HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1973-05-10, Page 19baroe
144IN Lum -rooNOrk
A PAIR OF QUEENS - Two Queens were involved in the official crow-
ning ceremony at Friday's At Home dance at South Huron District High
School. Above, 1972 Queen Lynne Farquhar places the crown on the
head of the new Queen Val Regier. T-A photo.
Support Educont,
student awareness
Bill Paul, Coordinator,
Educon London,
Central Secondary School,
509 Waterloo Street,
You may phone 433-8651 or after hours call 433-5361 or 438-3909,
In Exeter, you may contact the editor of the Guardian in care of
Newspaper Editor,
South Huron DHS,
Box 760, Exeter.
You may call 235-0880 after 3 p.m. or 235-1713 after 6 p.m,
Your cooperation would be much appreciated,
The week of May 7 to May 12 is work week for senior students,
at South Huron, Most of the students are on the job to get first hand
experience as well as teaming the ropes of their jobs. These
students are all from the 440 level,
However, this is not the only thing going on in the student
society. In London there is a conference at Central Secondary
School on May 19. This conference is in association with the London
Board of Education, London Intra-City Student CoUticil and the Ore
taro Student Union all part of the program called "Student
Awareness '73",
Educon is a student education conference, to be held for the
first time in London. The purpose of the conference is to promote a
meeting place for student leaders and organizers to exchange ideas
and experiences, to further increase their knowledge and broaden
their outlooks in certain areas, and to make them aware of some
organizations that students would never find out about otherwise.
If this conference is to be representative of the needs and
desires of students, we need a flow of ideas from the students as to
what topics they are interested in and which resource people they
would like to have in attendance, All ideas are welcome.
The conference is open to everyone who would like to attend,
although we hope there will be at least five representatives from
each secondary school involved,
For more information, contact:
THE QUEEN AND HER PRINCESSES - Val Regier was named Queen
for 1973 at South Huron District High School, Friday night. Val is shown
above seated on the throne surrounded by her princesses. From the left,
they are, Bev Finnendoan Allen, Sandra Stock, Debbie Riddell,
Adrienne Van Raay and Pat Regier,
Letters to the Editor
Discuss abortion,
There is a growing tide of
opposition to the "abrupt"
change in secondary education
forced upon us by HS1. We had
best all climb aboard quickly, or
be left "out of step" with reality.
It is difficult to imagine what
might have prompted the
Department of Education (now
the Ministry, presumably
reflecting their omnipotence) to
tamper with the structure, so
nearly perfect, that education
had going for it, To impose such a
change so abruptly, with "no"
time for examination, discussion,
or experimentation, and to deny
any possibility of future
modification, is a display of
blatant arrogance and lack of
concern for those intimately
It is surely time, considering
the "long" and "fair" trial (71/2 )
A man and his son who were on
their way to a sporting event
were struck by a train and in-
jured seriously. Having been
rushed by an ambulance to a
local hospital, the boy was
prepared for an operation. The
doctor prepares to operate on the
boy but suddenly exclaims, "I
can't operate on this boy, he's my
son!" Who is the doctor? Puz-
zling perhaps for the unliberated
mind, but the doctor is the boy's
Since the beginning of time
woman has been led to believe
that it is her part to submit
willingly to male domination,
Aristotle is quoted as saying,
"We must look upon the female
character as a type of natural
deficiency." Roman law put
females in the custody of males in
recognition of feminine im-
becility, and finally, as a last
straw, Hebrew males greeted
each day with the utterance,
"Blessed be God, . that he has
not made me a woman."
I am not about to go about
shouting, "men, give us our
freedom," for if anything this
would only enforce their
mastery. But rather I urge that
all women stand up and take the
share of dignity and human
achievement that is theirs. The
tendency of Women's Lib., to
explain the whole phenomenon as
an opression of women by men, is
terribly misleading; it is im-
portant that women should see
that they themselves have
connived in the situation, that
they themselves have consented
in" the streamlining of themselves
into the role of super chattels,
A child is kicking strongly in
her mother's womb, it is assumed
it Must, be a boy as it ie 80 active
And aggressive, Mid from the
time that girl is bore and banded
with a pink bracelet in the
hospital wintery she is eon-
ditioried to become a boring,
passive, narcissistic bitch.
A small girl is given sub-
misSive toys such as dolls and
A teacher's view
months) we have given it, to
examine the strengths, and
weaknesses, of the credit system.
I deal first with the strengths.
Time and space do not permit a
detailed examination of all the
weaknesses, Only the more pro-
minent will be mentioned.
