HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-11-15, Page 19FREE VRVICE I
to the
London Bingo Games
Sponsored by Kinsmen and Optimist Club
Every Wed. & Sat.
Dashwood 6:15 p.m.
Exeter 6:30 p.m.
Centralia 6:40 p.m.
Lucan 7:00 p.m.
Call Exeter Coach Line
Men & Women
• To take part in the operetta
The Gondoliers
Mon., Nov. 19 - 9 p.m.
and Dance
(Bridal Couple)
Sat., Nov. 17
9- 1 a,m,
Music by
Lunch Provided
Everyone Welcome
Wedding Anniversary
Sat., Nov. 17
Music by
Lesperance Trio
Lunch provided
Everyone Welcome
No gifts please.
Huron Park Minor Hockey
Friday, Nov. 23
Music by
The In-Betweens
9:00 till 1:00
Admission $4.00 per couple
Tickets available from
Minor Hockey Executive Members
Friday 7:00 ( indoors)
Courtesy Auctioneer — Norm Whiting
Doors Open Friday — 1:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Saturday 1:00 p.m. - 3 p.m.
All Dept's replenished for Sat.'s Sale
Further information 235-2697
Sat., Nov. 17
9:00 p.m.
Admission 51,00
Everyone Welcome
and Huron have shown their
support through unanimous
approval by the county councils,
Moral support for the Parkway
is being sought from the cities of
London, Stratford and Kitchener.
All committee members
agreed the percentage figures
used for funding by three
municipalities for the feasibility
study would not necessarily be
used for operation and main-
tenance purposes when the Park-
way becomes a reality.
The brief to be presented to Mr.
Several thefts
in Lucan area
Constable W.T. Hodgins is
continuing investigation of the
theft of $600 worth of tools owned
by Jim Hardy of Huron Park.
They were stolen in Lucan.
Officers of the Lucan detach-
- ment of the Ontario' Provincial
Police have arrested three
persons in connection with recent
break and enter incidents and
they will appear in court in the
near future.
The properties involved were
all located in West Nissouri
township and were at the Kins-
men Camp on Concession 2 and
at the residences of Robert
Ridson and Ken Brock,
Materials valued at $500 have
been recovered.
FORRZST — Ed and Charlene
Forrest, London are happy to an-
nounce the birth of a son, Travis
James, November 5, 1073 at St,
Joseph's Hospital, London — another
grandson for Mrs, Gladys Forrest,
Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Des-
jardine, Grand Bend.
HAYTER — Jim and Sherry Hayter,
Goderich wish to announce the
arrival of their daughter, Jennifer
Brandi, on November 8, 1973 at Vic-
toria Hospital,. London — first
grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Ford, Exeter and Mr. and Mrs.
James Hayter, Goderich.
McKINLAY — Mr, and Mrs. Robert
McKinlay (nee Anita Whilsmith) an-
nounce the birth of a son, Bruce Dun-
can, November 2, 1973 at Chatham
General Hospital.
TIMMERMANS Tony and Rita
Anne Timmermans (nee Carey) are
happy to announce the birth of a
daughter, Lisa Marie, 8 lb. 5 oz„ at
St, Joseph's Hospital, London,
November 6, 1973 — sister for Laurie.
DICKERT - Ron and Sandra Dickert,
Zurich are pleased to announce the
birth of a daughter, Patti-Ann
Myraline, 5 lb, 131/2 oz., November 12,
1973 - baby sister for Robbie and
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Crowley, Lindon
Station, Wisconsin, are pleased to an-
nounce the forthcoming marriage of
their daughter Ellen Marianne to
Phillip Charles Conlin, son of Mr. and
Mrs, Joseph Conlin, RR 2 Lucan, On-
tario. The wedding ceremony will
take place Saturday, December 1 at
6:00 p.m. at Sacred Heart Catholic
Church, Reedsburg, Wisconsin, 46c
Mrs. Alvin Passmore, Thames
Road, wishes to invite neighbours,
friends and relatives to an Open
House on Saturday, November 17, 2-4
and 7-9 at her home in honour of her
granddaughter Beverley's forthcom-
ing marriage to Richard
Mellenger. ' 46p
Open House — Celebrating the 45th
wedding anniversary of Tom and
Della Baird, at their home in Grand
Bend from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m..
on Saturday, November 17. No gifts
BINGO — Legion Hall, Seaforth, Fri-
day, Nov,16,1973, 8:15 p.m. 15 regular
games, $75 jackpot to go. Door
prizes. Admission $1,00. Extra cards
.25 cents, 3 for 50c or 7 for $1.00.
Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Cana-
dian Legion, Proceeds for
Welfare. 46c
Craig CGIT, Ailsa Craig United
Church, Sat. afternoon 2-4:30 p.m.
Tea served. Admission — Adults 50c,
Children .25c, Everyone welcome.46p
GARAGE SALE — Saturday, Nov.
17, 9 to 5 p.m, at Dave Leader's, Main
St., Hensall. 46c
Something different for Chirstmas
giving on Sunday, Nov. 18 from 11
a.m. to 7 p.m. at Community Flail,
Ravenswood, Ontario, on Highway
21, 12 miles south of Grand Bend.
Refreshments. Door Prizes. No ad-
mission. 46c
The Huron County Health Unit invites
you to attend the Adult Health
Guidance Centre, Health Unit Office,
South Fluron Hospital, Exeter, on
Tuesday, Nov. 20, 1973 from 1:30-3:30
p.m. for: 1, Health Surveillance 2.
Foot Care 3. Anaemia Screening 4.
Urine Testing 5. Blood Pressure 6.
Hearing Tests, Volunteer drivers are
available. Note — cancelled
December 1973 to February 1974,
commencing March 1974. 46c
EUCHRE PARTY Wed, Nov. 21 at
Shipka Community Centre. Admis-
sion 75't. Lunch provided. 46c
eter and District Christian Women in
the, Anglican Church Hall, Fri. Nov.
23 at 9:30 a.m. Singing, Bible Study,
Fellowship. Come and bring your
neighbour, 46,47c
FAMILY NIGHT — Euchre and
games, Please bring lunch. Beverage
provided, Prizes. Usborne Central
School, Saturday, November 24, 1973,
8 p.m. Collection for Mission and Ser-
vice Fund, Sponsored by Hi-C and
Young People. Everyone
welcome. 46,47p
F-74-3 FLORIDA TOUR —14 day ful-
ly escorted tour departs Jan, 19.
Includes luxury accommodation,
washroom equipped motor coach
transportation, side trips, admissions
and baggage handling, Visits Miami,
Daytona, St. Augustine, St.
Petersburg, Disneyworld, Cypress
Gardens, Busch Gardens,
Marineland, Cape Kennedy and
more. Also March 2 departure. Free
brochures, Fettes Tours 323-1545
Mount Forest.
Newcastle, Windermere, York,
Llangollen, Coventry, Stratford-on-
Avon, Brighton and more are includ-
ed on our fully escorted 18 day tour
departing April 23. All first class ac-
commodation etc. included. Spring is
an enjoyable time to visit England
and' Scotland. Reserve now Fettes
Tours and Travel 323.1545 Mount
Forest. 46c
F-74-5FLORIDA/NASSAU — Join us
Feb. 9 on our 16 day tour, Includes
Florida and a 3 day relaxing cruise to
Nassau in the Bahamas aboard the
MV Freeport with meals, dancing,
entertainment etc. included aboard
ship. Free brochures. Fetter Tours
323-1545 Mount Forest. 46c
GEN ITC Fettes Travel in Mount
Forest offer a complete variety in 1
or 2 week package vacations to all of
the southern destinations. Barbados,
Florida, St, Lucia, Hawaii, Jamaica,
Bahamas and others. Air flight and
accommodation all in one package,
Free brochures and information.
Fettes Tours and Travel 323-1545,46c
We would like to take this oppor-
tunity to express our sincere thanks
to our family, relatives and friends
for the cards, flowers, gifts and lunch
that we received on the occasion of
our 25th wedding anniversary, A
special thanks to our family and their
friends who arranged the dinner and
surprise party. Your kindness Will
always be remembered. — Mary and
Ben Dietrich 46p
We would like to thank everyone
who helped in anyway during our ac-
cident November 2 both at the scene
and at home. Thank you also for your
telephone calls of concern, Your
kindness and thoughtfulness were
Wgreatly appreciated. — Mr. and Mft.
ayne Glanville and family 46e
CRAWFORD — In loving memory of
our dear mother andgrandmother,
Fern Crawford, who passed away
three years ago, November 16, 1970.
May the winds of heaven blow gently
In a quiet and peaceful spot,
Where the one we love lies sleeping
And will never be forgot.
Though her smile is gone forever,
And her hands we cannot touch,
We'll always have the memories
Of her we loved so much.
As angels keep their watch up there
Please God just let her know
That we down here do not forget,
We miss her so.
