HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Weekly Huron Signal, 1871-9-28, Page 66
Grand Trunk Report of tae sa...Yest o
Oorinmee. -Pall wheat, from 35 to fid
bu:thels to the sere, berry clump cad well
caved ; *prang wheat, near au average ;
. barley, p•••• dud. a4, rete wood crap
•tato.,, termite.ant other coat,,, be en average yield, tieing to the very
dry weather for the hit two unman ;
pleas an average, also hay.
Sununu.- 1'1411 • heat,
40 be. per arae, sample yield,
wheat, 20 bush do.,good ; 'lpnng
d_ Tarr goad ; barley, 30 dog g000ats
40 (Ito, good ; met crop thio promuing
well, owing to scarcity of twin.
C4}{onabouA, -Crept of every de-
acrtptio• remarkably goad this season,
perti blur , fall wheat. The yield of the
•.rima kinds of grain will average the
following quantities . Fall wheat, 36
Mabel' parser*, ; spring. 20 ; barley, 30;
oats, 40. The semen have Deem favor-
able, all were housed without damage or
injury of any kind. Root sopa in gen-
eral will be an average,
larn7ILa-Crops remarkably good ;
1tUwheM, a huge bremlthsoea-sample
audit not ho hatter -will avenge about
36 bushels to the acre ; spring wheat
nota very groat quantity sorra, sample
e=csuent-,.•rage wilso tt 20 bwhele a'
the acre ; oat mop good, yields 40 bush-
els per acre --stew a little *hurt, owing
to the dry season ; [tease wi11'adetyye 3t1
bushel, to the acre, *ample excellent ;
barley, a beautiful Aright wools, about
25 bushels to the acre ; 1*» a little light,
caused by the duces, of the season -
quality Tery good --yield one tun to the
acro t ptotoM•snd other mote are • fair
trop ; Max, target 'ttvsted, and agemi
crop, fibre splendid, au seed wifteared.
Selo gr. -Z• a11--7bwnt---Twrq
average 35 bushels er acre; spring wheat
rood -average 23 bushels per acre ; bar-
ley very good - average 30 bushel, per
page ; (wase, very good --average ;it)
busbda per sere ; root crops are doing
yield espsabd,
• Dactt{-•.-F411 wheat largelyMien=-
• yield 35 to 25 bushels per acre ; sprit';;
wheat, 16 to 20 ; pee*., 40 bnabeda per,
ape ; common oats, 35 to 40; Norway
eati,70 to 91 bushels pe; acre ; barley.31
to 40; hay, a very light crop, tainted by
want of rain ; potatoes., turnips, carrots,
and other rents, are looking well, and
promise t0 be a good aye -ago yir.ld-
Samples °t all gleans veru ilurup and
bright. A good Jeal of Soule, wheat
aaruein ; n14n, ...one of the old red chat.
Peaac are very fine in quality, and an
ezocll•bt yield.
rants. -Feil wheat extensively culti-
vated. aid a gond average crop, WIil
yield 25 bustledi per acre ; spring wheat,
not pen in this neighborhood ; barley,
pease and oats are excellent, and wit
*foil average yield ; hey crop very
oetimg tie the eztrette *tenth in
ay, Joni" and July --the want of hay
will, hsa-ever, be in a great n,csatire
made up by the excellent quality of est
and pea stew ; t•u-uips, carrots and i :;e
potatoes prowni, well ; fruit, specially
apples, very light , corn. rye, bncLwhr*t
tel Hat not celtivstud two any extant.
s Deverreeme.--Fall _ wheat woll f field
from 24 to 25 busters per acre, and the
quality is g„5t1 ; spring wheat not num))
raised in this Ineehty ; barley wilt Stall
September blith
Aar, shoot one tun t„ the scot, euro
lo.ika well -more than areratto uup;
potatoes will be more than average 4.1•11);
'.rod's caul other rout cru Will root I*
jan amnion, owing to dry heather; all
grain is full and plump,
Wiens's-Fall wheat ivengesabunt
2b bah to the acre, quality goad;
spring wheat, average about 20 Melinda
to the acre, herr' bright and in good
*dm; barley, average 30 builiels to the
atrr in sumo swoons 35, berry pump
and bright interior; pease, mentos about
2b bushels to the acre, those sown early
injured by ►tilted 01)1..$n _mt!lan«lir
large cent wan; in ettetfe enemeg rs,. ritl
average fully 00 bushels to the sen,
gent' keg!, flax and flax seed, quality
g"o4 hey, rather light emit, hitt bettor
Blau eas expected; potatoes have suHer-
ed'ser' ly from des Colorado bug, aud
rare now suffering from the dry weedier,
which alto injures the turnips, the r.w.t
crop therefore will 001 be an extra cue;
but un that wholatbe crops are yeti
Pang HILL, -Fall sheat, 26 bushels
per acre; sprint wheat. IS; peon, 2:8;
oats, 42; barley, 40 -all a very Ewe
simple; bay, • light crop, owiug to the
dry weather; Turnips, a hews crop;
potatoes, a very large crop and flue
quality ; aro Qhs grown.
