HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Weekly Huron Signal, 1871-9-21, Page 1a,
(I(!I)ERICIi, OPT, THURSDAY, SEPT. •'1, i,;1
be Auron lignal,
1 1 llp t I n.uaw)brrw u.rw,(¢.
MELODEONS, ► t .•7wwr ..- -
CHURCH ORGAN?, u ue, w.Ui ln . n• e..¢er6 rinp r t 1,
'WM atimal)•e min) nrMlel fel.,
//{{,, 1 .el ON QA mt1 {reek 1444k4 1•1:
Piano Stools, go, two , A emne eeYNlth of rylraewtreel
M i.ct. 4.104 le t!N e+,rbrea 41 r,r. ofkorale-Mr k.rely rr,we•..a,lb„'1
Thar ►eWA, a wane u ee4w •.f.lege
It. S. WILisIANIi di 11). TowcNTu u4.re-the Mlwn/al rknter..a•y
Sent wean ,t SOT. o. t rt orr•T.
(E+•TAaLriH:n ]ttl+l;j The W.,nt •ttetairl makers in the tb:ulriae.
P.anb1.014 the .a.ee
Va(.1 Nx1, AT (:.rneNb N, Ct•l'KT) of *1 NP,rn ,itt/inw.ltwa.m henna. Nano sae furs A 1a. rt a+wulutnet 11ey.
. ay bremt:
it, e,,,,, .IA.ARI.1 - e ■reeee.seet fwd:ri.hndteetu .e4ty Pulei :n Sea l:y ern or 014,1,
ter 'x me atoowr ratty ... ort••••41 talman.1 ,•p,• I, r,'a„„._,,,,,,i h.15ie ,,,r.
14.40 all ell arieenmadaiutatln at &.ct.- ..an...a)•a tae IL rot e...
-THE WEEKLY-:iIIINAL, 1t%tt.eciergeemtveseggz i•:P,ok: y••±ee
Yr¢e.t1MJ paper l•tlee tee moltenyaWhhd /i1•l-.•••• r» •rn sr/ l,nyaw.rk• •^► 1u tot.. Ilv tobo.ul ,'vitt "I'4'.ak ht.+m.e
meq Thard,p 31area... Warr-li tome. We4 Sttort.
13U5ints1 til:ctt 1. 1. I tioclrtt.
ane. 11. Yr err snow ancon,• -4*-" Aeg 151).1NIEL (It)itl)('14 ret alit Ameba tar d lar theta):
t.• f: detie , , 1N70 ■30 1 na.u,nn.....41,104,1 NOOrwi,
THE SEMI-WEEKLY sll#'iidL i?va irle!o:thei.o.tfhitoow,l ;
h. eu a ,.art tarn Ler. may Ilio
✓ , alym.;t;)In,N•ar»,'r,1Yy:.wreYe 6itCUBItICKA1tNISTRr)NG, Ae.11h.r.wwrr,..erAoses n.
Towby.4a not ay ane4wera. l ,1t I1.,rue .N tee eon.** Se. t, the sew,
7410. -Naw LI.ID :1V r,maT, 11LVE I:y SIC. 7t.■ ma edam. .owrvr','Y• cwt)'
M enema to rlr.ra-eearl ru-ht
WI,:)a11' V'1..(3UIy1!CItICI I. Wort ardd.,r,let.pu,es. ..
AUVEltTII+INI4.• it... 11...,.... ei awr-1 14e 1,,le, ere Aar,. ,
.1 ----- . l,w.l tar n..wewa.l V.i.: Waw,
(;molt «trra i« r,4rwt..her•,o4 1,0 per one pf Ni t) \ 1:1' '() 1 .1:1 I ), a w%• 1w mad« w. wear. rrw.
•.4S Xub..., t -,r Mr Ant o»• olio., owl ,nu crone Aar+.t Yr Cte ,'fuel• laud..11'a •cat, . ,4nd the Ito- ISM thus a 4. +n1. earthly Mee., .
!w Sae her every other 15..011.1. Idhe l.)• •) It
w t4.onaa e':dayltt (lawn,
1•.rml t..:l:or.•.0..•a,4r4114 r411/11a14 I.r 11/18( plaid... h... auto.. 1.01.1.,,
11.040 k ynwlyrinrr{i,r:nY nu 1« (unman• on rr \\twh WI) 6,.u•om lei tLr 01.1,,
planer! et lye calor: . ,F'Lti.'12118 POI mailer
'-A4reetu•w-*3, r+'HrA 4.(114., entrees lona ae I;ruwll Land 1•ett'nls Laden mit. 1)11144 ill wu01 'llre.r. that .Y, cart!.,
to t4.awl.•r .d 4.14.04101*. ,r.•rte4 tit:arrow awl tr*-M•.xt le.. 4),154e ere rile. t'• in. t,
(Sora.' ore itt „sly: CuBeni.l - . pesos .der ie 4u) bo,;..t
InteWns ■dvrRl.ete►re liai,dlN ,uelw our r:drr4er Ana- if. t' 1 mala 1.-1*l e,,'iyet Mm
j. 1ltM Mea;
•uh.e•Wl•N ,4W. fat tearful hr aen N
. •r rer4
1(0001•.. In the In* 4004* w
04* wirer/ intih .31 _ Ifo. entwines itut that ahem.
