HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Weekly Huron Signal, 1871-9-28, Page 2•
) 011li i1 u $ Le U K1tJ ll u- tested gold wkioh can be gathered from
ppuastua Seed wii here to be seen in per -
TUR.. L 'SOCIETY. ; (.;tion rich Meat end sweet, the
INIHrKTITona At1D 4000 VIetT4a'l. -.
W• ere highly gratified at the signs
d pr,grees displayed by the North
Riding of Huron, at the tall *hew !sell
at Cliuten Lon Tuesday and Wednesday',
19th and 200. MM. Aa the •world moves,
North ilurun keeps muting too and we
are pleased to chronicle Cho Suet that I favorably with meet feet* 'mile
.ask Fell Show has bis o'u a point at' The table G. the right was oorered with
which a "new departure" is made to- I roots, vegetables aid fruit, g cabbage,
wards some higher achievement iu stock- 1 Pts, dY fbwts were teething
ee byullY the terse m
raising and Agrico;ture in ,lar, 2utetor-1 were Tern superi•,r- The
and other departu;ellta as web. The l mat es 0f apple wen nut numerous,
iyportatiosa st.wk mad.. by such men • but all
w hue end w wen the out-
s° J. J- Fisher, of teeeortio, H. Snell of devotedn4F the ladies' The centre -table was
Pair Agee Ewes having newel Limbs 2nd, P. Wraith; 3rd, W. O. Fowler. 6
in 1871. -1st, R. Mauutug: Zed, R. entries. net lues than 9U IW., dsiry-
kjwntig. ling R ud, Rion
Pair 20d, 14.. uugg Rms. 1st, R. Man- g lur;lirt{ TMAc111 1 n'' •4 entries.
ning; R- Dimming', 3rd, H. 10 lb. Mahl,le ttu de -1st, J ntri seg;
6 entries. 2nd god, H. Fur3; ant, U. A. Cwrerii
Pair ll. entries.
. Lt, C. Dal/ r H.
H. Buell. S nutnes. mart Maple Mula°•Y°
151111P--t•RrawuLue Attu Taus usAuaa. Stewart; 2nd, D. Peoria; Sed, ' A.
AWP.ged edea. -led, C. Delo; 'Lod, J. Coopper. 4 entries _
l'o i. 2 entries- - israU. 1 lbepear Honey ie ll 'eeR. 1t p-
4 hiheacliugBilY:=- - 6utllli
farmers' wives of North Huron can make
butter when they try. The entries Were
altogether nearly 80 ui slumber, end as
the moat of tt.e lot was about the best
ordinary murtala can buy, the excellence
of the prise -butter leu be imagined, 11
well u the difficulty MolarsCleudeinrnig
Of Duug anon ; Horan, of Ouderich,
and Heron OUClinton, who ware" the
judges, must lure experienced intaaking
the awards.- The Faetory Drees was
toand the dairy cheese which
ok the prise would Lave compared
Rolloff and others eauaut be too much skilful tinges had been long at work to
praised. They Meow are amount of , produce such a Wyllie result. Honie-
euergy and enterprise which ought to• be I made cl..t4 Sanwa, quilts, rugs,
appreciated _by Dm wb..le eokwunnity. 1 stocking.an usegracetul endiullumur-
able articles in winch the fair sea dr
Mr. Fisher's imported iit1P•s , GSR[°' t 1Iis were fully represented. Mise
amongst the most iuterestbee sights out { IQeltnnca0tle's water-colut dnwittgs
of deers, sled were iller•teieus examples I deserve epeeist mention ier'tieularl
of the maxim that "blood will tell." in \ the • •M.n,r's Head splendidly
p endidl uli its
the with the phi iog 1100
this Lady's pupils were very cru u -
uatry. -- 1i. Saab: 2ud, C-.116,1141417°00°111
Ram Irrab. -led. Loat Baker's Rived
Dain 3rd, TI t» e-
Pair Aged Sana V ng raised
bun Zed John I ' e . e •
Lana having Lod Huwe• 1d Clinton, of
in 1871. -1st, J. Suuthwmbu; 2x11, II' donation by T. litaltwrT) 2nd,
s ler. et sea. -tet, J. °k Miasmas. 31
Sall. 4 atria. H. Hunt; 3rdr
Pair Sheachug Ewes. -1st, H' Snell;
Mrs. T.
2nd, J. Southcombe 3 unto . entries.
Pair Fatted Saw or µ Snell; 3r.h' J. C LADIES' WORK.
W,.ahingtuu; 2114, H. Tatting. Fanny Fowler. 1 entry. Dale;
li 4 atria \fork -1st, Moe
ur n
this c.,uaeetiun, we would jest give irepbically debuteetel. The efG,rta of
tarsen one advix. We hope th y wilt t ,esu 1 u
Building Iota for Sale. i rr
ELC31 5T NO 326 I
not grudge to pay Mr. Fisher and sack 1eg.
VeUturas'Ime roan prioealor °unisex and AaoMPLst'rt xClrxll6
--- Main"thaw take'theireireek-trwse. /` u( "`•*term 11 1c1i.luast des2nbes the
the surluw kw..l our own Countyf and exhibition. Thu arnmgeuents of tho
Cage of other - °sere Mr Malwduwyn were
the ashen 6 Theuntrrllex wen more anmerous
kbnral sactioas. Tho show ut H.xass ,, eu any pnviuus oceaaiun. ?lee
ser altogether very tine and extremely uahty of the animalsand anidei ex -
creditable to the neighbor tee e o ritual seat of dna e•s
Pair Ewe Lambs -1st, J. S.utL- crochet Fowler 10 entries.
oolutw; god H Snell. 2 entries. 1 d• Fanny dCotton end Mali
somber so.
