HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Weekly Huron Signal, 1871-9-14, Page 3September 141h, T11E WEEK LY HURON SIGNAL fkratCh>a. a>sd»eorAtohTan. ONE OF THE " M0 ST DESIRABLE I The Hon. John &midfield Macdonald I was waited upon, a few days ago by a deputation from Strathruy, Cu. of ' M the tatter village, iateed of at Glomus Middlesex, ihrth.,xlrl purpose „,,.t;t;u,t;rryy(( Business Stands in Goderich hint have a new rry;utry pace hx.ted • t . W which plats is a rival fur the laeaa stun ut file .nvnlal iwGtuUe„•• -11111'03.-19 a,18. The Atttorney.Uuneral, for reason ' bat known to himself, had already partially decided upnt Glencoe, inure especially es he was the rwiyteut of a petition continuing no fewer that fifteen hendr d signatures. Thu deputation from Stnthroy came armed with a like document, differing in nothing from the Glencoe nutriment, unlees having live hundred additional uuuea. It u So bo preowned they argued, captained and denotutrated to the hon. gentleman, the superiority ut Sttstltroy over Glencoe in motif eons and temperate language. But it was no nae, Mr. Macdonald het other • Ltteresti to serve then then 1 euieuee of the peplos Ie of the district, and the necessity .4 his political position forced him, in the face .d right &la justice, to fix the bastion of the registry °nice where his friendship would be appreciated and where the leltry bestowal of an almost insignificant public building could influence a few votes, more or las, to send to Parliament a follower of the Patent Comhnut ion, which is now reeling - and staggering at tie incertitude already Iwsettiu_f ntsu,r,nb rs at the approaching session of the New House. • Mr. Menden/Ltd, as is well known,ie not very choice io hislaugnage, widths elevation of his iseition,a.Ids nothing to Lia graceful diction. ---He confronted the deputation, who had persistently urged upon him the claims of `Jtrathruy, with the exclamation, "What the h- Il has Strathroy don.: for Ina r' This ems stunner which the ulnmlx+n 4 the deputation could not find altj adequate answer for, and though tl)►• members c. dup: Med Courery wives as well IA Redowaters,yet the ntddenmeu ante rudeness of the emotion wen, such, that they were yultu unable, taken at such a diesdvatttage,tofall his, that they thetu- sel,gslndtwtduallysupport.dt.lanrmtnee r - and that, even putting lelith out of the question, their howl interests demanded �YELTy Bt")n to ww oP Tur. THE PREMISES( CUSIED BY R. B. SMITH, CONSISTING OF A 1 Story Brick Building, fire proof roof, store and dwelling. Front entrance to dwdh*R from Square Situate on North aide 0 Market Square, 2$ ft. frontage by 147 k: deep with rightuf way to North St. and Hamilton tit. Y1lll M atm by Auchuu ou 15th Sept. neat int the rummer •TE1Et Iz7A11ilY. Enquire 0 Goderich, W• Ma �A Vr August 25th, 1871 BUSINESS CHANGE. some recognition. t his hands. If they mad done this; it would not have been .1 any use, however, for Mr Mae■1nnah1 bas practically .ktuouitratwl during the last four. years that he must 771uv'e it grid Jtiio quo i -hen he beItbe►ii favor, or+ dispenses. a Lstn hale. h1 other words he ut, "Lett 11 scratch taw..y back and I'll scratch yams, _ The Catholics .d Ontario, rope 1e. months since, irauadratetl a movement o obtain for themselves some psrtteip.s- ion W the govenunsut of the country, .. when they east their eyes iroiuul hen( aril 00 ier/n.1 th,•Ir p 0101911. they paw that they wt'rw.pracaeailydielssa.J.. t� antcipation In ti 0.A. , , he country. With very few exceptions, ndeed,'a11 of1t»e rd trust my1 eino.lu- ient, were entirely -4n the hands .4 other natiQtlailtiee and- don.isliratias and they were left out in the told, urg- lectad by loth political partite. nukes at inert: ekotwm times, likens little sub- servient -flattery, and 'tile carting 0 an odd political sprat or two caugls the fancy and forced oho intima i at' .,f the almost entire_hxd to throw thets:lelves into the arms of Consyrvatuom. This state of things is about ended.- The nded.The Catholics have learned practically that to be 0 any -political consequence ui the at::,t•, they mut set ,1ty. In ace ordence with this determination, they sought an audience with the leaden .•f bothpuliti.at parties a short time sines. By the Reform party they were remelted with courtesy, and minified, as far as they were cuncente.l. pat and equal. re presentation according to numbers. On behalf 0 the Conservative p�aet�7r•Mr. handtield Macd.tmdd,ptxiically&nh10un- ced -•'What should you expect from me f" '• Whet -,F.' h -B hamsh.e Irish, Catl. Iles dondfor over Iie declared -lie was sick, and It was a matter .4 wot much ouse.lnence to him, Ise referred the de- pua which waited 'mems hies, to• a saw•found lieutenant .4 hie to further explain his ideas, and t.i pro uisn for him -that is tocornt t for hint- what- ever he thought would throe dis.,.nl mmol ill -feeling tato the newly -formed league- • We can thoroughly judge 0 the feel- ings of Mr. Ifaolonald towards the i Catholics of Ontario when we real the opinions of his organ in this city, a few days su,ee ; it .leCIAie'i : - "That the Roman Catholic, Church contained no suitable material to wake cabiuct-minie- ten of." What an originality of thought sentiment 'and dealing. 'This is -pretty haul on Saadtield who 1;retends to be some Mw't.1 a catholic himself, but then he can afford G. swallow Meths, 'Then he asks himwlf, "What t).. h -ll lis it that ._- the L., ad. r would not do for rap 1"- IriaA C01.41111 1111. • _ --- cilium'$ s. mace S11•orrow amen DODRRII'M, TMRlR '. 11t1010 MOTSL. • Window SMtr, to nail* ver., h• NN Ooa41. TAW attrnq out ret. of waif I14- Rew.•en mai win Wet wall tome*.3 0' tar,u 1 herr 1 4.tlMrxOVITI VT MON ?MOM nuQCb a III•oW.I. ! to, ta(`t .0 0 ,_ 1.11n IM.1 .0,1 '',.a t I 1 1.1 110.1 P r•' • ..I . I.. t (.e •trap►,.,. L•:440 bat 8'. 1`w t. r la. k.. Tut or.. . b. 1... t,_i w.p al 1 A, x.lN • t 11 :• t;anua* wd,umeawl rl.•k <Y�tt VF,1 TY nOOK �iTO I' Wlr In bow. keep y.•.r .wary tell Tun mil amt cep how 00154' ..241/61P 016 •NoVELTY B(OK t;TORF, _ RrRuluoTEI at.r0'k-. stfn*Tatt STREET I.••'pS11t'I1.a •.