HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1871-10-6, Page 21•221111211•1111411111-0111P.A4411111111•11111.erse....... ree....Mremene
Me ttaistert, Kuswy: iletur I gemmed
• limit and beta were altiveithati In tompauy, 0 one y wog
'the tinder. •
elm' last AMIN'S: ettensetens, Will the and nisi to h. r ;
"re ell l• seid the Stii lire seleutele.
l' g in -4'14 •Aamortstailesk mil • rims *teed , 'item, Cli tell you what 1 think.
mit trot, ea ienam strength. ; Merhh p...or Zrsdi June. elle. hard this ••%Veit I j••st termed '',. ft, gmeoe'. re.
"0, t 0. 0 1 liageei, wr, you ewe* teal phone for six ,r seven • errs, ceuatoast, ' jibed ifeasioy, ••fne ,y'e wed, ,,,,,,..u., dos
0, emit! einteenet Isieltust1 0, ear laud no nivdicias emu cure 'ties.. New, ref %got." ,,,...,_
host, flootGedei.leirs be -alert airy extra:, . then, VII bet Cat if you 11 jsertste • '',S -a -a -e-11 r
beached to tbe apse *oil nal Iltesselfe, little imereat to aware Om boy hell get "Tee a a ie.., e, t,,,„kn .,,t_nn. zna,..
pale mad treeline, between the horse ' null. W hat liu a Alibi oil to fares' 1.1111 oot kose eg,„ e,,,, 1i,.... wi...-';.. n,,o. ,..,
........ iind.r.".a.aa:airra iteervetarietionah., irbia,;16,44.. um im mu, tino, b., u..„,... ,,,,,,,., ri, tee non ilor th• 4smiltattaf,6:::a aaidott .,:avOise.,,:tor444434
g*101 b"0114441 01 111Ctlf Ct1401111. bill undmrt litts• a Ito, iio nail IlaildOl, yull ItIllat 410
104100,14414 tiitlaf 11461 0R,01411 ,.I5i, 't '0',*". 411,1 6111.141161111atol. atliwort the meth,
re\e,sa,.,:a.',;a4s,,, fr.,ou the. heart •,i1 little Bows
jrn dropped ina that his mouth WU omit*: faing rah la,.." .
to its KOWA geeing c.pcitY. quill 111011' Rest Wait A kind loaned, nip eent Llio 41i Ailii 11 tliat atilt the memory ..1 the
up ..ti the deed spire 4 a raltint Vow •i Inimlisl na ale ilium, to thet it eat stet mot who died ... the cede...
..e4peekee helms to baste luageWlialt4s hard nalter fer thu ',21..."•rd.l° Ittii‘,... iiirne""w„re ••••••••••••Permeremeamesseassms•
tet -t.... The hoed very 1.10y aitel mom 1 to oilliacilt do kia proepootioh 1 au 1
cetitly ein'tett ha great bra it eyes, Itio-; net attempt t. whose onti hei f 6thor 4••,1 . 1, .r.ni _.•ss;err
• hole he maw! at GM slut el the girt's ' tionaer e..0.4 have egad tn ems, f. • they Itti k ti piguttl.,
h de the
"Uni gled, 0. I'm ever se glad pie%
net kill hie.," murmured the bide lady
its she not the •te (
The man •teo.1 fou None 4040•044,40sing
and gaping iu niter oat.oinsitotic11.1 tlinte
1104. rig VAR am/ reddest is Itelime I .
Fob*: 10.0•41."•• h•d•"44° g"m"IrY • 01,2?„ .6, .1/.71.
%DA Narthtrh Nr,161 Sad.
undes to spend the Sommer, wed she
10 bound to foible, hie 641 Vaal all,1 fele
implamtly ou his jodgment, *Idle
.„, Wine me. fiiho She labd
Mime, bet ream...no:, lie iseseutm on 'Lim had sway • gale.- ; ge le o,
Ale, awl, Ileunshone high Geer hio al on the 'S.,i.ainterben nets. Al mielt
riterted, rang petuls..tly thiteigh the Q•iletly Ail41116 Jutted hy, and of ThiiradAY, btli oast, Me. Harrison
A very mi,..rtritt imaging of the
Tuan.C....imil wee held on the ovoidal
hoed, tried to a ...re tl.m. Mira! mn1 ICH.. holt tho hifaill 41..1 sing.
11/iical• - Atilatettahlllf heir, its y....10. INIiillif tie I.g. C. apeeered at the Heard aim pm:
"I said I'd kill I.. ef that Wo feergling• the cern rod moil farmed with, *sigh mend, co til I
oil didn't cure ent,:"4 1.: ra: denied. ....0.!,.,el lot hail, as: at: o...7...tokrfit,fi : Yiewietetri.0,‘Tii....: I, '1.14 of....11 srvimis :1111 p:::::,. 111::::::.,
dea't, tie. I"
"0, sir, please, eint-thottll- t.iri;`,4"... 4,, tit. innitu, sod 4141141 of *Mut itolditglilli be Loud, ou an examinee 1
thee for Row toe go hose was at 11.10.1. I th'" e'"' C'''''''61 01° lid +Weep:. $1,10,), In
'' Tawe't Ito Ma tmegia', he's ne as cit 1 Zreh J.illeS. 1 tie ogee had elepened,
•Iiii ed the til
tios .1the Souls uf the Narthere Gravel I
lea foe te eat op conk rt,' f...1.1er an' hay) the aMlo • nem li, I g me fro. 144 ail'. • -glued ComP•111. had been iesseivod for
and the likis end les h!ntett tittle- • tete , lleeh had gathered en Ms thiiiik. mad in I
neither •very'dav. alea I ovum tie•yea I hie ayes achrerfut tialit. Ile h.elg,rorit 1 1.1111 wet not expels ied ,,, r„,I„,,a.s. ..,,,, 1
Ise's aso'tli try.' bicare 'is, and Anal I quite pini,,p,. 4ii.1 toe Lair ....1010,,,ar.11, ttiliaistiot.i...eiptuyii..utiha.h.odysld tt1,11.1)146thse rsm...1.,..i.i_tf ;
every duoly Iroogli at tsui *ad* L'Ait got looked alooloat gl esv. N., more .
etch ed. -reed ..1,1,.:ii name et a h es, and The eveuing loveedle4 lbw Y'!".iiil II" 2 i gage ors given to the tore for smut,
jut: dreg MY 10444 .1 1110.001144,44sum depettent tiff the, c1l.t woo • hull mo. ,.
toy nuaren000ters .1 th• rond on their
ye'v• hearu Ise li i"
. and bitters! oof riding, ea natdi , a le a I
"B• , take hen Zeal i'lng iiv.11 01 the privet. property. *tech waat the al000lia
-nay ft Kay !2it• hint thif um ideate...71 apple. 445 211/0 and molt to heogatherr
"A' •hat in thimiler wood vr.e111 1.4.111Itt. she "'nee, 'and their loeuer•
de yug. (.4 him fos I111144.611. e Rea oriel the A.ittoitia air v.
he cait't work or eel!' ." delaatele Met Z tab nil A onset newt
"Neva mind, give him to no, I'll taits "+"+"' ...AI full +4 *9.: saao••
'Are of him.' Whet. the tomtit Wks returned fro.
1.4 y„or'd heee eta. ea their ea te the 'Apure +Fa& stsseliug
loot if 'terrut 11, I'Ve Anon, to kill Ain. tom 'tie •step,:-- His noes eve deteetal
••, the feet is 1%/1 del sick a peek) eimmtloine erring 111 the fame tue up.
denial hod .s. thili it loot* kind. Pfpee17.014 111".P 0 -
"What me., Zech; Gish; ahr he said
"1r e.o.m. 1 in for a sheke,"
raii the reply, til a Whoa', gillplitillemee.
A 114.1. 011 the 14.41 lose .1 c...0J orftaloy,
it hot dosh, in :he owls, .4 a
palior,- loaned oli each cheek .1 t..
speriker. Itsse• bre aim sober mia
sorrier fuloolute her lout beat patufails
slow. .
