HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-06-21, Page 4Thank You . . •
To all those who donated goods and
services and to those who attended the
auction for the retarded workshop.
Special thanks to auctioneer Norm
The receipts totalled $725.
South Huron District Association
for the Mentally Retarded
A real community
"If" hat's this su pposed to be — n casualty f rout the. rod icier?"
The global energy crisis has led to the
kind of soul-searching that people in
affluent lands should have been doing a
generation ago. The United States, of
course, is most deeply involved because its
210,000.000 million consumers are gobbling
up the greatest percentage not only of the
world's energy but also other resources.
Today, the United States consumes
about one third of the globe's energy —
although it has only six percent of the pop-
ulation. U.S. imports of energy fuels and
minerals are expected to increase from $8
billion in 1970 to $31 billion by 1985.
The United States, although by far the
largest global consumer, is by no means the
only guilty party. All affluent lands -
Canada included - must share some of the
guilt for the grinding deprivation that exists
in the poorer countries.
Although the developing nations con-
tain three quarters of the world's total pop-
"Recovery will take a long time"
declares one of our fellow weekly
publishers in commenting on the
"Watergate Affair" in the United States.
Says the Statesman of Bowmanville:
"All the skepticism and cynicism that
has been building up in young people over
the years would appear to have been
justified. How can we assume otherwise as
we contemplate the political hankypanky
that is now being admitted before the
special committees working on unravelling
the sordid details. The stench is bound to
overflow into this country and have a
definite bearing on the average citizen's at-
titude toward politics and political leaders.
We fear that Watergate will leave a
nasty residue that will take many years to
Some people have been talking for
years of the day when this community will
have door-to-door mail delivery as kind of a
Utopia - then, and only then will this town
be considered a. fit place in which to live.
We have no doubt that mail delivery
has its advantages, and for certain people
who are physically unable to make a
lengthy trip to the Post Office each day, it
would be a boon indeed. But to the vast ma-
jority it could just be a mistake in a com-
munity such as this.
Millionaire developer William Teron
who is the new president of Central
Mortgage and Housing Corporation feels
this way too. In the new satellite town of
Kanata, 12 miles outside Ottawa, he refus-
ed to let the Post Office deliver mail to
residents' homes.
People have to walk to the post office
An unfair share
They were right
every clay to get it. They grumbled, but
(like in St. Marys; they met their
neighbours and those chats nourished the
development of a real community.
The new C.M.H.C. president calls this
"comprehensive land use planning", and he
has been criticising the government and
other developers for years for failing to
provide it. The suburbs sprawling around
most cities, he says, have "less depth,
diversity, encounter, involvement and par-
ticipation than any farm village ,"
We are looking forward to the new
housing legislation which is forthcoming at
the behest of the new housing official. He is
not a city man himself, but was born and
raised on a Manitoba farm. So there may be
some hope for sensible future planning as
far as satellite communities are concerned,
at last.
overcome both in the United States and
here. We often discount the governments of
what we laughingly call the banana
republics or scoff at the corruption
prevalent in other parts of the world, but
now the shoe is on the other foot.
We can only hope that the cleanup will
he thorough and complete so the rebuilding
process may get underway as quickly as
Fortunately, for all concerned, the fact
that the misconduct was discovered and
brought out into the open for all to see is a
good omen. It may discourage others from
comparable misdeeds in the years to come
. and certainly squelches any programs
to limit the freedom of the press to in-
vestigate government procedures."
ulation, they occupy only two thirds of the
earth's land area. And most of these coun-
tries do not have the skills and the wealth to
exploit to the full the natural resources they
There must be further substantial and
more equally distributed progress on earth,
and only the richer countries can provide
the main impetus that is needed to move
the world in that direction.
The truth is that the well-to-do coun-
tries of the world, and particularly those
that are spending too much of their wealth
on armaments, must see to it that the pre-
sent injustices on earth are gradually
brought to a halt. We now take a huge and
unfair share of what the world has to offer.
And unless we act now to spread the wealth
more evenly, it will be our children and
grandchildren who will suffer the dis-
astrous consequences.
— contributed
-- St. Marys Journal-Argus
Wanted: some enthusiasm
Agreement on education
My views on education don't
seem to upset the Minister one
whit. He just goes around with his
eyes shut droning that hypnotic
chant, "The standards of
education are not declining the
standards of education are not
declining the stan .."
However, my views do seem to
strike a cord or a nerve or an
open wound among a good many
other people.
