HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-10-04, Page 18Writ served on council DALEY'S WEEKLY COMMENTS A losing battle Night Programs for Adults In Lucan CLASSES BEGIN: Tuesday, October 9th, 1973 at Biddulph Central School REGISTRATION; First class night or pre-register by mail to Rick Mateer P.O. Box 2040, Terminal "A", London. Telephone 433- 1211, ext. 280. BOOKKEEPING FOR SMALL BUSINESS Tuesdays 7:30-9:30 p.m. $17.00 10 sessions CATHEDRAL GLASS & CANDLEMAKING Tuesdays 7:30.9:30 p.m. $12.00 (incl. mat.) 6 sessions FLOWER ARRANGING I Tuesdays 7:30.9:30 p.m. $18,00 6 sessions PHOTOGRAPHY-BASIC Tuesdays 7:30-9:30 p.m. $17.00 10 sessions SELF DEFENSE FOR MEN & WOMEN—THE ART OF KARATE & FUNG-FU Tuesdays 7:30.9:30 p.m. $17.00 10 sessions SEWING-BASIC Tuesdays 7:30-9:30 p.m. $17.00 10 sessions YOGA Tuesdays 7:30-9:30 p,m. $17.00 10 sessions CHOIR-FANSHAWE COLLEGE FOUR COUNTIES Mondays 7:30-9:30 p.m. $10.00 10 sessions (first class Tuesday, October 9th) For further information: Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Williams —227-4135 Mr. Norm Steeper — 227-4864 Mrs. Beulah Hardy — 227.4715 Mr. Marshall Webster — 227-4032 Mr. Rick Mateer — 433-1211, ext. 280 a Pao thrOs-iCtiCt;t. Qciobor 4 1973 Plan sale of firewood to aid Cancer Society the Princess Margaret Hospital And the Women's Auxiliary, And of the _exchange made with a similar hospital in Bermuda. A nurse from the Bermuda Hospital. has been "observing" at Princess Margaret and a group from the auxiliary will return her visit soon, to help start an auxiliary there. A very benevolent-minded Toronto millionaire is Assuming the expenses for this exchange, HEADING THE PARADE — Leading the Icing list of entrants in Seterday's Ilderton Fair parade was a car carrying fair officials. From the left are, fair president George Kennedy, Major Robert Hammond of the House of Concord, ladies division president Katherine McNaughton and driver Mrs. G. Kimball. Garbage costs go up Tops members at London workshop Wednesday members of the Lunn TOPS Club attended a workshop held at a Clarence St. hall in London, The workshop covered all aspects of forms and rules governing "Tops Incor- porated". puring the summer several men of the community volun- teered their services to. deliver and sell truckloads of wood to the various camps in the district, 'The wopd was left over from the spring firewood sale at the farm of A. -Coequyt. Plans are being made for another firewood sale later in the month, or early November. A substantial amount of money has been turned over to the Canadian Cancer. Sociely Campaign Fund through the efforts of these volunteers, Last Wednesday Len Maslen, branch president, attended the Annual meeting of the South- western District, hosted by Huron County Unit, which has just recently been added to this district, at Hornesville. The speaker, Mrs. E.L. Frankel, C.C., told of the work of has been the custom, the council decided to return the money in the form of a donation to the club. Plans were made to undertake a street light survey in the village before the next regular meeting to see if and where certain areas are not properly lighted. Bills and accounts of $31,369,89 were approved. Guests from England enjoy travelling dinner at Park's Hardy Sr., attended the Mid- dlesex County Rally social evening in Thorndale when 300 W.I, members met and en- tertained 35 members from Newfoundland, who have been touring Ontario, Mrs. Frances Seward, for- merly of Lucan, entertained guests from Nova Scotia and England, during the past week. Mr, & Mrs. Orville Jones, were guests with their daughter, Mrs. Glen Walters, Mr. Walters and their family, Cambridge, last weekend, ,Lillian Phillips, Marjorie Strome and Mrs. Stella Randall of Folkstone, England, were weekend guests with the Park families, A "travelling" smorgasbord dinner was enjoyed by all Saturday evening. Mrs. Edna Burnett, Toronto has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Earl Young, the past week, Mrs. Mildren Stoner, Watford visited with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Prince a few days last week. W.I, President, Mrs. Harold Snelgrove, Mrs. Cecil Neil, Mrs. Harry Bond and Mrs. Frank Mrs. Mary Hodgson and Silas McFalls were weekend guests with Mrs. Frank Mills, Kin- cardine. They also called on several other relatives in the vicinity. Guests with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Prince to celebrate his 65th birth- day were Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Abbott. Wednesday and Sheila Prince and Ted Kostecki, London on Thursday. Mr. & Mrs, Sheridan Revington were guests