HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-05-31, Page 21TLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Harold
tlake, RR 3 Exeter, announce the
of a son, Jeffery Harold, May
973 at South Huron Hospital -
er for Jason.
- Jerry and Roberta Vens,
Borden announce the birth of a
hter, Jennifer Christine, May 4,
OKENSHIRE - Allan and Sharon
okenshire announce the birth of a
n, Jason Allan Whitney, May 29,
73 at South Huron Hospital -
other for Jodi Karen.
Ns Tonight
Thurs., May 31
Starts at 8:30 p,m.
Stephen Township Community Centre
Admission $1.00 15 Games
Extra Cards 25c or 5 for $1.00
JACKPOT '400 58 calls
1 share the wealth
Due to license regulations no one under 16 years of age will be admitted.
Sponsored By Crediton Hall Board
Coming Events
• •
SUN„ JUNE 3 - 8 p.m.
Bill Anderson Country Music Superstar
Co-starring Jimmy Gately and Mary Lou
tUES., JUNE 12 - 8 p.m.
All-star wrestling
FRI„ JUNE 15 - 8:30 p.m.
Rock Concert and Dance 2 bands
Abraham's Children and Casper..
SAT., JUNE 1b-9:00 p.m.
Mammoth dance
Advance Tickets for events bvailabie at Arena office
Mark V
Saturday, June 2
9:00 - 1:00
Admission Includes Barbecued Beef on a Bun
Spous e red by Middlesex IC AsSOcitstion
$.50 per person
,eimposo.low •
Hear former Catholic Priest
Rev. Angelo Lo Lovalo
of Christ's Mission
Hackensack, New Jersey
Monday, June 4
8:00 P.M. Refreshments
Huron Street, West, Exeter
don't miss the
Huron Country Playhouse
(country market, open house, open barn, games,
prizes, open booths, antiques, entertainment, food
and general festivities)
Sunday, June 3
commencing at 12 Noon
B ring the entire family for a day of
Repeat performance by
popular request
3-Act Ploy
presented by
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Tuesday, June 5
8:30 p.m.
Admission: Adults $1.00
Children $,50
Tickets available
from W.I. Crediton
Lunch Provided
Everyone Welcome
Country Music Superstar
Jimmy Gately and
Mary Lou Turner
Sum, June 3
8:00 p.m.
Adults $4.00
P.S. Children $2.00
The Commission invites all interested parties to file
applications for cable television licence to serve locations
within Grade B contour of both television stations serving Cen-
tralia, Exeter, Huron Park, Kincardine, Listowel, Mitchell,
Mount Forest and Wingham, Ontario. All applications must be
filed with the Secretary on or before September 11, 1973.
Applicants are referred to the Commission's Public Announce-
ment of July 16, 1971 entitled "Polley Statement on Cable
Television". There must be Included in every application sub-
mitted to the Commission pursuant to this notice, the plans of
the applicant to give effect to the objectives set out in the Policy
Statement. It is imperative for cable operators and broad-
casters to develop a method which will correct any threat to the
existence of the "off-air" television service as stressed in the
Policy Statement,
Accordingly, upon hearing applications for the locations In
question, the Commission will request:-
(a) The licensees of the local television broadcasting stations
within those A and B contours each applicant's location
falls to file such documentary evidence and to make such
representations as they consider necessary concerning
the probable effect of the the licensing of cable television
undertakings within the service contours of the continued
viability of such stations, and
(b) The licensees of local television stations and each cable
applicant to explain the actions taken or proposed to be
taken individually and co-operatively to ensure the con-
tinued availability of "off-air" television service.
A copy of the Commission's "Policy Statement on Cable
Television" may be obtained by writing to the Secretary, Cana-
dian Radio-Television Commission, 100 Metcalfe Street, Ot-
tawa, Ontario, K1A 0N2, Applications must, as noted above, be
filed With this office on or before the date stated.
