HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Weekly Huron Signal, 1871-9-28, Page 7THE WEEKLY HHRON,SIGNAL. Ft F. -I INS C.,N7'...ex. ..t_a d ?rib,/ %Wk. r• a Hitt 11%3 FM. iloctru. giros to s Orssinesper. re•tless, vbetlering thing, t of limb rail full oi gladness; e and there with agile spring .• ot IIS lot tit sadness., ping, hoppitw ell day twig, 1*11 slat inspires tLt ertliur I • illarci Sportit• mind in vest of 1liaUhIfl g ore both (0 thee lawn kind. ppd tLiy loos to paths of pleasure hiou'd io Ic.py hour, and robality were thy doo'r itinx gnat, loot humming bee Trthetst-itomet_teekstusuLa the 'rho Enelith petal cards ',onetime, form the bone of libel milts. A oaf received one from his wife's brother, in which it was written: Your unmanly conduct to iny sister is known le DWI, flatten be known to the wok et la/e, 1 if you do not reform, you es,••rd.' The receiver of the epistle sued for slender and gid, £30 damages. Mondial delighted the Anciuut Order of Vomiters td England, en the 22nd by walking it rope stretched at a great height in the Crystal Pales. Il• ended his petformatoies hy ening half- :, we) SOMAS arid back 00 4 bre) clo A remarkable fent lit travelling is 1 n $12,000 DANIEL GORDON, TO LEND ON VAR111 PROPERTY AT 8 PER CENT INTEREST. I EXPENSE REALOta ABLE. • UPROPrinn, DAVISON &JOHNSTON, +swirl' vitt2f, GODERICil. I. Cl feg,% .1 et:tvilii .... i, *Miro tiler enla uilarich 12th ei.it. 1871. so5-11 MORGAN eRADLES, *. • • mi.' op tireplor. two GRAPE VINE CRADLES, i 2 A' CELEGRAPH CRADLES 4, 34.10 oft. 1 Ma oft. r •ir MONEY TO LEND " Ft !MITRE At Orottly redtteel Rates of Interest mr r Ftt 7. „ WOON&CARRIAGE • ...,44.14, n • ts w nihlswaotinee tit the pub. Of • rears at • leer rats of T•61-• • o • v rIr tertalmeate fnlo of 000, onli dos Barley Forks, Straw Forks, Memel un 1 favoaral,:e Mow 01 Petah!. h • F morre retearovely than et er Win tl OVA for pe.t 44.. • 1 • 1031. 1.1, h. hy siro-t attatt et n1 niett a HORACE HO RTO`T 4.44 1., .01 le f 1,11:61 carp, 01, aborre 1/.0.r.• , .„ tnentiotted by a Luitil•di enFroaltottileill. t Hay o. aretakketaraaaa ermaaor*m of aut A gentleinin reached Liverpool on the Approliecr for the ciii.$ida Per • Ihtli ult. who had left Han Francisco on Spades, Shovels, Coal Oil, 'Black IIE HAUPEOW'ON TIANT:1 I lalionellf U611O1Oliila: 11:6 Vigil sr; ?JUL Ifs had made the whole achine Ods,Piteh, Tar, Rosh., -• Ivo needs 0.11 pommy Ifi-iTtietif-eleamteerr- Blocke„&c. Societ y. telf 'll'Ilirol1 TO. , Thera certatuly nothing like 1. "le 0 et the largest Week. of forrollue ln the Cousty I sy like fortne'. All of the above for salesdlois rates at tip, "POI "7"*"2-1."4 414SWAAICE-__CAPLP • Yktoria Sot et, Oodenels lie ot 11urim fistiCe, lint Ntileturin ar.t 'a Carrlsges, Waggons, Sleighs, Cilvt•torss, f.1;11421,y which erui Os aohl k.A P tat wash. JOHN PAAMORIC, ,.. rsrer: etirs v.. siitovriher iiLsoptet for the tollowingtirst-elaro We, ht. to • 4U M metres Ooderleb, Aux 11, 1-3111--- '30 1 lion in s "nal s erica they leather, OM when ant.s.ano gilds t.netr slog. igh upen lint .w within the