Embroidery in 2nd Sum -
PIGS -LARW■ Sasso. 1st, Mrs J. t uteeriand;
Boar. - 1st, O. Hoare. 1 entry. McMichael. 0 entries. -1st, Miss
Sow tim'ui+gg littered in 1871. -tat, H. Kuibnritery lis
Webster; 2rld SL Jones. 2 entries. Ste:,erurun; 2nd, Dies. Cumluwler. 2
Boar Pig, littered iu 1871.-1.t, 11. entries. Bilk. -1st. u11 2nd,
Webster. 1 entry.
Eurbr,id'ry in
Sow Pig littered in 167x. --1st. H. Mn Cr,lnWork. r. t entries.
'Archibald :
triesWebster; 2nd, D. McSbin000k. 3 trio Bead Work._ 4 entries •
tries. 2nd, Martha Whin': get, Misr Coop.
nos aaataD; atrruta• Knitting Worsted. -
Boar. -tat, Jelin Cummings; 2nd, J. ef; :hid, Mn Commander. J. 2 entries.
Netting Pricy.- T. Couper 2 ee ted in
Boar P1 littered . g.ntriert, J. J. 1. Patch Woes in Side -bit, Mn
let, J. J. Commander; tide Mrs- J. Dickson.
Fisher: 2nd, B. J.mea S unloose
,,,t in 1811.- - .- l -4106-
' Et INSr,
Ito Ilatlway Station, LOT 328 lee.
Nos. 55,33,558,G29.
LAM;11211 A ]RUAI)
Abp. a luir:'hm•vli4te r-'"-
ies tote to tin Tres
pwkrwh t•
Oederluh 26 Aug. 1671 eleti
Sub• Dwellin . gull Fi,
YK Driiiii MT I lRAn1 r0 l5t1 W
O.1a n. ,1 • Ir he edit eeperete r ..•w18.
did reel 0. Merkel than
s•Nen1 r5eun ewes... { our--DkNIFiX1 - _
1faitileu _- _-
reAwktJ sew _ -__--- _
FOR SAT.$ - -
u .. At ..r..0A 1.. rot dante of
but 11 W Teen, b.
T'eM the Saabout
Muer W
5.4 n with
t *Patel uu the td Reath t ._ , 50e l.re.
ta Mastat IDL e. soled,
U. lalt WILSON,
• nY0• talc dun.. tsit- -_--
u •-
Auction bale of
t•..0 1 ?TED WIT t1 1111 at ►1• Ase ll..CMll.rl
0.d.rkk e. Fhlar the 13th day of Oct. lel at is
1,'045 err_ 1n• ►um,wl ll,rad ink emend.
'net yr ,•, ,l erre. of Law non o
Toe abea tLTtrld nand-
1..•. .Iw5N arra al rick a• o.* tt . tae to
Came ne Name, Irn•r, Thera 1• • hard rn..t hour N.
lea lM1mete,*eme Mahn 1 M •eeferr'611.4 onM r. 5.04
the *emus.
raw ser
,.dl. e,tuate, wales Dor U„den.\ be":ee (w.
O,y°.hi. .>u
004551 i1tIl 1pl, 151
Fisher; 2nd, W St°ra?L 4'i t^e°` 1.50 * Wu k m -QatR Isrosdl-.M 3
••'SS"' 17alseta0. Jacob Miller; 2nd, Mn- J.
tout ""•
Bar. -lata W. Blair. 2Md, Geo: -' Gentleman's . Linen Shire.- head orad_,
3r1. W. Pi, littered
a entries. donation by Z. K. Archibald,
Boar Pty. littered iu ltli 1. thee.
J. 1st prise, 1st, Mrs- R. hole;
• n 1 W. Dickson. 4 entries end I end Mrs.W antn 8 entries.
UdctlaliaR i Cotton Shirt, loan boom
-1st, Mrs. W Canteloi; 2nd. Mn. O.
Nutt. Seaters. Fitment Shirt. -
Oeutleutau s Fancy C Nutt. ft .en-
1st, J. Rye; 201, Mrs.
Fther-Flewen.-1st Mrs. Doheetr-
1 entry •Stapleton; 2wd,
Hair de. -4th Mus p
)1 R
h 1 V. d q hyyh t sder Th. I Mw it -u .
1-1-- 'ii$t evader that au Aieeri,yuhorae buyer i public spirit of the basilicas men In So. Pig, , Gttervd in 1871.. p T,, .
now makes Clintou his headqu+rtere I giving special prises was very notable I gtewart; •Jud, W &°wart•
and declares tenet he cannot anywhere old worthy
esu[a liberally awarded by doing r
and better supplies sur his trade. There slll'uliinglousiueee with• we should judge
eat a fair show of cattle, and leu ap- j ib leas than 4000 visit ,re attracted to
ilda alar• that they lied su±Srred on 1 Clinton. Altogether we felt rather proud
ax,mnt .1 this drought than -we anticipet of being mistaken for • Direcb.r of too
p0rad414y is, o *1$.,uetue ut w°aring the
ed noticing. ' A m*Jnieeent Bull shown riLiloo of autlwrtty •hick Mr Biggins 1 9 entries
by Mr. Buell was a cevfout m.du1 of high i hoisted eta bestowing upon ue that we a jamas Role. 1
breeding awl the ..les stion of all I might have the "freedom ,4 the in -1 Pair 1 uLuRis.-
I ehnlders. The sheep and pigs, prize -
' stitution.. -- I t let galas,
takw4 and otherwise, we . eientla:ti 1 - r Lr n tU M L I d T.
after [hair lint, and their owners, it will i ItOR1lS8-(Moen Draught.)
of ration and thews latter rutLTSY
Calleetion Feeds, any bread, let pries
denati"n by Dr Reeve.-Ist Dr. Relive;
2nd, Ur Reeve. 9 entries Rwr/;'
Pairliramah p.otIM.-1st, Ile
2nd, Dr Reeve. 3 entries. J T Cooper.