At least thirty-five (35) days prior to the commencement of the
public hearing at which the completed applications are to be
heard, the Commission will Issue a Notice of Public Hearing
listing particulars of each application.
Each applicant Is required to have an address within its
proposed service area where any person may inspect his
application during normal busirlesS hours.
Any Interested Meniber of the public may Intervene in retpett
of an application by filing a written intervention with the under-
signed and by giving a copy to the applicant at least fifteen (15)
days before the day fixed for the commencement of the public
hearing as set out in the notice.
A copy of the CRTC Rules of Procedure may be obtained from
Information Canada, Publitation Division, 171 Slater Street,
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0S9. Monique Coupal,
Canadian Conseil de la
a 40 Radio-Television Radio :television
Commission Canadlenne
Times.Advocate, May 31, 1973
Page 21
Bowling Banquet
Saturday, June 2
Dinner at 7 p.m.
Dancing from 9 1
;RAFT - Jack and Judy Kraft, Ex-
te0, announce the birth of a
adghter, Larissa Jacalyn, May 23,
)73 'at Victoria Hospital, London -
istr for Shelly,
,AGE - Brad and Shirley (nee
renierl Page announce the birth of
son, Bradley Edward Jr., May 23,
)734 at St. Joseph's Hospital, London
brother for Patti and grandchild
r Mil' and Mrs. Roland Grenier,
;id Mrs, Jean Page, all of Grand
- Joe and Bonnie (nee
artelle) Regier, London, announce
e, birth of a son, Travis Floyd, May
1973 at St, Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
IBERG - Al and Marion Weiberg
ounce the birth of a son, Michael
n, 4 lb. 7 oz., at St. Joseph's
pital, May 20, 1973 grandson for
and Mrs. Lorne Weiberg, Zurich
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bern, Ex-
June 3
11:00 a.m.
Guest Speaker
Mrs. Bruce Eaton
Staffa, Ontario
Special music by Sunday
School Choir under the
eadership of Mrs. Ray Mills
Fri., June 1
8 p.m.
Sun., June 3
11:15 a.m. & 8 p.m.
Music by
Gospel Custodians
Guest Speaker
Rev. J. Barker
of Sarnia
Come & worship with us
The family of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick
J. Sullivan of Dashwood, Ontario,
cordially invite relatives, friends
and neighbours to attend "Open
House" on Sunday, Jane 10, 1973, at
Dashwood Community Center from
2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m, in honour of
their parents' 50th Wedding Anniver-
sary, Best Wishes Only. 22,23p
We world like to thank everyone
who helped at the scene of our acci-
dent at Clandeboye and since retur-
ning home. Thanks again, - Alice
Koehler and girls 22c
The family of the late Roy S.
McBride wish to extend their thanks
and appreciation to their relatives,
friends and neighbors for the cards,
floral tributes, memorial donations
(especially to the Cancer Society)
and other acts of kindness shown in
the loss of a dear husband, father and
grandfather, Special thanks to Rev.
M. Morrison, Rev. Ephraim
Gingerich, the organist, the ladies
trio, and Goshen ladies who provided
lunch following the service. Also
thanks to Dr, J. C, Goddard and the
nurses who attended him while a
patient in South Huron Hospital, 22p
I would like to thank everyone who
was so kind to me at the time of my
father's death. Special thanks to
Trudy MacDonald for looking after
the girls, the Rockets Bowling team
and the Legion for their beautiful
floral tributes. It was all very much
appreciated. - Susan Bregman 22c
I would like to thank everyone who
was so kind to me at the time of my
son's death. Special thanks to Jack
Fuller for acting as pallbearer, Doug
Sweet, Doug Robbins, Bob Osgood,
Doug Wedlaite and Chuck Browning
for the beautiful roses sent to the
house. It was all appreciated. - Mrs.