The implementation of HS1 has
required CHANGE, Now,
everyone knows that education
should reflect society in general,
and any "fool" knows that there
is NO change taking place
anywhere in our society. Clearly,
there aren't enough "fools" in the
Ministry, We must be well sup-
plied in O.S,$.'l',F., for we ad-
vocate, through mends for
tenure (assurance of em-
ployment for all but probably
incompetent teachers),
maximum resistance to change.
The credit system allows
students to choose what courses
miniature appliances to mold her
early years, while a young boy
bides his time with aggressive
toys like doctor's kits and trucks.
The tiny girl soon learns that to
please her daddy she must be
cute and bouncy and giggly while
the male child must show in-
telligence or athletic prowess to
please his father.
By the time a girl reaches
puberty, the Freudian concept of
the female sexual role, social
conditioning and the cosmetic
conspiracy combine to drown a
girl's energy and curiosity
leaving her passive, narcissistic
and mindless,
A girl soon learns boys are
turned off by smart girls and gets
hints that other girls too are
turned off by smart girls. The
whole middle class educatioe
system in general destroys our
minds by forcing us to linear
writing and thinking, and by
ramming the whole structured
male-female role concept down
our passive throats.
Even the mass media portrays
woman as a tedious, boorish
creature whose only concern in
this wondrous world is whether
Tide or Brand X will get the dirt
out of her wonderfully aggressive
husband's work shirts, Surely a
Woman possesses a greater
conscioushess, a greater spon-
taneity and a greater love for
Sexually too, the woman has
been led to believe for far too long
that she is to be the passive side
of a partnership, The act is to be
performed for the masculine
pleasure and female orgasm is a
necessity only to bolster the male
ego. And the teenage girl will all
too soon learn of the double
standard which allows a sexually
active boy to be termed as
"sowing his wild oats", while a
girl is termed a prude if she fails
to consent to the Sex act and a
"whore" if she agrees to it,
Everyone understands the sexual
frustrations of a young man
Which can lead to crimes such as
rape, but does anyone ever
they take. This is completely
irresponsible for many reasons.
One; It "forces" responsibility
onto young, immature minds.
The fact that these "children"
will be voting in 1, 2;3, or 4 years
is hardly reason to start "bur-
dening" them with responsibility
now. Full maturity, in all
respects, will undoubtedly arrive
on their 18th birthday,
Two: It "forces" teachers to
present Mickey Mouse courses,
for everyone knows that today's
youth is a useless, good-for-
nothing bunch who ALWAYS opt
for the "line of least resistance",
Three: It almost demands that
teachers put effort, and planning,
into class preparation, or face the
prospect of declining class
population, and hence job in-
security. NO ONE else in our
society is expected to produce
results, so why should teachers.
Four: While the Ministry has
taken pains to publish denials,
surely the student choice,
inherent in the credit system,
includes the licence to "do
The weakest link in the credit
system is the assumption that
there is some common interest,
and communication, between the
community, students, parents,
and educators. The success of HS
1 is predicated on parental in-
terest, and involvement, in the
child's education, and its relation
to the "outside world". What an
absolutely asinine idea!!
The course for education to
take is clear, We must "turn back
the clock", at least to the
Robert's Plan where a
professional educator can make
the unerring decision on a Grade
8 child's future education, and
hence, future. Better, perhaps, to
go back to the "fabulous 50's",
and eliminate the burden of
virtually any option selection
from our students. At least there
were far fewer dropouts them
Indeed, there are probably more
dropouts today (all the fault of
the credit system) than there
etudente then.
In those ,clays grade 8 students
were More considerate. They
dropped out before high school.
I guess it would also be fair to
return to the salary schedules of
those "wonderful years".
The most frightening aspect of
the whole business is the
realization that many readers
will agree with this article, ex-
cept for the preceding
consider the sexual frustrations
of a teenage girl? For far too long
we have been submissively
happy, pawns to masculine
sexual ego.
With 20 years of passive con-
ditioning behind me, it is of no
wonder to me that, though
women make up 52 percent of the
U.S. population, they make up
only 35 percent of the work force,
and 75 percent of them are
clerical workers, Women make
up 99 percent of the household
help but for some reason they
make up only 12 percent of the
professionals. Social conditioning
of women has produced the
secretarial proletariat of the
U.S.A. Women who do take
positions as executives often find
it necessary to become tran-
svestites or castrate males to
make it in a male world, for only
the female eunuch can make it in
this conditioned, patriarchal
Women are not oppressed by
men; they are oppressed by
themselves and the roles in
society they have allowed to be
built for them,
Women, arise! Do not allow
society to continue patterning
you into brainless, unfeeling
dolls. Lay claim to the humanity
and human achievement that is
yours. Realize you are more on
this earth than a combined
vacuum cleaner and baby fac-
tory. A Share of the dignity and
spontaneity of life awaits you. It's
yours if you want it,
VaI Regier,
reigns at ball
An 18 year-old Zurich area girl
was named Queen of Swat Huron
District High. School, Friday
With the gym crowded with
youthful dancers and the gallery
jammed with spectators, Val
Regier was chosen as school
queen for 1973.
