HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-11-01, Page 19Times-AcIvocate, Noveml?er 1, 1973 Page 19 Trophy Dance Sponsored by Huron County Trotting Pony Club Stag . or Everett Mellin Music by Carl Hohner & Melody Masters EXETER LEGION HALL Friday, Nov. 2 Tickets $2.00 per person at door Fri., Nov. 2 9:00 p.m. PARKHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE Everyone Welcome SPEAKS TO ASSOCIATION — The gue$t speaker at a recent meeting of the South Huron Association for the Mentally Retarded was Pat Shanahan, a case worker with the Huron Children's Aid Society. Shown chatting in the picture from the left are, Mr. Shanahan and ARC workshop manager Don Rawlings. T-A photo Stardust Drive-In CREDITON Says real purpose in helping others ALL VOJRS ti. 8r. Sot. - 12:00 Noon to 2 id :00 0'311. sun. 'to Mos, - V2:00 Soon to 112:00 Mrlight 1 11 1 1 1 11 11 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 F.7 For Take-Out Orders g * PHONE 234-6395 ..-. loiiiiiiiinurniummmmitimmumninimmummimlmilimiiiimilinumliumumminimoti. selling Christmas cards on behalf of the mentally retarded. Loretta Seigner, head of recreation for the association, encouraged local participation to prepare for the Olympics for the retarded to be held in Winnepeg next June. Each team is com- posed of 10 teens and four adults and Ontario can send as many teams as desired, providing they are chosen at regional meets. It was also decided to apply to Canada Manpower for a par- ticipation in a composite LIP grant which would provide a recreation director and five workers for 12 area associations. Mrs. Hazel Blewett, principal of the nursery in Grand Bend said that they have one new student in the class for a total of seven boys and she stressed the urgency of their need for more volunteer help. Reporting for Huron Hope School Mrs, MacGregor said that their enrolment went down one student last month because a family moved. They have started bowling with eight of the children and have obtained several new pieces of equipment. Cabaret Dance i. RUSSELDALE HALL Sat., Nov. 10 Music by Country Cavaliers Everyone Welcome NOTE: Change of date BAZAAR ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH KIRKTON Sat., Nov. 10 10:30 - 4:30 Baking, Knitting, Candy Country Store, and Gifts available Quilt for sale Everyone Welcome Glass collectors provide display The south display room at the Stathroy Middlesex Museum is sparkling with an exhibit of old glass, loaned by local collectors. Interspersed with the clear glass, in many patterns, are examples of agate, cranberry, milk, irridescent, burgundy, amethyst, opal, custard and vaseline glass. Of special interest are the two dozen cruets, loaned by Max Cadman - most of them glass, but accented by a few colourful china ones. Other collectors who have made loans for this exhibit are: Mrs. C. Newton, Mrs. J. Hill, Mrs. M. Pincombe, Mrs. M. Hodgins, Wm. Bellairs, Mrs. V. McCandless, Mrs. F. Parker, Mrs. I. Nott, Mrs. W. Grieve, Mrs. A. Spence, Mrs, C. McKellar, and Mrs. C, Floyd. , Alqng the upstairs hall, at. L.,I Pre§ePtwt,.(ts m01,4,, ion, exhibition of John Kolsteuts• paintings. Please note that the museum open hours will be reduced for the winter months, beginning November 1. The museum then will be open only on Wednesday and Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. Of course groups may make ad- vance arrangements for tours at other times, by phoning the museum (245-0492) in the af- ternoon. It is also planned to close the museum for the month of January, to allow for refinishing the stairway and doing some painting. The museum is still hoping to hear from anyone who has old toys, games or children's books, that they would be willing to loan for a Christmas display in December, Planning ahead is necessary so if you can help in this way, please call the museum as soon as possible, At the meeting of the board October 22, it was decided that it would be desirable to have an antique desk, as a reception counter in the front hall, and that steps should be taken soon to furnish a dining room in the period of 100 years ago. Since it is hard to know where to start looking for period pieces, the museum board would like to hear of any desks or dining room furniture that might be available, either for loan or purchase. "If anything on earth can give us a sense of purpose, it is to improve the lot of someone else," Pat Shanhan told the monthly meeting of the South Huron Association for the Mentally Retarded in Dashwood last week. Mr. Shanahan, an M.S.W. supervisor of the Huron County Children's Aid Society, said that one of the biggest problems we are facing today and will face in the future is finding a sense of purpose in what we do. "People looking for a purpose are finding it