations to active charter members, J. Alex Young & Clarence Haskett were made by District Governor Bill Malkin, Deputy District Governor, Lorne Gordon, and Zone Chairman, Keith Grigg. It was pointed out that these two members have also both had Perfect Attendance for 25 years. Lion Clare Stanley called on Rev. John Hofland, Rector of Holy Trinity Anglican Church and in a few well-chosen words he urged the members of Service Clubs to join the oldest Service Club in the world, the Christian Church - 2000 years' old, and give it the loyalty which is given to present day service clubs. He urged support of the "Church of your choice" and offered a closing prayer of Thanksgiving. Get sewer rate approval Lucan village council has received official approval from the Ontario Municipal Board to change the sewer percentage rate of the water to 48. The previous rate was 64 percent when the water rate was $6 bi-monthly. The rates in effect now for each two month period are $8 for water and $3.84 for sewers. No action was taken by council on a request frbm the Ontario Ministry of Health urging the use of fluoride in the village water system to prevent cavities in the teeth of youngsters. A plan presented by Larry Ditty of Lucan-Exeter Elec- tronics to construct a building behind his present property will be dealt with by the planning board. Delegates from council will be attending a Land Use Conference in Strathroy later in December sponsored by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Strict enforcement of the village bylaw No. 4-69 will be carried out this year to allow proper snowplowing of streets, Any cars parked or abandoned on village streets in any position to interfere with snowplowing streets between 1 a.m. and 8 a.m. will be towed away at the owner's expense. The proposed program to in- stall additional street lighting is being delayed because of a shortage of wire. The crossing guard service at Lucan public school which was recently approved by council will begin on the first day of school in 1974, Local kennels victors again Brantford Kennel Club held its first show on Saturday, Dec, 1st when Verbar Johan Cryuff of Brialin Kennels won first in "Open Dog" and was the "Reserve Winners Male". He is co-owned by Eileen Currie owner of Brialin Kennels, Lucan, and Christie McLeod of London, LUCAN C.G.I,T, Members of the Lucan C.G.I.T. have been busily preparing for their annual Christmas Vesper Service. The service to which everyone is invited will be held on Sunday evening, December 16, t 7 :30 park. The Explorers Will be sharing in the service, crashes Constable D,R. Vance was the investigating officer and listed damages at $1,600. Saturday evening at 8 p.m, vehicles driven by Dorothy Jean Lankin, 205 Butler street, Lucan and J. Allyn McDonald, South- field, Michigan were involved in a collision on Main street in Lucan. Constable W.T. Hodgins set damages at $600. Another accident in Lucan Wednesday afternoon involved vehicles being operated by Rea W. Neil, RR 2, Lucan and Paul Young, Lucan, Constable C.D. Auger investigated at the in- tersection of Main and William streets and estimated damages at $250. Drivers of two vehicles in- volved in a Tuesday accident on Highway 4 at Birr were taken to hospital. Bradley Gramlick, 229 Talbot street, St. Thomas was taken to University hospital in London and Robert G. McGill, 149 Montreal street, Mitchell was transferred to Stratford General Hospital. Constable Auger set damages at $3,000. 12 girls read a verse from the Book of Genesis, Rev. Ewart Madden presented Red Stars to seven first year girls and two Gold Star girls presented the Explorer pin and picture to the same girls. Five Blue Star members were presented with their stars by Mrs. Madden and Mrs. Wm. Froats, Chief Coun- sellor, presented three Gold Star members with their stars, Mary Madden and Sherry Hominsky led in worship on the theme "Wonders of God's World", with Mrs. James Lockyer at the piano and Miss Joan Lockyer leading the girls on her guitar in singing "How Beautiful is the Green Earth". A display of Bazaar articles were on display and everyone was invited to attend on Friday, Dec. 