HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-09-06, Page 1125 Auction Sale' Owing AUCTION SALE Of 'Household Effects and Antiques Un Lot 10, Concession 28, FULLARTON TOWNSHIP, 35,4 miles east of Staffa and la mile south. For FRED JOHNS, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 at 1:39 p.m. Chrome table and 4 chairs; kichen cabinet; GE 13 cu, ft. frig; dining room table and some chairs; 4 Odd easy chairs; china cabinet; lamps; electric stove; pop cooler; pro- pane range; chesterfield and 2 chairs; 2 antique rocking chairs; floor polisher; ice box; television; crocks; washboard; corn popper; single bed; cob- bler's shoe repair; good match- ing bedroom suite; 2 older an- tique bedroom suites; odd dresser; chest of drawers; 2 antique trunks; washstand; cof- fee table; end tables; Mendels- solm piano; quantity of dishes, Some antique; set of melmac dishes; antique clock; blower for blacksmith's forge; emery; *2 oil pumps; set of sleighs; lanterns and many miscellan- eous items. LARRY GARDINER, Auctioneer FRED JOHNS, Prop. 36e ESTATE AUCTION Of Property, Furniture, An- tiques, Household and Carpen- ter's Tools. On the Premises, 71 Lorne St., HENSALL 1 block, east of Highway No. 4, for MRS. EDNA WEEKES' ESTATE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 12:00 p.m. Sharp PROPERTY: Medium size frame 11/2 storey home, kitchen and cupboards, living room, modern bathroom and bed- room on main floor, 2 bed- rooms and sitting room up- stairs, sun porch, oil furnace, garage; also a handyman's shed 14x20. The lot is approx. 70x132 ft.; large garden also; landscaping is beautiful with a selection of shrubs and trees around house. If not sold prior to sale this property will be offered for sale at 3,00 p.m. subject to a reasonable reserve bid; 10% down, balance in GO days. ANTIQUES: Pale blue scenic oil lamp with brass base; l a r g e assortment of china vases and figurines; iron lion; large assortment of plates by Royal Wilton, Meikin, Pickwick, Austrian Lamose; beautiful as- sortment of china cups and saucers by Royal Bayruth, London Crockery, Booths, Nor- take; incomplete set of A. Meikin (Dunkirk) 1933; variety of cut glass; 5 press back kit- chen chairs (excellent); rare old dining 'room table, emboss- ed carving on edge; patio wicker table; market baskets; pictures including settlers' log cabin, 1812; oak mirror with 2 matching fiddle back chairs; Dalton china mug; 5 drawer bureau with porcelain knobs; beautiful large jardiniere; pine stand with drawer and shelves; 3 drawer pine chest; parlor table; hall seat; rare old par- lor chair with scenic uphol- stery; assortment of antique chairs; treadle sewing ma- chine; small annex stove; many ether antique items. FURNITURE: 2-piece chester- field suite, excellent (tanger- ine), corresponding dr ape s; platform rocker; easy chair; pole lamp; fern stand; sewing cabinet: bed, springs and mat- tress; dresser; 2 blanket boxes; iron cots; coffee tables; hall tree; Kelvinator appliances, 2 door refrigerator with freezer, 30" stove, dryer; enamel top pantry table; assortment of stools, blankets and household linens.Tc os: Complete table saw and motor, excellent condition; sabre saw; IA h.p. electric drill and attachments; electric sander; emery stand and motor (complete); 50 ft. heavy duty trouble cord; large tool chest and assortment of tools; heavy duty saw horses; new steel lawn roller; Quebec heater; quantity of coal; power lawn mower (gas); steel wheelbar- row; garden hose; step lad- ders; lawn bench and chairs; many other items. TERMS OF SALE: Cash; 7 0e sales tax in effect. PERCY WRIGHT, Auctioneer Kippen, Phone 262-5515 Estate Tel: 262-2103 Estate or auctioneer not re- sponsible for accidents on day of sale, 36:37c I will be on holidays until September 1st, For any inquiries please contact A. L. Kernick, 227.4768 or Geo Deelstrq 227- 4500 for fast efficient service. Thanks, Sue Edginton Manager. LONDON; APARTMENT HOUSE Contact Sue Edginton 227-4243. 