.4a. .m Lt nom tbe-We•t awe Ilar4,l riptare.
i QCD I3I II ;T•JP.::C4Z.T4A8L AO -
Best a)fiectton Verbeuss, tented, nut cipal harpies disgorge. a„lab at u,y me
yes (hats 12 ,i(lintin, And Kerrey. of their ill-gotten guilts. All bye,
ISestl rnrietlee 1'erbeitu, Aloe Wats people everywhere well la owl (they
I ANNUAL. AL. lA Ill LITB IN., son, -2nd 11'/41 Elruud, aria J (.0041111. mused ; but why here tits) "Lusta
..ilest collectu,n. of 1'srrlmiel Phloxes, natters to go w far I- Featly feel*,
net lees than 4 a^tarte
i01ie., Alex %Saen.' they would nottakethet; • ,•11',.e,t,4,14
Lrums(. 4...aeCea itrts !.0001',) in licit l.'elleution of .lMina' 1111zes, with city or general I , ' • ! r ••1 this
' al ( out rellaYkr en the Httrticuftnrnl Show. And. Goodall ; 21..,1 W. Elwood. cu. ab1 lure e( ear,. 1 i gees Laru ..>
aatcld in the IJtill $led to -day (Wlh inst.) lint 4 varieties ta:ut.l
ol ts,u*n Good. h it all, their owe way : MA now the
1' The labors of the jndgu• did nut tannin. elf ; 1 Alex. Waraou - 'better clines' cry (u MB It 1!.ey won
(kel wJlsctlon.ol.lstElwood, W. Llw•d ; the iuurpcnt vitalise w4) La! 1') 44.11-
ate 110(1(5 p 1a., and we plop se to pub• 2 I Andrew Dlnrnp int; to ,Iia( od s aash a W .• ! Buts , f
fish the full er ie•liat„ W 4MI1 tonal S. nti- Beet a...R ennin of Stooks. Spilt..., W. 1115141. Mpaltica are ' ' .r,F f•41
wmet1ble )plc Lu a . , s 40:41 u '
were completed. We tree eery agree.. ' Beat collection of .1'eri.nia*, Single ; taraepe any of Wo 'unur gln.t t:1441, ;
weekly isrse, one hour after the awards E:e..eel ; 2d Alex. Trianon
Ah!y. dtsaple.inted _Xi' the exesrlen.. And. (leestall, Jo1.Gemmel!. •t1;e4 foolish' bothnt hl • `:s'rol and ,
.4 the Exhu itio0. We expected t ., heal. I yd u
Beet c.dk'ctiun of Petunias, double, Canada are sett rola(( • n: i tl:ere is
to may that it wae fair, eoutu lenag the John theelall ; lid Ale:. Wa'.o,n. mailiiwg wonderful in the ever rt•...ITru•
„dryness of the wagon. W nr(r. hired - Bret hent et for table, Andrew Coed- (Median.' thefts ott:ol'g r. ;el of.
, toe able to white that mart ' a sin:le -dr/- all. '?i) I, Jobe anthill. ticiali which have rue on e•1 1-:e ar.1 u,
pertmeut reeuirw,the slightest apolu ory Itwt I land Bouquet, A. Goodall ; :nal inch . all attiet. Theon rl•c, Is le duce
fret us. The table to the rielit.uf the W. Elwood. long failed to do Weir ditty, aod,hne,
entrance WWI des•..t,nl t.) feint There • !test Cnxeotnl-,e, in pods, A. Gosobs1l. when pinehed in their pock. is. they ery
was &splendi.Idisplayt,fAI.p1.;b, cf the that 11-Lhenti.L•t,.1.1:•ndall;2nd, A- out. I It is so far well that tns!dose.
very es. Yariett••s Una fully 111. G..1a11, And if the result is a more r% (.•ran 1
to the average in.ixe.. tir.t:w•caculleut 1h.t4Fuchsias, A. Murray ;'11111, J. continue.( discharge 01 their nation
Sohn were also. exhibited. Notwith• amolal!. citizens in We future, it will) a wall. If
sanding the lateens of the seas014, and l Bast 1i•rwiinen Fuchsia, .1. G. it is to be merely a peeing „al -err,
Ole fact time most of tae feet varieties It...; eh,Naditit Scarlet Geranium, fidl•,weel by a subsequent urimeacetue
single, J. (louden ;2nd, A. Goodell. its things N they are, then. li tiler, -
Best mllccti4rn. Scarlet (lora (1(041, 'res .o•tablei cuutiour tube es....:.I, tk• y,
defile, .1, I:.eelall ::hµ1, A. 4:.00lall richly deeply* it.
