The Weekly Huron Signal, 1871-9-14, Page 5hu
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..elptember. I Of /I
Mowll Calk.
OariOOMg br Tin*
bine•'1'hurattly last the whole contra
around coderich lee been m one fierce
Was, lighting up the sky at eight with •
lurid glare and filling the •tmeephers
A the town with s deride smoke• Uu the
An Eta 111.1.E. The other day several • Taaohars' Salartes•
boys were brought before the Mayor
and fined 11.00 each, fur bathing with
ih*utulese publicity, near the foot -bridge.
This huinsuce u to be put down, and
Iwo is hal bettir stop their boys, or it
mays toot them money
TMs Latins' D INT at the Horti•
cultural Show of the past hu not been
all the taste mud talent of the ladies of
south .Ido the 6n started between the tluis vicinity would hare led us w expect.
hub of Mr. Isaac Salkeld sod Mr. H. I W0 bops, un the 15th it,., they will
Isrntller an Goderuh T, eishll', std nuke• g«Mt u j ublic uxhibitiom of the
ands the influence of •swot► wind caste I Ysutml wd ormawuutd !tl Ladies' Work
(sarin( through Mr k. Wilsons' weeds' they du ins their own homes.
Weems the to•. ,.0 SeUuday afternoon j A Loos INTO FUTVMnTY,—Madame
►Haat touching the southern boundary !Monomer is new sojourning for a short
within • short (Litwin, of the new 'lamb- time at the Britab Kuban/pi Motel,
to, Inti.. 11.1 bra change of wild to the where she already M be consulted about
ante'', which then took place, the Nen i thus* "autism ousts" htddea from
we in intmine/lt danger, and no Mowerordinary ratan bet nuked sad ripen to
on earth, in the pr - ant drntintilou of the "Seeing Medium." Read Madame
water, could have Heated the march of Mousaers adverts sw.nt in another
thelasnss. On the change of wt,d, the culinmt.
Si, went Waekwarda to the point ofetart- 1 4;0.00 iuNoaaNcI.--Th• Star adapts
111 ire payee seriously threelen:ug the Chief Sup t:St udent's views un the
Mr. ae."mtllsr• cleared farm, and break- New School Bill, but describes him
in` out half a mile beyond Mr Salted.' s, ' .ariondy u "E. F. Ryert»s Esq" end
ins Yr. John Andrews' bush, pauinq I "Mr Ryerson'• ins oelestial Iptcrance of
through the woods of Meson ,lohnstou, I the fact that this is toe Ryerson, who
/slier and Sh lly,in dangeroiu proIiml- has buth 'clerical and scholastic prefix
ty to the house of the irt•narned gentle- to his name and is ' ons ,.illy known u
lean. Itis now raging in the bash r.- the Rey Dr Ityir.,su. It to too bad of
ceatly purrhauad hr Mer* StiIIdly d the Star/int to know the tubes ,f ono of
Cat' Some 3111 acres 11 bush are i utruy - Saudficd Macduuald's uwters,
ad and Mr.miller Ilea lest 10 add). N•.g AotuNlsnlvu.--1'be dear cranium of
tins Imo cord of wood. AOoss th•' the otos has et but been peuettated with
Maitland, to the north of tks town, the fact, which we have Lunn tubing on
t yrs started beyond Mr. Donald
Crnmurinin', end pawed though his lit,
colepleteJy •weepmgthu property of.,
Mr Kirkpatrick, deatroyieg IW cords of
bark,wd :MIO conks of wond b eloeging to
that gentleman, mrd -from tttl0 to 180)
saw -loge belonging to Mo., aStandly t
Co. It then passed into Mr Anthony
Allen's bush, doing bey . -e dawKie. Isere
clay was being incessantly carted in htid
tbrioru on the fin, std it is Pew buruing ,
lower. The ntiadents coq only trust
that, the wind nay providentially be
kept from ruing. The whole surrounding
country 10 mor• or I. -.s tot lire, al.d 10.
human •xertion could says crops and
buabLnlgs in the 'direction of wind,the if it
should again rise. TTWnglti o1 these
fires is so far a mystery. A'• sincerely
hope no one will now ',needle temerity
to in hoe to fallow, a li u the d..aetr..oa
consequences crust, through the recent
r}t'oug ity be It; wide -spread wda•nous
the notice of the 'r"w'u ('.,,tial fur
months, that th• docks are in ao•,nditiun
disgraceful to t he repo tat 'on and dein:ionig
to the trade of Uodcnch and imperative-
ly demanding repair. Surely tilt Muni-
cipal V. ta•lom will nu,* so. tit 10 apidv a
rrntefly, when th••uec'csetty of tie case
he. reached our cnntemlo,re r in the
distant "blackness of sleekness' in which
it revolves: The only new light fnwui
IS the moon r.u..c discovery be the Sloe
fleet Nome ``art of the harbor is In the
shape of a 1w'(naoen.
MSCION lee' I4.TITC7E.—Someinfl•ten-
tul g3n1l.menare, we understand, set-
ting themselves to the task of reviving
the Mechanics Inetit,te. le this Otey
'mil have the gre.4 wishes and Saustauce
.f ell who c..n.idet the much neglected
literary taste an resential element i't
national prosperity. A Iittleenthusiasit
is al) that Is wanted to stake the revival
of the Institute a aueeell1.
To#We Yes._.-4fetle.adry.A441.1l.r r :ttTr-'!olrrsul Tanana.. --
sportsmen Will do a kindne a to the farm- maws! that ons Thursday nv1•uiug 7th
Tor 11. Iluluu Need.
µ'rwanoeh, 9th Sept. 1871.
Mr. Editor, you will oblige a number
of the reodure of your paper, and also
the T.a.hei. of Cuumnon t'ehoula, 111 the
ioatte et Huron, by publishing the fol-
lowing in their nacre -it, and that of
Scheel Teachers generally, When a roan
is impmood upon w wy wry, he feel* in-
clined to resist red do soiu•thing for the
purpose of showing the faults of the m-
peer. When a luau Sete bas interests
meddled with to his own legs, and that
of the person who interferes ; no nutter
m1 whet light it te hooked at as long so is
is hurtful to the prosperity and ■utxeu
of both parties emtcen,ed, he feels an-
noyed shout it, aid at .taco trip to
make a returm. Thu case is bad enough
whim antitheft to two person, but t* a
great deal worse when euch whulca,.le
robbery• going on in not only the
County of Huron, but Ihi*ugh the
Province of Ontario also If a uura,n
takes away part of another man's livwg,
then that u robbery, though he may do
it in• thought less woy and id the some time
suffer loss as well as the .penton he takes
from, then the only mndthentton in the
,name is that he is a thunphtless rubber.
