HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-05-24, Page 7Times-.Advocate, May 24, 1973 94140v.A .44,0 4 444* Visit the, CHEESE. HOUSE We wish to thank all our patrons for their kind assistance during the year. Bring this coupon for FREE DRAW Thursday, May 31, Friday, June 1, Saturday, June 2 — Three each day Grand Draw Saturday June 2 206 MAIN ST. 294-6388 PARKHILL, ONT. Name Add ress Phone RVR WHAT IS STRAIN? Excessive stretching; overuse of a part of the body, is a portion of the dictionary defi- nition for strain. It can involve many areas of your body . . .i, e. eye strain, back strain, hernia, nervous tension. In some cases com- mon sense and rest is all that is needed to relieve the condition. However, in such in- stances as a hernia, it is most important that you consult your physician for his expert ad- vice. For some of the more common forms of strain, we have regularly in stock products that can help: eye drops, mustard plaster, heating pads and many others. Bob Middleton, PhmB Stan Horrell, PhmB MIDDLETON Drays g PHONE 235-1570 EXETER R, R n VAR RARVR nR Pa o 7 111 THE CAT'S IN THE FIDDLE COns" ucti on does not I believe 3 c' e Find It And Win '25 in Cash or one of the 10 FREE PASSES for Friday's Show RULES 4. All entries must be postdated no later than 6 June 73. 4.„9 cle Name Address Phone M.G. Johnny Brent (Formerly of CINX Wonghaml * Huron Auto Body * Hyde Bros. farm Machinery Ridge Cha1et 5. Winners will be drawn and an- nounced on "14 June 73". aNk 41104 S• .,, vvevo' •,"3 Note, '01° *0 1. In the fiddle, are the names of 43 Hensall area businesses. There is one other fictitious name of a business. 2. Select the name you believe does not belong within the fiddle, 3. Place the name on the entry form below. e,a‘k * ..04,0001 001 ..,coors Cate \ crn' v‘ d• *MS" ev.14% c b °1 e r‘"s 41. A 4, 5 4 I' err (Svo• Node sls44 ‘)°C. mate toe s k 1 -19rit,„ es" 0,)\c‘4. ct e t ,-ress 4, • IN f' ..C\ a Lid 4, ViS . ii 41? ,&.` . VIC) d 9.0 dale e° • cfr% ev,\Lo Nit:iscieuv...4,t0:*In:At1hlyr,osonns*sup&Boerica i*onB'as*nBk.raaokyfelroyr, r 1.01' 14%tic'‘‘ r Sons Rena & ON CI ‘0'\4* ,t1ke * Henson W. G. Thompson sshe" tiv Forrest estock soles Garagempson & Sons Ltd. *hacks WI° Supermarket -on Furniture Montreal Taylor's Ready* * Kozy Korner Restaurant ToWear 5 Vv4 11 Erg~r'e stepo\ sesti' Hensall '-$1 .00 Store Se ce \ce ng 1.m e et cow or.tioa 00‘x,t04% ,1/4 * R. layior leasing Ltd. site Hair Styling k Gomm v.vsor, o ..) -N * Kyle's Shell Service o't° 06° eta, S cl cl• \e <13 e NA g ,•• s4C 8. * C., Little Dec orating *‘N cooli` e,...'`' ..0co 4 * .ssuck" 1:11% 4.." a:‘ I v t. A 4e .e, * ao.macetha t -• 44 Vi•47' 41 0‹. O'C'C' 93' .g.;p <, ‘. *H * Hensall Motors Ltd. \._ ..,o4. -.\ 40' .4% War, Go Ci / 5 .4. ' 4, , 8or .0 ...r tr,._, * c p° `"lety * SATURDAY, JUNE 16 PLAYDOWNS 7 P.M. DANCING — 10 P.M. THE "NIGHT-HAWKS" with Clarence Petrie ADMISSION -ADULTS 2.00 CHILDREN .50 !an. Kinsmen Club of Hensall IIDDLERs .4% HENSALL COMMUNITY CENTRE JUNE 15 - 16, 1973 See and hear fiddling champions from Canada and the U.S.A. compete for the "Ward Allen Memorial Trophy" $1,430 Cash Prizes ENTRY FORM The Cat's In The Fiddle P.O. Box 158 — Hensall, Ontario belong in the fiddle with the other names, FRIDAY, JUNE 15 ELIMINATIONS 7 P.M. ADMISSION ADULTS 1.50 CHILDREN .50 Camping Sites for Tents and Trailers Available Hansa!, Community Pork•Aelpining Hensall.Communtry Centre • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In 'the Estate of Elizabeth Smythe Luker, Deceased, All persons having, claims against the estate of Elizabeth Smythe Luker, late of the Vil- lage of Hensall, County of Huron, Housewife, who died on or about the 13th day of April 1973, are required to file par- ticulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 26th day of May 1973, after which date the estate will be distributed hav- ing regard only to those claims of which notice has been re- ceived, Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the executors, Exeter, Ontario. 19:20:21c Before more can be done about air pollution, a number of city halls will need a good swift kick in the seat of their apathy. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Meryl Greta Francis, Decease& All persons having claims against the estate of Meryl Greta Francis, late of the Town of Exeter, County of Huron, Housewife, who died on or about the 2nd day of May 1973, are required to file par- ticulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 2nd day of June 1973, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & 'Laughton, Solicitors for the executors, Exeter, Ontario. 