The 'Sinize 'could sot hear ago Rea
sera, as the Lao partta. hrtule
do.oriCherg sit th" .ear.l. ma 1 .'W.14111 he
trail that he widow' siteemeld halm
sr Intr./ thst I ale t brim the setts
faction of bust.' hi. haul 1 or tt.•'
••klut yeo'll 1•4 havJ 'bolero
g men !'
admit it'd be tidal otiory in re
to od.O.0 11111 "peat i 'wort! gal
as you., but 164 pupa -PO, parjury,
dog mi If %wouldn't ! 1 swum Id kill
'toe 1"
Joist then the pecelimities of the wont's
thetas:ter were wo ottrn cei hie fan. Ilis
nose desioted prom -it), his temoal-
it) Ins eyes *Viol 1111104, Itnuf
lieu. ha emu tarealems, eiel Itlew4"1.11TA'
ion the ague. I WU ted sure Met lisomistef tda/wd.• • *1010 .31118-01•46Ach'•
• 111.11 11114 had the ogee tor seven sear' •Whetint, till the &gm. sessoa wan ever,
without • fortnight s respite it eleollit •14 Imago • 11.E •
th et. he inn onersted among hit chandler- • "1 11,7. 11E047 *ailed on* d•T
Mum-, tot the truth is. *ale and fever lone," and the 'Seim cou:q not mulct..
nis affect oise'echeiscter mod radically. eland he
Rose need ..toe the Inty,....er.1 erOle b°1-
1 du...Ili:it teht.se,oina. st,..,t wurier pr4.40r.rimir
peeled m air, Rae • teepee net. owe ,t4i've MCI' reamed ,ni *seven ti.b.11:4 owthelenal; for the C pithy,
ly at the knot to the hJiter•reo I tr. 14711+4"t .6`44.41/„. Pr...mien" ...me +rood elaeltog e el, has tint kept
be trail prw.ire of her intent, the heti , Mem thee et Uwe heroin Lo• • Keete.e. .011 road au 111111 elficiunt ee-ore ea aee
nas puor ein ter, efhltal 411144 441 41.4011411.41.114****1 toddy to 4.45..3 or feeditate trattie met
iti M.ay. . eon ticm to ties aliened.; .4 (s..tter,ei,
On the eery day .4 the stabling M1*. 1. odoug h000ter et tett matter mom a
"Well, tem, that 'are, ! yef
Inoeler staael-p•ant sad in the
• brio'. Take en &Lee; f.,r ail 1 keer ; Ture111 rs•••041.1 114 41"181114 Bole:
"Diem Sites; Cause tett as see es,,• aght .ef .1110 pressing necessity for the
take 'an along !"
ilirr„,t 1.1 1 Li, hityle eye* it you' tweet .11tag hot ol sr. &aid tidocuugh *renovatona 01
to la BAN end smiled o bo epoke, 4 big 4.: taw, ugly y re A Cifirel ,:.* . cowl highway. %ie'ljyydi soacludg that
wrinlmeg smile tied, c over/al the Logbook:, Asc.., Jood• ornonlv deolg eati the Cou.ten, orteritig
et his shallow Mama fatie...3111Sellthted ••••enow1110 4044111.4444imereeeropie and
ha (roe with hia sleeve. . nliia 'PAS -6a- taiga
Pouk, eenid to 7" he mellowed, ediroi 110 Win,. tad. pre kJ 4411 die hafry einsipsoy for the principal ions,
&amine:dr gazing alter the The po fell.. is newistrats bet -if, was Very jet/ICU/4C Wii,Arre fully eon.,
ow,.,„ ee„, e, puny, end I think yeti ought t s ass. lion' viand of th.s, for several renews. To
loving eerie, "Jassy •,..stis.- et -cure pay.aetat of the total arrearage of
Sonstuonag in this how ny letter 1.-
fected ties yesing girt rwr dooply.
deeply thst ou t'te ere hrr
marriage she prevailed 0.1 her hash. tad
to task,: her to 'Again/ Marun a. •
I erdi darOy ineholowp wheat'', pastas
rd.., • -uoui,eusied by tits 'Si We, me-
tered the r of t:114 .1,1 asaa. 11 •
/10 Meet's,' load and Ink Tire "11 • low hs -d. hesstnn 0114111 stellew.
bun. toe, e„,,i e,u1 tee .gsznig-whafelly etlf hitse: the Writs dig-
freolieued mace that is e died t/se elty,i4 Ma,
The g,r1 sat 1 5.1.. 1111 optielrly iin'teiti"11.01 in all taa ar"Q"'l
appeared behind tho hazel awl the mei a mot breath. of viotet•
bushes, &Al Junes „,te eil, scent, I oar rippled through the
reflecuous. Tim W tibier Jones, w..rumi..w.thavateltin;.
''Irrintl..en where she eot, right up 11n 64"1.°1;nlit-in her rud• aran-e'••Lr
thst are me ciay•rmst. She ors a hslain. ff""1 •Itit ill* cora • gifi
1 recken." Another sheiring chuckle. I frold the 'Squire.
He went to the tip et aid eladele wed• trp Tae /encore enl:red softly-, bat Zs:h
• e the roots Then lay the girl s
sketch -book and pineal -caw, lie took
tip the heek citrimisly turned its
eof ititer.st this io1 arrear, tlIVIK117,01.1
10111 11/14 by the Cori i 411[100.
The reaveniat buoy of that ,tkerge, it
sam •ppears, resat with MrsOetote.•
Pro* aud 8heraf Mdadaioal t, who
oat Out , to ribtesseit beano', the.
lethality, nay lia.•• bet eliew investment
it. the read ouid receir al tio di% ideii 1.,
an the pro_ceerls of the eels of the oils
*ate ii•elaUdatel 111 i441 lug interest too the
114411- V•ry Calle occurrence of lalu-
ant llie 111 osey borrowed an.1 III repairing
tbe read Inch repairs eine be:th slight
alid ear teetered The iotereet not hay-
ing neon kept folly op aide 1808, the
*treaty 111 August Lat lied Increased the
aluotint for which thaw tau sh.trehottlere
ere pyranially reepown'ole to 1115144.00.
AddIng termite' 9633 32 accrited 'owe
1tIrtnet 113677.011 ars- the wooutit of the
maven id this date, ritclueove of th.
per eent nitento whieb 114.• Jue. Th•
rot,' arreara of auterest due by dm N. mt
erso tiraYel 011111•11111 411•
iarv thus. 118 toned numieneitterio.
Erma olln veto ef taw, it euold be
guru .
The wild hints sang a trium:Ilui: layout,
• breeze freshened till the whole woods
• 1ad. and the little strews bubbled
louder Sin .414 the howlders.
'1%1e sweetest gal in lindatory Ami
she's teck ole hoes vr11,stlier or no
A right 11111114 pl,),IO1141., or my usgoe'a
h ot isch della ; yalt,•yah Ineyth 1"
mai them tog feebly tumid his bled.
lie wit out • Id 'Wins haad and cleat -el
the httle, wenn fingers of Ron inallbig
hra ,,y4a rung‘j/mi her um. a »et beside les eouch. A wait
the end t smite ttatat scron histace.
never before sent edits...net. "The mem otree you unto was,"
"Party as the gel, moon," he and e,
he audio slow felt wing vond, that kw
lunnielf. 'Well, she tuok 1,C.A. u, it an infinity of tenderness. Mi.
1 o'posa it's fair 'at I hheulol t ike these 111-t• rull-turdilrurm
'ere leetle yinieracle of hern. H•144., ,I. I her • '""nn. add" " ""
ever, I'll pocket 'em enyhow." t fasten th • vision within, t het it inept
The argument seemed lagical atei . mei him eternity. "The 'Me.
satisfactory, se, with a furtive talitneo lin'. 41.'7" '1•6 la+ W "*" h's•r'P'&131-
over his shthilder, creminal the 7"•."' Pi'g" "a" t'h.
articles into the capacious side -pocket of an. 'a•Puu. to•
bis pinta. orearr.".
"New, then, mud home nnd A fe• ne, mons of ntter sitcoms -follow
lhave my chtll and f..ver, hang 4 ; Wpose
I'll aliuus have 'em."
After he left the shade of the dell,
Zach had • hot walk wenn a big clever.
field before It relailidd the log -house
where he li•eal with lin wiolowe I inothor.
In e short time hie chill set in, mutat.
' was • fearful 011d. Its timth chaftor,..1,
and his bony fritine shook Mut rattled
like a bundle of dry sticks in • nermist
wind. Alter it hail eltakee hi.o thus far
n early an heur, his t nithor Sammy, •
lad (Ate° roan' Wending, eatue in with
• jug .1 buttermilk, brought fn»n a
n eighbor1s. -
'Mammy, 'ere's yew batten/silk," said
he, setting the jug on tlin flour. “tiluakin'
lik• forty, Zech," he &Idol, bookies
lugubrionaly at his big brother, then,
irhanging entntenanee fond grinning
dwadl,r. he evnitionie I -"Etelphi •oltiliar
ye can t gnaw what 1 steed .,ter tu Squire
Mart in's.
