Semi-Weekly Signal, 1871-9-12, Page 37 l'Rrltuoveetee LArW-ln trave111uq A{.OWfI K . through the ouuntry cue is struck with the rest amount of land iu an 'mom Ourro>ottel DT j>r• ducdro sero. Not referring to the _ timber land, which 111 tons sellae) may be Binee Thursday Zest the whole wintry held tube in • produ;tire state, there aro around U'derich has been In one fierce within eight of 4lie principal railroads blas., lfghueg up the sky at u1Kht •'le u parsing it Eas t . Weal, many lund glare and tilling the alueopLere lions of acre Hirt aro out of cultivation, of the flown with a dense smoke. (111 the is undomdtedl the coo ualee u( [arm- snuth side the fire started let.sep the 7 e 'eft bush of Mr. Issue ttrlkeld aq.1 Mr. H. eta hoddrig too much h lend. If esshool4 Negenitt.r in Oider4:h Township, and nud.rtake taleoate the Talmo of thee" under the iuthience of a snmth a iud came bods, sstiluated at the l.at of Popo-utile tearing through Mr It. Wilsons' woods and fenuinvv_ thein, it would be something towards the toe Ilion Saturdsl afternoontae e,n,.idirotlu for relief. It world nowt.ouchiut{ the southern boundary represent the a4uunt of capital lying within a shortJistrnceof the new slough. idle, bringing in 1111 intermit, but, on the other hand, 'early deter wasting and grown,g less. 'Ilio evil of holding 441 Hutch !anal is t.obd4 . There is nit only a l.af ui the waste of the m1 neY value int "lead, but there is a damage to the part cultivated from emit .1 Means to cultivate It properly and profitably. The tog, in its passage seriously threateo:ng Passion for Mas eteg lend heti become k Mr. r:eeguuller's cleared farm, and break- serious evil, for it has led to the accumu• ing mit half • mile beyond Mr. Selke41 s, .s Minds of awn who aro mn- 10 Mr. John Andrews' bush. passing through the woods of Metiers Johnston, Fuller mail Khelly,m dangerous proximi- ty to the house of the Iasi-nauwd geode - Mall. It 1s 1105 ragtagQ in the bush re- cently purchased by Mauro Staidly & Co. Some 300 scree .4 bush are destroy ed and Mr. Sergynill,r has bot In addi• 00 ttoa 1ourd u+f woad. Across the Maitland, to thq north of the town, • fire started beyond Mr. DonaldCummings', and passed through his lot, completely swwpangthe property 01 Mr KirkpatncY, deatnryi400°brill of bark and 300 omits tof wo.,belongil1g to that gentleman, and from 60041 600 set the .irek. 1471 st the 1../457 b 4 a54.4 saw -logs behinging to Mews tStandly L sem 1M Ir1eRs Andrew, .wMtar,I.:t se Co, It thea lad Into Mr Anthony dsugu.r ser Yr wu5.s. AM.w A.I.,.et., 051. Allen's bush, doing severe d•uiave. Here clay was being Intewuttly cartel in and thrown us the tire, and it is new burning lower. The residents canonly trust that the wind may providentially be kept from rising. The whole surrounding country is loom or lose on tire, and no human .serti could ave crops and buildu.gsinehs direction of wiud,the if t$ should again rise.origin Ti.,The of these fires is Doter a mystery. \t', sincerely hope no one will now have the temeritysa to set fire to fallow, when the distrous consyge0ces must, through the recent drought, ba w wide -spread audaenous for the most pelt producing weeds. ilii•' ter houselint fere change 111 wn.d to the north, which then took place, the Lowet1 was in senewpowergidanger, and no power en earth, in the preeout destitution of wakes amid have resisted the marsh of Ib•$sme•. On the change of wind, theiro *sit bask. ar*1s to the puiul of stay. Litho', its able to are burin made to they wool them. of Targe trial' which 111 the is..rast manner and old only a sinal' share of 1lwt linaluuu under proper cu111 'anon. \'here populations deuce and larum small, there the yield is richest. THE SIO MAL i/ the largest local paper in the Dominion. Send on your sub- scriptions. M.Rstsae To Sroarnras.-In this dry weather, eporLuteu will do a kindness to the farm- ing community by refraining (ruin iwlul- genee In utl.erable unobjectunshle sport. The glen wadding even is quite auftieieut to start a tiro when everything in the bush u so ready 4, catch the slightest spark. We are seeerrly'slough of Meted with Lush fires u present, and all should be ready to deny themselves anything. which might put the woods in danger, which aro sn far free from fire. BAsrea.-Thu is a very useful inven- tion that can be attached to that other useful u,7mt4on--the sewing machine. It eaves areal deal of trouble, a great deal of nine, and much basting thread. When attached to the wahine, it is .elf - guiding. 1t is simple, durable and Os.