Pair Black Spanish -1st,
entry. donation by
Pape T ul nys,r of Clinton, *IN bar-
rellg6r, tix_d *o ril d Cae,.M,A. Brent. 1 entry,
Trig •wl"Otam1 Katt. -84c.
Come A. Eletat: Zed.
F entries.
I. • seen Premium (8outlta,mlro or w it1biM".
Breed Mare having raised real in Pair
, mbe ether than.. tlusarry-
seac:i the acme u in former yeah. 1801. -Lt, .Ia.. Andewm ; 2nd, James 1°x. Ore Cooper 4 entree. • .
i EgnlherluRl. 3 entries. Pair lisntan:sL-1st, W. Robison. 1
t]D, it DCPARTNxxT.
Four named varieties Winter Apples,
le •i Q. Ii.t 11 2a.1 G
bythe P list are eery
t : e.eity was meet excited try the di-
nul'ae heads of 91r. Fisher's wisely ort:- I Spring Fere Colt or FSIy.-1st, Jae -
lege. g characteristic feature t.J &d Andorra: lee1 FTU] -1st, Jam. ea.. Mc-
d 'w n hem a long and slxdlees line u((Doly .2nd, J. J. Fisher ; 3rd, Iteeery
aristocratic lltppdtott,, 'The fowls woe's 1 pati. a env*.
few, :.It 'clarify eitllUUUL1-bile'=114-
1 h. Reeve, of Qintl,n, whom, if as .00-1 Chancy ; 2nd, T. 1ReMicltael_ 2 entre°°'
con•:1.1 in curing patients as rearing I One y°.T . 1 Filly.. Ist, J.J .F ahrr;
2nd J. Lent; 3n1,
peuery, which we have no reason t o ;tries.
ce • decided! O neat old Uehliny '-1st, T. MC -15 of gash. -id, J. ! Lnld hep 1! Stewart. 7 eglrly.
•..e.,wi T!I, Buggies shone were limit- euchre. 1 entry. Three ismer varieties Fell Pwn; o ; 2 Yet laithalwar 2 entertea•
Mee se. 1st Mr. W. Doherty. 1
1Vwl d.o.-
0.M,•1 Y.h,u Use roar Yt U^'Irn. h. teal Fv 1* 1 --
r bourse ly . w.
'for.. Ie't• •n rrry
.ria l'w'1"w'•' (,r No M•,.• .m,4 nines All dost
*that *0 minute, walk Iron .'e l!t le arItAKLEe
Y.e 1••ea art
p.• meeoar{ M. 11.051• w11ir-_
WIn.Rn. Eel•i14x1. 1511
/'Ta,venf.o etti.idw •PIA 5..eh 1*.11rrr••n. 1
Was *kit , erne u. Mein est henry lis 1 east 17, 16T7
vrrafwl-a, n. ea+•ores Inal. 11 .µ.5a•:1, i - R
Ea6lueer •
TWO FAR '1 t"1' SALE
v In olden very valuable V AU AS i. the Tea■
le yap.,f 1l„dere k. Por part..Jar• slily*
1/1*EYN r It . a , Ilnrna a.r.
ueler.d To.rGp
Alto to 'l let„ w k rT e'
For Salo'
►e1•, 10h. 167°. 0.111-M-
• FOR Slit'
Boase and Lot-
nat•lwD • x..t unICECOT/AG■
eoett.J 11 July 1e7*. rweal6
196 ACRES OF B1311 FLy11. Drrl1R1
T G"....* P. r pn/r.:.' A :". Metal
w. a ALiJn,
Gi.rkh Ir NoT.. ace --
Y eAr
•1 i ern. eel. Tee.. reasonable A M
A. YMOD ' •
Land [or Sale.
entry' µ'oid W. Plea flee. -1+! Miss teen x 1 urt'ey, sl cols, w.ne .K.lx
Berlin a. W. W .sal -o
ArchiBsldt 2rrd NMI atrekw+ldL 14 en- Dee asas .hr•eea.l w ef'
lriA. •rt .ell •i n'kd wii sr-4i++r
do d• raiee.l.-1st Mrs. A.
,a'e4 tiuAa7r1e Oadtnes. rime spites see w jd j,ew
Jia n.l.I hy; 2nd, T. N.chwl tri C. 1)a e; 1:',;;;:.1.1=86.1:::10.1.0...641.
•r llew assts T/taaa 5041 Lash
•Nfa,ling in S.tk.-tet *115311 ' L YAT1t1. o
2u:1, M- eenletun. 4 entries.
Pried Dreamt. -1st Mre• J. Scott.
Yu• y^"s"
4 estrous crewel. est5. • RM.
)lu.oehromstie Drawing. -14 His. _- °'
•RI Cele. 1'Ivey. ' d- si'os
Pair Woolen Socks, let print, 1 • ,
%joy ta.r 114 Colt, l yeeethl (.l A' w a 47,15.