20: 21 22c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Isabella May Hill All persons having claims against the estate of Isabella May Hill, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Housewife, deceased, who died on the 8th day of March, 1973, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the 7th day of June, 1973, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 8th day of May, 1973. McConnell & Stewart Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 20:21:22c OPP make 104 charges Officers of the Pinery Park detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police were busy over the Victoria Day weekend, A total of 196 occurrences were investigated with 104 charges being laid under the Liquor Control Act. Next in line came 40 charges following Highway Traffic Act infractions, Seven investigation were conducted under the Narcotic Control Act and four drivers were charged with being impaired. An even dozen thefts were reported with property stolen valued at $400. Only two personal injuries were reported from the 15 motor vehicle accidents investigated by officers of the detachment. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY - Mrs, Susan Merrier of Dashwood celebrated her 97th birthday recently. A dinner was enjoyed at the Colonial Hotel, Grand Bend followed by a family gathering at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Luella Tieman of Dashwood. Citizens News photo 4-H girls hold work meeti▪ ng By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN STAFFA The Staffa Knitwits held a work meeting Monday at the home of Mrs. Spencer Jeffery. The girls were busy making props and preparing their presentation for the achievement day June 2 in Mitchell. Nancy Templeman was a overnight guest of Laurie Milne, Bornholme Tuesday. Leslie and Janet Miller and Mr. & Mrs. Jim Cross, London, en- joyed a four-day trip to Nashville, Tenn. on the holiday weekend, attending the Grand Old Opry and touring Opryland, Jeff Butson, Glen and Dennis Parsons, Steven and Doug Quance, Jim and Bob Scott, Terry Templeman, Richard Eaton and Gordon Miller were among the 1st Cromarty Scouts that attended a Camporee at Shakespeare on the holiday weekend. Elizabeth Templeman was a guest of Colleen Jordon, Mitchell for the weekend. Joan Burleigh, Goderich spent the weekend with Susan and Jill Norris. Jim Norris, Brampton visited on the weekend with Mrs. Sam Norris and Mr. & Mrs. Bob Norris and family. Mrs, Jo Vanvalkengoed, Mrs. Charles Douglas, Mrs. Robert McCaughey, Mrs. Carter Ker- slake, Mrs. John Miller and Mrs. John Templeman attended the South Perth district annual held at the Crystal Palace, Mitchell Tuesday. This is the last a series of articles on the proposed "Plan Of Union" to unite the United Church, the Anglican Church and the Christian (Disciples of Christ) Church in Canada.. The new name is to be Church of Christ in Canada. By R,N, SAVARY Continuing from last week our consideration of the ordained ministry, we note that there will be three "orders" in the Church of Christ in Canada, These will be known as "deacons, presbyters, and bishops". In the choice and training of men and women for these ministries, representative laymen will have a part along with appropriate clergy. Bishops, as the link with the universal church, will be the "principal ministers of ordination", but it is note-worthy that "others in- cluding lay persons will have appropriate and significant parts. The Church must satisfy itself that its ministers are in "essential agreement" with its doctrine and discipline. Other- wise, there is no way of preventing it from going off the rails. The order of deacon reverts to a kind of ministry which is much closer to that of which we read in the New Testament than the order of deacons in the Anglican Church, and it ceases to be just a preliminary year as it is usually today. The deacon will generally full-time by the Church. His duties are very broadly defined, and may be summed up as ser= ving society and assisting in the worship of the Church. Presbyters form the second order of the ordained ministry. For Anglicans this is not a real change of terminology, for the word is the Greek word meaning "elder" which is usually ab- breviated in English from presbyter to priest. For "Presbyter-ians" too this is a familiar word. This is the order of ministry which is typified by the pastor in all three uniting churches, but in the "Plan" allowance is also made for specialist ministries and "worker priests". It is not new that a deacon may or may not seek to be admitted to the order of presbyters, but it is new that a presbyter may seek to change his order and become a deacon. Nevertheless, a life-long ministry as a presbyter is regarded as normal. To Anglicans, bishops are a normal part of the picture, and are not a bug-bear. To non- Anglican Protestants, whose denominational memories go back to Reformation and post- Reformation experiences, bishops are often mistrusted. This means that the adoption of the order of bishops in the uniting Church is hard for some non- Anglicans to accept. But the "Plan" shows that they need have no fears, The bishop is to be the pastor of the pastors, the center of unity, the "ombudsman" for congregation or