- fal, and very oon pays for itself in ma- terial. Mr Abraham Smolt, Merchant Tailor, is agent for it here. New Par1Tt51aapY (istuaT.-Mr J. W. Whitley has opened a Photograph _. 1211 4- Gallery, gleam the Meat IMMelp mem Tor Nr. John Harris, Oarlike hs all the appliance, necessary to make good pic- ture'. Tal ()Armagh 8awlso Macatlta- Mr Johnston ns opened the W.re neat to Mr Yates' Grocery with a Targe stork of the Gardner Machine and intends, as M is wpoble of dotsg, to push the buil- . nem with energy. ELnuueNT S1ano,.-Tie Re.. Jas. Carmichael, of St. (barge's Cetbedral, Montreal, preached to St. Gouge's Church here folk .Sunday last. His ser- mon wasa model of artistic completes*** and broody, so eloquently earnest and yet ample, that it made a deep moprea- .ion on the au .once. YRS auRas'1C e Godericb. *opt. ISO, 1871. Idf Wheat 10:95 ,¢ 1.00 d7Rtng Wheat . Flour Peas Bllriey .............. 0:40 Potatoes ' 1111... 0:75 (Butte"' 0:16 Egg. 0:11 Hay, te ton. 10:00 Hides (green) ... TAO Wood ' lTI Beef, per cwt. ' 0:0O Port Nett ' • 01110 Chickens periods- -- 0:30 (4 0:00 Sheep ...... 3A0_{- 4A0 Lambe ((4 2:26 %EFL* ....•...:..... 0A9 a :000 0 V w 1,00 SAO (d 0:115 1111.. 0:40 (4 0.46 GAO (d. Obs (d 70:43 LA 07)0 (tl 'lt; 0:00 (. 13.00 (a T:00 (a 3:50 (4 7A0 (14 0:00 xll •v.,- M rnr BUSINESS CHANGE. NAV1133T1131r. ,C, IC twit -con QfW1001'1 16ro016 R:1R.T onn.alcu, TUBES boeki want of TOB 511400 WTRL. 1•l.n•g nil .1. „1 Rall Pater, Strohm/aid Win.low .node., to ma. nate. /n- New Dade T5oea was tuna well pawls .111 5'..1 Shoo, ,.beeper at'Iv V"V KI TY I4,1rK .VIRE the .ny onter plata' 13w rataemler the pla•:e, late Mar 11'uk Moe •Ir...rr : t.1t /:, ,1'n, h. T8in Nt"fVRTL'*`Y 3300$ riZwO1Ft ie IM Wt and C55yw1 plats to 541 Plain and Pao ', M... Peps. mel Rev.b.pr, Bitola 15s..l 4••ob5. (•opy •.wb•, 1..., rwpL n•, UI. rY (.l1.. 1'n• too I Ire l• 1 110r.. 4 do e. 7.0• L,l•. II..1t, )t.tp5 canals" 5.4. 11151 .54 black, ...r rthma 04,1 wit 15 the et9t.on.ry Ilne, mld rrmp at Ib. Lazarus, Moms & Co's, celebrated perfected Spectacles and Eye Games, center the greatest benefit on on wrens needing assistance to sight. For near or far sight, fur the weak eye", or im- paired vision they aro alike invaluable, always assisting the sight, strengthening and preserving the eyes. Wife BEAting.-.samuel Noble, whose case was adj owned an Fnday last, was 4o day (Tuesday) teed before Judge Brough found guilty sal sentenc- ed to one year in the Common gaol with hard labor. MAol.ma'sa Cwt. tT'n.-9 Sept. 1871, -before C. Crabs Earl J. P. Van-eeA • Pollen. The defendant Pr.wers, a very rspct.ble-Ioboking man, was charged with dealing a pair of pants, from the prosecutor's room in the Royal C■nedien Dotal. A witness swore to seeing the defendant with the pens on, and the .nnstshle found them under the planks of the stile. Defer dant acknowledged wearing them, but said he had porchssed 4Mm. He was corn milted for trial: 12 Rept. 1871 Beatty a Ow, Henry Johnston and James .1o#nster.. M. C. Cameron for pl.m4ff, J. 8. Sinclair for defendants. This ss • case of 1resi(1n of toll at the Nile cheek -gate. Each defendant was fined 94,00 and costs Natrly e 131nftk, before Mayor Have, W. If, Sgoier for defendant, the defand,nt being charged with depositing ashes on )Ir. Hawley '• lot, after three wanliege, to the injury of mid let. Fine one shilling and Goss, 8360. G.AIIIIAS 19lauoL.-Mr. Preston haw- ing been compelled. through serious il1- 11er, to resign his position as Heal. master a,(1ra-Bst6l(elt.'1 (which all our town.p eo le .rwdl ranch reraet to hear) the Board has poshimous y appy%nt.4 to the position Rngh Innes Strang Eat B. A, the am)oesefnl and popular Principal of the Own Sound Union High and Public &ham's. Web.hevo theappoint- meat is a most judicious one. Mr. Strang will commence his duos on 1st October. Clinton` li&rf*MO. J,•Ups.l.l 711.1.1.5 to the Anal. Clinton, Yept. 12th; 17171 Fall 'Wheat 100 (41 1:10 •print de. 110 (4 1:16 hill.. . 0:28 (d 0:311 Harley ... 0.45 (.t 046 .eras... A....... 0'51 (d 051 :•m.tlrss....t......... 0:61 (oq 0,51 560 (4 550 0: lb (4 0:11 7:00 (.x 7:23 0:11 ra 011 ,. 8:00 (4 10:110 1:35 M nose (s1..r Pork Err. Hay Woad To the 14*4.r of this •5wat. Having real onmm riucatiote in your paper ,.n the subject of Breed, let me through the medium of your paper, aide timely Fathers, or rather the head of theta, how it is that the By-law is not put in fence, compelling Tho said Rakers to give as four pounds of Itrcal, instead of :if the fora four pound Lo.fl I await reply or action. • OowsvitO/. ST** NOS A 77x7-rmo.