Such work hu boon going en fid" years
with the teachers Lf Common Schools
through the country, until the business
in run down w low,. that in the spring
after a long winter, they come out lean
:old lung ' shoeing eery plainly that
there was a pu.c'ung anti u squeezing
that was ant very wlo,lesome. This is
what gives to me the leddupactn ask fur
space hi your p.tper, • which is now Cnua-
Ing before the people in an enlist -got
hale. one '4 the best local papers um the
I...1(TV, MA eainw{ week by peel the
confid.ttce of the people. As• nun who
hu the interests of the country at heart,
who! s*te'uu'1 closely the pro;resaton
of the edueatiunal facilities, wI.leh are
bei .g br1'lght withut the reach .If the
Tieing l•murit,un,aa • t., Mite le uitcreetwl
in the Tem:hers .1 Continuo Nehanls of
the .Pprvineeof Ihuano,and a, one who
hu n11iuteraet in {oneself, I feel just'.
lard in a. utgthe peek, eepeeially the
Trustees"( the ('aunty of Hwrou -should
the utsuand women who bay• 11.00! a
long tune ,n.acqulnng the nee.led gn•li-
hratrous t'. iia the Board .4 Eoa,e,tra-
tom under the New School Act, who
have anent a great deal of money, saki
P of lhrta all they have inac lew ing an
sloe tttm to. tai11 up, wd . 4L - firm
clddreu for the activities of life, and at
a great risk 41 health—should • they
after pas.V11'Lthe late elei inatl•gl, and
gainiug for themselves a Thtrdur'iecomd
Clan Certificate, -liter Dr. Ryerson
publishing to lbs' world that • Thud
Clea Certificate under th a_New Act n
tier than an old TWird1-Shontel-they,
after all their 'Iry hard labor for then
n advantage, u watt 'u that- Of the
atoeseitimatlytbnt.4 the conutry:
QM Td they, ave, r.0.1e.(-Y tlwM work
iug n.nununity be refraining (rout indul • uiat. au the members present, except
poet, 111,thrrwteruu.lyernunab10Sport. Mn. Kay. Minit's.1lam nieetiug real'
The g.u, welding even Ili qune att11Jcaut mid appraotal. dppiGaxGuu f MISS
b. stout a ,ht. whm vrrthing to the M,,Mnhon to 1«• *monde! IIA■tntant
tush a au n.01 ins
•' f
sy 1.. ra'G'6 wI
1, the nosh. Hovers , t-', Wail Scbr«il was nevi,
spark We are ee-erely o ugh sllhekd
pn•rnt• an• a u0 t Iodmtt,l Miss Logan. ttlee-
he n''.4 1" `1,'"Y the ua,-i, auylhu,,l, .,l by Mr. lh•tI..r,A., 13 ?)r, Twau'ruLe
which murght i,wt the wwp. m danger, " cw.rnr:rl, that Mtas
whlrh al. Mr Ior fro freta Yrs. - g poi iiitttii fol' quarter ending 31st
14NTrs —T'hts to • vers n'04ul invrlt-'thc rote of r 2:, 110oar Anttn i row -
,tion tlr..tcan 1„ atta'holl u' that other' ehuu1otio»tloon Mr. J. it.MillcgCounty
useful ineeuti•'u• the sewing-.oat-llille. Inep.ct„r, was read intimatirtlgg-. that
It ostia • great deal of trouhid, a great he lied granted penints to Mole Trains,
dell of time, and lunch basting thread. 1 Mist, l.,ugwnnh, Mias .ieMahon and
When attached to the machine; 11 is s lf- - Mine Logan, till next 'mooing of the
guiding. f[ is simile, durable and use- I /Lead of Public Instruction. -The Prin-
fel, sod very soon pays for Itself to ma- lovel's tumidity report Man reap, received
fetish. Mr Abraham Smith, Mvn'Lwt. .mal fyled. Muyw1 by Mr. Cribb, sec.
Tailuq to sgeut for it hem. • b • Mr Elliott, rued carne,!, Tlat Alin
.1. b cM.'„ ,• In• a . wrn,A.l aa.utant in St.
R'. Whitley has opened a 1'hnograph flood s ''add 4 .Nob, to 0150 Dec., at
Geller!, above thostore lately r1t•npe'l the rate of $14"-4.11. torr anumn. ' kfoVed
c ” R'flit-et.•r.f-fr.rm-Mi Wri..m to be ape
Lnah fire, at 1 II sh 11
New Pomo...etre (:AI-LLRl. -Mr )`
Av. Jlr. John Herne, *Aerobe tool all the by Mr- Swa,iwm, pipe, by Mr, Crahb,
appliance. ' e ..cry :n a eke good- pic- and .arried. nut the (',.ntll,'t•nt
lures. ,t .00rnituw purchase) a " 1'aramonllt"
TI' •,A vitro Stele.. Moonoce.-- *move for the Central School as an etl'en '
Mr :bnhnain :nA a pl.te,1 the store next Diehl in economical and ethcient laming.
fu Mr t.'w' i,rovery with a dirge stook 'The Contingent Committee woe t,atnct-
f tt • ...meaner Afacl,uie and Intend., .e. ' t to adtertiae for tenders for th•
he I. terabit of doing, to push the born- erection .1a hcho',Ihotlee u1 St Adro.0
ttue,Lnenergy - ward, Lidding to be Iintaied by 1st
LLrntrstst SIRMOl.—The Rey, ,1s., May 187_.
