HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-10-25, Page 1423 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of Verde Maude Squire, Deceased. 411 persons having claims against the estate of Verda Maude Squire, late of the Town of Exeter, County of Huron, Housewife, who died on or about the 12th day of Sep- tember 1973, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter. Ontario, by the 3rd day of November 1973. after which date the estate will be distributed haying regard only to those claims of which no- tice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the executors, Exeter, Ontario. 42; 43;44c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Milton Moir Russell All persons having claims against the estate of MILTONIXON MOIR RUSSELL, late of the Village of Hensall, County of Huron, who died on or about the 15th day of October, 1973, are required •to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughter), Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario. by the 10th day of November, 1973. after which date the estate will be distributed hav- ing regard only to those claims of which notice has been re- ceived. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the executor, Exeter, Ontario. 43:44:45c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Scott Herald Trevithick All persons having claims against the estate of SCOTT -.HERALD TREVITHICK, late of the Village of Ailsa Craig. County of Middlesex, retired farmer, who died on ..pr about the 3rd day of October... 1973, are required to file particalars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter. Ontario, by the 10th day of November, 1973, after which date the estate will be distributed hav- ing regard only to those claims of which notice has been re- ceived. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the executors, Exeter. Ontario. 43:44:45c 24 Tenders Wanted Tenders Re: Fuel Oil Sealed tenders will be receiv- ed by the undersigned up to 12 Noon, Thursday, November 1. 1973 for supplying for the next two years of NO. 2 IN- DUSTRIAL FUEL OIL FOR. THE COURT HOUSE, GODER- ICH.. Storage Capacity — 3,000 gals. Quantity being used . per an- num — approx. 22,000 gals. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk-Treasurer. County of Huron, Court House. Goderich, Ontario. 43c BRICK--Large quantity of used yellow - brick, Phone 630- 4210, 43tfnc WOOD STOVE or SMALL COOK STOVE For use in snowmobile shack, CALL BILL BATTEN, 235.0l59 OR JACK FULLER, 235-0664 43c NEW RANCH bungalow, 3 bed- rooms, 1 or 11/2 baths, on full basement; 1 or 2 car garage, optional. Priced from $17,000 to $28,000 on your lot. Heritage Homes, 549 First St., London, phone 455-1830 or 471-7060. 42-45c DUPLEX, on 120-122 Sanders St., Exeter. Has white vinyl siding, new roof, garage, oil heated. Phone 235-1208, 42-45* EXETER — 3 bedroom war- time house and garage. For information writ e Mrs. B, Smith. 394 Nelson St., Stratford, Ont., or phone 271-9882. 43:44:45* YOU FOUND YOUR OWN gro- cery store in a very aggressive town (small down payment). all equipment, shelving and walk-in cooler plus stock; ap- prox. $200,000 turnover; terrific potential. Statement in office for information. Call Gerrie Gingerich, 236-4028, M. Sirotic Real Estate Broker. 43c CREDITON-2 unit apartment, front and rear remodelled 3 years ago. New furnace, wiring etc. Lot size. 168x112. with shade trees. Main St. West, Crediton. Presently bringing in $200 monthly. One unit will be vacant October 15. Owner will consider holding mortgage. Phone 234-6268, 38tfnc 15 Wanted HELP PRESERVE history, Let me copy your old photographs of Luean, Biddulph, Donnellys and district. Ray Fazakas, Box 214, Station E,, Hamilton. 