Lk.t 12 Gr*on-lu.tl.0 Pili(+, J. G'4xd-
all ;2nd, A. I;u.■LII, • IIrIigiotto :'ctv 5.
B,*t a,Ilse(i..lt Sbnni.s, double, And. _. - _ _ _
Gowdall; 2nd John Goesia11.
were folly rine twr4 Week set, O.rderteb
lied a show .d ph,ma; wiucle we 115
n'thine to brat, amongst the •:•etalons
•,( Fain-xtr.wemineu ndtatauce, brought
for the lwtnclatien )!how. 1!r A. 111
Ron had a- magnificent exhibit of:)
varlet lea of• uut•dlwr ltr4.I.e.,•Atd the v-
hiUltors of *nigh. cacumen: pr elucwl
to taw Ottdiro foto burr b,utchve, *11 of
the meat rppmt•ed Taurtiex. hr icer
table& we*awned a f'ilure, mid were
intoniahetto find the table to the kft of
I:A1b `f Y bso resir.+, Row to Bagla Life. .
lint collection ue Potatoes. nartled,`. _.
tint lugs than 4 varieties, 1 peck 'Creech,. • John frail this wisc't' remake to tv'4ae
- - - wnrm.,,Y.wwwl ilex_ %Yst■on ; '2.l E. Binetteiu a 3.1- W...pooplo:.-' ,
. anawntensp.rtne..ru...,.,. •fhcruwre-Mn ways n(-take({'((1141
Al !. fc Pc toy f' : St i '. ,) /,n. h, nae an,l : t• )'.• ebtraueY all., }lean(,' atodkrel as .rev ' .1* pu'at ,rs,wnv vanety uam..1 life. tine it to begin wheys tome pal'etr13
' Cera r11Ttf ..1 JANE. Meir T,.,. - (111111:71.:1•;:iaro elldui lu
mita the choicest s it•ct•erns of ryrtatnca And. (lurch((; 2d (E trly K- Mhuticunt ztnal••. , sn!en-
YrvgMi.xa. - •
ratter. •a r ets(tY.... 40.1.1 tw „rr cert14. roYld mart r s sr wad ether roots, as it this sect had' I w J \'.. li,lwr,/l - diJ lununlro, ►nal ra elh sRt tun: -„cat.
o.swse•, +IR ■taz 1.t 147 1. at,wow ueisar,nl. 1'•,04 l».,4 a.n 1410:0w I:aose and. .•tT6ejy. been Llus.od with its mold quota of rain. feat p•kKm. o1 Esrliea,E' Bin;lhafL Isnot that the pretty dream of 1n111T
r. •xMntw•t '* T' stand their start in lite 1 The t her is
6040114•h 1r4 Nev. et wt to ,taro• '..u. sus es,-.. 1 • ,o.•, M. rc • 1,..: d it nt.t _ Tho 01141( 9oriul.tnnsU • rxhitMtrJ ite3 reek 4 sirs,, l do in !fin jham ; 4 t
r,L.+-4: ••.•• Yu, t (e>• ---• 21 .11. a. 1L'ate.a, • •• lillla,,.- rr•,• tltn..pu4.t b 4),.r„
--{:(lilac55 iirrttorn. ( y `` ( ♦ AMb ■n-'.t.......t,r.rwe..,hr.r,; think we hove seen the ell ,w of first .t ~00(4,.0„!t441I f•ir ta14!c, E. :ether :atd mother-nf bltas,•,l ,nnmury
I1t•11(i1.\ 1*t(l lits +. I i•etihr,1, u,1t,Y"!••:el1.410 l# *' Yo,iten,m dearlrlen,l, alt
F,1„ 1 t rt.j beaten. in this nrolrct on 1or:u••r Bingham ; '...!t.1 J. 11. t'rrlha,ns. 7 7
/!'Rl4'u; .• ut'R. Y rc'.1 ' The lulus, we ueut not f.i' filet 111:d(r. '. uo«h [car tails E San „ ,,easily ul,l gracefnlh li erenls
130'.( -_:1 . gel/unman• - Mr■hrd for lee(1•41(4 he nIL•d nn lb word, I
yl! N ' Tb" /.1.4"'115el owl. teal• t tar .a'; ,1 •ntrx. credit 'for nlakTD , Bin(le.r 3 : 2.i J. 11Yt rttem. thew jt to hr male; but it world Ix try.
. tiled. iv; t r lr,t11: ries(•C, p \:.vLTA4. 1 Fi YC % Ilio Prglriub t; got i .ct ekes Web u the hlhar'. d, y in and an kwanl to come down. ,.3'41
6a••;u.rel, • more I:umeneu nitrite -then f nuerly Best 4 B•4,ti White Celery, John g
y r/. a e.4.. • w. .. wci r'.o Ari Own In a4+ i„n it coats u.neh new to live, and Lnsltrts
p. x.15. et end burr e,aesu•.. tae rte d;0 esu Th, h loot a•4ep.,.ti err ronl.adew•4 fn Their table embraces{ n.gi'rttri rtuj,v'f alai(:.2,1 .anal. loewlall.
tar atter ge, " 1lrnrd lora■ r., ma plldl...4 slaht.. work than usual, noel We wnero t{W of u. 'Best 4 r 4.t, C •d C .Itr lotto G,:esl- 1411(144*e., un,l health is uncertain. and.