-On Friday last, a small terrier,the property of Mt Steel, plemher, Priarostreet, dropped) a litter of ail P'lpe,snd a hen which was running shunt hooking for *nest, shortly after- ward, gnietly took pssesinn of the wen doggies." Whenever the mother appeared, the hen defended them with intense seventy e1 moeh s', that the y li4r*"pod was beaten off by the biped. Mr. Steel hat at last t• Interfere, and halved the latter between she two, and each is now gettir.g.Ia- pretty well on its allowaass.. sly hail, tN mouse, dnis mR suckle, the pups, belt whenever their apsebl T.Mn5Nw IN - •Signal. 4alunn. Sept. 12th 1571. Noo.. Fall chest 416 fail 117 :print *Mat 1 16 (re 1:17 Fleur Der bbl.. 660 (4 6:76 Oats 0:29 '(I% 030 Harley 0:45 (j, 645 potatoes 0.40 (j 040 Fac 1111 0.46 ( 0:45' 0:15 (4 0:15 6110 (i 6:00 ell inn 0:13 9:00 Q 9.00 Nl)vJr1.'rY ROOK STORE ,IMO VA laws keep yowr awry tat ,on 4.11 end see bow soap ...rytuna 1s at se NOVELTY B4 OK STORE, a110N50r1L 144'/ a1w(111105 575x17 GODS/LIC0. Godench, September 1.t, 1872. • w?•If EMPORIUM! New Goods Arriving Daily - T• Q• TLOFA. din C, '!3 JUST OPENED A CHOICE LOT OF New I)reeeta8 (;toot1p•5 2 ew..1Plaanzi('104, I--511 rr.veedne Pork 4''Ils Hay -1e on t6,`a't Special Notice.. Ns.6e.d(Relurt.1 frau a ran so help. J,n,e•) web. Vary 1 • •ve si (, nM thoseren 14•aw. aril fmin•I thea, • elintialet151 u a at riuetheeeen realn•n..ret,•.n15 . neln,to-kina like 1"051,1. n..innthat ,ftwait rod. . 'r- adoar 10•51 dlo.look alas 5.i alike. It ,.ry 3r oaf brR, int 1'I soL,■ of erry Delis n.. II . .teal tee wt M tors M.e.on' .rt rknrltte o.e not Irrp AIM 1n 5555 It up, 1Ys se e Were. In e...7 I5'• house and 1 ale A.t,• ..•a•IlM to and It he. lawn dungugh r •'...A .. 5r 4.1 About ore and we lura known Mthly * hoot it Nip : - It must or. ,nrwl .,m.l.dy'• 514.nme- 4.m or yen wenld'.t have leen ,-merrted .n vanity. Nobel -Converted any it hoe coral a doe. Mona., ahem 15 re within . year. 515.1 Tinder dM. vin l w.r .•i to le reek an awful .,Refer with it Ant wee 1.5.1 rip half the lime. why It neart be sloe Perrrf 11*rh' e•1, -K ltir-a slut red 'a, rmttrr Who 15r1nr srpn 1111 1•M to ....:- -- ago A LOT OF KID GLOVES ALL clOLOTJRS AND SIZES J. C. DETLOR de. CO., Goderich, July 25th, 1871. naTJsI O. -1 r FRESH ARRIVALS Muss Skimmings )Ready- ade Clothing T45,tfu1 eat• i bra fay par . •n,n.p,bep M AC VlVf i e's; Meuse that he. lu.tbu lis YY.,n •111 le .wue,•d w ruursley dogs{ 10th. 1.4,5.4 55551. 444..1,. 70. *45un, 1117 1. 1 ■ FOR SALE. t& BAY MARE 5 YEARS OLD. J. Mcl'LCSKEY. Baytiekl Road, Sept 5th 1871. swstf JUST RECEIVED e • FERGUSON'S tnee 117 pity 50 (5.h ant r: II enrn a Ideal +hirer,. 1a toe 414 sued with the re..111.1.1511 and .hate. mode kr .rile. that he pail Il.e•wr mom. ere. os. hundred 11,11are for attending hem and wan growing wane all the •1II. Iles my.bar rob ale,.• of 11 on my .h ,5:0. et once. 1 am tllr..nsh atoll, Ike.. +qulllr If Pe tap011.l.an ean'nt, torr 510 •othly m111 1 am ros,h.,J of net. I Th w f''erw.M o 1414 nerywb.t., peel s5 ccs, 401 50 cu per err. er leases them she take p'asesinn 'mrsr rr . of 1.4 ail, and, enU..ting thdm ender her adopts'pp..-s quote happy with bat illy- ---Tl.rlily Jwrwel. i Ihac .iksmer..w' FBILX_.eDt7Ps' co, P(tg1YD SIRUP OF IITPOPROsPBITES fl.. power of Ing ,Ilsw•r d'.play nt try this pre•.*ratmn la honorer . m•hnon...gM be this he.h.AI car ally In every .151.,5 wore .t h•0 Iwnn 'dr•ab:rd : and to rapidly Inc. ming ole 1. Ile 1o.1 meant. of to asllu.tlon to rbl,h It 1e be14 7 (h The nyrnp w111 rare rulmanary •nealmprinn b IS tier and eye ,•.4 .tale, , 5111 5105 Rn 5t .1141 and prolong Pre In the AIM 11.111 ern A.'hm. Near he. Inryngltle Collet. end Colds 1t .111 n .It diorama odglnamg from want of )Iu.eM.r eon and Ver nes Yore .c,h0a E., 5555 eel of the apt"n. Il •prpela RIr4.1,. 54•h4.,,4 Imre/tots ▪ Il. -mot the blest I.4.a1 and par.' Par* yoga. A1densu m I.'. of 5504'.1 .1 41111 •us Ir•rerhnrti CI,loroat 4540mu. 450 r55ws. Thr Mewl wpsI*ty health and Sold By Apothecaries. rata 41 111: ole for 47 !0 JAYER I. FELLQWS, CHEMIST, e7. ft, NU, N. B. Gamma. met. *t( 1171. 5wa 4.05 Tno*vo ONSLMerw - Bfx agpi, • eiinigles of flour, f0br ripe tnlrMt a.s, p!PPe1r and Malt to tha lasts milk .nts• }t$ GREAT FEMALE REMEDY Jai popes' Perisdiral PIII■ A PRESERVE SUGAR FIRST COME FIRST $ER STEID_ A FEW TIERCES OF 11P.OBEN I.0Ale SUGAR T IW for (481011m at C,ablia. Ler Le i Mad. r 7 T YAT CHOICE M CANT ✓ AT CRABB'S. nsd5.tee 1 eek Ass. ten. • _gists• Strayed BuRr--. ,AYE Into LM inn.. f the underdone& k, 3-., a 1,4 lh.