Lovingly remembered and sadly
missed by son Basil, daughter-in-law
Phyllis and grandchildren Darla and
Dennis. AIS
CRAWFORD — In loving memory of
our dear mother and grandmother,
Fern, Mrs. Oswald Crawford, who
passed away 3 years ago, November
16, 1970.
There's a gift in life you cannot buy,
It's very rare but true
It's the gift of a wonderful Mother
The one we had with you.
Your cherishecl,smile, your heart of
The dearest Mother the world could
Happy memories — fond and true
From us who thought the world of
Sadly missed and lovingly
remembered by Ron, Pat, Sue and
Bill. 46c
CULBERT — In loving memory of a
dear brother, Clarence Culbert, who
passed away November 13, 1967.,
Nothing but memories as we journey
But you live forever in our hearts.
Ever remembered by brother Gor-
don, sister-in-law Madeleine
Culbert. 46p
EACRETT —*In loving memory of
our dear parents, Margaret and
Robert Eacrett, who passed away
November 18, 1953, and September 4,
As time unfolds another year
Memories keep you ever near
Silent thoughts of times together
Hold memories that will last forever.
Always remembered by daughters,
son-in-law and grandchildren, Paul,
Jane and Eric Hancock, 46c
ELLIOTT — In loving memory of a
dear dad and grandfather, Jack, who
passed away one year ago, November
15, 1972.
We hide our tears when we speak
your name
But the ache in our hearts, remain
the same
We think of you still as the same and
He is not dead, He is just away.
Then each time as we look at your
You seem to smile and say
Don't cry, I'm only sleeping
We'll meet again some day.
Sadly missed by daughter Alva,
husband and grandchildren. 46p
MacDONALD — In loving memory of
a dear sister, Edna MacDonald, who
passed away so suddenly, one year
ago today, November 22, 1972.
There is a gift in life you cannot
That's very rare but true
It's the gift of a wonderful sister
Like the one I had in you.
The many things you did for me,
In your kind and loving way
You gave me years of happiness
No one can take away.
To me you were very special
God must have thought so too
And I will always remember
Those last few words I had with
As you were then you will always be
Treasured forever in my memory.
Lovingly remembered by your
sister Birdie and family. 46c
November 17
Music by
Joe Overholt
Exeter Legion Hall
Everyone Welcome
,Exeter UCW
Sat., Nov. 24
2:30 p.m.
Features to include
baking, bazaar items,
' Christmas novelties,
country kitchen,
MacDONALD — In loving memory of
Ted MacDonald, who passed away so
suddenly on November 22, 1972.
You did not stop to say goodbye
You only went away.
The thoughts you had.
You did not share
With those who really cared.
But in our hearts
You'll always stay
So lonely and so sad.
Our thoughts of you
Will always be
Of love and gentleness.
Sadly remembered by Murt, Birdie
and family. 46c
NIXON — In loving memory of my
dear husband, Henry Nixon, who
passed away November 15, 1964.
There is no final parting,
For all are in his care,
And those who seem to leave us,
Are waiting for us there.
Where we shall meet our loved
And understand at last,
That dawn is always waiting
After the night is passed.
Loved and remembered by his ever
loving wife Florence and family in
England, 46c
PEARCE — In loving memory of my
dear father, Albert John, who passed
away November 10, 1966,
Just as you were, you will always
Treasured forever in our memory.
Remembered by daughter Ellen,
son-in-law ,John and grandchildren,
Wendy and John Jr. 46c
SQUIRE — In loving memory of our
wonderful parents, James E. Squire,
who passed away November 17, 1966
and Mary A. Squire, who passed
away September 18, 1958.
Deep in our hearts
Their memory is kept
To love and to cherish
And never forget.
Dearly loved by their daughters,
Alda, Violet and their families, 46p
WILLARD — In loving memory of a
dear wife and mother Annie Willard,
who passed away November 14, 1969.
Years may wipe out many things
But this, they wipe out never
The memory of those happy days
When we were all together.
Lovingly remembered by husband
Ed and family. 46c
WILLARD — In loving memory of a
dear mother and grandmother Annie
Willard, who left us suddenly on
November 14, 1969.
Thinking of you today, Mom,
But then, that is nothing new
We thought about you yesterday
And the day before that, too
And we will think of you tomorrow
And each day as they come and go.
We will think of you forever
We love and miss you so.
To know we never said goodbye
Will always bring regret
But the hearts that love you dearly
Are the hearts that won't forget.