7, at 7:30 p.m. Coffee house proves success The first "Coffee House' sponsored by the Youth Group of the Lucan United Church, for all young of the community, was enjoyed by approximately 30 young people on Friday evening, November 30th. A trio of young men from London played and sang folk songs, spirituals and a bit of rock and roll, Counsellors Donn Walker and Joe Neves, along with Rick De Rue of Komoka, also provided music, One of the boys from London gave his personal testimony and "rap" sessions followed. The Youth Group made available tea, coffee, pop and doughnuts, When the group met on Sunday evening for its weekly meeting, it was decided to go "carolling" on Thursday evening, December 20, meeting at the Church at 7:15 p.m. All young people are welcome, to go along, Refreshments will be served at the Church following the carolling. Plans are also being made to contribute some program at the 11 p.m. Christmas Eve Service. Sunshine club enjoys euchre Twenty-six Seniors met in the Club Rooms at the Masonic Hall for euchre, Thursday afternoon, playing for high score. Mrs, W. Atkinson and Mr, Ben Kelly were the prize winners. While Mrs. I. Little sponsored the draw for the groceries, she has pointed out that Mrs. H. Bond, Mrs. W. Boyes and Mrs. C. Skolly assisted her. CHRISTMAS TREES Large Selection SCOTCH PINE & SPRUCE All Sizes 114- 414,3 lq.44 1Z% s C42:4 C* ;1 tg'ti c;:?.41 izi:t44%.itstiZlit'oNt C*6 iRgrtaNivitti-WASIA Please, this season, take care. We know you took great care choosing your gifts and cards, so please, don't let your efforts be wasted, take that care a little further and make sure you: • address cards and parcels correctly. Remember apt. numbers. • remember to put your own address and postal code on everything. (This way your friends will be able to add your code to their Christmas list.) • use the "speed labels" your Post Office has sent you, They'll help speed sorting, Just bundle your mall together by destination, • remember to make sure you have enough postage. • remember to wrap parcels safely. • remember to send all out-of-town mail by Dec. 13th; in-town mail by Dec. 17th. Paul Reid for Canada Post Post tada Pontes Canada Andre Ouellet Andre Oueltet, Minister ministrO Close to 300 friends of the Lucan & District Lions Club met with them at the "Wine & Cheese" 25th Anniversary Celebration on Sunday afternoon at the Shillelagh Motor Hotel. Lion Clare Stanley welcomed the guests and called on Lion Bill Amos, 1966 Past Governor of District Al to act as Master of Ceremonies. Messages of commendation were given by Wilson Hodgins, Reeve of Biddulph, Ivan Hearn, Reeve of Lucan, The Honorable Wm. A, Stewart, M.P.P., Bert Thompson, President of Lucan Legion, Sid Daley, Sgt. of Lucan Detachment, O.P.P. and Bob Dinney, Representative of the Exeter Lions Club, the spon- soring group 25 years ago. Regrets were read from Mrs. Harold Whyte,wife of the charter president, the late Harold Whyte, who was instrumental in having the Club organized in Lucan, and from the Honorable Bob McKinley, M.P., conveying their best wishes for many more years of service, Congratulations were also received from Tris Coffin, the President of Lions Inter- national. Lion President Jim Simpson voiced his appreciation to everyone for attending, with special thanks to the Junior Farmer group for their assistance and to Cec. Lewis for donating the use of the con- vention hall. The wives of the Lions Club members were given a verbal "bouquet" in ap- preciation of the many hours they also put in assisting their husbands in Club functions. Commenting on Fair 73 , Lion Jim said it was a community effort and that the Lions ap- preciated the cooperation and assistance of members of the area, in making each fair even more successful than the last. Lion Jim Young read the list of charter members and those present came to the podium for recognition: David Ashworth, Parents, friends see Explorers get stars '"snowflake" BAZAAR Lucan United Church Fri., Dec. 7 7:30 p.m. Usual booths Santa Claus and Child Care LUCAN & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB Annual Fowl BINGO LEGION HALL Mon., Dec. 10 8 p.m.