`ellanc11 '{'p. tarot lank met., '5751 re•1 dei white Lull. The owner is 411 4*wl pan. N 'perry, N)' •al'ru•e• and take n awe). JOHN DONOGHUE. Godsrla t T•p le Aug. HITT. • illi Cases of Bouts and rji,() I31: 1.4t)L,1) Shoes, AT THE USUAL LOW RtTES. sl' A. t 118o11oltact. Godericb, 15th August, 1871. 30-t. 1• 'runs 17v"L0ri01, YeDlct,R7. ITN/AMINO l 01 the e." or m( ih..e• min( .1 nd d.AeeM5 dememe,. wnrh 15• female contend,... te ..M.r1. h aoderre.ail...ean endcorn's-p1 row1e15w • n.1 • speedy cam ma he mho d ml. en *Ahead, LAS.. 11 r rommos••m'4, 11 welly • slim, ala, hexa dm I5. meth, wnmt feta P50elsr1lr. Ts... ('tat .4. wee os fear'4t .retro MrsV r5. FIRST TMRRP Mt)NTRN./Pregamee,a. 15717.5 Mm 11 Mag. 1/4e5eerwp. kV as.. Wien... Sep M oMCi.S•*M krommead NIU,••/Aa erbook?..N Ili, Pt.%sed 'MAO }511 ,0.0., .h h.rrmmm. Psar ,5,o .A Lha %So era.* . A t*h..• .5.5. rule hl .elicit . r see ,n ail of 5.-. memo Mee /Med, M•11WOh a"Men ralllady. d1 rrNNrnnuln 15554 .*keel, MUMMY, re" 14T1s14a IMeAlln OMMaas la M wlmpawt a.m. limb pr1.1N arW1. dm154 bite sly ppm.,.M. 105 herr, UM' veldt, MI5 rwntnr55 s• 5, I.a..le eons Inere.a.,eMlreA'. &mama • Lyrima. immesh, cora 1emeel mt., he or Ili. Rewrllrm,wa ill IMO. • heal* r t.Ml.. over esp'm l M mit the finny nrhx,thly Beat h5 eeu*eardl. NORTHRUP A 1 THAN the eget very light, flit in the relied Nw.wswle,c N.,g...nl milk and neer, prnl, chnp the tomatoes, .g•nI Int Casimir .14 with thesrhd rhe He t )oel4,r el,xter.e M Patter ' Caln.aee •roan with •erne hot r inch. V.'oroten, 4l.,d,a., s (7n., Bort 1e" Ju m ttare an4 fry i6 When Home seethes. Yrasl n kt 1 rlgbeel,t ro r• 1 f1 1M IdPP" UN ore', nes not, Reroofing ilg ist"1" a Phwln aid s I li {1,"r r lwnlrt a Nwft I•ecl. Ila 141 MM. 1‘../ Ms.O.a/sM1 lit , l: 4s.newM Uealere.wl. NEW l i - to 1 D s NOW INCI- 1.T Ww. B. O M u T WW two The flit instalment of 11 is F'ekiioy Dross GI- 1:::0 dsl 1rlttie LA 1 ES•I' STYLES. r LPACAS, [,f STRES AND AL AL , IIOYLE'S PRINTS, SKIRTS & SKIRTINGS, 11OLLANOS, TADIA NOS, WINCIE.S, FLANNELS. &'C., &C., &e., R. B. SMITH - Reason's floods in which .re over 70 piens of 101Nita.. DUNN 111(71 TO INPHOT 05 Ise 1rhiW.yutpalenrh Mel elmtttrwpand Oka • pelted drubs of pupils for rust. w4ba\a ..le (Mania 12 Aug. s71. .wlO(•tf Apprentice Wanted. 'P0 J41RV T111. BL t,K4'IITIIISO, 4 STOUT 1 lad nor lel country mama D. It, 61 RACMA1. 0.deneh 10 Aug 1171, 4.11.11 BLACKSMITH W1hTL.D. tan 51)11711.7, AMT1411DT MAIM 1. Ls 011011. to raw shown( and ge•eeal , 5511ry 1515, run .rant staples meal. MILLI 111 RO1/RTRO7 .e5nlldir Y. U. 14 441.1111. O.d.rlrli 14 Jas. 1117E Tenders OP - SUPER IOR QUALITY. LARGE VARIETY 4n - BROAD CLOTHS, CASS111Eltd and TWERP* S. al Moak VIII mold e1 MortMulles 1411 4MoM kral-d.a, etas. - sl'II a.o'*urklnsusklp guaranteedor nes sale. •`.-. MY STOOK IIF GENT.' lulu et HZ' ha. BY T1(0 c7D51U1tr111- 1' ed oil' to Na •:, ea Totality eyeshot vpl M.ler 6th /•r 1r Mind endless. •tri• -u !rola meth St to to Ballwnr Term-. Tea•hr. 14 slat. .Ithe lowest tender Cl derd .n.facto, rood not l- oriosaubesem a,u•)•.a,from 10a.W. bI p a. JAMES THHOMSON, Town Clerk. Oo4.11eh, Aug slat 1C1' mr1.21 1,11Ka12$111NU 1011111 QUITE COMPLETE. N. R. -Al aNnrtmeat of the best Sewing jllyd.inss covet:nal, 00 Laud. 61111411An$Y1 Til Gadrrkb, Nish hold. 1571 50 - BY-LAW NO.4,1871 A By -Law to a'1 1110 Wellington, Grey and Bo" ItaHasy C..nn,anv, by a free grant or donatou of • debentures by wa• of h,ntus to the extant of 818,000, subject to °erten' terms, re- strictions and cunditious. w to certain ger pad hr tM Ley, Mere M the rPr..v.nec Mlenana, like Ywh•Ipahl,e. were . refer. ew •err erosed w sit Ike we(- hngl.n,.et)An trey a d lieu. ra•Io.• . by 'ore gran. sir 1 .uetnm of Ael,enlu,r• by way of boner. And 55.reee the )Is.Ie,psl Coule,l M t1 tow n.hlp.n woo Waw. nosh, hen.p one of the Yw.n yrlu tea so uto'r.sed, •ro nes-lows the Yet Railway, b, .he treeel .A thea•ton •,f do Lentos, ,n the extent 1 4:1 eeua. 1-h..a•snJ Doter., and propose to leave w Solari e t r that erase Ind eedam.. will ry .e the 5 l .4 51. yea Innes weed , by .porta eta ,Ie AM ,1,- h7 • hereinafter meroto u,e+ad l4e I,.bre.t Ili. meet he 1..... , mora.•, o.l. And sen • ea , In..I no,,,l al Ike whole n1s.Lh properly of Ibe 55,1 Yurnetlriny, I`Irepeenve fu.de I, (Inure n5.earlhe one1 . 5,1she, I respec- tive . t.ny ,w..ete In to Mewed hem the temporary of the donated (end teratter denim, - ed .-r env len thereof ae1-owuw to, 1he hod 0,0.5.0 5l4.ee.nrm roll the rood, Lew( for nal year 1571 wee H'JJ,sa. And 5(,',... the amount of she ael.tug deb e the sea 04wra,•I.t, a nulhr(. And Whereas. 