Sadly missed by daughter Betty,
son-in-law Jack, and grandsons Jef-
frey and Bradrey. 46c
Exeter Arena
4-6 Figure Skating
6-7 Novice
7-8 Midget
8-11 Rec League
FRI. NOV. 16
2:30-3:30 Parents & Tots
3:30-5 'School Skating
8:30 Jr. Hawks vs Belmont
SAT., NOV. 17
7-5 Minor Hockey
5:30-6:30 Atoms vs Lambeth
8-10 Public Skating
SUN. NOV. 18
2:00 Jr. Hawks vs Clinton
No Public Skating
7-11 Ausable League
MON. NOV. 19
3:30-9:30 Figure Skating
9:30-11 Hockey
3:30-8:30 Figure Skating
8:30-10 Hawk Practice
10-11 Broom Ba II
2:30.3:30 Parents & Tots
3:30-5 School Skating
5-6 No. 2 Atoms
6-7 No. 1 'Atoms
7-10:30 Shamrock Hockey
10:30-11:30 Broom Ball
Season Tickets for after school
skating on Wed. and Friday are
for sale at the Arena for $2.00.
Bernier and his department will
he prepared by Mrs. Marie
Coulter, a Sarnia .alderman and
Secretary of the fact finding
committee, Huron's development
officer Spence Cummings and.
Ray Beggs of the Sarnia .anol
district Chamber of Commerce.
-.The chairman of the present
committee is Anson McKinley,
reeve of Stanley township and the
vice-chairman is alderman Andy
Brandt of Sarnia.
Attending Tuesday's meeting
from the County of Huron were
warden Roy Pattison., Goderich
reeve Deb Shewfelt, Girvin Reed
of Ashfielci. township along with
Cummings antl.,KeKinley.
Representing Lambton county
were warden Jim Moran and
Bruce Scott the reeve of
Bosanquet township: Councillor
7:01nWebster of Grand Bend was.
in attendance replacing reeve
Bob Sharon who Was in Toronto
on municipal business,.
Arrangements for the proposed.
meeting with Mr. Bernier are
being arranged byLambtan MPP
.Lorne Henderson with the co-
operation of other area MPP's.
They include Jack Riddell of
Huron, Murray Gaunt of Huron
Bruce and James Holbrook of
To ask government
for study finances
Plans for a proposed Lake
Huron Parkway to extend from
the city of Sarnia to Amberley in
northern Huron county are going
ahead at full speed.
At a meeting in Grand Bend
Tuesday night committee
members agreed to approach the
provincial government as quickly
as possible to ask for a feasibility
Warden.Jim Moran of Lambton
in making the motion to proceed
suggested attempts be made to
meet with Minister of Natural
Resources Hon. Leo Bernier
before the Christmas break of
provincial parliament,
Based on costs used for the St.
Clair Parkway it is expected a
feasibility study will cost bet-
ween $50,000 and $75,000.
The counties of Huron and
Lambton and the City of Sarnia
have agreed on an apportionment
of costs for the study. They are
asking the province to pay 75 per
cent of the study while the three
municipalities share the balance.
Lambton and Huron have each
agreed to pay 371/2 per cent of the
local share while Sarnia will pick
up the remaining 25 percent.
When several members of the
committee suggested more local
support should be 'gathered
before making a presentation,
Moran replied, "we don't have to
sell the Parkway concept, but we
must show the financial support
we have."
All municipalties in Lambton
Sat., Dec. 1
9 - 1
Music by:
"The Star-Trex"
Lunch Provided
Everyone Welcome
$4.00 per couple
... a warm-hearted, delightful Canadian musical
for the whole family.
Due to overwhelming response there will be
two Saturday afternoon matinees,
Families may take advantage of a $1.00 saving on the price per ticket
MATINEES — SAT. DEC. 8 and DEC, 15
Curtain 2:30 p.m.
Tickets available at Theatre London Box Office
471 Richmond St. 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Telephone 672-8800
Box Office Tickets go on sale November 12
Matinee tickets: $5, $4, $3, and $2
Reg, Performances: $6, $5, $4, and $3
Eve. Performance; Monday to Saturday
Curtain 8:00 p.m.