12 (ars, Trucks For Sale 1973 OLDS 98 Regency 4 door hardtop, chamois gold, black vinyl top, all power equipped, A.M.-FIJI. stereo with tape deck; michelin tires, and load- ed With other extras, low mile- age, substantial saving, Phone 262-2235 Hensel'. 35:36e '52 CHEV TRUCK, needs minor repairs, $125. Phone 228-6457, 36c 1066 PONTIAC va automatic, very good condition. PhOne 237,. 3528, 36c 1964 GMC iii ton pick-up, run- ning condition, needs body work, 5 good tires, $150 or best offer. Phone 229-6696, 36c 13 For Sale ADDING MACHINES, typewrit- ers, sales, service, rentals, sup- plies, Jerry Mathers Typewrit- ers, 92 Main St. 235-1840. 2tfnc ALUMINUM siding, windows, doors, awnings. Free estimates, Expert installations. Thos. If. Walker, 17 Nelson St. Phone 235-0722. 6:25tfne SEE - SAY - SIGNS — Magnetic signs for trucks, cars, wagons, campers. Plastic signs for mail- boxes, desks, houses, parking lots, Harry DeVries, Exeter, 235-0555. • 10tfc-ne NEW BEAN KNIVES for all types of pullers, repairs for Viking cream separators and milkers at Welding and Black- smith Shop. Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield, phone 482-9131, 35:36c ELECTRIC RANGE, 24" heavy duty, in good working condi- tion, $30. Phone 228-6531. 35:36c RED POTATOES and other vegetables, Bring containers. Leslie Thomson, 181 William St., Exeter, phone 235-0736. 32tf n c USED 4' DOUBLE fluorescent fixtures complete with shade. Phone 234-6395. 36c WOODS TENT TRAILER with attached dining area, sleeps 4, good condition, $400. Phone 228- 6457, 36c 1966 CHEVY station wagon; Duo Therm oil space heater with fan. Phone 229-6453. 36c NSEAMOSEMEMAZU" Custom Slaughtering and Processing To Individual Requirements Cattle and Hogs are Government Inspected in our Modern Abattoir for Your Protection. SLAUGHTERING ON MONDAY ONLY All Processing Guaranteed LOCKERS FOR RENT By Month or Year EXETER FROZEN FOODS Phone 235-0400 WIIMATEMNAMMaarkarttrn Monday Is Shipping Day From Varna Stockyard CALL BAYFIELD 545-2636 By 7:30 a.m. Monday For Prompt. Service No Charges on Pick-up 47tfne 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Emma Jane Shepherd, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Emma Jane Shepherd, late of the Township of Hay, County of Huron, Housewife, who died on or about the 19th day of August 1973, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 22nd day of September 1973, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which no- tice has been received, dell & Laughton, Solicitors for the executrix, Exeter, Ontario. 36:37:38c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Jahn Cochrane, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of John Cochrane, late of the Village of Hensall, County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 25th clay of April, 1973, are required to file par- ticulars of same with Belt & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 8th day of September 1973, after which date the estate will be distri- buted having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the executors, Exeter, Ontario. 34:35:36c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estates of Archie Ryckman also known as Archibald Ryckman, and Cora Caroline Ryckman Deceased. All persons having claims against the estates of Archie Ryckman, late of the Town of Exeter, County of 'Huron, Re- tired Farmer, who died on or about the 16th day of July 1968, and Cora Caroline Ryck- man, late of the Town of Ex- eter, County of Huron, House- wife, who died on or about the 31st day of July 1973, are re- quired to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, . Ontario, by the 8th day of September 1973, after which date the estate will be distributed hav- ing regard only to those claims of which notice has been re- ceived. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the executors, Exeter, Ontario. 34:35:36e NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Frederick Charles Beer, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of FREDER- ICK CHARLES BEER, late of the Village of Hensall, County of Huron, Retired Commission- aire, who died on or about the 19th day of August 1973, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 15th day of Sepember, 1973, after which date the estate will be distributed hav- ing regard only to those claims of which notice has been re- ceived, Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the executor, Exeter, Ontario. 35:36 : 37c HOUSES FOR SALE GRAND BEND — Located on Hwy. 21 just south of bridge on lot 82x126. Three bedroom cement block house, living room, dining room, 3 pc. bath, basement, oil heat. This house is modern and in good repair, 2 BEDROOM bungalow, brick and aluminum siding; garage; large kitchen and dining area; excellent condition. STORE FOR SALE HENSALL — Store on Main St. with 2 apartments. Possible income $200 per month; brick construction; excellent condi- tion. One apartment 1 bed- room, the other a 2 bedroom, Well priced. OFFICE FOR RENT EXETER — Premises formerly occupied by Dr. Gans; main floor, Devon building; available September 1, 1973, JOHN BURKE LTD. Broker Low Cost Auto Insurance Fire Insurance Real Estate Mortgages Trust Certificates Devon Building Phone 235-1863 48tfnc 116 ACRE FARM located on shores of Lake Huron near Bayfield, in Gode- rich Township, consisting of 2 parcels-36 acres and 80 acres. Farm buildings include a 2 storey brick house with 3 bed- rooms and basement, a 2 storey wood frame barn and a metal clad hog barn. Enquiries should be directed to: INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK 197 York Street, LONDON, ONTARIO Phone 438-8363 35:36c Ontario FOWL, CHICKENS By Appointment Only doifeimtnerit inspeCted RODER TURKEY FARMS LTD. ARKONA . PHONE 828-3335 36c TWO 16 FT. SECTIONS hickory extension ladder, $20; 4 678-14 used Silvertown tires, approx, 20,000 miles, because of age doesn't wish to take chance of changing tires on road, $25; grape, fruit, apple press, hard- wood with iron screw pressing, antique, $60. Apply 53 Hill St., Grand Bend, 238-2078. 36c MODERN dining room suite, 7- piece; 39" continental bed, white headboard; child's desk and chair; all in excellent con- dition. Phone 228-6796. 36c Notice to Equipment Owners For "Winter Maintenance Operations 1973-74 Season" the following equipment is required. TRUCKS—with minimum G.V.W. 27,000 lbs. suitable for mounting power sanding units are required at the following locations: 1 Truck—St. Marys, Milverton, Erin and Guelph East 2 Trucks—Exeter, Grand Bend, Goderich, Harriston, New Hamburg, Clinton, Golt, Listowel, Arthur and Wingham 3 Trucks—Mitchell, Shelburne and Guelph West 1 Truck—with minimum G.V.W. 42,000 lbs, tandem required for Galt, Arthur, Listowel, Wingham, Erin and Guelph East The successful bidder must have P.C.V. License or apply for some within 7 days of being notified. LOADERS—(without operator) at the following locations: 1 • 1 Cu, Yd, Loader Guelph West, New Hamburg, Conn, Harriston, St. Marys, Exeter, Grand Bend, Clinton, Goderich, Shelburne, Milverton 1 1/2 Cu. Yd. Loader Golf, Arthur, Listowel, Winghtain, Erie and Guelph East Sealed tenders on forms supplied by the Ministry will be received by the District Engineer, until 9:00 a.m. D.S.T„ Mon- day, September 17, 1973. Specifications, tender forrips and envelopes may be obtained in person or by mail from the District Office in Stratford. When requesting tenders please specify location(s). The lowest of any tender, riot necessarily accepted, W. D, Neilipovitz, District Engineer, tvernetry of TranSportation and communications, 581 Huron Street, P.O, Box Stratford, Ontario, Telephone: 271-3550 This three-yeor-ad luxury home in exeter's how Subdivision will be sold for less than the original construction cost. Owner wishes to relocate. Low interest, second mortgage available on balance over $45,0a Contact Robert Southcott, res. 115. 