Astra '.tato.-,toopa bettor than for
a great ivany years; tall ►heat a splendid
aantpte,-avenge 30 bushels per acre.
&ante holds** hinh ea forty bushels;
spring a hest an average crop, 20 bot.he la
per acre,- quality greed, but late seven
alightly injured by droncht. There was
a greater breadth of fall, awl less of
arragtd .rnp,and ofaverseONE OF THE MOST DESIRABLr seen ►usuittwr
yield ;,hay, is rather a pour crop this
Year ; tlaa, noise seen.
Ptnstnrr.-Fall wheat is 4 gda.J stir -
1. crop, and the mradtlt of )std tinder Business Stands in Goderich
cultivation yearly increasing ; the early
sown spring wheat is s fair crop, Mut that
sown late is poor, having been lujnred -7111:4' () w at 18.
by the heat and drought; oats are ►n
aseeltsut crop, being over tire average;
and good in quantity and quid ity ; bedsit
and rye aro gat,:d crow, exceeding the
average, and well harvested; corn, below
riven., owing to culd spring; potato is rITILE PREDI lSES °CCU BY It. 1t. Sill rH, CONSISTING OF
a4pallln. tMaiity, aulab.,rasu,_tt,rr-
St Dna Mudding, tl [ d ] ll F f
E FEED ! FEED ! ! PEFD ! ! -
Samuel Curren
a'uu:d,r+pr,ttully .na••uu.• w Ohs 1a1.11^ OW Le
Iso. .1,11.4 a
)n Vluttr4
la wa10N'no4 •Itl. Gruver.
•!n. Nidi reett
(Opperift 1Wttrenrit1ci tiro Ma)
holt tin .4*... art am.l,A11T na sal, be tW8 e
a•, in uau t iii andvNilw st ++sy re rout run , store w . we nt rout saran to
crops •txmt antarurr e*bay, aM tit at"'t'"ullietitorn•tittwe,SiHtsi{Q¢ rty_ ,ds -art Market. tilt g 7l tt by of Choice Family <:ntcerier,
gong, )n gaautity, aril wreJ, and of 31; tt. i net with right io way to No S R ane ltf e promises.
<. antrt Fa will L .olt1 vary t'IIe r,
rend yumh/y. N ill be add by Auction on 16th dept. nest uu for premi►rs. whg•ile Writ.
Waty{T.-Fall wheat', heavy atop
--.25 to SO bushels to the acre - first-rate
al's k l
from 20 to 2,5
A 3 r.th a t a aud.f•l.o-l.l Oath
qu 1 y -over w average quantity sown;- squire u h4
spring wheat. "amylase svuny,e stop,.., A CALL. SOLICITED. ..
good quality -mors bushels than the
. . . ' r; ' 01411 0. a,uwt'6th, tea. yIt ^ tut
yttalltity Warn; beet • igt
very bright -foie 3fj to 35. bi n lets to Ooderirty August 25th, 1871
the acre, and well saved; oats, a rer7 above sale poetpened until the lit Oct. s▪ arin plate arid tiles. cul
heavy crop, from 40 to 45 bushels to the
-over allmet-age sown;
quantity wn; ` n Joy
, an average crop, about 40 bushels tLei
the acre, petakoes are below the aver- • T
ago, owingocrops
i s tor, dry y well, -other G McK ENZI E The Cheapest ` Prot
late text esu ,i lookingter well, but not jj
well gathered. j 1 i Who
AND LARGEST, '•" F■tit
?'O it:atl Itloth1' utas moved, to his own Store use j l j What
We understand that Mr. W. G. Stoat-
His f [I'(! t'1 o H d Slal o l J10tp rill l
*mpg a heat ',own thou formerly ; Item Crieff, u[ Loadutl, . has in for revs a ( I` Rich
•g,ac aautpleyield aiswnt 4'9 formerly
0e P.A0T oar which
llYptiareaI Mr .o\O /•a C at
almiit One
peracre; bodes a good aan,p!u, very fiat lie h*C.hb ," •barb will lea ready for The Steak iWtho,•d b • }tint from 11., '
publte.Unv in ;few y sy►. In i4 i hapf-1 ) MY
'eater, arrrya 4.5..b..usabeb; l e•uar about ton, aruorg other thin,., for condi too Insolvent Estate of
'kw.11.ie , -- eretrear-a-paM mrut r ,
offing to dry weather, but *ell este!'-" "" d -C`' is di r -dr d '
:on to the aero; potatoes ter .ii tbEdirer, anal bartaut optndrT 1r ---M,. - Y
cease &prem.!. t e daa,auu Leungl ltopereyake 't 91 r. Alexander reviewed.