shady dingle, iiiv sued to litany • fitful stop et Valise thy many measured jingle I Iv, • lit cr Shale 11111111tte tii tilvo I Juy in each extremity. Is° E Very blade of gram t' thee Proves a how'r .4 dainty pleasure Where Own trilfat thy ,,, i ii strstsy, L eon. to Hone own gay measure Vaiss.tlion gay onol, i ri Ma rd. aumvoe p The son .4 William Magnin is a boots NEW HARDWARE STORE, tro atom*. t F110Y.NTIro Landoe, Flew At swine . • i I I tl Ditblit% do In 'A .1601 1 I:ARUM-Mr ARRIAGE 11AUTVOIll ronattlool put oVII•CIAI, of tomato Matthew. of e•irt rtpi t.te, ' I MAI !trill AVIA rerosto mad ing tiro proceed• to the author's ' C. H. parsons •co. ON HAND ALARGEAS cest roostYY coca • `1,‘ bit G.xlerich, July 25th, int. •,,, b 5104 1.tlhographs SP/IfTNIENT II0040.HACItarE R • .t WHITELY & Co: thhabing the lest of Mogu. papers I • Bath IL. • , ant ae g out: est s tItat theprotristoril (Uppwite Market lloope,) Feather Oohs/era Ittilo•• at 1. ,1 .t • Mork irn.of might What thou art so wed *boat. 'fell nie- is it hive's fond glow, }itch itli troth, awl ust.py festal, 11...th st,e 1.1eilg'd her troth in thee, TUC klahwroter hen art re.00veJ io om sr.,. 4,4 , poem the r,o, Olfle.,w taros to rood* his forme . riff Luntloo d la eurtti:outi hall& i 0 • Fs That • ith song elates10 - To thy mate thy bliss resealing t Doeist tio al tot lier econsteney 1 oisi is. p.m..", is. lawral .116.11 rrillarlsoll Met • I bore far. red bon Ls Me tam in , car, and le.i. dltar:lafeler:o 7.111, 1410 rrosirod trSeel 1111 Lunn.' vf2e11$- - i.."..:7..<. :!:,`"",`.!..";."'.1'":::;'..',..:.-..t.::; 1. . •..1 U. yowl ii,, by ..e.WO11 PHOTOGR A . 110V AL ALEX.WALLACE wavvnagen AND JEWELER Faelogreili of tit, rototett 11.1 ttet: th hie ar rah 4,1,,Itt• g.ut ggth. „Ts. ens • etitolusr....t..1111, II o3.• r•50 supply Ptuturei Vrain,.r.oliany el,. requital 16.t Toronto Irif" 11. al wept on haw] • complete • roc A ' $l.00 Per Dozen 7"" . Shroads In thelatest WOO Mate 1 Ce 0 DICRIC II Iet$.11EA RAFINI lo hire. C1313.0etlyc BCIEttesli Doors West of Post Kee. . HALF DOZEN I ion RACE NEGATIVit lExtensiveNPwPremises 11.611 a summer dav I've eyed they. P. g t gh• rf"th b"" Watches Clocks and Jowelery W:ce postajo ftee, to any splendid New Stock. I erode, pObtaze tree. One dosen from Abo -Nnifrillrt, 1411-....04.4--111” "Ploi"4". ......a .00 purr erpref.... la die parelmer, sr • .„11„,,,.. . Whilst, In 11..1014 teread 1,1 can, iitor.$•,$ ....o. mi.s.c.,:gmf st mr•o. eleseess.....1,77„ ... __„...1114mmirra 1,,, ffpy_ rattles I have cherisli'd bat -despair .. I depend • •pe. toe st wel: red. age A if. • ' •••••rt nr. ••(110.51•051 Paw.. 1 eweirr , • Welehre ..' ww••• . 4/wayblared 1 • ing old Ambrolyse. W...ildt.. heaven the poet's heart, , ALEX WALLACE. For either large or enrol pbot)graplia. T1 , I ; 6 Ift. tins r 1 eel. of In OYU 144,1,1, Ono It.h WI .... 