0625,,bus, 235-1.117. HOUSE FOR SALE (To Be Moved) Frame 1-storey house, 52' long it 25' wide, located corner of Main and Baldwin Streets To be removed from site within 30 days from day of sale APPLY TO DOUG ROBSINS /44 Main St, Exeter (Mid-Town Auto Sates) 13 for Sale , 1973 Page 11 Times*Advocate, Septe 22 Notices. 10 Properly For Sale a BEDROOM BOMB with mo- dern new addition. Full base- ment, sun deck, garage, large fenced lot. Appy Tom Arthur, 235-1373 or 235-1251. 36c 13 .For Sale VIKING squere tub wringer Washer with timer and pump: lle4 bed and slat springs, 54" mattress, in good condition. Phone 235-1026. 36e 10" PORTABLE TV, black and white, with stand. Phone 235- 2282, after 5:30 p.m. 36c 17 Properly For Rent INPEPENOPNT SHIPPER- to UNITED CQ-OPERATIVE OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT TORONTO Ship Your Livestock with 3 - BEDROOM town houses in Vanastra, RR 5 Clinton; $110 Per month; ell utilities paid. Phone 482-9742 er 482-7396 any- time. =file 14 Wanted. To Buy POTATOES and tomatoes. Phone 235-1625, Art Frayne, 251 Car- ling St, 35360 2 STEEL SOW CRATES, several pig troughs, galvanized cattle watering trough, like new. Phone 262-57.29, 35:36e cycLoTHERm steam boilers, jet oil fired. AB controlled and circulating pump, All in excel- lent conditon, ideal for green- house, warehouse or shop, Phone 236-4210 after 5 p.m. 35tfnc VISES, bean knives, used steel beams and pipe. Hamilton's Machine Shop, phone 235-1655. 35tfnc PICK YOUR OWN tomatoes, $3 per bushel. Bring your own container s. Market's fruit stand, IlwY. #21, 4 miles north of Grand Bend, phone 238-8365. 35:36c 4000 FORD TRACTOR, diesel, 1966 model, 13.6 38" rear tire. Phone 229-6370, 35:36c 12 STRING GUITAR and case, with new strings and strap, Phone 235-1312. 35:36:37* G KITCHEN CHAIRS and table. Phone 235-2310. 36c DINING ROOM SUITE, 7-piece, 11/2 years old, $550, 261 Algon- quin Dr., Huron Park, Delivery within 75 miles, Worth $800. 3F' ROY SCOTCHMER BUYERS OF TIMOTHY, RED CLOVER & BIRDSFOOT TREFOIL SEED EXETER SHIRLEY MARGARET APARTMENTS 189 Sanders Street EXETER Phone Joe Darling at 235-2794 after 6:00 p,m. 33tfne PRESTIGE HOME; See this beautiful 3 bedroom dream home with all the extras including bar, games room, rec room, large walk-in shower, completely carpeted and priced right for sell- ing. Contact Sue Edginton 227-4243. GRAIN THRESHER, Geo. White 32-46, on rubber, with straw cutter, clover recleaner, 16 ft. elevator with pipes, in good running condition. Melvin Durr. 39c EXETER BUY NOW — Newer 3 bedroom, completely redecorated brick and Mansville sided home, close to uptown. Livingroom, diningroom, smart kitchen, full basement. New Carpeting, large lot. Contact Sue Edginton. Asking $22,500 CUTE BUNGALOW: Newer 2 bedroom brick and cedar shake home, kitchen, large livingroom, utility room, TV tower and garden shed included. On nice sized lot. Close to schools. Contact Sue Edginton 227-4243. Asking $20,000 QUITE CUTE: 1 1/2 storey 15 year old vinylon sided house an paved road. 2 bedrooms, large livingroom, diningroom, gar- age, Lot 58x150. Taxes $131.25. Asking $18,500 NEW SPLIT: 4 level split in new subdivision, 3 bedrooms up and one finished bedroom dawn. Large livingroom, kitchen, diningroom with sliding patio doors, finished rec room. Contact Sue Edginton 227-4243. Asking $33,900 RANCH STYLE HOME, spacious kitchen, living room with fireplace, diningroom and den, broadloom and shag carpet. Four bedrooms, two bathrooms, large rec room with bar, patio and extra lot. Priced in upper 40's. Please Call Geo, Deelstra 227-4500. CLANDEBOYE CLANDEBOYE APARTMENT to rent. 15 miles to London. Modern 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. They are new and bright. $125 - $130 per month. Contact Sue Edginton 227- 4243. LUCAN PRESENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Four new three bedroom homes to choose from. All styles. Call today. Con- tact A. L. Kernick 227-4768. Asking $24,200-527,600 DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY: 36 acres, frame house, hip roof barn close to Wilberforest subdivision, this is a future develop- ment property. Contact A. L. Kernick, 227-4768. LUCAN VILLAGE: Well kept home plus 7 acres of kind in village on paved road. Ideal for subdividing into 25 lots or more. Contact A. L. Kernick 227-4768. STARTER HOME — Older 2 storey home, close to shopping, 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen, large livingroom, dining room, broadloomed, on sewers, good sized lot. Open to offers. Tax- es $178.24. C"ntact A. L. Kernick 227-4768. RENTALS—Floor sanders, floor edgers; -power hand saws; belt sanders; VI & 1/2 " drills; port- able television; floor polishers. Beavers Hardware, your West- inghouse dealer, phone 235- 1033. 18tfnc CONSTRUCTION scaffolding; ex- tension ladder; ski] saw; ad- ding machine; sump pump; 12 & 20 ton hydraulic jacks; hand lawn sprayer; utility trailer; cartop carrier; 16' van; rolling home. Whiting Rental, 63 Main St. S,, just south of river bridge. ltfnc CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT— Plywood forms, wedges, power trowel, wheelbarrows, s in a 1 1 mixer, etc. Phone 236-4954 any- time. N. J. Corriveau, Zurich. 16tfnc LONDON QUIET STREET — London south off Thompson Road. Immaculate one storey, 2 bedroom home with two more finish- ed rooms in basement, oak floors throughout, new metal aw- nings, sundeck with patio, single car garage, nicely landscaped, taxes $373,16, heat $109 for season, Contact A. L. Kernick 227-4768. Ministry of Transportation and Communications EXETER OR LuCAN OR AREA: Want a new home built call us today. NORTH OF LONDON — Plumbing & Heating Business, choice location, 2 bedroom apartment, all services. Excellent business opportunity. Contact A. L. Kernick 227-4768. CRIB, excellent condition, new spring mattress, $35; Vilas Colonial junior bed, never used, purchased as gift, half price. Phone 235-1005. 36* DINETTE SUITE, 1-piece oval table, 4 swivel chairs, $55. Phone 227-4920. 36tfn ne TOWERS! Towers! Towers! Super reception; Delhi rotors, boosers, antennaes, Be pleased. Max's TV & Appliances, Grand Bend, 238-2493. 36tfnc BEAUTIFUL canning tomatoes for sale. Pick your own for $3 a bushel. Ripe tomatoes on green vines at their peak of perfection. Also canoes for rent, by day or week. Phone Brenda Ma r k e t, 238-2301, 41/2 miles north of Grand Bend on Hwy. 21. 36c BEAUTIFUL TROPHIES, half Price. Free engraving, Cata- logue on request. Central Sup- ply Depot, Box 248, Ingersoll, On t. 36-39c CUSTOM PROCESSING PERFECT STARTER — A neat 11/2 storey home with new aluminum siding; 2 bedrooms, bath, lots of storage and closet space, large living room-dining room, handy kitchen and TV room (or third bedroom); new r o o 1, beautifully landscaped large lot; whole house recently redecorated. Phone 235-2814, anytime. 29tfne HELP PRESERVE history. Let me copy your old photographs of Luean, Bidclulph, Donnellys and district. Ray Fazakas, Box 214, Station E., Hamilton. 18-42* HOME FOR PUPPIES, part G e r man Shepherd; to give away. Phone 294-6124. 36:37* 1 MALE BOARDER. Apply 1.40 Andrew St. North. Phone 235- 2967. 