with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Marshall Sunday when John Marshall Sr. celebrated his birth- day. Ethel Marshall was also a guest. Cecil Lewis informed Lucan Council members Monday night that if his firm is to continue making garbage pick-ups in the area, rates will have to be raised 20 cents per pick-up, per four week period, effective im- mediately. He said their increased at- tempts to conform to Ministry of the Environment regulations at the land-fill sites, plus the "phenomenal" rise in gasoline and other operating expenses in the past few months necessitates the rise in price. A 20 cent raise per pick-up would cost $1.85 per four-week period for residential pick-up and $3.50 for commercial pick-up for the same time. Council raised considerable objection to the information at first, saying they had already set their tax rate and would not have enough money in the budget for garbage to cover such an in- crease. "We can't pay the extra money COMMISSIONER WELCOME — Two new members were welcomed into the Lucan Brownie Pack by District Commissioner Shirley Fowls, Lucan. On the left is Sandy Hartman and Kitty Leckie is welcomed with a handshake. T-A photo Church news United The service in Lucan United Church Sunday was conducted by Sunday church school superin- tendent, Edward Melanson, on the occasion of "Awards Sun- day". Many children were presented with certificates, and seals, and several bars for pins were awarded those with "perfect" attendance (absent only through illness). Music director Joan Lockyer playing her guitar, led the children in singing accompanied by Allen Melanson at the piano. Joan and Allen also read the scriptures. Rev. Ewart Madden, in a sermonette spoke on "The Wonder of His Love" pointing out how Jesus had prayed "that they may be one, even as we are one" — not one gigantic church, but one in love of Christ. While Christ is not with us in body, He is always with us in the Spirit. "If I go from you, I will come again". The flowers in the Sanctuary were from the funeral of Mrs, Clara Paton, e RESIDE IN LUCAN — Bernadette Clymans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alois Clymans, RR 3 Lucan, and Arthur Mercer, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer, Exeter, were married September 8, 1973 at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Lucan with Father Joseph McGraw officiating. The couple was attended by Jeannine Damen as matron of honor, Sharon Ross, Anne Routledge and Cheryl Clymans; Douglas Lee, as best man, John Clymans, and Neil Trevithick. The couple will reside in Lucan. Photo by Engel By SID DALEY Woe is me,here it is the second week into a lovely autumn and here I am fighting a losing battle with the flu. Oh well guess I'll just have to grin and bear it, quit feeling sorry for myself and get on with Comments. For those of our Comrades who were unable to attend the Seminars laid on by Command at several different locations throughout the province, let me say you certainly missed out on a great deal. A new and exciting program has been added "community programs'. Already this facit is beginning to snowball and the enthu,siesm grewing,ip, leepeoed bounds. You can zest assured that much will be heard of this new Legion program in the im- mediate future. Have you got your tickets for the show of all shows yet, and of course I am referring to the "Carlton Show Band"! Now these fine teddies from the Emerald Isle will be performing for your entertainment at the Recreation Centre, Huron Park com- mencing at 9.00 p.m. Friday, October 5. There will be about four hours of song and laughter and dancing if you so desire. Also remember The Lucan Legion have hired two buses to supply free tran- sportation from Lucan to Huron Park and return following the show. Aye shure t'is great to be Irish and don't you be forgettin' to wear a bit a green for this grand occasion - see yu there, Signed up for the Tuesday night mixed sports yet? There is still time, but its quickly running out - Remember the date it starts is Tuesday, October 9. Say that's this coming Tuesday, the time 8,00 p.m. For a sports season of comradeship and fun it's 540's mixed sports which is open to all card carrying members. UCW "Women of the Bible" and "Hannah" in particular was the study theme for the Evening Unit, U.C.W. meeting Tuesday evening. Mrs. T. Emery Sr. and Mrs. G. Hotson presented the study and also conducted a service of worship. Unit Leader Mrs. A.E. 