Student council president Don
Noakes made the announcement
at the stroke of midnight after the
seven contestants were in-
troduced to the large crowd along
with their escorts.
Val is the daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Gerald Regier and resides
at RR 3, Zurich in Hay township.
The new queen was officially
.crowned by 1972 queen Lynne
After the official ceremonies
were over, the first dance to the
music of Opus II was reserved for
queen Val and her escort Doug
The new queen is a grade 12
student. After high school
graduation, she plans on at-
tending Fanshawe College to take
a two year course in Early
Childhood Teacher Education.
The queen is selected by way of
a secret ballot open to all
students at the school.
The other contestants were
Joan Allen, Adrienne Van Raay,
Debbie Riddell, Pat Regier, Bev
Finnen and Sandra Stock.
Calls teachers
My dear fellow students &
honoured teachers:
If you stop long enough to read
this, it's at least a start. I won't
be disappointed if no one un-
derstands because you'll have to
care about yourselves sooner or
later and then it will come to you.
No one lately has had enough
insight to see nor the courage
enough to voice any harsh
opinions against our education
system, including teachers. I
only hope that because of this
some teachers with the apparent
mannerisms of childern, do not
take out frustrated feelings on
(all but one) innocent students.
Much of my anger stems from
the fact that I have perhaps
placed the ideals of our teachers
too high to meet. I only realize
now how badly mistaken I have
been for such a long time, and
perhaps this has been the worst
thing I have learned so far from
As a growing person, like
everyone else, there are mistalae
that have to be made and
allowances for corrections. And
as a human being I don't like
being preached to by another
imperfect human being no
matter if his title is TEACHER or
not. I don't like being accused of
being amoral, nor do I appreciate
hearing my friends' names
treated in the same manner, It
wears, my patience thin when I
know my future opportunities
may be influenced by
hypocritical judges I have now
and have had in previous times.
From time to time I hear about
a new way of describing the
purpose of education but it seems
that with each new stand there
has bee" a need for protecting
those who have planned
educational methods. Now that
the education budget has
dwindled away they throw in
some new words to protect
themselves and the big desk in
which they sit at a regional office.
With any change like this, the
bottom of the ladder suffers, and
once again the students fall a bit
short of what should rightfully be
I want to add one more item for
those teachers who have read this
far already. I would like to
apologize for all the deadbeats
you have to teach. We realize that
it must be quite a burden on your
emotional state but our parents
will still send us to you for you to
babysit, Now that the roles have
been reversed we will all try to
get to know you and help you to
straighten out your head over
why you became a teacher in the
first place.
Very sincerely,
One student
Presents case
I am sure you have heard at
least one gripe from every
student in this school about
exams, Yes I mean those two-
hour tests that make your mind
go blank when you sit down to
them and that you cram for until
two minutes before they start.
There are many complaints
about them and I am going to tell
you tnihe.
I feel that We should not have to
write exalts in the second term.
They are immaterial because we
do not, in the nine weeks of term
two, learn enough to be able to
Write any type of exam Of ex-
tended length, I think the
teachers take more time making
up a second term exam than they
do teaching the Material it
Frets! January to March there
are 47 school days compared to 71
As summer is drawing near
again, I can't help but wonder
how this area's summer resort
will fare this year.
I have a job in the summer
months that brings me in close
contact with cottagers and
tourists and I have found that
quite a few of them have varying
opinions about Grand Bend and
its future.
Some say Grand Bend is a
dying resort and don't find it as
enjoyable or as restful as it used
to be. Young people have told me
that they come to "the Bend" to
meet people and just plain "have
fun", After staying awhile they
then said that there wasn't really
that much for them to do except
walk the streets, and even then
they were being pushed along. It
seems this is also true with the
local kids.
