HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-11-22, Page 16r. CLASSIFIED RATES Effective November 1, 1973 WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count os one word per set. Words loined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION — 20 words $2,00, 84 per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — No copy changes, be per word, minimum $1,20, SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION — $2,00 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — $1.80 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office — 7$s per insertion. BIRTHS — 20 wards $2,00, Ba per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, De6th Notices, — 20 words $2.00, each additional word S. IN MEMORIAMS — $2,00 plus 12c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS — 20 words $2.00, each additional word 8e, Three insertions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS — 30 Words $2.00, 4e per word 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE SATURDAY IN WEEK OF FINAL INSERTION Deadline for classified ads is 4:00 p.m., Tuesdays. When possible, late insertions will be inserted at an extra charge of $1.00. Phone 235-1331 `YORK lMONDERS / Page 14 November 22, 1973 13 For Sale 5 Help Wanted 13 For Sale 16 Properly For Sale 13 For Sale Classifications HOUSEKEEPER. to live in, preferably senior citizen, in new home. near Dorchester. Apply to Box "DRP". Exeter Times-Advocate, 47* DUCKS, dressed or live. Mel- yin Greb, Dashwood. phone 237- 3479. 47c COMBINATION UNIT. Marconi 23" black and , white TV. AM/FM radio and 3 speed record player; good condition. Phone 235-1515 evenings or Wednesday. 47* APPLE WOOD. 1 and 2 foot lengths; also maple and beech. Phone 235.1185 or 235-0337 eve- nings. 47:48* 9 Services with 2 apartments. Possible income $200 per month; brick construction; excellent condi- Hen. One apartment I bed- room, the other a 2 bedroom, Well priced. OFFICE FOR RENT EXETER — Devon Building; second floor; large offices, BUSINESS FOR SALE On Hwy. #4. approx. 4-5 mile's south of Exeter. Gas bar, gro- cery store, coffee shop as well as house with living room• dining room, kitchen and 2 bedrooms. Good investment. LOT FOR SALE — 1 acre. on 83 Hwy west. Excellent loca- tion. Zoned commercially, 48tfnc CHILD'S COAT, green Borg, size 6X. Phone 262-5085. 47* PUPS, German Shepherd. 6 weeks old. Phone 229-0472. 47c CAMEL HAIR COAT. fox collar, misses' size 10, $50 or best of- fer; white fur jacket, misses' size 8, $10; long blonde wig. $10; in e x c ellen t condition. Phone 228-6542, 47:48c FRIGIDAIRE dish washer; Can- adiana washer and spin dryer. Phone 2274439 after 6 p.m. 47c UNITRON are the only hearing aids made in Canada. Our famous rechargeable models leave you worry free of bat- teries for 5 years plus a 30, day money-back privilege. Pen- sioners 20% off. House rails 4r- ranged. Davidson Hearing Ser- vice, 334 Queens Ave., 432-9951, London. 38-52c ADDING MACHINES, typewrit- ers, sales, service, rentals, sup- plies. Jerry Mathers Typevyrit- ers, 92 Main St. 235-1840. 2thic ALUMINUM siding, windows, doors, awnings. Free estimates. Expert installations. Thos. H. Walker, 17 Nelson St. Phone 235-0722. 6:25tfnc VISES; used steel beams and pipe, Hamilton's Machine Shop, phone 235-1655. 38tfnc SKATE EXCHANGE now on at Smyth's Shoe Store, Exeter. 