•tf _- Gwi ariuh; Fvpteoilehr hit, 1811. EMP ORI U t. M New Goods Arriving Daily 1ST Ayer Hair V` gor, I f cr rtsk,.•int) C, i „ .:t'•r (0 IHS natural Ci:al::y r.fai Color. • Re 3 •A 1 .^:it.! obitdl 1011 'o, a;1:nr.... ' 110110:v and v11.0.I'141 UK iia ••....ant, ore Lir. 'i•oi!1.l.orviol tett i', -.r,• •t •.d0e.d '.v 4 I. ,,., dud ►2 f4 e • 1iiia freAGyey ,.i liqutle. rt` Thin tale `id •hick• iota, Lilting lair alas•Laf, cod hald• 1,4040 4/11e11, 111411/17.1. WR .alu'01 .1.4.1 Id br its nor. NM or CIS 1e -Io' 1110 .T. C1• JC) ]I✓TI_ Vt. db t'iCPIB• li•.ir iili rethe f,IL4.a 4:e ;•n•led. or the glands atrophied arid de••sysd. lila 1/440.1-411 1•lUn:n alis lirij ad Epr kha•!ienrmaJtl (Lia :1.12:...,4„ lu..tetad or ruolil/14 Inn: Noir ;u ith A law' y -,cd{. meld, it will Loop it arum atMi 1,'-;urDIM lea tar•wiila 1lIt tote will pretest the halt from !urulug gray or h.1!i 1 1,8', std sisal I lItly proof i lemmas•. Fres frond thud* delelcriuits eubYasccr .' Lich 1111k1e onute t,1•ep•rn':ooe dawp 1.,o, sud in,uriou,/ to clic Lab'. , [Le Vigor ens only h•'fi!ii! Lit not. ftti'.t : il',rautud in. city fur M - HAIR •l3 ESSING, 1..:1. •,,•r et, rf.l rn tl..irebls. 1 , t: 6 ,i ... o:! t.ur sty 0. it doss - t ..I.: e . auLrf:•,: aid ya Luft' It.; l..,ii•. Naim;; it a, rich .lueay :n l:..,::.t w testetuf t.krtntah. JUST OPENED A CHOICE LOT OF re New Dream (Acted*. New' Flannels, 1 ew 1" atll rlwtredfr, ALSO ALOT OF KID GLOVES ALL COLOTJIR.S AND SIZES J. C. DETLOR & CU• odericb, July 25th, 1871. G ItIcKENZ[E [las ysovegt **bison, Store oft Hetnaiiton Street, 'Thiiffineff purchased by him, front t1N Insolvent Estate .,i Guelph Wing Lachine Co. THE i sRORNE •ti>• < 4s, Mr JOHN EARRI-S KING OF AMERICAN .Ln'INC 'M1 HIKE-% T I -- VW* 1►s.is detertn i mea a 1 r�1nOIb /aidd 1111101 IP,CT CANADA An 1n. the& Mr Allier. They s.ve hitt LOU -STITCH SWING MACHINE. O CLEAR 0 U 4'l.tnbiL.olan .11W.laY1000.tae aw1" u,►- t.fa,sth nour any ..ort nit Ione frem�«r wade reap work. l.mad tact l. Iowa .x.ybutt,oadaptability..lraestu s4 durability, The Osho.ne Sewing Diachinehas AT AN Enormous Reduction Thi fioolalAbtmSaat.oa Aftslin• New York, Sept.. 5. - Mary Itun•ell, aged 22 year*, unmarried, died last alght, at 21,Ridge nor't, front m.atroperit',nitia, the ninth of eh rtion, procured, sa 010 stated by deceased in her anti-uu'rteln statement, by one *Ira. Bunn of Christie street. Mn Borns was arrested last' night, and the father .1 the child, Henry Pullen, and !Irmo Borne' house -keeper, who insisted in the operation, have been sent to the Hume o1 Detention. The {mitten comet otf neat Monday. , The examination in filo ease of Dr. Perry and Mme. Yanbunkirk, chi:rged with causing the death of Emily A. Prot by malpractice, wM o,nelnded y:sterday before PoliceJuatirn Walsh in Brooklyn. Bail was refused, and the accused wfm held to await Gin 6' -tion of the 1: rend 1 Jury. Judge Troy, in his charge to the Grand Jnry of King's county yesterday-, Il maple 10004 severe rein:trka a alx.rtloftietw, and tbo newspapers which print their hd4mmxi, a.lvertuernents. • Re r&Ott TILE t'ICALLIi1t 00. no rival. • Prep led by . Dr. 1. C. Ayer VIFACr1CAt. AN4 AgALTTICAl. * I*nN, 1 LoW173.L. in ASS., • P121011 11.00. SORT& 1 a !AMAX, Ww01.tle, 0111. war Anent fur Id11..,1 I fe► q Psrktr ; •'s Jo,d.W 1 a hn«r L e..1gMaW N)v 4t o.K•r" 11 . J. 1 fwd, Wer• J. l ,u srl ,.cal, I:u. kro,wa . 