HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-12-06, Page 16For festive dining Sat. Fr: = Open Daily 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and F.: = E Er: Sundays 10:30 a.m, to 10:00 p.m. Sun. = .-..• E. immimilimilimmilmimilimmimmillimilmlinimmillimiumillmmt1 11111111 mamnimlimUmmitmiMmimMILI Jack's g.. E.: Potato Chips ... . ,... CANNED POP = REG, 694 — ALL FLAVORS = 2 Pepsi, Kist, Hires, Mountain Dew FE = = Buy One And FREE Get One . . . = ... :.-- = _ 10 oz. = F- 24 Cans $289 = = = = While They Last - Limited Quantity = E 5. „Bineeenumememninnonenuneineonnnewomemmentinemmounneneinununninimennonneowneenmemenene PEPSI _Just Arrived E-: - = ▪ Gift Suggestions ii .8-Track - COLA • Medico Pipes • Pottery = = = Tapes • Novelties' gOVER 100 TO CHOOSE E.2 • • Timex Watches • Christmas Candies F., FROM '6” E111111111l11 Iii 11111111 Hi lii Ut ill I It It tIflhlti 1111111 liii ill tIll Ill i%lihtii liii 1111111111111111111 IltIlil UI 11111111 H IV lit Utitili Hi lillilitl ill titiltI 111111111111111111 = E.-." Complete Line of lack 's _ - :.-. - F.--. il Christmas Cards 1 PEANUTS = = E = = 1 0% OFF .... - Reg. 494 -,:,: 2 FOR 138C E: = = LitinitininionnininininitnnionninuoutolitititnentmuntionnalnioeiniiininninioniottinoinenenninfflunlInnalannononA 10 oz. Bottles 2 6-Bottle jeke Cartons 7 7 • Toys • Boxed Chocolates $11911 PLUS espOStr = = to t.1111111111111111111111111111111111ifinn11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:. at $AVE $$ With These 7q i 7 : 1 Weekend . ). : g Specials GORD S VARIETY This Thurs. Main St., Exeter j Fri. Open Evenings Until Christmas 10 to 9 Weekdays Sundays to 5:00 The Country Spire Gift Studio AND Tea Room 10 Minutes East of Exeter - Highway 83 229-6341 Shop Relaxed for the Greatest Selection of Quality Gifts in Rural Southwestern Ontario SUPERIOR QUALITY MEAT Fresh Grade A 3 lb. Average Chickens lb. Schneider's Pure Pork Sausageib.99 Burns Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls 3 Fresh Pork Spare Ribs Burns Vac Pack Wieners lb. Buy of the Week Hostess Bran Muffins t Pkg of Six 4 _5 Phone 235-0212 lb. average Lean & Meaty lb, lantidOnS Pkg of 12 79t Superior Rich, Moist Fruit Cake 2 lb. 1.79 154. 98 77 Devon Breakfast Bacon 1 lb. Vac Pak 1.09 Na bisco Shredded Wheat 150747( Blue Bonnet Margarine Clover Leaf Solid White Tuna Maxwell House Coffee 1 lb. bag 93‘ Kleenex Facial Tissues Kleenex Paper Towels 2 Glad Garbage Bags Punch King Size Detergent Allen's Orange Crystals Minnett's Tomatoes York Fancy Peas or Cream Corn Puss in Boots Cat Food Hamburger Meal Makers Tip Top Mixed Nuts White or Coloured 3/$1 Roll pkge 63‘ 0,,59S '1.79 5,794 28oz 37t 12 oz. 2/55t 15. 5/S1 7 3/4 13 oz. 45c 99t „e. 494 0..7% in can Fresh Roasted Peanuts 'lb. 59t In Shell Mixed Nuts 73t '1.43 1 lb. Pkge. 2 lb. Mixed EMENEMUMMEMONS ERMI PRODUCE Florida White or Pink Grapefruit 48,,10/854 Produce of U.S.A. Radishes 6 0/. 2/251 Fresh Green Onions 2 Bunches 254 Canada No. 1 Potatoes io lb. bag 794 FROZEN Birdseye Cool Whip large 32 oz. 59t • Fresh Grade A Chicken Legs no backs attached 9 8 WI learn about canning The Federated Women's Insttitute of Ontario met in Toronto for the annual meeting at the King Edward Hotel, from November 26th - 30. The provincial president, Mrs. Harvey Noblitt of Ottawa, presided for all sessions. All 32 Senior Board Directors from all Parts of Ontario were present. Miss Helen McKercher, Home Economics Branch, Department of Agriculture and Food, in her address, expressed appreciation to the Women's Institute for their support of the 4-fl Homemaking club work. The membership in clubs increases about 1000 Members each year. We should use all our efforts to support the Associated Country-women of the World, either through Pennies for Friendship or becoming a con- tributing member. Mrs. Austin Zoeller, New Hamburg, has been appointed editor of "Home and Country". Women's Institutes were saddened with the passing of the editor, Mrs. Milton Pardy, in September. Miss McKercher brought to our attention, from the Vanier report, that 50 percent of all Canadians are overweight and under active. There is an iron deficiency in some children and pregnant women, and vitamin C deficiency in Eskimo and Indian people. We must motivate the public to study the new nutritional labelling and the metric system, Mrs. Harvey Spry, Min- demoya, has been appointed to the F.W.I.O. Scholarship corn- Christmas fare is something we think about both in remembrance and anticipation. This year Food Advisory Services, Agriculture Canada, suggest-serving a festive cheesecake topped with a glistening