Canal,haeliot St. USorge s Cathedral. g Town CVF'L'IL.—A sit. b4/1
'teeters', primula -in Si George's ;ma WednMday, Rth init. Present, •
('httrch hen on Stindsy last. His ser- Mayor in the chair. Reeve and TR•puty
eon wit • M del et artmtte completeness Reeve, Councillors I'
ors ,smore, 1:nrdtner,
and brachy, so eloquently earnest and Smith, Gordon. Davison, Sinclair, Ino -
yet ceiplen that it male a deep unprmi- Ior, thanes., Crabb and l i,ttnrd• The
tion on the au 'once.
lees than the. majority et Me -hams m
the l'ouutt,who have the pleasing of
nuc ion only, while a teacher has to
plue a whole community' 1 111 ' how
hard the ' how humiliating tial, is 1 and
Yet a th to shameful fast, 1 greet num-
ber of the Teacher, ins the country felt
hope stirring tbeir-I,earts at a more rapd
rate, whim ao few of the applicants in
the Province succeeded in getting a Cer-
tificete at the late Examination, beams
they felt Aanaticdthat tl[eir14tlare would
be raised, hot Imo they will feel duconr-
aged when know, a, I know, that
sone of those who putted at the Board,
are t florin , to teach for the small aim of
fCM)9.f19 (.'r the coming year t They do
it, becanwe.sToilsnno .1, the crusty old Toils
teesay, "no merevelli be given hero
than WW1 101 u !tether a peel Teacher,
or a Lad ono a 'secured," and partly
afr:Id o1 the gn[tfaeaw ..f thein tmtunen,
nod became.partly bec*ie they may, lose lho
school for the time and worse than this
g Mame no we'll Tenet, an themselves as
tit for -twhing, ;frail to say boldly
wit hunt fear, like men if you want Inc
to tench vmlr children, you meet par me
for tl ' 'floe is out their style ; but they
will sat' 1 would like so much, and poke
ar,un'T ash this kind' of a way, intd of
c'",rite nig:molly men will tat' among
thrnuelrrw .lick Iia talk, to that way, all
Is right, so 'lore it ends, with fear and
.rcmolinb ht accepts theireffer, snit
find what tt it too late they have made a
haul bargain. These kind of Teachers
are the robM•r,, others see that the cheap
Tumour Pet the nits;tear., ud they
must come doe.. at las• to potatoes and
salt. Tim M,'chunle, of nlircountry tell
Mr they are net .atisfie,l unless they
moke ts9.,4
0I pc'r week and many !1 I tri
and tr12.11'1. i any a t11eCl,aile 1 know all
ad,ntth° matter, and hero temente('
with my ehnpmstes el thia point, me-
chanics wh:: mind their bnamess, make
froinTim'v' ilrehiTndred A;it,sri a year, -
But rho Trustees ,4v our hired men, who
work herder, ami for lees MIMIC, ars
s*tufied and a, should Teachers. '
11, M.
, minutes of last meeting were rod
Launu, • Morris .Y i•,,•,,.r.•I•brat'd end approved m
A r•lnln ,us c..ytmuni-
perfected Spectacle, and ye (:iemee, cation from the President of the North.
center the greatest 'loch un on persons ern Gravel Road 4....pans nae rood, and
needing assistance to richt F.,r ,,,,ii, after a g.o141deal of discussion. ordered
or far Afght, for the weak eyes,.•r tui• bh be filled, The Riad and Bridge (.'om-
paired vision they are alike invahuble, nuttow reported the tenders for the grab-
^^•..• .••^•ting the
dway. emitting the eight('strengthening Inaacceptance
s p tof Mr i1ltrll,k s tender- The
and palwerring the airs. • Tternrt was atnpted. A petition for re
Wire BEATING.--SamueI Noble, lief from P. O'Brine was read. He wit
whose case was adjourned on Friday grsnte.1)ttJIhsof floor per vonth, dnnng I
las, was to -day (T'rads)-) tried before the pleunre of the Coen. 11- Spniln" ;
Judge Brough f•ntnd guilty an400010nc- ' aeanlnte were ordered to M• paid. A
ed to rine year in the Common gaol with grant of 11211 was made to the Battalion 1
hard labor, - Rile match, 1110 to the Artil-
MAGISTRATE Court's -9 Sept, 1871, lery and 010 to the G«lerieh I(t8.'.
_balers C. CrAbb ran-e.4-e.--HHNn7h1111.40Ra08n'nff, Theltsgulli
Powers. 7'te defers am Powers; a eery : monthly meeting was held on Tnenday
respectable -'raking 'man, was charged ' evening, Gbh in. The Ldiowmelodges
with slesit.g a peer of pant., from the of the (wdter, work were appointed '—
pmsect:wr'ituem in the Royal Canadian Mrs. Finley, Mr. Hers, and Mr.
Hotel. A 0,10511 swore to seeing the Edwards. Judges of Vegetable. Meson'
defendut with the pieta on, and the Edwards,Hamaon and Bonnamy. Mr.
constable found them under the plank.. Robert Walker was appointed ono of the
of the staple. Deferdant acknowledged judges on flowers and Thomas Holl on
wearing them, but said hobs.' purchased taint, the Secretary to acme ten judges
them. H• was committed for trial. i in each of thea* elepertalents from the
12 Rept. 1871 Bratty r Oleo, Henry Oa/mein Fruit Growers', AAnociatioc-
•IeAnsim awl Jonvr JoAn.te,.. M. C. • Messrs IIn.NI, Ilingham and flick were
Cameron for pintnliff, J. 8. Sinclair far 'appointed a Committee to Mirk the drill
defendants. This was s cage let erasion shed whitewashed and prepared for the
of toll at the Nile check -gate. Each exhibition. 11. waw agreed that an after -
defendant was fined 15,00 and costs. !noon and evening exhibition As held,
Nrnrfe,; a /mirk, hefore Mardr Nara, W. !Mt. Snowier to furnish the lights. A
R, ligmer for defendant, the defendant !Communication e u read from Hugh Love
being chirp." with depositing wawa nn' stone. Eaq.8ecv.8nuthHuron Agrlcnttnrai
Mr. Hanle/'s Int, after three warnings, Society requesting s judge, , rl Fruit and
to the injury of said let. Fine Anus , another on implements The Society
shilling and costa, $3 60. , appointed Mr. A. M . R.oth on Frnit and
G116%111111 S. 7001. --Mr. Pregtem bar- Mr. 1'..Wsmuun .on implements.
int been compelled, through seriohe ip.-I AI.tAILT o4 A VV Irk, Saulnrl Noble
nee, to resign his position as Head- was err.tgne'1, before hie Honor •ridge
Muter of the High School (which all aur; Brengh et Interum Sessions to day
tnwn.rtanple will much revaet to bear) (Friday) et 11 a. ni, charged with
the hoard has una.imonsly Mppu:ntd to !assaulting hu wife.-- Mr. Hoye appeared
the position "Mgt. Innen Strang Eng B. for defendant anrt eked for adjournment
A, the enceessfnl and popular I'nnciptl ! till Tuesday at 11 (i elttek en samara of
of the Oen Sonn'I i min Iligh and l the abaeIce of material witnesses.
