HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Weekly Huron Signal, 1871-9-14, Page 2annum �.1 sur Story orbit. Th. SWAMI Valley. ''rod" t',• V,rrtand Month' v. ♦ half wile n Attic en Paull.* tee Denier's, cm cm the r .,J f: i•as Hi!! t.,. I.: 'lie ev dips into a sur- liest 1{'. •n ,,;,&•Ila suit 00 either �. kind, w .. :. n ideleaual taunter, Si d i11 , • t t' impart at some cow ,, 1 miter used to ride ..I, .:[ g h • TIIE WEE1fLY HURON S1GNAL. September 14111. "Etat miser'Mq ppig•t it Montgohinter It would be difficult to adequately am- I this astuutshiag round the stoma, Ylrntly's 1 clad sp k the manlent M N E Y` T O LEND out his error u paatisutly,as 1 wild. N'd description et the doeeased, showed him her to cut 'em,on Ilmeidee, framknsm of co'deeilein, the grotesque At Gristly reduee•18•tea Of1IItArest su'e to make 'em fail right; but a wen- am ambgunus &nathwu , d taste l At _ er did 1 turn my back onto him like inn of this" and he turned it upon m!, amt plifyiug the illustration by taking in some more liqusr-"than he WWI at it .. in. I1 wits jest this way while I looked et him, au" regarding me rather unsteadily, and with evident complexity cf Mion-"he was all right; but when I. lacked away, w' -taking • long swig Aluncn to Ctna. went to poste' away at the eaplin s all vey mr amazement at uta h. The meagre, but conscientious the t .. ,,, I e the other, sito ere• f at the decanter -"be was e11 wrong. t•De 'i . ,1 f,,r.thm pn,mnd•d I Then 1'd gate at him repruachfel-like. the " li 1 ,.,o '„tieing --end 1 I ea. and he d reform" rex^'' t here a•aeu.t feel- I Pri. ably Mr. Dunfer honestly intend - u`" •I. , .ant, for 1 knew tho ed the regard he tested. upon we le a fu-, - 'ie• «l.hhr:d te,uru,r-Inierely reproachful one, but it was d' • I e. -son es huh 1 had I singularly well calculated to arouse the 1. '1'., e: I a;1.,uld one f i,1 cold', 'mice, I no ::,' 1 d„tlbtt•'1 tits ,oat.' I.ie,.,df, thrullgh r n • cti • Ihad fairly mete he had again turned o c r."•r ran. the eonnter and, with a barely audible w.` L.:.to. had once under- : "r,r " and emptied the bottle at • gulp. t b.0 in a•.me remote 1 plerevens ' wiat a yell 1 It was like : f r :,o.ue rtasuu had I Tit.. hie Inst- stn.ng agony. Jo. gravest &reprehension in the breast of any unarmed person so reproached, and, as 1 had lost all interest in his intermin- able n•rrstive, 1 ruse to go. Before 1 a an nut least, the ludicrous tramp gender and eentimut,t, marked the as the production of one who must have been at least as Much demented as bereaved. i felt that any further dis- covery would be • pitiful anticlimax, c and, with an un'seious regent dramatis affect, 1 turned qus'uly around and walked aatl. --Odd "(3ee-rap t •+lSe, OFuddy-duddy This unique adjuration mine tfrom athe lips of • queer little men, { 1 of a light weggunfull of fireweed, behind .1.•,r; r..e-almost any Istaggered back after emitting it, as 1 .1. ; t:,,'k, wuuol lave Loeu I cannon- recoils teem Its own thunder, a '. „1 t a:•uurte l rite prevent j and then drop sed into his chair, as if he :, 1lu;"u, I..u(;eatdenero, ii },e r_•:, , 1m311 been alric4un down like •beef --hu ani o; gni :l.c t 1.Me1n' inti- byes elnewu sideways toward the wall, ter , i , f aw1:c a, 1" a+iblrt letilta•atuuy stare that made my flesh .f".ren lens radically, creep en utv bonus. Looking in the Lc L -,d L,. ootid• mum dirdElion,,I saw, with a Buick chill' 'll... ! Oed. r or, as he Was fainil- ..f the scalp,'tlat the knot hole in the e t..v n l h:,orhued, Whuly wall had indeed become a human eye- d., . ,:••1`"/ /alit hermitage 10 is full, Meek eye, that flared into my t. 11, appilrcn'ly, abut Town With an entire lac.