1.. (etyma Ike w•ehr and erod- ing do roost seal, .I.4,ng fund her lean.( the tee. .win 411,am•el ierr .1, ,5 heremmger me. looted. .1 will ee/u:e..1 reel or nest stern rate M four n'ne .,, we 11,1.55 In 4/1.M111 b 514 other ,.lea to le le„M 1n sea year. De II thereto. e.r,1,0. by Ile xunrip.l Conned d IM towusi.lp of ward Wawa.lr,n. 1 That .1 •ha I he taf.l )tor the Reeve of one ▪ wl trwmhp. 551 he a herehy ra pared to roue debenture* to Ihr .a,e, of a. h'.en Th•.urwt Ur 11.,'. 51 edam .41 51 lets. Man girl aarh when debenture* Salk Le owl. d rob the •eel51 .he 651 Neal,:the C.e•ed,a.l he teener' be the ..,) reeve. Sul druli.re4n.a Ly the 1,. meaner. That the ..d d.lwl.lw.. *hail he rude per dale tot being years fro. the day h.rr.n.fern. erd For .h.• By -Law 5, bat. effect 1t the Lary ttof in. Caned.. Font ..f C01511e0ee •t w A/ear Il..lt•nrh, androll See ..Schen to thea coup •r (A•16e pay dent of earn' a 'Pkat the Y,d dela-Muree ,lull War oilmen 51 end .terl5, rale 541.5 per rent per ..non fon., Ihr date ,her.'.( wow utterer obeli hp11 *M. 01 the lin. .a,• of Ashur) ted July, In roll year. 4 That I:., the popes of f.o.rllrg • rot,lg held nl drlel lure• and the or 1(lereet at .he,w.Alhe V 1 , t .gal. nesrue oeof 4d Jole 1. one d,a the ... 50 iy001.. *11 .I. of 4 hole 111 the .ic er.) veer In W'., inn h, Ali of hr r n a le ra,wd leer.), na- hewA in reek year wpm cello nte*M, pn.perl) o, the •.I,1 Y MeanIny during the co...Isere tot the war 05(0 sure. ..r 511, nl stew. Proddeol. alms, and it to hereby declared Ilia tnu ByLaw la e.e..l raised Io the 4dw5u4 emelt.... latent*latent*EMI 1 Tr51 orf.... ihr 51.eee •halI oche the .sid Ile. Irmo.. Ile ra.I...> C1.nptny .15111 fern..h .o Ate neat under lee .51 of the (*sopa. - (5 roil) where. 1.4 sem s.d.mmeO b rod approved dos this Coined) ..deriding ..d i'o01115 the Crn,pn i tie the Il1Mwr eetf.rrth 1. ereni, to ch llarie• lh• eelr5rort Ih.erul ref 11.., 1541 14 w Yy the ex - le men, .o(I:.e ea1.1 )) • Holton . Grey. •M Prop Railway from the meth Imo lk*.ugh $14,11, bele, Ilea ?Joni, 11}r+ to L5etnow groolion three lrr.eh5 . For the heti 10.41.4 "1'55 li -Lau, sol to tom. ole the sone to I.,rn •tr r•y..110 oldie within Ion years row. that 1110., 775.5 • Inter • .1.114 on the 1111 E about B. nolo. to the 5011.. 110:11w., 1051 • •tat l 4l not 1154 10 Im.b..5. sl • dose, not 51 CIar. (A*4 ▪ mil, (owl the earthen. torah her. And fie pr.ped .1 hProdded A1•.Itthe aro( 4n `1,051,50 of Ile- mom mune MMr e4N"d Bllnke '(Ih. r... of the mer Pm.'lreM 1 0005, ad,., 551.4' ism 5, delivered to the etmll.an 'u nh, certifier.. d 5 the rogiot.04 the C.alpo y. r•nahmed by the e ti%ww.Alh.e1'hr(e /icer 1.r Ihr Ila, bat. g ed.50 eve mita werrnl 1411,0 - ve the w.ot the 1 1al A55m a ceps.1rd le llha mws..blp e"0 Mt dart pe m5' awoke e n or mer the Are o, the pre, certilwlr., ad that the 1'wn. prty*arN 14 .,m:M u, re.,e.ele Insole "l Thr 51oo51n .ime 51 tine rooded, I1 padueti•, rd which Cenl4r.te .hell 1* tale 11 1''0,1501 to die. m5e1 ,mit . I t 1$ -- boo m"smph 6eresentleupn.del .M . 55111. mature, dw.,,4105h the .n„1si 0" (o.m tone 1• pr ea,t.4ed a'•I ,he berme ....he hu. c".pIr'l•1 Stn M. 0..001 the *sat toirr;hrtp ..,... lilt m115• And Pr shoos. ('Inner, Mse ..41 e the sed p.1d th"e ed. rooties me 400115.vl, 1 .halt he noshed with the ('..m,r.i by Rnt'w duly pared to mat eRert, to decker. the. b1 -law rid the Agreeaw0u divested thereon ?merged 551 win end, s Telln.. Byelaw/ thirtieth* ttereft4 sato t. ops.ria pr 11. (1177. t 7171 the 5541 wn►m r t`Ian ^ deposited kmonth after he . pe M e i Lw. +mer ren Ilia Prose Trse.0"r. .w exe d th • e'lan51M Penh. M tn:a yr5.vfee, se .d (fodsrleh, 1111 August, 1871. OLIN TON' TAI Itool( I u1l)tol•1I1111 • 'MAW* A DOHERTY, aro OM: • bur brYMN ls the .41i W.BELL tCo's Organs, Melodeons;dtc. IIEINTLM-AN & CO'S PIANS, C. L. THOMAS'S du. A ire years guarantee given with each instrument. Slow Roomy, Albert ,itrted, FASHIONABLE TAILORING. &J t: f.CAY HAVE ENGAGED A FIRgT• 1:LLS OUTi1TEELp AND ARE PREPARED TO MAKE sut'r9 TO MINI AT CHOAP104F 12AT111d. THEY HAVE 'RECEIVED NEW TWiam1lroolATt1YSyspa £rsM'MII*r11/118,an plemilikrikidullhA • ('1,5toa, Minna 14th. Apprent:oe Wanted. " .74(1f LAD r0 Lan8N 0/AC1091111We A Many.. *kitty lis 41.►f1.\DE11 n40 • nal.. 1' 1 IllaM aaatd• n 1545.01. 1171. val.. YrVI N• EW GROCERY'STORE WHITELY&ELLIOTT imam f4 OROfiB( P•RRKOVIQIONR, .