,4..(•h5. 1•tgZ H°r°wla aPP4W
Hurea B •
Oodeoek, !! Jut lRt wrasf
Chciae Farm for Sale
nt 11• Radiant Cnr.se*ta.T0ea.hip of Goirnrh
Id 31 serrate cleared snit* Ito:„. ,e t..daard.
enw nml.r. wrthu 2 t vol., ..11 owl..awl,rd*
•d bedew Ara curetting •n.6 m. n,•..n0h W
etion Term. &bare% A01044 1.19.10.! *tett,
wrn.,l Whet*.
yudench P O.
Arg•it 1.1, tall stns M -
Irrb- Slrt: %lilt. entrnn^..•,yn.•terr TaekilF
r+. it 11)11. ..rr.. 4. f • WO. rid i MrwM,e
rrrl rowers.. , a•k.t8 lsn•l tin let 0.dest.d ea
e id • 'e rn•rlro11 1 t f.h.th. wee drRN•
Ino .u. ,r4. Thr la'«I 1. • r: h .• 1•r, l.,.s ae'y r t-
d.•r al* for • beets fru. t res•• -'i- .Ise .t be •e14
chee• out ea.., Int en l*Wee noir. ..ro. let
Nuevo... ase parnr'let• •rl Mer.•t•ph , 8
(. reantlk". to J. DAN 1w4ee,ly. eh
nit__ Oederieh, A•8 It, 1.10
A BARGAIN. Valuable Property For safe.
ACRrR. /y. I N int so. luta es •.(`.1nsewCe
f,'T] 1118105 tr. l> I•Tis1f Tea Town or
sae i6• Li°;,. .. e ,. s.. o_j "1 (Ltutoi o en _(1 y.._•._l sew liar- 7
Atli Ar.nLaW. /V • 1
WARN Pulte: -Ise ._ rd n5.rrow..nSM1r ebMadAoti1°iwe' her
r •e par Ow. •••• rhml h... J t •le,« t- int tee
•♦ ,•
f Dr•,•'• $yNock
y our •t
Pour CW Lek IM .aYsetee•0. rn.ee•sm.d. y.awala:'+te
each.- -1st, Jus. Sparlulg; 'end, R. It entries, Is: J. It 'se; rel♦ r•., ., pet eves.. IM'tio.n..r r h,a•-.a**4g7e5.•ya •tr
*POT IA tntk t„rAnt.n•Ite law
l,andphlrev: 3rd. O. Nich.,U. 13 eutriw Pu V11'001141 Stnekiage -
Three named ,arietiw µouter Pears, 2nd,
rive I..t► dor*
8 S111RtiLE WILL *"Wes ►
etre 3. M[G.oet IU entries. A6*73- *' .x1711 M•0. +t
)flu. -Irl Jin. J. Suther- !roe t S.p to .rats. Monte* Til- `T5H,t..,ilu.well AIM t.xltarr•r
•nd It. .1
d"n'1, we should prunotth n9 ; ,
- I II BAker 2 entries. do Cleves.- let Mrs J. Boiuher
ISI ie nnlul, r, but glpitally bnik.t We nomas (niwiRaL volumes.). „f asch• -1st, It laaodeehoro; 2rml,• A. lard; 2nJ,
arra of triH.,M. wade Q.mt.-let kir,. entente'.
reit wed l mach its.!'. 2 Cll. _ $olid t. W. kanie raised Foal in Lgc at. ).Held; Ain, j, A_nden•.11. 9emeries.
•reit wed l;ujlleTntnts. W. J. 1icCutch- 1871. -1st. W. Vanden 11 entries.
Erea•t- rjgirec rismed yards: 211-
it eutriw g G• H.Aro; 2n 1. J. Simile Ilex Met. It. Huni:'lud, 11n:
rel C Chestp
t r ea.
( I vl Reaper and Mower, fe• . which 8pring Foal, C"11 t.r Fd1y.-tat, Jw. W111A L tl reeler
I h
la d • 2nd W. Mettle".; ere", f. Beat collect iuu "pen air GrAles, I. H.,wr•ilsae `t¢ru.l.- Nis,.
C. t ack; 2nd, W. Farulsrs-ltea
Staple -
of Ch1 U,n Irl g
eon way there with the Patters..
tY. w l4 N'•,ne• e V
With rat for Sale r.te. nAnpue
.s.r..6a.a..h..na Y az_ FOs FALL.
' salute.* 111 Jelr, ta71. NMI
ereAa Saw-YIL1 --" - ---- -
alp no.tolete. 0 the wet ball of lot sa • the Phi OT IS, lv,v le,w. D. 1'01,anENt wow
ut If uses* will ..W M tern. IJ es eleand O'•5 dy(tius bee. hM ' xi
et 515. • e..www.la+e beteW le* a{l••wrvaeeiea M
sad .yd ..0 * 1 oeTthe, ge* bent tY W (kntYe
later* h tee are►• Materna through
t Ilwr,,
'esseedA well. rbwMl I.n.p *,dnM.s to
hntterieh Tor 0* *kern .Hay fa Or /b.
eadentigred, or to kr, U rs rvo wont. ewes
Aseest 15. 1770 ea'
11 Rru1. 0
11', l •Lott s III r 1 1 Ile Mr arra. M. ra'A „T,d..e
n..1 t, - Sat or n
haerie.emphatically Walled ."N„I Methane". it eutsies.
