HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-06-28, Page 40Section 2, Page 20 THE EXETER TIMES-AD110cATE
JUNE 28 1973
fought myriad of problems
The South Huron Hospital
Association fought its way
through a myriad of problems to
produce the outstanding medical
building which now serves the
Members of the original
association were E.D, Bell, W.G.
Cochrane, R.N. Creech, C.E.
Shaw, C.S. MacNaughton, A.J.
Traquair, L.J. Penhale,
Ellerington, Henry Beaver, Eric
Mcllroy, H,C. Rivers, Ulric Snell,
Elgin Rowcliffe and Dr. J.G.
The fact that the Hospital was
built, been expanded, and
operated successfully, is a tribute
to these men.
They met hundreds of times,
and spent hundreds of hours on
this project, which was originally
spearheaded by the Exeter Lions
There were interviews, con-
sultations with architects,
Government Dept's and officials
to get the plans on paper.
The selection of the site was
one of the major considerations.
Originally, Riverview Park was
chosen as a most desirable site,
but, in 1951 a movement began
which changed the plan and the
Eventually, the availability of
the Carling Estate which was
offered for sale after the death of
Ida M. Carling was chosen.
The plans had to be changed to
suit the estate and the Carling
These plans had to again be
approved by the Department of
Health whose regulations were
Their approval had to be ob-
tained before grants could be
received to go along with funds
raised by the Lions Club and
canvasses by volunteers in
Exeter, Stephen, Usborne, Hay,
Bosanquet, McGillivray, Hibbert,
Tuckersmith and Hensall.
As the Hospital neared com-
pletion Mr. H.C. Rivers was
appointed full time manager and
Miss Alice Claypole as
Superintendent. Miss Claypole
has since taken over as
Adminis tra tar.
The Hospital was officially
opened January 1953 with about
30 staff members. To-day twenty
years later - there are 94 full time
and part time RN's, and R.N.A.'s
on the staff.
The second milestone of the
Hospital was the unexpected gift
of $35,000 from a retired Hensall
dentist, Dr. James Bell.
This made possible the con-
struction of the Nurses residence.
This building was officially
opened on June 8, 1958 with ac-
commodation for 14 nurses.
The RNA class was started in
1963 and they also use this
residence plus the upstairs of the
Carling home.
The third milestone was the
addition of the new wing in June
1961 which consisted of 16 beds
thus giving a 52 bed capacity,
additional store rooms and
service rooms.
Mrs. R.N. Creech was given the
honor of cutting the ribbon in
recognition of her own con-
tribution and that of her husband
who was treasurer of the board
for many years. •
At this opening Dr, Dymond,
then Minister of Health, paid
tribute to the Board, Staff, and
community for the achievement
represented by this addition.
Exeter Times, May 1877
DOWN WITH DUST - During the
past few days the dust on the
roads has been very bad and the
damage done to merchants'
goods exposed to it must be
considerable. It has been running
through our mind lately that a
daily application of Water from
the nozzle placed at the rear end
of a watering cart will be very
desirable. The expense, if borne,
proportionatley by our mer-,
chants would be but nothing.
He particularly lauded the
work of the Women's Auxiliary -
whose work "cannot be
treasured in dollars and cents."
At the request of Mr. Elmer
Bell, chairman of the Board of
Directors, South Huron Hospital,
wives of members of the Exeter
Lion's Club met in the Town Hall
on October 29, 1952. The object of
the meeting was to discuss the
formation of a Women's
Auxiliary to the Hospital which
was then under construction.
The late Mrs. Harold Sturgis
was asked to chair a committee
of ten which was to organize an
auxiliary. Mrs. Charles Mac-
Naughton was secretary.
An organizational meeting was
called for November 10, 1952 at
three p.m. in the James Street
Chtirch basement. A slate of
officers was elected and a con-
stitution approved.
Mrs. Kenneth Johns was
president, Mrs. Charles Mac-
Naughton , secretary and Mrs.
Gordon Koch, treasurer.
Mrs. Horning, President of the
Provincial organization spoke,
also the late Mrs. M.P. Dewan of
In June 1966 an addition to the
kitchen, dining room and laundry
was completed.