18-42* TIMBER WANTED Immediate payment for good standing timber and bushes of all kinds. Write ROBERT EAGLESON, Ailsa Craig or Telephone 232-4450 collect before 8:30 a.m. or between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. 37ffnc RIDE FROM CREDITON to London; working hours 9 to 5, 5 days per week. Phone 234- 6257, 43:44* 16 Property For Sale CALL 1863 "The Centennial Office" HOUSES FOR SALE GRAND BEND — Located on Hwy. 21 just south of bridge on lot 82x126. Three bedroom cement block house, living room, dining room, 3 pc. bath, basement, oil heat, This house is modern and in good repair. HENSALL — Brick house—could have 4 or five bedrooms, living room, full basement, good kit- chen. 4 piece bathroom, good location. STORE FOR SALE HENSALL — Store on Main St. with 2 apartments. Possible income $200 per month; brick construction; excellent condi- tion. One apartment 1 bed- room, the other a 2 bedroom. Well priced. OFFICE FOR RENT EXETER — Devon Building; second floor; large offices. BUSINESS FOR SALE On Hwy. #4, approx. 4-5 miles south of Exeter. Gas bar, gro- cery store, coffee shop as well as house with living room, dining room, kitchen and 2 bedrooms. Good investment. LOT FOR SALE — 1 acre. on 83 Hwy west. Excellent loca- tion. Zoned commercially. JOHN BURKE LTD. Broker Low Cost Auto Insurance Fire Insurance Real Estate Mortgages Trust Certificates Devon Building Phone 235-1863 48tfnc 16 Property For Sale HUGH A. EVANS Realtor 55 Ontario St. N.. GRAND BEND (Hwy, 21) HOLIDAY INCOME Consists of newly renovated cottage for you with 3 piece bath. Open kitchen with dining area, large living room, sleeps comfortably. plus 6 house- keeping cabins. Grossing over $400 per season, ATTENTION BUILDERS! 13 registered building lots avail- able in private sub-division on lake. Water and hydro avail- able. FRUIT & VEGETABLE stand On Highway 81. Can be moved to a new location, Price in- cludes scale. adding machine, frig. dawn to dusk lamp. 1967 GMC PANEL TRUCK with all tools pertinent to the plumb- ing business. Asking $2,500. CALL MRS. THURMAN AT 238-2872 GRAND BEND 43c TECHINCAL STUDENT AWARDS - At Friday's annual commencement at South Huron District High School, several area firms presented awards to top technical students. Shown above are Andy (manse of Bendix Homes Limited in Hensall, student Brian Prest, Gerry Kading of Dashwoocl Industries and student David Finkbeiner. T-A photo Area student wins award By MRS ROBERT LAING CR OMA RTY Marilyn Laing received her Secondary School Graduation Diploma and Special Com- mercial Certificate-Data Processing Option at the com- mencement exercises in Strat- ford Northwestern Secondary School Friday. She also received the Stratford and District Credit Union Graduation Proficiency Award for the student who ob- tained the highest aggregate marks in Special Commercial. Mrs. Robt. Laing and Mrs, J. Jefferson attended the graduation excercises, and Hugh Currie Dorchester. Guelph areas. Mrs. John Jefferson visited last Mr, & Mrs. Wm. Laidlaw and week with friends and relatives in family Dorchester were Sunday the Listowel, Trowbridge and visitors with Mrs. John Jefferson, * DISPERSAL SALE * )4' OF REGISTERED HEREFORDS 41( 85 HEAD — 80 females — 1 herd bull * 5 performance tested bulls 4 at the Denfield Sales Barn, 12 miles, north of London, 1 4, * mile south of Highway 7 on the Denfield sideroad. AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3 1;30 p,m. For MRS. MARY TAYLOR 69 Richmond St. N., HENSALL Real Estate, Furniture and Household Effects PROPERTY: 1 storey home, approx. 