• 6 1 of the ne • Lt Jenkuu, 3rd,
e year oto Oeldiltg.-let, J. Drw•1-' itstteuhary. 2 entre, weber µ
Ana's ole ite4 it s o it a Rcapulg feet; 2ueleW, Wix; 3rd, R, Cole- 3 1 Plate Rod Crab Aeples--let, J. Mc -1 1 entry.
match, ,;Muted over as ono their eau.- • entris_L I Gowan. 5entnes. Peaches, 0 ed Intoo.ler A
toe hese a•:rt hl Luis a ser 1 hl- year °I"'°' . mg' :Pee raw
Aasinan, .xprra•w;( themselves 011 hi;,h lit!ur. • 1 entry Luh.-l.tu. Ni,:h•dl; John %i1u-
en net.
2nd, H.'Fore; 3rd, O Meelicheel. .1 11 MAx1 r►. otos+-
entries. l l t C'lie Ten yards home-made C1'th.-1st
P is
deccptie•a hem." in refs-n'.e' Two year old Fillpp -ll t, J. Rye: 2nd,
W . /Cowen- 1;4 om-
, the
r.IlwMnro -
by Thon,A"n k ltlliiaa.s i.1 roll(' of the ITK
named eat ,rite d%Ill iia' by Jas!Lies. j tun,
Wise. 6entries lel
Plate Yellow Crab Apples.-l1t, I. - 1)t
J l t It up in their 1 1st A Ste Tl mud vaneticw rat se, Igor 1 entry
tenu.'o5 thz "Paltes, n 711.:!1 la •:el•AI(ne year old Felly. 1st, J Lan luso. 3 t } wfil mm
tau,ly sold At A very nleennal'!i price,
'» eousidurini tela lugk reek 1t has taken
at enl. is ce n,•ef,ti•,ns, 11.d t se ea a AC One year e11 entire Co t.- + ,. .
pen It Lhay-In in per■b• use. PeterI Dale; 2.1 W. Aleia-der;3rd, Oeo. Nott. 1 Elizabeth Scout. 2 entries.
expec i hay -Ink seat., a... 1, and we Ili entries. i 'pen nerds home-made, Flannel -1st, I Holmes
; 23.1 C tree donation b R. It I rK artvrn .r k est'," IiF;• .',t,°;;,,it,,y.
expect eta connive. re Le •", for the E,cne of Clinton.eIteone lamp w4•rrtrr*a loerei`'Iwo,o"'tthatbe
1 Spin general ee to Ho:aos, blare o- T. Aw hem , 1 entry. to k
pees a e Las av ,,,k i o .t. and iln• rpm )f. Mc- Pair homemade milted bBlanketslel prtu,- I
i I diel ling. Irt•orise d.n,ation by ts•ntrel h Catlaaaer. Bowies ; 2d Cantel"it Beer; id L='aite iMirWe•t• fh sS• „ 'y vyhn sen h. b,.a
pr>val it that we du net th.nk it cm now P,t j en. . ed C1ioGm. -id, J"Ln • ti5lb. Chen". remitted - y Oasdon A H„lulea t unlnn.
bare w singe *rink 1 gree nth etich Washingtoe ; Zed, T. McM'icher ; 35.1, ' eldest .fi Co., 1d Clinton. -let. rt Q (}s . rem.„ d.n•• ad 1■ ■u ser• .r la. +o.r
striae+ elr. Atex. Tin&w,rna "f li,.lrrich I Young; 2nd, O. `-feet; 3n1, H. Stewart. FsaumK Mill. --SL 01cTagga yen ,A t see,„
i li. McDougall. 4 entries. I 1 entre. ROBERT )[cLSAN.
'rewn.!np, grin,lin;;,way at the "Hnini, Span carr a H"iaw, Mares ,•:.G:LI- G entr.es. trenna. aTv.ltyy. • • w7 --
Favorite, tae htieut theses of his "sen • lis lt. P Ros• • 'end M. e1:- I la•ahle set Fenn'farness.-1st, J. eel eui it Iron Ilar. ee..-leets Hiller. ---- -- - ICA
1 Martin. 1 -
1n,11 Pieu jh
.h. -1st lliu Staplelwu.
1,s M. A. Ugly.
°65'.w•-C,.utelo. Bros.
ode 1t'ageon. -Cauterise
-Jecob Miller ; 2ttll U.
wax • R. Runciutan. 3 entries.
'orlon l'lougb.-()• Willem...eii; Jud
Jac( Miller. 3 entries.
T horse finny.- lel Leslie &
Iern Rama*,
Aw.• 1,'.I' realty elm The will w•:1 eat wee
feat of land.. r nay .1 '.e1'. rail 1Ii*0 '1
..l.ated 0e i. el•.•a • g
Iairywl•en tl.we 1a a larxr Menai M number
The fan -,owl mar •hnr•lr..4v . *to hr•a'e•(
IN.111n;; loo.. Tera ..l .4.1.1. TLe fen. et. I nil.
will be rW %Arlie T .r elrnuly.
A, My •• Il. HALE.
1 mere !•sly M1h 1171 e_e.10-
1 New Bnf col r hop
Cplo.ite ITer ry M.rtlr•i'
Inrultion, WlUC'1 l' tindui;; is way tit"1,1In, ly, Mssin. 6entries. IMiller. UARJES ] SHOP-
houses end the aQectinus of en many Buggy Horse, there or Gelding, 1•(. Oentlrlhari eSsddle.--Lt, J. Twitchell Field Roller. -Jelin n '
m' [3 piJ:7
of the y wnnwn of. the cnnntele I ,riga, deet Bingle Hamer, presented by 1 Pair (fentlemases `Stewed Boole -let, - entry.
flay Rake=Catr'.lon Bros. 1 '
,Ino May in Gdlroru.t who twice John Miller, of Clintou.-1st, T. Moon: 11
a week times with it the milk 1 2nd, J. Beacom ; 3n1, J. Iron. I0 en- I
f 12 ours .. never thiol sounding its 1 t
J..hn Steep. entry.