Puhlic Soloed.. it'•b'Iteve thesppnint- Adjonrcd.
mutt to a meet jndlclnus inn. Mr..
Mtrsng will c,tnntence his dote* on 1st TnwATO (rwr.t.pti5. —Six eggs, a
October, winc1lasi of emir, four ripe tomatoes,
- ' pepper enol salt to the state, milk Mull*- 1
— nt
1.1 mix rho tour im,Ntthiy. Beat
Tp to. E41,5, of the .Strout.. the t•pess very light„ stir in the mixer)
Having read rnmmnpicalions in you n'tlk and fluor, peel( chop the tomatoes, ,
rept on the slbject,f ltrotal, let me and add with the popper and malt. Hoye
through the medium. of Joni. pe ,,yak. a pan with a••me hot butter, item' in the
the City b'alhen, or ratio r the le sal d ! mixtuti+ and fry it, When (lone it may i
there, re, how t'. in the* the Tty-lae to Ile l.he i:ipilwl half over or not, aca,n(ing to !
Put in farcl•,.000q*Iling the said Baker*, tho fancy. Day not tt•rll it,•- I
to tee us four pounds of Bemis instead -
nt:µlbs/'ria four "Ma L.ne1 1 nwua ' T
reply or a.',1",.. m 11 •-;,neon. p'1 n ,your an r•
.r il►M,.ntt the 1.1 of V,g1K lad. • •0.11 red
enis The easter ell please pmvt pmpe,fy pay
e0.rges and lake An away
'last 4,1 ». R D.''ollsrtee Mild nth In71 w.^,-xte
Goderich 12th Sept 1871. eau' tf
- `r)H:
Plitt% KION),
Corner Kiwget•rn Street d Market Square
1 q-derk•I, June en/11471 1e17.11
Ca :1 for Sale.
i'lk fi00R YItEa: 11 WhtRKIRll ox TN. ship
.1t* ,.rtlnnlenr p011 • 1 Yid 0,n. Township
It, 1i,
Special Notices. I PRESERVE UGAit
/t.A!e.d(ltetuno,I Ir.•m
II wY Judge J••14.1 \1.
Wry 1 •ares."'
• n,.. .ur „ I
straylht as a .1' ..,
0. wast twit a•
ite.nr1agIota 1.0,1,01 ;,
orrery gavel...dent. lit l
hat, Ieartnt to L«,k 010111 Le
gewl ah -I ,N•1 1, o'- 41.4
alike. 1t la idly bur.
stet, lh,. Psis liths.. of
Perry Davi. tea sled the
tune. 1f.,m. aria
l rugg[ata mater aet Wee , Iona It Yp, rl'a- ea
wry wan, to reryW. honer and I eau
IulrnJ 4. 110.1 it 1, . been
of g••,ut here m,1 ec 1141, t Mt, a"thtuµ
about It
lEtie It 4•u.1 herrur,d t"n"IsAy'a Itlon„a•
taew or yon .Ieuld',f pare been .,,,ruled se 1WIy.
Hn00sd1-Converted whys hes tined a Joists
of eases alenit are within a year, hl oo* Tanaka
who You boots tree) to le • oto an as fill a*lrw
r{ilA 1[+pwt*i. Istat rip half .lie um-, %thy it wan
this nano Perry • Daus' 1•A! Cairn that cures
hue. Ih.•rge 'Troller el••, II•. o,, .eg1,111, n.r,l 1..
pun w mush sal ,•all •such• gnat . 10 rt.', Its tau
5A+•-.' id 0110 the Pals -Kites aid wl,•t'a Its
be lent= lhat Its pal./ Il,,,tor ey..11n ewer et,e
bundle.' Ihdisc. Dor attendlnt him aro •u growing
all the el il., here,.1..r r,L untie el 4 on
nt .bs shoulder At ow. 1 ant tLmnglo with 11.eba
;spot.. if I'sit 11.0(10001,1 curt ire o..11.,ug 5,11
ate'..n tit.. cel of Il t.
RtIeverywhere, prix,:.. cis, ori 50 ma per
•u.4 • eorld
7 Ila for the •InIL,r at Cra.10 w
F 77-8I..0 WtS'
('O 1,, 1'111' \ 1)
1 1 1hN
hon. al (Acuity ,u et,ry se, ti..0 sieve .1 has Lieu
lute.Iueel ; ..d the rapidly i,,,re:atui( .a:e Is 111
beet rna,.l,tee of tb, e.tu,.•t,.i :o 04,, ;', it 1e brit
by the public
1,,e .t, ,p w,:l cure Pulmonary mmanitrp$M_ in
Ila er•t.d .,-.marl •tear• m 0-
till cite µ111
1.1.10.uµ 1.1e ,n thy tl••n1 It ,11 .nrc A.lLme
thou. hu.. larylg,til a•.•,µL. awl 1•4,la. 1t „11
u .
.II •i +•r•sties l,,.,•, e .101 u.-ular
01,.,, Beet Nrry rt.'I n
n1one •ub asL., 4r a0.w1 of
[I.e 19.1 '.IrOu. InspepW
Mickel., .eb1.a rid IIs 1.
Api1w the t m.aet, i..41 awl oe1'r0l1.,s or I.•.. M •oNe. It will.up1 .. e,,: rl,
Moro.. A,att.a. aue rest. the bled town"
.ill bvalth,
Sold By Apotheoerfes.
Inc.o. el :n, ; w.. 1•r e7 GI. _
NT. !CRP., N. It. •
Gofer.. ;,.14.4.1 *10 1471, awltp,ue
Job Moses' Periodical Plug
'1a111a INY•t11... 1"':r14.t,':NL,• 1 NFI1LINh
r .see ag 11*..e 041101.l and ...roes...roesII ...nuts alla:ae.r uW ree•,rewl o;rlrucloua
nod a .i.edre•re its. Ix nhW
... Ih
y ru«1,1,•
11 le peeu'en t.a,.d 11 roil, .,. • .pun time. bring
nn .h. ,..,.utbiy pwr,.01 w,rh reeu:.rllt'•
Tier l 41.,I*•e. eats tger.M l rneo. Jeri•[ i1..
