HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Weekly Huron Signal, 1871-9-7, Page 4• THE IVIi;KLF HURON SIGNAL. September 711i. qt Duron �igfltii: ooula11C11,SEPT. 7, 1$71. TES :177.S.7011 Cr 0017111125. FOR RL, lolI?AI'I IN P111PIkSEF. In utI•, has resell Making lo County Streik/1,o that:. the I0, away t help off eat. to l mom. 1. Hur.,4 • some !. soh, oe, etLao ,• We ,! 11ad l . togs.'• Yes. Inert. • r r',•9:•,111e PAWS 4 hil;tledurc ihhi names t, a pietitien ... '.d'31„c.h.mald 4. diciitu x .•1... rdion ues. 3'130g etas leen thaw, , rt. .• twitted, and swine of • , , i the hatioer.-oO Balt , • •,d his dy's, by the .1 s deputy, in i{;noldu : ,icrc. 'for gn:ur i„ 1.:4x1111( _ ,!11e•t11 I,. t!w tern of • r,. • 13 n c, m.furtable nest for , .f the ten i'diui.der :N xxee!,ingly eethl,`Iurted ... Torre le 110 hall• for us. rel e„l.3,!1 Maoloueld, r, call 1'ariimeent pr,•ci,lld for . , , -3, feeling L.. r:33 Willie I • owe L„ \l ,c louald mal ... :-:i.•• 1 Registry Offe,•n• :.o'rano r1,143.•,1 in such 31 .• n, ..,u:,,,t e.ureh the g�rr•.0 . - Tr ..,..urn's .,Ili.ca without a dou!•L. :t,•:.::111 rcruaftersearching their ,,.:.... .,L:,t ray have 1,__n done It • :. t • t'.:o ! rejn,lrco of our • •• oa the lay to the Ref,•',, deli o t, relied our deed, we mu., 4.••, ... i Lvar it ; ba: we eau at kat ; un 11•. a:Jus:ice as .one stone in ti, ,.air•. r1.:.;,ditic•TI grate, to pre-. ,:. veru;recti ,n ever again to mil- t, n.• ,;, . 11ie fir is published that a *1• I ,- ,. r I r n.lt: ill tho measure to di3.1, do Co unties for Registration purl.., • A Reformer brought ie the mr curet , r„Ince• the ita•gistrar's fees, whir!, •us 3;3¢333". The measure to dici,tr :!:' 4'. rat t'* proceeded (rein the G, c• rhe,• '.,v,,I 1113 stuenduieut,tnoved by \Ir Wale sad supported by the en- tire I1. '.nu party, that no division eh,11•1 h. ,:.3.10 without the moment of the l', linty t'„ •mcil of the County con- cerrd, .,;,s3•;gercland defeated by the t;,.,,rnn..,• , which wished no obstacle r„ io j3lsc,d 111 the way of leaking fat 1er•1,3 i•r os friends, if it should happen t•, be. me it :l now known to be, t* last year ei the "Patent Cou,hiu•tine a ex - Dr. RTSEDOIr3 AsoL00:TS:.i. The ('111.31 $111ernlmnllellt has sent us a lung dm:lo ed, is which In replies to crib crow* that *lute 10343 tu.:du bit the •ewSch.411 Bal. The Venerable Dr. ism, iu:etealte mud bong -drawn out a letter writer as Earl Rux+elt. We give the part headed "Obiuetjons answered," which teachers wi!1 be inteeetAe4,-in; "L 1 et now look at tl eiftteni of the wlt„le 4440. 41 is admitted on all hands, and it ex• so admiutted in the Legislature when the now Eklo of Act Wile • Bill under eeusnloretion, that the standard u! Public C+choot Teachers' ynaliticatinna wax to,, low ; that the examinations of teachers by the "C.maty Boards of Pub. he testiocti:pl" were inefficient and un- satisfactory ;'some called them "shafts' dud -"farces," with fury few useeIti.uu ; all admitted that ai,:.4,' cr good Utese Wen authorised W camel any such eer- 1,Luntt' B -,ants, as rhrn c,.nsnnrted, had • tificrtes. But it is manifest that a Thi,d dune iii the iefacey ,.i ,•:Ir scl..ul systma Chios Certificate under the. uew system- they lad, in tlw w4jontr .,E iuxtanc{N, si1(ti$rsuiufe aDJit'31 rot mors vales 1 ,ug outlived thcir,ntefeineu. either iu than n )..St ('hta4_"3,1.1 County.. Board deeming the qunitGcatluu.t of tese:he;s, l,en.E,:ate. or in promoting :1.0 ethcieoc3 ..r penile - nonce of the tua.:h,•r'a profel.iou, and