Pair Oentleniali • PtlTjefl Boots. -Lt+ Try
' qKd Drill. -C. Sl,nniug ; 21 '
praise Mr. Thomas Beatty, of Ooel-
erich, elu,wcd the iron basrews for which
he is ager', And to which the fest prize
would hire been given if they bed been,
as they were net, manufactured lb the
county. -
tie show was equally creditable, one
owner .d the platform at the rear was
„oeupiet t,y sgeecmelu from the Stove
and tinware emporium of Searle Jc
'ectimi Cabinet Mskse wcrk•, not
8.431. Ilorwe, Marc or Gelding, 1st ! Co,
prise donation by J. Twitchell, .d Oen-' leas than three articles. -1st, Johns,
ten, d • Gentleman s Saddle. -1st, Ie. I Menzies & Co. leR, J.
Mammaries; 2nd, R. Rainford; 3rd J. Bot 81ng:e Baggy llarpar•-
1'lewes. 9 entries. C. )tiller.
Tac•waaagxn cams. Three bottles Grape Wine.-1zt, John
- Milch Cow having raiw,l calf in 187I. %immrr.
-J. McDous5*11; 2nd H. tlnell, 3n1'J. i chLady's Saddle, recommended, JL Twit-
McDonagh. , entries. q
Two your old Heifer. -M. McTaggart; I V '
2nd J McD.megh. 2 entries- 4 vaned
One year old Heifer. -H. Snell ; 2n4 I yet, •t. i.
l)•vis,dlol a very superi•,r order. Stoves T. Grant ; 3rd Win Nye. 3 erisles' bnott,;h ;
of the want patterns, tastefuStove! Brill Calf. -1 Snell ; 2n1 T., (Ment , 1 tm ate,
et atees, nae
sboroegh.; 2rt1, lands -
rd, 1). Mc8haun . 10
etHerg. 3entns LHARLLS CII)l'OT 1
Bet Hone mors -7 Tippling ; 'l R.
1 1', 1)HON,
14, ---Set 2entrire Mteere tet rieVine y+•1nTHR PCAUc
Pon p. -John Pees ; Zd v. 1tut1"y I R ef0.e•rh'\an.l i•/■uy the
g The Hames & B7ddlerV Bu/'11ees
F"rkU,r1,wling and uuloa,l.n hey
and peas. -P Gram. 1 entries' hitAertnlrrrird on M Ili .trills
SPECIAL PRIZI':M. Nanae hod -l1 rice n t Ir u» h+t en,b.hnp.
W. J. Md;.eheon, of the Prins ut ! P h p et.rd t. wlb/y .n an e.nea hhn eenA
Wales Hotel, Clineon, o ere a pre
the Balt crock of butter not leek a Everything of (5.041 ...dell
no h.n l or male
.eine In th• lbe kept each.- 910 for
than 26 lbs., butter to belong to Mr Mc- I w Thr.e d .,n from the Peat Office.
for Cabbage. --O. A. Coop -
Cutche.m. - W. J. Ilegg.u.+ •u •"""- (hwlrrl.1h. if Aat I■71.
j: B. Pokey, (Atha. Hurn Mina, 1 - .--- -
Clinton, offers 1 1 1 7 Knee Fleur
I,am ,• and (lEflPR D08TS
' 1 Wl Ile Wheat
furniture in tin rind c'ploor,noat chamber
3rd t. dfoTsggart. 5 en n 4 homes It Ger the b.u• 2 Imsne s t
ware in tial, and handy umbrell Mande lirib} CAIS. H. itlrctl :?rid J. deer er.' 1 endot+, . 1 barye: Oatmeal for the bol Z bushels I AND RAIL FOR BALI
and other • vestal household articles in leo:" 2 entries. D IJIo d 6e1t11. -lot, B. beset msnl ; R'iiite (hots, leve 'brat end rests leo belong , in the wow material, formed a collection Mt1J entlsiel ^'y .13 tomales rind. 1 I nerd O. litare; 3 endrin, to Mr liwrey John Killy. Wheat tl
For S •
Rl;,. IC _Yrr'tAnrntAND lA,140. r 0i
AIn, ta•R .11.. ....deb bon the direr1
&tete Tu ria , le'.
nate to et* from the Rule•)euu"e
Apply ►'
or Mr. W. CAMPBELL.sat -tt
lealerich July 9Sth. 16:1.
Tel R0 '_weera
ABOYX 11,5 t4; r."1
Iter,ml 7, re ridable for Lew or
other others. A RAHAM SMiTH.
worthy of note, rendered mo.1 eon- `e1ale est prise, a °lunge Causes Herd $ 9 Mancld Wurtzel.-1s4, C. Spooner "tete..
tete. (hits 13 („tris..
future epos for the demo "f the town yen parmrri Aole+eal. Lor one 9 Swede Turnips. r Lt, G. Snell; • beset .r Joe. Yong hymen Thee, 2611r.,
hall, the sheen of which in the sunlight y,tae -_ HL Snell ;Zed J. )icD rough. 4
will draw the attention M pommy
A00101111 by being surmounted with the I nuns; 21.,1, l'.arwdn /t'nrm.le Cur tine 2nd, W. soon- 7 entries. 11 9nd Memel. lltaeru h Rich. o{ Clinton,
travellere tow hnildiog watch, for mune I xAttva VA MUDS CATTL*
t h porptes, yeti l..i s t.lrasEtre•1413,•.i.T.- ...
