HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-10-11, Page 14Excellent Marketing Opportunity We are looking for 2 or 3 people in the Exeter- Clinton-Goderich Area. Ideal for someone look- ing for an exciting and rewarding career with a large multi-national firm. Also a tremendous op- portunity for a part-time worker. (ideal for housewives) who wishes to supplement his or her family income. Previous experience in dealing with 'the public would definitely be an asset. Show our newest product to the parents of pre- school children - a play-training concept that is truly exciting and extremely effective. Watch parent's eyes light up when they see it! They love it and so do the children. Showing it is selling it. Go with a new product that has tremendous appeal and enthusiastic acceptance. Protected territory. Excellent opportunity for advancement in this expanding division. Pleasant well-rewarded work performing a desirable service. FOR FULL DETAILS CONCERNING ALLADIN'S WORKSHOP WRITE TO K. L. BROWN, SUITE NO. 711, 20b UNIVERSITY AVENUE, TORONTO, ONTARIO, MSH 3E2. 13 For Sale 13 For Sale 9 Services 13 For Sale 5 Help Wanted Page 14 October 11, 1973 CLASSIFIED RATES VACUUM CLEANERS, sales and service, all makes. Bob Peck, Zurich, phone Hensall, 262-5748. 48tfne FOR BACKHOEING or excavat- ing promptly, call 229-6575, Bill Hocking, or 229-8975, Russeldale Farm Equipment. 34tfnc BARBIE DOLL clothes, hand- made. Call Mrs. Earl Hamilton. 293-3014. 41:42* 2 SNOW TIRES. G78x15, with wheels for 1970 Chevrolet. Wil- liam J. Thomson, phone 235- 1217. 41* AUTOMATIC WASHER, GSW, with suds-saver; needs some re- pairs. Phone 237-3587, 41c MISSES' COAT. size 12. beige midi with beautiful brown fur trim, in excellent condition. Phone 235-1208. 41e S T 0 V E. Enterprise, propane gas, 4-burner cook stove, in good condition. Call 237-3601, ater 6 p.m. 41c Beaver's 50 '"Model" Homes Considering a new home? Then see Beaver where there are over 50 different models to choose from. Beaver will build on your lot and foundation and you'll certainly be pleased with the savings and finished home, To get an idea of the costs and savings visit your Beaver store or call; Brian Veale, 38 Blackacres Blvd., London 472-5394. 38tfnc IMPORTANT Canadian Com- pany ors a excitin g ceer to the ffe right n person in ar the motorist services field. We pro- mote on merit, Full-time activ- ity with salary plus commis- sion and monthly bonus makes for an executive income. Per- manent lifetime position. Ex- cellent security benefits. Full training at company expense. Car required but no overnight travel. Contact: Ronald Ander- sen. St. Pates. phone 393-5387. 40:41:42c AMBITIOUS person to work in local light metal manufactur- ing plant. Experience not neces- sary but a willingness to learn is a must. Please apply to Mr. Doug Courtney. Andex Build- ing Products Ltd.. Thames Rd. East. Exeter, Ont. 40:41c REQUIRED immediately, part- time or full - time help to answer telephone, wait on cus- tomers and do odd jobs. in well established furniture and appliance s t o r e. Reasonable hours, benefits and wages. Ap- ply in person to Gingerich Sales and Service Ltd.. Zurich. phone 236-4351. All. inquiries dealt with in confidence., 40:41c WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of wards. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers pr prices count as one word per set, Words jowled by hyphens count as separate words, FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $1.25, 5c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 4c per word, minimum 80c. SIX INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 3r2c per word, minimum 70c, SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.50 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTION - $1,30 per column inch Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch, BOX NUMBERS to this office - 25c per insertion. BIRTHS - No charge MARRIAGES Engagements, Death Notices, Cards of Thanks - 30 words $1.25, each additional word 2c. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.25 plus 10c per line of verse, COMING EVENTS - 30 words $1,25, each additional word 2c. Subsequent insertions deduct 50c 25p DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT DEADLINE IS 5 PM TUESDAYS Phone 235-1331 Classifications 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 1, Teachers Wanted 8 Situations Wanted 9 Services 10, Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales 1972 MOTO SKI Capri 340. speedometer and cover, excel- lent condition. Phone 235-2122. 41c ATTENTION FARMERS Highest price for your dead or disabled cows and horses. Pigs and calves picked up free. For prompt service call im- mediately: Collect STRATHROY 245-0838 LUCAN 227-4312 License No. 417 GRINSVEN & BUTLER LUCAN DEAD STOCK 16tfnc 14 Wanted To Buy FREEZER - Phone 234-6270. 41* REFRIGERATOR. 15 cu. ft,, in good running condition. Phone 237-3326. 41* PUPPY, part terrier, to give away. Phone 235.0206 after 4:30 p.m. 410 STUDENTS SEEDS RENT OR BUY YOUR TYPEWRITER AT T-A BUYERS OF TIMOTHY, RED CLOVER & BIRDSFOOT TREFOIL SEED BOX OF GIRL'S CLOTHING, sizes 6 and 7. Phone 234-6491. 410 BUYING A NEW CAR? Pro- tect your investment with rust- proofing. Available at Don Tay- lor Motors, phone 235-1100, Ex- eter. 410 MAPLE LEAF MILLS Try our attractive rental-ownership plan. MINI BIKE. 50 cc Honda motor, in good condition, Phone 228-6949. 41c DRIED FLOWERS and craft supplies. The Country Spire Gift Studio and Tea Room. 10 minutes east of Exeter. 229- 6341. 41tfn 2 INFANT bunting bags of orlon acrylic pile. Colour: aqua and pink; excellent condition. Asking $5 each. Phone 235-1852. 41* (SEED DIV.) (Jones, MacNaughton) EXETER PHONE 235-0363 32-42c PHONE 235-1331 1 Lost 38tfnc 9 Services 9 Services FIRST CUT HAY, excellent for horses. Bill Rammeloo, phone 237-3228. 41c STEEL SCREW cutting lathe with motor and bench; 41/2 x12 skill belt sander; .303 sporting rifle with ammunition and 2 clips. _Phone 262-5186. 40:41c GERMAN SHEPHERD female. 1 year old, registered. Has all shots, good temperament; $100. Phone 262-2002. 40:41c 1971 SKIROULE, 28 h.p., elec- tric start, good condition, low mileag e. Also snowmobile cover, single trailer with sides plus helmets. boots, snowmobile suits. etc. Will sell complete or separate. Call Exeter 235- 1772. 41c CHIHUAHUA PUP, male. 4 months old. Phone 236-4752. 40:41c FEEDLOT STEER, around 900 lbs., which broke out of barn at Lot 23, Concession 10, on Sunday, September 7, and is still missing. Anyone seeing a stray steer, please contact Vic tor Hartman, phone 237-3232. 38tfnc LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS BACKHOE WORK; also sewer connections, septic tanks and drain beds installed or servic- ed. Pete Butler, Lucan. 17-46* FOR ALL your plumbing, heat- ing and gas fitting needs, call Herb's Plumbing & Heating, 235-2996. 18tfnc PIANO. in good condition, Phone 228-6912 during the day; 228-6373 after 5 p.m. 40:41c LADIES' period clothing. 1900- 1940, in good condition, shawls. shoes, dresses. etc. Please write listing what you have and what you ask for each article. Mrs. K. Smith. 224 Wychwood Ave., Toronto. 41c LARGE DOLL BUGGY. excel- lent condition. Phone 234-6486, 41:42e CUSTOM KILLING REGISTERED NURSE or RNA for evening shift at Queensway Nursing Home, Hensall. phone 2.62.2830. 40:41c • Now you can train right here in Canada. • Tuition Tax Deductible, • Placement Assistance Guaranteed AND PROCESSING - 2 Butchering Days - Tuesday - Beef and Pork Friday - Beef Only Pick-up Service Available. We wrap your meat in see- through film. Guaranteed against freezer burn, MERNER'S ABATTOIR 237-3314 Dashwood 19tfne Kil 1EN. 6 months old. female. Answers to the name of 'Toots'. Lost in the vicinity of Victoria & Grey. Phone 235-0787. 