43tfric 14 Wanted To Buy Rent a Car OR Truck BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK 1, Lost, Strayed 2. Fouled 5, Help Wanted 6, Business Opportynities 7, Teachers Wanted la Situations Wanted 9, Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11, Poultry For Sale 12, Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14. Wanted To Buy 15, Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent la, For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23, Legal Notices 24, Tenders Wanted 25, Auction Sales ELECTRIC ORGAN. in good condition; lady's dark green dress, size 14. and girl's rain coat. size 10. Phone 235-2636. 47* OLD KITCHEN cupboards, side- boards, tables, lamps, chairs, wash stands, etc.; any house- hold items from yesteryear, Call Lucan 227-4139. 45.4$c STRAW. 40 to 50 bales. Phone 228-6589 after 5:30 p.m. 47* 4 DRESSED GEESE, 8 to 10 lbs. Will pay 80 to 85¢ a lb. Call 236-4358. 47* CHILD'S ROCKING HORSE, in good condition, Phone 229-6569 after 6 p.m. 47tfn nc 15 Wanted LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. Exeter 235-1640 5:9tfne FUR COAT, black "Astrakin", with genuine mink collar, size 14. Never worn locally; like new condition. Phone 235-1964. 47:48c TO BUY OR SELL antiques and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235-1964. 13tfnc SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pump- ed; new tanks installed; new weeping beds laid; old systems repaired. Immediate service. Butler Bros., Lucan, 227-4312 or 227-4254. 10tfnc HAULING — Livestock, ferti- lizer, gravel, grain. Jim Siddall & Son Trucking 229-6439, Live- stock and cargo insurance, Kitchener, Stratford, Toronto and surrounding areas. 8:13tfnc ANYONE wishing barns to be whitewashed, call William Wat- son, 237-3306. 22tfnc 1 Lost TOY POODLE. black, male. 12 weeks old. Phone 238-2892. 47c FEED BARLEY, 1,200 bushels. Phone 262-5191. 47* CHESTERFIELD SUITE. used, 3 piece; used chair with wood- en arms; used odd chair. Phone 235-0173. 47c WOULD ANYONE having found Art Hunking's wallet please place personal papers in ad- dressed envelope and drop it in the post office. No postage required. 47c GIVE THE GIFT that gives 12 times a year; any magazine, any time, any where. Davis Agency, Mrs. Cecil Kipfer. Hen- sel]. phone 262-2278. 44-48c LEASE A DELHI tower, rotor, antenna. $6 per month. or pur- chase outright. Be pleased. Max's TV & Appliances, Grand Bend, phone 238-2493. 44tfnc 1 PAIR OF RIMS to fit a Ford Pinto. Phone 229-8875. 46:47c 13x700 TIRES with rims. $10; good rubber, Phone 236-4645. 46:47* 5 Help Wanted OLD PHOTOGRAPHS of N. Middlesex-Huron. to buy or copy. Box 214, Station E.. Hamilton. 47:7* EMPLOYMENT part time 'job, after 41, weekdays. Phone 229- 6191. 47e 9 Services 9 Services A Personalized Home Pick one of 50 Beaver homes. choose your own floor plan and exterior • and you'll have a home with distinction and in- dividuality that truly makes "your home—your castle". Best of all. you save money and enjoy all the modern features. To see what you're missing, phone or write Brian Veale, Beaver Lumber, 227 Main St., Exeter. 235-1582 or visit your nearest Beaver store for new home selector catalogue. 47c OWNER MOVING — Luxurious 2 bedroom home with fireplace, broadloom , hot water heating, rec room, laundry room, gar- age, excellent location, For ap- pointment, phone daytime 228- 6641; evenings 235-2816. 47:48c 3 BEDROOM bungalows. 1,000 to 1.200 square feet, full found- ation, garage optional. on your land. Occupancy within 8 weeks. Visit our model home. Phone 472-6521 or 471-7060. Write Altec Buildings Ltd., 549 First St., London, Ont. 46tfnc WHITING'S CARPENTER'S HELPER re- quired, full time position. Phone 236-4081 after 5 p.m. 46:47:48c WATCH & CLOCK repairing. Work guaranteed. Fine selec- tion of watches. Bluebird dia- monds and diamond re-setting. Family rings and d a u gat e r rings. Trophies, Hess Jewel- lery, Zurich. 