40xak, with garage at- tached, kitchen, cupboards, 2 bearooms, large living room. picture window, 3 piece bath- room, oil floor furnace, new 2 years ago; large attractive lot, approx. 132 ft. deep. situated on Richmond St. North, third house west of highway No. 4. Ihis is a very attractive home especially for an older couple retiring and-. should be seen before buying elsewhere. Will be offered for sale subject to a very reasonable reserve bid. Terms: 10% down, balance in 30 days. Property sells at 3:00 p.m. FURNITURE: 3 piece bed- room suite, bookcase bed with box springs and mattress, beau- tiful corner china cabinet, wood graM bookcase cupboard. (Above items in new condition.) Chesterfield and chair, 3 up- holstered chairs, living room mirror, wardrobe, two 3 piece bedroom suites. 9x16 rug and pad. mats, hall tree, mirror. coffee table, 2 step tables, chrome kitchen table with 4 matching chairs and step stool. pole lamp. 2 matching table lamps, tri-light lamp, footstool. patio table with umbrella. TV tables, lawn chairs, electric heater. drapes, 7 ft, long, to fit picture window; Sunshine 4 burner electric stove; Frigid- aire refrigerator, kettle, toast- er;Beatty stand and wash tub, floor polisher, vacuum cleaner, crocks. pots and pans. iron bed and springs bedding. and many other articles. ANTIQU ES: Beautiful old rocking chair. cane bottom gun stock parlor chair, wicker fern- ery, pine fruit cupboard, silver flower vase, 4 odd chairs, small cabinet night table. Step ladder, hand saw, gar- den tools, some dishes and other items. 2S Auction Sales Twilight AUCTION SAL,..E For Viola and Manuel Cutts in the, Ueited Church Shed at urggNwAy THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1 at 7.;00. p.m, Having vacated her apart- ment, the owner is selling the .following household effects; Westinghouse s t erep record player and AM/FM radio cern,, bination. new; e h e st e r f field chair, buffet, magazine rack. chest of drawers, floor polish- er. table lamps, Vacuum 'clean- er, small tables. wall orna- ments, laundry tubs. bathroom scales, large globe, kitchen utensils, electrical applignees. Sunbeam mixette, kettles, toasters. Items of interest to collect- ors include: chime clock, clock shelf, oil lamps, vinegar jugs, crocks, carnival glass, parts of toilet set; also 9 good anchor posts; mouldboard for WC plows, plows. TERMS: Cash plus 7% sales tax. if applicable. Not responsible for accidents day of sale. BILL ELLIOT, Auctioneer 43e 25 Auction Sales * 25 big strong cows been running with bull, some * purebred, some grades 25 this spring calves * 24 yearling 6 cwt - 8 cwt 4 All young cows of top quality, all offspring from reg. * Polled Hereford bull * * Sale held under Cover in case of bad weather Lunch Terms Cash Estate Auction Sale of Real Estate, Furniture, Antiques, Appliances, Large quantity of glass & china for the Estate of Edith Beatty in the Village of Varna ( held under cover) Sat., Nov 3 at 1 p.m. REAL ESTATE Large 150x200 treed lot upon which stands a 1 storey frame house with 2 bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, large living room a nd den. Basement under main part of house; oil furnace; hew aluminum siding; barn 20'x40". Selling subject to reasonable reserve Terms 10% down Balance in 30 days RATHWEILL'S AUCTION SERVICE AUCTIONEERS AND LIQUIDATORS Brutafield — 482,3120 inaitagatrita• ottottoistorsmokatttotkottot Times-Advocate, Qctekter .25, 1973 Nye 14 14 Wanted To Bo11 , 17 Property For Rent 3 - BEDROOMtown houses in. Vanastra, RR0 Clinton; $110 per month; all utilities paid,. Phone 462-9742 or 466-7590 any- time, 59tfric APARTMENTS FOR RENT Fully broadloomed apartments, stove and refrigerator, heating and hot water supplied, balcon- ies, laundry facilities, one year lease. 