( .4 cs reeslon „n.. eh.ck-headed mere awful then the m.et devitsli glitter. .; I:ere, a gnarled arta, I iuvoluotary covered my' face with my ..i1 i••tae A 6.10'11 of {wenn handhor s, to shut ont the rible ill+ei.n, • .;t v 111511, with esteem if such it was, and the little white man- ias „ . ^.....,- )Lit .d one who i+ intent servant, coming into the r out at a t , ..,a :Ideg any rend it. inonfent. Leake 11e spelt, and 1 walked •.....rn" trot' ea Mule he int of the emu) walks sort of dazed fear ▪ 11 , ,n 1,0c tl 31.,.,1131 1.11t, his that .1.diriub1 teetio W was contagious. *no.," ,,,. . dhtteot ri•uc .43 _1 deep- My horse was hitched at, the watering- ' . . t„ the l'btuaxc. 1 mw h 1 t h" I unt•d h.. ,,t to wearer rime because one t ,.,..1 p n. C•.-� a irarel- - I eke 1'e ;hien 'at the 1 tall . chi. .:c. •11nt .it Iu noir an t 1 • N• v'1 1 me'n'd" 11 atrocle amara t. purlll tisf QU situ .''01(1111. and .)node a ra)1 at all satisfactory, and, which sirmgrllarly b1 m w� r� • mad TI' R inenntew.d 111 •My summit of piney to r Iwo from two 4, fifteen yearn. .t • law rate o1 wternt u,d faruurthle erne sit ue,,a, ,out. Mr•hle ay ye eel, iuetalu,-sit, rat• of r,1,n.es wl;l dily HORACE HORTON Apprnlser for the Cnnndn Per • 1Wnnent Building A �uvinge Society. of 'Toronto. INSURANCE CARD Thr ?nlarn)0r le agent for the i,"owtnglr.t-elw In.u.S cer Companies Pits :Nle of 1Audm1, Enuty.d. ,IARTto)R' of Illwrttwd. • brace of fat uieni, who were hauling it Irk,T1811 AMt'd ICA, ot•Ton a, easily along, with • stimulation of Fire & Marino burnoose dens .t .tha horenlean ,R.rtt that liad evidently not lrwut mr1Ak rat,. • imposed mem the tint tar. As that gentleman happened at the moment W fie smiting his annuals at retmlotu with long pole, it was and quite clear whether his beasts were muted Fnddy & Duddy, and were both subjects of the imperative verb "to g e-)mTpp ' Anyhow. the com- mand prinluced uie vf31ble effect upon any of us, and the gnecr little maty re- moved his eyes. feed my face 1 ong enough to spear Faddy and Duddy •1- tenuatly with his wand, remarking quietly; but with entree feeling, "Dern your skin'" - -as if they enjoyed that integdment in common. So far my re- quest fur a ride had elicited no further att•ntiou than 1 have indicated, and, finding myself falling elewly astern, I placed one foot "pmt the inner cirOum- fer•nce of a hind wheel. and was slowly elevated In an aspirin' spoke to • level with the hub, whence I boarded the con- , *II rereou,1ie, and seranibled for- ward, seated myself besides the driver - who took no notice of't1e until he had administered another indiscriminate ca&tigatinn te his cattle, accu'mp uti:4 with the .advice to "buckle down, you ebrned Incapable "' Theit, while this d ap ' bee vera by curtest', suppe- AORACE HOR7 ON Office Market Square, Onderich.,_ Wart 224)1. 1175. wte•1y. MORGAN CRADLES, GRAPE VINE CRADLES, DELEGRJtPH CRADLES BArloy Forks, Straw Forks Hay Forks, Fish Forks Rakes, Spades, Sham's, coal Oil, Black . Uil, Mackin Oila,Pit.t,Tar, Rosin, Oakum, Rupee, Blocks, &c. All of the above for ealeat low rates at tete r •hz ta.11G -+< 0 py,,�? s rutty DOZEYt.omHACK NF.fiATIV0 IW ri G St rents, postage tree. true doom from (� IN._ `,1 `'I t• res+ 0 i hark iterative87centa, postage free, to any _ r gAS Cie' Particular entlen psidtflf'spc-'IRIS DAY MIMI) pjt0Y1Nc1&L"EXIIIBITtON '" or Tat .Agricultural and Arts Association OF IONTA1t"- TO,ta KW? A'I" IiI1N IP4Tc7ri, On the 2;ith 11,11.5.91 Septembrr, 1571 NEW HARDWARE STORE, (Opposite Merl.l /folio.) C. H. Parsons & Co. (lu.icrit'h, July 26th. 1871. PHOTOGRAPH S $1.00 Per Dozen. 