1.1 art . - *. ktstiaTTIF Creal Redrettes OS wilO riutiteribt.r rr turuinz,thanto forthe there1 •pet rohaire le• re I..fore e zteadtd to L:in*. Then, all fetter 0"- woos .001 say that he ha. !ide such timute's joy$l•.l ping Oh glee. Very "_11ing Wantea ••..e. O. tall.. 1ACIADT DT I in Tt day evening lest; the cittixit• of Lwarer., tAinotho, were startirla by • report that Jr. E. E. Mirth. a dentist, Inuits, loot Li rdered los air. eus duta, LIE mARKFT residing $ lite ortlee Irtolo the cityIIL .i forge Photsgt aphs. NEW HARDWARE STORE Oodevich.Aux. 15. 1870 tv32 II >II BIZ It CIEJE and then killed ttituself. Fro. rtletive-s GE THE 1:111AH SAW a the tleemo.ed &lid other* the repoet rt tante. 1110 "uses.. mgt., " C1 • S A SHIRO Mrs. A. Deblarth watt mother _ _ able idea :- of the awe:vied, elsout five o'clock I OSA sitting 11.... front room T TIC •••r•nor.iiiiii:r..! ros AT THAT TIT'S ' 4.11.1e 0110 WM tuck, 1 w. sti 111 6101 found. on] al lins-d• ot MK% C. Barry & Bro. ralOrt Maki rs, I I itat:!kers Wooil Turners, 1111. reina.•1 •••1.,•• int •11.14.1 !el 1 dn.. ntrop,ello're ar.11 le awed • A GOOD ASSORTMENT I Witehre.lhatrwon. Tharittoorn, AM Per Or for Oililre. amt. ea. \ 9 h Doors Blinds, . SS , .mm4.4 Ly 11,11,46 WA. W twee jun& vou.k1etro•p•alLi 0611 at. For 1.• ban MOuldings,Floor 1 heard a nor,. se of wurrehnely • Siding, ...ding 11.eor , end !looking COMPLETE STOCK OF ,the bed, Over a l. I *eta t.• hiu. end H A R DW AR E web a• Circle a ultSoOnettssessaPremes placed toy hand 011 1011 iurehead tat Sae TaiLF.14. Ins a.m.:ammo 1:1:14104111.1 • ffro. 1 Wt. w VA:NV.4.. nor is. 11/11ATNOTS. LOOKIIIL GLASSES GILT Ere are larrianr w 1 1 everything le Cheap for Cash. the doctor with itia head pat Ally unlcr CI 1 it 6- 1 VI( 41.112:111, • • fl in his r• ing spell ; ,.!..1kr.1, •1.6 h •.,1 le n.11 5' 0511,1t 15fy, Tol.vey _nem their eaperewnet e,hc tory •,„ this 1 Irotked On the •••01,e1:1.1to ,re 1,nr, bum, ..i.eorlarlr. P.swis 6,,ohil.n1:11ofsruo• 10111 litho - witla-hinsaLlying near the foot of the 20,000 fest of Dry Inch and a garter b▪ ed and saw hin girl, all covered 1,11," load I was warixtteitodAliteat.aroesed PitPSOmS &CO ' a ea Flooring o• hood. -the doctor's bead Aoki 1.2ft die Innen it, II Mary Watkins 111,1 1 am et t.f IstiV12 LAWSON, TERMS STEHTILT CAUL seem+ .4 Ins ronvilt, L. . Muth, 111`" oppi.site ihe Market House. ' ell the deceased. I was on a visit to ; ---- --- --- - '., VI ROBISSOSt. the family. Aisynt half port five, as 1 , i.:NteiD•fvto Go km, A uj 15. le70 .30 kitchen, 1 heanl a 1101). o gurgling 1.Vt 17 IV 11 I I I' TISE• ----- ---- -- . • -. 6 was *imaging toe ripper ta1,10 lid the ' mound, aa id some one chokingin the • 1.4 11 , a., room adjoinng, awl to -allied liy Dr. was ni the stable ;he mine in soon after. J. GeV tf • .iAtt BUCHANAN, o n 'plot. tswrtment nit' at. owl n,re.a.111 wear• oala,..1 au 1 • 11. ar. la I/Ire , Pin .1,1e • A. CALI. SOLICFTED. VO R. J 0111 1.1,1" 4111 • k•iil`t. art. hoe Inanufa.narinf. PhEetons Buggies and SP log Waggot'e. h f •e almakonty • adardt M mu • p.a.ml, a•.