2 BEDROOM $149.00 PER MONTH at the SHIRLEY MARGARET APARTMENTS 189 Sanders Street EXETER Phone Joe Darling at 235-2794 after 6:00 p.m. 33tfnc BACHELOR apartment, air con.. ditioned, color TV, kitchenette, new building. Phone Grand Bend 238-2339. 36tfnc CREDITON — Apartment for rent. available Oct. 15. Phone 234-6268. 38ffnc ELGINFIELD, private, heated, 1 bedroom apartment. Phone 227-4564. 42tfne 1 & 2 BEDROOM apartments, town house apartments. Phone 23S-2420, business hours. 43tfnc Friday, Oct. 26, 1:00 p.m. FURNISHED bachelor apart- ment, heated. hot water sup. plied. Phone Art Geiser , 235- 2754, after 6 p.m. 43tfnc V• ERY ATTRACTIVE small 1 bedroom apartment, nicely fur- nished. Elliot Apartments. over Canadian Tire Store, phone 235- 2912. 43tfnc OFFICE SPACE at 20 Sanders St. Available immediately. Phone 235-0223. 43c Feel free to inspect the cattle at anytime Phone or write for catalogues Lunch available AUCTIONEERS Hugh Filson and Tom Robson * • 666-0833 phone 666-1967 18 For Rent * for Whitney Coates, Exeter, Ont. One of the oldest* purebred herds in Ontario. Phone 235-2135. T y **************** 111 Personals A silent auction followed the October meeting of the Marian Ritchie Evening Auxiliary Tuesday, Mrs, Eldon Allen was hostess with Mrs. Beverly Taylor presiding. Mrs. John Templeman read the scripture. The roll call "Name something for which you are thankful and someone you took for an autumn drive," was answered by 11 members and four visitors. The president Mrs. Larry Gardiner presided for the business when final arrangements were made for the "Luncheon Is Served" party. An invitation from Caven PCW to attend their meeting at which Mrs. Malcolm Davidson, Brucefield will speak on con- ditions in India, was received. Mrs. Lloyd Miller listed the cards and visits to shut-ins. For her topic, Mrs. Robert Laing read a paper on some of the problems of being a woman in the ministry, as outlined by Dr, Anne Graham Langford. The Rev. S. Kerr, a former minister of Exeter ' and CroinartyPresbyterian Churches conducted the service on Sunday and spoke on the words of Jesus, "Follow Me." Mrs. Mervin Dow, Mrs. Thos. Scott, Mrs. M. Lamond, Mrs, Robt. Laing, Mrs. Larry Gar- diner, and Mrs. Carter Kerslake attended the Fall Conference of the Stratford Presbyterial WMS in Listowel Tuesday. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Coleman and Ruth spent the weekend in Peterborough with Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Coleman and Paul, Mrs. James Miller was hostess for a Stanley Brush Party Thursday. Mrs. E, Kerslake and Mrs. R. Parsons attended the trade fair at Carlow last week, All members of the Otto Walker family enjoyed a birthday party Sunday at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Larry Gardiner. Celebrating birthdays were Mrs. 0. Walker, Cromarty, Alex Walker, London CONSTRUCTION scaffolding; ex-tension ladder; skit saw; ad- ding machine; sump pump; 12 & 20 ton hydraulic jacks; hand lawn sprayer; utility trailer; cartop carrier; 16' van; rolling home. Whiting Rental, 63 Main St. S., just south of river bridge. ltfne CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT— Plywood forms, wedges, power trowel, wheelbarrows, small mixer, etc. Phone 236-4954 any- time. N. J. Corriveau, Zurich. 