45tfnc BUYING A NEW CAR? Pro- tect your investment with rust- proofing. Available at Don Tay- lor Motors, phone 235-1100, Ex-, eter. 47c 16 Properly For Sale CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING — 2 Butchering Days — Tuesday — Beef and Pork Friday — Beef Only Pick-up Service Available. We wrap your meat in see- through film, Guaranteed against freezer burn. MERNER'S ABATTOIR 237-3314 Dashwood 19tInc Real Estate Sales BARBIE-DOLL clothes, home- made. 750 to $2.00, Call Mrs. Earl Hamilton. 293-3014. 46:47* PANASONIC STEREO r e c or d player with 2 speakers, excel- lent condition; 3 speed small record player. Phone 262-2231. 46:47e FARMERS! ANTIQUES, USED FURNITURE, APPLIANCES & THINGS FOR SALE: Ch es ter f ield suites; studio couch; many up- holstered chairs; coffee and end tables; floor and table lamps; TV, radio. record player combination; B&W televisions; small tables; piano; record players; radios; beds, springs, mattresses; dressers; chests of drawers; night table; china cabinets; buffets; dining room tables and chairs; Dune a n Pfife table; tea wagon; re- frigerators; electric s t o v e s; chrome sets; odd sets of chrome chairs; stools; washing machines; automatic dryers; dishes, pots and pans. etc. ANTIQUES: Cupboards; hall trees; stacking book shelf; umbrella stand; pressed back chairs; washstands; marble top top table; settee sets; rocking chairs; gr and f a t her clock; clock s; bells; gone-with-the- wind lamp; cranberry epergne; cranberry pitcher; toilet sets; castor sets; pi c k l e cruets; china depression; brass candle sticks and other pieces of brass; pressed glass and many other items. MISC.: Electric heaters; hu- midifier;; electric sewing ma- chine; pole lamp; books; cas- sette tape player; cameras; suitcases; fireplace with elec- tric heater; fireplace mantel top. • 63 MAIN ST., S. Exeter, Ont. Phone 235-1964 47c Are you considering erecting London realtor requires 1 or 2 SALES REPRESENTATIVES from this area, to work their own hours from their own home.. Excellent commission, bonus, leads; training supplied. Exper- ience unnecessary. Please call collect: PETER TRAHER Sales Manager — 673-1550 BILL BOURIS, Realtor. 46:47c JOHN BURKE LTD. Broker Low Cost Auto Insurance Fire Insurance Real Estate Mortgages Trust Certificates Devon Building Phone 235-1863 FARM BUILDINGS Genes siens SET OF ACETYLENE torches. good condition. Phone 234-6290. 46:47c 17 Properly For Rent THIS YEAR? Contact us — We offer com- plete farm building service. HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Wilson's Jewellery Gene Creces — SIGNS OF ALL TYPES RR 1 Dashwood, Ont., NOM 1K0 PHONE 238-8242 HE A T E D WAREHOUSE and storage space. in Exeter. Phone 235-2416. 45tfnc 3 OFFICES available for im- mediate occupancy. Main St. S., Exeter, phone 235-2416. 45tfnc 46tfnc LIST AT 3% BALL-MACAULAY LTD, Clinton Seaforth OPPOSIlb EXETER POST OFFICE REDI-MIX CONCRETE — De- livered (washed sand & stone). All types of concrete work, Free estimates. McCann Construction Ltd., Dashwood, Phone 237-3381 or 237-3422. 14tfnc SANDBLASTING — Protect your farm implements, trucks, etc, by sandblasting and spraying anti-corrosive paint in our mo- dern paint shop. Also sand- blasting brick homes and ceil- ing with silicone. Phone collect, 234-6202, Dave Morrissey Paints. RR 2 Ailsa Craig. 44-50c Hensall 19thic JANITOR for Dufferin Hotel, Centralia. Apply in person or phone 228-6648. 