here," he told the meeting. "The almost 'delicious' sense of purpose that is holding you together is improving today for these people," he added, referring to the trainees at ARC Industries. "But to build something like this, you have also to look beyond an immediate purpose. Anyone who plants a tree today is making a vote for future. In working in the association, you are looking forward and building a better future". In his talk entitled "Facing the year 2000 as a child", Mr. Shanahan said that the real burden lies with the young people. When we think of the pressures they are facing, it is frightening," he said. "Kids today face a future that none of us had to face: uncertainty, changing values and a bombardment of change of thoughts. They are disrupted not only within the family system but • within the whole system". Some people, and not just fanatics, are "honestly talking about doomsday", he said. Some people won't even insure themselves because of the un- certainty of life. There are two different reactions to this idea. You can ignore the whole idea and con- tinue to do things you hope will have some meaning, or you can face up to them and realize that as far as you the individual is concerned, you can only achieve short-time satisfaction. "If the whole world is faced with the possibility of having no purpose for life, then we again face the question of the value of working with retarded persons," he said: "But the only thing we can do," he concluded; is to appreciate what we've got in life and enjoy it in full capacity. We have to pass on to our children and to these children the capacity to give, to take and to enjoy. "And if the earth was to end tomorrow, we still have the responsibility to do the best we can today. Of course the dividends are that the world just may not end". Martin Van Raay reported to the meeting on behalf of YACIVIR, The youth group held Hallowe'en parties for the Huron Hope School children and for the residents of Braemor Manor and the trainees at'ARC Industries. They are also having a membership drive at the high school and are 14%4C Proceeds For Canadian Rheumatic and Arthritic Association Friday, Nov. 2 REC CENTRE — HURON PARK Music By JOE OVERHOLT Sponsored Jointly By: Students at Centralia College of Agricultural Technology and beta Sigma Phi Sorority of Exeter • s n • • • mu si Pm • 4* .1 m ma I 44. I d 50 OFF Any Pizza Order CARDS OF THANKS , The family of the late Aaron Wein wish to express their deep appreeia- tion to th e relatives, friends and neighbours for floral tributes, cards, memorial donations, and the many acts of Kindness during their time of sorrow, A special thanks to the Crediton East neighbours. Your thoughtfulness was sincerely ap- preciated. 44p We would like to express our many thanks to our friends and neighbours for the many wedding cards and gifts we received Our special thanks to shivaree gang for the lovely lunch and gifts. — Alvin and. 011ie Cooper 44n IN MEMORIAM— GIBSON — In loving memory of our dear daughter and sister Margaret. Gibson, who passed away one year ago, November 2, 1972, „ Softly within the shadows She heard a gentle call And taking the hand that was offered She quietly left us all. Always remembered and sadly missed by Dad and Mom and sisters Irene and Kathy. 44p SMITH — In loving memory of a dear mother Florence Smith, who passed away one year ago, October 31, 1972. Deep in our hearts Her memory is kept To love and to cherish And never forget, Always remembered by her son Wilmer, Ruby and grandson Douglas, 44c cARDs OF 'THANKS -- A very special "thank you" to my family, relatives, and neighbours for the lovely flowers, gifts and visits while I was in St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning home. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. — Anne Chaffe 44p We would like to take this oppor- tunity to express our sincere thanks to our family, relatives, friends and neighbours for their kind wishes, cards and gifts in celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary, — Tom and Elizabeth Brew 44c I wish to thank all my relatives, friends and neighbours for all the lovely cards, flowers and visits while I was a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Sweeneyandstaff on the 4th floor and to anyone who has helped me since returning home. — Sandra Turner44c I would like to express my sincere thanks to my relatives, friends and neighbours for the lovely flowers, gifts, cards and visits while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Ewart Madden, doctors, nurses and staff of 6th floor N,E, Your kindness will always be remembered, — Ruby Morley 44c I would like to thank my relatives and friends who remembered me while in University Hospital; also Dr. Hurst and 8th floor nurses, Zion Church for flowers, Rev. Warren for his visit and health nurses who have called since. — Lloyd England 44p Many thanks for your cards, visits, treats, flowers and well wishes dur- ing my recent stay in hospital, — Len McKnight 44c BINGO—Legion Hall, Seaforth, Fri- day, Nov. 2, 1973, 8:15 p.m., 15 regular games, $75 jackpot to go. Door prizes. Admission $1.00. Extra cards .25 cents, 3 for 50t or 7 for $1.00, Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Cana- dian Legion. Proceeds for Welfare. 