wedMac. Mr JOHNHARRIS , - -
dons by the Culur..L. Cw,xiegstupsrf ore critically vevicw•d. le •av -- _
Western Ontario, -
_.- swscraauss tic rGig" L last
1 N81)Lt't: FAT ACT OY7808 y~, oon,
L11nue Noricum' r)4II%.4r11 a wr1{►t- ' Wild
r•a, ta.ole atl A te..knd awed imbues pre- y ila,
pan,.. opts toty.te•u %odd D. t 'l.I).n...d
do aerie'w t aw sed h do4..4 eta be pod '
D. WAT$ON Nord
lift t
o.de,h.h. xt t.,br." ' . - _ .. Vv. 11
t star• .1•at. h. general aint, it may tie said in a
Very few turnips sown here -s goo.. word, is to defend the wiedenaof Betoeti-
Orerayeyirld. a tR'h; , a• :, determined
cam art the f ren t o of our Cines; b
1rwa very gr ori and is coni; aro l
best since .1155, fall wheat (tone ,.l t,
4) bushels pew acrc.,.14 -i,aaVie rzu•1ik.
enl; atop,,; wt.cat, gond, wnil average :')
141.4%0s; eat icy, tp- _tar 1.11 . . and ;pawl
:trer•,gu :.:, b,vb••'s par acro;
)l lM•,, acry g,,.;1 -4U t;:.:.ek; turn,
1 maks well, but t1.4 much flu+11; hay, *54
fr; ht, tnttearrd to cxceUtat: c•.,trditio.u;
a.tttuw, promise an ahol.Lan: FoI1,
aud free flute r.,t; tenet* and carrots
' duttnanitn rt iwTtaiiTb¢twwrm _• __. r. ---
existing organ:x:04one hare ctaaed b, bej'ro ° C A talo" / {-}>!-
bur. The work is no !testy . V t e f.. LL:: M g C 1.r {i d
performance on tie) nirt oltheatNil:n.
And we hate reseed to believe tta• - when il•appwars it will attract ilte.a.- AT -1N
t•ntien of politicians putanlly.
-A-warning. to cid holies gcclera1ly ;', Enormous Redaction
given by the sod fate of an e c er-trite o-1
about ate fVet5 o; Neat Iia t cult a cteci is iu Lamaster, Englmet, wtto, whit, amok -
this locality; aptls., g.,od, but ,utt v l
teas than last year, ..n .r,ppt ,d the
drought thus summer.
iaommiN.-Fall ''heat is the aura:
known f, r many' years, and will
about all buaheG ley erre-naml•Ie c-
ccllent; spring Wheat, q t lit arty 0t• tar the care f st et ens, so universally, 1,. ttINIi+i 1
puma-, awl will. ticcrigu l art u oral-• prevalent, a. e, u;ha c,.l Ie. sore throat,
WO ser custn:nary Lope its bed tho other ! t Lou
night, accideu,tdty net the bed eurtaitu I
on lire and per e`.. d 0 the tla,ius.
A ti,•r.enucu LW au v. -Nn family
anon el he withoet,„tneetheacinns rt'n my
,r Aa, 1•111.•E4,
eU Pse,are--W'an't' saw* l:ra petitwhir (4ug-coughn
, t.l tr.•np - a,•o
last your; barley is inn tn•ltr enott,elit.l Y, ton. 7441t1 1411044 l retina w^"n l Y
latah$ A.L►O Runty
the b .eu t) fgret yield aver..g d s' 3fah- as este, !are n - i netea n- 3)t_' 7lt ic[w ' Runty
cls lo,•r acre; uutn, ct„1, very 1, r uu- /Crisco .;f 1111.:.1 'le, •. to aenb * e, this
des are line, and ic.c;lila witt foie. nr "9-14:41"1"'"•,
Inge4040 bushels to Un .• At r !tats •, n r' __ - - •, (%alrrich, ,lath August
from 25 to 30 bushels per acro and .4
the hest sample ; oats will vie!•t from 75 -
to40 6•ia!tel♦ par acre-renolty I4.14141 ;
pease slid yield nbntt :Si) baba per 1
acre-qu+lityg.,,d ; rots -a Tory fdlr
crop -about an average yield t hay• -a c
fair crop yield about 1j ton., p..r acre.
