The Weekly Huron Signal, 1871-9-7, Page 6ra o -wait Gime 44 et* Reform demoatration, tolleedaseddress tem presented by he done( the Galt Jeferwrr su tide Reformers of Waterloo, to tri/aslienaie lyiBlake. It is 1101bmierited by them, and not a (11th standard for other eunatltuenciee to As it way however, be menagat to force' rueesuresthrough Parliament by the aid of his faithful martyr" trieu s, proved, as predicted by Mr Blake, to bel uucenetttuttunal, and they were cense- T gtautly disallowed by the Ottawa Gov- ernment. We treat, huwerer, that the days of the Peteut Combination Ara numbered -and that ere issue the reins rat Government will be in the handset the Reborn party, when the distinguished II bet their teprwatatirpby. 1 gentlemen whom we the' day lase on , Atexowd.r llarks,ud.' un I Ito honor, shell guide the destiny of this Vern noble Proudness towards that great, happy itt•sd ° and pro. Brous future which we true: u F osMTlalntr,-As the reoopfnisrd deed-, yet in store ter it, a ell, the Referm Oppwttrun in the G`ntleinen permit us once re to Dsssieine and Ontario arli►me.ts,. this Lsppthe tegof Reformers bods you a heel sordid sad hearty welcome to the OMARRidiss n( Wetoduo. The greet aajnrttyaf Qom present -though your nates are as Untidier to themes ' • lieusc- hnid ward." -haul neper Wore had the peens» of meeting you face to face. ' hyo meeting.then,ie held for the double purpose of giving the R.fotmen uf this and the adjacent Bidinpan opportunity of seeing and bearing you and other prominent men of the Parlianien.ery OppiMttun, and that you may mingle with your political friends intim county iaorder that they may give you the strongest pasu mauifeatatiun then ]]seosr� ea�tijring seal and arduous labor* in Parlias.es1, your eager and cunstaut watehlulness of the rights and interests el the people are neither unobserved nor unappntiated by your friends and sup- pert1n In this pert of Ontan,,. I.dtTS7 C, The "fair trial" cry. got up at the ` geeeral election following the Colander- MOSS of the Provinces, resulted unfor. idles Skimmings twlutel, in . return to both Perlis- III r wu� r in 6irtunw. ialYu.w'.,,Ict..l g010 swots of loot y torn o1 the "martyr stripe of politics. Under these are.tnl- stalrces the task impose.' on the Opp•ei• tion was ens of no ordinary character. Betrayed and deserted by raven wearing the guise of Return', the opposition had extraordinary difficulties to contend spinel ; end moat nobly and manfully did they moot the expectation.' of their party, by the fearless manner in which they exposed and condemned the wildest asd must reckieae extravagance on the one hand, mid the basest and most un• blushing corruption on the other. In the Dout.tnlon Leguleture every measure of the Cwvernment, of which we rimy specially mention the luterculoaial Railway route, the Manitoba question, and the Pacific Railway, was thoroughly sifted, its objectionable features pointed out and ably criticised and opposed, but in no case did this careful. thorough' and meat tuecerar) cation .n the part of the Opposition degenerate into anything approaching tecuoushla. Mr. Mackenzie While enjoying the entire confidence and approval of his colleagues in Parliament and of the Reform party throughout the country, was at the same time, and in almost equal degree honored ai41 respect- ed by the Ouvernmett, end, this tee, white they had a wholesome dread of his able criticism and fearless exposure act what is believed to be wrong. Among other members of the Opposition who had ably assisted Mr. Mackenzie, it may not appear iovtdtous to mention the tame of lir. James Young, t1. member i of this