'Reilly chaired the business meeting when plans were made for a bake sale October 20 in Cliff McLean's Service Station. All women of the congregation are invited to bring their "specialties". The "travelling basket" is travelling, but slowly. Members and friends are urged to keep it moving, , Mrs. Archie Sinclair, convener kn. the October General U.C,W. meeting October 9, announced that Michael Greenberg of the London Family and Children's Services will be the guest speaker, Members of other, women's groups in the , com- munity will be special guests. if we don't have it," said the reeve. "If you can't operate at present rates for the balance of the year, we may have to look for other alternatives," he told Mr. Lewis. "We are not going to operate at a loss," Mr. Lewis answered "We were told by the Ministry of the Environment that we cannot operate and maintain a landfill site for less than $2,50 per pick- up. I think they are a little high, but think we are doing it well to do it for even a 20 cents per pick- up raise". Council finally decided, however, that one way or another they were going to have to have the garbage collected and passed a resolution effecting the raise. This increase will be paid from the general tax rate for the balance of 1973, In other major business, the council was served with a writ from M.M. Dillon, consulting engineers in London with reference to an unpaid bill for work which was done in the construction on main street. The firm of Haggarty- Campbell previously served a writ to the village and to M.M. Dillon Co. for payment on a quantity of B-grade gravel which was used in the construction. The writ served on the village by M.M. Dillon served to inform council that they are defending themselves against the claim by Haggerty Campbell. Council moved to forward the writ to the town lawyer E.J.R. Wright and empowered him to take the necessary action on behalf of Lucan to inform M.M. Dillon that they too are going to defend against the writ. The question of the tender on the old fire hall was raised at the meeting again. The tenders were opened at the September meeting of council and a special meeting was held with each of the bidders on the property but no decision was reached. Council again deferred a final decision, but were informed that Lions Club is no longer interested in renovating the facilities for use as a senior citizen's centre. The Lions Club proposal had been under consideration by the council. On further investigation, however, the service club decided that the site was not suitable in terms of location or facilities for such an un- dertaking. In an unrelated move, the council received $95.43 from the Lions Club as two percent of their take at the Lions Club Fair. As Night class starts Low calorie recipes November 11th "Remem- brance Day' will soon be upon us Comrades, This year let us be prepared - let us have our programs laid on well in advance - How about getting in touch with Comrade Art Bell our Poppy Chairman and advise him of your willingness to assist in making this the best Remembrance Day ever - After all Comrades this is what it is all about 'Remem- brance'. Branch 540's next general meeting will be held in the auditorium at 8,30 p.m. Wed- nesday, October 10th - These meeting generally last between an hour or an hour and a half - surely you can find this amount of time once a month to assist your President and Executive with running the affairs of your branch. Your support is required to keep our Legion strong, Make it a point to attend, huh. Our Good Ladies of the Auxiliary will be holding their next general meeting at 8.30 p.m. Tuesday, October 2nd. Don't forget to attend, ladies. Here'a date to keep in mind Saturday - Sunday, October 13-14. This is the date the District A Convention will be held in Sarnia. If you cannot make it on Satur- day, then come on over Sunday and sit in on the Discussions, then fall in on parade for our Act of Remembrance at the cenotaph. These District Meetings are a great experience, do attend if you can. and that's 30 for this week - remember - You can often tell a successful man by his poise - but probably more often by his avoirdupois. Education is an ongoing process through life. This fall you have an opportunity to learn to enjoy learning again at Biddulph School, October 9, at 7:30 p.m. The leaves changing color means back to school and back to school means more than just the children. Fanshawe College is offering a number of evening courses for adults at Biddulph School in Lucan starting October 9. Area fire board hosts association The Lucari-Biddulph Fire Department were hosts for the Middlesex County Mutual Aid Association in the new firehall on Main Street Tuesday. A total of 87 members signed the register, a most gratifying turn-out. (contributed by Gertrude