that some change was necessary. It wad, furthuralu,re, 811. ;33., that un- due part Islay hold Levu s9"wu in grata - tag Provincial Certttic.uux to ate dean of the Normal 4h'.d, who were no better I;vilified than Itlrny ❑'x ..ass ,wolf Boma Twa,;hus, and that thsse were 'elite as worthy of a Provincial Certifi- cate se First Class Normal Sehoot Teach- ers. Thongll 1 knew the imputation and statement to be utterly unfounded, 1 loncerred in the principle involved in it: namely, that all three teachers thruugh- ••d the laud alto • are gmaii8ed with Normal School Teachers wlop have re- ceived First and Second Claes l'roriecial Certificates, aro entitled to Certificate* of the same clans*. 33134 should hole the earliest and all p' seible facilities to ob tail. lien.. Accordingly 1 recommended to the C0u3411 :31 I'ubiic ln,tnlctien the app,intmeut of a Cumuuittee .1 Examin- ers, c:Throned of most able •rad eaperi• teacher., and woody unconnected with the Norm ,1 School. 1 first proposed that nue 13.441 31,• YTo•e set of ex*nunatl"n pyer. 1. •. )'.33'.:.,33'. Second Cl:,ta Cur1i- 4'.1•aLr .'.ro.e,Kc:u••I'1`xel..rs and etl.•rtc.t!:vtathr•,u;h.,ot11.., Pralines, ait11 the a.:u.,• i„lues of ante els to goes- ; ; brat c ouv objected, flat, as the , ae'siondl cxamivatiou of Normal School fuil••J in their recent esaminwtionst they ; Toa Oshad lbw Wow with the In - may not be.00usd0nd as leering been 1 awn of Manitoba. absolutely *eje•ted, ahem lb. Examiners - - recomtfytud temporary cerufisatts,to be The Treaty Conference between the ;,'tinted to them. But, in addition, the I Indian Chiefs of Han' o Aa and the Comity inspector cru gee temporary eertilieetua to other aptdioruts whom he may find qualified to teach partiomlar. schools that alight nut othereise be sup - Lieut. -Governor of the wonted, which e aumeup4d at Lower Futt Garry, on tie :"SUI July, aid o011110ued over tett days, p1+e L iu Lod► way, nut • st•><t...k.;.1 Mtn a very interesting and be lues astaa- qualuie.l.t eseh er-I.ItJ-thee roegal a -Maio ttl4 At'it. thft 4its4tht as ati3C-ah4El Jird of qu*Iificat eau be maintained himself no mealadept a:l. t,ain-mehiig. until 133w33hers becrue qualified anoint- Thululiatl reproaeutalllee veru : Yellow Ing to trio sufficient numbers t. supply Quill, whoso batt uuwlierei 1,000, ptie- . II the aeh'.o!a, It la 81x0 to b, remark- sett elft, Kitku-ga-by'-non (or. Ever - by lbecwtitioatw hwrutdore giros by • County Boards aro perpetuated tic- listing Bird), with twrnty,present out of eordieo to-th cries Ruf 111mm, and are a land of 241. Kee-we-ty-Jany (or u„t affected by any failure 0(tlaholdan Driven T.mtd t y-ttw Wind) told' Wb of them et the recent easminetiunt-not- �(uoiah (u Night Hawk) eachreprasent- pten these thecerBo8134, Kinn Hivang the ing IoNof elan4 oil t1Ott. tide. 1(atlilu, pteowre of the Guard, as n0 Board has the census of the band he he. hinged tn, showed SW, and their chief 5.a-m=kuwby.rxs (i'lyiug Down Bird) said them were -300 present. Henry Prince, chief .of the Christian b,4teaus, said the Coniedmiuner ugly spoke for Yiihi'r, -end he tom woullR have his spokesman. Kn-na-tea-ka-w aconlingly'twttl f:.rerani a;1d gave it as 1»s opinioa that a1 the Great Mother wished bur Indian chillran to Iso brought upon reserve'*, the Indians should have the sole voice in choosing them. Ayee- ta-pe.pe.tuttg, a tall old brave, with no cluthiug but a brutal -clout 'and a sucar- lag 01 white cloy, an l waving an eagle's wing, u he spoke, 18.iutud •oltt thct th. itlq'ruumaent off ten Indians (who had deserted the Company's service) would be an insurmountable obstacle to negoti- ations. The Lieut. -Governor !red to their liberation, protesting, however, that he did ne u a favor from tyle bounty and pedals.' a7 the Quern, au,1 that tedium and white men were all equal treed be closed for want et s legally otl F' t11 C t It ii, however, objected again, ''Itis lard for old teachers to be acf aside, be- •aause they cannot mustily under the new system." 