GAtFnostt.-Fall wheat rias not m-
j0red, end is a Hee sample, yin) l varying
from 20 1.40 buahelsper aerc, average
says 251•,10s, a •tl sown t•,o etrly tills 6
gag„,prop, toed 1411,1.1.14 4t1:• g,• al, It li .at 1 t •n Yfitll•l i. I -
nn in some localities ar, , of h intrad horn every lar art,- 1; must be • , _ ,
by bugs; rye, very small tan ti y „•r own, littlgnnplcaaadt et tit, .oil.lren to here t
lenOr.paatt: aan1.l..a are gx ! .;,•ca, t the process retcat,-1 a. often. ! v
e trly eroy* excellent--late'et,-41-43 have
uttered noel from dry weather the' • - ---_=
n'i'tre will be 1uU•• an stereo Ti et:dr!. IS .v'u' r Time t' Pub
-wimples are await; ter„ipa, base :nit-
ered very much ft%,ut .ronl:lr, but the It 1; _'t y 5 jt",• 7b IA 1 i 1.:
ate rants promise an at rade i rop; 1;!,
tiles will not be *n arta •,p, !Its', i. fHF.f:Ttlae:AfrrNTIOYOP TII{ AL'0.
top is light, but a f good 'tat i r.E rr r J {•r 1 .mor i. •,„/,eros 1•t' ho retnrr.tph Woes, 1
uusNUA L/R1-Fal soh I t ,rat f'a'ro.:'/ i i Ill
I n, L,.•trreon'ne•l. donna the seat 1; day., t
rdem can lm.sate 4tiwa ca
OOTa-Rtb{ YA00{T ate AWL.
N. B. --Ry iugwrtiat direct free
British Manufacturers
goods in his line at slight advance
on the sterling price ; in fact, his cus-
tomers are supplied suit goals at retail
at about same rate. that small. d.alers
have to fury al wholesale - _,
:1.5,000 Bulb of Wall Paper to select
from, beiugthe
held by aty one heels. in Ontario.
IN R.1.1•E 111.\'I)J 112 1'1.'445,
11TH c b tL=go.
C.elerich, tient. 5dt, 1 .7)- ,,wet
L Iz .ATO,
bushels per sere of g„ori pf :top ev boat ,
spring wheat trout 2.1 1.. :15 1,.,dtc e l -r W1,ile the steak in c,••n•:,ate and lulling } Y
acre of choice wheat: boil y A 1•t;• I 5 r REMARK tl)Lli CHUAP, `I j(ULJ s TJf' J l
bun)t:•In of hn ht x41.1! t ..;, very , STA I IUIiE' I1 (hitt
•,sat, wiil yield at,o.t tit 1 1 t.-,:. to the t A Splendid ;w:nrttrtmt of
ger,: o,ds *1erago.s :AI boot. , -:1; c•• lit a
goo., 1 crop send a 1:trg•l •,111dy; 11" in a 1)rolr• Clot at Fancy r weed:,
tau crop; hnlreare 1 :,t;0.-) inh* wilt
to the whole be eyuui b1 t'.r avett4o. walk' up t.. Order .,r Said by the yam!
Sr. Meal's. -The cr.pa.t:tq the lacy. '•Can d G
season, attaining toeo much growth in the
fall, tie!•lr sown late hare g:. r test yield;
barley, an average crop ; ptae, go..d ;
oats, a splendid crop, yield 30 to sd both.
els per were ; net much eprin4 wheat
sown : root crops, will be injured bj"
drouth ; Hex not much grown. !leered
generally satisfactory. u very superior, fall soh,.. ata, 1 ruu.l,Iy
AT ANb 1.140*0 COAT.
est ever grown In the county -.-f l'-oti, - r n r g and et Bargains.
> ^ . Y d1>..T&' >:1r..1t.aHllrtis
acid the melt f i l
q 7 y u tile
r ,tt. r<,ut ,,.uup n of the Leteet Styl^,,,•aad Patterns,
czeueton, while th 1'
H. ffM
$a 1,OG.Pear -Fall wheat, •geed arar.ro M) Bushels to t!-: spring Thu latwotld return thank to
s rigdwill wheat, raet ; ant., ate, very heavy, and sample ex_olleut; •are•231ua.e1sp.racrewltesy31a:utpie ort11)And eupportcnt f,•r the litetral patronage ort.ra hath Part lrtl.
god will average 41hu,l, •.
, barley, ••Lir
not mltab town --will leverage 25 bnnhoh,
root GO 10 good.
Font E'tii.-Fall and spring wheat,
20 to 25 bushels per acre, *ample fair ;
oats and barley, 30 to 40 respectively ;
pelvic, 25 ; corn, 60 to 70. and potatoes
60 ht.sliels per acre and -upwards ; hay,
two tone per afire ; sesame on the whole
has been extremely f*vnrable'r•,r to;ets.
