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Want more information about a
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Buy now—during
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Pay nothing until
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Ten year financing.
Installation extra, taxes extra where applicable.
Phone 235-24T 1 Exeter
Page 8 Times-Advocate, May 24, 1973
By Ross ..Houph
Friday night the 1972 Huron-Perth intermediate
baseball league schedule opens and the new season will be
officially underway.
In the first game of the year, the Exeter Expos travel to
Dashwood to meet the Tigers in an eight o'clock contest.
The Expos will be at home on their home diamond at Exeter
Community Park Sunday afternoon at two o'clock to the
Walkerton club,
The wet weather of the past month has curtailed prac-
tices of all clubs so the first few games will actually be the
first chances most managers will have to take a look at their
prospective personnel
It is expected both the Dashwood and Exeter clubs will
have virtually the same line-ups as a year ago with the
possible addition of a few performers up from the minor
Lacrosse added to
high school program
The sport program at South Playing defence are Bruce
Huron District High School has Shipley, Tom Richardson, Bob
been expanded to include Snell, Ralph Batten, Gary
lacrosse. Skinner and Ron Schroeder, while
The newly organized lacrosse the goalies are John Gould and
team under coaches Ron Bogart Rick Ingram,
and Ted Girard has played two SOCCER
games this season. The Exeter Centennials eon-
Last week in the first game, the tinued their undefeated record in
South Huron team dropped a 4-1 Ausable soccer league play at
decision to Regina Mundi of Strathroy, Sunday afternoon,
London and Tuesday back at the The Centennials edged the
Exeter arena the score was 3-1 in home Strathroy club 1-0, A week
favour of the London team. earlier they played a 3-3 tie with
Larry Ferguson was the South Huron Park.
Huron goal getter in the first In their next league action, 'the
game while Tom Richardson Centennials travel to Watford
scored the lone goal in the return Sunday for a two o'clock contest.
contest. The only goal of the game was
Forwards on the team are scored in the first half by Dave
Randy Tieman, Perry Stover, Parsons to give the Exeter club
Larry Mason, Noel Skinner, Don the victory.
Ayotte, John Cooper, Kim Exeter's goalie Tim Stover
McKinnon, Scott Boyle, Randy played a strong game throughout
Dietrich, Larry Ferguson and the afternoon to keep the op-
Brad Roelofson. posing side off the score sheet,
A new school sport
For the first time, lacrosse has been added to the spor-
ting activities at South Huron District High School. With the
help of coaches Ron Bogart and Ted Girard, one of Canada's
oldest sports is being added to the local school agenda.
Only exhibition games are scheduled for this year as
students get a chance to get more accustomed to the game,
Female referees
A new idea for officials for minor hockey games in
amateur ranks in the United States seems to be successful
and could work in Canada also,
A minor league in the Indianapolis area has three
women hockey referees and the experiment is working very
One of the lady officials says the presence of women
referees seems to cut down somewhat on the emotional
response of the boys parents.
She added, "the fans seem.to control themselves better
with women referees and the boys themselves complain
less than they do with male referees."
Thinking back to the mite hockey tournaments held at
the Exeter arena each Christmas holiday season over the
past couple of years, women referees might be the answer.
If our memory serves us correctly mothers of the eight
years and under hockeyists were the most vociferous and
critical of the officiating.
Plenty of instruction available
Opportunities for young boys both in Canada and the
United States to get good coaching during the summer are
growing by leaps and bounds,
The number of hockey schools and sports training
camps are continually increasing. In the latest issue of
Hockey News we counted no less than 28 advertisements for
hockey schools.
haVe given Wilbur Wood of the Chicago club a gobti crack at
the twenty game target.
The way the big left hander has started off it "wood" be
almost impossible for him to score less than the twenty vic-
The White Sox have won 21 of their first 33 games and
Wood has taken 10 of those wins. Throwing knuckle balls
most of the time, Wood has stood the American league
hitters on their heads with his pitches that flutter around on
their way to the plate.
If Wood is able to continue his early season winning
pattern, junior circuit records could go for a real beating.
Wood has already started more than one-third of his club's
33 games and with this pattern could be starting at least 44
more games.
With wins in half his starts which is not impossible, the
Chicago hurler could re-write the record book. Well, one can
dream anyway.
While talking about Wood's outstanding performances
with the knuckle ball it seems strange that more pitchers
wouldn't try to specialize with the pitch.
Over the years there have been very few effective
knuckleballers. The most famous would likely be Hoyt
Wilhelm who was around the American league for many
Doesn't favour curved stick
One of the most successful amateur hockey players in
the province of Ontario told members of the Lucan Legion
sponsored minor hockey program Saturday night that the
curved stick should not be used by minor hockey players,
Jack Nairn, playing coach of the Lucan-Ilderton Jets,
Ontario's new Senior "B" champs said he tried a curved
stick at the beginning of the just concluded season but
changed back to a regular blade rather quickly.
Nairn who is very adept at getting the puck from his op-
posing centre on face-offs said he was unable to pull the
puck back with a curved stick.
He also said the puck was hard to control when moving
in on goal especially when one tried to draw the puck back
and forth to pull the netminder out of position,
Nairn praised the performance of two Lucan minor
graduates who were valuable members of the Jets this year.