16tfnc 22 Notices MZFAR LAN E INDEPENDENT SHIPPER to UNITED CO-OPERATIVE OF ONTARIO REAL ESTATE BROKER LONDON 434-8824 LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT TORONTO Ship Your Livestock with When you put your property in the hands of real estate sales people you ex- pect them to have your best interest at heart. We feel that our sales people do just that! We will give you an honest evaluation of your property and make a sincere effort for the highest possible price. If you have a house in town, or in the country, whether your farm is large or small, if you are thinking of selling "now" is the time to call us. ROY SCOTCHMER Monday Is Shipping Day From Varna Stockyard CALL BAYFIELD 565-2636 By 7:30 a.m. Monday For Prompt Service No Charges on Pick-up 47tfnc I. GEOGE SWEENEY will no longer be responsible for the debts of my wife. Marion Eve- lyn Sweeney. 43:44:45c * DISPERSAL SALE T y 74 Head * Hereford Cows, Calves & Yearlings For Mr. Joe Marshall, Lot 2 Concession 1 East Williams * * Twp 3 mile West of Nairn road. 4 mile north of Hickory *Corners, 6 mile south west of Ailsa Craig Friday, Nov. 2, 1:30 p.m. TERMS OF SALE: Cash. For Real Estate phone 262- 5103. PERCY WRIGHT, Auctioneer Kippen, Phone 262-5515 Owner or auctioneer not re- sponsible for accidents day of sale. 43:44c Clearing Auction Sale EXETER BRICK DUPLEX — on Main Street newly remodelled- situated on good lot in choice location, GOOD BUY — 1'h storey brick, 4 bedroom house with large livingroom, dining room, spacious kitchen, 3 piece bath, on nice lot with detached gar- age. • RETIREMENT HOME — 1 1/2 1 sided three house, with dining room, 3 p-iece bath. porch. Close to Clearing Auction Sale ******-4-1--*4-4-***** * FARMS SOLD * * ************-41-4-4-4.* * * * FARM SOLD * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l of Cattle, Farm Machinery, Household and Antique Items for Mr. Verne Sharpe Lot 3, Con 16, Stephen Twp 1'/z miles north east of Corbett; 7 miles north east of Parkhil Wednesday, Oct. 31, 1 p.m. of Standardbred Horses, Beef Cattle Machinery, Household Items for Mr. Don Hirtzel Lot 6, Con. 1 Biddulph Twp. on No. 4 Hwy. 5 miles south of Exeter, 1 mile south of Centralia AUCTIONEERS 666-1967 666-0833 • Tom Robson Hugh Filson y T T y T y T y -4( -4( yT * CATTLE — 4 beef cows with calves; BWF cow due inwin ter; * Saturday, Oct. 27, 12:30 p.m. ilt• * 4, Hereford cow due in spring; 2 yearling purebred Hereford* " bulls (Hirtzel Bros. breeding); purebred Hereford herd sire * Husker Mischief. * HORSES: will sell at 2:30 p.m. - 14 well bred standardbred 4( . . . auctioneers for catalogues. horses. Write or phone Mr. Don Hirtzel, RR 1, Centralia or the 4 , Please note Mite, & Household will be sold at 12:30 * TERMS Cash Booth LUCAN OFFICE 2274071 EWER OFFICE 135-0541 MACHINERY — Cockshutt 1355 diesel tractor only 1600 ,jr "T hours with Cockshutt loader; 66 Oliver row crop tractor with ---r• * scuffler and bean puller; 77 Oliver standard tractor; Allis dir **a, Chalmers C tractor with scuffler and Mower; Oliver 3 furrow 3 " pt, hitch plow; David Brown Trip beam plow; 32 plate* -I Pittsburg wheel disc; Danish 3 pt. hitch cultivator; spring tooth *cultivator; 4 row J.D. Flexa corn and bean planter; J.D. 15 run -F * grain and fert. drill on rubber. Oliver 3 pt. hitch mower; M.F. )11" No, 3 baler with motor; Ebersol hopper box and wagon; 114 4_ grain thrower with pipes; 570 ihnes bean windrower; No, 5 ..1,r AT' Oliver 1 row corn picker; Cockshutt pia manure spreader; " NJ. Turnco 8 ton wagon and rack; tubular hay elevator; Letz .