(1. (4. :{drtlaleYL Al. L. ..d,A ....te,t e.A `••.,.rt,lferry.rwe - er•IAoY tip 1''04 -den laN taint:ati'4,• fro's the sites of ,i id.* aro
T+b-1A K. S(-Wet.:.2, en A.., 4r*4.t4 S. OIL- ' a , la:x wt3-n Mr ..I .1* ., 4.44. ,. I.n4. - Ws the Ik inrl u,g, wt h Irl tda. warm 111:2,41 R. 1.'t lu. 1
IY.eo• - ' . - - - _ - '
A■ - •!Imp e-1 don rivalry u, rxal in this dri,drilwnt, It„si t h e lm N t ,ter C1hb.eyr, named, atn•u>c; ah,l Iwny w y gTrtnn ,rho did, .
' . 1 t d h e rl ob Al • 'lad E l ' 'bus n nut wwm t , Lu eitrav,gnut haw Iwrn lea
,.;.., pal t e "t .
r,,. ,..v ...,,....:; •. -, '11.4:1.
:. t ... .z,-•,- ........V.......-....-...-a,r. `t .. err 1-• aaie+ao+aldwiaYifw111't-. Loa jr*..l-i!►
I,nr. 1' general- t ¢ ata a ,tlf, IIID than _
Z . .. _ .. hesdx' Joltfmt'S t'abFr wlw,
w Ilit. ('eeec Ar- 1U1'.' tin■• r.,,.r1.a - 11,41141 A• j4. -w. 111 .(41..4'Pr, , eine• ty a•+'•w..- ..~- , •
-:The nnunlrrlluleeuu0.3- aa+ 11111144,1
keep up t.camfilftrlement,andisedlr•1 .area
prlN.r..,.M4 1 14 nor ad d 1.-r...• li e.,• .1, t ! loads Savo,:+ 1udr, w 40o tab.
IL/Mr(.,115.•lhar owner.. for llwe, ent dawb„t ai• r it f. '-'''''''''''''.1 IA rF•:.. to teat,. 1 ,...„ 1, mere than last 41.,1. The ahlel 11,ot 2 finch Ited (.tlihage, .1.14(11'.• en 4'A!AU*' fila"Ril1a0A14-The Pee l:
rslrits.P. RaR W.li•.,1M,r,o.rrW.M.s r . v. ne,If suer: at the leek the blil.tn were sett rt theid*11, Sutherland has been called M 1.*(know,
: r...e.l.i+4; nntari••. el lei -- '- - `IA. ova. 1. n, t,tr 4)w lent 1w!.ret. 4 f
e st/, ->, I } a'eawm.d,t edn, L, teOuterie Fant 140114.0+ 1+Wcla- ILst 9 BI.,.I Brett hr table, W. The Rov .L,hn t:a.liedrelined the call
VAJ is I.) 1 ". is alt -i t ill a . ti.,n, .•h ah,eh t1,.r. ,era really n On. E. ell, '2,1 11 .l. rt (Lbbrus. to fres:alt, and illumine
indnoted as paa-
1 PIN 1.1 Wits } l 1,•r/ ttl ....IN .n e i r t►e 4141(arm ale, Alta awl the '„d . a Irl ties , 3'... * L'_nt l;t ltad.ahes, E. B tae .04*!*..'4 re ' Ni of Bottum Church,
iii! et4TEtt ern oisty arae M .n, -i Crot7sDra.Yti. sk 154 tats•. '-TrrtR-me 41.41 .n• annmqh, .relief, 1. "nerd that ti AEwnfi•E"Krorero1. - (-it141401 s.. ..hftftr.,. -Y.lie ltev J -T) t it Ritihati t,e*u
u •-,401....,.....1.4"h1.44,,‘ ,'.. i) 1. •maw At/ M e) -_
Anti tr It u, oott pe n 1
e••i. 4•r..-.,Na.v( , :4,,4.0 Coon II•ler 11 t W • A..'tl • 4.445,0peanl ngLI -. _ Tnewt.,Y,.(nrthar reference to tins part 2041: W. law'.xl. indccted 141!1 the *a.lb,cd charge pt the
= E MARTIN Proprietor, h( the show.,, -Bee. 12 Turnips, E. Bingham. d i.gregatiot 1 1'410( Martell a..1 1"ien•
C' tnevem 14 a Aaron., .( a aa4 eM of one Meet ihr red may W t
tot .d the ...amity 41.414(•'LIST
Best 1t Lang orant(e Carrots, 11' El -
The Ices J Iiaikio I,.ia born ordain•
BA11taTLR+,wH.Irtr•tN.INVII •N5FItT•h• t;.Md Aceoetm.4lti .tie p hi Stahl. rMrute udu4. t4)„ 1.•,N le ru•t, I L I t3 T 11 F YItF, Jl 1 1' 1i S. sa u1; god I.hI lilbbun•. ed an l inducted N nnp,t e( K.0.6,
a1• e, r n*•tarn .tr..L 0.4(4 1 (teen. The teue.to tet dretot Irmo.. 1 • - -- ' heat J l*11 4 11 d,at. Grtul*, And' yr Church, [inmptun,. a IGv a Iirt-cer
M. c ('•0441. :a J.'T:endow , AYPLwx, 4edall: 2111 John l;.rrdsll.•JI. A., ad ,resent labtin li