A recent column on education
has attracted more mail than
anything I've written since I
churned out, "Sex and the
Editor." That was when I was a
weekly editor, and it was a hot
number, I can tell you. There
were no leftover papers that
I know. You want me to reprint
it. Sorry, I'm a school teacher
now, and as everyone knows,
except a lot of teachers, school
teachers must maintain the
highest standards of morality,
Times Established 1873
sobriety and taste. Besides, it
was harmless. Just a device to
sell papers when circulation was
slumping a hit,
Where was I? Oh, yes, letters
about education. Following are
some excerpts from letters
received from ordinary readers,
if there are such creatures. I've
never yet met a person who
considered himself ordinary. And
why should I? We're an ex-
traordinary lot, If you don't
believe me, take a good look at
yourself, then at your neigh-
bours, then at our "leaders".
They may be a lot of riffraff, but
there's not one who is ordinary,
From a merchant: "You have
stated publicly what a great
many of us think, but our means
of communication is not as wide
as yours. The Mickey Mouse and
Donald Duck courses they have
in high schools and so-called
colleges now would be a big joke
if they were not doing harm to our
Advocate Established 1881
young people and were not so
costly ...It would appear from
the reports of the meetings that
all is beautiful in education land
and seldom is heard a
discouraging word, In our local
brain factory, the students seem
to be running the sideshow,"
From a mother: "We have seen
the system deteriorate rapidly,
We have a son in last year law
and one daughter in her last year
university who managed to he
outstanding students who could
read, write and spell and didn't
have wise and wonderful sex
education in the school. What has
that brought us? An epidemic of
v,d. and related social
She goes on: "Another problem
is too many working mothers.
Women's Lib will hate me! One of
our finest teachers told me he
Amalgamated 1924
Don't look now, but the final
countdown has started for the
Exeter centennial.
There is more indication of
enthusiasm in the community,
although it is still not as great as
one would expect with such a
memorable occasion in the of-
With the exception of cen-
tennial souvenirs and posters,
few downtown stores ,show any
indication of the event. It had
been anticipated that many
merchants would have special
displays, but only a couple have
appeared as yet.
The Exeter Legion hats are
much in evidence, but no one has
started to don any other cen-
tennial costumes.
One of our good friends asked
us last week why they (meaning
the centennial committee) hadn't
promoted the wearing of cen-
tennial costumes.
could tell in a week which
children had mothers in the
home, and which ones had
working mothers."
From an ex-teacher: "I am one
who was educated in the old way
and used to love grammar
class . , My daughter, who is a
Grade 2 teacher says what
terrible English the children
use . . I'm sure that the high
school students of today who are
dropping their language courses
are doing it because they don't
have the basic English gram-
From a minister: "Let me put
in a word for poor spellers . .
Teachers insist that spelling laws
are like the laws of the Medes and
the Persians — unchanging,
unchangeable, as it was in the
beginning, is now and ever shall
be . . . So generation after
generation we persist in foisting
(or is it foysting) the spelling
quirks of the middle ages unto
our children." It's foisting, but I
From a teacher: "I do not wish
to needlessly send your blood
pressure up another point, but
sorrow likes company and your
May 24th article was welcomed in
our school as a most timely and
healthy counterbalance to the
. irresponsible articles from
the Blank County Board of
Education . , . our board likes to
be very avantgarde in the rush
towards doomsday." Hey, teach,
there's a split infinitive in your
opening sentence,
Well, that's just a sampling of
the letters. I don't agree with
everything they say, but I'm
pleased there is evident concern
about the quality of education.
And I don't plan to keep
hacking away at the subject.
There's nothing dultdr than a
farmer who can talk about
nothing but farming, an editor
who can talk about nothing hut
newspapers, or a teacher who
whines all the time about
It's near the end of June and
I'm too hot and tired to get ex-
cited about much of anything,
I've just crawled out from
under an avalanche of 255 essays
,and short stories which I marked
in my "spare time" and I have
almost ceased to care how
anybody spells anything .
And I must say that there's a
tremendous interest in education
during that last week or so. Guys
and dolls who have spent ap-
proximately as much time this
year on their school work as I
have spent being a millionaire
have suddenly lost all their
apathy, They come up to their
teachers with the most ap-
pealing, wistful smiles and
wonder whether they are going to
be recommended, or whether
they'll have to write the exams,
They're pitiful and pathetic,
but they'll see that old Smiley has
a heart of solid steel, Or butter,
Well, we happen to think people
shouldn't expect the centennial
committee to lead everyone
around by the hand. Surely others
in the community have some
spirit and can show a little
leadership without asking the
members of that group to in-
crease their already heavy work
load to get some enthusiasm
It's time others in the com-
munity asked themselves: what
am I doing to boost centennial?
+ + +
One of the oddities of the
situation is the fact former
residents are showing a great
deal more enthusiasm than those
of us at home.
People have been planning
their return to Exeter for some
time now, and the letters being
received indicate they can hardly
wait to get here.
, Some are coming from a
considerable distance and at a
considerable personal cost.