„hr "T grinder and belt; 4 row horse cultivators, harrows; Ebersol pto " * snowblower; Int. hayloader; 2 wheel trailer with racks, truck -* ► racks for narrow box pickup; tractor umbrella; 4" tile, etc. * SNOWMOBILE — 440 Scorpion 73 * HOUSEHOLD— Kelvinator refrigerator and electric stove; * Int, deep freeze; Emerson radiotretord player; bedroom ''suites; suites; RM-TV; baby crib; chrome set. storey insu bedroom livingroom, kitchen and Closed-in sun Main Street. GOOD STARTER — three bedroom 1 1/2 storey brick, large livingroom, dining room, modern kitchen, 3 piece bath, needs decorating - reasonably priced. MAIN STREET — 150 feet frontage approximately 1 1/2 acres, Includes older 2 bedroom house. LUCAN NEW BRICK — 2 storey bedroom home in a good area - living room, dining room, kitchen and bath. Electric heat, all services in, on good lot, LOT — in Luton, 264 x 400 EDGE OF TOWN — 3 bedroom 1'h storey brick home with, livingroom, dining room, kitthen, 3 piece bath, new furnace, extra large lot. FARMS HENSALL — 100 due with 85 workable, large L-shaped barn, 2 drive sheds, 1 1/2 storey, 5 bedroom brick house, with livingroom, kitchen, 4 piece bath, 6 Miles east of Hentall, * * BEEF CATTLE: 7 cows with calves at foot some rebred; 13 4 cows and heifers bred, due in spring; farrow cow, 14 Al" beautiful Hereford spring calves. The above cows are Hereford and Shorthorn cross. A good opportunity to buy some good producing cows. * MACHINERY: Int, H tractor with manure loader, stuffier and bean puller; Int. 2 furrow plow; Int. 15 run disc drill; F.B. dou- • ble disc; M.H. 9 ft. cultivator; harrows; 9 ft. land packer; • rubber tired wagon and rack; Int. 45 pto baler; Int, 3 bar side "7- rake; 32 ft. tubular elevator; 3 sets of bean knives and arms; .if sleighs; New Holland hammermill; 75 ft, endless belt; root pulper; trailer with racks; double barrel shotgun; colony house 10'x12'; fence posts; extension ladder; outside hanger for , litter carrier pole; grain auger; white ash sills; quantity of 1( lumber; scrap iron; cattle clippers; pinchers; lawn mower; woven wire stretchers, etc. 11 hens Machinery selling for Mr. Jonathon Sharpe Lely fertilizer spreader, bean puller & stuffier fit an Int. C or 200; Int. trail mower; bale stooker; roller; int, cultivator on rubber; Cockshutt No. 11 • 13 run hoe drill; John Deere dou- ble disc; J,D,side rake; rubber tired wagon & rack; harrows; sJrcales; 2 wheeled trailer; aluminum extension ladder; misc. farm tools, etc. 41( ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD, ETC, bureau; oval table; 'wicker ..,he cradle; old lamps; irons; jugs, sealers; drop leaf table; doll bed; tommode; bedding; Clare Jewell electric stove; beds; aipt chrome set; lamps; high chair; walker; tricycle. * TERMS CASH BOOTH NO. 83 HIGHWAY — 100 acres, 85 workable, could be recreation or building site BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP — 98 acres, nearly all workable, good 110' barn. Good well, 5% mortgage now establish- ed, 1 mile off paved road. NO, 83 HIGHWAY — rolling land, highway location, 175 acres 1/2 workable, STORES LONDON — On Oxford Street, east, Variety store, good volume, good location, excellent 3 bedroom living quarters attached, EXETER — dry cleaning set up, concrete block building, all equipment included plus es- tablished business. Good op- portunity for young aggressive couple. BRUSSELS -- commercial building with living quarters above shop, needs some work, HENSALL spacious living quarters in this 2 storey brick building on Main Street. GENERAL STORE — in Huron County, attractive 2 bedroom living quarters, good dis- play.area, MOUSES IN AREA CREDITON — duplex, 2 storey brick oh Main Street, 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom units, oil heat, good wiring. ROMAN LINE — 4 bedroom 1 1/2 storey home on ap- proximately 6 atres of land, living room, dining room, American styled kitchen, new bath and furnace. good barn, suitable for horses. Good drive shed, good water supply, 2 miles off paved road, Hugh Filsrni Toni Robton Phone 666-083a 6664067 • Hugh sfilion AUCTIONEERS tom Robson -0833 -1967 * * "Sir#:64c*********6;*** **************** * DEANNE RICE MERT CABER"( 1354761 217-4766 CARL WALKER 56S-6393