1 answer, ns government exists not for u6ioe-holders, but for the people, w the-'sa'huuhy,exut nut for the teacher, but for the muth grad future generations of the laud ; and if teachers have been too slothful not to keep pace with the progressive watts and demands of Ute ta,uutry, they must, v. should all incompetent and indolent public of fee3$, and all lazy and uuc•aterp,rising citizens, giro place to the inure industrious, in- telligent, .n,glaiee and euterpriain,'. The sound education of a generation of children is nut t. be►'urinced for the sake of an incompetent though autiqua- tel teacher." Is it possible to believe that Dr': Ryerson has so suddenly become merci- ful to County -educated teachers as the second paragraph of the 'above wouhl iudicat.t It the heart of the "astute poliuvian w really getting .softer and more charitable a his ,yl•[n inrrealol Can it be that the Autocrat of the EJr,e&tin, d)epart.ent desired to, give the County teachers a chance of stealing •preIimirary peep at the examination Teachers wield tot.* pleas serm:d weeks papers, by ordering the sante ahest3 to earlier than the examination of 'teachers in the venous icon. be used in the Counties that were used a ties, th. ppers would toecume (e.r weeks before at the Normal School 1 l'hown. My stirrer. wast that I thought this could hiti iireeented by proper pre- cautions, but that if, in sone instances, any of the queattune a11oaIt b cf 51136 #mw.m-ta ,.a*. 4Ua., sk wetted -be -to - comparative disadvantage of the Normal Did he actually suggest when fhit 1441 neer. , .1,11 that the papers for the 'Citunty Atmn4310R sh.uld I.. maeshat- Haw such a fatlleriy interest, Lad they 1 !School candidates, 411,1 4., the co,respond- known it, would hove cheered the hears ]1' NO '1I1I THE QL. S-110\ 7 alc1.aw r of rod-Nonn.al Lc11o1 1.• _ B B .i of the candela -es, rhrn gruauing over d'dat_ f C'• t .. But tamcnlatiuu was �ov.:rruhd whc. can 1 s air ert w. 14 s ilu; .. u w THE HAMILTON LINE OR NOIR l questions that they c•n1Wnot aniwer. siigge.tel to the Examiners that they .would wake the• }4apers for the ex- amination of teachers in the counties somewhat easier than those which had been used in the examination of Nonual School Teachers. This, 1 have been eared, bas been dune, end that 110 question" lave been given the rm•wen to which are not oemtained in the text -books prescribed for teaching in tbo public . eh.ols ; and it may be shown i.y com- paring the Normal Scheel Exanina:ion Paper", published in my tut Annual School Report, with the c1amittati.11 pa- pers recently used in the county Board examinations, and which are being prepared insets for tliatributun, find which will be published in the Jooroul of Edardtioa an.i in my forthc' ' g Annual School Report, for as general information as l os ssible. Now, what is the result /The result is dud but f wurteen candidates have preset' t- ed tberowl,es in all the counties of tie. Prurince for examination fur First Ctasa Certificates, and a surprisingly metall