-the stow -_2••;1.4.1: a 1+l. •yQt C°.{- 1anDg rxuTF
Millar'ebermes came next , ell testifying to prize a,a1`.,n-firceflaMter, Salt's
to the workeirmtlky erumter, ie .hr:u co., of Clinton, of one Cheer., "f their
thele gentlenru 00(1 tarn owe kentle is 1 oenrbib. , W 7611 , 1• Cwrseah'
plate tun', '`loon f.•llotred John Steep, .t ; 9ud W. Wife ; 3nI R. Carnewhen.
with b• mita and ah"e° of ench excellence 11 entries.
that he h.es fn7hlerwll a .Ay 011707 • Pew-: Tiro year %d.1 heifer. 44. CArneelian ;
prubde. if we ""e"*"aIItur'' w•wow41 sod A. Andres, s. .1 en•rim •
lite t. take Weep tern a , aI One year old Heifer. --W. Codmore ;
Ihongh-v" ken, the teak wnnl'l 1•e 0 2nd V, Carafe -Ilan ; 3rd 8. Carnochan.
dilllcnit 1me. Johns, Menzies & Pe., , 9 *nine.,
Sts.n a Paw diad*y (d **bleat -ware. - I Heifer Celt, erring.- -W. Clamor* ;
Anlnnget other things showing a hand i 2nd J. Braithweith ; :fol J. Brwithwaith.
some, heavy brdsteael with tasteful tare. 6 entries
Nt. .iR work a enlr'rineel drss•isq-labia an I
and ha11•fnrniture 44 a chest*,
ay Aer* .*oiler. D,-... R t'y,.4MT,
C. Spooner. 4 entre.. - Nest a'.,rk b,.iso,-. i,4 law then "4"/"'"I' yes. 16:1.
9 L."41 Orange Carr18 -1$5, C. the butter t" belong t.. Moore i Rich.
Two year old Steer. -M. MYTe.ggart •
2nd C. 14 printer. 4 entries.
tkYearling Steer. -W. Cndmore ; 2nd
ae n whesh has booty upas- I S. Carnnehe.n ; 3rd J. Shipley. 9
terlbw nn4.n M0riest 15nsp.mn,w, ex-' eatlieeL
ud a R ,. ally ray ,4 telsek.at taste.- r1es4 Ox, Meer w %i Mow. - M. Mo-
•wwwu. among •455:45 sea .tensed r1geat
H.,0411ree• PIw1N.e: ,sew 4 Bell el' 'reeas•L Ind • -4.s. bmw : led M.
itawMwrey sitar {rand^ neswtsa y II oh. V."rlit s Oz.l--4M Swell ;
enema, able. sen e„- Tlwet tl Avontnet• 4 sneaky,
• ee. D, • b
we • was .w7r'/ 11M tn.trwwtettta °ware -t tee Teats esteem.
edmi variety
W. Jaekeoo show- Atri Awe. -1st, A. Atmkt; fn4.,
1 Reseten ilweiln... Mr. , teewrte', lad ee.orea HrW4. 7 ware
Johnson, at (tedeneh, smear* fhe1 Mietril„q Arm 1st W. IterMeon;
"(hntaor' Mor t n e, fear whet* he %I9.4, H. L •o., non; tree W. Monist ,r,
regent in this .e t n. Oa the table to' 1 *Meer
lottUal._bntt•r wig._ Jays i .1. yt
4 terries
at erten_
wn,ner ; 2nd, G."nen.
en To Let.
B Early Born C ruts 11t 13at l • P. Dlobllaanock. 8 eutrirta• of doeskin, 1
i 4 Afwara Uaps>< h Il
oBer•cane-bott..u• m`Chaafee -- - ._--r "lee"a'xen 1
(!. t Crrvr, lltlera• f.aTRLT (MY:11 M1iD Oew...
ries. the beet embroidered Piae11 M Yon Law ,tzar, **NM to
MS hair cJldh. )les J. Dlcks,n. Z w:i.ln- .h
spectate,. tlrltries. ' Awe le OAa/11. dD1:Or)r, •t•nd
Orer:eri,:h, leek f alt., 1811
rt1rT 5E "OA, IN aoarat.'n. f,,0I.T TO
1 w .ALLE .
Motor noU1.
O'tArrbh Itf 1'e brew, ------
Foe s.A1,0 s, 5(11017') u1rR4: tr.:rta
l •n.,..1.1.:1!..-11r44144nret•stn1. r:mnlrtsren 6•y.
5,11 R,•d iN• 4. Terns 0*000elde,
•11,111 1'EtiThfT.xnx, 1.^I,n.tnrw
0♦ 1 r;;,rree.
Codel.h V: it, err. 1671. _ -
Pau Ise COI on10RnIC11T0Whznlr,
J graa H way, nr,e COS..
(1.1•rteh.t note e.t0
.IMI of •PIAr4d111e1.0 'l .I•* Iona. 1`^rtn•alsrly.
M ane.lo,,, a y
with* small r.:nrr hie-
.I, a aete_ lb.re•e'end all thenreenteat y •,trio..•
fyriwa. leelln•°YArufnrtlra a San,
wog a.v
Thee 84/11 (• Lament on the premien, or to
11 e. 1'4 Mmtla.1r111f.
mama,. Iwl -
r11L4T CLAM;Y.j r' n Tve.Mp.0111 BAT
A sold u. 41 •I n est lhrT.•w. Mlind•ri I'.