D•TAo,T,--Wheat, quality very g•*,d,
and yield largo, Abd °Leery line quality;
awn, owiuj b' esrrairely hot weethrr,
is maturing earlier than nanal-in many
localities it has been stunted by the
omit drruth, and cannot therefore he w
fun return; barley is a full average yield,
sad has never been surprised in quality;
apples. crop is a very fair one, but hue
suffered irma the dry lather Potatoes,
onions and turnips, hare been all more
or lass etonted by the excessive dronth
during the latter part of August, sits the
hyield and gna1ty will not Ire equal Go
est year. '
Jt.ntes.-Fall wheat, best known for
some yeses, and 4 noire than an %Toney,
30 to 35 btuhels to the acro, quality
ittereriogg spring wheat is about an aver-
- Age, end will tyre, from 15 to 20-bmahels.
to the acre ; asam an eaoallent-ro11 mutt
better than in previous years--wilfir. r.
ego 40 bushels to the acro ; barley, a fair
.rop, thedrt whether -4n May affo.te4 iu
growth ; posse, s 8Jlatdid crop, enrj"ii
very large breadth sown ' potatoes,
turnip., etc., bare been affected by dry
weather rather eerioasly, the former in
particuer,tat the tat. nuts have wonder-
fully improved the turnip', end all other
ort crops will probable turn out better
an expected.
.nes. IN T8P MOST I'Nrl3E('E1ETT1d
nu alnl,, Mmltt.•1 Gy the M,.wal t'h•p..wa
M the Ciy of How Tort to r _rel the llama! at all
%other *.bus.,
- EQE.a[.rl'l 4)N• 1evser 10,
and is rapidly anew...11ea Its W. 6moe. • Chl••E
feller wealth,
444In tan &oneed /13t44 the P'.4-..in,u,l.,
The Isom a,r tpr.pry.Lr,t, or the 4tltAtt.
)'C'UUY 11?l,0,.1,41,) it •r •nata4 (.r.nov1,
"-..11. a.pr.$.r 5.o ll';4*rtes hTf"rrrr-raw'--t-
Ore ata yulle*A 4•14463. Ili .,1 her n R.v ,4808
.eeel1tewwaad ram/
bi,ae4lw•eJ'a( Maly has "-4,, ^.,Nal n, by
HAI u also very heavy and ot svtp,ri„r Town of God. : richt Net ran noir afford - - menet i4wtrnn..t then b we teele.
sesalvia RANux Pare -t;)d To /to*
.lea!, -y, • to sell e, r , atC/IYP r!s determined I
rtermstnad to
Sru:Arrear,.--Fail wheat wail a :Age 3 7 se itis cn: heurrs the t,,,n•:fit of his New Photo r' i1 • tit eller I I ..sultan tov,m•et of ea,.u,
bunt ;VJ bushels oar ncrY.-44 exet•.lent If P
quality; spring wheat, 25 b°0hele per ; rrTwo JourneymenT "'n til
act's-dsuperior Jt 1
` l aueces, iobttautess. y
( 'r,t doer fa Mr Tetepropa Office.) T. f : MOORHOUSE
I n. 1 at.e, ••i ..fah- a alit wall
1 Y•,^ iuuuedintely, steely employment and q\t ryry!/!ii_ AGENT.
ala -
{{ r acre -of good gHuulty ; e,•J,. y. ;i•> good w+tees giv...l.
bushels per -
HAM SMITH, _ fl° y
hay ratter light, but eared t , ••i a,• `lr hu,' TAJor.0 Clothier, i:awtl' K6I. Mo,k.t :Vinare.
d;t.ion, which will make up 1, c,.ty :or 2 .1 -,r, F. r 11 II ethos's Graery, de)e/0lyt7.t a.p* tart. - 804.1)
the shortness of the crop. Th' ore; 4, ul ` 21st et u, pt rc. Cuderich, l
ce lent better thio has ten. th•_ t2,c
acrx f o al 'alt ttax, ''
S \ \' i To,• my.t nnevrrI.eth l'I than in+.,n ala" gm
the Hest ON bp for nsv,ral yearo; Lha!„ua - ARRA •.u.n,,..l ..w-. 1.nh C,n•mm an, A,,e,,r..,
:1 h t.
Mn k aro at the .4,r• e f lh. wet.
,.n other root clops are r.. -.or light,
the whole *regime),. rood O.- quality rx- rpt al, 1 ; 1, --
for several p yet.r•et.
itiviEno are Lot:,•.---Cr,,1 ;1 ,1113 yr ,
tit sou roar rruMuiO • -I% .tl nit Fi'wtL T7a*'TI•l: ri wA\TAD IN
Tt>c cIier 'ant -et. - NEW C ROCERY,STORE
ter y y 1 gleast• rM a I A I , ,6 tiny 1 hl A wt,1 1t' /V
and le large m o mutt Let not „ ^+ r. nu nt to r p WHITELY t'LLIOTT
Y g { by , t nape r ,.t, uer en Joe try 1.1. tau.