Helen Kelly 22c
I would like to express my sincere
thank you to relatives and friends for
lovely flowers, gifts, cards and visits
I received while a patient in South
Huron Hospital and since returning
home. Special thanks to Dr. Wallace,
nurses and staff and the Westlake
Ambulance Service, - Anna
Brock • 22c
We wish to thank our many friends
and relatives for the beautiful gifts,
flowers, cards, and congratulations
received on our 50th wedding. an-
niversary. Thanks also to our nieces
and nephews for arranging the lovely
party at the Centralia Community
Centre, it all helped to make our an-
niversary a day to remember. - Eli
and Mary Brown 22p
Mr. Peter Dejong would like to ex-
press his appreciation for the cards,
flowers, and visits while a patient in
South Huron Hospital. 22c
present a modern version of The
Prodigal Son, "Throwin' a party for
Junior" June 10 at 10:00 a.m. 22,23c
St. Andrews United Church, Wednes-
day, June 13, 1973, Adults $2.50,
Children $1.25, 12 years and under.22c
Greenway United Church, Saturday,
June 16, 1973, 5:30 p,m. Admission -
Adults $2.50, 12 years and under $1.00,
Pre school - free. 22,24c
Kirkton-Woodham Community Cen-
tre on Saturday, June 23. Advance
sale $2.75 adults, $1.50 children. Ser-
ving 4:30 to 8:00 p.m. 22c
BINGO - Legion Hall, Seaforth, Fri-
day June 1, 8:15, 15 regular games;
$75 jackpot to go. Door prizes. Admis-
sion $1.00, extra cards 25 cents, 3 for
50p or 7 for $1.00. Auspices Seaforth
Branch 156 Canadian Legion.
Proceeds for Welfare. 56fnc
BAZAAR - The Huron Country
Playhouse Guild will hold a bazaar on
Sunday, June 3, starting at 12 noon at
the Huron Country Playhouse on the
B-line, Grand Bend. Donations are
welcome. 22c
REUNION - The Brock, Routly and
Skinner reunion will be held Sunday
June 3 at Riverview Park, Exeter, at
2:30 p.m., in case of rain to be held in
Elimville Hall, Beverage and plates
provided. 22p
Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hen-
sall, Sunday, June 3, at 11:00 a.m.
Guest speaker Rev, P, A. Ferguson,
Chesley, Ontario, No Sunday School
at Hensall. Services at Caven and
Cromarty cancelled. 22c
June 10 - 2 days, Frankenmuth
Michigan Bavarian Festival. See
authentic Bavarian buildings, dress
and activities, Plenty of Bavarian
A special thank you to all who
helped in any way at the time of our
fire; to the Mitchell firemen for their
quirk response; also a special thanks
to all who helped and came to our
benefit dance. - Ken and Lynda
Johns and family 22e
I wish to thank all those wonderful
folks who remembered me in prayer,
gifts, flowers, cards and visits while
at St, Joseph's Hospital and at home.
May God Bless you Everyone. -
Mrs. M, Smith 22p
May we take this opportunity to ex-
press appreciation to our family,
friends and relatives who made our
25th Wedding Anniversary such a
memorable one with cards, gifts and
personal expressions of "Best
Wishes", Please accept our sincere
thanks. - Don and Norma Hooper22p
I would like to thank everyone for
visits, flowers, cards and treats while
a patient in South Huron Hospital and
since returning home. Special thanks
to Dr. Gans, nurses and staff. -
Rudy Zondag 22c
DENOMME - In loving memory of
our beloved son Lennis, our daughter-
in-law Betty and grandchild Jeffrey,
who were killed seven years ago,
May 20, 1966.
The way they talked, the smile they
And all the thousand things so dear
The love about them while they lived
Hasn't gone with them from here.
They're planted deep in memory's
And watered often with our tears
To keep them ever fresh and vivid
Through all the coming years.
Sadly missed and so dearly loved
by Mom, Dad and Denomme
family. 22p
GARDINER - In loving memory
of our dear Dad Gardiner and Grand-
pop Arthur P. Gardiner who passed
away June 6, 1972.