Charles and Vera Stephen of
Huronview wish to thank their Elim-
vine friends and neighbours for the
lovely gifts received on leaving the
community. Your kindness will be
long remembered. 46nc
I would like to express my sincere
thanks to all my friends, neighbours,
relatives and family for the many
beautiful cards, gifts, flowers and
telephone calls which helped to make
my recent stay in St. Marys
Memorial Hospital more pleasant. —
Doris Denham 46c
Words cannot express the apprecia-
tion myself and family feel for the
many acts of kindness shown us since
my returning home from hospital and
also the many lovely cards, letters,
flowers, and visits while a patient in
St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
special thanks to Dr.Sweeneyand 4th
floor staff, Your kindness will always
be treasured. — Marion Sharrow46c
There are no words to express our'
gratitude and appreciation for the
kind deeds shown to us by our
families, friends and neighbours dur-
ing Joan's illness. Thank you is just
not enough for the cards, visits,
flowers and phone calls while she was
in the hospital, nor for the baking and
other food sent to our house since she
returned home. To Eileen, thank you
for taking our girls to school and
other places, but most of all, thank
you to our wonderful families.
Without your help, strength and
togetherness we could not have en-
dured our crisis. To each and
everyone of you, family or friend, a
sincere and heartfelt thank-you, —
Jack and Joan Gilmour 46c
I wish to express ,my thanks to my
relatives and friends for cards,
treats, flowers and visits while I was
a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, —
Cliff Salmon 46c
A sincere thank you to all my
neighbours, friends and relatives and
also my family for flowers, cards,
gifts and treats while I was a patient
in Victoria Hospital and since retur-
ning home, Special thanks to Pastors
Morgret and Fabricious, for their
prayers and all those who so kindly
brought in food. It was all greatly ap-
preciated and will always be
remembered. — Mrs. Elgin Rader46c
In deep appreciation to neighbors
friends and relatives for their many
acts of kindness, expressions of sym-
pathy and help following the death of
my husband George; to those who
offered and took me to the hospitals,
sent get well and sympathy cards,
floral tributes, Heart and Diabetic
contributions. Special thanks to Rev.
Beck, pallbearers and Bonthron
Funeral Home; to Dr. Goddard and
his nurses for their kindness; also the
ladies who served lunch a most
grateful thank you, — Laura
Ingram 46p
A sincere thank you to everyone for
the cards, treats and visits while I
was in hospital and since returning
home. Special thanks to Grace
Church Guild for flowers, Rev. W. J,
Mills hand Rev. H: I.- Ragg for
prayers, also Dr. Boyes, Dr. Goddard
and the Box Ambulance service, —
Leone Greenlee 46p
I wish t'o thank all my friends,
neighbours and relatives for cards,
flowers, treats and visits while I was
a patient, first in St. Joseph's
Hospital and later in South Huron
Hospital. — Alma McAllister 46p
I would like to thank my relatives,
friends and neighbours for lovely
flowers, gifts, cards and visits while I
was a patient in St. Joseph's
Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Meads
and staff and to Dr. Gans, Dr. God-
dard and Hoffman's Ambulance; also
to the local ministers who called at
the hospital. Your kindness will
always be remembered. — Bill
Wareing 46p
I wish to express my thanks to my
relatives and friends for cards, treats
and flowers and visits while I was a
patient in St, Joseph's Hospital, Also
thanks to Dr. Charles Thompson and
nurses. — Sam Minnie 46p
I would like to say thank you to my
relatives and friends for the lovely
flowers, gifts, visits and cards while
a patient in South Huron Hospital. A
very special thank you to Dr. Ecker,
nurses and staff; all was greatly ap-
preciated, — Mrs. Bernice Jeffery46p
Sincere gratitude to all the people
who remembered me in any way
while a hospital patient and since
returning home. Special thanks to
Doctors Sharpe, Hanna, Reddy, the
nurses and staff on second floor
University Hospital, to my mother
and my family. Although the discom-
fort will soon pass, your thoughts and
deeds will be cherished forever, —
Helen Ryan 46p
I would like to take this opportunity
to say special thanks to Drs. W, L.
Tew, Nadbarin, Casper and Goddard,
to Sarah and the nurses on 9th floor,
east wing; to all who sent flowers,
cards, gifts, visits and also those who
helped out at home while I was a
patient in University Hospital, Lon-
don for 3 weeks, Thanks again. It will
always be remembered. Marg
Vanstone 46c
I wish to thank all my family,
Rebekah Lodge, Hurondale Institute,
Rev. Glen Wright and Exeter United
Church for cards, flowers, and gifts,
and to all those who helped me in any
way during my stay in Victoria
Hospital and since returning home. —
Mrs. Edna Passmore 46p
Rummage Sale
Friday and Saturday
Nov. 16 & 17
Tuesday, November 20
Banquet Tickets Available From
Co-Op Store
Times-Advocate, November 15, 1973
Page 19