riding, who, though • young mac without any previous Parliamentary ex- perience, wrought wit for himself a re- cord such se few public men have ever dose in se short * time -a record as creditable to himself as it must be pleaing end satisfactory to his cmtstitu- ents. There is smother question that must necessarily emus before the next seainn of the Dominion Perli.ment, which in point of importance exceeds anything submitted le its decision since the con- federation el the Pruritc's, and that is the treaty of Washington. The repprn- eentetile of Coned& on the Joint High Comminio0 appears to here sacrificed the best and highest interests of the ementn by appending his ngeatn03 to rioussil ence lens ofdocument.ortant SirJohn A he myste-, Macdunald since his return from Washington must fobe itefitt forward looks wheotdence MrMacken- ai. end tlls Reform Opposition to see that the rights of the Dominion to the most important 111henea in the world, be nut bartered away without an ado- gwte and atufactory rational equiva- lent. At the had of the Government of On- tario is a man who obtained the position be now holds from his namesake at Otte, wa, and who has held it ever since in humiliating subserviency t., the demands of the mese exacting and un/crupnlots master. A weak and willing tool 10 the bands of his oil political a there is apparently no polttical degrada- tion too low for hum to descend to. At oma tints we And him while professing to be a Reformer, using all the ineuenos his position three him to secure the de- feat of another pAnd him opposing osing with the whole strength of the Oorenunent a series of resolutions moved by Mr Blake welcome you to Galt, th. Manchester of Canada, end South 1l*terl.no nue of its first agricultural counties, sod long Islay you live to take a prominent and leading part nut only in tiro •lorerumeot of Ontario, the chief of the Cunlederated Provinces, but in that of the Dominion t'anads, which we trust will Ste lorlg embrace every Pruruuee un this con- tinent owning allegiance to the Bri•uh Creon. And may God grant that Ctuada n*y long r.maln In happy con- nection with Britain's gloat And glorious empire. etgn.tt ill behalf uf the Reformer. of South Waterloo:, g Ituar. 8l L11N, Chatrmat. • Jinx ALLAN, Jroiut Se.ntaries. Jan. A1. Fuuum t on 1 hura4ay. August 1400. T.rs,ul u usual. iywler%'t. 711. August, 151. 1 O, CI.IN TON 1Imale THE WEEKLY HURON SIGNAL ORIII M! New Goods Arriving Daily Apprentice Wanted. A �TTo7 LIMOSLACIOSMITYIIru tl.txtS i. ty P. 0. yeemessee et .wpm, (111. 'SOW TI;E NEW GROCERYSTORE WHITELY & ELLIOTT J. O• DTLQR. clb C7o18- JUST OPENED A CHOICE LOT OF New I)retem ( Oodty. New 1'l:iiiucls, a Fall Tweed*, 1 1. iu1)Oi'ttliil\ DEPLW & DOHERTY, 105 airre • ter, bum.. to the sal. 0 W. BELL Jr Co's Organs,Melodeons,d(.c. HEINTZMA?' & CO'S P1AN38, C. L. THOMAS'S do. A fare years guarantee given with each metre moot. Show Roomy, A Ibert *trret, Ont.. Aaga.t 1415 • ALSO A LOT OF h1D GLOVES AI.'I• C101..,01.714.S AND ;SIZES J. C. DETLOR dr. CO., Goderich, July 25th, 1871. Sepleaber 7A. Ayer's Hair Vigor i For restoripq Gray Hai to 'Its natural V 'slily and Color. A avowing vbich- ie et mucro nllruthc, healthy• and rllei.aI fey l,re.ertiu; the hair. I'nAo,f O. fogy /kn. is .,o.n roue ,/ fro ria oritiN1l color rid' 11.• y/oa aa,j !fishnets . t youth. Thin heir ia'ddk•k. fellitot. Lehr i be! ke•i.--a"ld bah). 'ie.:. oflna, 1lwu•Sli lint ole ars. eland ly its nae. Nulhilcl cam 1511401 the hair where the lulbcles are do>royed, or the glands atrophied red delayed. It'd molt sea n•wniu COU 1u .r'ed for usetulur'u.' by Mt* nppl'irel ion. hsitewd of Molise.; the l,w+r is ills a pat,y wadi_ meta. it Will keep it /clean null si;,,,i-c i. lie w*•n•imol use will prearut ILe 1.4. rk from tilrtanIZ fey to tolling .