"No, and don't how • cu.. ; 11,41.1.
bJ•10,r petelant
• 41
over the -r -e avirTia- Man
'Do say, Baminy, Li that eo, new I"
cried ths widow, Ulnae lip her hands.
"How 0d airth uno sha by the hais r
"Manriny, ef you'ii Beni Hest lit um
'joy thie '1.1"e UN' in pens II bearrfil
%laved to ye r cried peer Nark
making the boor qnieur.
Doi flailatitfil- hingter inceldnicr.-"
al ways went.
"The gal said ea hew Zech On her the
ltess to keep firmer ellite," he mid.
shying briskly front Zaeh foot which
otherwise would hen tended him iu the
door yard.
"Loon h•we, nort, Ziteh, yon gird try
the likes ef that sent, an' I'll give you
rich A hr....stickle aerie never did
git You monghtn inpired the chil,re
insides 1'. and ea she 'poke, thu widow
Soarisbeel the breern,
Rot, for fear 1 weapon on keel,
privnyi I must deeiw. H..• it h4,ppeu
ed th.t Zael• r,t going ever te 'reptire
Martin'. in unknown to ma, hot 1 arn
believe that hi. Hest vimit was ..
muntedanry one, hie niothwr forcing hint
ret urn the beok anal proureilarene ho the
.per owner. Be this es it may Zech
ed. doe use glitch fatale, far eta in the
held twined ill* Manse. Was .1notrd
caddish votes .4 Swum', eiNglaii an ..I.1
hymn, tee. Ind er1 whack wore heard
odd distinctly by theserin.the noun.
"Ah, yet -
'Tea wort re a wilderness of woe,
This weed it mut ety heate ' .
chimed the fink torn. Then, 114 an *el-
.istitly .rfiil effort, he fixed ids ems
amity ort Hide hi tile rainy w an.
Ilere ea, mertyr, 11.4 ot the fanatical
oslo /7111da martyr; neverthehtes,
11 sold berme. algid loaared is
"A Me 14114 lb oe, I've g d joist a wind
or two to I1V 1 • .01, &wee. hie," Y41.11
Gard, gletwing earnestly at
Toe young weoisaii treifibled. eleis.try
was et week.
'• •11 mire, go utit, rill
The rick in requtm wai
iitheyeit end Kee sal. drooping sod •Wo
.0 the bed, s hole tiovertew we 1. •
esthy. Zack wee trews seri °may waled
yroutau.'„a_ustR A op
on Woo poen:
flrif17 got
mai. atm
it 1 theta! and aesidn't ; but I kin a.,
mew, and 1 will." He paused a eta
,mint, and Bees htoked poifut y , at hue
t'Yea, I ley It low, so I - Rase,
I -wan, I wiat I'd 's killed 'thin ar
donned olot istlalied limo; I do. h.ilty!"
When, after • few nosates, lb. 'Squire
atluou, ao.I.1 *non Itmuy have rat/tired
protracoid littga.ioh, there being ele
114011116 cl.nau. rit the cas.• eutherent
Sidi* the testers tou fedi tlil it, for
e eworel years. le the meantime. the need
"mull ta, al..i*J.1 tog. te the dogs en -
41011. PAy.so1h1. of toll 164.0111.1 be remmed
mod justoy uy t r.•olle. a There .40111.1
b./ IMO (11114.1 14.. 41.31110 1.04 rup*ros enter
mint profitable ar••11.15 tra.le woo be
literally slim 111/. Clutting glituto
tneui st .comuldere, the owe
Conned Could at mice etpand it
011 feibilife, ouool II1Ake the
nal tuere ow. tri,eahle Servo it low boson
tor 'yo are, aged fame re "wool; in NoU14.1
not grime.. to pay whea the, toll,
AA 'be, wasseeett ne.yotag U
th, road. Th.: Yearly proyteds of the
mi. -gates, wine 44200, so spent for •
?vex kir "Vic 1401110 46.6•1 more than
*my the roail lit gond oriole:, sad iliotiga
• might DOI 111. 5111iCti uttered 011
*nem bami-of ent.000 far a ti.ii4, we
• L'o au • better lOati thae,gli the
ire, eased Leath, 1114141, 111-N1..4 gothic:ad
.nua wv act st present ; wAvu w., have
switiate.iworrest. Oil /Air hives Auent nor a
thlet foe produce tu our tuarket
set leaden Is. °Ur •CchrS. Belth,or
Moe ere dem*. t4 soeirtime, either
from the Comic, Council, or tee Time-
iiiiiptibiterested gettiag soutothing near
the ,,,,, t *1 tn. poiocipal invested.
We hope the atocknotdera will be rise
enoughtdaccept the betide/one offer made
by tile t.1 forgive them Ertl
per Cent Of their arrohrs. rite, sure y
e odd not either sae or expoet better
terms, at d WO du net liana the Council
wooed justauett au reducing their
aleatill rippled through the nein, bin
Role held de *a 1146d. Z4011 NM 01
net. A mewed 04 SO of taii
1st wooed. 'rue ill1U1 i1.11•011 hoe dote
or. the bright hoots .1 Rote, tad gidete
• va dean (noir Imo toe 'embed, top-
,orialfeee ef me dead. Mee sal feei
4.11 • dad fAce 1 4 1
The whlio1 sinew!, gre inedra.1•
For ••••114elli /he trent Iler 01113 !Moir-
..ri lire ywrItig eciet 111, then risme,
710:44/. of Lchoel Trnitoes.
Toe regilosr ououilloy Meeting of the
Beard Stel end .Tueralay, eat.,
at half past 7 p. to, Meletters present
mire Ill.sers feting, Kay, Forgineni,
80.moin mid Bolton. Almon it Messrs.
Crates, Detour 1111,1 Seim. Muslims ei
1464 W. ailing Weft. re -141 and &perused. -
Ilse Seurat:try reed A yeti from Mr.
• s. sting that as • Inen meeting
I the Conned wa neid at tee edge how
aineidtir Ora, et It ail yonstine.
and coil maitar TIM • rf greet &MON ielhaf,
h. ...owl not i W lode to wand rim
8_h ...1 inewtoilig th • demos, LI/ Berl Y
50:1-,,14. - 40 41411bli I1*- 00141. %IWO,.
wood/woe fermi Maw AI
tee Pro, ie.., a As ol, futaiiteil
114 41111fivii
• eivoy Iry is de ethoio for tool
0.41,1war us epprovinl run coenvo...
Itawbed Gun aeronilent elli1.11•11 11*.
1144•41114111411111. 1110 T10.11 liettinala
rivet 84 atr per tit ,h1.1 tie 54-
I•1100 air Hick 1116 AlleinlallHe Miltio
NINO Anil 8 oticatives tor St Aodrim's
, which -was reltora67
iltlillittee lio report *1 1141t meeting -.-
Tin natter .1 tiegsgetti•nt of Tiewhees.
for next yeer wee tile., teket. -.rind it
ea. roineva, Oat Mr llonlo111111 be
Preosapat end Libra for next year,
trier/ ti50 Thet Mist ',mg/storm ii11
eiiiiieitelt al • 641461, of 4024 tor nori
ye tr. Aloes McMahon and Mose rrainor
Wen: re- engaged for nett year, salary
0.75 eacii. Alia Roney was re-engaged
at al 'wary se250. Mos .dcLenean,
-lie cl NINO her III lief great tam • •rnia Loil.l. ..14.1 1NoitOtill Ir•le 111 401)4111141141 at
"1",11 are ths It.me. the little 114.0e, he • ... a..., of 1413 dali. It *as 1611••1,ral
me. mole •41 no much soma. 0, Cie mat wit exp. roeueed ladle ieoneher be
4.1111 411I41 yon co.i,e, yo" ,,r1 tO • I pee -oral f a- tha Cloacae Rcli ad at A
erera hoot talk almost yon * hen he .4 emery .1 ..35.) 011 'me • he ltoord
deety-, telt, t) - 0 --my -11 -1/, Le' ' .11140 • 1j teat oral.
A wit, Zerhy, debt I 0, Al im, im'.
tined !•'
"'mewl! yes, 'lead,' e, hoeil the 'Squire. 7 46:4' 45312•13, 00- °P ntrICII
Ci7nwrim1 wr."•41111/ intori"16d in th'' 1 Across the n ...1. of ,...iat green +he
TO atofilll Wenn licaVy ad lead. _ _
pr green of hie former pa•ielt'e eon- , Oct. 3n1, 1871.