And fro,ts aro *ppr;h-a•lnl; 10 *0-1i. in
quantity and bran been t k u ; , y, r.- ro,..•e.a
erWestore furmerlyeeenp1e.1 byMrJOpllt)Ilea b'Kitfelr0Ng,
a0. -it els, wotttl r.• .rtlu t an r
AMI'::1. 1tA'CIT,,. H* N•lbeenl.n hneI.a er**wn.,,l I.u.In... In lig.tl./,Ip (N
1) .144%c r ISZt.II •._ T Acheron' aall tiled.• corset of the Mart^t -f1 Roc EI1lRi.
7 Uy Ir.l. w1 ..al'aye.t Ntmt In they s••rlMra:
.Unto ewb
gavel c•titalition ;P'tstrwd•nng wolt,'but ti _''•.taro '
rotting iu severA restrict,
- rattans**. 1' 1 1 a than •
Pni t1..o,-c'rous Aro J WINTER ,.gear.'' QorparKinyutuntit_.... larket;4•luaro
,.i r • •emu FALLS W I P T F rat * ., ••.• til ane the teems .Ned
r t. the moot *alrrn stria H. a da as
DLtt1i: iiilYf2..
I MMEni oTat-1', A'rr [In MataCCL•til'Ortgts'
salt,an.t•wittier emit, tea
.tan' a.piwn,ra•.. ,f
w 1111 t M ana►'.1tTAl/T'
reeetfies L u- to be solea.
.,,Jw., a :: JA.t•, n`r-- - - --... ceQrtt- -- On T
of taxer
mewl t
t FEIyU )hED1UM) Inuits, I
and the
1 5 !Q! nl Phr ! Q ISI .l tit•, .
of tb,• i
bunted t
11 Aaltr rat 1 .otlt:.tl, stn wet
THE BEItisti Sikii6£. -
TrSc'otbl. - 414 von
t • l in 1-04 1* brats - a.i j..,IM
Pht.. nl*,n, 1.•...,... 1,,alth 4at401 /Ands. Tumittn
ier. M'a.•ka 0 1110 ..i.1 rata th.'•,.wy,1,,.+. Iniac ,•1
and scythed tte4 ,&tanha.,+:.I w,l ads
ra '.'•et . W.wf a.l,:nn, Y' s- e,Ylwr on sea.)4 the doe
bet wtelsor.eirea644141"Th., err*. properriaeK ' •,the bed
the Mow lir saw .74.44 :ate*. til.' lees M placed I
n•.1 krona L. fter.•1r. as fan -n.1-.1'4.4,1, M other.
saw, .Yeau .l It- fain h:
ret. I. .Iwr,pkd '.n:* a lane 'la* .f Pfuerh dandin
e t1 t .1.8 mew. by t►* bell curl
land&at,+:,t' -a
lir"... wt... ,'.h M ++,.,nest • wtl1 Pk4r eat-agthi41
a4 Sta.14r.r 1 m *e ,a 5,. p.4 ,e 1.. mush lied , i ,
pasha,,e %Wel t'01'c wm. v • ea lase at.. 'th0 dr.c
a.nfl.twn M. 144w..44 s ai:e s*. are.'
'4" search ,
0. 1• - T •,..teagetrbr in,...we ,. n, a.- err a1y was in
r _1te4 r oasnr) l,efag• 4r n .trn..at. to .4hti
.1the J
u iloyit
G ket't,.7(5 tet,T• T: t: - r,.*tf•
-. all thug
-:. - the tam
-"'- wan err
• kice het,
Va!6able- 7.0 ;iro,;Prly o'er Sale• sound,
room n
\}ill he add by Peat.ti At-r-rltiu,
March u
snot sae
AT COD =Ric+, a„ytnr
ON' ttEt,NE:htY, 27th SEPT., chill a!