Meyer of "TOPS") Low cal dip 1 lb. large curd cottage cheese 3 green onions Garlic salt to taste 1 large dill pickle 14 oz. can pimientos, chopped fine 1 this. low cal dressing, Method: Blend cottage cheese in mixer or blender, add other ingredients. Mix well and thin to desired consistency with skim milk. Serve with raw vegetables, relishes. (Five calories per tablespoon.) First meeting of homemakers The first meeting of the 4-H homemaking club, in "Creative Block Printing" was held in the United Church Saturday, The leaders are: Mrs. Donald O'Neil, Mrs. Harold Snelgrove, and Mrs. John Vander Loo. The next meeting will be October 13th at 9:30 a.m, and all girls who plan on taking this club must be present. Irish make final round Irish 9 - Parkhill defeated Lucan Irish 9 in two games: Wednesday 6-3 in Lucan and 9.5 Thursday in Parkhill, However, Lucan reversed the play Sunday. With the score tied 4 all in regulation time, Lucan tame through to win 5-4 in the eighth inning, The Irish will Meet Lieury Tuesday in Lucan and Friday night in Lieury commencing the semi-finals, best 4 out of 7, The games will be played at 9 p.m. The Shillelagh lost to Walloy- Hearn 11.10 in the semi-finals of the recreation league Sunday. Walloy-(learn will now play the Midgets in the finals, beet 3 ottt of 5, on Tuesday and Friday evenings and Sunday. Pentecostal At the morning service of the Pentecostal Holiness Church George Eizinga spoke on "Wit- nessing and obedience to God through the Holy Spirit". Marlene Butler sang a solo and Tim Stutt led the singing at both services. In the evening the service was conducted by Rev. Ronald Hall, a former pastor, now of London. Several numbers were presented by the "Cornerstone" singers of London, who were much enjoyed, Mrs. Hall's message on "Song and music" pointed out that many of the old hymns had been written after their authors had endured some personal tragedy. She quoted scriptures and said that many of the newer hymns also contain a great message. Let's stop litter — use baskets Let's have an anti-litter campaign! Have you noticed that many people, and not just children, are dropping their various wrappers where they are, rather than carrying them a few more steps to a litter basket? I wonder what their own yards and homes are like? Why do they think the council provided such excellent litter baskets? Keep our village clean! Sunshine plans rummage sale A total of 13 senior citizens, members of the Sunshine Club, met for Bingo Thursday playing 16 games, Final plans were made for the rummage saleand homebaking to be held in the club rooms in the Masonic Hall October 6, On the same day progressive euchre will be played, Copy Cats! These range from bookkeeping for small business to flower arranging to self-defense for men and women (The art of Karate and Kung-Fu). There are two types of courses available. One is designed to improve your job skills, the other to make leisure time more en- joyable. The course bookkeeping for small business, will help those who have to look after the books work rapidly and systematically. With the time you save doing the books, you can follow other pursuits. Fanshawe's evening classes will give instruction in hobby areas such as photography, flower arranging, cathedral glass and candlemaking and basic sewing. For people with something to lose, self defense offers muscle toning and co- ordination along with basic in- struction in the art of Karate and Kung-Fu. That's us. Our photocopier can reproduce your documents and book pages. While you wait, Brownies in walk-up 8 1/2 x 11 or 1/2 x 14 254 each - first copy. First copy of second original . . .2,0 each 2 - 5 copies ... ...... .. . . ,15 each 6 or over ., — — '.10 each More kennel awards Mrs. Eileen Currie and her mother, Mrs, Wm. Prost took "Brialin's Moffatt Joe" to the Sarnia fennel Club Show Saturday, winning "Best of Breed" for two points, winning over a Canadiae-Arnerican champion. "Moffatt Toe" now has a total of 13 points, 3 over championship. exeferlitimovAtissomfe The first "walk-up" (not "fly- up" K as the pack has only been organized one year) of the Lucan Brownie pack was conducted at the Parish Hall of Holy Trinity Anglican Church Monday, when Lori Garroway "walked-up" to Guides. Sandy Hartman and 1<itty Leckie were enrolled as Brownies, Several members received their golden bars, Lim tree) EXEtelt ,38-1331 WALKS TO GUIDES — The Licari formed only One year so the girls another. Monday, however, Guid member to the troupe, Lori Cerro Brownie tied Guide Peeks have been ore not allowed to fly front. one to e Jill McFalls, left, welcomed a heW way. T-A photo