cranberry glaze. One peek at this merry dessert will make your mouth water in anticipation, but one bite and you will be certain to remember it for next year. Cranberry Cheesecake 11/4 cups graham wafer crumbs tablespoons sugar .6 tablespoons melted butter 2-8 ounce package cream cheese softened 4 eggs 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla mittee. A new Scholarship has been set up to be known as The Maryn Parlay London Area Women's. Institute scholarship. Mrs. Ernest Watson,Utterson has been appointed to the Resolutions committee. At the close of the Tuesday session, Mrs. Norman Tuck, Barrie, showed slides of the Federated WoMen's Institute of Canada convention held at Banff, Alberta in. June. Regional Vice president ap- pointments were: for Western, Mrs. Edward Urstadt, Owen Sound; Northern, Mrs. Willard Seniors envoy festive party The Exeter Senior Citizens group held their Christmas meeting Tuesday evening with a good crowd of over 50 people who enjoyed an hour of euchre. Entertainment was provided by the Gospel custodians com- prised of Mr. & Mrs. Prouty and Mrs. Carl Turner. The Glanville sisters played and sang several times on their guitars and Cheryl Cann performed her ballet dances. Christmas cake made by a faithful member Mrs. Passmore was served to all. Group 4 of the United Church served lunch. The next meeting will be held January 8. 1 pint (21 2 cups) dairy sour cream 1 tablespoon cornstarch 3 tablespoons sugar l2 teaspoon finely grated orange rind 1 14-ounce can whole berry cranberry sauce Combine crumbs and sugar. Stir in melted butter. Press into 9- inch springform pan, Beat cream cheese until smooth. Add eggs and beat well. Gradually mix in sugar and vanilla blending until smooth. Fold in sour cream. Pour over crust and bake 50 to 60 minutes at 350 degrees. For topping combine remaining ingredients in saucepan. Bring to boil. Stir and cook until thick and clear. Cool. Spoon over cheesecake. Chill before serving. 8-10 servings. Miles, Matheson; Southern, Mrs. Yates Eakers, Delhi, Mrs. Noblitt presented, the report of the Aossociated Country-women of the World annual meeting, ACWW is an organization of friendship and help among member societies that brings United Nations in contact with needy areas throughout the world. Plans are laid for the A.C.W.W. Conference in Perth, Australia, October 8 - 18th 1974, Delegates were chosen from the Board of Directors. A , C.W.W. deplores all preparation of germ warfare throughout the world, To the Save Sight project of A,C.W,W., Ontario has contributed $2,372.28 and over $10,000 to Pennies for Friendship. A donation of $500 will be sent to A.C.W.W. as a donation to the Lady Aberdeen Scholarship to be used at their discretion. Mrs. Wm. G, Miller, Highland Creek, in her Secretary's report listed 1295 branches in Ontario with a membership of 30,893. Mrs. Miller also arranges hospitality for many overseas visitors who wish to visit in the province. A prominent place is given to the F.W.I.O. Adelaide Hoodless Homestead, St. George and the F.W.I,O. Erland Lee Home, Stoney Creek as these were the two founders of the Women's Institute Movement. Mrs. Harvey Houston, Lucknow, Public Relations of- ficer, stated Grey-Bruce and Trent Valley have 10 years successive 100 percent reporting. The Women's Institute is an educational organization and many worthwhile projects are carried out because W.I. members continue to be alert to the needs of their own localities. It is encouraging to note that our donations to other organizations are down by $5000. All moneys should be earmarked for W.I, projects. Mrs. Austin Zoeller, New Hamburg, chairman of the Erland Lee Home, reported that between May and November 6,000 have visited the home, which included 108 buses. The Official opening was on August 9th. Visitors were from Newfoundland, overseas & delegates from the Officers conference. Many priorities were discussed in the future development of the Lee Home for 1974, Visiting hours at the home will be from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. bus loads by appointment, 5 days a week, Monday through to Friday. For appointments during the winter months, write to Mrs, Austin Zoeller, the Chairman. Standing committee convener reports were given by Mrs. John Hermansen, Weston; Mrs. Fred Watty, Thunder Bay; Mrs. Lowell Eller, Fenwick; Mrs. Brock Suddaby, Desbarats, and Mrs. Austin Zoeller; Officer's Conference report by Mrs. Robert B. Weber of Bloomingdale, also Mrs. R.C. Walker St. George, the Tweeds- ,..rnuir History curator. The honourable Wm. A Stewart had as his guests