HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-05-24, Page 4Absurd situation
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This newspaper concurs heartily with a
recent editorial in the Seaforth Huron Ex-
positor lamenting the fact that public
bodies choose to make many of their
decisions behind closed doors.
While noting a few minor exceptions to
having all meetings open to the public and
the press, the newspaper suggests "the use
of the committee system to short circuit
the right of the public to know is a travesty
of the democratic process as we understand
The editorial then went on to point out
that would appear to be the case in the an-
nouncement concerning the Huron Board of
Education budget and it continues as
At no time was the,budget discussed at
a board meeting. The public has no
knowledge as to why a tax increase of 2.1
mills was necessary. It has not been told if
there are fewer students or more or
whether the number and salaries of the ad-
ministrative staff have increased or
decreased proportionally and by how much.
Huron taxpayers are in darkness as to
whether the trustees they elected favor or
are against the recommendations of its
committees and the administrative staff.
For that matter it is not known whether or
not recommendations were made.
The budget of any public body is the
very foundation upon which its activities
are based.
On it depends not only the taxes which
ratepayers are called on to pay but also the
extent of the services which those taxes
will provide. As far as Huron tax payers are
aware this vital function was carried out
without any consideration, without discus-
The budget was not discussed at the
Board's April meeting nor was any
reference made to it in discussion with the
press following the conclusion of a com-
mittee of the whole meeting the same even-
ing. Yet ten days later a news release over
the signature of the Director of Education
indicated the Board had approved its es-
timates of expenditures and revenues.
While the ratepayers of Huron in effect
may be shareholders in the county educa-
tion system, board members should
remember that they are members of a
public body and not the directors of a
private company, no matter how con-
venient such a conception may be for those
Carefully sterilized announcements by
staff people concerning board decisions are
not sufficient under our system and deny
the taxpayers of Huron information to
which they are entitled.
Schools and students ruined
There appears to be a general
and growing concern about the
quality of education these days.
Not only are teachers concerned,
and they are, but students and
parents are beginning to feel that
they are being short-changed.
A couple of letters to the editors
of two daily papers recently were
In one, a university student.
stated that he had read a 2,000-
word essay written by a friend,
who was an honour student. In
the essay, there was one (1)
sentence which did not have a
spelling or grammar error. And
that was the sentence in which he
repeated the professor's topic.
In the other letter, a girl who
dropped out of school three years
ago because of the rigidity of the
system, was flaming mad, She
returned to Grade 12 this year
and discovered, as she put it
"that education had disappeared
in the interim".
This young lady said flatly that
while teachers used to teach for
the average in the class, they are
now teaching toward the poorest
students, with the keen and
bright ones left to fend for
themselves. In her opinion,
standards had dropped
drastically in three years.
There are few teachers who
would not agree with her on the
last point. Administrators and
"educationists", whatever they
are, right up to the minister,
blandly assure the public, via the
media, that standards have not
been lowered,
Perhaps they should take off
their rose-coloured glasses and
take a good, clear look at reality.
But they have managed to wrap
themselves in such a fog of
educational jargon that they
wouldn't know reality unless it
came up and bit them.
What's happened? Maybe I'm
prejudiced, but I don't think the
fault lies with the teachers. To
my definite knowledge, they are
working harder than ever, under
steadily worsening conditions.
They are teaching as many as
two more classes a day than they
were three years ago. They are
doing more of the unpleasant and
uneducational chores than they
did. Such a one is "trough patrol"
as some teachers call cafeteria
supervision. The name is not
A few years ago, supervising a
students' dance was an extra
chore, but few teachers really
minded it. One chatted with the
students, deplored their taste in
music, but felt that a good time
was being had by all.
Everybody was dressed up and
happy. The lights in the gym
were turned down but not out.
There might be the odd case of a
kid smoking pot or slightly under
the influence but they were
rareties. A regular Sunday school
Nowadays it's more like
Saturday night in Dodge City. A
darkened gym except for the
stage where four or five baboons
caper and scream in-
comprehensibles to the ac-
companiment of a volume of
sound that would make a boiler
factory sound like a cemetery.
Someone has thrown up again
in the boys' washroom. Two
grim-faced cops stand by the
entrance. A teenage girl is caught
rum-running not one, but six
mickeys of rye.
In the good old days, years ago,
a yound buck could wear his own
mickey in his hip pocket, covered
by his jacket. Today, his pants
are so tight he couldn't get
anything in that pocket so he has
some little girl take it in for him,
But six!