1',r••ms lsteedieg to exhibit willm please, iota's th0 the Y.ntr:8* of •rtrla at UA rasa. must b. tad, wait te• vnl iSecretary, ec esdy,a. Its w lto ou.e w befiltI . the eke me, Poultry, Axrtrilte- allhnpleCattle, m.��on',r i.rh'rr n,tunlm. .egwl' �. UrSIn •vel..l 4t on or •11.1 ether trynn PrOor Ls: 110 Machinery .t Mann's. three generally, o• Int, Il.turday- T.p+e1'04, 2nd. �• Ilortieultural Peadoets Inde: Werk, t1. 4,, Art. A.'.. 05 rr I rF,r. 11 1107, September Pan 11,1. amt Bank Y,In• hive Maki at/4•e• w futon. 111.1.11. IN 01441831 of all A,;rlr, Iturol 4.., i. t", sad Italia.: u nstate tknw.Mwtune+'w..iut "'Pon a rdttetson. _ a.- ,w;,.a•"it Art ;'en«d+a 1'urtet•, Aeaa•i, 151)71. YLlw. I:Xtertstve t NEW - PREMISES .s, a )eye,. O e?r ~ 1 4 p ,1p sola eta eel tofu revelling in the happiness of i a and gat hies lin Neel, to- much obedience 1 th former master folr, std pi a an'ug ,owe nutting mum, mounted, to. omt.Nitute antltnnty, the we -+ D t- 0 N in aunt o rat C ' t• 'eT I - sok tats- i t amid not tiro establishment • sh meat feeling s mY ^^ n For e'her is :e sir steed phuugraph . T i d'ul asci know Wihet tt ihinit of as l that the Entire esbLluhllient was my � � "E whecribrr in rrtareipgthenks (exults liberal ' oil h' bi black eyes trembled I t -it h 't l e master (n1 rather e t a ' inn old Am3iotypes, n• TO HIS sit • x. o•'n CoA 1 tr,A. elf n�.TM(111ifliTS p .hmurt 1 runtnrod b thin, and, like ink,Ieveryone whothought does not l uponlawfie w strained an a e + Q e palmier• heretofore extended to him, .1;110 w t .1,.. t,er l.ia HIP knew what to i h 1 me with an e:p.yteni.m strangely Fes . A . ¢� t d t 1 7 9 ti stied a.al - d- tat •�$ would just "chat m made suchim- Q Prerement*in�isgallerynewillmerit►coo• NEO�KB INS Great Let neaten' (- %• Lunge Photographs. - DRUG STORE) L.L.JOHHSON. Convenient to the Starlet. • Oodee(cb, Amt. 15. 1978. .30 - His'stock of stoves etc, The Huron Favorite. - IS LARGE AND COHPf EEE rUTTIFiF IN WANT err ANYTHING en 1111 l Ise won ..,r mm•) 1., liars 133 L. 111,4 NEW LABOR-SAVING '"fUfe)'o"h"tn)^w•b•r _ a g#.' ALL Le••VIIO;S.eOFF IOU W�tORt WILL P MvaNn.m ASIr PATRal ta, by ALEN . Tk'i lit Int " liatIM VAAL. Iborne. hwlen,h 1 P• 1 think, t cub t a seemed upon Ieieithe' atelTy, tittle -Fir= -wemlwTk•lr wtideedautlyT. }� _ ly sell that arennd) laid down his net -which nether nuance of tb asses. ,•w-"tirTti7oFi Irk 1 t t Ll � �r�iL'� iTiylRTct'rF' t car l n+ g er up .n his little white I cunngh, was uppermost, to nay mm .r • Luna 1 supto•d, the 111- was nue that was not_ at all connected erred had /Lewin/ neglected to with Jo. Dunfer and his pointic.s tear - uv IA m h, name. days after- rstive ; and this usa, that on the ta.rrow u:: Ihum sitting alone en his 1 --1.1 3.e some mule. away, with a VIT.r, e,•'I, I aumtlowsly aper itched the t strong probability of never reties -mug. .,1.i, , •. eh re, dread' b. . iv relief, the A sudden endures bright use out of significanrr.rsnd seuuet mg " "heltuw .1") --'**1-.' Irmo month .drew n.uud into my abstraction, and looking up, 1 found 01311 that dud not encourage a good u':r-d grin, rend, with an aid myself en the drop shadow& inf the j.'et, And sop', hartra nee other answer of omen -one -o n iesseneedier--Insimp e`-yeenine - 'A►dal .