46tfnc MEAT CUTTER; also needed to help at abattoir, Apply in per- sop, ExeteteFrozen Foods,' 46:47c CLINTON, ONT. UP TO JANUARY 1974 $10,000.00 @ 5% $500.00 $10,000.00 @ 3% ..... $300.00 SAVE $200.00 APARTMENT, partly furnished. on Main St. Phone 235-1631. 46tfnc BIBLES - BOOKS FOR ALL your plumbing, heat- ing and gas fitting needs, call Herb's Plumbing & Heating, 235-2996. - 18tfne We carry a large selection of beautifully bound LEATHER BIBLES We are now paying $5.00 to $15,00 for fresh dead or dis- abled cows and horses over 500 pounds. Two trucks to serve you bet- ter. Fast, efficient service. All small farm stock picked up free as a service to you. BEV'S PLUMBING and HEATING OFFICE SPACE, in Grand Bend. Modern with panelled walls. Wall to wall broadoom. Three separate offices; for immed- iate occupancy. Suits lawyers, chartered accountants, etc. On Hwy. 21, Will let furnished or unfurnished. Phone: Payne 238- 2111. 46:47e SMALL. CLEAN. steam heated. furnished apartment with TV. over Canadian Tire store; good references required. Elliot Apartments, phone 235-2912. 46tfnc CALL COLLECT 482-9811 The Best Books For Family Reading "Pleasing You Pleases US" 46:47:48c 10 Livestock For Sale COCKTAIL and dining lounge help needed. Phone 228-6649 or apply in person to Dufferin Hotel. Centralia. 46tfnc REGISTERED Nurses Assist- ants needed immediately for afternoon and night shifts at Green Gables Nursing Home, Parkhill, Please apply in con- fidence to Box 129, Parkhill, or phone 294-6342. 47c B 00 K K EEPER, experienced, required immediately. Centralia Farmers Supply, phone 228-6638. 47:48:49c 60 LOCAL CALVES selling at Corbett Sales Arena, Tuesday, November 27. Jim Love, RR 3 Parkhill, Ontario. 47c EXPERT REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS Residential, Commercial and Industrial FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 235-1081 from 12 till 1 or after 5 p.m. 16tfne HOUSES FOR SALE GRAND BEND — Located on Hwy. 21 just south of bridge on lot 82x126. Three bedroom cement block house, living room, dining room, 3 pc. bath, basement, oil heat. This house is modern and in good repair. HENSALL — Brick house—could have 4 or five bedrooms, living room, full basement, good kit- chen. 4 piece bathroom , good location. 7 DAYS A WEEK 24 HOURS A DAY YOU MAY OBTAIN A WRITTEN REPORT FROM A QUALIFIED VETERINARIAN UPON REQUEST Call us first — you won't have to call anyone else. Licence No. 237-C-71 litfnc ORNAMENTAL IRON — Porch railings, column posts, inside vinyl covered stair rails, room dividers, etc. Elroy Desjardine, 236-4622 or 236-4242. l8tfne 11 Poultry For Sale STORE FOR SALE HENSALL — Store on Main St. ROOM & BOARD available for retired persons, private bed- room and dining room. Phone 523-9478 after 7 p.m. 47:48* RUPP Sales and Service at Lucan Sports Centre; new and. used snowmobiles; on Hwy. 4. Phone 227-4662, 46tfnc 2 SNOW TIRES, used, on rims for a Viva; 2 new snow tires on rims, G7814. for General Motors car. Phone 235-1144 or 277 Main St., Exeter. 46:47c 23" ADMIRAL TV, black and white, console, working order. $50. Phone 227-4920. 47tfn nc 6 PUPS, 8 weeks old, part col- lie, $4 each. Laurence Fal- coner, 21/2 miles north of Bruce- field, on No, 4 Hwy. Phone 482- 7457 Clinton, 47:48c SEPTIC TANK pumping ser- vice. IL T. Dale, phone Clinton 482-3320. 13-51* PERSONS, part time (possibly students), for deliveries and odd jobs after school and Sat- urdays. Driver's licence requir- ed, Apply in person to Ginger- ich Sales & Service, Zurich, 236-4351. 