1 ..*mesa 11.0011•4. Oita ,11 11.44.•4." Ikwhta. - w.17. • W. 0. WXL$ON Issuer os Marriage Licenses, !Jasturance Deal Estate Agent COMnhistoNEII IN B. It. DEEDS. MORTGAGES; SW, WN AND LAEt't: MD, MONEY TO LOAN AT 8v�`omit. M141I.a ew. 1Ot0 I. 01174, ST.;_ '•, I - E5.-•',A)�..V..-. • SI` D. FERGUSON'S -Fifty Cases of Boots aiul Shoes, 'J,'JO I;1: uOL1), AT THE USUAL LOW RITES. GIT Ie., R•r..0nd. herr lat.ty 1505 tad,. thione the .naarMclurer• t`. •lets n u the NE 1•LGe C LIRA of )e.l 4 Mackinaw w01 do all t kis la of dnneetir trwea. Iron v. •sant eae,brle•.l to we 0,ar1.01 .r.r<,aw ur upper 1t0Me0. .Laaa•re4. T•• 110 a• lorawIIDDD , em NO 141.11 int 1*1•41.1..1x-101, b 0 .n,4dM.'awt ,ashy ass- preWnde•1 .n ". d at o4.r ►. t the pn.a hitherto charar.t fur noum t.in d•.i:y. lire nape of "oft. fi» .utuhrwr.n twat; d.dru.O'rl tu.pl.ce It wl•le■ the rears of every tastily It the .,matey. I �' a�It�Il:Ity .nu4•Ones• 1.1 arenn4 will mythic. all that ••,. r nuelune.. row -p... le I t ri is u chance to save money .The Guelph lieversiblo. to prwe.iuretIt the 1.4 em,d. 16,• .1 .waealw 44,.) the 0.1.4.--hes11110,:10.111110,:10.1,1e ,t11110,:10.1,1 tl en • 'wilt do amte lant." of ..,nm• e< eew.Mi. W Goderich, IPth August 1871. • otaanx awd.tsw HsJ /1aeb,M with full.sas, 112 :-Treadle do., 617. srE. s Mu wow soumaieed • Ly •uor< wa,nn 1r161Vrwate.. E.•Lt,ni e uvraaury le 5000 Amar ria CALIPH SEWING MACHINE CO,, UUELI'H CANADA. . The Chea p e s t. AI ram bmith, Agent.nelerlabWiRbe J tato», t ll; ICI. .11. w{ B A FARM FOR,SALE. F,tKM NIR OP 110 ACRE. WITHIN FIVE A p M. nilhe Town of Owlet lei:. TA of whirl •n ':It', Item •rod In po,,I .•n et eltnn.t Ina of la NeitatI P11 rnst.,y Grit rle11 t all the 00!ta'al by Lahr Hiroo awl by. i t . `t pl'.el u, pili( Wan b slageOn4td Ot Se p,e,.,ftra /within 11„•1,• Fen t Me.tAeo ,4 .. pnrrht. • , i to the down, IM ,t,a.re sur b1.1141/111. 1 p , t. Ile pnr ha•et ipti,nantttwtreny ., i„• tb Atpn pp r nO,t �„i.41*'r.nb mine. A,• ly ,1'rant pfd tb ' A MA1`�AP lett ho.... M.1 1. O. Draw 1. AND LARGEST, NOTICE. LLgod Te4"H'bsey1sItinllstsro 'Nis1,1.1 oll Mt nPROVINCIAL ROVINCIArhL StiFruit Gnu/toil Lords(•n Ilnrll.nit.M taoiery Stale spm ndartb lark mat. µt ■rtu•kn for curofyW ou11 tura nmate eole.ol wits the Awe toy. preview to day ,d Yahip•t•un I The habil/Ilion will la, Oren W d.nurt In the --IN- -, `ane.swua sea TseOfaa. Admbwlun ab: ,PETER ADAMSON. Secretary. noteyQoatern Ontario, rth 0th capes. MI. swan AT 11I001tHOUSE'S• NORTH SIDS 11.1101T .0414$k_ importing dart from ufaettlrers 1 fl e o 2t!.11:a i ice,: igi n• AND Ini'L 1. $Titish THE BRITISH -EXCHANGE .am„,_,..........,„ o foie & IS EN/BLEDatll OFFER. Kate to his line ata wren 1,4 ran In *,."