•(71- Tb,s,tt adklitt d b4 - le. a First clay 1 T Quebec,
(loyle Ar trl..I1ee.- 1). fat the r■1. •148 In tfir 1pdd•• I'i•f a, - Ik'Yt 9 Early Florio Csrmts, 11 •:coact fin acme deet the proposal ie
tlnaae kr tin (:.ad: iity}e. cattM,Anru. 611011 of waw. B{et 20 sanrties, named, not 1.•.s than I t F +de to him
(Rlunn:a+,Yu.irnr!t ltx.alr urnrpw Anes.ullpr:" .matte r utr.•n.amin:w:nr.M sur. G1414*..;2ud13inElwood;3rdAndrew aetaketler•e..1theCul ,
n,..et, as u•x1.r.b.lra. ' 1 Mott Mawr one uv tetra t . , a of each. John Stew)trt; 20.1 Jae Tor• b felt 41ntNbdo
s _ !e rte w t t ttrs. rt A. T racer; and (leorge Cul. Go11detl. in enitoM, and will shortly !proceed
r •' I . --- _ _ Ike 110 van named, 104 01 .eae1, Best !I White Belgian Carrots,
Itrb` than to enter upon his work.
facts F • Yawata €}'( [) a it Y p _ ' .•. .t ,.tut 1 w, Arch I)Itk _.
.« _< ..-. • ___-1 Bent
na .watt. t•eWr ta' ! 1'E! rod•ard
T0\RRI+TY.tL Attr111,XL1' ..Th\w w)Llr'IT)/ 'Earnests. Bhop. t30=t a 7• Ike ti varieties, mantel. fi of each, hen• : e ':pet that /ionl4 be Gt#ta4.
...41.41 w A . ItM'rtch. (retntte, nlae- L.a
rah!. 0.04 t con acre( ...la' - _ - - 1 JoT a M■.:dona!d, 4ltt G,r,r`c( a, .^.04(1: 'y '^ fi 1 4T11h1tP! (nr table, A tii.wdall;
11.- A. MAIITIN Nrnr (:k'nw,w„1 Iowa, resides James ,11.x. Wat-w. 1 Rnhk l.ibbmo The Township Council of aLnrn,•
re. ]twlee.rn.ow. ♦v rTAe!,IrueeYlsYatl..ath1¢Arner,wnrea tecta T. Rndannw-*:04(1 twtm -.1i( Three • r Rett f3 Red1)mons, A Gwdal1; 2nd pelitiouod ' the Ont*rio (:o
els Oat .o ore. Irnt.Ictm*'.3 .r. nom,, awnty tbn 4),4 r 1a-•1 the Har..W I )keel • J Snow, Jahn Stewart , 2nd moment
u c w Iml. 15'3 0..14.0 ar Ise as :7:'d t,„ •,. Yesn ago he died tom ids nrek down. James Torrence. E Ikng'tnm.
against the division of Ilene f ge'.u-
MONEY TO LENT). Ann nenie0ave•Iles arynno•-..hip 41,4 Manor. yard. 1111 head, however is alive and • that 9 Northern Spy,•11. f:ibl4ms: Beet 121'd!o,,iimano, And Goodall; (caftan purpwct. The 1u.!a ryas
_ - -- - - - - --..- w. a H. Muti.,p..&'*l' w .t 40 b.. w,.r►w mare rigomt*0 and active than Irt'1 the ond.h fin ~1 11 irt. 2nd E Bingham. Leon s furrl(nwe eonclu■:rats, :.:e /((:(41,41
-- Petron4 k Maintop. roar 0 t4.,. user leen mh..rwrritb',..ks ■ 'be'y !441 Y, wuich It once governed, ce.erd to 1 Ik'tt ll,Rhede Island Greening'', fare. hest 1'2 M, ver Ykiu Gak»u, A. (lorxl- of eotne In thu (+race( w:unaclYt Thn
t.4 -r 4r•u•. •w re nn.o all. per h'a-
RALP,TtTY. iSlrl]•rNYKei:.WR57.+ so be vital. .1t the Age of two, James cox; 2nd James Torrance. Gnmctl alar tiEionedlhat' ,r RQu
o A. me w.o.:• Rae,(.., 1 LIG}iC Alb HEAVY H.1.kNES ftthst dtrrl. and fits mother soon morn-: Best !) Baldwin., John bi,knlonwld : Iter( (lean ,d C. nl fat table, W. EII. term-p.wpteea Cdblrepe s4) 1Li letliaiu
le *nn 11M I4 *(barn.)+t-Iwo. N•1.aer n
Horse -Clothing and Scttch Collars,ed aTrm At the r of three 6e was x xxl:'Lad, .1. Watson;Snd, F. Bingham. with the South Riding rpt .t the bum -
aa1 tarn tort. to n..tet,m. 4rlr anal .nu a..1 ,,•'. 2m1 James Torrance. g
based sov.•ral tiu,rb an Angry cow• Welt 9 St. G♦trance• Alex. 1\outsets; li at S\1'atcr Molonn, E. liittgham. nesseonld M-donr at t:u, nch Thn
i ). ]i..t v..varella Ihd.n promptly J0 ,nd.'i 1111.