• merirak; the ittatonsg, ot ell whO nr•nl a I....1,1111 artMe. r ok erdortn•I CAUMAGE TEL:4511N°. t,$51* Its Wale lrea w•al and t.troqy mmutl. with desustelt. tiasur the 6-eeriatswiew • of 111 Jobe tivoit (foroterty 11....ii0e) one of the larni• NEW CABINET IIPHOLSTERINGB i0?, Was? oTlEETI OPPOSITE BANSOF MONTREAL, • GBDTEITE. ERIC NIcKAY, itlyoULD RadrYs•TF711.1.Y SR- I, eoninothst b.1' opesed • I.,• .; • • -o • -,oe. Mk West Otreel, oprente bier:hand wild. went iuto the -sown ham% or moire to ortee and NM blood all' over the 1..1.. and the . • doctor lying en the floor with his head ...Pr Vali 1 On once ran outwit: aft,1 cried out t.' M. L. March. the doctor's omen*. that the-thictor was blet•li:iig death. 1 had been it• .1looni hard. tytit,. i llll tea before, and the doctor was sitting beside his un-.' and chill.- - fanning them. Th..] wens apparently fast asleep. Dr. J. 51. 8611, of Emlora, , sumuit moil, arid told the revolter that the parties scre all '1 itiod front cuts in the throat with a 4,511! instruanent; Haat , the cuts veva probably raade with • raw.ir which was fOund near the doctor in the rdoni 0)7 1/%41 with Moroi ; that Dirs. filarch was deeply cut on the left cit. --2g 13 A. aide of the neck, A llll i lll the little girl l •' • was gashed in a shocking nthicr.er on the , WE 411. right mtle of the net -A. The di•etor's • . phirre in tide lar. ta.41,:? AO teielnI 0.1, , Jobbrng and Repairing„ - 4111.1mtesisoil pahl 1,. .11 order@ entrust, il to ve 10 (1. laypeetm. ot the work Now Wise turaul out ,.,.,,,,t*, aellroted. froderich tat *51 let. • , . • Waggon and Carriage rACTORY.. BATES & ELLIOTT 111%1: 14•15nre la loll. ro•rurat try the poldro of flitki,_ ...eased roentry thet (hap 1.1...•Veto•I • 'fan,. Ann or • lair Shop on Mt . ... ---1- - UtoWila.. .1, 1*. Elliott'. ,.14 trona ) irro,,Itotel) adopter., tile W•Stera 11*. i..1 11 k If .11.04 personally to all the work •ntruited 0,3 tIon., OA 1pfe pretor..1 I ,11111 mil 'Af.,ggons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, . I every 0051 In Weir Mr. of the . err 1.1 wa. Irro0 .11 eforita.tnahlp az' at tb. rink towboat re- wuneratt.• retro. JC:61313X1%7Gli -, twoortte sitteselsd to. amortment of . - ON HAND, 2 1'172 \ 4 r_., IC:3 •X Gir. 3Es", eh .b,,,, will he molt* Cheap fort/mail or Cow*. avr:tvd. Owterrelk. Aug 1:. 1,70. r • . WOO UNFAILING EYE ritrAuavEits Stoves ! Sto ves1100. of 0 enl where he .11 la ,,•;. ,dnetantly ..00.66161 heed was nearly oeveredirom his body. In ail three comic the jugular vein and , 2-115 windpipe were cut through. Death must Mr. E. E. March was a dentist by pro- I NEW ORICK BUILDING 1.1118 DAY REMOVED have bitten place within ten minutes t ( *( MODIOU-S after the recoipt II the wuntule. . fession, tool hail prectised in La•rence ' DRUG STORE) JORDAN'i at several different times. Ho had long • r N E A BIN i i Pro ITE, r Ikea known to ih1 parlislly insane, but nothing dangerous woe ever manifested ,1 durir.g his insane 'yells. ilia father Convenient to the Market. died only short time since, and the Itiweo chit:ern., rialreaill.ble'ion vortiicke' faoRrdeowthi: ' IS LARG AND.COMPLETE consequenvis of it. Hie t heron. perrhaerng Orrowliere . ,i,,,lor i,„,k his death ve7 much I'' 'His sioct of stoves 8ces time, and the tloetnr had appeared much i 1)2111.T.1.211,1:0.12.AnN..T, fg if,...11r.7,1.12:,:i. tn. i .,h,.,: 11 At, feeling much %setter, had just ohild had just tenon asleep, and under I oe4.00,..., j.ii. 1 es rirCOrr I 0 if:, cortsrrl. His neighbors all unite in the _ -5-VitOt' asissionsso.