*as a11Aiag;; .hut true Si 1 mate haft tar -einem lest r l ' trenshtinnfrom the silent, ti0t le levet as Tr "} ,1 yrwtneatere are t.i.n L:. oil to live of the parched field? to the cool gloom tion of guilt, and that my ii en^u wan in C'sitfornv : yu•e'.1 better all .f )e gi: heavy with thengency of eclat, 'and being awstrued into a lrmfeaanm. Just back t,. Now din, ;tial, for none of y• vocal with the melody of the birds that then'enld a"ndow fell np.•n my cheek, don't understand our play. People she lied been driven to its leafy asylum, was and cannednu .to hulk up. Wet were are bents with eute•nuatIC gold spoons, exquisitely refreshing. limited I lied fur my descendinginto fray divine ' I cannot wine hundred fine, u shevella choice mystery, as renal, but not findingdthe in hadn he tt Kinnit since it uent that rine upomind n half rz wMe.l - folded his arms. and gravely demanded "W'&t•diel you do to'i W'isky f" ,My natnr•1 reply would have been that T drank it. pal there was something ahemthe queen. the( au el ••hided' n fiafford nes int•, their months, can •d to ravine to • conuuumattve mttinml-Into itself low yuan ere and trorw Ifelt Itfre hang not hie:eery Edam Menet t.'hinagr•.lnionuted, fed my meetingmane some then" (by w L .'11 peer .I... meant Cliteese !the undergrowth, tied hit, ee.-urely to a one to wh,on •nn of tuna Y past, iam,Trwtiten, end in which he concluded tree, and e•1 down to meditate. I be- �s everything t elatiteg todlet eople ;) "but us that has to rustle roundOve the out- side fur our hash, hent gra. Ylr time for fw.liebneen." And this lone rtnsumer, who nal Waver struck a Ache of honest work in is all his ilk, sprung the ltd of • Chinese tubpseet ns, and with Ins thumb and i,rwfinger forked esit a wad like a minis- tate. bay •al„ck Holding this reinforce - Silent within ennperting dintence he feed sway with renewed eonhdenee♦ "1 tell ye, r.•: ngster, thee • Fad tut, idrad Ther &gout tar eterythtng green in ldnis oonntry. except yourself" (here he gemseentcreel a stubborn chuckle. and psw;,e.l hes reserve into the beach)' like • herd of 1:y peau 1•:ueres ' l had one 1.1 rem to work for me dye years 550, and 1'tl tell yc all about 1t, stet ye keen see the beanie's .f this whole our euon, ntdn't pan out seed, t,,.um o ars ; drunk n.• te'n r ne iee'd fes oro-, a•r.t hadn't un nice dmactin. t.1tu' scene of tat duly OS a free W Ire citizen ; ace 1 got thin Pagan n•knnl of 1.0.-k. and 'nrni+d off • Mex trait ton.an--:u micas a Greaser as Teeter eerie. Il.it • 11en 1 Not 181131'11, over at t1,l Rill, and they talked 11 ren- nin' 101 for the L-dislat.r, my ryes true rpm 1111. Pot w had wo• 1 to .1,. f 11 1 made hum sting h s kit end money sous - body star d'teke him, and mtrhi t trent him .call. What was 1 to boo 1t'st'd any 1'htietiin do, 'neerialty one 1108 t• the buw,ne(d 1" with an a= - Ju. panned for a reply'. pression . f grave tnntightfelnesn. int sW mdesetAmide •.r of itileuww*'; u of one who has, arrived at w (orro.1 result in Elie attract of a problem by •nae *hnrt- rmt of hoe Dern, but is not quite a•tis6ed with the receded, He finally ruse, rind swali,.eid a tuneletfnl of Iran whisk from n full bottle on the counter, •111 1nn1d I.is ,.oat and his *tort i "L'ewidre, he "ren't of no Resist didn't know nothiu' sgof w:+• .fw•ye tallerr' n girt. They all de. iii' 1 •tined it te. l l)g 0 a nate mit t a'an t no Mint of and who has basely' el reel hit' mu consequence. The old memrniea .4 Jo. Bunter ; his fragmentary revelation, and the uneatiafying e:{elan•t�iry not by the headstone came Irak with aingmlar dietinctneas.Ilwondcrsdwhat hadbecome of .10., 31id- I turned sharply round and askgd.,my primmer. He was in- tently watching his cattk, NM, without drawing his eyes, replied : "Gee -u o, old Terrapin' Relies along - use.