- l reptnl M Intro On the sterling pries ; in tact, his cut- erode.lrrelattwe 440 mimn•ma health d1ns'tmf irsi a lied with g•x'dn at rem' and r,o.lftlox In I.f. car M. nrt+r. Ae,ttwel an.l wf10 tanners are in me rates that small dealers ' .1.cal .a.wrr ..7.piean..n. scar„ h., of 00.011 at about same n J. et o11 1. ,apresh2 u, Il. rase. WA la dint have Rte ban' d wholesale. flu tame by .hanaran.ew• vans., WA lad n' to atleCt mot known L• h«.all ; .rte IrnioY km's. 11 nthen 35,t1(Ml ROIL• of Wall Paper 17:;.•';:i Nlv I men moa. i ran . I.w,w We car FnaA, I from,.b,Wgtle war„M rate. non can ..e. tad wt. awn hi' orae nand rand rood. LARGEST AND CUF.APEST ST0(K Eno »n,,.l.hfor rm+nnatbm yin tine.' ren nn 40.nme Mns•nn, car ,he. prl'x of the IlAtlee Et.lnnte Ilona•npaulre,heror f e ori ro held by icy one tense in Ontario. r. a,auau•.n r« , Ilia+•A,.d Atom<,n•n, p«. 1eah. R. -H1.), .2.In:irto eft as Iwo .flea : II,. n.,1 m 6a1«. lot, ow,nt w wr,tr54n;e.0 in other places. 4.040Ri0•7NP pt. ICL .. MADAME 1IONSUER • (SEEING MEDIUM) Astrologist & Phrenologist A. Call Slo11Cltad. G.xl erich, 15th August, 11171, 30-4, f. fr'` i DRY (ODDS N0W OPEiNTIN(' ALT .. R. >E3• NO 101E _ 'Jr N_ PARTIAL LIST „ffar sale at Parson's sr ^ ', now ardware Store, opposite the WM blouse. PUTTY, CABPENTEN'4 TtnI',1, • '" EldILL OAKES, GRAIN 4/NL1Br MANILLA RI /PE, - f HEMP AND RUBBER 1'AtsRG, LEATHER BELTING. Mild, .--tt,IFI E LEAD, all {emus. BOILED AND PAW OIL, BLACK OIL, MACHINERY l 1iy TURPKNTIi, Thsfiret instalment of this season's Goods in which are over 70 piece• of $a,x ov =Prates caFQc•el.• ilamtlao LATE ,t,' STYLES. _ - LiiSTRES AND ALPACAS, - . IHOYLE'S PRINTs, -' SKIRTS & SKIRTINGS, IIOLLANDS, TABU NGS, WINCIES, FLANNELS, &c., &C., act..,, Oodericl., 11th August, 1871. iN S-1JiE 11.4S11d 1:' TEAR'+, Neo Olio lag o• ench, Sent. 5th, 1171. 04'44 •_ .eRen7L A �r..k ... • • Rw D. 'SMITH• Ind all kinds of l,I II.4iitD V. _RER h or Salo Wheal, nv G. ' . Parsons Oo., 110'0.00 the Mal (Lupe, a oDEL'ICOH Jusi,-2M: 1871. t 14 -et R MOOS FASHIONABLE TAILORING. w..sr Jr. 1-EA..1( HAVE -ENGAGED A FIRST-CLASS CUTTER, GODERICH TOOPE, TWICE A WI 1871 The • Splendid tom TNEQUIC&ESTANDSAFE an./ bra: r, rarest:. TrRPt, cast Itloto. llaytwo I' . Arent rot I1• INMAN •LINIv OF 40 ptepnd to- woe FI:'M f1ODEIiICIf TO 141.:FEN*TIIN, OLA)GO W 01: Tie New Tont at the b1Mn yd,In 1.1.54 r'1.1 x[.00.0" 11,54 Nram L terpool,Q' 011141317,00T.201::::::: - .:rd„ Tt: duct m, e! le p esIle± CITT (11' Mkt • ilM• ION heir CRT •,i' w •1Htl 10)4 CITV:,IV NEW Tn*M. UTrY alp Dt!C4111L ` 871 line, NIRS NYIta II CITY of LONIVIr •CI ry 111• ANTW*IIP AND ARE D TO MAKE SUiT3 TO ORDER. AT CHEAPEST tA'l8. i isle taw 005h+ .utrnrrther intuit • THEY HAVE 1 EOEIVE1) NEW • Ietet0llw ft.. •I01 Em:.iw t' • ,ntlta1. met. whiot stymy- , Ma fair t ,naRlw nth w'. • • routine "do e•rmwe.l.tlnn to , Ul1,t, a :Tee 0..t.. 4. 111.001 D.wMt 1, 4d1 •n b, W« TWEEDS & CALT1fAth`F3,"tTiI1Y ATaP1'ACAS,NEW PRIMPS, ills , *Igo or trw.,tned«r; and A ORI P" w �'t ,•p,V tee . rlatt Godericb, March Gtb, fS i L go • IMI,arkh, Int Awgtsrt, tat. w.' .in, .dt'aa1J:";:41'.OtaMta