He referred to Dave Revington dnd Tom Hodgins. He added
Revington had the distinction of scoring the first goal of the
season against London and getting the final goal of the
season for the Jets in the championship final against the
Stratford Perths,
The Jets coach stressed the importance of education to
the minor hockey players, He said the two best goalies in
hockey today, Ken Dryden and Tony Esposito have com-
pleted their university education,
In reply to a question about the calibre of play in the
NHL, Nairn said, "it's certainly watered down with expan-
sion and emergence of the WHA, this is good for the players
but not for the fans."
When asked who his idol in the NHL was when he was
breaking into hockey Nairn replied, "Bert Omstead. He was
a lot like myself, couldn't skate too well but was good in the
ifue wag ‘eift
ateuee cut emetedele,
6a°. Soaa qietoot
USBORNE WINS WRESTLING TOURNEY — The first wrestling tour-
nament of its kind for elementary school students was held at South
Huron District High School. Usborne Central school won the team
championship. Back, left, Murray Stewart, Murton Brock, Wesley Ab-
The first wrestling tournament champion after he pinned a class-
for elementary schools in the mate David Prout, Eugene
area was held Friday at South Clarke of Exeter was the winner
Huron District High School and at 93 pounds with a win over
was a tremendous success. Steve McCann of Mount Carmel
Usborne Central school with in the final.
five individual champions won Brian Thompson of Usborne
with 127 points. Exeter public
school was in the runner-up spot
the overall team championship pinned Al Regier of St. Marie to
and Rick Skinner of Usborne was
take the 95 pound championship
with 113 points. the 99 pound winner with a win
The battle for third place was over Larry Regier of Mount
close. St. Boniface of Zurich Carmel.
placed third with 79 points, Mount
In an exciting final at 104
Carmel had 78 points and pounds, Paul Pooley decisioned
Precious Blood of Exeter finished his twin brother Perry 16-14 to
fifth with 75 points. take the title while at 110 pounds,
The best wrestler award of the Brad Cann of Usborne pinned
day went to Peter Westelaken of Danny Laporte of St. Marie to
Mount Carmel while Eugene win the title.
Clarke of Exeter and Danny A win by a pin over Mike
Meidinger of St. Boniface each Denomme of St. Marie gave Wes
won three matches by way of a Abbott of Usborne the 117 pound
pin. championship and Danny
In the 72 pound division, Randy Meidinger of St, Boniface pinned
Dietrich of St. Boniface pinned Martin Van Raay of the same
Ted Ducharme of Precious Blood
and Vince Winterz of Precious
Blood won over John Baltessen of
Mount Carmel by the same
method in the 75 pound class.
Mike Westelaken of Precious
Blood decisioned Merton Brock of
Usborne to win the 80 pound title
and Peter Westelaken of Mount
Carmel gained a unanimous
decision over Dan Bell of Exeter
to take the champion's crown in
the 84 pound section.
At the 87 pound limit, Paul
Ritchie of Usborne was named
bott, Paul Ritchie, Brian Thompson and David Rundle, Centre, Bradley
Cann, Jim O'Connor, Brian Pym, Ricky Skinner and Lee Hodgert. Front,
Dave Prance, Murray Heywood, Steve Paton, Steven Kerslake and
Kevin Hern. Missing was Rene Kirmse, T-A photo
Turf club
plan races
A meeting of the Exeter turf
club scheduled for Tuesday night
was postponed a week.
Club president Ron Dale said
Tuesday morning, "the weather
was too good and I called the
meeting too early to get a good
Dale stresses the fact he would
like all interested persons in the
area to be in attendance Tuesday
night, May 29 at 8.30 p.m, at the
Exeter town hall.
He continued, "It's getting
close to our race date and we
need to get our plans made,"
The turf club is sponsoring a
harness race meet on Wed-
nesday, July 4 as part of Exeter's
Centennial celebrations. At least
eight races will be scheduled and
it is hoped to have an invitational
or preferred class.
With Town Crest
Don't Be Disappointed
• Trophies • Engraving
• Sporting Goods
Phone 215.2261
it wood be good
For most big league baseball pitchers, twenty wins dur-
ing a season would be more than acceptable.
oThis year kr one of the Chicago White Sox hurlers this TtiE 'UPS AND DOWNS WERE UP — The Ups and Downs emerged as league champions in the Huron Park
Before the season started, most baseball ex erts wouldif,
achievement,,seems to be almost a sure-thing: ladies bowling ledgue: The:champs ,are shbwn above. Back, left, Lorraine McMillan, Verna Stinson and Mary
p 7111Sley. Front, Millie Ross, Glenda Lather and Lynn Skea:
Usborne school victorious
T-A, photo
Planning clinic
for umpires
Any prospective , baseball
umpires in the area are asked to.,
attend an umpiring clinic at the
Exeter arena, Sunday evening at
seven o'clock.
The clinic is sponsored by the
Ontario Baseball Association
and the instructor will be Keith
Weise of Corunna.
i n first area wrestling meet
school to take the 125 pound
At 140 pounds Doug DeBus of
St. Boniface decisioned Rick
Bedard, also of St. Boniface and
in the unlimited division, Chuck
Windsor of Exeter pinned Rick'
Bilcke of Precious Blood.
SHDHS wrestling coach who
was in charge of the tourney said
most of the credit should go to
members of his high school team.
They travelled to the five area
schools to assist in training
programs and Friday assisted
with coaching duties and handled
the refereeing.