number of candidate* for Second Claw Ccrtilcates,wore than half of whom hat a failed in the cementations A majority of mon than three-fourths sof the mind' - dateshave presented themselve0 forThird Class Certificates. Of these, • large uuluber hail held First Clam County W ard Cerliticatee,but many of them are reported to have faded in their examina- tiuns for Thin! Claw Certificates. These facts not only authorize the statement, but furnish the most complete demon- slra.iva of the injustice of the attacks upon the Normal School system, and of the utter defectiveness of the former County II mrd examinations of teachers. "1t now happeus that the very partite who have heretufursbeen must vociferous as bathe equal qualifications of FirstC!:ta. County Board Teachers with First Claw Normal *hoof Teachers, uow complain that the standard of "laminations for Cetiifieateshas been suddenly raised two high, in consequence of which many worthy teachers will be disqualified, and many 10110011 must be clued for want of legally qualified teachers.- My -skewer in, that the standard fur I'r.vincial C.tti- cotes has net been raised at 9,11, but is the sante (with some tuitlga- ti,n) as that which has been required in giving Provincial Certificates to Normal School Teachers ; and the standard of examinations for Thin! (tun County Certificates is the . rune u tlut tegeired merely for admission to the 1U11tral Mem!. The simple fact is, that these examinations are now made rent; - ties, and not what the Brockville Keened - et aid ethers have Dolled 1h• old thn.nty ,sed examinations - " slimes !" and 113ILWAt' A f ALL 7OR NORTH HURON a adv ise t he people of North Huron, •lo imes no: made up their minds on t"e railway question, to consider the ,.atter carefully. 1f they want a Rail• lx , let them be very cautious how they decide. The alters sties we behove to be betwien the Wellington, Grey & Bruce !:ue,w too hoe at all ! Those *hu are not I,•siroos of a railway, whom we consider mistaken, will act -consistently enough in toting down bunnies to the Hamilton Ione; but those who think the natural resources of the Northern Townships re- quire, for their proper developioent, communication with the central markets of the Dominion and the United States, and yet prefer the London scheme, had Iota. be sure of the answer to this :-if the By-laws to aid the * B. be rejected, could By-laws L., H. S B. Railway be ever We think not 1 This wild an amalgamation between the d London lines, at Winghwy y • q•ecioue piece of strategy nnot believe men of business ish enough to put the -slight - in it. The railway projector@ to drew the less experienced rojecton of London into their the tempting bait that they of lis would construct the line tam to Kincardine, oTer which d give running powers to the rmpany, which latter would he amount thottheconstruction tion would coat. What is the the Toronto people in being so Most decidedly to kill off Ism .chemo; "aryl nothing Suppose the By-law to aid -Burn.. and (moth 'Bruce es - the Hamilton line rejected. Toronto people then have any keeping faith with the inen of Certainly not 1 Hamilton is the meet deadly rival,to kill into would anulganate with e tem deadly rival. If they by this meats in getting et of the, Way tlienToront oand Ida fell back into their. natur- es rivals : Aad how would o • people get out of th1 "tante:.'' f am sere that no intelligent rsf tl qu W,, t0 is will est in rail the the at wh L' awe Ha Iso, al the 8m ca mete 1tr,ld is nit world they Just rail 1f t stick te Tarn 'Toru other Imo.'