- Sall, I couldn't finite make cap my nine; to diechente hint, and I'm glad new 14, 1') fete tiro esnu.p:eof what folk. ix tr .• "1 'n been i at. I'm mighty g:..d 1n•:.f,: s glee was nn:*inuly' oale- rat ter decanter. "I 'tea- I ams nigh onto five years 3R,', enmo next t trio. i r fifteen -i ar•rtlld 111 111 et1'1 rap ,i er may. 'Twos 'fore this 1 It rnd 111 an 'her place; it don't ,�g,if where, 'cense taint of no imn•rtnn'e 1 net Ab Wee and a little W',t r.,,.ed (1'pher, t..cnttin' lbs fimt"r 1 didn't aspect Ah Wee to be of dram.'. not. 'tame he wAs en littbd with a f r'n'neat •5 feir'as yntin., an big, bd,ek .vee that antsell•w 1 Seem W UThe grave -a rather short one -was. ass thee) yet." in . omewhMt tetter re it than seemed While delivering this irenchen t thrust right, co..idaring its w and mmrrennd- at syntax end sense, Mr. Enterer Stalls Eng. ; and 1 actually wide�td my eywe rat reg:anded A knot -hole in the thin beard a clomp of unmistakable garden violets partition, se if that iron, one of the eyes showing evidence of comparatively recent whim• eisd and calor had Maar s:Mated water.ng The stone was a rnde enough gen hravely, by31alystng my pet super- stition about thaunted valley. ' Hav- ing resolved it into its constituent els- menta, I arranged them in 2003.1 dent troops and atpuadn.ns, and, collecting all the forces of my logic. bore down upon them tenni impregnable premises with the thunder of irresistible conclnsiona and ►)great noise of chariots Wed general intellectual shouting. Then, when my big meatal guns hal overturned all op - ',mitten, uv AA'tRe, upthe canon. Like ',mitten, and were growling :,ahn.ut in-' audibly away on the harii en of pure seeit1 They al'eys'ee come hock wowe sppeculation, the routed enemy straggled been p ' you. upon the rear, tu+uaadailently-lutoa solid At the mshnciation of the aapiyute, ,halani, and captured inc, bag and Fuddy-daddy, the incapable terrapin, taggegea. An indefinable ..drp:wl came aloe to a dead halt, and, before the echo "pion ume, and 1 nee to shako it oft and `ofthe.- vowel had diedaway -,UP the beganthreading the narrow ,Pell by sib ravine. hod folded nn All away tTrf,•s old, grum grown cow -path that seemed and lain down in the dust y ie dente. galtd. to flow along the bottom, as a kind of sulatitgte for the brook that nature had neglected to pmnvitle, The trees anteing which the path etr,e,,',- qled were very ordinary, well Ir;hayr'1 plants, • trifle perverted as to bode, awl eccentric ea to their general aspect. A few loose boulders, which had detached themselves train the side of theitrpreslaon t.. sed up an independent existence at the bottom, had damned up the pathway hers and there, tut their stony reload had nothing in it of the stillness of death. Then) was • kind .4 death -chamber hush in the valley, it u true, reel • mysterious' whisper shove ; tho wind was just fingering the tope of the trues -that was ell. It ie strange that all 111 Ewe i had cel not thought of connecting Mr. Dunfei • change ennui;ii. Amon the dntu and drunken narrative with what f now 6 $ 1m .ought; and it was only when 1 came up- trunks of the fallen lettings, those that on a clear space and tumbled over the had been backed, "China fashion" were 4 no "to er dinitgnish:able trout three less the effect pr 1 M ,n 'nee.tlgMioR tb• tale and amen,.