4411 On, 04 of Sfraog wool, *tor 0001411*Its1 001Irt 11111411•41 lit 9.31) 4. /11.
wt11. itttt ,,, two o, .,,th. .,..., Y.H1111:441ilertieereci end rose awl fell 111 V 1,011 4.11t , /04..4rone 1'0. A11 action to renewer the
Val for. "trim'ff• thw rod alghini, • hole + he okra beessoute I 400"., to. Al •"/""I 1 ".
Ismer sagput •1 • ' I 4
shag and Mtn Iowa fro iew toJireittsf-ual-roLsod-i-A-4.-107- - b.u.r."--vitu""
ont o roe o el,' I to neon. Oe en. aut. jury wee
"4ing "u"41 ill th' enntr''T wh" ' .111st then tlaoo toy eniered. 11. ...rote' 1.'1!"'d "F. o+ er night till %V. .1....lay
II no est mi los heel: owl stro hri
mithe. he ar.hel leo rev* end pawed 111 like a gnat of booty *ITC
. • I le., yoing ohan discharffed ••
"0 mammy, 0 Pink, I • 1‘..t a thing to coa.d ted Wei ,
thx.enirl !Miserliness''s awed.
tall ye. all't Nit proem% wafts *has 't is: ' ki A. life flonlefi Ile Aft when 411mum•I
I.J. P. Binge'?
inn Martin wee & tool num, and
Iteirise how Zarb anseed ropey 'WOOD (I.
csairLewatithesh .
, kers. Varallstit 11~
2n12.442424/14......,esegreimempistiderierarmmseemseen. mamma rear, 4. en
. .
Com t ii) enml this Meet ing. 04 4. Wet. As nea;ed the villag
. wig lootteed Lk. roads to every din el O.
6teivert ts. Totem, A ease , wage wavtred,witle teams Mimi to utile -thew
sold for tries. Nu very. ani fog • With fold "boon end sow*" a the man
plaintiff, Saietrir tor 4 fen . Ver. 111t, I/raiding their tray to Emilik
gun si„ning , eliieh • short tie.* ever tilled to ome
ilhager Cieed sa. 134046 1.1 McKay. A 11.,..ing, and *lieu asted for ramie
ease. t'aii.oruis for a Irin .11„v" f"r imi„r in' ‘1.4-1. 0.'114 1."'
diet for plaintatf, 0212.
11„.„, fur auf4uujii, mend, met we were loreed to weeps.
on the.h.mpitality of Mr ft %twining, 1
At. A 8. A c, the press have ailivry• • friend. -
of eedumi ,,,,, Elwood tor plaintil, "ma-- ' t")11e,n5;117 tire 1"4.1615 aia 1""a a tin
choir for ilMendrot. Yet...het tor plain- •
tiff, /100 damattem Instant IMPAII714/1441,
where we were istonished to Mt 1 'nett
.r. Kobeaaeo 44. el eared. Cede lid display; The wheat, oats auJ
1111.4111 for plaudit/ llareison and Sinclair ' ley tars eplenuid morlity, the beet o
for defluelant. lief...trod to PA Intratioa. here won thae ossiolo, • *lulu the rom
1). letae. weir amelly igbod. Mr '1.11.11 V neon net
home to find the ownership ulf mild* dialilay id twenty piece• u
Conga goods, eased in an execulloid tweed; Mr t rittOn, a handseitie variety.
wino e...ele o It. Iletu, on which "4 eltatus; Mr fruit, had wane tine ear
the plaistaf, John RAM, held • chrtml nage. and buggies on exhibition; and w;
ieurtgami. Mr Harrison fur plaintiff, • au exuelleotly got up eutter
loatueroni fur deft. V.rdict for deft. wade by Mr Doane, Mr Pedlar wee
INA Kum ,„. c'n., on hale! with eire et Me boo nielode.11
a ejectment. ,t Sinchur for *ha. 1dr Pr.e'• "'ha' 481"
plaintiff Sevier mei arrumn for 'deft. SP dB C8' 16" 11.'"' a a' • r
ds.c7w,a:uot. ed and quit claini e""""""•• -
deed pat in teidoct fur plaii.t.ff
• . ex, 11.60,441 ii• Doming unsoliiiies
,ore,„oi•y, of Lleaol„,, eutl Ciremie, uf Sea
..f the W...exer ant Haywood. and troird
• late. 2 bushels Barley, 'let Jrr. Mala -
n due; 2sid Jas. Luathuate. bushel mt.,
g lo, Ww. Blair; ;ind Thos. Deerilig
• lloshels $41111 *Lute pea., let Jompli
, Pert; 2ut1 Thos. Shaptiond
hods, &C.
!last two Itinda of Potatoes., named,
bushel of each, let, Wm. Mown ;
n Julie Uvula. 12 Swedish 'Turnip*, list,
It. Maui tug ; b. trilmon. 12 Car -
riots, 1st, It. Biasett ; 2tid, It. 51eninug.
s Mengel.) Wurtzel, lst, R. Smilers ; 2u1
!IL Boamit. 12 trillium retied from mood,
lot, Julio Gould ; 2nd, J. Anderson. 12 '
2. Illouti Beets 1st, Titian Welr . '
Ma ,,,,, lig. 6 -head Crhbrgee, lit, ii.
• Tomato 1 1 C ,1 ethos. limit mittriliss to
Business Stands in Coderich
AF'Or Vial°.
ua, it, . taialli1114141 ./. Fumy Brick Building, dre proof red, store au
Uoani. 2 varieties Winter Pews, ti .1
lst, S. Ceebleclick ; 214, A. Me-
tall. 2 varietal. of Fall Pt•ars, 6 of
each 1st, Jas. tlke ; 2usl, A. Stet' 11.
9 varieties of Fall Applet, 6 of each, lat,
A. Itookuiwin ; Wei. Bowden ; Ord,
& Coobbledick. violet/ma Wiuter
Apples, of each, 1st Wm. Drew ; Wm.
Bawden ; Sol, 8 Wadi. 3 cluster
Gropes, growling iu open air 1st J
tinitimage ; 2n1 John blamer. 3 cluster
grapes, grown au hut -house, 1st Thus.
Gilley. Plate Yellow Crab 'Apples; lat
Geo. Hudgins ; G. McCloud. Plate
led crab tipple., let, Jului Zimmer. 12
peaches, 1st John Zituout.r ; 2nd John
Uuuld. Collection of fruits, o of each,
lid John Yammer ; 2ntl, 8, l'obbletlick.
Collection of limbers, lat W. Harwood ;
2u4 jia. "&thwentramar• save.
Beat keg of butter, not leis than 50
611d4, Rory ; 2'14.4 itt. Case.
If pounds Table Butter, 1st • Met
gad Jae. lialtion. Hinuemamm bread,
one loaf, 1st Mrs tsliburn. Cheese,
uot I. ea Cia, 5 pou Ms, Ist A Ma cola, ;
John Hunter. Pitched quilt, lat
Mrs 1 -livid J ; naigargt
Jew= eson. 10 yenta none*, bst G.
cA 6 4..446 ,,,,, . fer.r
Blankets, LSD. McEivou ; 2rei Ki
patriot'. Crochet work, let bliss Lido. t.
E uhruidery its Molina, 1M Allen I'mk-
ard.; 2ad Wiu deal. t% 'meted
work, reload, 1st 111. Jai Ore...say ;
gual l'ickrrel. Winding, lst Miss
Jamieson. Fanr lat Mums
Jaillie•oll 2aid, In it Venom. Stead
and table nate. lat Mrs Wm. Bell ; 2nd
Miss Pickard. 2 pear weelen let.orkiugle,
lat • Mrs. las. Thom. 2 pair Wullen
Socks, lat Mrs Jas. Thum 1 pair mitts,
lat -Mee; townie,' Bennett. 1 psir
gloves, 1st Mrs R. Fannin. Gent's Shirt,
ist Mrs. Bowden. Feather dowers, lat
MIMI R. ; 2nd Mrs Crawley.
Farmer's vnreath, let Mrs. Wtu. Drew ;
2tel R. Hunter. Set carriage hamar
-1st Wm Femme Set single hornet%
loa thu. Zacrett_ ; 2ad Femme.
Set team harness, 1st, Wie. Farpteii.
simiCullentor.ion of ItotograPhs, 14 Chas.
LADY .: lin. Johnston, Mrs.
caper, Lippen_011.1a. rbuiders, Easter.
distilling front ikitiars Situate ou North side uf Market Square, ft. froutage..
1.7 ft. deep with right, of ray tu Nuith St. awl Menial...a' St.
Will Atectiou ou 15th Sept. nest moth. premises.