Monty afterward , while ha was eating .2101 John Stewart. , ..Ikea(a !slnsl '*1e•loun. E. Iknghwn, reuenablenesa o1 this reyte• •he11J in-
1 IC1T.5e arcrt1 mart. R \010441 p , Comer X l.. rt, Sane, r• n.tsr.tlr •, ..n . l',,...1.; cat
r/t me...... a,e•,n.dt■a.wr,wnarwwnNnr ta..o.nw,rr n 1•ra•nn.4'•r bread and milk.n rattl \nAkr joined Muir • Ike( 9lhtchN\..f O1denLurg'1, .lo Iles( 3 Green Eleih•Melon, E. Bing- does the (Internment b, hnbi tojt Lut
P t•oaed n. *wine rrsu..KYe #'Nl eta t ate)•('oroMs and, wkeu the Iwo MO huiahed, his 's,,wer*. ha,t. dnhn sndtiald'llwdunaldlt,nkt Roth -
L. A. tlmn.nn. aa., Tr/, anslrohip mdse his how and retired. 1 Ike( 9 Alrxrnder, .L•hh Stewart, Ili )i d Tordatrxr.. E. liingltaw , 2ud, uta ofthe convenience of ale,. or whnla
(vett R14 ;*'*RRR AND !t' -Rt /VAR. L.\XD ' •+1•h• t'n►.inne. 1,:• •041 1.1t live years old a Luno nn away with I (101(9 Graves<rin..1.i
John 8'0410(. '11 Ellwood ;ant, 1V. J. Hayden. Tnwntfiipt of men, and thou;( C,illinnte
l -_-- - -_ him, and mono far n stable, aet„N the lint 9 Vpitzen4nrgh, John $teteart. 12 Salsify, A. (:*,dell, 2nd, J. (1,ll' 1• 4.Yr tpe of. II( not el; ego a r to lo¢ his
J As. 411.41 (b,r.r/ru.r.r. Keo..rd,x.
_ T,n(1 O.l'P, ientrntd -.f which ws1 n bar...The horse • Beat 9 King ..f Tutsftkiw Costae, ► all {ne pact t4) r iaanT
AiiC14irci P17.rniC• A o..:40br 10t in.1•aten,rrennc do well Leeds 1 -reached in under the her, anld his mother wat.on. Ikst a Egg 1'dn,tr, potpie, F. Bing
help fur the peopb but to elm toOY,f.
t1 for min. I triad him just in time to save his life, y 1114.14 to nx,tmtlw the tlherflf'■ n4'[}. ,.
.1 1 * ,.,, ¢a.d,. .1nrr•un r.•n •n Plow, 041.. U N 7411' EMAh. i Beet 9 11nnl,ur Ilessett, rinn Stewart: Land.
1...Wename, 5e . n1I•rb.i. •411 Pon. n•u,dw¢. (.,,d,.i.h A+; 15, IYiO awl I He grew WV noire nett tonne, *add wu ( 2nd n Gibbons. Iter( Bnwel Spmnln, J. If. Williams. carer r nfhcet, (041((10 dA lllytla4 Ielyter
ea ee. t• .apefM0,bl,hr errc.Mw of the Nm.. •toad n( sports.' Ho became a 04x1 PP Best culle,:N•.t nl 1'e otshba, distinct
these d., and Iiorhtp end tel 4 (fits
W. HICK. 1g Ilea Pippin, James Torrance; g
orrice -.limns,. m•+,4,xe.ae. n,q.. !gymnast. 2ml'R Gibbons, from other entries, E Ilinghenr 2nd R interim n rine judgment hue bre lodged
laden., April u4). tai. •^ 4 PATENTS Timet, at the time.,: the strident that Best Plate Yellow Crab Aptles, And. Gibbons. in the $Serie'+ office, to the qy o[
RINVENTIONS left him with a dead hotly and a living Goodell. L►nlL..1' W.•■Sieh either the lender on or P(rhleer
Best Plate lied Crab Apples, An'1'', Beat Tatting:Airs. Mutely, 2.1 (ties of land will filed himself 1f)/lsly
t' 0 : a: hent, was a fine handeeme -reale man.