- " • WIN1tflla UQIiOII. Omer Klaseto•Strea & Market Squat ' (401)EU.IMH. 0.0okii ammo154*.. mut Western Fair, 18'71, TO BE iiELD IN THE City of London Ontario, 29,'27, 214 29 September. Prim 1.1rb sed Karry Pgere may be by.. at 11.- mai• %the Imo., enpw„e•I tree1. Ln.Juuu tie Ir..b the (11, 14,11. and Ve Yr Jubuwn'e mkiias court N.inal enrb. All eitr1.. Glc rrq,4rt0l to t• Made up er afore sir 144( e..I.rLsr. - .Mir BAtyr.4r AaHAX. rl1'V714 IIAY1 0147' MALL )UN SVN 1.1117 TO 1,e" INN A, I1 17.1: N,V. $8,000 OFFERED IN PRIZES Competition Open to all Vitt. 11, R.1".v F.V r,rele 7. Voracot Welt eon le .Ir f/enly I,,.. dna. Ana. 34,1111l• CLINTON. -122/1*. 115 f[9A9(3INA.W 1071 ; 1171 And . Godericli. STEAMER (48* OHIO", _mar ( er'a Ocitaariio• P' aU Cs puri uaiJ of • Leap1/1 0.1 _:1:111 e. • r+eha;.t ea OM. m. -' • . , 1151rw'..d'7 Jit • 1 Ly .*1'7 ,tar,17 ..setLtt ,10055. e)' r e[` •ly Leif ire w u:.: •.rani 50 .41.74el ItW, um.. U ' .v,'. Ica y au'I row 44 ail alit o, ylM. all 11.11 114 t:' I- eury.W 'VW; 111e Anomie 11.4 N, th.,I" H. mar* re. tire'r44 1 O 1441 0 ria. T dual n' *5(7 11,54• 51I 111eh. T71o.. 5144 hawd W kr' . 1 tam( tai 11 ser. sou furs Jr,t, Y%pr 1 nitros 11111r mei:ow:. am: Marl` aril dt , r *Ad 11'1.1,1 on .0 1111 Me &IMY., . -mi ism 1410 mule or sag, x'1 A lis .'•' Il;lata ,('V 4144+ Liam,J1htl Y,•4.: ((156• mai,-I.'. •11 ,•a..f LL/ h.I(.., If aa' . '55.7 .mh ^;,rer r are tanwa -,I, :M.1 410 owl not 5114.1.•4 arty 4, 4011 o-,udttl'1.0 Mal ti pets.; legal or :boy AA.iMd.wb o4.1( 1'•, with .n Sty by *477aulti. Tleaelf • r.Y,,, amen,rll an.l ,uah.e .0,!!.,14110et4 ein: dy 00 0(1',!4 . her pe" In 147 45151,ty. t r oidWer(Ol Maumeea • 154 :n. 44,1 an 1 tum.d 110 0... the ole 'UM. of a.. Luther canc.' f Hug'•,nl er a, 4 ,a 1, team. G.& -. t'rp• 01(0..0.15 duces". ^ i d l of dl.9.e6. (iron 1,6 Du .wn5,9*r s/ r : r VYm;htd4l-, 414a:., :errs. rlYllg4MOSa. L ar .t Atltesd A. e.af •t•1 ab,r.:.lata ma d401Me :•, tore leal.t. welkin. 51 4.51 it. ran 415 0 7a., 511.0 Qst,iue' •. •301..saa. 11110 ro ere. the.. .m0.1 be 1s• Ili to osiers •1 hash ....M •14.45 all •f ,GMM I, Ar ls:ma, 551 .ee Mita Oleos .L t►a ago Grovel. Nal 1. d A.00 .a1 Lala. nn, r .r ab eels, 1 4..-,n. 41.a .warn. ,r rd.) nriA,, •,.•nye<is .le,•• seuuaar 'A'1 ys1.ei. W,(1 5' , ..t0.t(y1 ..,•• 01aµ141541 flat nM07 a:;1 tbopr1M1 •..1315» f• -J •,•811m`,.tt ref, . Rw pYaat de.0 Yp.r Nue IEatly j t :.,3+ct- •• a ler.,3 4dr sbnnld M IJt•npn94, lr {•.1.abrt al s.. nt:.. .u.:ea .r1 1•in tit. a:M or tw:. P:114 lo Aaa to lichen the lsuiasrh. '4'•r ,,,nal. Into 711,:'~ et156:44.. W atmwe15 awl ail 4.%ld•,.y; d 5:11.14, remorse the al tr4•1•, r 1.:(**L .0 to sea- 14 Ilene* k i, often ad. ..wt(0,f •w';' r.''wla.1s, drlana..nt •ally*, of dime" l•IlI.o,2 lP .I, 5a tlaityea4.,*4s e 't p.I N.ud. a, re:t,rruoa 56101 00111. die.fr ,. -•t rA Aj'11•: ries. DAL J. V. /R1 t ro.. Pee541eeJ ca-oj, LOM.;iv MAAS., P. a- A. no*TIP:r A ►r1g, hear:.(1e, eat., le an. bores for Coast, (]'tl.,1t r„ser t utile eN • Jerdup, /:ard,v.r 7 fent. J.a n 1., 1 11adgef,llt. J 1.51"yt e.,t.,, J. H. I',h:l., 1 1 4•r. 541.1 Wrk-s **41*ra 4111 ell Ildkds L1awn, .ey' .J 1V piny • .Ihr r 1.14. a, k/:'.1 7a TM? 0,5! te,t05Ma1 eft lae11d MI, m 1VMS h. h, +• ly, .l...1 , n1 0 0 41'4044 .1. s' eta w. sae *n Wont,' t4ar•t 'not, Fee esu 4 Ito ti.by 'a 1.l• at Sot Jo•tak IIr.•.t t. Lido, / 1•0111.144041 :/ • ILMI, a 00 e4 I.4Mltarul vl 4 I1... 5 ,: kys.ssery or - I 'drat; WILL 111/1 REM 1-4N1.Y tetw1re OODEMII'fa •ti awl alma 1.•.Nngl l: Mork envoy Thursday .• .t u'. he 14. ley14.1 rata of Weight 5nerste ee Apply In F. A.ltOBE1t10ON• .0tsriehS Jul 1111. nm1-t4 GOODS AT COST. W• R. CLAYTON Smith's Skil, (gttOI'No Tl, LAAVATIII1.1//TION Aa:Q'T 1 1(lh txp'vaoer seat, Ise tke,llI4 w SELL OFF A'l .dOST. BY-LAW NO. 1G--1871.- A G-'1871; -A By -Law tri aid the Wellington, (Trey and Ilf1Ce hallway Company, by afros grant ..r dtonutiom..1 Dej,eoturea try way of bonus to the extent elf 810,000. Sub- ject to certain terms, restrictions and conditions. He:uI:A1 BY('PIIT %IN 4(Tw PAIUIEI at T 11.. Ielll.lxl erre of the oro, lace ofOntario, 041 m uulcl(ant„• then,, stein -II to are .uIh,,l*d L' • hl the Y-ellluaLm, tiny and Hrnge railway Iry free grub or dotter.* of I,eLeutures by way of bonus. 4.416 . toeYuide,aleon n'•1lofthe Towr- e l60 lUm u .hart' are dent4.50012 e...