■A}dnl ryeathle0101P0074 •ti• , Mnr4 501 Ir 1*04.'rLn amAl. ' „..' 01"tree l,rx•,u:iu t• , r
°' ..pphwrd,0r11101.•lil.•.riniQ. Fer. nw.11-
' 11(5.1,,' .n 1 r-1 el•(, .rive . nn -{•t n'
meson-am1110r Zest" rne,Inen snit •lwhlee. 71.41'
plr,rt,nty°' rrm•nrti° • nen** farm .55.5
seldom kr be mot will. liberal Apply 10
R, all Mix ens, nrM
e. t\.pn.
..•• gATI'.r 6TRUT[FERni
Gmlerlrh 17111 Jn1,, 1181.
e,Ti) IZ McShaphuc..
White lielggl1sn Carrts. ls_t
pct ; 2nd, W. M■sun. 11 ant A.
iek Oni•,ro- -1st and end C.
10.utriot. tV. )iclia8i, .4 the .Chalon Book 41 4,401* J.1. telt, tri. .ws4tr •.
12 cars Corn --1st, S. Andrews ;
2nd, Emplrinm, offers Gee the bent apecim•,:1 I -_ --- 1.
John 7.immer. 11 entries. 1 of mums:Wai f, by • girl tinder 15 )• 1
p. ti
3 nater Melons. -lit, John Zimmer ; r f age, her c6'.ue of a BIbI°, :re
r Al nut GODS
2nd, .1. L•6nddxmrgh. 2 entries'. I or rolumo of Standard E',,,t , e,lna, 12 .
3 Mink Melons. -1s, J. 'limner; 2nd, told fear the beet yw.cimen edpennrs' 'hip "1.1"45°.1.8u..4"6.::50":,71 PilrrAlt F:U ,T., ►n.6
J. Iva ndaMTroglt. 2 entries. N 2nd I } y •boy) under 16 nudes •d Standard p
P ;k Tomatoes -let, (1, oft , est Iii e, Album or volcano(
.,1„Pall.. Parties rna;.a ..•tool 5.y
T . gest2 m- 3.'noire. Poets; valne; IM. Mise Maria McMlchael :end glee Ah nr nen drives hl1rm.
argent Pumpkin. -- lel, Cantleon entry. man .tl A . *I,+:I•I t nnrr..(nn •ea int. n•
R e. 2 entries. I J hry_ Jnal
Largest Squsah. -J, Zimmer. 1 miry.
Commercial llot.l, .minx n.m., en. o
ill of the Comte nr elan
abaci ger the best 10 lbs. butter in rolls,
IS, butter to belong to Mr. Joslm. 3.
Washington. 10 entree.
10 Ib.. Fresh Bitter in rolls, 1s! Tb. Stevenson, of Clinton, offers for
prise, °Aerie% by lame Rtttenbnry, Jr., I
wthe beat painting in watercolors, lxecrtterl
of Clinton, the hatter to belong to Mr. in 18:1, by a lady, se. teetu,e to be not
W. Robinsoe, Zed, I less than 12I18loch.., a (tory Work
W J' Biggins • 3rd, R Nieholl 21'0
en- I Titbit,.vnie. go.Min Mctlntcratlw.
Req Salt nutter, not errs than .,.i 114.1 f,nporic•l Horse.-- tat J. J Faber
let petal, offered by irwin A RndginI, i and C. Mason.
.1 (Brien,., Poon paisley Rhawl vein*, I Yearling lfuscller.-1$1J. J. Fisher.
Gib kin Antler to bel to Irwin
R no.- let, D. Per :ind, W. k`..,
3rt1, lted4. 96 mires, s• 9meAt, is IM Meld pared
tJesOlawaagi ant lass ikaa 4.. _•
5718 wwiat ;. .
nn no.
I} A 11 seat on liberal term., ed ender MeA'u
Hua.tl•d a metre, eerspMd tier. r. lirt .so.
1. Q Aarir7Rla u
oatnn.b Nardi w 1m•
l'oR BALD • OLD.
lith 1871a,..owed
T 0o.1 MY*. 71473 94.7 101.4 . o' •----
.11 Teet ehl5 est ,, lr,..nmpNM144 leen* * mf
I the hes ensalr.r land, wltht1 about a 5110* of the
Msrbes piano of the Town of IMve.l4. There Is •
ear•s,, of amen* *Inch nue*many To ,',.per -IA
r -
.A toe imp. In. r.w•IOAer of lb. ...A la eine,/
n,eelrwl n115 floe** of t..../1 ant maps. I1nNr of
ae ereld xr, wen, an ..•. (lent rood p•a•e• nn deo
side• of the property w5ch le tn•twl 1. an old
A-wll sett
Ateem ).- Int l6.fnw. 1r A 0,,•d nopthae land,
..honing 3e sere, n „faltot la to
eaten a 1' p.wi 'e ■dim q,aullV we.1 e
' the Sent Tri. let ma. In tn. Rlv■r eayaeld
• e mean r enter RA winch now* M Asea° ste t-
i ems pr what'. nese erllnrtar P.11..•f•ipsw
re/ Vona to. ne.lp
.- w. w. c 07X0, Pon naokte• 5
O.erh, 16, ' ens
_. o.weeaeslta •.•'aro-e•-.•.'0...rrwwmt.