. whin Lend wit ! Tlhey only propose tn• 1, if they get a oertaifl dimwit That amount, with ,the new y calla never get, forrS,ndh ',lore it a breath of faiik and turns ag:tinat it. Then where polite of North Huron he it the W., O. R B, By-laws t they see now as tar M years, s antheieat number of teachers 0 mon utlatb33 i. concerned ' will bee.,nle rognlerly g'.aied, un'ler Idiom pr ragtime*, to supply all Pohle roam, 411 ex1.mininll s programmes for the exeminat.rns for even the First end Senna( (lase f'revincial Certificates, will say that U,ey are in any respect teo high fni' lif.cartifcitee of teachers .1 schools, for the support of which a'l elasas:s of the Aommuut) are fixed, and on which they are chiefly depending for ik..dneation of their children ; and 1 am persuaded that in less than three ulon 1'e" 1e ere Mee they will the open ng nit of tkeir own to the west of the Otani of the country, withwttrequirtng temporary tertificeles at all, except in a icer and tete instances. air it is mod, "Yoha • • in'ths tiieice *way, and le•'ep Hamilton and time, sautteog op maty • oole fur went to fight t!u it mitt battles oh the of timbers.' l answer, tort a, ; for, e. If Last•", J)o int (n.3*iah thongh • Comity Isapecter hY not aid Toronto in its atmtnpt to ■lithotrity logits temrprary • to artaHato .tie.1lansill.* osi.ensy di. fR fiffloRirGtATwin, eit edeandi•lates, nor bare the! home *wild undoubtedly bathe ,PIOenenthe recommendation, or with Wit Akin' its 1.13 r. nietr,l1litau avarice • thee meant of a majjrn.ity of his feilow- eiiuld do, .! is injeirt..n (t. lilwmiewie41 anOo•nty Iid'ar.1, se in 'each rases, though the itimlidat, a hare \1'e have never objected to the raised standard , cf qualltieation, 'which at, deemed rb1dutely 1eoessary to dismiss to morel -suitable aerations the awkward '.quad of ineffic1 411 teachers, sleuth - ling Moog and deforming the ONE- OF THP MOST DESIRABLE Business S _P" ds in Goderic •4Ein11Q. THE1;REM $ES OCCUPIED BY It. 11. HMI rH, CONSISTING OF A 3 Story Brick Building, lire prof rood, .tors and dwelling. Front entrance to •detellin3 from Square Sulfite uu North aide of Merkel Square, 22 11. 1routage by 11/ ft. deep watt right of soy to North tit and Hrmlleunett, - W i!1 be sold by Auction on Illah Sopt. neat rot the prouiues, W M; SATTAC#WSIe Goleriil,, August 25th, 18:1 G ItIcKENZIE The Cheepest ltd. mored,. le his own Store on l AND LARGEST, II/11lliIl011 `tr.--t, Eo:k And Stationery Store The Stock puhtd bhint fn,:u theLos„;rc3331,aa1 Eaty:,to of I. - Western Ontario, Mr JON EARRIS ._ A'1' MIVURH•QUSE'S. berure the law. Everlasting flint ex- TO pressed hirnwlf satisfied with everything when he found that the Queen we. W clothe himself and his children, but „- Wa-ate kokoon wanted to know sum" - thing more abentt the Queen a iuet.wt The Cuuuni.loner explained „that Ill terms offered wore 111e same as the Canadian Indians had gladly accepted a reeerve of 160 saes for each Indian family of five and in anonity of 812 00 "as long as the sun shines." The laugh.. ter of • chief, ou the shady -state of fifty _ pad waiting t couphr ofine sI1r Tures flie-•trr)47-1ni1 kilned Oovenu,randCommiuioner,andUeytr,,•,1 hard refrain from making wry fame. The Hon. Mr. McKay having pressed the Indians to sly if they accepted the terms, they mode some tory AAdest proposals. Ke-na-twa-kan-nay-sin asked 50 rquara utiles of land for the ,Fort Alexander Indians. Georg: Kudos wanted 80 iuiks in width, for the bawl he belunged to. Wa-Yts-koo-ken de minded 190 minors miles. While the old brace of the "breech -clout" 'epnimeli- ed his cumpat:rlots for naming their d.