--4Atwiali hiii Ti • snit ' I', ALI KINDS IA' 10B WOO( WILL tz out for short walk. wife and tONE ;:f•ME AS USUAL. the effects a temtorsry insanity he hall , 'first cut his little girl's throat, then hie ".. wife's, end then his tom. Not si word was heard speavnur tither of of the de - statement that 110 A, oe - sett children, 5011 thea he With - much loved 1.y them. No quarrel of any kind had taken place in the house to their knowledge. 1)r. Myrrh woe 34 years ..f age, his wife 37, and Anni, the little girl, 8 years old. The boy, nimbi his ebsence from the room, probably escar$.1 death, is 13 years of age. .......-.6.6-16111.. 'rho (Salt &porter soya that in g Mr. R. Blain, of (Solt, shipped to Liver. pool 100 Carrels of flour. ground from wheat threshed in that month By latel --- advice, Mr. Blain has been notified One t the flour has arrived and been odd. lite I -- entire time dots consomed, item the ycnvicit IR 1110RFUT ()their, T I AT APPLE. hold 0It to tlic t oo• $4 sale in Li,en,,,, 0 Mama • 1111,1 M. In UN feglesOle inward? Wiwi Only 26 dors '. Proty o•iielt work. II, Zkr.`,,,'"„r, t..i".'r',T.011:? f‘; sn A etletkl.1; •nt rs""t 8 ttl.'s _ .... .....- being he Ber.evoleni erpoes. thlherieti r Mechanic. WM mole. vweity..sul Soetety desideratum in Advertising. Maks your ii,..0, .,0401.6... 1 IN N A4.01111;1: is. !I. thasialialist• 1111 r e w Pi- umeirir, I: or Cu roes vat., is tli to &acts with the III ttost SIO• At.4 I 1 FIJRNITURE OF ALL KINDS. Hsi Ins on hatitt an alWortment of Upholeterlog witerral•lir wrIl be prerpore4t.tavroartly•ItorAers \la Attain.. tr-rss rf• sn tin> of CALand Rmtewoott tileiii1aings fa hand. 11011rFFtardel-ter eider. ir H. trn.t• he *Wei .'101140s to huarara• to wer..a.r. al' p‘inli, pltronage ariteM1C/1411 11. 1171 - st ta ETA Tantinia 505 1,01011111•1119 PIPF41 CISTERN Pcsstre, Iman Prom ie. • VOTTCE is hereiry'giorni-Th- idlinra" el- Iftion will to made the licegiblafttre nf tho Province of Ontario, at the nett Session thereof at Toronto, for anthority to divert the conyse of the "Itiver Aux Sables" in the Township of Ilrthemplet, for the purpose of draining certain Lands. in the Townships of Bossinquct, McGil- livray and Stephen, in the said PrnTindO. Torento, 16th June. 1871. w23tf NEW BOOKS, ttlI l'is e r MONEY TO LEND ON MAST Twills iscoftrionso 00) T t i It; A. *1.1,41 11111.0N & Lair. HAVINLIS A LOAN SOCIETY. CAPITAL, - - - - litoo,t,00. rrow SoVIICIT ADVANCES *1',%Y ON mci.:• / rile .0 111.41 Iketate, lea cm Terms very fever- SIOL A w YERS' 10‘,4T8 asstlIAILGED. .0.10 1* horrorrera fro s.toty payed. Solleitor'• el.,;,,e01. Aar PIM of money. from COO apemen., le lent a rase MOM, of tare fwoome to tatnc. finer trolls clealimed al aay time eith little or no delay booed the (.4.5 01.' rained its Ine.threllog the title nod plepanng the Worter4e. Pier.