* dealing one of thy.4e' 5*4,,1war. 7 tie free grantor donating of reloutue* to the eolith •.1 Tea T'h,,.ul'd 14,11da anal penis«. to Iwo. I)0 1en1fre. 4,r that purpose. AND wrKIa4r,.l 45,11.awl LUSO. O.Of I/1.'00 ,150to Le raked uu5.u), by} )w. lel tate the .4.1 d.b.a.," ahl the lawnet tl,era,n w hen tuner mentioned. W entire 54sk d C1:-N$/DM *110015101, 01,u05117, • AND flAA TA101, which .111 alta 110 r r.45wsehemisrw _A Splendid ` • SECURE D1 J4GAISS. .1t Tb /pale eta:b mast ba gloated s11 41.17 AV• O•iILTIN Issuer of but 14,1 Lte,ans, 'xlSUr of OO as He Estate drank commutate.. hs a a' D£ED..MO#tT (, - • RAN )NU f 1'371. \iiiMM044 nLY par 11ONEY TO LOAN T p air, 11th Ie71. 5417.41: "rd. For Salk A nmrst. AYO aL1g 3tt +afi11on kart MWrla `. le_ *MOM Oa, mon. n. hi 1<. 11.-411 pertly@ In.Iel tM mast ra11 *54 MON and later Ulm the Irak`epeenn,rr. sir tMlrMs+.ablt • 1111nw'e11.507 tbetsnrr tet put Into -Cord Tag oAt.tein. Bartle' UM, 11 And, tat. , 111,11L7r--i• Aso R , the amount d the while ntealde pl toper r y of Us natal Muds. a11ty 1: re.pwee i,e M any future mc.e5, of the sane. and el... irrespe-tive , s day e to 1 han rived trout the temporal) anent meat efto•Y5 a eel befell. after ,,,.,ew0e.Ite Any pan thereof a1.1fnRa M the last revised aoseoe11.Onl roll Mule rid tannklpal,tr, being for the )ear Irl. was 444.2,610, A■n x•0.141, f s paying thelnt,eret ud.reatlne an equal yearly Ink in( lural fur pay tea the rid cut, of 9ll regd.... u. Inert raas dial. `4'11 1 rated Iwo mill* 41'1 I.q', . e., ..,( pr.• Ate. iti ,, ore lealha uf. mill marry In the dacha 145'. ad- dition to all other nes to Le relent in each year. Da,, 011,5.51.5 5510010, firth, Municipal Coun- cil of the Torn,hlp of 4.5nv('1 1 That 11.4011 1e bewail for lb/ R,.ry 01115@ Raid tn. u.hlp, 11.I he Minitel reviles' to. 1.104 [Moro, lure. w the extent of TY..\ Tn0L'ESA N11 1$11.1..Iln In some not 1.0 tau .IW re•4 w4Ld.,1rhen.u•r. *hall Ire sealed with Ila L0 ,d Ihr sad 0umr1(5l • 1•unril, sal he •Leal by the sal& Reeved '•11111 ter.fgned by the Tr.0.4ret 2 That Ur slhl debenture/4 shall be mad. payed. in twenty year. Irma the de) her. in4fter nmotionv for thin lly lean to t,5 .R, ••{{ At the agency r,l the Tank of Cunt mere. li.drth h. dol .b ,II Mir started to 141 r1 Loupes 1,,r 113. pa),,.al o. In/.owl. 1. That lir Itchen) nr• shall beer Inte'reet at and .M r the car of Mil per' cal pet treatise Ince the dab tl.o,,l .hick intern, 51,41( 10 payable rid the ung day et 1 Jo nary sad July, In orb yew.. 4. net r, the parent. of form.og • abides fund Inc the p, meet of the 041,1 delentm.+, and she Ito *crest at the rate et..sad *0 bet.. Jae thlie 50 equ0 11.1.,r,.• t of Ion ndtln ud 16r•al•u'ha of e null Ind, , almll hl Mdit'.e, 1. el "4er ell Ie rice's, b,101. and collected I. 001•11)., 1514, ell the rateable pro(rlt7 11 dash. 11, nn Ip.litl .tlnnv the rooIU*u•rcr of the s.,4 la5ulut51 of M7 el them P.•rl sire ala my it and It la hereby dor Lased flat til. sly -Lae la 11.01404•told, ct Little follow lag ,4puIahn0 sed psWlno.,A. 1 That def 'r" th, Reeve 0.111 ren, the riot Deist torr, (1e Iteolw.y 1 'morn) elm, l furnl.h 55 store. int under the real M the C.o.ptsy (• , ope who r.' .1441 leen .,1,0 itted to, awl twinned of M moi n.1l) tndert,k '" nn11 1.1501f er0 l' nope, the manna t ('h therein, to toe nin .1.11 'heron *et to. tot 1e 1., r then(sml'm or UM Nebbish., ler and .roes railway, Inmgg6 einth Omre std 'forth Huron to Locke,. 5111.111 three mon/IN alter the 11,al 51..•1,44 tot lad NI -low. And 10 conlylele no name to 'A ekaew, 1.14140 trade, 5114,. toe 1 cars from Ih.l thee, amt erre. a r.14mon at or near tu I,ugktni w, n,.1 1.rr• atatanr 'lofty than ha'f . wale from OR twin line el Writ •a:aoeh, If pear teahlo, Aso be with 11T".rnnr of re Pro o14. M 15,4000. .„4.r mt054 of nes charta..l INnkn M etre. Pm,151 e..w dieI.teo the. orpanada, domes. to 'nes 0011'15). 15 (110 ...1111.1...d 1111 Y.ngl n..1 of51, ('4'inpan), n.154.1.511 by este •4l,' for the (541 beingbeingof eh• two ewklp,57.71575 )171st wee.1/4 its my ache rank !'logl'e+e(tar,egi' the 1'own•(dp o1 51,1 055 'amt Io 1... e Nee nl tin T'.rn.ldpM he Tururrr l0 1 nrkuwth . , the txwds, tn•a of whoa, eo1w.001 n.u•b 11141 , l,epeey A.nln•( 5114 receive not. the 'aid 41,1n'1(,1,de eltee sienna Meed•rel w11ria Orr- real Yr rwlI'onIet" ud H,.,. 7.1 10 wafture Oso l'wnoe5, further that if eke wort .h.1* nod reemeinl.need .ITL in the rent penial of1hr. a months above epenln4l, it shall Ir .1.1':mal .(lb I n- I Outwit by I1'ulnnon dr; parol In that e50et •o Arches thM Ny-I qac rod tie Ag:.ementlenndM teereuuVale cello" .0't .1 .n end. k l'bpt the Dy lath shall ..ke.54.t Ind rn•n* ITA. operagyi I1pr5 that went ell, 4.40. necteo;i ter neat: I. 111.x, the .,i.1 11trp4ne• • 041 o.lr)'o.11.