41c HOCKEY EQUIPMENT, good shape. Phone 235-0357. 41c SINGLE KITCHEN SINK with taps; cast iron bath tub on legs. 244 Main St.. Exeter, phone 235-1533. 4ltfnc Wilson's Jewellery Opposite Exeter Post Office WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Work Guaranteed for 1 Year PART TIME HELPER NEEDED For application and interview, write: Safety Department, The Canadian Institute of Tractor Trailer Training Ltd.. 207 Queen's Quay W. Toronto 117, Ontario, or call 416-864-9381, Formerly-Trans Canada Trans- port Training). 39:40:41c HAULING - Livestock, ferti- lizer, gravel, grain. Jim Siddall & Son Trucking 229-6439. Live- stock and cargo insurance. Kitchener, Stratford, Toronto and surrounding areas. 8:13tfne ELECROLUX (C anad a) Ltd., sales and service, Authorized dealer, Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St. Goderich. phone 524- 6514. 39-44* DRESSMAKING and alterations done in my • home. Work by professional. Excellent rates. Phone Frances Nash, 228-6793. 3ltfnc CARP ENTE R, experienced, would like alteration work in Exeter. Contact Gordon Ribey, 189 Sanders St. E., Apt. 3. 41:42:43* 5 Help Wanted LABOURERS - Rydall Brick & Tile. Phone 227-4721. 33tfnc AVON CALLING! It can be you. Sell during hours you choose in your own neighbour- hood. Call now: Mrs Millson, 451-0541. 39:41c Need extra cash??? We have a vacancy for someone to keep plant clean and tidy inside and out. Plus some driving duties. APPLY FRANK COLLARD EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 4ltfnc CUSTOM COMBINING, bulldoz- ing and back hoe work. Apply Leon Triebner, RR 1 Hensall, between 7 and 9 a.m. 26tfnc CERTIFIED MASTER WATCHMAKER Pleasing you pleases US. 5:28tfnc GENE'S PERSON TO SERVE and KITCHEN HELP TRACTOR TRAILER driver, ex- perienced. For further informa- tion call 229-8895. 41c BABYSITTER, full time, for 2 pre-school children, in our own home, Monday to Friday. Phone 235-1772. 410 PARTS DEPARTMENT assist- ant. Apply in person. N. T. Monteith Ltd,, Main St. S.. Exeter. 41c COCKTAIL and dining lounge help needed. Phone 228-6649 or apply in person to Dufferin Hotel. Centralia, 41:42:43c ATTENTION BEEF PRODUCERS! HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL IVIZ4FAR LAN E Get more profits from your feed :lot by using SYNOVEX IMPLANT Up to 118 lbs. reported from one service. For further information call ROBERT BRAND at 235-1759. after 6 p.m. 39-42c REAL ESTATE BROKER LONDON 434-8824 - SIGNS OF ALL TYPES - RR 1, Dashwood 238-8242 20tfnc FULL AND PART-TIME GOOD PAY LET'S MAKE A DEAL CLINTON, ONT. REDI-MIX CONCRETE - De- livered (washed sand & stone). All types of concrete work, Free estimates. McCann Construction Ltd., Dashwood. Phone 237-3381 or 237-3422. 14tfnc We are now paying $5.00 to $15.00 for fresh dead or dis- abled cows and horses over 500 pounds. Two trucks to serve you bet- ter. Fast, efficient service. All small farm stock picked up free as a service to you. NEW BURKLEY RESTAURANT WILL BABYSIT small children in my own home. Phone 235- 1936. 41:42c USED WINDOWS and storm windows; storm doors and in- side and outside doors; 2 Colonial inside doors with glass; bed with steel springs and 2 mattresses; Titan baseboard heater. 38" wide. Second farm north of Kippen on Hwy. 4. Phone 262-5848. 41nc 2 FANCY WROUGHT iron beds with brass knobs. 1 single and one 3/4 . Phone 235-1950, 40:41* GERMAN SHEPHERD. white, purebred. 2 years old, spayed. very affectionate. Phone 238- 2451. 40:41c SPACE HEATER and antique cupboard. Phone 227-4500. 