HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-12-06, Page 8Page 8 Times-Advocate, ,December -4, 1973. Lower Interest Rates NOW AVAILABLE ON 1 st and 2nd Mortgages anywhere in Ontario on RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL and FARM PROPERTIES Interim financing on new construction or land development REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA-PHONE SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS & CONSULTANTS LTD. AREA CODE 519-744-6535 COLLECT WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH John A. Norris CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT is pleased to announce the opening of new offices at 497 Main St. EXETER Phone 235-0101 14 Your heating system. Clean forced-air filters once a month O Bleed air from hot water radiators, fix leaks 0 Empty the flue clean-out O Have the system checked by an expert 0 Insulate ducts and pipes in areas that don't need heat 0 Don't use metallic paint on radiators 0 A gravity air system with a single return works best with interior doors open. • 18-22 Hot water. Insulate exposed hot water pipes q If your water heater has a dial, try .setting it lower 0 A dripping tap wastes up to 175 gallons of hot water a month' 0 Don't use dishwashers till they're full 0 Generally, a shower uses less hot water than a bath. 23-32 Around the house. Are the door seals on your oven, refrigerator and freezer good? 0 Don't use the oven if a toaster or fry-pan will do the job 0 If you buy an electric heater, make sure it has a thermostat 0 Use lower wattage bulbs if you can 0 Use Christmas lights from 6 pm till bedtime 0 Use pots that cover stove elements O Thaw frozen food before cooking O Defrost freezers regularly 0 A pressure cooker saves energy as well as time 0 Don't use the dryer till it's full. 33-39 On the road. A well-maintained car is an economi- cal car 0 Check tires and alignment • ENERGY IF WE EACH SAVER LITTLE, WE'LL ALL SAVER lAir, With supplies of crude oil in Eastern Canada barely sufficient to meet demand, real shortages of gasoline and heating oil could occur here in Ontario if we can't maintain our imports. Alternate, more dependable forms of energy are being developed, but that will take time. What is important today is that each one of us makes the best possible use of existing energy supplies. Little ways in which you can save energy may seem insignificant, but in fact they are not. For example, it has been estimated that if each person in Ontario saved just a penny's worth of energy each day, we'd save enough energy in a week to heat up to 2,500 homes for an entire year. Nobody has the right to waste any form of power. The time has come for every person to do everything possible to ensure the wisest use of energy. Good energy habits learned now, especially by our young people, will help bring us through this winter, and pay off even more in years to come. Let's get to work. 40-44 Around the farm. A well-tuned tractor burns 10% less fuel 0 Underground or pressurized storage tanks reduce vapourization loss 0 Reduce tractor wheel slip and you save fuel 0 Prolonged idling of engines wastes gas 0 Can you turn yard lights off earlier? 45-47 At work. Can the thermostat be turned down? 0 Can you turn off any lights? 0 Has your company got an Energy Conservation Suggestion Scheme? We're taking our own advice. All Ministries and Agencies of the Ontario Government are doing their bit to conserve energy. Lighting and heating levels are being reduced in government buildings; a new emphasis is being given to economi- cal operation of vehicles; Ontario Hydro and the Ministry of Education are encouraging consumers and schoolchildren to learn good habits in the use of energy. And that's just a beginning! Government of Ontario r (;, cqt t;ez,(*t:414z1..triq.il-svgiom CZtt?id C7g4M tqiel (%''Od C?:f6 CM'Cr.itt CM CM-CM iCM Time's Running Get Busy Now And Fill Your Christmas List at G& G * Cosmetics * Perfume * Toiletries * Boxed Chocolates * Christmas Cards Hair Brushes Electric Razors Wrapping Paper i R & & Regular, Hard to Hold For Dishes 25 TABLETS 1 ii- or Super : 7 oz. $1 29 1 . 24 oz, 694 0 590 4:?(6 .:t.i eld w.io tt?Avild-smcgct t:?.<14m•mcgkr yU e4rw.r4AXwis ?gA5 tv)Ild Mr Iv* 4:IlAivM tlFte( WAI:gi V4V,i0?4f C 4i 4trAttq.4 tl?,iet.4 g ' Pepsi or Kist Beverages 26 oz. Non-Return 2 FOR 49 & f 0 Alka Seltzer THIS WEEK'S EXTRA SPECIALS VO5 Palmolive Hair Liquid Spray Detergent DISCOUNT 433 MAIN St EX5TEll 235-1661 42?"4 41?,($ WM Mitt§ Ige6 rr?/**Atott,i1P141*-IgNIftiglii vIN.W:ed. Ig4:1 WA reAi oft4.# tz% tigt•ti'f4 tg.i6w.i4 I*4 tqki Church news from Lucan By MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA The U.C.W. Christmas meeting 'will be held in the schoolroom of the church on Thursday evening (8 p.m.) when all the ladies of the community are invited to attend. Your gift for the Rescue Mission will be appreciated. The annual Sunday School Christmas Concert will be presented in the schoolroom of the church on Saturday at 8:00 p.m. Senior Citizens will be guests of the U.C.W. at a banquet in the Community Centre on Monday at 1 p.m. Persona Is Guests from this area at- tending the Conlin-Crowley wedding in Reedsburg, Wisconsin, Saturday were Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Carter, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Thompson, Mr, & Mrs. Donald Scott, Mr. & Mrs. William Dixon, Mr. & Mrs. Murray Parkhill 4-H dairy club presented makes the presentations to Eddy T-A photo Simpson, Dennis Little, Joe Dietrich, Mr. & Mrs. Tony Conlin, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Conlin and Jack and Mary Conlin. Stephen Molnar of Agincourt was a visitor over the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Molnar. Mrs. Murray Elliott who was a patient in South Huron Hospital was transferred last week to St. Joseph's Hospital in London for further treatment. Her many friends hope for a quick recovery. Mrs. Fred Cunnington ac- companied Mrs. Joe Caswell of London, Mrs. Lloyd Bender of Kitchener, and Mrs. Gordon Bender of Dashwood