church member that may feel unfairly treated, The Bishops' term of office and their authority are both strictly limited by the constitution. In the "Plan", the section on "Organization" is the longest single section. There is nothing theological about it. It is intended to get the work of the church done in the most efficient manner, avoiding centralization and top- heavy bureaucracy, and trying to keep close contact with the grass roots. There will be four levels of administration — pastoral zone, district, region and general assembly. Each unit is respon- sible for its own life and for the fulfilment of its ministry, under the supervision of the next more general unit. The "pastoral zone" corresponds to the United Church pastoral charge and the Anglican parish. It may consist of only one congregation, or of more than one, plus specialized ministries where they exist (such as schools, rescue missions, clinics, and soon.) The pastoral zone will have a "Council" which will have the duties of Boards of Management or Stewards. If there is more than one congregation in the pastoral zone, there may be an equal number of "sub-councils". Appointments of ministers are to be made by a district com- mittee on appointments which shall include lay representatives from the pastoral zone con- cerned. The zone may make nominations to the committee. No appointment shall become effective until it is confirmed by the pastoral zone. The next sphere of respon- sibility is the "district", which shall consist of a number of pastoral zones, It is recom- mended that the district consist of forty to sixty pastoral zones. That is, it will be like a presbytery in the United Church, or a rather large deanery or small archdeaconry in the Anglican. It will be headed by a bishop. As stated above, he is the link with the universal church and the "ombudsman" of the local congregations and church members. He will remain a bishop for life, but will hold office as bishop of any particular district for a set term of years, renewable for a second and shorter term, The responsibilities of the district conference are approximately the same as those of the Presbytery or the Diocesan Synod, The next stage in ad- ministration is the "Region". This corresponds to the United Church Conference or the Anglican Provincial Synod, but it has larger responsibilities than the Provincial Synod. Finally, the top level of authority is the "General Assembly", which corresponds to the General Council and General Synod. However, it will have less responsibility than either of these two bodies. The "Plan" is an attempt to "de-centralize" by giving more responsibility to the Region, and less to the central authority. To sum it all up, this is a "Plan of Union" which tries to set forth new statements of faith, and new forms of organization, without being either tied to or disloyal to the past history of the three uniting churches. It is not going to please any of us completely. What we must decide is whether or not any principle is abandoned in the scheme, and whether we are willing to make sacrifices of some things which are not matters of principle for the sake of the unity of "the body of Christ". Personally, the writer is going to press for the few revisions in the Statements on "Faith" and "Witness' which were suggested earlier, and, given them, he will be ready (or so he thinks at present) to enter the union, though there are things which will take some getting used to in the way the church will be organized and administered. But why should he have his own way over everything, anyway? le I1n1.111,n,uuat,nitln,on,amosi umumnum.u uRlmmaitln1lutulnuIII1 II I In 11111 III On LEGAL NOTICES u4lWtlnnllllglnuntllillllnululllmI Iola I I 1.1 tIIIII.IIM I 111 I III I 1 II: 1.11 I UtI IIII I Ilr Outlines conclusions on church union plan NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Samuel Wesley Jory, Deceased, All persons having claims against the estate of Samuel Wesley Jory, late of the Town of Exeter, County of Huron, retired farmer, who died on or about the 15th day of April 1973, are required to file par- ticulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, • Ontario, by the 26th day of May . 1973, after which date the estate will be distributed hav- ing regard only to those claims of which notice has been re- ceived. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the executors, Exeter, Ontario, 19:29:21c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Garnet Clifford McFalls, Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Garnet Clifford McFalls, late of the Town of Exeter, County of Huron, retired farmer, who died on or about the 12th day of April 1973, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of ler Exeter, Ontario, by the 26th day of May 1973 after which date the estate will be distri- buted having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the executors, Exeter, Ontario. 19:20:21c