FIRST lit RL.R MO.YTR 9 Yr,.. tar. ow
n a Praise M,.rrna•ve. 4.1 «1 e•. ..Aerl..w they
Lull CA.. u( Nenawa,e Spinel AsadtmOfl l
the tau
' e ItxIT'y.Y11...ntN, tai.: ase mu •hg tesens.n I'Npl
e., wrote .lane., rt.
_._ acuses. .
1 Xs 9rdNAL in the Isr4t'A toeoi iiaper'
▪ w...'..,....,i....,aw,w,.+a...+res.,e«•w,wwsweteelMwa v+:dttleoww'.ySNHM.•..e........0 ' ,...
41.14 leor 10(0(1 iW TIILT ('110100 00 (.anW lis Laa,I. Ivry It.
Oe4erl.t, 200 Au1. '1.71. .o 1
• Strayed Bull.
/`hilt into tLe pare," a 1f C. un.«r.u,,oI, l.,t
ll BY,,. Cuts, hits Web T'pp..Lau1 lolb lists a
14,d•• h,'. and white Lull. lie w er • t.a way.
to •'rot. yr Testy, pay taleu•o.a itis take It away.
ti,dwteOT'p 12 Aug.le71 eel e'
Mugs Bktrnmtnas
A/na'''bob t.. the pill*. for ped I":n•u.,e, Lp ato
W.•umx that ler to,nnn u. Yu.. 0,11 1e 30.110,N
ow 1'►,weley. August ,0(1. Terms as 50,31.
Galerira. 7th Anguat, 1871. 7 m
Apprentice Wanted. --
n 1.l:A I[N T'111. 111. 1C KYw1T lIIN,i, A YT0L4T
1e11nw, t1 J colutry tort nrd
81 XAcu*N,
te.elertcn 10 Aug. 1471. •sa,-t1
'1, 'n•.uit MA'/ tt'1ESit04 15
1 r,to ''oatsmg stdgruc. iduulnry «•o l: r n
*tut eteplue meat
- WILLI tYAtrliKRl,11.N
Known.. 1'. l/. 14 1 •./...101).
Galen. h 14 J411e 1571. w_Lif
App: tent ce Wanted,
1 wrtl lttu I., 1.1:%K is el. %CIL11MITMOXO
-u.r:A i\ull4 1,1:Y 1
*ILmrn P. q
Mau'. br.ler 11 Augu•l, le; 1. wYnere
s.i1v TON
i t1aa►ic' I :naporlultn
Am .1u -u,; a Lee,y Locate.n it, the .ale o/
C. L. THOMAS'S do.
A five core guarantee given will each
el40.10 liosa,s;.1Jbtrt Ptri,(, -
-. --- - t:t.tuo, Aeg*.t ll.b..
BYLAW N0.4,18
A By-L►w.tu aid the \tollitigtnn,_ (:ray
11Y O. \ 11;--1571. f_
and !truce Itaileay Cimpute, by • 1 r'
free ;;rains or due -item of drLmttares A By -Law to nit the Wellingto), Grey,
Wjt way of Janus t„ the exlset of tit+"r Railway 1..4..1. •J '
Ff8,00T, attpect to eT111t0 TeITI 76- oiS.ndtti,u oCAbl•iit tires
toy way
stngtjunantld cunditimla' of bons t•othcclite tit of!(Itl,(I(I(1, Aub-
I10 logo. jeer W crrtai0 trr1na, rc.t acti PDS 1•1111
baron of 114 rn.y,.ee of (*win, the Mu',N.pal,te• Cnmdiilulls.
then,*rrtnre, w .rr eelho"aed 1., mut the WO.
`r,Niyn I:r< • 4, Ik0ce KI.) a., by are grasle .Ihr: l,,'a 1-'ltl' 1'1'11 r AIN Ai 7•' 1'10/4111 [1.. •
a .1na1.m• M de h. erurrr by 5,• ml bora f, me 1'.u.l.t,r . r e 1, foto fry t• ort ours., the
And Where... 1he Mow .pa, 1' WWII.. of tie M n1,'- •41ne. thee. In ,. areae 4,Art eulhurlehf 1,
e.wAenp-W 144 aid 111. 11rl ,, 1,,,., 1444 at Irl. c ;Iwai 11 b,e
Mm r,,w.tiee e. •am•natd.. , 0••n r•' . a(n.uyt (rsh:a ur e4., 10.4.0. Iai... Oo .) way .,rT .nue.
ILe 1rwl 0enw.y, hr 1*,1ree 2.50 11 J.•n..,.,u:•f• 1st, ens:w•.,t'',•O'o,..iip11'.,,.,,1.11the T.•rn-
t -
t 1 h ed i lastly, by wpm 1 h r the pet.
rein...• ,n l0e pp.elage:et er1oel earn p..t.g. maul of the tie, l uelwawN hod the merest 1n. the
whwh also. id be care(ally preserved. on at hereinafter syntawl.d. --- -- '
And *he ea*, m, 50,1,•,1 nl the whole releat.ler
p' op.rly
of the tis Mu, cunty, ,err. mt,,ve M
▪ miner on ream. 44110, anklet.. r reaper.
ttve.fu,1 met** in heA(0.1 ''tans Ihr ..aviary
sorest n,ent.•( the sinking fool herenwnrr aporia
.«u 1,• •wr.n r«a, A. re,nntu:u,,.••.ned, aseylalye rlrriot. nig 14w1 .rwpey.i%t/y. r..:.