* M .1,1,5 10 7.1.1 by.the liarery. Tlie fell Mon at of tro I so le alvanceo- ec *105 5.1115 being oar • ' ' 1 or other rioted.. h J.. otberitheroetro or from lerolcoluala,.. The ter. , rre.rrupolou* tura...tem prat...hog to bare moo ar which often 041 50 Maternal) tolhe molt of a loin , Wert tio. 't i regret ran opt, bie loen by yearly. hn117•11/471 Oft r.e.$4-“s1• • -11i.samoiec (5.1 • wsit hum* Ploalral Ord•Ilsents, Mir Of ea. La 1.4 ourrel the Arrated isswis olilda oon he v•eirrred upou 150.0 nt thew Home mine Lot tee most 1""' "° Is see& an by that wean. the 11lnol• w Web tee ermare of erdreary aro le let espertenerr a Vetted. 110. haw *terra seltheerepease oar labor to pre - 4 n. • th... Jo.ily i:.1..es5teese, to c.a..' ty•01.- .4.having arloptM 0+- 1. irafr,ponesin which wieeroiltrhoverte, and ari perfeete&theerteenlenian tno OVA t•I lllll parnini sitth the gm...et as curacy of Focus in II1• Lcuse5, Mina 'masted 1.1 tM moot aerates clan,. "to.o.i, rThrr.eltell and et.lor the &co &C• WHOt ESALE&RETAIL PLAIN ANL) WANC"" 1 xy Wi& BeautifulAssOrtniet AT BUTLER S. COAL OIL, WHOLESALE AND RET A 1 •JEWELLERY OFALL KIN sarcogi Oil Lamps, &e. .014 le"S ' Renn1, Wool Piekitte. Awl *betel JUST BECEI'VEI., S • Oltenia eirhent,e, 1.ft 1 „EMORY • NOTICE. tir Sign of the Large Coal 0.1 Barest. Godorisk. Aug 15, 1•••70 DOMINION A:GOP I-1 15.S1IIIIT111/2.. . K!.1g St. East Ter•Wth*.' 1E, 11111 only Institute Ontaro, in wIrch io tuede a speciality. Send renter. Addrisa .1. L. TROY, Toronto. for and to be sold 0I11F.AP .AT lityrLEirs Lazarus, Morris SE, CO. Celebrated Perfected Spectaees And Eye Glasses. 011111: t•ELRItil.tTAli emu-Et:n.11 eioulaeles .1. er•feralroolitard to the pol•lio rot the 1.03,1010n el C.Loallo •($t • 0(011 0(111 Mane. dnrrng whic*17 h pet Phi they lue • ilrooliallol 0111. r 1,..,16,1111010••• Sloe .1lopope.y,, 0101 no. of las oot tot/ do gee (*04101 thet (hi. famous tacit .111 5* erliiidero 1.0 ,107 peroon on the Conl twat of nofeek. a lieHllinO 001,01 ald .r.l111 that they will so doubt hal 15•40 way to the remotest cocoon 00 154 tiholpe, sun this le due eotelk tntheir merit Vili•M Pea other ever:re...leaf...tremor° („;...4.1.1111.4.,111; monthly prom ....hole, braid. Intere.t. a mealt egos for 1.11011). .1.4 they ore so MO re,Ithst hy their Myment the aeht i. entirely eltragerahnl, an.* 07.ntortknwe cha- rtist,. a a. the mot ••r the tont. •t,1.110.K1 1,...N A. Nit- t•Wt • t it werwor•artern• 5S0010f 15,r. r, he pr. $W1 Temoll mar. and at the rot of the 11M0 la• 10••10lo7e 10 psi,' sir The isFell1 1, .•rrs•ing 1...ine•5 01 Phis 11n• My w the beat realra- 4 or of Welber,. wrth which It re reerted I/ the t wint........ DS In.,,Ing rormannity. • 1 le 110'. 170 on the merited( its af *tem 0nding MamieI, hrtt-1 known sod rauter.tdal By the rouell par- llemt 0••11•11.1 farm ..11'l'IVl11"7.17i:r47"o.7". :,o ri 1:.::4'V.:1 li::b:4!7tt41lyw1w11?.:1rrite'.::'1.TPtrA.r' 10(10 nT hi. Ivan%(,,u avoranthe rhaof 1.100 5. rel.met Primo*(" len.e. ooth u0w00e0r0 7l:.