40:41* 9 Services WATCH & CLOCK repairing. Work guaranteed. Fine selec- tion of watches. Bluebird dia- monds and diamond re-setting. Trophies. Hess Jewellery, Zur- ich. ltfnc EXETER PHONE 235-1730 41:42c 10 Livestock For Sale GOOD STARTER - 1 1/2 storey brick with full basement, large livingroom, dining room, modern kitchen, 3 piece bath, needs some decorating, detached garage, reasonably priced. BIG BRICK - 2 storey 4 bedroom white brick with livingroom, diningroom, kitchen, and dinette, with 3 piece bath. In good condition. Has attached garage. Situated on good sized corner lot. GOOD VALUE - 1 Y2 storey brick, 4 bedroom house with large livngroom, dining room, and spacious kitchen, 3 piece bath, on nice lot with detached garage. FARMS HENSALL - 100 acres, 85 workable,L-shaped barn 36x- 75, 2 drive sheds- 5 bedroom, 1 1/2 storey brick house, large livingroom, kitchen, 4 piece bath, 6 miles east of Hensall. GRAND BEND - 100 acres of bare land, 2 1/4 mile south of No. 83. BIDDULPH TWSP. - 98 acres, nearly all workable, good 110' barn. Good well, 5% mortgage now establish- ed, 1 mile off paved road. GRAND BEND - 175 acres bare land, 1/2 workable, good recreation or building site, roll- ing land, highway location. COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION FULL OR PART-TL14E, at res- taurant next to Dale's Esso, Grand Bend. phone 238-2880. 40:41c, LICENSED TINSMITH - Phone 262-2014. 40:41c SALES CLERK. full time, until Christ in a s. Experience not necessary but would be desir- able. Please state salary ex- pected. Apply Box `LMP', The Exeter Times-Advocate. POLLED HEREFORD bulls, registered, serviceable age, $75 government grant, large selec- tion. Ancell Lee & Sons, Ailsa Craig, phone 293-3161. 30tfnc CALL COLLECT 482-9811 INSTALLATION AND SERVICE 7 DAYS A WEEK 24 HOURS A DAY 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1971 CHEV PICK-UP; 1967 Chevy -II, 2-door; 1968 4 cylinder Viva; all in good condition. Phone 262-5333. 41c NEILSON REFRIGERATION YOU MAY OBTAIN A WRITTEN REPORT FROM A QUALIFIED VETERINARIAN UPON REQUEST Call us first - you won't have to call anyone else. Licence No. 237-C-71 lltfnc WILL HOUSECLEAN in Grand Bend and Exeter •areas. Phone 228.6904, Monday to Friday, be- tween 5 and 7 p.m. 40:41c WILL BABYSIT in my home. Phone 234-6398. 40:41* CALL Grand Bend Electronics, Julius Orban at 238-8044 for TV and radio sales and ser- vice. 40-44* Rent a Car OR Truck BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK 294-6321 PARKHILL 44tfnc 40:41c 1969 CHRYSLER New Yorker. 2 door hardtop, loaded, in ex- cellent condition. Phone 235- 1936, 41:42c LARRY SNIDER MOTORS 1973 SKIROULE, excellent con- dition. Phone 235-2175, after 5 p.m. 40:41* 2 GIRL'S COATS. size 12 grey tweed midi, and size 10 blue and green checked. Call 237- 3526 after 6 p.m. 40:41* PITTSBURGH PAINTS 720 Colors blended to your choice, in all finishes, SIMMS BRUSHES for best results. PAPER BOOKS in the latest designs and patterns. "Your At Home Decorating Centre" CALL BILL MaCLEAN 129 Giciley 'St. 235-2934 EXETER leowtfnc LTD. Exeter 235-1640 5:9tfne 13 For Sale TO BUY OR SELL antiques and used furniture contact Norm Whiting 235-1964. 13tfne ADDING MACHINES, typewrit- ers, sales, service, rentals, sup- plies. Jerry Slathers Typewrit- ers, 92 Main St. 235-1840. 2tfnc ALUMINUM siding, windows, doors, awnings. Free estimates. Expert installations. Thos. H. Walker, 17 Nelson St. Phone 2.35-0722. 6: 25tfn c SEE - SAY - SIGNS - Magnetic signs for trucks, ears, wagons, campers. Plastic signs for mail- boxes, desks, houses, parking lots, Harry DeVries, Exeter, 235-0555. 10tfc-Pc TOWERS! Towers! Towers! Super reception; Delhi rotors, boosers, antermaes, Be pleased. Max's TV & Appliances, Grand Bend, 238.2493. 36tfnc BEAUTIFUL TROPHIES, half price, Free engraving. Cata- logue on request. Central Sup- ply Depot, Box 248, Ingersoll, UNITRON are the only hearing aids made in Canada. Our famous rechargeable models leave you worry free of bat- teries for • 5 years plus a 30- day money-back privilege. Pen- sioners 20% off, House calls ar- ranged, Davidson Hearing Ser- vice, 334 Queens Ave., 432-9051, London. 38-52e VISES; used steel beams and pipe. Hamilton's Machine Shop, phone 235-1655. 