I'm drifting away from my
topic, but not entirely. The
defiance of rules, the demand for
new "rights" is all part of the
school scene today. It's a curious
mixture of apathy and mindless
I sound as though I'm blaming
the kids. I'm not. They're human.
They'll take what they can get
and demand more. They're a
pretty decent lot, on the whole.
...................................................... • • • '?.',..;•:•-•••
Times Established 1873
Advocate Established 1881
Amalgamated '1924
C.W.N.A., 0.W.N.A., CLASS 'A' and ABC
Editor — Bill Batten — Advertising Manager
Assistant Editor — Ross Haugh
Women's Editor — Susan Greer
Phone 23S.1331
Published Each Thursday Morning
at Exeter, Ontario
Second Class Mail
Registration Number 0386
Paid in Advance Circulation,
Match 51, 1872, 5,037
Canada $8,00 Per Year; USA $10.00
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A recent TV newscast emphasized one
Of the absured situations to which this coun-
try is being subjected.
The first item on the news related the
fact that while our unemployment figures-
had declined last month, there were still in
the neighborhood of half a million
Canadians "unemployed".
This was immediately followed by
reports that workers from other countries
were being brought to Canada to help
farmers who faced critical shortages of
Now, isn't that rather strange? How
can a situation be allowed to exist where
thousands of people are apparently looking
for jobs while at the same time many
Canadians are looking for workers?
Part of the answer lies in the fact that
many of those who are listed as un-
employed are really not looking for work.
They find it much easier to sit at home and
collect unemployment insurance benefits
than get off their fat benefits to get out and
find the many jobs that are available.
Some of the jobs available may not be
to their liking, but it's time many of them
were told to take it or leave it, Take it. . .or
leave the ranks of those collecting un-
employment insurance, that is!
It's totally absurd to have the nation's
economy and well being strangled by the
vast numbers of unemployed while at the
same time the nation's economy and well
being is being equally strangled because
employers can't find enough staff to per-
form the work they have available.
A real travesty
Looking for a jackass!
It's with rather mixed feelings
that people in the newspaper
business accept the exalted
position given them by many as
being knowledgeable on all
The unpleasant side is the fact
it just isn't so and we end up
disappointing many who call and
ask for the answers to their
For some reason, yet unex-
plained to the writer they think
people working at newspapers
can give them instant in-
formation on everything from
who won the 1924 World Series to
the number of light miles bet-
ween the earth and the moon.
There are periodic calls from
people attempting to settle bets
or arguments on some of the
strangest questions you can
However, they were all topped
this week by a caller from
Strathroy who introduced himself
merely by stating that he figured
the local newspaper editor would
be a veritable fountain of'
His problem (to him) was
extremely simple. He had a mare
which he was having trouble to
get bred. He had been told
(probably by the Strathroy
newspaper editor) that if he
brought in a jackass he would
soon have his mare in foal.
His question to yours truly:
"Who around Exeter owns a
Now, we know it would be a
type of suicide to leave the story
there, for we can imagine the
number of callers who would
delight in advising the editor the
man's quest for knowledge had
been directed to the right place in
view of the old adage. .it takes
one to know one!
At any rate, we provided the
caller with the name of an area
resident who at one time owned a
jackass, although we're not
But what girl won't wear hip-
huggers if she's allowed to wear
jeans, or a blouse slit to the navel
if she doesn't have to wear a bra?
What young man of sixteen
wouldn't like to have a crack at
growing a beard?
No, the real culprit is neither
teachers nor kids. It is the little
empire-builders in the system,
They are so far away from the
classroom, and the taxpayers,
that they have acquired a god-
They've never been in a
classroom, or not for years. And
if they are to preserve and ex-
pand their empires, they must
appear to be doing something. So
they scratch each others backs,
come up with revolutionary ideas
that were stale forty years ago,
and hide behind a squid-like
emission of gobbledygook such as
"input", "feedback", "com-
munications", "concepts" and
"individual needs".
These are the barnacles on the
good ship Education, and unless
she is careened and they are
scraped off, ruthlessly, they're
likely to sink her.
50 Years Ago
The fourth annual celebration
given in Crediton under the
auspices of the CAAA on Victoria
Day was a decided success. The
weather left nothing to be
desired. The citizens were up
early decorating their residences
and places of business. At 1 p.m.
the parade started, down Main
St. led by Leonard Haist and
James Taylor mounted on hor-
ses, followed by the Crediton
Band and the school children.