We wonder if the community is
really ready to give them a
banner welcome, other than that
planned by the centennial
committee and some of the other
organizations who have special
events planned.
As noted, there's only a week to
go, so let's get some enthusiasm!
+ + +
We remind our readers that a
centennial plaque will be un-
veiled at Riverview Park this
The public is invited to attend
this brief ceremony and a good
crowd should be anticipated.
+ + +
We hear a good deal about
invasion of privacy these days.
Some people deeply resent the
questionnaires we're frequently
50 Years Ago
Mr. F.W. Gladman of the firm
Gladman and Stanbury has been
appointed Deputy Police
Magistrate of the City of London
and Magistrate of the county of
On Friday afternoon of last
week, the Liberals held a meeting
in the Exeter Opera House:
Addresses were given by the
candidate D.F. McGregor, Dr.
Rogers, of Ingersoll, and Mr.
Thomas McMillan.
On Monday afternoon the
Conservatives held a meeting in
the Exeter• Opera House.
Addresses were delivered by the
candidate Mr. Trewartha and
lion. George Henry, former
Minister of Agriculture.
Mr. Stuart Stanbury is at-
tending the Giliwell Camp for
Scoutmasters near Ottawa.
Stuart was awarded a scholar-
ship of two weeks in this
leadership camp.
25 Years Ago
The Exeter Citizens Band has
been re-organized and Mr. Ted
Walper re-engaged as leader.
To commemorate the first
anniversary of the local sorority,
a number of the members
motored to London for an
evening's entertainment.
Mr, Cliff White has purchased a
machine for the manufacture of
ice cream. He expects to have his
ice cream bar in operation by
July 1.
The Exeter Rutabaga Com-
pany recently purchased a
hangar at the Jarvis airport and
is now having it dismantled to
move to Exeter.
asked to fill out by some knocker
on our doors, even the census.
They argue that information
about their make of car, the
number of bathrooms, and
whether or not they smoke, is
their own business.
One can make a case for
parting with this information on
the grounds that the information
has economic and statistical
value that is useful. Also, save for
the census, we're not obliged to
answer. We can refuse.
There is another aspect of this
invasion of privacy that seems to
go un-noticed, the beaming into
homes of television programs
unsuitable for children but shown
in prime times. Householders
should have the right to choose
what enters their doors. _
Not long ago, in some parts of
Canada the Confessions of the
Boston Strangler was televised at
eight o'clock on a Saturday night
— just the time many parents are
turning their children over to
sitters. It was preceded by the
pious sentence "This is not
recommended for children under
16", when possibly half or more
of their viewers were children.
It is all very well to say that
anyone can turn the set off;
children won't, and parents can't
monitor everything they see.
If an adult, or category X film
is shown late at night, well and
good. If it is running at a local
cinema, clearly marked, and
children see it, the onus is on the
family. Beaming such a film in at
eight o'clock on a weekend is
another matter.
If we have codes to monitor
untruthful advertising, surely we
should have a rule,that films of
violence unsuitable for children
should not be thrust upon them in
the place where they should be
safe — their own homes.
15 Years Ago
A five or six-room addition to
SHDHS will be required within
the next two years it was
revealed at the Board meeting
Tuesday. Estimates prepared by
Principal H.L. Sturgis revealed
enrolment is likely to exceed 700
by 1960.
In addition to marking the
completion of a $30,000
renovation program, the grand
opening of Rether's Restaurant
this week celebrates the 12th
anniversary of the firm.
McGillivray voters by a
majority of 83 indicated they
approved construction of a
central school to replace the
dilapidated buildings in the
10 Years Ago
James A. Paterson, former
municipal clerk of Hensall for 33
years and secretary-treasurer of
a number of village organizations
died Friday in South Huron
New six-foot power -groove
lights, erected by the PUC on
Main St. south were put into
operation Tuesday night making
that section the "bright spot" of
the town.
Lisbet Gravlev, daughter of
Erik Gravlev, and a graduate of
the special commercial class at
SHDHS has found employment
with the head office of Kongskilde
Ltd, in DefiMark.
Hensall WI members recently
enjoyed a three-day visit to
Ottawa where they toured the
parliament buildings, Royal
Mint, Rideau Canal and other
places of national interest,
3 Year
Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation
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devoted entirely to serving
the people of Ontario.
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C.W.N.A., 0.111.N.A., CLASS 'A' and ABC
Editor — Bill Batten — Advertising Manager
Assistant Editor — Ross Haugh
Women's Editor — Susan Greer
Phone 235.1331
Published Each Thursday Morning
at Exeter, Ontario
Second Class Mail
Registration Number 0386
Paid in Advance Circulation,
March 81, 1972, 5,037
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Canada $4.00 Per Year; USA $10.00