= tee The queer little tan slid id' his eat M I , ,n',„e, Ther,„+ nr.nl, h i. paid e.y�u.. )m 'ray the ground, and started up the dell with- ' r4ltaItn.mnt sits. Ivan is wlunr«t n 1• ' Ir - old designing to tpmbback to see it l wan 1 ben hoer mate car r'a,msdoh ..r other uilg4 $ which, often add nn matenalty le the reel of a hon following. ButIwas. 5„ent1w6'endiaore,11 h,d,Mdreala TT,.1.r- _ 11 wag 0.111 the wile season of the,' rower n■ repay hie ln.n Sy yearn, hau•yeary. er year, and -at near the sante ho'tT of the ""ave./ ii1.1nu Tke prt.s1k.1 1"etalmon te tMelodg here w i.teml, a small ram A'r 1'r'nrilrt. day of my last wet. The lege Clout eyed dsteebt le.e ti..ye.,14811.1 hat .,)),l is n p.r 41elre h,udty, stud the trees whispered darkly,- 1.1.3.a mer stat •ides ince enpnialM. u before, and I enuel ,w tree..d.iet the tCX AK�LIC _t ?•'oro a-r•,ht.ln.t Mem ewe • fanciful analogy to the (pen boast- is..., e. pay. Wal Mesa year, and at tar end e1 fullness od Mr. Jo. L u.tsz's month and the time hN *dig... is puled o2 The,godly rr..ninit hnelneee of oda a key w the he.t .tabes the mysterious reticence of hie manner, ben of th•rnw with •1M1 n te.ere31.d 1,7 the and to the mingled insolence and Sender- raising «,mmntoty. end na p,p,l•nty w�u l.rnm• nee of his sods literary production --theMttrntnIarne:n..rt.oedi,..-,.to74,7,1/7 u. -eutt Epitaph. All things in the, %a11ey east. of prin iwl mod sided iu t+. p.rly Inwlalment, th• Mrnwer gn•iwlly. rani eitheui trouble, pays mewed ich w aT�tig$edl; accepting the CUM- „tr hh lean-thm .ranine )h. eek of halo. hu pmtll,whioh wastllmwt wholly 01 mfr+)wing pr ,cart' which 4' 11511 hepp.n: *ben the principal With lank wtwrs. tt hon Wo .tame nut an. duels • 10 0. went 51 thy. .n.I or the term. - t1/ MONEY TO )LEND ON CAST TERAS !SCOTTOR ATRnI Ttl LC A. D.1144 HUhON dr ERA [SAVINGS 8 LOAN SOCIETY. CAPITAL, - - . - 0700 ,00. rnfe SOCIETY ADVANCES 510333 ON sr,cu- n ide it Mwrow•n NOLAt+YKRS'COSTS aseCHARGED /h..evnty muerte fMWtt,.. eh... Awe rental n oes', from $DW upstarts, Is lent h r ace atmlwr of .ours Pommy* to .et. May maybe obtatnm,d .1 as, tuna with time or no &lay haym.d the time 'v rap •f Real Rasta, std se Tams very farer- into the "d 'ng,'" tweeter, there was yN, e... st any time. pq ,d ba loin 1 . 1eaen level of some small trees that the revel tion awe to me. This was the site sof that 'were cut "Melicen why." It was 1 ton the abandoned "shanty." and the, feet nn if the Old World barrbarism still the I CHARLES ru:TCHRR. Y.hu4.r was the more forcibly impre e.I upon me by quickly netine 1'' et some of the rotten stumps wird !, Eek. -.l all around, in a moss on vood., alike manner, while others were At, and the lett ends of the owns/) ,ending trunks, were hewn to that blunt wedge form which is given by, the me of the mster. T114T. opening was no more than ten yards in - (hamster, a 4 im1t to one aide was a little knoll --s natnriF hill'wk some tett feet which seemed to ahring from the COOP aorvws, ban M shubbery, but covered ' h • and in the ehednw of snow with green gram. Upon this, Mending ppi�afb up rigidly a foot or two above the grass heudl-stone the old one lay prone upon was a headstone : 1 have put a nate of the' ground with its marvellous in - admission here, not to indicate any stir- scriptitm holly i)lcgiapile by resnon of 'prise of my own, hut that of the reader. the dead loaves dnft.rl ravel• it, In point Fut myself i felt none, I re1eggar'led that '"f litert!ry nitwit the new epitaph was lonely tombstone with somorthMug of the altngethdr idfieiet to the ped, and was same feeling that Gdupbus meet bare ire" tefnllAivn in its tarso earl tett-age had when he saw the hilts of SR tiaiva- J°cmlarlty. it read ((uwefwlref tri gfA page.) Money to t.oanonitea1) state, a PPR l:Mete nihnsiswdbon Women. _- sit 11 ITP.T can.da, anneti g by t 851.1 ru, e. n tlyd,t .