44c TEA AND BAZAAR—St. James Church, Clandeboye, Saturday, Nov. 3, 2:00 p,m., in church basement.44e BAZAAR—Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, Saturday, November 3, at 3:00 p.m. Baking, sewing, produce and afternoon tea. 44e SERVICES for Presbyterian Churches, Nov. 4 to April 28, Caven 10:00 a.m. Carmel 11:15 a.m., Cromarty 1;30 p.m. 44c ANNUAL SUPPER—Hot Dressed Ham, St. Thomas Anglican Church, Granton, Wednesday, November 7 from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Adults $2.75, Children $1.00. 44p EUCHRE PARTY—Shipka Com- munity Centre, Wednesday, Nov. 7, 1973. Admission '75c. Quilt draw will take. Pine. ,›),4..,,--trt.f4,411, 44c HURONTA -MALE CHORUS", mixed program of singing will be perfor- ming at Dashwood Community Cen- tre on Wednesday, Nov, 14 at 8:00 o'clock, Proceeds for Adult Rehabilitation Centre, Dashwood. 44,45c RUMMAGE SALE and Auction spon- sored by Women's Auxiliary, South Huron Hospital, will be held at Ex- eter Legion Hall, Friday and Satur- day, November 16 and 17. Town wide pick up commencing at 9:00 a.m. Thursday, November 15. 44,45c ANNIVERSARY BAZAAR at St. Mary's Church, Brinsley, November 21 at 8;30 p.m. Celebrating 50th an- niversary of ladies guild. 44,45,46c FOWL BINGO—Mount Carmel Fowl Bingo, Wednesday, November 28, at 8:30 p.m., Dashwood Community Centre, 14 regular games, door prize. Admission $1.50. 44c FETTES TOURS—F-74-2 Florida—Reservations are now being accepted on 3 Florida Tours depar- ting Jan. 19, and March 2. (14 day trips) also 16 day trip with a Nassau cruise Feb. 9. Fettes Tours 323-1545 Mount Forest. Free Brochures. 44c FETTES TOURS—TA-74- 3—Complete tour of Britain—All major points of interest. First class hotels, transportation and fully es- corted. 18 days of sightseeing and free time. Departs April 23. Space is limited. Fettes Tours and Travel 184 Main St,, Mount Forest. 44c HULLY GULLY—November 3, Rodger Quick and Rainbows; November 4, Ontario Snowmobile Grass Drag Championship Series, Grand Finale; November 10, Nite Lites; November 11, Novices Moto Cross. 44c CARDS OF THANKS-- We would like to express our most sincere thanks to our relatives, friends and neighbours for their many kindnesses and expressions of sympathy extended to our families on the sudden loss of our dear son and brother, Dan. Special thanks to the ladies of the Seaforth L.0,13.A. #742, and Seaforth Rebekah Lodge for providing lunch and serving it. Also special thanks to Rev. Beck, Westlake Ambulance, Ronthron Funeral Home, pallbearers and flower bearers. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered, — Wayne, Marlene and Doug Smith, Deb. and Frank Ducharme 44p We would like to thank all those who so kindly remembered us with. cards and flowers in our recent sadness. — Don and Ruth Haines44c The family of the late John Bray wish to express sincere thanks to their relatives, neighbours and friends for the many acts.of kindness shown him during his long illness and or all the expressions of sympathy extended to them during their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. Read, Hopper-Hockey funeral home, Rev, Barry Robinson, the pallbearers, also to all who brought lunch arid to the ladies who helped at the house. A very special "Thank You" to all. — Mrs. John Bray and family 44p A special thank you to my children, relatives, friends and neighbours for the lovely flowers, get well wishes, gifts, and visits which I received while I was in South Huron Hospital. A special thank you to Mrs. G. Dunlop, Your thoughtfulness was very much appreciated and will always be remembered. — Mrs, Elizabeth Orenchuk 44c The family of the late Muriel Steepe wish to express their heartfelt thanks for expressions of sympathy shown them by their many friends and relatives. Special thanks to Ed and Bill Stiles, Rev. Ray Munn, Emma Thompson and Sandra Kisch, Thanks to flowerbearers and pallbearers. — Paul Steepe, Mr. and Mrs. Don Thompson, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fitzgerald 440 A sincere thank you for the many expressions of sympathy extended to us in the recent loss of a loving brother. We shall always remember lour thoughtfulness. — Mabel and merson Kyle and Gertrude and Ivan Steckle 44c Winnie and Hubert Desjardine ex- press their sincere thanks to neighbours and friends for the lovely gift we received. Special thanks to Joe and Irene McCann and Hubert Carey and all those who helped in any way. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. 44c I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to friends and relatives for cards, treats, flowers and visits while I was a patient in South Huron Hospital and since returning home. — Mrs, Lula Eagleson 44c FWOuld like to thanleeVeryone'for cards and treats while in the Univer- sity Hospital, Special thanks to Hoff- man Ambulance, Dr, Gans, Dr. Brash and associates and nurses and staff on the 9 th floor, — Jack Hep- burn 44p t41111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111E = = = _ New = Hours Effective Nov. 5 ==. Derby Dip FRI. & SAT. El 5:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. SUNDAY -.=-2 Noon to 9:00 p.m. Chuckwagon FRI. & SAT. 5:00 p,m. to 3:00 a,m. SUNDAY Noon to 9:00 p.m. Be Sure To Attend Duffenn Hotel CENTRALIA Entertainment Friday and Saturday Lesperance Trio Saturday Matinee The Hoedowners DAILY BUSINESSMAN'S SPECIAL DINING ROOM OPEN MON. TO SAT. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. AND 5 p.m, to 7 p.m. Take Out Orders — Phone 228-6648 Aiseasersook FREE BUS SERVICE to the London Bingo Games Sponsored by Kinsmen and Optimist Club Every Wed. & Sat. BUS DEPARTS AS FOLLOWS Dashwood 6:15 p.m. Exeter 6:30 p.m. Centralia 6:40 p.m. Lucan 7:00 p.m. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Call Exeter Coach Line 235-0450 BAYVIEW TOURIST TAVERN Just South of St. Josephs on Highway 21 SPECIAL ON SUNDAYS Roast Beef ......... # .• $3.50 Roast Turkey.. $3.25 FULL COURSE DINNER Children Under 12 Half Price BOOKINGS ACCEPTED For *8anquets * Small Weddings * Christmas Parties ' ' i Overlooking The Picturesque Shores of Lake Huron OPEN DAILY For Hot Meals .12100 Noon to 9100 p.m. SPECIAL MON. TO SAL BIRTHS HOLDEN — Ross and Anne Holden thee Wilson) announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Anne, October 26, 1973 at St. Joseph's Hospital - sister for Michael and Jane. ANNOUNCEMENTS -- Mrs. Don Parsons of Hensall wishes to invite friends, neighbours and relatives of both families to an Open House on Saturday, November 3, 1973, from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at her home in honour of her daughter Susan's forthcoming marriage to Richard Willert of Hensall, 44c ENGAGEMENTS — Mr. and Mrs. John Stanners, Moorefield, Ontario, announce with pleasure the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Shirley Irene to Everett Wesley Mellin, son of Mr, and Mrs. Orval Mellin, Dashwood, Ontario, The wedding will take place Saturday, November 17, 1973, 4:00 p.m. at Moorefield United Church, Moorefield, Ontario. 440 Mr. and Mrs. Max Learn are happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Deborah Lee to Jerry Dillon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dillon, Seaforth. The wedding will take place Saturday, November 24, at 7:00 p.m. in First Prebyterian Church, Seaforth. 44nc Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Alfred Mof- fatt of Grimsby are pleased to an- nounce the engagement of their only daughter Dorothy Patricia Moffatt B.A., to Mr. Peter Gerald Mullen B.A., M.L.S., of Port Elgin, son of Dr, and Mrs. Gerald Patrick Mullen, of Walkerton. The wedding will be solemnized Saturday, December 1 at three o'clock in Caven Presbyterian Church, Exeter. 44p CARDS OF THANKS — My sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for the beautiful floral tributes, donations to the heart fund, messages of sym- pathy in the recent bereavement of the death of my husband Wilmer, Special thanks to Dr. Wallace, Miss Claypole, nurses and staff of South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Rev. Morrison, Varna UCW, pallbearers, flower bearers and the Bonthron Funeral Home. Your kindness will ever be remembered. — Nettie McClinchey 44c Exeter Arena Activities THURS. NOV. 1 4.6 Figure Skating 6-7 Novice 7-8 Midget A-9:30 Hawks -e,./0 4 9:30-10:30 Usborne FRI, NOV. 2 2:30-3:30 Parents & Tots (Free) 3:30-5 School Skating 8:30 Jr, Hawks vs Strathroy SAT. NOV. 3 9-10 Don Taylor Motors vs Cowan BP 10-11 Lankamp Esso vs Conklin Lumber 11-1 Novice 1-2:30 No. 2 Pee Wee 2:30-4 No. 2 Bantam 4-5 No. 1 Bantam 5:30-6:30 Atoms vs Strathroy 8-10 Public Skating SUN. NOV, 4 2-4 Public Skating 5-6 No. 1 Atoms 7-11 Ausable Hockey MON. NOV. 5 3:30.9:30 Figure Skating 9:30-11 Hockey TUES. NOV. 6 3:30-8:30 Figure Skating 8:30-10 Hawk Practice WED. NOV. 7 2:30-3:30 Parents & Tots (Free) 3:30-5 School Skating 5-6 No. 2 Atoms 6.7 No. 1 Atoms 7.10:30 Pee Wee, Bantam & Midget Season Tickets for School Skating sessions on Wednesdays and Fridays are on sale at 'the Arena for $2,00.