At neon, ben tf Trnrrrnait, Auctioneer,
iChrrn.,,,E6asrJu.ld .wjijyrulerty death.
kn ;war as I,y fir„
P AT•r'3MILT.,;G'J:!ERI,H.' w6a sit
---- f.t'uiu;
The. Yr, fast ail
I+rly consists n1 an acre rf Ur.
land, mope or ler*. with i,,, privilege on
the River "Lilian I. - • enema
tlw h,,.d,n4..y.,.t.•( $ thaw. !'her NM 4n i the Lar
M, n, •!N
!fit/. Irma. •it r•:. nrst.w.i.' ,4pp.,,rt' sit the J11
Swew:a• '14v. t sersew,l, ,,waw *nate( KIS Wm- the cul
na.,r w
rhaebaete,N•e, r.n.d•tlne, 40 ■AO; rapvnr
4.,q1 b-+1*loe 1 • ' in the
Pee Hifi,ruhel l.•t1e rt' he.e..prrens Airs. Dl
' wM {noet1N4 AI a ttrnivw wtte alert r.* ante al
afn., L tl P.. 4 a 1•44ey s lrtuinr for ole,
rM wbde d a was BIN
e.. sad at nor bn';t4, .t•1cpeliaa, Mil wt* be right •
.40* 1c awl *tea. •-
The power wee, M .es n a wales 1,. head w
`o114At•a nt •.
row., to
aw e'tr r all l
hit .i . Oakr- In •
av a se as•• windpi
thtl,' wnrrter. have t
ell t x,. Partiew.Aa church et• Txret8,
PIF. More,? a t'•.
44,,. .1.
- 004..kt, Ihh n.p ir, l - - W _ DIr,
altar tl
• ' T.t ,IfEF. WAzITTED. • at Bove
I,c+.0 s
, 11 tt.1: TPACtbEI, FCR 8('H OL - during,
section No, 111,elerielrT'p. Apply dieing
by letter postpaid t:• G.aleriG1 P• f P. to diem an
1 J.1 MES PORTER, ' heart.
Trusters (trfINCLARK two ch
7 Al SALK*LD. time,•
ffotleri:h, 12)1, 1 , 1871. Awl -4w• define'
re.s.ewi _ . asst, la
~Straya:i Boil, ant fm
shits h
tM nth
this year. The yieldofhay his turned u-- tl°di•grnttoth3rntsrap n« .6*
M a.LLI ,'!FRY I I)gkCELAur PCTfURES, rte.
out better teen war expected, and a
considered staid an aceraagge. Wheat,
very tiale enitivated, bat ell it !hors la, 1 ' : f .$ R I- A SO N A B LE. adt7S10,
w r• .vpyde. ofd Ambmtllw.
PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES, .84.,1.0J6wtst►ur - ..a1-tt
to of excvflent quality ; barley and oats
are snparier crops, they old bang Aber*
Lin averagii he sten is heavy and shnn-
dence of fielder tyle cattle 4ntiol?eted ;
frr''Sii i A fatrerop,trod aeeltr.Zia 41,411•
eet c,,ntl,tlua ; 411 root vn.po look well
and premise a goof growth ; the pnl4:o
stip garti`teePr, rust ,utian.af.brin*j
and ate yield heavy, but Lumen are
afraid of losing a great portion, owing to
T04107Te.-FaU wheat, a full avert/;a
gainl(ty sown, quality first ,hese, yield
from 25 to 31) bushels per sere; springg
wheat, full quantity omen, quality goad,
()entre -Fall wheat, an *teellewt 1 yield t6 to 2() binhels per ser; beefily,
gel•, and averages fall SO butdeie !eta than an averagequantity sown, qual-
y Bret clue; yield06 to 3•) bushels an
acre Pees., a Iarpje breadth 'sown -
finality Het -class --yield 25 to :k}hu,,hela
per acre; oats arerage qunntity Amen-
fintdity first -clam -yield 43 to G'1 bnshals
per Acre; root crops w(11 he a light yisk
owing to drought.
y about three-quarters of th., Loenirt.--Uror., with the .reeptiern
pang onen.a h. the Aero; flex, •of hfo-, tory abundant, aud give entire
,bet cm?! serol .,t a*,iap •eti.lactien ; the al wage is as f.dleAe :
16 broth. to the acre; turnips' Fall d wheat,
t lions sue r3; s ring wheal,
roots, looking wolf, every T" T
a per
IV' excellent yield; p.tah,a. acre ; barley will avenge 13 bnhels ps,r
acre ; spring wheat, s Mat class ennr
but ranee much to the yield, the
ge is from 11t te. 2t) Web, ; pease, a
sample, and average ler acre; bur
ill average 30 bush. per sell., berry
and hell; .tab, average folly 45
r acre, and are of goal quality;
resh, fashiunable, Cheap !
Al att.:Itn 14 b
Large ant .mol plater•, In the .wet .tete of,4,0Art . Sites akttnmlA
*o l .•tures •1140.4 *' Ince IN 'WI*" 1111.8. sy,- Igo
proved d A CAI.l.IIOLICITEI, 'C*wkfnl to the p.Lu,. ix In.l NIIn,.ye,ler,r b
a,, ln- a that ha.tnitlnn la Neale ale .