1 „ welu,Wu; rAl ,u.urw r•h.orrse;ire uiWr •
Jia wet_,, eke 4• 1* w.,A e1.u,'."T•,a,
51.00 and ITS gena low prebgr,enrheed to souieue
a Lrsan. \tits. 041'e, 11.0 ,g0,enl na•'n 1, .. the
k,mnwr. w.It ,peer. • tont:. c.ntaieln4l,,0' 0I 115
Iry .alarm call. I
fiew,aelle.1: .7„Crasnl
agent furt'anoJi
T er'1'nl tin 11 Merlrh by parker Cnt'lraea
',.Jordan; wt Cu„ Itayt rid; Jas
IS.'nl•.um. Ho'e,v,1r; J 1'eLard,I trier ;1 II
them.., Glutei, S cora• Lucknow. 1.Ilea
sea.-J,Uw.f., end .I. ,le1'.,0lne Ike -dere wig
B*711 M' trlsd, Sept 5t1f1871. aw4tt
rI„h (PENN • 0151', TO INFORM TILE 1X
haldten'e Nn.M.riri that .1,e 1. ',repine to
W:r•n tiN...riln,,at,-1 of pap!! f••e 'lumen. tiro •
m 410 /
O.WOn,a 02,ug. 1x71 - ewtIlMtla.
Ready-lade Clothing
and TWK£I)7:,
A1.L . f 0111.0 011 be .orb• nn .hart n otic- and
Mtrhw.r, style.
}F17 a«dWurkmanshtp gutrameed or
no We.
Frc... +'114I U(w)JN
N. n.—An assortment of the Mot Sewing
Machines .onstwtli on hand.
tA$AiJ* I' "NIT 11
Oed.rlch. March Terd. ban
Western Fair,
1871, -
City of London Ontario,
26, 27, 21) d 29 September.
1'r,rr 1.1.! and Entry Tapers rosy 1a rel at IF,
Mr:•retery'a rine,, Blehommi eteet, London. op -
remote the lily tlhll. awl at Mr Jol,O•nu'. other.
Conn Fine, 0nler1h.
All int rias ere egnaed to he merle on nr before
the 1.14 September.
MAUK FIR r, NX PARR TI T-,r.y Drhv
Competition Open to all
T0'11:'M eehtlf: R.TINT4,XY •
Se0ntary. I're,Lkot
We,tern F,irthere.
Leaden, A,1,$4, 1.71.1 ale
.d .'r an, len IM•rr,01 acrmoot/ 10 the M.1 nwud
..•eaameur n'r.a MJ,.'0 YuOirnmltu, b. int for
the test 1071 wit, Mu:,ar•.
.401 where h Aanw
r,., of 11.0 SWIM( debt of
the card Moot yi1,t,
-keatu0Mfur that pun.
Anis e'tsi owl, It win melon tar, sure et at., ea W
he nl•M.. 05*Ry.1y p„ at r0r• For Owpay •,•ater
the u:.l .I«,, north ial tau int«ren4a twit . ken
Walter mentioned.
' AND W h .x000, the. sweet nt tae whole rateal4e
ponerry..; the rid YMet,115ut is rwpnt[w etas
n hi '....•0 0' the ....rani l.n,tiIn.peonire *1
nay .neer..1.1.4.-.v- frpertlM .iby.ewy hveat•
sight of Vs • ' 4 to..t►rma after lunmoaed ase any
to the last
rue tM the SAMI IMMhi.Ype11R, b:, Y re, ...I
IAe yrs ten.
ea. N/Xtto,
Aml w . 1w poi) u,a tae ,«len., sol arc.'- AM►Rer:vaa, f M
to ;b•-. Wyitsg tee tete nstWltrwt.
it IC; rnlmrr an equal r rm,l .prrail rale of lour nnrd, it
mule i•,the .1, wWJ,tm,i 1.'wIl WAtr rates w be Ititra ra•, egeala .4 w'Ypts..lnl r.t+..f fen s.4.
1eyM In tun year nlo,' 1w Ie,!io'7 an. 1 1 . he,
erash Itsad-
,"e dithrn t. a'Le'the tines W 11kvteJ ins nuns y,m.
0r 1 thenture emu -tint, by the Mna,npa1C\•orad ;•terrane / NAcrrw, If the N,m"-,py Cos
o! the Oanen.p of wtw wawaauh al.t to, T. to tnelp...•'-
1 Tart a •ba I be lawful for the Wer. M 1110 . 1 That it „un le I.eful fur tale Rreu -'1 mo .old
,N: woawwreem„ah.p. a.•I 4. ,• n.rebp rrgmrrd Im r••'.•• t:... - f .
Ietlite neat '.f 5101.,,. T1,...,.•'1 . ,,, a, "0110:-nl'y n,pn.,dta l+.e 1'.0104
ant of 11\.TlmnfMANn LI.oLW
d .0 1.94 If1n0 pro 0 h •.o, ' 1.„••
ole.rre• Jw,n1.lyhsi,lIdcran: .dlltbec(d1 rtIry cletaha lea 4o(ldo15wlunna:,eo Iat daeut•u1.nTrl.•
lnprnw•.lMwf:.r•1.040.0l,a.teinA t0, . ,1 hr.
s.•ytse.l lei. the Annette
Li tee., n num .hr dq.pernspeer z.rn rtrd
m Ih aj Iwo Dab ren 1 1 tAe oar "toe
ons *rote,- -aur•
4419 n. L, 10.1 WWII ere attached to Ines...nolo n
Ln the tot)mitt of interest
s That the rM delwlu;es .lull Iter 0u00'• el at
awl *tin the fain mrx , 14/ 1,.1.1 annmb
nl los .ell, los
ate there• w,rl tnt•rro,hall be pit eh.. u,. 11✓
hrs. ,lay, 11 Janus.) end July, on eve year. -
e Thal fur lar pv rya• tri 1bn.m0 a n.'11 fw,A f. Tbs.). r the gutty.. of howh•a,t , als.1y fumy
,ladabe prm,nl .d IM •ear dslwmurr•, cul Ina tis. too IM Iry1a•.wf,.:AAe "end aFrlwftatrR' --' -ke in-
.reat at lar ram ae•reyM h. 0uwh'e.Nne the:eon «ere.t n t1Mn,.. tIrr W *rot flair thrr of
a, .goal alw,lel rola off molls m the-, d.t•er,!:Al1 ut 1 al 11w -*tyre littera atm *rot lar A• nun, nr
.4.1..1.0, :•. a:, 01 lit r ra r. 1,• raised, laved, nod a.•,- bell In 1,,101•, Ash ,i ydltien ..1, 7..1:".r tries
be Meed,la-14d,cad eulhrted •tie. bps upon
the ratetb!.• plop. .. Itrnn Wer! Nh
u,eiptlrlr dnnng
tar, /daW,aax of the mid 1k'btrltithe or say or
Panel es'all et aN• it [, Iwrehv 4. Ln ..I that this
133 beau.141....rde,11Y•,AIv1McLttawlaituoi.Watww
Met ....Phil, ma.