1.44 N. flortherlond dt . f
Ve .111""' 1141 arak•. Mr 11 nett lied oon sower
Case . of ejectweut. Keating teel Slue lair ten., ‘..,„,e. et,„,„,. „,„1 f,,,,,, k„,,,.1 ,,,e.,,ae,
for l•isitaft, and !tauter mid Harrison t.,„,t, ,, „ia, i t k •
for efesdaut. \ eribet fur platiitat which attrasted attcutioa. blethers Ea:
Me‘.,a e... Uelhe This wrs 411 •146011 alt. and l'arwon' showed sow. tin. bar.
1J1 °night by Di' Moole ef Zurich a4rinst • ..., A OM 114tU4., &NW' of Vt. iu boor,
Joan. need the" Difdt •as light NW Vo.utneers elf their sue. t•llium klw 11"
an aittiechuieni atigoidi the goy ile of Pia wAtee, al, ale. the outplay Mal. tty the
l'it trate neu-iiitial.
14, Godley, J_.. I..., .• f Exeter, for mauler Castle took thit a• • item &ad deftrve
bawl won three years in su acsai is) sur•
i 160•111140t1 by *nerds end iterwriete. WW2
att1210F Dziach Agritnatt.ral 500141". the whole 111r.........ted ly • 111.1e11414 goat
. it - oof aroos, mood Stoats.' in thu citutre *I
Plt IZE LIST. the south end of (hi alitd. Tile Latham'
men C1.1.54-Adziect.i.vaLL seht„,es. dotsuluuutt 411•""•• more ou • 1+001
Beat brood mare and foal, int, jiin.m. mg odic.. leo tem, mod se. will uoi
pernoit our doing il the jos, i "flitch we
An"4111444/ Ind ‘V• I°"tia' T" /ear enowd like to. Stalin to to v to it the
told tist Robert Sha ; 2n.1 Jehn
11101 444141.
I hoiek. 'ree. ear .4d el, jag, 1st Jas.
tor intern. 111 thear depart non+ tt an
ArlwAri9411: bicv"ii2"ll• ."" those of the North and 8,oith
ear old filly, hit John Dune. Span ...boo", 1" .4„. ww.
Lo,r,tridtizihirereth, let Joint 1)unu; thud B. to ohs exhibitors.
TUN ot.Thitea umeteries.ers
BEANO& 11CLAIN-1,1114RIRAT PV&POalt 1101111111 were reitoarkrbly ne1t repeats, Utell, shove-
lled brood mere told 1,51, let W. Mot- me that the f sonars et this spleUdid
gun; %ad 11. sheeirsd. Two ,year old non of emintry are full, 4,1111. 144 t.he
1st John Bacon; 2nd D. Welsh. Animas omprored stock. The show
Two .. ear old gelding, 1st George Bates, cattle was' not very largo, but good. -
Me couietel 34 hegs, 81 sheep, 12 en-
trtesol le wees-all Anlin 41a.
poolltry the display *AA iniaelti:ent.
Span wor ing horse., lst Saul. Bath- We counted:I cages"( Mel., and eion.,no
well; 2nd B. Suowdeu. them Haight ve been seen gain. fowl,
Bensons, Dorking& of every odor, Bliek
ruesen cense-tinting cerrtk.
„ Beet teach cow ha. mg calved in 1871, 8116"wh, Poland, beautifel Spangled
.Haolburipi Turkey blame of an *norm
on. sise, Ibicks, an the -omelette Aarn-
pint futile, and tiro cases of rabiets
rhe number of people Karat neat have
riven 2.000, 1,7d0 Main; enteral
the eh aloweAnd the hotel -keep -we and
inerchantswidoularei;ed het Seri
2telJas lreapbell. (hie year odd celt,
1st Geo. Anderson. One year I filly,
1st, H Stonehouse; 2nd R. Ching.
1st Geo Iserin• ..ual John Armstrong.
Twu yes., old luSifer, 1st D. Wilson; tud
Geo. Sperks. this year °Id heifer 1st
John Ariustne.g; 2ud SnoWeleu,
/leiter calf, let ieb. Sparks; 2tad Jas.
Alealonald. One yoke of working oxen.
1st John Farhat 2ud C.61~40.
g„li. yv&i. old -ate... let Eisirything paneled in met
+-Campbell; 21e1 lenterdett. tate -two and nanfactomnromer, Ind :rite -who; -e -
yew old steers, 1st M. CalepheR. eug e.rota.edaogs were moan gratifyitig dlie
:atheism. Yoke ma year o14. attars, fee redolent end Dine:ter."( twit/es:Amy
spnrik'bsS:.2144"1. ea0„4,0,1"if. pg"rlauee.' as" thot-e
•• 1 ?wing is
711Y11 CLA•d-alliter. • •
Chas. Tough; lid M Campbel shear- roe
Bea rear 1"1 oile&r. and nalF, JentiL-41- ri.,.• ithes!mr.1;.31r
Tile 11;145 t..:sr.w u4.4.1
hng ram, 1st E. Westlake; „Kam lae•b, ,
1st K. Catophell. Teo fres having had
llo +iced.
11' wasps; 2itilf..B.:•41.,istlegi.. Paw
14 1111141 in 186 1, taro shrill, eintl over, I st, 0k5n_nly"
Svgift.grk''kjilleA".1-th•••71";11 bar.
F.we Iambs, let E. -Westlake. Pair fat relvW.ucw""Keitt;lati-ear.rWiciiit:iral.111.rjoiellite"1::
sheep, let 11.11$,Mes TuUgli; 211,1M. Cathp- ee,11,„,1. rood judged with 111.4411. let
hell. Id Kiel:and; 2...1 Piekerd..1.41, son
atiTe cLA01- Pica. culteng.clesa, 1st J Pickerel; 2.el 11 Row
Beet boar, large loreed, W. .looludas. Mr; foal. e.rnsge fie411, 11.4 41.6k;
;mall breed, W. I flair. how and his. oet. agriceiltowal clad, 1111 T Wein;
ei4s, large breed, JO1111.11 1 64ailigof. 8011 2nd R Keifer:. ys.sriloog c4t, carriage, Yd•
and pigs rooiall torts!, T. J. %links... Jecket; ywaroug ag'l cam, Assn.
LaTel -bid RV. • • Builiainao; 2nd it Ilattnine; searbue
t•bi• ''''• 6a1"' ; 2"d 14:* 611.1141.1":2r.ii:11."1;All:Kaaeillti;;"...e".r".14.10Wilrg:
Sae 5 the butter sullieiently selied-for
Itowden; 11 rear -Id Ittle, leer 1, lot A
lemma et Meter, JO 'beim over, Charms
earrirge, 1st tilenter;, 2 h Ran •
den; • sunken. horse karma., Ist L
Hamer; 2...1 DrecAftw,..•
, drama. Jas. ..ittier;• MoCiltivrati;
Alex. Alden...it; NIctiollivray-; Jew Shaw;
Kty pea.
, et-auAII
114.11 inileh cow, Webers! Hewer; 2.el
'des. 2-cear old heifer, It. Hun-
ter; 1-yerr ..I.1 heifer :Ina. Pickard: no!
rowed barley, *dui Tough ; 2nd Jauiee 1 titter It"."4"ur;utIci;1;.11* 11111, j". e"'"rd;
Come Two bush large oats, Alex. .--
:Marla.; 2to.1 Chas. Toegh. Twu bush Best 11411111%atArebril 1.0.A178L111.i 314, J•••
small oatielllientseetemeeld -114, Hrelson triettard-;---24wase-uter-leaufer,----Isc-14.
Arra busla large peas„tetarla Toneh ; 2,1 2.14, Hogarth; 3rI, '8.
James Casuidell. Te bueh small veal. Hosterth; lama .44 heifer, .1st 2n.1
ieneeke l'ough ; 2nd 'Inn . Cooper. Jae. Pock•rti; 3r.1; J. Hogerih; heifer
Bushel timothy seed, • Jena. C'eelli •• calf, 1st, J. Picker -it; 2iel, Jas. Pickard;
3ril, 1. Those; poor 2-verr Mil steers, let,
NI 8111 AilD ISTAIBLIGI 411..y.Miren,,eekin.gt.;.ers2t;idigt,M.I.4WL esmt...,:ka,:rtat;;
Pest bag potable' for table use 1.)r. A. Bale p; fist ox tie weer; lot, sles,
Woods ; 2nd John Row. Half bushel Piekard; 2nd, ./es. Pickard; fat coo. or
,,,, i ,, us, E. Westlake ;2nd V Holahan. heifer; lit, flag sett ;2siLles..Gurdim.