- rllaudi, before they knew the most the white men would u8_r. The old brave smeared with the silvery clay then put in for • nseree .1 160 miles long by ll l brad. After several further days of chaffering ins similar attain, the fallowing pro- p,1al was 1111.1.:- "Hy, Prince, Grand Oreille', Karie, and Wa-mns-kou-know, came forward, the latter being spokesman. He said ;-1 am going to state the wants of all the Indians -not including thee .1 the Portage. First, in the early part of every spring, we want all the children to be clothed with fine clothes ! In the fall of the pear they are to be clothed from head to foot with warm clothing Whenever an Indian wants to settle, a house is 4, be pit up fur him fully fur- nished, and a plough, with all iso accem- paainlents of cattle, *4,, complete, is to be given.bim 1 W. want buggies for the chiefs, counsellors sod braves, to show their digjnity ! Each m8n is to be sup- plied with •Miniver he uses f•,r hunting, and all hu other requite -Monts And the •omen in the same 'way 4 Emit Indian settling intoe reserve* to Ito fro* from taxes ! If you grout .this request, con. tinned the brave with the ntm.i11 grafi• ty, I wilt my pmt have *h..ea kindoese to me and to the Indians." To this the Commissioner replied -1 am proud .f byithg an Englishman. But if Indians stirring to be dealt with in this wig,1 will testi my coat ;oft and channg laces with the speaker, for it ...old lie fu better to be en Indian. (This sally was .von to mach for Ind:Bn gratify, and there was w general roar of laughter, fa --which Wa-sus-k.o-keen himself joined as heartily se any).". • After one mum days adjournment, the nett molting was • very harytoninns one, and bed( was in good humor, The Coominsienr, understanding the Indiana wsrodisprmed tenon the Treaty, was dutheri.d, in 1.lditwl to the terms already offered to give them as'present, for oMeyear only, s3. per heal, a pair of neem tar, eaei reserve, and a begjty dot each of the chief.. The treaty was accordingly concluded with ell the iwa• pie for*tslinei. and the indium went home highly mtiuhrd. Thht4r ono did - silty out of the way of a teral:stiom in : 04) W.dnset tat Tnrmtn,tbe,eam- -` • _ - _ )te►atr-dsri4emN .nn �pwiUtoto , jemrdMpentt.ht.dee.hJersr- OVF:I.Z`Y i ( r s"roRE. e hlb. The hoy was 1.841 by the Mdrnwrlelleanf,0111111.0161 1 (,104 11 ItIMrf ITREr.1. lopEa11Tt, 7141111171411111none. west or TER w''. stoat, oat tie father will 0111 1011 body mat renovated. nrwnw 140731.. The Dem�tarilflaa.lit'netnterl .efrar a not Ml. 1 44.3 Paper, /1 artier* end Wlwdw ,!T,,ly..te mai.' rowan to New WWI. now, Moogthe. satisfaction of .0 flak All impel • *Il *3a 4nem cheep.,a1 n3e N' V LLT1' n04it IITORR thee.ny other piece UP Remember Ike 1.14733, 4.10 Non. Ref* Mm. Rin/e.s r trent (11,1.,174, 1\ lurk he in d,:, ruu11cd . 10178 slat 3At1.3S aftt'att. 3 N 11.--U lmpktli{ ra1C4 ltOv- CLEAR OU1 - British Manufacturers ' 4' .t \ IS ENABLED TO OFFER ALL s 3;3.3411 in halgid line at lgi siemens,Enormous Reduction t!,rsterlingrace; in feet, kis ma - to mos are supplied with goods st mitt . - at abet same rata "that small dealers `/Roe Tris rat A iIcr . have to buy at w*desele. 