+nr moray- ly meeting Ica t Ii ter. e.a, .a 11'4 per root. er tn•b.noi,r,) '1 intro at t *is per riot. per •n15. allowednn all 1 mo•nt. In dinner. Psit nll p31,4•1er00' :' l.n and lose 1telemsf' M ed ,t the 14. 1t.nn, meq otter thd. edefe In 1hr honh,t.n, or ran .07 of e. Toxily• rel. New World civilization hal rec,neiied ' - - - their difforcnces by the arbitration of . impartial dear -as one dsy the : MONEY must. The knoll was there, but Buy Rin TO LEND AT Lt IR' EMT RATES. craniblselnnd overrun and all Iratol.. JT,U,fi(1ni.)N, litarated its ensue gr•mre vend the flataerze ANe ArroRNET AT LAW patrician p,v,lcn•Tin el t hadcapitnlwted AND SCLICIToltJN Cit.1NCEttY. his plebeian m -or, pn n '• inA type. R cleric% In f Cher rho hoot robF:RICir. merely reverted to he rad ype 1 ttedenelt, Waren OW1x71, 80.11- Another grave --a1meg and robust mound heel been made beside the former one, M ONFY. A• -i'IpHBORNE. �w Ina much pler'uv In oferingtntb.P•rden of Heron Stoves l Stoves ! A NEW CHURN ,•I Ile own ..rnton and for •h,rh he na• Ie,'S a Patent fee the tl..nvelou "f e'a,Wa when 1remly mtredeee.t, the punhuere hese con.ldered n MP- pent m. ne t ly worm) of ll. nun•. "THE (HURON FAVbRITE"' and middy vita., istge that for SAWING OP TIME AND LABOR, ?TRSIUTH AND ICRAmI LITT Ur Ceo.r•tcrio5, -61MPI.ICITT UPUr*RINU. reed. AND AYY11It:5e5 tip dl�Z3QXac wP'zi000. it Fu no tawnier. ,f. B. -Thu peddle that sake 1n the creno ^so he either nl.,. or Marred a-,, nmq to the depth of tee e..am, or 1 1 sir drnth - THF. CHURN ase 1. seen at Unfit.. of elr D Fergus. Hon i 1tml Mt. Oostende. t'ou117 or T•weehlt• right• .rrnr,+l ,h htrnl isms. Far 1 1111? parte ul•0 ANA. per1•n. 1117 et Int IT • 19 • eon. Ge. ler1, h Ta or by lett-, 1. 0.480'l. P. O. Pei nil, P. nee t.. Ien•l oh Mrtethw of Yarn land. at n per reel nor a... pane. half teed), Patents taken ant if retnlrwl. No delay and charges n•w,MMe, P. F. WALKER Solicitor &c., Court limos Ohd.rirh.ln- Amost 1e7t or In.o0 his servant for actit•e Mari alters "Now, yon }}onngsters a'm't believe euythmg n¢ tu'the in lane' Yeller devil.," ddeuly flamed out with an appeor- ed rage which sowehow f•Iled to me "nut i tell ys that (.'hisa- ►r wee the perereneest scoundrel yea e►•W dreamed of'" O1 •r. stain tin .13451s that reveres ee"atrAra4 warm not a Maple ernes In iaR►Mv Wale e, et Maned in inn. eat whisky, 10. env ow, iber lined UL on area like Wntee. l affair, rve and had clearly done duty ea a doorstep. In its hula was cad, or rather dng, Are inscription, the exags,e 1- ted eccentricity of which 1 cannot hole to reproduce without aid from the en- graver. It made thea :- 1N W1181"enstrante. Aig� nnnone. Wirkt last for Whisky J,,. This monment is eOrecred hi the asim to keep in memory green end Min. wtwni..te • .sisal• nottet 1M , ISM RA* • gores eve 0 M rWIRMAN, Amor; pie. re Cedeneh The Cincinnati Cnn.ennrinl hes did covered 111e following nitienal anomalies. The French have the hest pall -drew" and the most haled-head0d men of any people in the world. The Americans have the hest dentists and tete Tweet had teeth of any p'.plo in the world The English hive the 1 est corn doctors and the most corns of any people in the world, The Germans have the bract laser and the fewest drunkards of any people in the world. CHEESE. '3hopharo ` Strachan, 11 GROCERS, OODERiCH AVE bean re.inpninted eels •.ants et Gnlerich for the cele of the celebrated Exeter Factory Cheeps. .noel dealers supplied at the Factor, !'rices. 