-ti, sod :4 .4114,411tICV. conmts turutlr .(•creel - tutlduc+,. lin-e frondreqtheses delrteii aliens dolma. tows thud make tipope the �' i,or tau igjnri,. to the hair. -njly licii. 11 VII, 1101 har.n it. 11 *sated vier -h' Ice' a HAIR DrIESSIRGt ORALtte 1N OjtOCBRIRA. PROVISIONS, WINKS & LIQUORi. Corner Kingston Sheet A Market Square (}ODF ItI(',H. epeserbbs sial►tae ..n•a Apprentice Wanted. frO LEARN 0113 IIL&t kS11111ll*O. A E1O JT 1 jam h.ep ole .wtu• t7 r• if SIRACLLAN. .511-11 OudertaS le seg. 1111. Young Ladles' school. The McMillan tre-opentheir cboolloMonday, 26thdoo.2 er s AO I N ,4.'W t7 l tiMta se7t Arid GoderIclI. sTr: RMER,'4;~lb OHIO", 1/11.L t1'N 14E011./111.T,bellows e7 �e1 CH I1 aad �;o twin; .117 aerologist iso ,- '. Apps w roc rat. of mugs' aadparal. F. A. ROBES.' N• Ood.r4.e a Jul 1411. .w1att Wanted -to Purchase. A O n u.sJ e1aLal:... erasiM w4.rot♦4.w fell .a•aieslsn••'i •1,L.NAL unea tunnies., Cos eta. tete ale -41 HARNESS SHOP - CHARLES V IDEON, (° ottl.st.tice*MWi17 fiat M kW amdaa4 JUST t t t E 1 1�'/�(% i!� a Harness & Saddlers Bnaineee a1t11.ele _t Satta.g��e yr Ir t•wy311g tassels.. kept es We et main ur.Lurs ell-• nn I.e li.nIs.i on i:,.ingble. Couleur!'itrili.er air Lo( ds':11 doss Ito' enil .eit" rnl•d.rir, and -t is,ts loin; tin tic• I.411r, 11.4 Ill,: 11 11 R4 shiny lustre and u .arntet1d pen lobs Prepared 6y Dr. 1-1 C. Ayer -1 co., I'$ACriCAL AND Aa*l.1TICAL (3.11511. LOi, M.tI$. CLINTON, ONT. cd,tudruti by Vt. 51Att. *• pr to 111 wee wttaw t.ir with .A. T try er+w• te wear • PRICir 54.00. •-otrovr a LYLLAN, antemi 1, o ., Acents rot caY4•. .WAold I. ,wdatra by. .i nuance.'elf Jaw ter At Jeunuance.a 1:....141 ly„tesno1.. J rt►ard. raeVr. 1 11.. o,.. *er0,1. ,l'D.rlaiw . E. »peaces r 401 LLNk 'Three down from the Pest Oac,. D e F E R G U S O N' ' S` 0.d.,4ga, xr mag 1111. odes 4f Fifty Cases of Boots and Shoes, TU SL SOLID AT THE USUAL LOW RATES. Building Lots for Sale. GOOD INVESTMENT. TMENT. ELGIN ST. NO. 326 Oppeite Raliway Ftatiea, Nos. 556, 633, 558, 629. (.'AMI11t1A It( ).4.13 Nos. 791.'770. TNRkCMrRIetR nrrtj act 601.0 TRL air•. drgrMe M.iWar see Tar. of AIIRAHAMSMITH. Gederick 26 Aug. 1f71. swi-tf On 11. Nen Scotta rnbsidy, and lam.- . (handy a me- (hately thereafter, in order to save his Government from defeat, aMiita turtle round sad a , eo with . andPdrags hie slavish these tome reeoln the followers in the sun aloe= with him. - It is hard to ay whether the men to despise and condemn his abject truckling to his Ottfiwa chief, or his epee, shameless bribery of weak and corrupt men te aid him in carrying out tee or- ders which he to meekly and tr follow- ers It any of his obsequious become reefn under thwMaMl nisterial whip Lowedanother I5* M� their eyes the tempting it of ee g ..word Sed eseked kat, or the men k., of the Registry 0.•S4 forthwith they wheel hate lino end do their master s bid& with of the good gthesis 56 se eRpT�i to IIIc e sad the Reheat Oppesitien, thew and ether i11apaj1�ly repnheeslb1e had bees 'xP 1 tLMf tars; e�hweegt.r last he ernteeet wet teem by the observer. That elestioe, tog es the eeuetry.N• s the revetment won e.g sky. "like a - deal So11O1tod. „podericb, Villi August, 1871. Ou4e vieb as resoonobr pores. PRESERVEsUGAR FIRST COME FiRST SEg,NTED_ A TEM TIERCES OF BROILER LOAF SUGAR TIM for the delle at CADS. 1AT yo5., 03 TEAT CIJOICS W CRR Rema Mod. Try It. AT CRABW8. Ass. 141. ort -ti W WAS. fro el etioe, O.tarlo mast ass •M el s tkuedKbol hewn old M of a Oto e.r3,lS t >i asee wi,d es tb.1tret U yam of them p ab that sem le tete M thee, Mr ass eleelisei, eh1. ecitleiess 4,1 0.1- erseent eiteverea, �„iesfwl ied leer. cent srpwlam eeextell..1 teat eetiplset m' be weePerlieserby ery .spgriwee .1 ►td frie04 sededLegre, lair *+[ells. pA+tM tel M.awelee fete jaw .4 rimy es diet. owa Tenders Wanted. LI S � w T.n�1* S6 *1L4 sew R1:CRITSD Until Santitty,Septtskt2d, 1E71. 