The one we love we never lose
For always he will be
Forever dear, forever near
In thought and memory.
Remembered always by Mary,
Audrey, Marilyn, John and
Family. 22p
KOLTERMAN - In loving memory
of my dearest sister who passed away
one year ago, May 27, 1972,
We lost a sister with a heart of gold
Who was more to us than wealth
Without farewell she fell asleep
With only memories for us to keep
We have lost but God has gained
One of the best sisters the world
Always remembered by her sister
Marie and family, 22c
Food, monster parade, farm tours,
city tours, brewery tours. Two days
of fun and scenery for young and old
alike. Thousands of visitors are at-
tracted to this festival annually.
July 22 - 4 days, Moosonee via Polar
Bear Express, also tour Timmins,
visit Santa's Village and cruise of
Lake Muskoka. (limited space)
July 28 - 3 days - Kingston, Fort
Henry. 1000 Islands cruise, Upper
Canada Village, cruise on the Trent
through the Peterborough Lift Locks.
Aug. 1 - 12 days, Maritimes, New
York, Vermont, Adirondacks, White
Mountains, New Brunswick, Nova
Scotia, P.E.I., Cabot Trail, Cape
Breton, Reversing Falls, Magnetic
Hill, Peggy's Cove, cruise of Prince
of Fundy, Woodleigh Replicas and
much more, Limited space available
on second bus.
Sept. 24 - 5 day Fall Colour Tour,
Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie, Elliott
Lake, Agawa Canyon train ride,
Mackinac Island and Frankenmuth.
Oct. 1 - 3 day Fall Colour Tour -
Adirondack Mountains and Lake
Placid, New York area. Fantastic
Fall Colour.
Oct. 5 - Grand Ole Opry in Nashville
Oct. 9 - 4 day Fall colour tour -
Muskoka, Algonquin, the Gatineau
Hills, Ottawa River area and Ottawa.
Oct 14 - 21 day California and
American West. Omaha, Cheyenne,
Salt Lake City, Reno, San Francisco,
Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Oklahoma,
St, Louis etc. Disneyland, Hoover
Darn, Grand Canyon, Painted Desert,
Petrified Forest, Fisherman's Wharf
and much more. Early Reservations
Nov. 9 - 3 day tour to W.W.V.A.
Country Jamboree in Wheeling, West
All tours fully escorted aboard
modern completely equipped
highway coaches, Free Brochures on
all tours. Contact Fettes Tours, 184
Main St., Mount Forest 323-1545, 22c
LAMPORT - In loving memory of a
dear mother and grandmother, Mrs.
Lida 0, Larnport of Shipka, Ontario,
who was called home to be with
Jesus, three years ago, May 30, 1970.
As time unfolds another year
Memories keep you forever near
Silent thoughts of times together
These things, we will cherish forever.
Sadly missed by daughter Mildred,
son-in-law Ed Duncan of "The
Grosvenor Gates" Grosvenor St.,
London, Ontario, and grandson Peter
William John Duncan and his wife
Judy of Mississauga, Ontario. 22c
WELLS - In loving memory of Mr.
Percy W, Wells, who passed away
May 27, 1972.
Lovingly remembered by his wife
Marion C, Wells, 22c
Florists donate
flower planters
Already Exeter town council
has almost over-spent its 1973
budget for trees and plants. They
have planted 30 trees around the
But Doug Palmer of Palmer's
Flowers and Ben Hoogenboom of
Exeter Flowers have come to the
rescue. They are donating two
large planters filled with
geraniums to the town.
The flowers will be located in
front of the library.
Ham Supper
Community Centre
Wed., June 13
5 - 8 p.m.
Adults $2.50
12 and under $1.00
Pre-schoolers Free
Sponsored by • •
Pashwood U.C. Women
= Ei ........--.
a play by agatha Christie
:,- May 30 and 31- 8:00 p.m.