to Zurich on Sunday afternoon where they attended a bridal shower for Darlene McBride at the home of Mrs. Roy McBride. Mrs. Beaton of Sarnia was a weekend quests at the manse with her son and daughter-in-law, Rev. and Mrs. John Beaton and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins and Marikay were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Steeper and family at Corbett. United The Annual "White Gift" service was conducted Sunday morning by Superintendent of the Church School, Ed, Melanson, assisted by readers of the Christmas Story, Mrs. Ruth Grider, Teresa. Ryan and Peter Scheidler, The Junior Choir, under the direction of Trudy Olford, sang "Jesus, Friend of Little Children" by Farnham, The guest speaker was Mr. Roger Smith, a representative from Mission Services of London. He told of the work of the Mission and gave his own personal testimony. Mr, Smith speaking from Luke 10: 29 "And who is my neighbour" said it is easy to give advice, but difficult to give of ourselves, to take time to "do" things for people, We know more about the needs of people in Bangledesh or Moosonee than we do about our neighbour next door or around the corner, A coffee hour was enjoyed by members of the congregation and the choir, following the service. UCW Friendship Unit members met in the Church hall for their November meeting on Wed. evening. Mrs. Ross McRoberts reviewed the aims and objectives of United Church Women, and an election of officers resulted As follows: Unit leader - Mrs. Ross McRoberts, Ass't Unit leader - Mrs. Martin Van Arenthal, Secretary, Mrs. John Mac: Donald,Treasurer - Mrs. Robert Stott. Evening Unit Mrs, Ed. Melanson led the group in Bible Study, continuing "Women of the Bible", on Tuesday evening. The person studied this month was "Salome, the Ambitious Mother" (of James & John), Mrs. M.H. Hodgins conducted a service of worship on the theme "Take up Your Cross". The roll call was answered by members presenting home made cookies to be taken to the Cancer Society Thameswood Lodge, London. Other people wishing to contribute are invited to take their contribution to Mrs. H.B. Langford before December 10. During the business meeting, chaired by leader Mrs. A.E. Reilly the "Birthday Calendar" was discussed, It was decided to look into the cost of printing before deciding to proceed. All members were urged to attend the Christmas General meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 11, com- mencing with a Pot Luck Supper at 6:30 with the Friendship Unit in charge of the program following. Anglican At Holy Trinity Anglican Church on Sunday morning at the 11 a.m. service, Rev. John Hofland spoke from the prayer "Cast away the works of Darkness'. This includes anything which makes a person feel guilty inside and of these we must rid ourselves. We must put on "the armour of light" - NOW - in this mortal life. "In the last day He shall come again in His glorious majesty" and this is what is emphasized during Advent. This prayer is to be repeated every day until Christmas. The Junior Choir, under the direction of Mrs. Clarence Hardy, sang "The Shepherd" by Mendelssohn, with Mrs. Keith Dickson at the organ. Next Sunday early Communion will be given at 9 a,m, rather than 8 a.m., and the regular service will be at 11 a.m. Pentecostal Both services at the Pen- tecostal Holiness Church were well attended,Sunday. Mr. Roger Mason spoke at the morning service on "The Four Steps to God" - Repentence, Surrender, Faith and Obedience, thus living a life close to God. At the evening service the Rev. Ray Brewster of Chatham spoke on "The Coming of the Lord" saying that never has there been a day when scripture is being fulfilled as it is at the present time, thus signifying the early coming of the Lord. Christ has said "Watch and pray for you know not the hour that the Lord will come". Mr. Brewster urged the members of his congregation to do likewise. DAIRY CLUB WINNERS — Lawrence Craven, one of the leaders of the awards Friday night to the top members during 1973. Above he Groenwegen and Anne Steeper. It Always Happens In December Christmas Trees . decorations . . gift wrappings .. . they all add up to greater home fire danger. This is the time to take the utmost care to make sure that holiday fun will not turn into family tragedy. Watch small children more carefully at this season than at any other time ... and never, never leave them un- attended. Message Sponsored In The Interest Of Your Safety By The Exeter Area Fire Department Christmas parties abound for Centralia residents By MR. MELVIN DURR Mrs. Wilfrid Wilkie has been transferred from Huron hospital Exeter to Victoria hospital, London. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Prance visited Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Gotelaer and sons of Ridgetown, Sunday and were entertained at a birthday party for Shirley. 47ways you can conserve energy. A program for voluntary action! 8013 Keep the heat in! Insulation, especially in attics, pays off in the long run 0 Fit storm windows, weather-strip outside doors O Keep fireplace damper closed O Use range hood ventilators only when necessary 0 If you sleep with the window open, close the door 0 Close drapes at night. 14-17 Use your thermostat. Each degree you lower the thermo- stat cuts fuel consumption about 3% ci It's possible to save by turning the O Prolonged idling wastes gas 0 Can you use the bus? Or ride with some- one else? 0 Does your size of car really fit your needs? O Over 50 mph, economy decreases O Jack-rabbit starts waste gas NM ME NMI NM MIII =I MEI NMI NMI =I NM 1E111 NM MN NMI NMI MN NM — Ell thermostat down at night 0 If you use a humidifier, you'll stay comfortable with less heat 0 If there's a Shivery Sam in the family, ask him to wear a sweater. --N MIN ME MIN MN MO Mil NMI NEI Ili Ell INN IIIII Ell MN MI MI EMI NM Save this check list,..and save energy! Ontario will play its part in resolving the Canadian energy situation. Carrying out these suggestions will help achieve the national energy conservation goals.