Apparel...or earietice., 5 of each variety, miser.
r. Wells ; 2nd S. Heucock. Peen. 4 lint aged non, Swung Cornish:. 2nd
warren, e, of each. T. J •Melik. 2041 (10.. Mabee; 1 -riser old nen, 1st, Jet.
A. M. Britinsou. 12 lots •,1 beats fee Pockard; 2nd,- Mo. Beech; .3rd, Win
table use, Dr Woods. 0 head& of cab- mileale; I.veer -*old ram,. 1.1,
baltak DT. Woods. 'WI -bushel earroul Banal 2nd, W.n. Bawden; 3c.1, Charles
for bible use, Dr, Vo oods. Teo pump- Moilard; nue lamb, let. S. Cabislalick;
kings ,D5 Woods. Two , it. 2.1„ H A.iirritzer; Srol, Chris blollrel;
Timbale. pair breeding ewes heein.4 moved lanilat
In '71. Phillip Brooks; 2u.1, R.
Mannine; peir 1 veer ••11 eoes, le., I'
Broelts; 210, Why l'etoloale; pair fat
mill. Pair...ellen blankets. 1st H. we h rs, hit, D. Mel; won, 2tool, J....
Hadient;• Mid do. Pair sock& let.lanies4B•ediii; pair fat ewes, let, Woti. Breett.
Campbell.. Pair stockings. 14 Janms 1 2nd J. Etimutt.
thieripbell. It/ yam Imiueitic Cloth, 1st
George Cranes. QiIllt patch w mk, 1110111.
I et John K.1114; 14111 ./01111 Mak. Fancy
Quilt, 1st V flohnuot; 2int do. liketa
• w.eilien yarn, 10 knots or over, 1st
Jae. Campbell. Skein of stocking yarn
rough 2114 W. Herlis 41. Dairy
.basese, 17) or -liver, David Touel.
itaturi choesa, 40 Ilas or over, Thomas
wale, Ch.... Mal. on flte1o, el Pro,'"
• Thouuts
ItinifTe sleds- •elwiltade
Best (.0 bushel.. fall 0 heat, 51. Cam-
pbell ltiel 0. 12•1621. Die bushels sprisog
Wheat, Je. mei 17 mite • 2.1d m. Eliot.
Tieu. eush neon...ad li'erley, W. Town-
send ; Wid John Brown. Two bush four
TINTIN CLAPA-DUNIZSTI : itaNirr so/roars.
13eet Myth, sattuette, lat 1). Cs nernn.
10 yds flannel, let John Fro:1pm; 2w1 D.
John McConell, James
Mart, McGillivray, Jac Patti , Hay. -
Bost aged boar, large breed, Ist, Thots
Ching; 21.d, W. Bawden. Aged sow
10 knota er beer, 1st Jansen Campbed. im „ bi.„.,d, 15y, Wiu. liewdett; 2nd J.
Uentimitin's shirt, 1st Canteons & Bros.
Haywood. Boar, small breed, 1st Wm.
Pair of tine buots.10 Wm. Foley. P
... - a'r 1 Blair; 2nd F. Middleton. sow,. small
a ,,,,,,,“ to•aa, ist Wm. Fount.. As- in. I, 1st, D. mcEwen; 2nd JAs. Bissett.
sertment Cooper'. worl , lirt JILITIOR Afill- ym .4..,,, 1.,„ 1,,...„1 litifff„,,1 ie-Aggi.,
Weenie; 214 do.' •• Wash MaclIbies,-Ist vi "tin d ,,- .--,-.-'e,„,,,"„,.11 brow,
_WholatiA. .. e, 414„ OU44
LsotaiNt Ntilitetri 2iid Win. Webb
Tiling sow einsel breed, 1st John
Urattia.axi.2.4 il,,W4A.13lair.
---'"- ''''-'-'-'014TAir-''''''
11 ill It. buggy,
let McIntosh It 111..riiein. Minnie
buggy, lat Cointelrni CoVeral
lottiggy, lea mclntosh A Morrison. Iron
phew let Midst A Jones; 2tod C. She,.
Woo:len plow, Let Miller & Jr.nes; Ind
11 Mae. On* bores drill, cultivator or
etwIller 1st Tima_peogAlk
QUille011, Chariot &monk Turnips,
Corvie. Dreamt shee Robert
Beet ps r Week epanish, Wm. Petition;
2nd, James Down. Pair grey dorkings.
1st, Win. Ilmeett; 2nd .1. Greenery,
PAO. gain• fowls, let l'hos. Buisett; 2041,
P. Drew. Pair polemic, let dn. Pick-
ard; •2nd Geo. Samuel. Pair Bantams,
lat P. Drew; 2ad Z. Draw. Pair
Prahniao, 1st F. Pierer, 2nd F. Pierce.
Pair barn -yard fowls, James Thorn.
Pear Turkeys If. Kerslake Pair (leen*
Matter. '2 Odd, lleurge ..7.astle. Man. 1st Thoe. Wryght; 2.1 Wed Jeekle.
gold Werteel, D Welsh. 11..iney, .1smes Pair Irocks, 1st W. Fenton; 2ndl ft.
Aruietrolig. Patehwork, wean. E. Manning. Rabbits, reomitnanded, (leo
Elliot. Mats, Cantelon & Brae Cam Samuel. Pea Ferrets. highly rag...m-
..1 Berlin flowers, John King. Tatting, "maid. ifuntar- Mp•oldi•d
lir Woods. Berlin dowers E. 31cLean. burgs, recommended, R. Manning.
...Ankle' drew., Clantelon ek firm. Tee 141/1.1.IRSTA, rte.
mate Mini lailoy. Iron Beano l'Iough, Bast ee,,,,hen axle trnehee enrol, W.
Miller it Jones. Steen Cutter T peon
.t Mums. Bandit Waggon, Catlitalon
A. tern.
Mellow. Double carriage er baggy, let
ant 2nol, Jno. Trick., Single beggv, Ist
and 2nd, John Trick. Wooden_ plough,
Thonison & Williams. Horse Hot, R.
313:3222 now.
Darin. Ching pleeigh, Themenn &
Pelt 1r .n If +now', Samuel
GRAND SUCCESS - 2,000 PEO- Buckingham. Hone hay -rake, A. & O.
PLE PRESENI. Cottle. Net of horse. shoes, S. Bucking -
TUN 8-11811 toter.. I ham. .
and Tend.? last, 110 R • ITU MIL
peoterl t* Is., ene ,1the best shoes" hole I Ran sideb„mr.1, 1 John Drew. Sofa,
Th• *hove show -CAM@ off on Moral
... ii • erittlity, 1,11 Many
Ind 5,1.1 3,1 ,,,,., nn., . John Drew. Hall•losen 'artir-iet o...
row, Aritirr-r? the v•;,/,„4-7,,,,,4 -And Innt Wnt Meat* ' "''' '' ' "'"
7..rwit hstoulinv the fact that the morn -
i,4,51, ,,,Atm and 2nd V1'ns. Bissett. Pavlof esyrofdat
chair., .I.,h•. Drew. Cookies, stun., 1st
blot the amoral .I.v foetal very linpfoi 1 Jr MIN • A D'aPre.""kreon. X sow; D.
1„,e,.,.., it dill not iletaw the people from 'John... Mr Johansen, Mei Iiiiiyrwl.
!he: infarmar"rig•rietlinng.4113.isnsiiiCront Inemnil I lleat '2 hushed. Fsii Wheat, 1st Wm
rn,r, hitubd 04, t. v.111 ..._‘....asiew„...layt has- 1 Illalt•hol Wm Drew 2 briatellrez
wheat, kat Rob.. flawdewe 2nd.
A.- • otte.9...ce onminaralelltilawsnieseireeme- -
Bad hair Wreath, Ist, J: W. -Ildw.•
Berlin wool Hower& la Mies Jasuleion I
2nd Mai Pickard. Balwork, &et.
Limbos ; 2ad, %Vim 1.1rew. Simpler, 14
Jdias Will s ; 2tul, 11M. Pickard. 'Slip-
pers, let Mies Carling ; Mies Fish -
horn. Sofa Pillow, let, .1'. Brod-
• -iek ;,2tel, LS dolma. Tidy, lit .8.
Hunter ; 2nd, W.H. 1 r w Pa oh d
guide let Al Ice Back, ; 2sid, '
Bennett. ltocking Chair, 1st
-Mode Island '
.-2-bettletalltine„ . dimmer.
Large Squish, let j- Zimmer. floury
Coiub, let Chris. Eacrett -; 21..1 J.