35,000 Rollo of Wall Paper to select from, b.t1Qthe LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK bidate iIOWAtlli/ ranks of • 'uoblit profession. The Chafe remarks un this head, as for as we aro concerned, are a work of seperer- opuun. We dud object, tweeter, to springing the Examinations «nth* leach - un without tine ani sufficient notice; so thh tlluronkhly-competent teachers, c pelted to give all their hours to the actual work of teaching hail no time for preparation. For the iodeeetlt haste in this respect no excuse is offered, 'except that "pwrmite" are granted to those who are now engaged in teaching and failed to peas. A competent teacher who could have passim, if time for study hadheen allowed, a i,1 feel humiliated at har!ng to accept a "permit" even until January next. In claiming that Normal and County Board teachers are moon an equal foot- ing, Dr itysrs,n forgets to 'say on what arming he considers one or treo Session* "cr(rmrau.g" et the horsedd tiM.d Nom! to Pin roe* aetmit teaching, romborrrd with premt. sh41y. For example, a pnpil .4 onr High or Public tieh.r,le, desiring to atter un the profe..ion o. leaching, an "1111' compete for s third class certificate; after three years' teach- ing he may apply fora sec 1 clan cent fiat. ; and, of he gets it, after two years more teaching, he cony .poly for a first class certificate. I:y the Normal plan. the mine youth could save himself three or fear years toil in the lower 'vanes of the profession by ens or t•cslions at the NermalSchoot ,where, accord ing to abil it e, • fast class certificate could be taken, perhaps at the end of the first session, and certal,Ily without fail at the end of the sec 1 session. Would the fiat class certificate got by this superficial ramming be equal in talus with the first claw certificate got b y five years' of teach- ing experience and private study 1 Nue here is an attempt to fill the Normal School of the city, at the expense of the High and I'ublic Schools of the country, which 1e against the .pmt of alt our modern institution.; the desire of which is to place an equal value on acquired know ledge, • hearer that knowledge has been attained. L LITAZ deers. stoma -a1OL1 EAIt&, :Linton or TIM TTB1 WINS, -. T1111 tiREAT MOR-0ARRD RACE (Ry 010,64 f kypw to the Bigewd.) H,htiAx, Sept. 1. -The races cora. uwuced this morning, at 10 o'clock with the Single wrath Rue. Entries were mai. by 13a.11rr; of the Tine ; Brown' of Madigan ; and Kelly. Sadler came i, lint by two hoot lengths, 'Brown "mond and Kelly third. -r- -._ _ _ -. T1t'n-oatib suet. H*LIr*x, Amg, 31. -'The dmf *ming cies •wa, Bo gam etwanmtte*d ale tlttr f flow Canadian o'1 the Pacific. morning. There woman n crews started Three cents bait Bre' .ltlantic to the in the fdniotelfrett Enos continued I Pacific ie patty Chi'a(t !4441-1We: t, be aplendi(lry ' goiteet04 a1. 160 T*wNsnlrr PRI1T)no tnrefeill 1304 ,the sfa oboat tl Inning post. The, �""lifimnly. 170011011 8t he. SPINA,, hew. (bt the ?yrrr) *m e' 0C' Mere is a chaste to save messy (;,.lerich, 18th August 1871. 1164e..1(nrtanrd trowels,' nil on Judie Jar). ark 8.ry 1'.rru, word llama aro ollu.tea.nl f«nud thew I .,n,,l,t •a a atriea,Ihe M.n •-1161.1,11101.111.40.4,1C.415. „ ,,.tkinglA MrsaeN re 81..01 medicine Waal 1. . ,.. teamed toori open (he «d •I Ira r ,m awl i/T� ke it ,. eery . ...el r, tole eer( k na a of Merry I)a,o low .to••4 tow Seat a tune, In•r•nn rad 44,,rrlel• hare ma Iowa ald0 to 4n.4, it top. o1'• •. ,•, wary. /n .very Iola •• house a4 Iso 444.0 Jed to tied It oar Iron dwaa stub • world .,f k•.,•I .Irut hen end w. Imre knows sestinas w,b . It moat lore curet .omilode,. Ilion ma - 133. 