1Sapt Prussia,e yeRagn of _..laaawsnt.dT1sACilA!I. n a i cant dt-al Efille' artf r 10 ALEX. TICIIBORNE. PATRONIZE HOME MANUFAC TORE• gNwM1 T'p7tle J.1,. 11771. own Ir REMOVAL. - ALEX.WALLACE WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER en,. Jrntrt, CO ID DERIC 11., um; 5 ,..-'cher na..ng rem,.ved teethe ?owe rpm; the one, nae., stale.. to,h•uk hr toeda and the Pahl e,,,r the salmon wehwhrh ,ler W.. favored hon, ILr tae 14.t '•S pars, rind Ira 111,41 red to e .e.mtlanwr nl atheir p t1rnnalge hw�n1as �.tudy 11 M ,ne•pply Watches Clocks and Jewelory to Ih. , reh•eer .ol ., Pt work n &been drier I,1 p, Pt en t e h been a '0 hr nisei, r.ohmels m.y depend nn "..tar "'•, I .:e' dead Wal a • .eve ' saw. er11. 1 Ii01350a rale,. e -we io Waltham t::e3.1.. r , 01317 hand dL.bX WALLACF Oederleh A... rN led 1a. DOMINION 1.APH I��S11TUi' 1 ' -• l-qc It. East Toronto I nu 1017 Institute in h itario, in witch Telegraphy is mails 'a Speciality. Send for (,ircular. Aeldre.a 4. L. TROY, Temente. TIME IS MONEY. IFyns1.ntndo loo days work en. 4,o, get oar M. PATEN'. GILOOVED III ON HARROWS the test endwmaped eve, offered le Carr.4.. Only 5,0 ash, .o.th $13.01 In•peellon 'Melted et n, R. orient IIA\ ? lllarkamith Sher, G,Aerich. March OM. 1 17 1, wbl u - New Bntchsr Shop OppolitO Henry Martini. HOTEL, MAMMON ST• Tne: 0nh.rnt.r has plasma le teller alley that M 11.e opened* Retells ?hop et the .lays adArw And he will he In Tenni Weepy' !Mined,.at anality of meet. at • lows peter than •lerwhen In than. hive him an early rail. i (3' OMrr, dell,004 In all parts of Ito. tnwe 0315.. 111 t1• d.y. I BiIZR.I.MU ;.X, e& �•• F.rr Tem Gni AND CUSntl7130 PRP, Ct'risv Pipit., Ls an PITO, it. 'PLAIN AA U FANCY T X N Wed RMI, COAL OIL, 1VHOLESA LE AND RETAIL. j�'Coal Oil Lamps, &e. ()Id I1 r;nppaer, Ito,,.., Wool P slap. Ad !their 8 Mktg ,• esehnte, I.& J.*ToaT. ilr Sign of the large Coal Oil Ousel. eloderiele, Aar IS, l••70 - eel VETERINARY. Notloeto 1 tockOWnerS w l,, CHURCHILL. 31tI'Iin ATTCNnrf T11K'RFRUIdin Npw- .;•r or Phenol. at in. ONT. VETERINARY COLLE' ryw.1tM 1o,1•tamin.ri,m. e.4 nhl*h1.1. 4'l' 'r. tan.'. ready h' .tin! to the al•e.W end retest. of all don.,ti,,b,l u,melenark pn• pill .1bd,.d to. �sktinueet `ml �l teak V. N. Prot Thor.rn. OAM lead NI;1......r1 rat Ye Mala Ode- gphala P k b i101 7 "ptwdo TOW* a try tt V,4 ?is 'y Iledirinf,. •1w.'1 on Anel. C 5. intra n. me p,e•eylpl rl Manes• M.PJea psis • a anirine M tb rdtln, semen will Tl••• rail at Martin', forborne a.Yt. Oalerk5'I.t April 1171. ewe -- NWT IC7 . ' NOTICE is hereby given that &ppGv.- tinn will be made to the Leguleture of the Province) of Ontin°, at the nest Mention thereof at Toroth', for..tbority to divert the course of the "Fiver Ant Sahle* " in the Towenhip of Itn.,mgn•t, for the purpose of draining sedan Lands in the Townships of IManquet, MaOd- liver and Stephen, in the said Prnrinee. Toronto, 111th Jane, 1871. w2itf NOTICE• Ntrr,CE la BRROT 0155X, T'IAT AIPI,1' es„m ails sad•Mth.ex. T.tlnr.,...M, r'i'le '0331) a of O.1tarM. •t tM •art •„ `1A 11 .1 7.,..ntn. Nm a!* 11 tt0 I5" 11'° 7•''i•• tdo.rtr\ M«AsnhslMse 1i"5,1 sr Sourol•it f•'rl"wa• eiQW rel x Oeid,•p..vrn. t s• ,.__I___ Wirrh7W. 1.71, tYl-- setallTeL. lAtoronineting finally. C par h. A ,13 18-I w •'0,' , la.e.,1,;1 'GS