*14 5-rs'r 1011'0W4.11 ..-4..arutsn tlmcg W. J. WRITE' Y. nn L $,44la7. Manual 14th. Tama At orae'.
Ilan t 1 ITh it, rare Moe .Lo/ht' s.4Lle.(1 I'MMrh, Seri loth, 1x71. .467 044.neh, 7th Aua.ae, lin. '
atrl.. M the rata malt li.ae-' n
Mord A . a•.\ traTe, liO'RANA AND LACin,' ----
, ••a ge a
K) ti ti 1 rt t 7r t ,
114.4* trod w n A 1. , 4'14',O. aefe m. - ' .4 4a 0 P -N-
1. s'-'1N.LT
0.IS. -A MI ll (.4,1 nl pert r•l to rive v t*onrt1.l•.! iii • J '!a
h'r^41 u1,,. eat, argent., he r•.te•anrlr a0.tteua of • -OF--
eon roan the Indict heron they *ate thew tall sod
...Inter ..Irk Pep.. 11I A it K E'I' '
Gonrdrbr.p tzrt.l;a .w*tr TIIEG 0tE1tY,
PABX PPR OP IN ecata, Tenet( Vern; W• D 'O U C L A S,
nal. MA* Town of /134orleh, rd et •Aka aril -
!4Mlv.thn and is ,peal •.Met ala.wl thaw of
Stamm Mite Dm. I. mnte•I I., lAke plan* awl VIAS OPENED THE ABOVE GROCERY WITH A FULL 81OCK OF
leseti t, limed. )•any •'I boje 1 the way/...
T•411. PIT) 64 ,l then 1, a Leta. isms. Os tae
Pea ' • IVarL,y , A•th+ •
0004hhd tithe nnn,«, n.,Aay rr•--tt.fer.l Man, a,n `' p r
beewe war mite a, t one u lt..iN the pa tetra,. -PP•OVISION`.
b pare. in&neat every de mottles p. per ,went•
w f*rth•-r portanlen Apply rdt.pahl 0. • FLOUR,
t•.alan.•► 1.0. Drawer H - • A N U FEED,
• 0.dwN ISO hen', Tell.
• a r
t an avenge ern?. Great ears ; nets end, 'rill yield sbu44 lip Apprentice Wanted. ! • 01.ASSWARE, Fre,
n',^,'I nv t h45hels r acre ; beckwhnat• is aha a tt,„":' Tn.. m. v',;avtT i' "". ' -'r 1, r • . `w
-'e•••WtMt .try ?. RiTMw•".'6 r T'h.t )ma nr.,•nnle, Mrrnl -1 i t .
c; r c 6,4rop -.4 or .p ; potatoes An :. t•d..adi.f.rep p` t J e
kl r. t .1 • A.'HAx,
y..crtt; ilo•a,c.ai fleshed. en 1 *id y ie suet 2'.'U'. ,mot-hhe Ary lis[ee„r.a,,,er gye.tr 'tit n kneh, l2nd bapterbsr, 1•
as to, l t. bushels per acre ; !ease ,,tau good,--
('tAM* ,t thewerrmbnlrn.,t, tot
M ...„In. -h •Ip' ab.M Ia,e0Mh if I., a brat N
,e.l .n.l wL1M.an, -4o. 'Mnwaa. .
I.i po,et P ,gest), ply-ar„saps/ 104 tab^ 1(•50.1. -- wile',,
ItitiN lNi'iOf3HL'E. sow M
; T', • 1 - tteoid.
- »
any kit
I mit s rA ns.azbr ulos::r th.ttbar,rtnrr- 10th.'
1 0)111 h.r*01,ar,,'4,,, I..Io ,,, 1•Ant6R •
cont.► Y .:bran,. 8e, 1 1 0 jitt l t.
annml, 1b,rhr.1 ane , •s'+1. in tarn little`
a*.yture by name '`• ba, I,d•e 'thY 1.T
txAtarekr biLLn i )•W 4,Nes i,;,t rrrt.re.01p to 0.40 his aM
0111 .mntln.w (lo Y,,in,,. n, (1. n14 .l.oIlt•n.l
dl ala*. '50 .800) /•ummrldp w et.d.neh •n Th.
t a YAW la U•de W wM rt.,rga C•tue, Sy .haw,
M .4n.wl Mr. R
pose it
BUILDINJ ).0. t'O$ •BALI.`. steer,
LUT 81 t tmnhu at
g,a, Vict,ria 8t, and .orate
sljoiainr 1).•h'. old .'anal, Terme field t:
reasonably, aptly-, t( by letter prepaid,
ora( the S,p,,, t eta aydls, P. O-
Oudetich, 198rpt,, y y 8w4.21n
ease nu
00 etre