11 tr a'daea, sane. 4w tee R.rn'nn .A 1h.*r 6ur,a N 4r* w.. yrs tee T•n 11:leae,+r►. rr.. aa4 at ser 4044. 401 M e..s a aver JC e,yta. estre sews. TOMOS TO% MOW Week $ •. Ikeat Wort ..• rw r.•4a W.r----• .. Clremmaw were ee N. B. -1'b. tine for the o wo rk 01 t of the Tenders for the Carper* abets Ames is hereby extewdad to Thurs- day, the 7ak day al September, et 11 o'aeldt, tome. 8KAILL L CROOK - 0dny. ees 404 M. dell. 1_14144 \�1 20-1. 1. DAY GOODS NO'W OPENINGi- ALT Wt. S. NO M = '� H 1111111 The first instalment of ilia Semen's (1.odeia *biatt Ise ever 70ppieties ��a ,i:i OY dress Goods LATEST STYLES. TS'?RES AND ALPACAS. HOYLE'S PRINTS, SKIRTS & SKIRTINGS, HOLLANDS, TABLING.% WINCIES, FLANNELS, &c., a e., &e., R. B• SMITH. why 41 Ise. C� - s W. G. WILSON Issuer et XerTiag. Li wneuraeoe & Real Estati nl COLLt14$IOYSt or B. I. CEEDS' MORTGAGES,- � A G., WN AND Elltelrilk MONEY TO LOAN AT 1 eat. ' • -ass,, ter�.:o.---- ---...Lt.4i Dior Sale. I, X 1{4)1'63 ANO ACRS gw1 t..r•g a AAO no Mena LLam. WM. 1Y• t. Mom Y, the 1 Jap esti' land nate r01n foam Mao Al tent and Jim' can 40 but and bN sea dril till Th. Kit Try net a ale ant • PI' 1y rel in: sac OD 81 ce i 11 P- CT 7 1 FEED! FEED!!. FEED!! Samuel Curran *0114 r.apectfatly ..aware r the pcWld that be ace closed a FLOUR APL FEED STORE 1. es.s itha sew Me Gonerr, On Victoria Street, (Opp••ite 800aer1lie's Grist MW.) � IepNa• a.pt ~many en WA, together oils • sew..d epra4kt leak Of Choice Family Groceries, IVIneli Is 10Y C A. 11, eat UuA nbend n4 un W.s la to s. s1 r SPECIAL VALUE IN, TEA. A CALL SOLICITED. Ooderieh, 11th August, 1671. �I Strayed Ball. te OM Dunn. se 1st large rot Vags Teo wear le manned irspesisee red tate n swap to grain l•s••at.J NIlO DOIiOOBUa. FASHIONABLE TAILORING. Wes A. J. ICA-' HAVE ENGAGED A FIRST-CLASS awn. 0.5..44. August SUS, 4111. Salt GOODS AT COST. W• R. CLAYTON III&XICatkess 8111, I'uulDrelLow*Shota "r::te rug terve SELL OFF Art' iCOST. Ms wain .eek of lar -400001 OSOCI11p, ctoc&Env, Alp i1IDwAts, .alas.01 rive the Forman oft the neialt7 WTI* OS4LL. .w A Splendid Chance SSCUBE BARGAINS. Er Tee Sate. Steak .sen le .fwd eat t 11. S. _An parka net.. rangy ail anawi e. t set later Una sits es wig Mw.eelatels t►w.anar es put late Cowl sr emus Sts. 51 Aug. Im. .cella'* • W. HICB J* .l'l bees. AR.OHIT . Markel etwwe, God.rt treeaeor.u•s1-tor. Teeews wishes es =float M W r. ewtber4.e yMl.Mt mW W for rhe 4 P.noia ■ypgew.aw:r wry tie 'MOW of aR -= 1*0eal4s �,,,,,awile . yrgp.r.ed Apela•aa•iaa alai}etea.1e Bardwire Stray Helfer. - - nths, ATTEN PARTIAL 1.ey.4 Rasa d.s plw*lar of tM peenba H tel ey Jun Irk a 140NT Sal!MI05 04ct 1,111, ~as w rean.44. lesrawlae dM .401 W Is W i.e...r will la tb..u.41. nesnelloy eSettw 00I, llseel.a. tw AG.* 51711. Opal (late. MIDAIR' PUPAtiil;f To MA[ij x017'6 TO 01101111 as ositarst R&M 01 DISSOLUTIOI Or ZAaTESB$II IP• THEY HAVE LtECEIVED NEW �,.��ge���. 30* arewiatte4r.wlt la see. �I/A=DS A OOLTINt1L it W ALPL0.&in ^ f I�Se, soniew r MStt te owsse �r1 s pet sea a,emM 11111•1006. .1 qa see aWL se4 eMasiem Myr MaRas.=t_on___ m /M Ism Je1e.1nS..-..ere� OTT= IS SWAM OITSTI 116.1;b. 'wan eatlTYDanu wl0 W a.m We eV MAR sigorok.l V woo Wee lea ST S. !arses' 4 Oo.• OppetN. ihe Rata 11.8.4 G03:21111.162.031L IR M1• Mei •