47c FARM HAND, reliable, exper- ienced. Contact Vic Hodgins, 2274370. after 6 p.m. 47c RESPONSIBLE person for part- time work, making up and cleaning motel units. Apply in person to Les Pines Motel. Ex- eter. 47c two...et I OAS Use The Co*. 64 P4 ps,1 Professional Services BROKER Wilson's Jewellery Opposite Exeter Post Office WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Work Guaranteed for 1 Year 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1967 CHEV IMPALA convertible. V8 engine, $600. Phone 235-1598 or 235-2860. 46:47:48c YEARLING HENS Phone 237- 3326. ' 47c FULA' ney REAL ESTATE LTD. 111111111111/11 '65 PONTIAC Parisienne. fully equipped. Phone 235-0703. 47* 1963 VOLKSWAGEN Bug, good shape. Phone 228-6777 after 7:00 p.m. 47:48e FORS SALE — AS IS-1 only- 1965 GMC eat ton truck. Bids may be submitted at: Canad- ian Canners Ltd., Aylmer-Del Monte, 210 Wellington St., Ex- eter, Ont. 47c 1972 CHEV 6 cylinder ee ton pick-up truck. 9,500 actual mile- age. Sold with or without safety check. Ross Francis, Kirkton, phone 229-6294. 47nc 1965 DODGE Polara; best of. fer. Phone 237-3437. 47:48c Telephone 235 ,2040 CERTIFIED MASTER WATCHMAKER e. $ REWARD $ MATERNITY WEAR at the SEPARATE SHOPP E Open 2-6. Closed Wednesdays MAIN CORNER CLINTON 39eow *Ng,. OFFICE HELP needed, part time; typing essential, Apply Box "OPP". Exeter Times- Advocate, Exeter, Ont. 47:48* RELIABLE PERSON to work full time in local metal manu- facturing plant. Duties to com- mence Immediately. No exper- ience necessary. Contact Mr, Doug Courtney. 235-2901. 47:48c VETERINARY SERVICES BRANCH ONTARIO MINISTRY AGRICULTURE & FOOD Huron Park, Ontario. NOM 1Y0 CLERICAL STENOGRAPHER ($107.00 - $125.50 per week) The Veterinary Services Branch requires a clerical stenograPh-Or to perform general steno- graphic duties, for the Meat Inspection Section. Ottalifications; P ref era b I y Grade 12 education, shorthand and typing ability; at least two years secretarial exper- ience. P'hone 228-6691, ext. 78 for ap- plication, or Send a complete resume to Dr. T, R, Melady. Meat Inspection Section, Vet Services 13ranth, On. taxi() Ministry Agriculture & rood, Ittirort Park. erripetityrb Tiber AV-256-73, 41e Pleasing you pleases US. 5:28tfnc BUSINESSES VARIETY STORE with living accommodation in Ailsa Craig. Asking $19,500 building, stock & fixtures. Contact A. L. Kernick. AILSA CRAIG 2 STORES & WAREHOUSE with new apart- ment above, Cement block construction. Ex- cellent potential. Priced to sell. Call 'Geo. Deelstra. COUNTRY GENERAL STORE — Buy this business and have a home as well at the price of the average home. Room for two more small apartments above main building. Con- tact A, L. Kernick. FARMS FOR SALE TOP FARM — 100 acres or 150 acres level, good location, exceptional home, painted barns, etc. Contact A. L. Kernick. LAND LOTS FOR SALE in Lucan and Crediton. Con- tact A. I.. Kernick. 3 1/2, ACRES approx. good building site with barn, silo and drive shed. Usborne Township. Contact Fred Eyre. FOR FARMS OR LAND in Cromarty and Staf-fa area. Contact Fred Eyre, VACUUM CLEANERS, sales and service, all makes. Bob Peek, Zurich, phone Hensall, 262-5748. 48tfnc EXETER ONE FLOOR — 2 bedroom in good area. Low taxes and heating. Nice garden, car port. Call Fred Eyre. ATTRACTIVE ONE FLOOR home on extra large lot. 2 bedrooms private garden plus large kitchen garden. This home is beautifully kept. Contact Geo, Deelstra, ASKING ONLY $12,300,00 for this 1 V2 storey frame home on large lot, some repairs needed. Contact Fred Eyre. WE ARE NOW PAYING UP TO $18.00 FOR DEAD AND DISABLED COWS AND HORSES AND STOCKER CATTLE 1970 SKI-D00 NORDIC. 