•l . la In orae mond, ren the Neel ('*a+n4 of 1(11. B) IIs either .1,1 the I'nrvls..l I "saner, or, loon,./,h. Charleroi Hawke Le flite crochet•, or dila law Pro- v150. of Cesadr. And o it rasher *heeled, abet 15. ,'ntor lftlu 71st,,,. M title .1 anll.lanl @hallle tek.n rep.n'Nl. i47 Law, •. follow.: -1.1n, {r, .1 the15.ernr- ogler met l,.uN.1nd Mooed to ln'Is u'. i, ''I.Psr.'5' M le thh Nr low helm/, Me pl.... @l • hvh the (.Aloe of ,..u' 1,., H 1' .hell are held en Ute l5. 151e rrov..rrne t.n,M. Teie1M day of xepdrml.w 55.01,(1511,1 .1,1,• he, e T bit l5 d (nrt5t ..,rest that the Vntn M the fr.. O'e5e. to 15A Artftron. II.'I Pedro. el See Woofs .4 AY Yenirpin) .ell hr mien n(.05 Ihr ( •rb. teethe Artery's dr the 55 0day opt thet'Iw -Ia. ea know. : Name.., et the More hest^ 4.11'dw1.5p h,'all W eetoruly n•..M to 5151 • rier,n,nll.•ma SM r..c, ... g..•Ilio h nes pnO,A Ie Ili. .1. Ir, g." ei he 4 n Ilse , 517•tndNj, 14555 bore nlal ,I•rlrk 111111. Aston. , ndl e rr s•e5wh lb !he afe"5e .h4all t Net .n, RM., sod inter the Adbwne per.", Has. intake lar meta at 5.h pace 4, .t rgrw.rree,M015..r. 1 r1r.N/ A pd OMNI. 11S, „t °t, 11Mr.•r5s..rr. J*M* avoeev,IM.Netwhe las ()Wt. FEED ! FEED ! ! FEED ! ! Samuel Curran Would reeperttvl(1 mn.arn-• 1,. the pogdi.• that be hes et, mrd . FLOUR AND FEED STORE 1a c" 1ll1etWh with hi. Grocery. On --Victurits 141 reef (Opposffi Somereilits Crier Mill,) roll atppplie 15.74 emeta507 ns leaeM, tag..w w111, a new .ml .pkndr'1 45011 Of Choice Family Grocerie7, u'heh i. Jost ar:reol .Yd 1:1 he . 1.? coq C11LA FOR *A311, awl dolt. e1M a -y l..n m t. w.. SPECIAL VALUE IN TEA. ;'t CALL" -SOLICITED. G,,.n:h. AwM/M5,9,1 141( tit Nunn' Il1r1n,w?Rrr..-serrennet wl•5e 0a to erarr that he lis. te ..,nu,rlr'U.t(' 111.1,'.1 041 ter sly p').MsOL. tee roes le,•lia'm,,d(-f an nwu Awl e Ur gged...tal Apular.: u ha at An pr ote.se HARNES5 'SKUP. C)HARLES • VID ;ON, j1, 1 uoleo,''l..o4 ikillyt011 /5 117. 15I15dC Harness h S)dalerrinaiaw TheT filth"wnss M ieby Ila. . elle . e Ilsny Nei Ida, el.-rkrre 1 Ihr oat rork,o.w ml III cj' la pisnrnlw.air(l all rLu rdrlatl 111015 5540 1. • Or Everything t the like kept en haw* ar oak r 071.7, Thule doer, from the P444 OfBee. O'daleh. l7 Au( 1,71. • 5w1M-16 1,445 _r ■ t/ppenen.x 4l/.4.Igns• 1, PORI. /•' p. HICK, 'Aco.vv Bred. Avt1I'1t C Ms,tw t fes UO81trtl L 1/ Al 1'ENTION" y PARTIAL Lisrt of goals for eutle at Parson's & Co's need Hardware Store, opposite the Market Store.„. NAILI4, G1.A813, PUTTY. CARIENTKII'S T11(11,8, SPADES, SIPIVREA, SCYTHr;7S. FORKS, ILA K ES, DRAIN C,HADL»lil MANILLA ROPE, HEMP AND Rt'IIBER PACKING, LEATHER BELTING, ell slaw, WHITE LEAD, all 3101055,, BOILED AND•RAW O11 1SLAC*E-441-L, MACHINERY OIL, TURPENTINE/ And ell ktnda of I)WVA,'Elit. tor We OAMp. IIT 'n a G. H. Parsons & Co.. Opposite the starlet Hooee, - GODERfOH' Jun., SR. WI. 24--0 0 STRAYED HORSE. reser 141r1) TI10 rnIwllr5A (IrTllruRlellt- last,( 1,17,11'''.ConOr40 151."It I0 Mk a hl+ k rely .•:r"I, an ,,sn,, N r.•Ine'r1M pe14 Pelea(7' 1'y expanses 114.1( 55.7. ALALA7OAa 0170111. C,11rn, tit eapt 1071. then* • NOTIOD. GODEHIIH TO EITH.OPE, • TWICE A WEEK. ,7R ARMSTII(IN(f4 IIAViND RE• ■ 1 ro l IMAt" ealteti a roVe1.d Ir hl .ent MOM. 04. le Mo. too. Mufti, tolon Sin -tokottl Maw Ian isle nr •1 ki• 11.0.111, No. 20 %Hilt 1...tetwg tracer OF PARTNERSHIP I Urge Iletorhoog Stk. er shoe Hoist. • , e from this meet pOldftestodi thereof la tlett ammo Oleo' 1,40,1,101; (117r.:11 1.1""11111P101111 - ilk 4.i A•vo* len i het cat ha Mks Sovowto.11th ssor of locust. INN,/ ,,,_ Semi .tio and !Owlet% II Oweil tow,' ant Ihlt. !Ur,* et les !tante alar e Martal t•T mutant 01/1•1•01/ 5.4 Tale, failay hepteralher reellkal pa. nat. Da Ta•Vta 4 oty aari ta. ratite. et Om F.o. All rIslite mins to the .odi .444. .114ereektio OWL aftaratam of IM lit.- Any. .111 roses,/ ths 1100i, he ohl tagisk1.4 1671' 1871 ars r hrniR tine; lfr The, Splc ,il THEQUICAESTANDSAFESi STEAMEAt sed 5re Lr•ooselati"5. Tl{I 5CBIY'Mrxf If .1%1.40 HIC<A►lnljfry SW tiro 1,1 toe INMAN LINE OF STEAMER* np15q" ..1 to 1.oe MIAs k7' R(/3f fa'op6Rtr71 T(1 Lill/1/4)A0AAflr ' QC11XSTO0, (motto trono1NMIYDE! -+1' • ♦L 11M Toth d' M Alh.w iro le. 15141 Y L11M. 4s' Bald ' 7' 't1Io.or s4 rl sr' .r `•. °PQM Lire, 1...01, Qopende41 I I IMOWy a' Lsad0n116r7 to 1 0 : 41(45 4.; y' y.,t( no coo.Ti, MO', tl. It',.1 tel/All Oalr• id .,p1'oad ler .not 41445U15141167♦ CIT14IP 5141 1177 Iota few Yea 'CIT 017W TWIN TON CITY" el, 1Rw 5,11155 5. al fli TETV1 '11 I g4•1 nr 10 it ana 011411 414:11.5*e eat Alta k mor•wishir term, 0,1.7 tiZarnti Maim • we hatalLa der; seeks •