Admission 754 E., E.--
7,1 it =
till inilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiimitiomitutimionitia•
Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy,
Lucan, Ontario, are pleased to an-
nounce the forthcoming marriage of
their daughter Sandra Lee to Mr.
William Disher, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Disher, Comber, Ontario. Wed-
ding to take place on Saturday, June
9, 1973 at 3:00 p.m. in St. Patrick's
Church, Lucan, Ontario. 22p
Mr, and Mrs. J. Milian Wallace,
Exeter, are pleased to announce the
forthcoming marriage of their
youngest daughter Margaret Shirley
to Ronald James Day, son of Mr. and
Mrs, Edward Day, of Exeter. The
wedding will take place Saturday,
June 23, 1973, at 4:00 p.m. at St.
Boniface Church, Zurich. 22nc
Mr. and Mrs. Keith G. Wildfong
wish to announce the forthcoming
marriage of their daughter Deborah
Lynn to Mr. John T, Elliott, son of
Mrs. Gertrude Elliott, London, On-
tario, The wedding will take place on
Saturday, June 23, 1973, at 4:30 p.m,
at Metropolitan United Church, Lon-
don, Ontario. 22c
Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Hogan, Mt.
Carmel, are pleased to announce the
forthcoming marriage of their
youngest daughter Margaret Ann to
William David Dion, son of Mr, and
Mrs. David Inson, Huron Park. The
wedding will take place Saturday,
June 30, 1973, at Our Lady of Mt.
Carmel Church at 2:30 p.m. 22p
Mr. and Mrs, Charles E. Spell, Ex-
eter, wish to announce the forthcom-
ing marriage of their daughter Judith
Darlene to Mr. William Kenneth
Bourne, son of Mr. Laurence Bourne,
Exeter. Wedding will take place 7:30
p.m. June 30 at Exeter United
Church. 22nc
Mr. and' Mrs, Ken Thomas,
Lambeth, are pleased to announce
the forthcoming marriage of her
daughter Judy Sylvester to Mr. Bert
Paterson, son of Mrs. H. B. Paterson,
Sarnia, and the late H, B, Paterson,
The wedding will take place on July
14, 1973, at 4:00 o'clock in Lambeth
United Church. 22c
For their 40th Wedding
Anniversary the family of Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Dreyer of Exeter, are
holding Open House for friends,
neighbours and relatives at the home
of Mrs, Mildred Wallington, Corinth,
Sunday, June 3, 1973, from 2 to 5 and 7
to 9 p.m. Best Wishes only. 22c
Mrs. Bruce Guy of Dashwood
wishes to invite friends, neighbours
and relatives of both families to a
trousseau tea on Saturday, June 9,
1973, from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at the
manse in honour of her daughter
Judy's forthcoming marriage to Paul
Morrison of Varna. 22p
Hensall Legion Hall
draw to be mode
June 1
at 7 p,m.
Sponsored by Hensall Legion
Ladies Auxiliary
Hall will be open to public on
May 25 and 26 from 2-4 and
on May 29 to June 1 from 2-5.
Sat., June .2
2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Singing, Bible Quizzes
Games, Stories
All children and Young People
Sponsored by the
Scripture Union Beach Mission
For Children and adults
8 p.m. at the church
All invited and welcome
Mr. and Mrs'. Glenn Webb
25th Wedding Anniversary
Friday, June 1
Dashwood Community Centre
Music by
The Alpinaires
Lunch provided
No gifts please
Everyone welcome
Grand Prix
Sunday afternoon June 3
Pre-Registration until 12:30 p.m.
Races begin at 1 p.m,
Well supervised Classes for all children
between 6 and 16
Trophies and Prizes
For further information
PHONE 2625809
7- :1
F.- .q-ArE TRA
Sun., June 3
ii:00 a.m.
Guest Speaker
Rev. P. A. Ferguson
Chesley, Ontario
No Sunday School
at Hensall
Services at Coven and
Cromarty cancelled