24 h.p., twin, electric start with speed- °Meter, Al shape, Phone 262- 2835 after 5 p.m. 47c BEATTY litter carrier with steel pole and track. Phone 293-3068, Edwin Morley, Ailsa Craig, Ont. 47* 6 FEEDER HEIFERS, black with white face, Average ap- proximately 700 lbs. Apply after 5:30, evenings. Phone 229- 8278. 47e RUG & PAD, 6'x8'. orange and brown tweed, new condition. Phone 228-6217. 47c D ()VELE TRAILER, Woods, end ski-boose, 1 year old. Phone 234-6447. 47* FOR BACKHOEING or excavat- ing promptly, call 229-6575, Bill Hocking, or 229-8975, Russell:laic Farm Equipment. 34tfnc All small animals picked up free as a service to you. We have three trucks to serve you 24 hours, 7 days a week. ATTENTION FARMERS 13 For Sale BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES CALL COLLECT 887-9334 Lie. 399-C-73 DRIED FLOWERS and craft supplies, The Country Spire Gift Studio and Tee ROOm, 10 minutes east of Exeter. 229- 6341, 41tfn Highest price for your dead or disabled cows and horses. Pigs and calves picked up free. For prompt service call im- mediately: Collect STRATHROY 245-0838 LUCAN 227-4312 License No. 417 STUDENTS HENSALL MODERNIZED aluminum siding home. 3 bedrooms, living and dining room, large kitchen on good lot. Near shopping. Call Sue Edginton. PRICED RIGHT to sell at $13,900, this frame house features 1 1/2 baths, good living space and attached garage. Low -down payment. Call Fred Eyre. 40tfne GRINSVEN & BUTLER LUCAN DEAD STOCK 16tfric DRESSMAKING and alterations done in my home. Work by professional. Excellent rates. Phone Prances Neel], 228-6793, 31tfric RENT OR I3LTY YOUR NEED A NEW HOUSE? WE WILL BUILD FOR YOU. WE ALSO HAVE NEW HOUSES FOR SALE, CALL EXETER 235-2040, WAGON, $275; Case tractor, 0950; 2 furrow plow, $115; 1,000 bales of straw. 350 per bale; 500 bales of second cut alfalfa. 600 per bale. Mrs, Atiltreart , phone 229-8192. 47:48c TYPEWRITER AT T-A Try our attractive rental-ownership plan. PHONE 2e5.1331 COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION 38tfnc LEARN TO bRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS • Now you can train right here in Cal-lade! • Tuition Tax Deductible! • Placement assistance guaran- teed! • Weekend training also avail- able. FOr application and interview, write: Safety Department The Canadian institute- of Tractor Trailer Training Ltd. 207 tafteetee Quay W. Toeonte 11/, Ontario Or Call 416-864-9381 2944121 frormerly Trans-Canada Trans- 44tfne Port Training,) BROKER MANAGER FRED E. EYRE 235-2040 (Eve. & Weekends 2294436) For Any of Your Real Estate Needs Kindly Feel Free To Contatt: SALES REPRESENTATIVES SUE EDGINTON 221,4243 GEORGE DEELSTRA 2274500 A. L. KERNICk 227.4768 WE SPECIALIZE IN HOMES, FARMS, COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES 176 VICTORIA St PHONE 235.2040 DELHI TOWERS BED, metal frame, 3/4 size, no mattress, $20 Or best offer, Phone 265-2214. 47c GEESE for Christmas. Only a tow left, 700 per pound, live. Also used kitchen range for sale, Mrs. Alvin Cudrnore, RR 1 WOOdhain. 47c REGISTERED miniature poodle puppies, 2 white, 1 Silver, few Males, Phone. 228-6979. 47* 2 INTRAINED pacing bred ponies. XeriPark, RR 1 Varna, 'hose `262-5423, 47 :48e INSTALLATION AND streite ANTENNAS ROTORS Installed and Repaired NEILSON REFRIGERATION PHONE 262-5312 PARKHILL ASSISTANT for a sales man- ager person to look after orders and traffic control tot farm machinery tient Contact Clara Elston, J, Farm liiaw thinety Ltd., box /BO, Exeter, 23.5-021, 47C 45-48e