1 Tmtla:41:: i:r 13.,..Lal,-u,writo - raLl tler'wn
lone the I:anwar, nm,.wy.da 1 sn ya1,•,rte-
m+•.t 01l., Ileo n<I al mw fewrr1 P,T 14 . r 1T 7,77 -
tin, s!ll.mtiel ln, .o( ipprore•1 .f I,y Inn,
1 Tha)tt iii, hf,l,t.beel aro,..,.,u w• nal.. luyable
15 tweet,
eetthti yleryww..L. 13 n dd agay t nlnafirr me t,.•.el
1n10 Of Cown.ei.' Det rfeh, red Ail,ll u ntttu .Y i
Io n,.. C•.up,ns ter the p070.,t w, ;wer..•t
J. That the , It --- ter•.1 at
mei an . tt",
A.ste heeeof .. , . - I . ' 1411:9 iso the
4.a)1.! 1 ) 0110 .h .eke.
leered In cern year up* oil the nt.e1l, pv.•pnny ,n
4e 5hu' Meut.nelety duril'g the a"trtrr,wart all ,he
.bad dr', triers or tut) of them.
P...hub always, nal, ,• Iwrel.y de.issed 10.1
the Ily Lae i. I"a'•"l 50 100 01 Inc 1...l',.'w'ng wipe.
uwN era nsdn.w,a..
1 TI..t1.1:•re M• C•ere.hall ,our the RIO 119.
14010145 uta It.11111.19 1.:41a094,y 14211
Agreement mete. Ina •nl M rh« 1'enq.,'.. t' r•'iv
wn.r•M M. bern.110m,erl Ie ad 01 by
. ,'. ^•r n u, 4 100 x lull IarM,ng I,i eQ•;e„) 1'nu pain ■okr[uLhg earl httIt:l,«, Ik! 1'rm.p.ny In
rste.e , , t.•rtn'10, ., tk, ruaaurrlwt nt •hthenra ieaeI..,,'. tkeake-
« there*11 e,ir 4 th.I nun •r I:ruce ""01h."4""""4".-1•11"0"" M Ji, r ak..nm of
trrd rid 11 •',In,µ,•• bray ."d /tra.x tar Me:IIUYteI•. t.ae9. I y,th -
South nater and inrla Irina b' tank T
three neem.Otttrtva14rt'Ae.ilx mint. try.t.. '
and to .-.mpt••te. tun• .am. o-. 1...- I o ,u (early ter
trod., SitF'at ft"tri 11.41 I.,,., an•I 0', A
'tole h,i nr n' 1. I,n«kn. e', .1 cart'rrdl.tnnt
w.wt, nn, u prat p..bk ++» M •w»tae eCet et
ANi Pse.. ors. tta1.1M' I'.d....;,r• • ..:,ell 11 du.
poled with lie Tnranr.r or D, 1•-, ..f lybtartn,
or a new
of the let.
oPetryi wh ln✓l,:rMatta,
rna, erol
';',• x .,a.hf I be
11,11400011,11400011,rrrer to 10.I. ,wtrey. oo tlry ,-• :de of t0,
Engineer e' lb. tLe .11 hyo,o .. ... n,e ret the
r.tsfor tarthere hr''g of the tbad et the
• th 1r'•m he teni Iwr'oa., e, mr wink y...grea• Gnat *weft ti.tIl syathe work p ,$,e,«etImhgh
. thn.uPtt fh,,.. nae' •.f Kanto.,, setting Porth 11,, 'r.whahlp .41.0."•••'0"h1Dn I.'r„Isrr I. of
.110 un 1 a,r,:•rni resprlArn ,n ,le I•'wn•A Ip l.. one th.• TIIOI4 1e'ef lYrnw•rrylu 4o know, tiie Iwwlur-
Aa,r Me , rrnh.n « some Ilse r101r r leen tf wlarh a'el llllr•r sh*1! euli•h Il. e.lnyyuu07 to e
the p, m.N rwmM1rl.f, aur M than 11. Cmm4 demntl Ire 1e.0.40?1r.NM les •aa I11,ol lllr Jit
.en,d!e.l 10 nrr, r4,.M wunL of Ihr mann, Ienl,00 b tauawnant M areein,re I.wr10 the C'nr-
1 ▪ 'menm. In Ln, ,-oohed, Ihr p.nWrtta, m( net Crrpew MEtpw..In h, caner.,
whr,h ndrerwan,no. erne ,4a 1'••mlenv to Ae• AN. Yso.uIn,hrWMrm! i.oww w.ek meetly. rem he current (non I vou.,t Moawl ohmhty Do-. he ruerawowdwltsi.lseaad pr. owl ofih,*. 111,1(10
1(,.1„0'•,1 nmrrunrnla,mpms 1d ,0... yet to .ls-n-goct.* It iliih t•.q.h'nnl wl:h tit. tdeelarl
n. !•d 0nr•a.un like nmom,t aur est time 0 th Rowlett.* lees lute rebind to ,11.1 s B10 i t. d..vlers
1010. rr•tite0.en.l the 1.1ue. no she Nest emnplrnnn 11,1. 11) lee sod the Air ,emeu,rlual W teethes aka•
dlhe wmk,nm A Ike ru101.nah,p •4 1m1r,4 .4111 bud 4t an rad. ..•,•
MM I'rmu:,.l, i,1010'' C,nt a ole 0,10.hnll u•n lar a T1,1 141.1
4 It t.w,halltek',R,,t Iwdrnmeiate
c ,m70 4 aunt In the 5e III p,rlrM ,,u,. .""Th. np•ntl.•„ "poi mrlwen1 ,0 d.74.trpYraer neat:
above .p,rd, 1 11 .hNl. Its 1;em,al non, the e.. •,lure •
a. 1Tco Il. ell Ihl•'hluea ebnll 1o,4
In lig -14W Jul/ 110 A e. LAI •Jen ,. a err tmitM with•
t lie If -14W and 1000 Agrees, I,nl.u,d thereon h Ido ,wile ..k1 cls. Grl parlayt. tie tains M) •Its►,
. e1a•rlled and at an end, 1'harfersl nnnkl l i this Prua M, .n..r'' .- the
M1 Tarn th.. n' -Ido Malt fe111 effect RIO rmme m. o-11ro '.tlatrm-
1 , t Ince M t'nn'Ma.