38tfnc SPLIT LEVEL - new four bedroom brick in choice,area. All electric heat, living room, dining room, modern kitchen, 4 piece bath, finished recrea- tion room. In excellent condi- tion. STORES LONDON - on Oxford Street East, Variety Store, good volume, good location, ex- cellent 3 bedroom living quarters attached. EXETER - Dry cleaning business- Concrete block building-includes all equip- ment and established business-good opportunity for young aggressive couple. BRUSSELS - commercial building-living quarters above store-needs work. HENSALL - Main Street good 2 storey brick building with spacious living quarters. GENERAL STORE - located in Huron County, attractive 2 bedroom living quarters, good display area in store, EXETER RETIREMENT HOME - 1 1/a storey insul sided three bedroom house, with livingroom, dining room, kitchen and 3 piece bath. Clos- ed in sun porch. Close to Main Street, MAIN STREET - 150 feet frontage approximately 1 1/2 acres. Includes au old 2 bedroom home. BEV'S PLUMBING and HEATING EXPERT REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS Residential, Commercial and Industrial FREE ESTEVIATES PHONE 235-1081 from 12 till 1 or after 5 p.m. 16tfne LUCAN EDGE OF TOWN - 2 very large building lots on paved road, gas and water. LOT - in Lucan 264 x 400. $ REWARD $ WE ARE NOW PAYING UP TO $18.00 FOR DEAD AND DISABLED COWS AND HORSES AND STOCKER CATILE EDGE OF TOWN - 1 1/2 storey brick home, 3 bedroom, livingroom, diningroom, kitchen, 3 piece bath, new gas furnace, extra large lot. NEW IDEA 1 row No. 10 corn picker. in good condition. Phone Emerson Penhale, 229-8203. 41* ORNAMENTAL IRON - Porch railings, column posts, inside vinyl covered stair rails, room dividers, etc. Elroy Desjardine, 236-4622 or 236-4242, 18tfne SEPTIC TANK pumping ser- vice, H. T, Dale, phone Clinton 482-3320, 13-51* ANYONE wishing barns to be whitewashed, call William Wat- son, 237-3306. 22tfnc All small animals picked up free as a service to you. We have three trucks to serve you 24 hours, 7 days a week, REFINIS HED antique side- board; also centre table with detachable legs, Phone 229- 6669. Mrs. A. Christie, RR 1 Mitchell. VA miles west of Russeldale on Hwy. 83. 41e MACS, Courtland, Snows. Gol- den Delicious. Bring your own containers, Wilfred Mousseau. phone 236-4110. 41e DEEP FREEZE. Woods. in ex- cellent condition. 70 Green Acres, Grand send. phone 238- 8156. 41c SQUASH And other vegetables. Bill Rammeloo, Dashwoo d, phone 2373228, 41c WRINGER WASHER, Simplic- ity, with pump, in good condi- tion. Phone 228-6450, 41c APPLES-Spy, Xing, Delicious, Talman Sweet, Snow. Macin- tosh, Courtland, Greening. 11/2 miles north of Dashwood. Bring your own container. Irvine Teeter, phone 2374362. 41:42c HOUSES IN AREA CREDITON - Duplex 2 storey brick on Main Street, 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom units, oil heat, good wiring. BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES CALL COLLECT 887-9334 ROMAN LINE - ap- proximately 6 acres, 4 bedroom, 1'h storey home, liv- ing room, American style kitchen 8, dining room. New bath and furnance. New addi- tion, needs some decorating. Barn in good repair, suitable for horse. Good drive shed, good water supply, 2 miles off paved road. FARMERS! Are you considering erecting FARM BUILDINGS Lie. 399-C-73 40tfne THIS YEAR? Contact us - We offer com- plete farm building service. BALL-MACAU LAY LTD. MATERNITY WEAR UPHOLSTERING and slip Over- ing, years of experience, free estimates, Phone 227-4240; 181 Water St., Lucan, 22tfnc SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pump- ed; new tanks installed; new Weeping beds laid; old systems repaired. Immediate. service. Butler Bros, Liteath 227.4312 or 227-4254, 10tfne at the SEPARATE SHOPPE Open 2-6 Closed Wednesdays MAIN COME11 ON CLINT 00 T 30w EXETER OFFICE 235-0541 LUCAN OFFICE 227-4071 CARL WALKER DEANNE RICE MERT CULBERT Boyfield 56.55393 235.2751 Lucan 227.4766 Clinton Scaforth Hensall Atfrid