The float, drawn by a team of
white horses, represented the
May Queen with her court. After
these followed the different floats
of the business people and the
decorated cars. After the parade,
the crowd went to the school
grounds. The crowning of the
May Queen was followed by a
May pole drill exercise. A tug of
war was held. A baseball game
too, between the local boys
and U.C.T. of London. The game
was very good, the final score
being 8-4 for the London team. In
the evening, the dramatic club of
Zurich put on a play entitled
"Let's All Get Married". The
town hall was crowded to the
Mr. Alf Smith has taken a
position in the Bake Shop of Mr,
R.E. Cook, in Hensall.
25 Years Ago
Carmel Presbyterian Church,
Hensall, marked its centennial at
special Sunday services.
The carpenter work for the new
Hopper-Hockey funeral home has
been completed.
After an absence of 24 years,
Leonard Taylor of White Rock,
B,C, is visiting at the home of his
brother, Lloyd Taylor.
Miss Margaret Taylor, first
grade teacher of the Exeter
Public school has resigned her
position and taken a similar one
in East York,
The work is well advanced on
infringements of being "all boy".
No. 2 son is in the middle of the
road. Some of last year's kin-
dergarten enthusiasm has been
tempered by his older cohorts
who tease him about having to
hold hands with girls, etc.
He advised his grandmother
last weekend he wasn't very keen
about performing in "ring around
the rosie", but his face
brightened when he added that he
was one of the more fortunate
guys in the class in that he was
standing between two other lads
and therefore didn't have to. hold
hands with any girls.
However, chicken pox, of all
things, changed his destiny. The
class numbers were apparently
depleted to such an extent that
some juggling of performers was
necessary and he came home all
smiles to advise he had been
transferred into the "farmer in
the dell" number, which he ex-
plained (not really satisfactorily
for his parents edification) was
much better than "ring around
the rosie".
But there was one drawback.
He may have to hold hands with a
girl, but apparently on balance,
that was still better than the
number to which he had been
previously assigned.
As you can well imagine, we
can hardly wait until we have all
four boys attending school and
taking their places in the annual
Exeter Public School spring
The pre-show talk and antics
are really better than the show. It
comes off a bit anti-climatic!
the cement foundation for the
new grandstand being erected at
the Exeter Community Park.
15 Years Ago
The Eastern Star Chapters of
District five entertained the
officers of the Grand Chapter of
Ontario in the Exeter Legion Hall
Friday, Over 300 were in at-
About 800 pounds of disease-
free Sanilac beans is being made
available to boys and girls in this
area who wish to join a 4-H white
bean club. Members will sow one
acre and may sell their crops as
disease-free seed next year.
Rether's Coffee Shop will be
closed for a period of two weeks
to effect a complete renovation of
its facilities.
An unexpected gift of $35,000
from a retired Hensall dentist,
Dr. James Bell, made possible
the construction of the South
Huron Hospital Nurses'
residence which opens Sunday.
10 Years Ago
Usborne school area board will
engage an architect and locate a
site for the proposed central
Council Monday approved a
two-hour parking limit on Main
St. during business hours.
Ontario Department of
Education has announced that
J,G. Burrows of Toronto will
succeed G.J, Goman as public
school inspector in Huron No. 3
and Perth No. 3 Inspectorate.
Mrs. Ross Tuckey was elected
president of the Home and School
Association at the meeting
Monday evening, She succeeds
Mrs. Eric Heywood.
Sparks from a pile of burning
rubbish set fire to St, Paul's
Anglican Church Mensal',
Thursday 'but volunteer firemen
kept the blaze front spreading.
certain he still has such an
Unfortunately, we rather
slipped up by not asking the
gentleman to- advise us of the
outcome. It would be interesting
to know if he found the jackass
and whether the mare came in
Perhaps we'll give the editor in
oal. Strathroy a call to see if he knows
of a man down there who has
recently had a foal fathered by a
As a newspaperman, he should
have such information at his
finger tips.
Despite some apprehension on '
our part, the junior segment of
the Exeter Public School spring
concert came off quite suc-
cessfully. It was, in fact, most
Our apprehension stemmed
from the part being played by the
two senior members of the
writer's family.
For No. 1 son, it was a real
drag, He's already joined the
legion of boys who go through
school thinking such things as
singing and acting are strictly for
sissies. •
For years his kind have been
trudging onto stages with their
heads down, despite the repeated
attempts by teachers to get them
enthused about the event.
The only thing they really enjoy
about the situation is the hours
they got off from classes to
Many of them, of course, would
really like to get more en-
thusiastic, but that would be
going against "the gang" who
have banded together in a
common front of disdain for such