36:37* TEMPORARY HOME for 10 year old purebred Vizsla dog, from mid-September to May; preferably farm or town home with fenced yard. Dog is well mannered, good with older children and completely house broken, Remuneration negoti- able. All food supplied. Phone 229-6273. 36* GOOD PIANO, apartment size preferred. Phone 235-1555, 36c BUCKWHEAT, good oualit y. Highest prices paid. Quotations on receipt of sample, Phone 293-3211, Alex M. Stewart & Son Ltd., Ailsa Craig, Ontario, 36;37c (SEED DIV.) (Jones, MacNaughton) EXETER PHONE 235-0363 32-42c 16 Property For Sale 15 Wanted MAPLE LEAF MILLS "The Centennial 'Office" SEEDS CALL 1863 Fully broadloom ed apartments, stove and refrigerator, heating and hot water supplied, balcon- ies, laundry facilities, one year lease. FURNISHED 2 bedroom bunga- low, 121 Andrew St., Exeter. Apply in writing to Box 731, Exeter, Ont. 34:35:36* TWO 2 BEDROOM apartments, all utilities paid, Phone 262- 2312. 35:35e MAIN STREET upstairs apart- ment, above Times-Advocate, heated, suitable for single per- son or working couple. Posses- sion immediately. Apply at of- fice or phone 235-1331. 35tfn ne SMALL downstairs furnished apartment, 1 block from town, available now. Phone 235-2942. 36tfnc BACHELOR apartment, air con- ditioned, color TV, kitchenette, new building. Phone Grand Bend 238-2339, 36tfnc VICTORIA PARK apartments, 1 bedroom, 4 piece tiled bath- room, large broadloomed rooms,' electric heat, lovely kitchen and cupboards. Phone 235-0526. 36c SMALL, nicely furnished 1 bed- room apartment, over Canadian Tire Store, Exeter. Elliot Apartments, phone Grand Bend 238-2680. 36tin c APARTMENT, 1 bedroom, over store. Phone 235-0270 before 6 p.m. or 235-0685 after 6. 36c MOBILE HOME, 65x12, with expando, close to ocean and shopping centres. Located in Holiday Park, Riviera Beach, Florida. Available up to Feb. 15, 1974. Phone 235-1533. 36tfnc 3 BEDROOM, 2 storey brick home with double garage, Main St., Crediton, good references required, Available October 1. Phone 471-9307, London, after 5:30 p.m. 33tfnc 18 For Rent APARTMENTS FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM $149.00 PER MONTH al the 20 Wanted To Rent HOUSE, 3 or 4 bedrooms, in Exeter. Phone Collect Goderich 524-9185. 36;37* MARRIED BANKER needs 3 bedroom house. Phone 235- 2111. 36:37:38c CENTRALIA HANDY MAN'S SPECIAL: 3 bedroom frame home, kitchen, livingroom, diningroom, den, new furnace. On half acre tree'd setting. Contact Sue Edginton 227-4243. Asking $12,000 21 Properly Wanted BUILDING SITE, within 5 miles of Exeter. Will consider 1/2 to 10 acres. Must be separated. Apply G. Fergusson, PO Box 670. aatfn c KIRKTON HOUSE & BARN on highway, 2 1/2 acres, priced under $20,- 000.00 Call Geo. Deelstra, 227-4500. 100 ACRES — South east of Exeter on paved road. 8 room brick house, barn with new stanchions. New pole barn. Con- tact George Deelstra 227-4500, Asking $43,500.00 22 Notices More Auction Sale Notices Next Page I, FRANK COOPER, Hay PO, Will not be responsible for debts incurred by my wife, Grace Evelyn Cooper, other than those signed by me per, sonally, after September 1, 36:37:38* T.A. WANT ADS, Phone 255-13.11 DASHWOOD RITE PRICE: Why rent when you can buy this 2 or 3 bedroom older home for $10,000.00. Contact George Deelstra, 227- 4500. LOT — Building lot in McGillivray township. Close to school. 3/4 of on acre. Contact George Deelstra, 227-4500. Asking $3,500.00 GRAND BEND HIGHWAY LOT — 3 miles south of Grand Bend on highway 21, 98,6 feet by 152.2 feet, high, dry lot. Contact A. L, Ker- nick 227-4768 Lucan, Priced at $3600.00 SEVERAL GOOI) BUILDING lots for sole, -good locations, Contact A. 1, Remick, 227.4768, Lucan, CONGRATULATIONSto .Moureee Scott of RR 1, Greiriton on her winning the Purtney Real Estate draw at the Lucan Fun Fait.