*'::'."1: ,r,,..:.,.....),Itt,rg,...11:: 1..nyir;,....7,11en .:1141,/tripal 1:„...,151•11:..,,W...14 reetate 5100100. sad Weep, cow ' 4 4..4,4 444 .4..,,,,, We take oewrios to motion the rhtle saltiest 1hme pretearltny td 0, 405 le as we . nnly ,apply anthOriO•1 rin& al Ageete -10• Init•IP ,,,,o1.1Iehol thy weary for the gala of our counretee Fortected .pertarleeen• aro trmemeetwitb F. JORDAN anderieb 22 a ane. 1071 11WW.Sea •• 1-1.E1.4S14, CHEESE. Shephara Strachan, .5 GROCERS, OM/ERICH IIAia Iriochnforr%41::tPe"::Volif 0 se te r Fariory cheese. flealef lopolied at.the Factory Prices. es [WWI AF.116 STA &CHAN. Ooderich, Ay15 w10 o fle ron. at aoy pa favorable tame( erode\ MI be aettlea at 007 moot)'• ly meeting hy the Director, cm roe apptostion of the borrower.) and Interest at all per rent. per ••••10. Minh. niloworl oil payments ot &Aron, rtt'l Olen nInr5 loan lable tony be ••1•Wrined at -1..^ietr'•, Alm, or be letter lune( pal& sdareseed to Ira )*leWtary, or from any of the Woeletya ILE Yell ER. Valuat d at Goderteh movEy TO LEND AT Lr)WEST RATES. . NI. Goituox, AND ATToRlflIT AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CH ANCESY. GODERICH. . 1304e041., %Web 1401. 1671. wikka- _ MONEY. Fishing Tackles, *1.1. vsne. -:035111lno or um& 111010.Ff1, PAITA, MORA sod 1.17:11h •if • entwine,. kiwi AND SELLING AT COST AT BUTLER'S. Trieste WM. to .0.4 05 Sortaturs of lam Lends et per cent per Ana 1w. payable half fonfly, Patents When orittif require& No thilay reel charge. reetnaltle. F,,IVALK ER Solicitor des. , Court lie,0•11,oloriegt Aninst (TI hp/Metre voler1.ell,11141 Avg.. INC si • 104 - - - - 1 Tit 11 tlftinF.nsuiTIIKII, JOarit Laroava L lawint timely entity tee pulnte that Op ,W11 Finns luroir, (Miro Char/1.1M) left my Dos4 toe 15(1l" or proyeestIMI1 tioerd erthont any pi therefore forbid the petal, In frenral to Mlttt . Commission GODI:ItICHAOLIN'I'ON Established. 11SCS9. .,„A LES of Malicellithenes Proper' ri °Juice I,/ waif, Raterday,snd ri.siosevery Wed. ..*ley. Moneryal•Illesti ea Properly r immediate Pro nod peoropt return•rn•de• l'srmdliwk • odollror sate•parietaolly allied ed to throughout the (*only, t7.,11•% 111.1/EM/0108Auctare Money te f.oanoniteatEstate, rtA P.1:111;Aplp:P;(1:tain.s...T.ruilsadlLosseoispaer 0 11 IsfRITISMAN, . ovt.'t &there Cadent% Feed 1 Peed 11 S CTIE :CV" WO A1' h d & Strschsn's, TIME IS MONET. - 4 114.3.terre two tta*. weal ga t PATENT GUOOVED IRON IHARROWS .2.0 TON OF SRO SHORTS AC _it for me MOW th..t *I rem., table noatriated loy be 11141logs, nr.l11100 10 my nano. (01* • JOSEI'll LAPORTEsenT. WItcrl *01111 841 Chettp r Casks Rh. 1N. 1 071, ow1-Int• 8nderieh, Aeg 5, 1 rowa,sm• fill, 8111 • the Mot earl elarata a0010 offend In Caned* Ouly 114 earth. scab .25 00 lommtion hotted et 1.1•W 1111-11ARAW'S Illerkernith *hoe. Owdernit. AIWA roll,. 1111. wit U- Notice to Debtors g lL patties wrIndel•te,1 ^aseeest. en rend IMMO OD pay ep ea •111111 NM he put 11101711A• ig, ow* April Nth, 1,, the nwlerslanent, whew or,,I loot winter, are keys. oe before 10 W., feillne lat• malt for 0•11oetlao • LAWSON & 1611 ewes if et- -.1.4-.402/6.1/01•0 - ^e-eMSNIMewwworserSie 7-7mottww7- • •