%Mutter. eerier, let Jas. Down ;_and
recounueudial besides.
ground nork, 1.44
2nd J. 51/ Elder. Moine-made •Coverlet,
let 1). MeEw-o-; 2iod 1). MeEwen.
nee ode Met, leo 311.0 McLeod ; 2nd
Mies Jriniasun.Ilisie Red.
_PR om. Previous to the de.
oarture of Mr Stuart froin Winghant,
the chadron .if the sehieil presented hint
with a farewell address and teal intonial.
thd shape of a very handamite end
wellaiiiisioed *rifling leak. as an evidence
of the apprechttiou which be wee held
by them, auil of the Ingle- seine Which
they pieced 114/011 hi. abilities and skill
ass teacher. The feelings .4 triendship
anti lore which the children felt toward
Mr Stuart are best evasumd in, the ol-
den., which is as fullo • s.
. Tyres behalf of tho
sehdars of %Vaughan" sub. e'l, ev4r which
you have priatidet1 f..r the last three
years we have much pleasure in meet-
ing with yeu on One *caution for the•
perpme 1 !impending to you a volantary
gift from the children. of your nivel.
We th..refore present it to you, not for
its intrinsic velue, lea from • motive of
respect; respect for you not merely eim •
man but as a teal2her. a respect which
has grown out .of what • wir have wit-
seseed in your work and labours for ..5,
respect for you. es e teacher who hire
labored &ley, faithfully, slid impertia.ly
teetelvanou in our stogies: nor haa otir
reepoct been •conttnisd-ter
the amiable deportment of Mr. Stuart,
and the kiielness with which mho has
treated us, have 105.101 to secure for hes
a wane 14116Ce item r effections. In a...-
elindon we have only to add that it is our
+vial, and prayer that you may be 1111C-
cassfel throughout life in • I your enters
takings as yo,.. have in satisfying our Je-
n nie
MAZY F1441111.,
F•14•1111/1 11/11141414,
School Coounattee.
Mr Stuart replied to the childron in •
very imitable and appropriate [tanner
and w ill) leech feeling.
What is lift rimer:. bet even a phi.
of • lattie tieid mod mated teepee I
ilia Me ear other te a rm.,
. .
TriAreao ari-d&r.Talr..is • • ooloi0.411
ta:lea, ;tut!' ,0,.ve,.• g
ease A large quantity 0 sc swine
greased I 41 • few melodies, sod' I oe opper.
saloon se etie which well tilitnarety result
is a great aiving of time end labor.
ToWeatur PitieTtat carefully and
it=itiously 'resented at the Stu vet
TE2 11141111LETS
. ' 04Nratelt, 1.55,
,71.06.4Av, (01111:11117 ,, -1,1 6,241,•141"0113
s. h.', (A naps • •••••.•... 1 1. • 1 14
1:•'"'"'":"":"1:1! - 05 :6°In S... 100 71
liar. • heal
Preaane. • hall
r 0 116 9 A 44
5 OA 4 0 00
7.041, 5 IN
.11 MI in oe
11 tor 1 0
1114 Lan; gr an, 0 110
Nov • J. Ine_parkoli 1 1"11 •• O eel"
lily Telexes. la 1.84 Alemai.
(I.e, .11,5, 1E1.
• (644)N5 tam% -.al 10
MM. ineelnA1 Arn Mb. 1 In
finer, owe NO.. ,,,, . • Mr
1140. -et Onelt It 10
Pre o, ear task. . a
mossy ler n 40
Pleat., r bash .. III
} al
hatter pre • 11
ase. ioe aooposale. • • 12
• 1 11
• tin
SP en
• 57
4 6 41
• n
•' 1 IA
• '4
• 0 11
we writing ID et is3r.
sat«. a
vfor aff.
Goderich, August 250, 1971
The above sale protpotied until theist Oct. saMe place and time
Cherl pest, The "Best Store
3o k And Stationery Sim GEO. lticla ZIE'S !
Western ContarIo..
N a --By importing int hues
r ;et 711.
NORTH alba
B. itish Manufacturers
, meg* its hie lune at weloght advonee
ou Coe sterling price ; in fact, cus-
Viliterrani supplied 0 lilt goods at retail
at about dew nava that small deal.r.
io bey at wholtada.
35,0011 Bulb of Cal Paper to Welted
fr..in, beteg the •
held by any HUY limns in th.tarin.
/N___PA3t 6 _11.4NOR_S2._:T6A 6s,
GUAerich, Sent. 5th, J171. • sw64
Wench To Anship
disgraceful condition. There is w
at, end end salt:tent to upset
teepee', b••we.er otrefultv drivsM, aed
the Omsk. are so broken lip that travel.
len are in Ivry great danger. If the
•ti.eincil dee not wait up ail fit et,
twit 11.1M larv• •1111110. gay a II. eat setio0
for damage to defiant, which eat fake
monis np its canoeist. ,
Alain nr.-On Theiroder
>lents Melmbe Stewart and
R. SHIN?' los ogre 1401411ilit belltife Meellfr
C. Crabb and Horses .111•Wha, .1. I".
efierwa isyth making taloa affidavits to
oblern Criiivn Land Patent ter • tax
deed.. The Chief Clerk el. the Crown
Lamb Departments. is presort, and the
sae vim an impotent 1.1111. - After h
p -tient lesanniggif 6 hone, it appeared on
et Wein.. the hilitlavit ore not nacre.
thelarevions limiter heaving panda moms
of 25c pee Mae 11•14 alereirrig, so
that tile ease was dismantled
• -- --.-
Acetosee.-We are itei rite hewn that
Mr Gamma Ilibeen, tins place, hurt
1.11111144 olldaV). rat her sevele-
Iy hy felling into • well. Though badly
breised, no hones are broken, anal it
Meisel that he will soon receeer,
FANCY PIUNITINri in Gold, Bronx. aid
colored ink., artistically done at the
tout,. offce.
l'retteira, Nur Cliaar•outo, is the
desideratum in advertiaing. Make your
contracta with the HUlteN SNiNAL. ,
AT et Iferl'e. rents 1110011‘ Oro's. ego.
leek, tort. konnot oetteenV. aweeset.
aged m testa
nos rat we. assn."
I i< t of T cttors
D1.1111NING IN T115 Ooln H 0,
it • et • 14.7 1.
kilo* John
.581Onan. enola
Itwooet C.
itipl Ir. Al
emu •
ftylry (No
Meant OA Rieleint
...ism Mara
NInolei Jobe '
rem Than.
Mended Reny
owns teed
1n• • r
Serene. Jam.
NJ. Mit...
oho Ale"
Unats. ti var..
Mound; r
then ,sueria
n•••• OWN,
litre leant •
Iberlialeir , Tiirn44 noqui OH^
Kllaktlealloner 4V,
elintaentmer reur
twinter mares
1.11.04..Orn/If •144141.•
114.. Mind
Wile her 11...Un
lieloe .14 hill (1)
lifeiajovlolon lierrassa
rip ohne, .1 lin.
Nelson Minas,
Pet sonry
find J.in
rowdy, Ilnet
scriiord J
Neste? Mn
W,}1 Y
131SIC A. US U
rii. sells lower than others all kinds ut
Merctaudise, attch as
LADIES F1'Itti, -
.411 .1 the beet quality and latest styles, .
!Lasted of
ItooTs-k- SiteEs
Is equalled by sows im Town.
13 IF:CA 0/13
For Reatly-nade'Clothing he beets all,
as will be sain. from the following
Hoye' do " 2.60
men.' t herniate " 5.00
llos s' Ovenemts " 3.50
grottier kinds are equally ituud
and cheap.
A Lugs miantity of
Diens' Ehirtings!
d 14 inila.
,r(-3 CkrSt
• All sty les and prima
tts2 CZti LESt
A Complete Steck Fresh and Cheap.
Potato Diggeri. aid every
thing else In the hoe, as well•Ke • f
neurtment of
'I hen always go to the
JILS,USI.` (.113.1i1
Gothriell, Erd Get., 1471.
Godet ich.. 2nd Oct:
The iubeeribtr being about to gine up
Ferniing,..ffereist iwerate sale, Horses
001.8, (lately veleta) Heifers, Sheep,
and Pigs, with ell necenary in.pletnems,
001011 strum. A considerable quantity
of 11. odder %ill gee he disposed of.
.,Terms: -Cush or Mort Credit.
Lot 6, 2nd Con.
Gederlele Oet 11, Inf. .
rade en lie Achy/ It 1.1111. Eft 14
mileaof the Tama 46 riNli lira. 7 eif •14411 Are
qr•lor •nd ,,r1•4 -•b• -,•-1 • ••44 of
-.--4-4'frirr 11er We- ide Ion/nada •
ievoolthrly, Ktuatrol rl non all I hr wer7 0.