On the other hand, the older
'residents and tourists as well as
;holidaying families say they
come to "the Bend" to get away
from the dirty city, etc., but then
they find they must deal with the
for two terms
from September to December, so
how can they expect us to write
on a subject that we are only half-
way through. I certainly don't
relish the idea of cramming two
month's work into two weeks of
I think the best passible
solution to this is to set up all the
Courses at South Huron on the
Smile basis as the senior English
Courses, the borne economics
courses and the shop courses. We
Would then have a two-semester
year, First semester would go
Until January and We Would write
an exam then, and the second
semester would go until June. If
this schedule were followed, the
teachers could seen the subjects
So that we would have sufficient
Material to use ter an exam.
These are my views and ideas.
If you agree or disagree on them
speak up! Don't just complain
do somethingll
so-called hippies and trouble-
making motorcyclists. This, they
claim, shouldn't be allowed if
Grand Bend wants to flourish
business wise.
It is true that the holidaying
families and cottagers do provide
a great part of the business, but
the visiting youth and local
people, as well as tourists passing
through, fill the rest of the gap as
far as I can see.
Of all the complaints I've heard
from tourists and residents, the
most popular one is that there
should be more recreation
facilities, and therefore more
variety of things to do for both
young and old.
It was suggested at the first of
this year that Grand Bend would
get tennis courts, shuffle boards,
and a baseball diamond, but as
yet, we haven't seen or heard any
evidence of this coming true.
Many other people as well as
myself feel that plans like these
should be carried out if Grand
Bend wishes to be more en-
tertaining to the tourists and
local residents.
Not everyone would find these
things appealing but I can see
where they could be a great start
for better recreation in this
I think that if Grand Bend can
supply the summer tourists with
more entertainment, keep the
beach and water clean, and also
hope for better weather this year,
it should never fail as one of the
best tourist resorts.
Name withheld On
Row could anyone possibly
agree or take part in such an
inhuman action as abortion? A
little child is being deprived of
life merely because of
irresponsible people who believe
this is the 'answer to their
Just at many doctors advocate,
I believe that life begins at the
point of fertilization and not three
months later when the fetus looks
Mere like a child. The fetus is
human, and should therefore be
given the right to live just as
anyone else.
Why should the baby suffer
because of the mother's selfish
actions? This isn't fair!
Besides the murder of a child,
there are usually terrible side
effects for the mother after a
bloody operation. I don't un-
derstand why two parties (the
mother and child) should be hurt
when there are two simple
solutions available.
Either prevent getting
pregnant, or if the mother really
doesn't want the child give it up
for adoption, giving the child a
chance to live. After all, he is
Name withheld
on request
* *
How many of you are getting
Sick of hearing Mr. Wooden every
morning telling us to quit
dropping our garbage all over the
place? Well, don't you think it's
about time we did something
about it?
A visitor to our school or even a
complete stranger in town would
be able to find his way to or from
the school; all he would have to
do is follow the trail of garbage!
All it would take to clean up this
mess would be to have every
student go out and pick up a
couple of hands full of litter. This
clean-up campaign could be
carried out some noon hour or
some activity period.
We had better hurry up and
decide quickly before We are
"surrounded by garbage."
Cathy Siddall
* * *
I would like to voice my opinion
on the subject of deterring crime.
First, I think Our laws per-
taming to bail and parole should
be tightened up.
Secondly, I believe dangerous
criminals rapists, skyjackers and
murderers should face the death
penalty, or as an alternative a
T-A photo
sentence of natural life im-
prisonment as proposed by the
Police Association.
Thirdly, the most important
move the public can make in
deterring crime is giving the
police full support in curbing
criminal activities.
Yours truly
Randal M. Glenn
* * *
I am a grade 11 student and am
experiencing the credit system
for the first time this year,
The credit system has some
good points. It allows you to
choose your subjects freely. I
think it is very advantageous for
those students in the senior
grades, These students have a
knowledge of what they wish
their career to be, and this
system allows them to select the
subjects that they feel are useful
for their career,
The credit system also has its
bad points. This system can
make school very boring.
Students have the same subjects
every day, and this becomes
hectic since students have to
make sure that most of the work
that is assigned to them in each
subject is finished for the next
It is also very difficult for these
who are beginning high school,
because most of them have not
yet decided what they wish their
career to be. They become
confused when it comes time for
them to select their subjects.
The part I like best about this
system is that you can choose
your eubjeets freely, but I de feel
that school authorities should do
something abciut having the sane
subjects each day if this system
carries on,
(Name withheld on request)
Read This Page
FOi H161-1SCI-300L
THE FIRST DANCE - Immediately after the crowning of Val Regier as
the new Queen of South Huron District High School Friday night, the
first dance was reserved for the regal couple. Above, Val is shown with
her escort Doug Fairbairn. T-A photo.
Speaks on credit system
Urges women to take share
of dignity, achievement
garbage, tourists