Miss Maggie ht.:Mahon.
wince at Glenwood, lost*. he was exer- Best 6 varieties named, A M Ross; 2d Best Embroidery in :Muslin, Mrs
'otttore.-1.•inole. . cising on a pole placed from ene tree t e
ti.sir of pawn tipped faith patent leather. A thiletttlit'llartlett, A M,Rods.
Alex Watson; 3rd John Stewart.
nest 3 varieties named, A Watson; 2.1 Mile.ges1'; Wersted Work,raise4,Mrs. Areh. the slimmer, line received a cell f
Feb. 110 071
--- . ' feet ; the leather slipped stul he full. He
strock his neck pat whore it jnins.the , Best ii Vicared Winkfichl, Alex Wat- Best llraiding, Miss Parsons, 2.1 Mrs. hiestrteirrogirkyisnixtahainscpaitarV.teeTrihni:ita;rjutrsof.
sfeinlilen. Henna bewildered, bnt pee sun, 2n.1 A. M.. Rona. 111..sely.
fully cimeeionli: Ilia body ern ae thongh. . Best M DmeildelMI D. Atte...Ai:erne, Alex. Best Fancy Knitting, Mrs. Archibahl hhfsiseilnreggstorrs:bosedeits asii Ifearoyme alicr,ontwillse,
homble ring, and, when the doctoi came, to e, oidder Ent / fleet Wax Fruit, Mrs Arch Dickeon. tienal chureh in Yarmouth, Noviost.a.
he told hint not to touch him, ne hi• , Ite.st 6 any other varietre Mot; Wit- nest Wax Flowers, Mrs Arch Dickson, rOiren:iknitsisfiteionlgtpdrezrtsseerde hfiromin,rechk.-
""'"" ri'"I''''r ' •""21' ONT. VETERINARY CC LLEGE ed to hie seep -father's hon., 'Where he soli; 2iid And. Murray.
dit teas than!, varieties, 12 of each, A.
Best and turn collection, warned, 2" Miu rank."'
Mrs Btachart.
Best Paper Flowers, Mrs Dunn; 2nr1 srim of $360, and • farewell A as
But Fancy Quilt, Mrs Mnsely.
Best Fancy Work in brattier, Mrn ItIrrseitynefre.tihnsndti
in the ehtirch, and short Midrest, re
The ceremony of preeentation be a
!loon Moak. Owl/Tien, IL tholtght hie end on centre. T., the snr• .
prise of all, in a few den. be begets to
mend. Ile was shortly afterstiardremov. ,
at 71 tient. k Freemen. an kingdom otr...t. V1.111111, Dunn; 2n4 Mrs Gardiner.
• brethren we rordlally InrIted pmeettee MAKI., elninewl,on. an4 obtainol • rhP'... *till rreitten, Best 4 varitatina, named, 12 of each, A.
P JOHNSTON, Wenger). in new tewly tn atten 1 tn the •aaameret And are.1.1anto Fanner's Wreath, by Mita Somers,
yawn of the Lindsay Church ha
br !teem...ea. Prof Anitth V. S. l'rel neeteire, he resolved to learn to write with bin
Prof Herrn, Prof Hotrilang, all of Tomato Monty. recommended .for .Ist prize; hire But -
chart, 2nd.
r.e"ni- at • cried of about
solved t• erect a nesise2.00ohntisetTlfi:
_ioDiatIGH LODGE NO. 33 .. Montreal St mit Ulm/ to tn.. •eisei °metal hn11711tAh'i int! elei.tete'e (Mt fritiMiihreA 117'Na:11;11:n4g'.
OPTIC. Ite4blent.enntl Staldes no awl after fat May
he non wrote a tolerable good nimith." mg will be ready about the New
directly oppotite Polley'm Livery Stahl.
lie ie now trying to paint, and hives by Bead Work, ty Mini Pennine, Tee0111-
2 • W • 1'.111 he ft'n T.'"...•'"^ nihi..... In''''"i""' this means to earn somethingforsupport. Beet l'Inte Jefferrin, Alin. Weirton. meedeel for let prize, 2nd Prise, Mrs
I, 0. OP G. T. et iPA, one clueter of each, John Goodall ; Shoff, McGillviary; and Mr Magill.
(Oardiner to -M. C. t,ameron K14.12114, Ladi.m. Work -Mrs J. II. Finlay, Mrs calling to another women, Mn. f .
A. Goodall. Jelin Beeman i 2d Aral, Dickw,
W. T. Hays and Mrs Edwards.
below, they together nitinginehed Ala
Who Were panning fleetly a bti,,,fr,st f
lin r. n a•'' "LA men'i • pante* rerinlrei la 4 le nhilre *entree trill rietw•
mrage on the part of a woman
Oateilee flat Amtl 11171.