0 ),u .euld'„t Mr, Ir.. ena•erted ..',ee/. Ho.•r.•1,-('rnrrrb.3. any ,t Iso .30 4. dors holow o Ir. ret know h, oe.l tolhle an, • Anel hTwitter w3ul man` wail It *rad ,nu, 1,W lie b.lf the fur, • hr It son 1hl. rams Perry IMr,a' I'•la•k'LIAR that en re.I 1,,111, (30..31• Trotter who no, to ,r Mains e.,l t„ pore w woo t, awl ran ,.,•h • xrent .0Mnr. he un .nre,l rlth the 1'•or 0,,..,. end .hat's loom he writ.. that be id lama &pill. «wet w hundred Imllsre for altoml, at hoe and **r*.11 th+l lie. ben my .Ir•r nth .nn.' of It ..n o.o, eter, 1 am lmno*h w,1* 130,101 1830333, 1l rare•li,usl r*0'nl run mr 4,nhlag .,;I 1 aM crwelLead of that ,rend ae;d ererywber, prig •t•. air., .01 5e m. per bottle, FOB SALE. RAY MARE 5 YEAR., OLD BAY- field Road. J. McCLCSKEY. September 5th 1871. ef. A FARM FOR SALE. Arates 31)33 03 1111 ACRES. w1T1tt1 MITE mil. ofthe Town of 0.d.4-3. 11 .A .14.78 an owlet Cultivation and in geed •,dnatrm.a clear of m1Mp.. T1le len„ 1. Ivumlol by lake Herm and beautifully Ntualed, Ore..l Rout all 11,e Way (sal Mu 14111 pay) s, d 1 Arm 1. • Largs °rrhant oro the rnn4w B*arlafl' holm rattti. • (M. -third of the purees.. man., enured dowa, tow bean,. Ina, w 1.5110/•• It •sip the pnn•h.uer lr MTM¢ Inbtrat every elf menthe ate per rent - Por farther particular. Apia! pet -1.041 4. A 8Ac{[i,t' lo,derh h r. (1 Reeve 14 G.,4,,,8 lath June. 1+71 . 0:3 3f 15. 8,431E 11/N1YEARS, NCe Ob. ewe. - Goderich, Sent, 5th, 14471. sw64 teTLLO‘7Pf3v f'O It 1.411 NI) i SYRUP OF HIPOPIIOSPHITES j n„ 1.,..r of amain/ dna.... Useless y WS p0lw.Wu le a em.. be sa. ,a0dx.1 faculty is e40 n.eh9, waw rt Ms bars betn.l,:rd . *M W rapidly imessimmi le tam twat pts roteo(tks sof''--4..aleswIt tolmt4 by the INWK The Pyres will mire Pelwsmay eeasetfytlw d the a rel and wood .uses : *10 she greet reIId ml pM-441 Pfe is t►e 18104. yf wog awn Aattws ltn•ar8h,., Ian -bent*. Combs ed peva It 4401 Ot'wh.n4l•44..n11.11 .""8" ,1 814 Smotreftb13 w.lisrMi.t.f e.W the Kph*,1ry,, al.ts, rs.wead tto8Mh•art, Loralate GwentPnt.c, AptosI,wLtwo of Noire it re lanworrhOrai Anaemia and forlorn Ow blood to purity 11.•1 lo•.Ith, - Sold By Apotheosrles. Pricy. al Se : el. for 1710. JAVIER I. FELLOWS, CHEMIST, MT. Jess, N. B. nedu4J. dept. WI 1471. owl 4.0. OTIOB. MIt, ARMSTRONG, HAVING RE - covered from his recent seven ill- ness, will be found at his office West 84. each day from 10 a. m. to 4. pp as., or at hie Room, No. 30 British Exchange Hotel. STRAYED HORSE. 1.''TI T I1 E 3R. E81EOrnE 4r n8R- *C.t•LorI'.*1 .e300C. oTheC.olle wi, *4 ternptwIedsU841( Pew,. I" 4' n), 1..y ••408..7s and uk. It away. ALREANDF.R BOGIE. 1 •,Ir.,•rn. 1.1 Irl t 1(71. aw.st• BUSINESS CHANGE. by three lengths, followed sncoessively by the Pryor,' (of Halifax) second, and the C.sulter-Biglin, thfid, MARE ILD. I NOVELTY 1(ct)K STORE, • 911w.1E3Ta7 NO1V'B/LTX XIICKJEE. 1STO71.1313 le the 14.11 and (:hr,wt Were In net PIC.. And Fenry N.,'. l'A1'y .n,( Env..npr. Ronk.. R.►eni clones, Oise Iemk., h.nenphler, meek ).n„J,•. Enu3N 4r k 1 er.e , .11 cm.. Tel • yoke„4lulet, 1.0(1.4 Cerwl nl.t wed. nen. 41M IR.ek, ....pit here ) nn 44111. le Woo, I he heatxe.e, twirl deep at tae, " 4•44.41 -Fair Y. 44( )4 FC 14-11401414 -oorogroo•to.00r when hi entre beep two *mire 4111 err 1.111 owl owe Sew *lump .rr,ytIYy is atm* " M_ap ,e•,) ?. Al tut . ISM Ani by the Rm. J110'' wrtnww•,rts more x!74.371* IR17R f4O n1Rrf7I. ._. .- 4ViLlkt a )trraal. u, "iamb Willa., I Goderich, Seiptetnb.r 1st, 1871. of :�'ix1 lrr.:.lGi1i._ sw2•tt