1244011-,--"- 4t111 -5-1.111111M--'--- -
Leber. Jeremiah • eaten T
1140s 4•14 Water* Rehire
Ali SI.
, sti74101-11 Arrn.ioawnia suusamehmilder
%Winer nor n no/In to 444 ma It •o.11, the ptiertomf
41i pas ina 0415 ory •11, r.,on1h• at par rent -
For 1.11.4r porn, 4104..11:b l.'s! cNil
44ialaslca P. 0 041114.4 1 a
bur14141. lIth hone ICI t
• • •
Z. Ft (-)331B111EL ieiC.-10INT
Takes great please -ire inf-nning the falba oof Gederich and vicinity Mist he has
hin Fall Stoek of
HIS STOCK of, , .
Ilt,nnets. 13111)11).)nri, Flowers,
rand Fent114-4-.4.
Refilly inflames anything over gown in Grelerieh before. Esteciary the
It 111 LID II trrs BONN ETA
t own talk.
TUNN t!OENCIL.-- A topeora/
was beldou Thuiscley,5tli bat. a
Pronto the Rome ill thf
M ,,,,, timagiti Crabb,
Davison, Gordan, &lid
mittens of him alsoinressi r
approved. The Haim eeplaiu,
th; maanug was ealltd tit refe
the Northers Grant 1644 Mr I
appsi&ed before the Board as
14114 Driarn,to ask for relit,
arena • priquoitue *se te lake
uff bur heads -on p.tyins' when
in Mad -which was 81boo ; for ,
held the Sheriff's cheque. Th.
the comps'', *mild boomer to
atiou and tf then was More tit
hand -which Grit; mid there wi
it would be pail over sin. If
pellet" wet* eat entertained i
Ls fur the Comical to say on eh
they would relieve Sre Brown,
that ha believed there were 15
manes in the way of 'attuning t
t itles. Mr Hartieon then rot
the proposition eu discussi
Savage said it twouldeoke moo
put Owned 41 repair, and if Ili
ed to iimmtliately, in leen than
t would la in such a atm. that
old he colluded He Mel
ins to ascertain the state of tl
d the following 'view.* were
bridge at Nine toile river tie
int 41000 ; 4 manor bridge.
adi ; and 6 culverts at 650 ew
ether 62300. If actbni is to I
t &fetid Le taken at ouce.
la was impassible without
the which woad nage
-.unbent several weeks, 1..
he suite. 01 the Conapanye arc.
here moat have teen • tires
lied tit the first years, stitch
peat in means but went into 0,
the stuckholders. in la
through nem maitianagesnent
pally had (ellen arreer. tie
en why the Town lipould take
• ttopreantit state, at the otter
wee any way of the Ceuid.ilooet
tie dues. He glit actelti
t•kett till the ease wee nude
1 its WM-1Np ate! the voles, .1
pie beard in regard te it. W
was dune, the aceouni•
the state of the ro.sd atemur
COilliCil !night make
on Irlre Browe's part seemed 111
the face .if it, whether a den
part of ethers interested he COLII4
At preseut he amid not me
Brown'. offer could be accept
klaraee said they bad eatin to
read &minima it, r lot it go te
the toll. be taken off, S.1,5)0
. good Mal tor it note. .
%mild nut go bir if • for [nor
Allowed toalip. ever god the t.
oft. fl• inovell, that &WOO le
• (loon the Nerthern (lroye1 eau
f ull if all •Cdrilial• at this clatte, ant
triton offtheir ham& pteveled t
was paid nveryt once. M.
thought if the persettal enmity
for the Ittlettel et erred*, the tor,
&mare that first and then take
Tim enripany built the road
own benefit, autl, because it ti
a Inter especalatlen the rater
n.. right to bear tholuss... 31
theught it was net in motet
tion literality on the pa.
town se adiaretion Jar .
11. h ,o • migf. net MI
to exact - "the peend of flesh'
thnuelst it would he for the d
the town to arrive at some 0.n.
'Meetly as possible:- II.i sec..
Savages inution. 11111.6
Moved by Mt. Crichh, see.ael,
Savage thig the C.itnacil meet
• Friday, ith 10 ravel
ply iA the Northern Gravel
Account of Dr lilseeee,lor
patient by order of the Ally..
nd waninating about 'the liar
unloved to be paid Peter.°
ratepayers •praying few s
or the purpose of payln4; 1 IS,
or the Godsends 114,11.1, Int I oe
ext meeting. The Fire Brig
nate* rep.rted Ku:tines ai
n unservinaltle. Mourne...
.f wrier `and reconimetice,
1,.0.1 over to 'telt meeting. TI
lien adjourned:
o the Patrons of St. And.rea
Luau, Goo
• .5 rove te latit 51.012110g, T.
flIA 1115411114.1..
fmnd• of the 111111Nae, ydr deed.
Hy *orange', 1100 ••• redo
Thor veto.; debt Which ~earl
Your woe 1. r Me eitste/lant. r
Nor have naiad. you went to hul
And left yue shloon Al.nomer
:Yuen redwing navy upon hw
As Sways Id 'NM ow • Ma.
In nownmerho hod/ nowl wontiers o
1 hooronorror od ai Zero,
AI call. wan eincaipe 04.1.1
He *Mum d ohs • WO:
The word to pre wto,the self lel
I tons out ot •
Rieht feawarte, lip mai to (Nolte
The Mud et lb' orsared.
Dorgrnelinit care -Pew here. not
In incl.. pa 411441,0m 4'44
In tele/peril, Ito mg* *eirietile,
Ho lens trou+4 tin • ri
'Tern noi rhnnt....11 he rum I
In lame Strkit...iiiien
A onneed • lerrn wna•h at In
T1/0 unto.* 10111111rIeulietle
14, vine eurnmand.11,1111 phynly r
V11114.1141 411 y 011.14
11041411111110144 nint. naln voor 4
Theft they thee eon envy she'
In rattre1111411 vete., °ob.:,
yolo,ixin.u.07.1 ;re:: L tens
1 hoe, • the melfete?;igh. Henn
1/14ere'a one ,
(If ria -an 4.4 .4
The 1,atim• all. are In iti4 1141
e ..11n1
We,....,ning all, who
'1here'n no fear 01 oil ood000g.
The entree- pot .: boding lou,
Mooch milk ol human loaders
A nd 'intern/nett 4,10 cleh 1041.1
50 ranittilbe love tack %watt] w
Then when yon Int ttie eheer
Fnor maul 4110 4.411h a
fleriiree seder.. tu ner e Ms.
loa bullion?, halal term.
l'eur worthy 'toed • hand tall
To bond, one brava. or 14 we
le Hyteen's tow. Aod on y
Olitere biennia wit. donlater
And when to C hoonrh. oft Sake
TO break the otead
Thia be your tee.otil - .see
Thw and 4/1141.
Then do your port tetth row
10 111•41114 roclorority,
And led 'be troy. ta' • Mple•mt
1 fa Nernty Imam aily,
Opel' Nide voter heart. In Sewn
Your F/1044110 co/ 4401440,,••
And 01.114.0. rah 011 •.•••
Tne Sfortgiew" wee !twee:,
Gannet, 1118 , 1171,
Femme produced silk end
L. d. te the yahoo oof 1210,011
.. year devious in the war, ha,
ay Toeing* te thi=464,
. . • ..wmrde la no,000,00u loom
&am whisolva 'manufacture, that are turned opt of Robertson's Establishment nill.Aimmensimaimpoopmmtubn - • ..
- '114:1 • ,,,, :____ -*'• 0 tinnepere with afftlInet-efao herrn in the Plotabsine Inhow mons wrested to-devr . . .. . ,
oriwo (-rnel tor ..6111• ",...... 1 „ over 390 Hata and Bounds on oo a Inbition Phan Whim call and ?hoped onlr Mlle •
r (ger Sr 1 . , ..... . • ;
nate. in ow& ... f n NNW!' IrEPARTMKST, yeti will fin.d.the04111111t616 idyfaa and fashitms. Akin
f ••1• •11.
11114h trio ••• • •• • flar0.01••• *Hiner in affetMei.,.... ^"""-""---
0 se • 0 is
• rer ben. .o.
• ew net " 0 16
▪ ..... .. •.... • It
inisyriati4; 11 • jjaikytala, flegy.
-46•10-„, '
.13.111N-11101:110,34_ ,-;;- •%
wineenvoww ••
The Postmaster Goners! r,
Elates expeutn the dialed in
dint thole year will he la
de.linte...iwit year 1
• .