-...te. shlawn him every kindness.
elan for by his sinter, henelf a cripple, and , ,p ,
- tether, who, though a poor man. bee
'speaks in the highest ternis of his step.
11c hag been, and still ie, tenderly clued
Ili* worst enemies are thef Mee which .1,01 II ontaPiy.
A. Goodall.
Best bite named,
Bret plate of Quinces, A. M. Ries ; 2.1
Best Nate ..f Nectarine*, J. Moody.
Pearliest. .
CSAPP.P. mended for lat prize.
my and Harrison.
Hair Flowers, by Mrs Smith, 'room- 1 0 •
Fruit -Messro Holton and Freed, of train panned over it. With rare c,
Veg., able,' --Mouton; Meanie, MIMI- by re. Messier, a widow woman •
Grand Trunk viaduct on 'front cr,.,
pplciett 'to loe on fire en Wsidnewda
ing in the neighborhood, soon al
the fie,. Wedn..bey of
4wor.11ally Invited.
grosani tinder glass, not len than 4 Teri- Flowers -Me Leslie, of Toronto; Mr D along the bridge with A mil 04
Best and largest collection of Grapes Hamilton, and Mr T. Hood, floderich. and preemie. of mind, Mrs, M.
which she Ilashe.1 npon the flames W
Mimeo long before the engin,. from ttai
le. their noon. In the Torepennere Hall. W•.t
W. .3/ Beet and largest-cnilection gmwn in Ths Tammany Itseeds.
statien Arrived with water, The lien&
Alex, ttUfffile J. it in evident that the poptilarity of tit:is...pen air, one cluster of each A. M.
/ming torten» reread) Uinta& • • Jmigo Barnard, of NeW YI/111, brut mention, if not a trews
Owntary. InraLlette HI IMAM $ 111,114111111111 MP
ten. 1
well for hint to provide ia staff nf meet Rest and holism colleetlen nf %Miter
. named, not len than 9 varieties, And'w the injunction, and it isto lie hoped that 1"'a" We" "Irortol IOW Oak, aad sse
turer ii account. The beet factnries
Imbetantle es.
, John B. flengh is riot et all on the • All 11. Best 3 varieties, A. M. Ross ; 2n.1, A. granted iiin injunction against. the of- ward.
Ontlerlett Jnee /Oh. Ian. - """"m* MVP!! ir RA NITE MONUMENTS
He hen recentl• beim trayelling and heists of tfiat city issuing mere bomb', or
- laboring in California and on his return (leodell.
Best 3 benchn Concord A. M. Rea& raising new taxes, or spendin any mere ,
, SONS OF Telall'EltANCE.
on abort names/1 kin& nf NIonOrnental Mambo in netting for lectures. l'roleatily be d,..
teen bemired were MOW It ,4a, t,. e
Thirteen thoneeseg elm. h,,
T Wein/ 10 thedr 11.11 on Woad At, Int egor Pr •
I, A eolderenee for the Ref orm of Eine- Ii."41111.
Hem, coneAtr,„ Roeri, he.,„,,, nig 1.,A Yorkers seem determined to carry the
The nopectable portent of the Neo I'"''' II,"")**" a•r° ah1PPsd on Men,
they will not be able te here remove! ' "re,,ntio.
matter through, end make theft ninni- . b"I'l "t '''. • P'n'IY-lo9 fsctorise t
Outatit t.. 21 4-e 1 71 terlet.emot 1 be held In Lotglou, then 4 varieties, Joon iinodall.
Qoodmg's Banking °21°'•E%PEDI'III008LYi1PROPERLY He weighed tet h 'red ponds, andGoodall. (Gardiner to J._ B. _Gordon Susan Payne.
WEST STREET, (H)UERICR,titan Trp wt . snlsribmws antra of
r;orwl In (Ynrl•, the 1'41((0 1 ae,tle..ml Korot, flesh hiaaxnu!i•all.
444 (: rr.MM'k., Ano ream,. savor an4 Pratte 4TKNT a'Nr0N,e.lmn'.'he•,R tlrmt forpntt One alto 4.11
Parmrn• *Mee dl-ronM«I not I.nn•hnw4, ted lintnl••l ion. Ai'+• % in , per„ion to I,,'+ rm!e rr'hen on A visit t0 all
w,..ey loan«\ on Chattel Monaca• I wp,nte toren. HURT n41AT
•t 1 per rent ,ate •et parent call
t ItRt *•(DELL Aa^n
rhrlrh, 10th Pleb . 144:1.- .w ern!\i. ;4*OHOta1M(}n,
Reams over the I'u•t Otfice, West Street,
ATP■14th 1170 wear
,• I. O. O. Fs
Cialwteb 4 J..) •' .4 fie t1
Noticeto tuckOwners
buzz abtbt his face. He hnlda A leafy
twig in his moetfl, however, and manses
C1 to twirl it simile in a wonderful war and
- drive off his tormentors. Thin race is
without w walled, except that of John
Carter of England, who was injnred in a
'limiter way, and who became a a famous
pain er.