South Huron Hospital has
Ingersoll. Mrs. Dewan was a well
known and loved Auxilian. She
was active in the organization in
Ingersoll and on the Provincial
There were 242 charter
members and the fee was 50
cents. At present, there are 128
members and the fee is $1.00
The first money-making
project was a Tag Day,
December 20, 1952, where they
collected $604. The first rum-
mage sale on May 1, 1954 raised
$533. The last rummage held this
April brought in just over $2,000.
Other projects in the early days
were theatre nights; bridge and
euchre parties; sale of baby
sitters, matches, and calendars,
bakesales and "no-bake" sales.
Now the only projects are two
rummage sales and one Tag Day
a year. Proceeds from these last
three projects over the last six
years amount to $28,000. Since the
organization began, proceeds
amounted to $78,000.
This money has 'been spent
grown considerably since 1953
and will continue to do so in the
future as our needs change and
mostly on equipment, furniture
and services to patients and staff.
Some of these are furniture for
the auxiliary room, kitchen,
nurses sitting room in the
residence, staff common room
and RNA classroom; carpets for
five rooms in the basement
following the flood, TV sets, lawn
chairs and a projector.
Equipment includes an
autoclave, operating table, dish
washer, refrigerators, ice
machines, patient lifts, wheel
chairs, beds, mist tent, in-
cubator, Hospital sign, flag and
flag pole, shrubs, trees and a
patio for the patients.
Before Hospital insurance, the
Auxiliary bought all hospital
linen, new the mending is paid
For several years a bursary of
$300 was given to a student of
Exeter High School who trained
in a recognized hospital.
A prize is also offered at RNA
graduation and gifts are given to
The success of the Hospital's
progress has been due to the
general public and their con-
fidence in it at all times.
the RNA class. Last year, the
Auxiliary gave the graduates
long stemmed red roses. The
class is also entertained several
times during their training
The women also provide a
visiting committee to make
weekly visits to selected patients
and a gift cart makes rounds
three times a week. Tray favours
and decorations are provided for
the patients on special occasions.
A Hospital Careers Day has
been held for High School and
Grade 8 students. Grade 2
children are also taken on a
hospital tour.
For the Auxiliary members, a
Bulletin is published and they
send delegates to conventions
and seminars.
As you can see, the Hospital
Auxiliary is a very busy
organization and we are plased to
have two voting members on the
Hospital Board of Directors, Mrs.
Tom MacMillan and Mrs. Olga
THE MEN WHO SAW IT THROUGH — These men contituted the first
official board of the hospital and many of them were responsible for it
being erected. Seated from the left are: Harper C. Rivers, hospital
manager; Ulric Snell, chairman of the building committee; Elmer D. Bell,
Q.C., chairman of the board; Richard N, Creech, treasurer and finance
FIRST HOSPITAL AUXILIARY --The ladies above are those from the
distritt Who', fOrmed the first executive for the South Huron Hospital
AUkiNary. Back rbw,!;"left Mrsr Ward Hern, Mrs. R. Hicks, Mrs. J. G.'
Dbrilop, Mrs. Norm Walper, brid*rs. Elmer Bell. Middle row left: Mrs;
Meryyri,Tipman, Mrs, ,William. MkIdlefon,BrsJj2rvey Pollens Miss
committee chairman; Luther J. Penhale. Back row: Elgin Rowcliffe, B.
W. Tuckey, Albert J. Traquair, Henry C. Beaver, publicity chairman
Charles S. MacNaughton, Eric Mcllroy, William Ellerington. Other
members were W. G. Cochrane, C. E. Shaw, acting treasurer and Dr. J.
G. Dunlop.
Thousands donated by Auxiliary
Brown, Mrs, V. Heywood, Mrs. Harvey Cowen, Mrs. Hubert Jones, Mrs.
Wellington Brock and Mrs. F, Milner.. Front row left: Mrs. C. S.
MacNaughton, Mrs, 1, Taylor, Mrs. Gordon Koch, president, Mrs. Ken
Johns, Mrs. J. D. Smith and Mrs. G, Zwicker. o