at the. Royal York Manitoba Room, the Board of Directors and Executive of the Federated Women's Institute of Ontario on Thursday evening. The week's session adjourned on Friday. A BAHAMA HONEYMOON — Centre Street Baptist church in St Thomas was the setting for the recent wedding of Elizabeth Anne Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson, 17 Isabel street, St. Thomas to Ronald Leo DesJardine, son of Mr. and Mrs. 011ace Des Jardine, 14 Forest street, Guelph, formerly of Grand Bend.Following a reception at the Sheridan Inn the young couple travelled to the Bahamas and Florida on their honeymoon. They are now residing in Richmond Hill (photo by James Cowardly Photography) Mt. Carmel women pleased with bingo By MRS. JOSEPH CAREY Richard Trainor, Stoney Creek spent the weekend with Mrs. Mary Trainor and family, Mrs. Mary Bedard is visiting for a few days with her mother, Mrs. Catherine Morrissey. Mr. & Mrs, Joe Carey spent weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Clare Rock and family in Wallaceburg. A very large crowd filled the Dashwood Community Centre Wednesday to attend the annual turkey bingo sponsored by the C .W.L. Winners were: Tony Denomme; Mrs. Clare Masse; Mrs. Joe Kaak; Mrs. Leo Boyle; Phyllis Green; Olive Thompson; Mrs. Weigand; Mr. Louis Far- well; Mrs, Rita Mommersteeg; Susan Fleming; Mrs. Lawrence Hill; Cathy Fleming; Mrs. Steve Dietrich; Kathy McCann - Door Prize Turkey; Patrick Sullivan Jr; Money Winners: Mrs. Larry McCann, Jane Graham; Maurina Morrissey; Mr. Louis Farwell. The ladies of the parish were very pleased with all who came to OcAeir eeJ The Times-Advocate would like to extend bir- thday greetings and best wishes to those members of the Over 80 Club celebrating birthdays this week or in the near future. Among them are: Mrs. James Simpson, Exeter, 80 on December 11, 1973, William Thomson, Queensway Nursing Home, Hensall, 84 on December 7, 1973. If you know of anyone who would like his or her name to appear in this column, please tell us. There is no charge. Last week Mr. Ma Penhale and Miss Grace Penhale, Mrs. Margaret Crawford, were in Windsor to attend the funeral of Samuel D. Bland last week. Car Clean-Up Car Waxing l • Car Washing TRY US TODAY South End Service EXETER 235=2322 Hurondale Women's Institute met Wednesday with the Agriculture and Canadian Industries group in charge. Mrs. Archie Etherington was in chair, Collection of art opens this month Due to increased popularity, the McMichael Canadian Collection in Kleinburg will be open during December this year, for the first time. The towering pine-trees, rugged valley and uniquely Canadian motif create an atmosphere particularly appealing for family excursions during the holiday season. Some 200,000 visitors yearly visit the rambling log and stone complex which houses 900 works of art in its thirty gallery rooms. Throughout the month, the Collection will be open its regulut hours -1:00 to 5:30 p,m., Tuesday to Sunday. As at other times of year, there is no charge for parking or admittance. The Collection features Canadian landscapes by the Group of Seven including the largest permanent display of Tom Thomson's work, as well as works by Emily Carr, David Milne and Clarence Gagnon. The recently opened Indian and Eskimo wing adds a new dimension to the Collection. For the convenience of visitors, lunch and afternoon tea is served in the pine-panelled dining room beginning at noon. A selection of books, reproductions and other distinctly Canadian items are available in the Gallery shop. Roll gall was "my favourite flower", Jack Urquhart manager of Canadian Canners Ltd, spoke on food processing and gave an insight of how the canning fac- tory works and answered numerous questions, Mrs. Ray Cann gave some instructions on the metric system and a sing song was conducted by Mrs. Wm. Dougall. The motto was "travel Broadens our Horizon" and Mrs, Alvin Pym showed pictures and talked on her trip to New Guinea. The president; Mrs. Carl Mills conducted the business. The Hurondale Institute is putting on the program at .the 13.luewater Rest Home birthday party on Dec. 13 under the program. committee,Mrs. Hugh Love, Mrs, Garnet Hicks and Mrs. Rhiney Keller. The December meeting will be held Dec, 11 and everyone is asked to bring in her Maple Leaf labels. Mrs. Garnet Hicks gave the report of the executive meeting held in Hensall and Mrs. Donald Kernick gave a report of the area convention which was held in London. Page ld Times-Advocate, December 6, 1973 Institute continues to grow ladies learn at executive help make their bingo such a success.