•e'1 n11m epee the Ihm.r,n ley 1,1 +dry<ndmr.
A That the mar I.Ia•nn, r.e .hon I„ Ar p.w hlM
rnhin one n,,,,,Ih Itis the h• et perm( .•1 tit , 17y
law, Other •••1111114 1',,.,,. mml Tea•.err.,n' e M
e•I t0 thia my las tug t'e el..., ah t «lar Ilse
...all, Chartered Rnnk•.4 Ilya Prlooee or al N Coune'l rile 14lla 11 ,h t
me late 14ut,tx n1 1'01011. Tw elTlh d,y 11 r.plemlet r,.nl,*1,7/,y hr.n. ar n
7 AA he rl farther,"arl,d let the tome 01 the \ill.' 0'10001 ■ in the f•N,'nr.w col • ending( at toe
pee,on orate simoraell,p claneh.% th•th the. WrInek in th, aftersone.,A the nano its,. n•1 thathe
n7.lais (,.w. r N.m,1,, el the race hereto- y,ellnwing pereme .MMM,a
Klnoua1.4,.n 1 ire
ahrr mr..lmep ami referent b• n 11w 000.4 .1.
prnAml lis 101 IlyI , 101. it rte pN,. n I worn the I., rNv b,n1 Yulrl:'i•I.m r'fn, hl!!rn<ml 11tun, le
,le,1Mn M Mom Mr. .♦ Council.rq hear 1u the M1 ,Inhn '. i,.tr. t'l .r0mµl1laet.
Tose nyEast •ay of leper ether next 1971, MI the In a:M:t a1runl,.iol•w, NO2. al heated ll wise NO
I,..0•4,,. n'. I"rk ., IA.,...' soar r,Ntlna al 11+ n4 Kl:e alnr4 /:elnrn'rg,lrl;. r.
M, )'eoll'm•'' m ,ha Ii«.mr n, el lbs w r la•, iia In KM -1 rI ent4n 1p,m Ni a „1 Iluu,e Xn
Mel the ldlewtog p- •boll he ft. Retooling 5. li•nrf« MtI,INl.m. I0'tlle ria a tee t
lwker 10 take ,1e r.le. o nee
p,• "a• 1 1 El.r .t e,, lsiit b,i'nr du i it 50 .rl ltwur No
4(10, eV wml'4.rnnil.ra,t herr d 141W.W.I? 2, Mt,r • r ntlton. l:. I .In,, 441! , r,
A, roe the eheawe,ww, Jame •%nide vole,Itelnrn• In I:i.;.t"rel 1',,!if •. i•re N,• r, et ,1 Lou., of
• hoes* NrIin)rr. Int 1•.,• . :. II• . 1,
1 tale Mh , pr"
TAN NOTICE Pet 1110 stet.wA InP ter T til1n lj t'
r. pti'v4 my I w wvb a wtfl L "i Ln eared 10 1a
▪ Mmitten'
pens to 1..,nnril rot Isla atone n,, niter lay Floe mim•11 MTs', '.r.. ,,, nr,ntaN
e enmW leen the girt potychilion thereof n 1101 trent the ,lr,t,Ml r ,. -. •.
Irene -ay ...the •club y0. 1070.510 meth Maine
mw North Ilse.,, h. Lorena woollen three n.01111.
.n.rite,..,,. 0(,,-I.w all la
pine ,he un,e 1' Lot 10aw not •) for ,null.. 1 ,thin
nN. Ma I tun, erJ on•iron a dA, ,g o
the tom elm..,..,..,,,.,..1,n l.akm,,, atilt
▪ parlrour"TomTrtw'.Iiixr-ay • A1TA,F,• ,.1,n
tire. of Pals n,., fro. Il. amhrn, 1.140 1.04,
.And Poo Wed nal the 11•iwnturr5 .hell he de,
leaned Sin, 11,. 'I ..--a•urrr of ,h.• 1•rnrr„e. .d In,.
1'rye, or .n one .4 the rhermrrd lkrlk, r7 the Pur:
r of Me late Pro, , tar of Caw.w, and the mere
. Fahr be Aetnred 0, thenit the re runes.
M the Coat/leer ord.. t.0111[0110.
0011110 1.011 by the
ce.Itaele Mth.I beg r. µtorr h.r the "he I*,,,,
7. Prod len (enter ek0rteit. that rho yoar of the
011, tore of thin M„ni'.eal,ly cult los blrn op, .n 11.1.
n)) Ino, .a 1 .thea 7'011,40, 11 t11. pl:a r, Ierr,n-
.ft.r m,•nn"ne,l,.n't 1,0,1104 m Intel.Nwtl. •algenA-
-•tease rata 1111. etre et 1411.111 1 1 Jiede xr l.' fit ,at heron.
srss—seri NON
ote M ds(ed 1.711 00TTN,It a ti0swt ,l!t 1 1w. (1ta{nal /e..
STRAYED 1iORSr floe unite Xaerb.., On lt .101 Me, cough.,cough.,'e
O.Mt0, PMb•I rtk ard M;,1 r.r,niy
4e le Mg. It Ihrn at the teem, et tone 5, 0 I1R dien thereon et tee. Own; b:.' a war nn
aM T'w.nl1 •G 1 •t m.rtNe1' 1
CTttltl`rtt tIlrenl.'l 0174e• Tnit\IeT:R i tr•ie•ttet nae re rr•nanat.ntnosh,nrnr
I. .1,, It l'vn, I t r ..N l I Y.y, Mmsk .•r moa 1 el r.1 g 1 rr 4t„r.we aur r :w••tt en shy.. df wlatx airier''
« eaRW►).. ,.,,,, .1w• 4n, mower rf incognito dvy.'►at; :P,VILLE: JOHN .tri t(,KR,
a Meek lem0, 3.5.1. The ne nee h egnM,d to
pro,. 1 r ., 4 n y. pay !M en'e• sed take 1t an ay.
ALN1 A441114V411M11C.
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